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  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning ladies-

    I have been reading along, but have not had much to add the past few days. I have been in a quiet, contemplative mood…NOT normal for me LOL. I am always flapping my gums. I’m sure a lot of it has to do with my Aunt Leah dying and then watching that branch of the family tree revert to typical ugly behavior. People can be so self centered and petty….sigh

    I guess I will just be happy that my immediate family, my mom and dad, my sister and her family are on the “normal” side of the family tree.

    ANYWAY…I have decided to let it all go and use it as a lesson on how NOT to live my life.

    CY- Hope the arm pain is just a fluke and not more clots! Take good care of yourself.

    Karen – get some rest girlfriend! I hope you didn’t do any damage with your fall.

    G- I got such a giggle about grooming your poor kitty over and over. I do the SAME thing to my dog when she is stressed. One time I clipped her 3 times in a week. The poor baby was damn-near bald when I was done. Hang in there hon. We are right with you.

    Madison – the beignets and café au lait woke me right up…yum!

    Vickie and Nicki….HEY that rhymes! – I always laugh at you two seeing who gets up earlier. Since I am 4 hours behind Eastern Time, it was 2:30 in the morning my time when you posted today. There have been times I have read your morning posts before I go to bed LOL. Thanks for letting me sleep instead of tweaking MY toes

    Joy and Kevin and Gina….sending up prayers and sending you all BIG hugs.

    Shirley – Hope you get the gall bladder stuff sorted out. What a mess!

    Tracey – NO skipping Doctor appointments! You don’t want us chasing you down with the magic carpet and MAKING you go…that would be so undignified….LOL

    Irisheyezs – Can I have wine with my beer? Don’t worry about keeping up. Read back a page or so and post…that’s what I do when I get behind.

    Shokk – I laughed at the crazy lady too….especially the whole diaper thing…Tooooo weird.

    Amy – Your posts always make me laugh girlfriend! The 2 teeth, truck drivin’, duct tape thing…OMG that is people from ALASKA not ALABAMA! LOL. You can’t lay claim to all the “end of the roaders”. We have more than our share Ya gotta laugh at the stereotypes…too funny. I still get people who want to know if I live in an igloo and eat whale blubber.
    I have to share a funny story. When I went to college in Michigan I decided I wanted to meet a lot of people in my dorm quickly. They had told us to being a family photo to post on our room door. I posted a photo I had taken as a joke the winter before at Fur Rendezvous, A big winter carnival. They build a big fake igloo and you can get your picture taken with a native family in front of the igloo with a team of sled dogs. They set it up for all the pilgrims (tourists). ANYWAY…I posted that picture on my door and told everyone it was my family, expecting them to laugh and it would break the ice. EVERYONE believed it! OK…look at my face in my avatar….do I look like an Eskimo? LOL. I kept making the story sillier and sillier, expecting people to GET that it was a JOKE… I said our school was a whole line of igloos but that we had to rebuild the one with the pool pretty often because it melted. I said that we had a shopping center that you had to wear skates in because the floor was ice. I told them that I would share whale blubber and seal oil recipes with them. They bought ALL of it. Finally I had to just give up and TELL them I was kidding. OMG…two years later I ran into a girl that lived on my floor freshman year that introduced me as her ESKIMO friend! People are SO silly.

    SO, Amy…do all the folks in Alabama play the banjo and sip whisky from a jug? LOL Alaskans DO use the most Duct Tape per capita of any state though LOL. I keep a roll in my truck. My mantra is if it moves and it’s not supposed to use duct tape. If it is supposed to move and it isn’t, use WD-40.

    Now I have “talked” too long and I’m running late. Judy, Anne, Margaret, Vickie (Moreland Mom), Jasmine, Jan…Oh EVERYONE have a great day. I’ll check in later

    Deb C
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Oh...I feel soooo deceived...ROFLMAO
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007

    Deb, me too!! I thought your hat was some kind of Eskimo ritual bonnet!

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited February 2007
    Hi Gals,

    Being bad and playing during the workday - nobody tell on me, okay!?!

    Amy - I was stationed in Alabama at Fort McClellan for 2 1/2 years. There are some aspects of that state that are a bit different from other places I've lived, but I liked it. Especially "y'all". It's such a nice, easy way of referring to people. Where about's in Alabama are you? But no, I'm sure you have more than 2 teeth.

    Alwayshope - Thanks for explaining about the wide posts. It's one of those things that I'd sort of wondered about and never thought I'd know why it did that. Are you a teacher? Or maybe a IT person? It was such a good clear explanation.

    Deb - I might be alone in this thought, but seems like your avatar is a dead give away that you aren't exactly a quiet type. Isn't it strange how funerals seem to bring out the worst in families? I'm sorry to hear. Just claim all of your cyber-sisters to balance out your real family... no, wait... maybe we're worse... but we do love you! Where in Michigan did you go to school? I've built quincies (sp) with my Boy Scout troop, but never true igloos. I was sick as a dog that weekend though, so while my boys slept out in the cold, I opted for a nice warm cabin.

    I'll probably be back later this evening, but I really better get back to work lest I tick off my boss.

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited February 2007
    Dropping in while on the job cause I need some girl power!

    NS- I keep thinking about you and praying for b9 results.
    Laura - you were on my mind all day yesterday as I kept hearing about the "astro-nut" who went after the ow. Please, no guy is ever worth all that!

    CG's- you are so funny. I really enjoy reading your posts. I still have not found an easy way to keep up...sorry.

    Ok, here is my dilemma today, I've been trying to negotiate a promotion but it's not easy being the only girl in the "boys club". I will be meeting with my boss later today so please CG's send some girl power my way. Thanks, talk with you later.

    Love and Hugs,
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007
    OMG Cracking up at the various posts last night and today!

    Had a crazy day, woke up this morning to the dog bleeding from his penis (can you imagine?) Between trying to hide this rather distrubing turn of events from my son, getting my son off to school and the dog to the vets, and still making it in to Boston to see my friend speak at a luncheon for the American Heart Association (she was the survivor speaker, and she asked me to go MONTHS ago!) and back home in time to pick my son up from school it has been quite a day!!!

    No word on the dog yet, it's definitely not kidney stones, which is a bummer because that would be an easy, not too terrible explanation. I'm concerned it's his prostate (he's not neutered, don't ask, he's my fiance's dog) so I guess that's an issue at his age (10.)

    Anyway, hope everyone is well.

    Hang in there G, sorry about the waiting!!

    Hugs to everyone.
  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited February 2007
    Hi ladies!

    sending prayers to Joy and Kevin.
    still thinking of ns and hoping for furballs. I know the waiting must be torture.
    Karen sounds like you doing well don't push it though.
    Kristen sounds like you doing really well for being in the middle of treatments!
    Colleen OMG I think I would have freaked out.... I have a boy dog who is not fixed, we were going to breed him but it didn't work out, now I am worried, I hope that wont be in his future......
    Sue sounds like you healing well, PT is a pain but it will help. good luck!
    Good Luck Odalays will you negotiating!!!!! You go girl!!!!
    thinking of everyone and praying for all who need it today!!
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    Oh my gosh colleen I can only imagine explaining that one to the son. I will never forget taking my dog to be neutered. That afternoon my son that was 7 at the time went with me to pick him up so on the way I am explaining that Orion (a rat terrier) has had a little surgery and will be sore. My son says what kind of surgery? I am just driving along and saying well its on his stomach side but lower so we have to be careful picking him up and he may have some bruising but he will be fine. I am thinking all is good on that explanation and we drive about another mile and my son says and I quote, "so basically Orion got his ba!!s cut off?!?" Yep took all I had to stay on the road and answer yes with a straight face. Geesh, I know he had to have heard the term at school but I wasnt prepared for that. There I was trying to word it as carefully as possible and he summed it up rather quickly. Being a boy, even at 7 he got that sick look on his face as if he felt the pain.

    odalys-sending girl power your way! Kick butt! We know women are smarter anyway,,just ask us.

    hello Michelle-nice to see you today.

    grrrrrrrr no word from NS! I hate this waiting game and I know she does.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Afternoon Everyone: Just got home from work. Havent even begun to read all of your posts but I do see there is no word from NS. Sure am worried and hoping to hear from you Gina - soon please.

    Now Im off for 4 days. After 5 surgeries, I've become an expert. Went out and got a new pair of pajama's and thats what Im wearing to and from day surgery. The port is history after tomorrow! Thats closure for me.

    My heart is aching, just read a post elsewhere about our dear Holly (Bayyore) and Im putting her in the middle of the circle. Her heart is hurting having issues with her husband. Sure seems like there is alot of that. And ya know what bothers me. They all say "Its not the breast cancer." When in reality it has everything to do with breast cancer. Geez! It makes me crazy.

    Anne: Sometimes I laugh too. Its hard to keep up and I dont want to miss anything!

    MargaretB: I too was up at the "divine hour" - go figure. I think this is really weird. Like we are connected or something.

    Jasmine: It got up to 18 degrees today. Whoo hooo I was walking around singing that song "Gonna be a heat wave, burning in my heart." Your explanation was so good, but Im hopeless. Im still looking and going huh? But then remember I dont even know how to post pictures or post a cute avatar.

    Vickie (Moreland Mom) Just come in, sit back, relax and read. You will definitely smile and get alot of support too.

    Shokk: Your so funny. Early morning post competition. Now if Tgirl gets her computer fixed, it could get interesting. I heard about the astronaut thing too. I never knew this, but the astronauts wear diapers when they are up in the sky. Thats where she got the idea.

    Vickie: Once I remember to use the "green" toothbrush, I have to do a walk through. Did you take your medicine? Do you have your phone? Do you have your cigs? Do you have your keys? So Im laughing here about chemo brain.

    Sherloc: Whew, Im outta breath. I was almost late, but I made it. Got up late so I missed the magic carpet ride. Sorta glad - heard it was gonna be wild. But Distorted Humor can fly so he got me to the hospital on time. Thinking of you right now and giving you a hug.

    Tracey: OMG Im just laughing. I have to meet you. You are the only person I know that can say so much in such a small space. How is that class going anyways?

    Bridget: Oh a St. Patty's Day wedding. What fun that will be. My husband has an Irish act and will be playing at a pub. That day I get to be his leprecaun and do the Irish Jig, Italian style. Its one of my favorite days.

    Jan: My request is Pinot Grigio for the pajama party.

    Amy: Well Duh!! Ya know when it comes to nursing and medical stuff Im pretty smart and other times I can be so gullable. Just asked my husband "what is the name of that donkey movie you were watching yesterday?" He so understands me. So he tells me it was "The Treasure of Sierra Madre." And the only thing I remember about it was the donkeys going hee haw. Made me think of Mazer. That story about your son and the dog was just too funny.

    DebC: Now thats funny. Your going to bed when we are making our first morning posts. And if its not yours, who has the tent and wagon shaped like an Iglo?

    Odalys: Good luck with the meeting. Sometimes Im glad Im a nurse. Less competition.

    Colleen: I have a female cat. She is spayed. I have a male cat and a male dog and they are not neutered. Husband cant stand the thought of doing it to them. They are house animals. But men - they just like their boys way too much.

    Michelle: How are things going?

    Well time to go, might not be back. Will try to post in the morning but I have to be at the hospital at 7am! Good thing is Im his first case.

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited February 2007
    I'm back and I need to vent.

    I have a friend that my boss (who's also my friend) knows too. He's got cancer. Was doing chemo for a tumor in his throat when they discovered a different tumor in his brain. Very agressive, and not the same type as the first tumor, so it wasn't impacted by the chemo he was already doing. They did surgery on the brain tumor and it's very invasive, they can't remove it all, very poor prognosis. The decision was that he finish his treatments and then go down to Duke University as that is supposed to be The Place for brain cancer. Today my DH (who used to work with this friend) calls and says he's in the hospital with blood clots, and later this afternoon he emails that things are not going well and that prayers are in order.

    All this has me rather down. I mean I just bumped into my friend and his wife at the grocery store a week and a half ago and he was looking really good, all things considered. We teased about our matching hairlines and everything. But while his current circumstances hit me kinda hard, I understood why, and was dealing with it.

    So, I mentioned to my boss, since she knows him and I thought, especially since I work for a Christian adoption agency, that she might want to know. She responds with, "Well, I feel really bad for his family and all that, but I never really liked him." I'm sitting there with tears in my eyes and she makes it sound like who cares. And that is word for word what she said - it's absolutely burned into my brain.

    What am I missing here?? I can't imagine anyone not feeling sympathy for someone who's possibly dying! And she's been such a good friend for a lot of years. I just can't get over how callous she was. Makes me wonder what she'd say about me if I have a sudden down turn. I just don't get it and I can't seem to let it go. I'm sitting here alternately fuming and crying; hurt and angry all at once. I know I shouldn't feel like that; she's usually a caring person. This has just really put me into a funk.

    I'm sorry for ranting, but this just really pushed me over the edge today. I'm hoping that by venting a little it will help. I'll probably be back this evening after I get home.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    Ok so tomorrow we are on the magic carpet headed to Chicago for Nicki's port removal. Mazer wouldnt miss it for the world because beyond a doubt distorted humor will be there. ok,,whos driving? As much heck as I have given Cheri about her driving I am afraid mine would be the same way. We also have to get it started early in the morning so that it warms up so wellllllll,,the early part kinda knocks me out of the running. ok Vickie,,you seem to be an early post kinda girl,,can you handle it? I promise to be up and ready and will bring a fresh pot of starbucks when I climb on board. Wooohooooooo,,off to the windy city.

    anne-i understand totally your feelings. Its like because she doesnt know the guy personally its just oh well. Your feelings are normal but you have enough on your plate to let her reactions get to ya. I also cry when I am angry and hurt and hate it because so many people dont understand that you can cry and be mad and not sad.
    Oh another note Anne, you wont believe this but I live about 25 minutes from ft. mcclellan or where it used to be. Thats just too cool! Just as a note since you were stationed there that area has more cancer than anywhere else in Alabama. Nice to meet my used to be neighbor.

    DebC-you dont live in an Igloo? You gotta be kidding! I thought you also probably had a chicken house igloo for your chickens. I loved your duct tape/wd40 statement,,I happen to live by that myself. If those two things wont fix it then toss it unless of course a tie wrap will do it and those things can do wonders. If I ever cant get something to stay where it should a tie wrap is my answer. Hmmm,,making a mental note when I build my house that no tie wraps or duct tape can be involved. I do agree though that both states have quiet the sterotypes. Believe it or not, I DO NOT have a rebel flag in my back window of my truck and for the record I do not even own one and never will.

    ok gotta run and get ready for the early morning magic carpet ride.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    HI, I'm still here. Still spending all my time sleeping, exercising or in a drug induced stupor. Glad I woke up for Nicki's port removal. I'm having these wierd dreams about furballs?? stop buy and get me tomorrow. I need an excursion in the Magic Carpet.

    susan, the bionic woman.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Anne: Im so sorry about your friend. It's scary to think a little over a week ago you were talking to him and he looked good, as good as you can look when your going through treatment. Ignore the other person. It was cold hearted. Mean. My answer is "you just dont have that kind of thing in you."

    Amy: Well all I can it, that since I cant eat or drink anything after midnight, there better not be any of you drinking Starbucks in the morning. Nicki is not very nice when she cant have her early morning coffee!

    Susan!!!! I always love seeing your smiling face. Hope the therapy is going well.

    OK- gona go watch a picture from netflix.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. Hope all is well with everyone.

    Cy, maybe you should ask your dr about your arm pain, you don't need it to be blood clots.

    Karen, it is hard to explain to someone the amount of support and comfort we get from the Circle. I would much rather come here than a support group in person. Hope your hand is alright.

    Nicki, try & keep warm in those freezing temps. I think this has been a tough winter for alot of us. Thanks for whisking Vickie,Madison and I away & bringing us home. Good luck with getting your port out tomorrow. I still have mine.

    Vickie2, so nice to see you posting here. You'll become addicted to it like the rest of us. It's a great place.

    Shirley, hope surgery went well today. Prayers.

    Bridget, nice to see you posting, too.

    Jan, I wouldn't put off the sleep study. I was having a real hard time w/sleep awhile back. I had trouble coming out of dreams and would stop breathing and wake myself up gasping for breath. I had a test ran and I have sleep apnea. So now I sleep with oxygen every night and I do fine. As far as the apnea.

    Vickie, sweetie you didn't cause any problems. It's just not the way you're made. Everything is over with and anybody that knows you realizes you are the kindest, sweetest person around. Now...go out tomorrow and swipe us the things we need for our big slumber party, sticky fingers. lol

    Amy, seems your the only one that enjoyed my driving the magic carpet. I knew you liked it. But, alas, my magic keys are gone for good. Hmmm. Did they film the movie "Deliverance" in Bama? TeeHee

    Jeannie, hadn't thought about the tight underwear thing in years, but I do remember the commercial. Cute.

    Deb, why did you have to burst our bubble. All this time we were thinking igloos, sled dogs, and blubber chewing. You were the only Eskimo I knew and now you've taken that from me. lol

    Odalys, good luck in your promotion. You are Woman!!

    Colleen, gee I don't know what to tell you about your dog.

    Anne, you don't work for a very nice lady. That was a very insensitive comment about your friend. Sorry.

    NS, ok now. You thought you would hear news today. Sending prayers your way and waiting like the others to hear from you.

    Mena, saw your posts elsewhere last night. Noticed you didn't post here. Wishing you well. Hope you're feeling better. We miss you.

    Hey to Madison,Always,Shokk,Margaret,Michele,Carrie,Denise,Brenda,Tracy,Shel,Ginney,Judy,Liz,Kristen and anyone else I left out. Hoping your evening goes well and we all stay healthy or get healthy.

    Vicki, I have that memory problem, too. I noticed I can't spell like I used to and I always worked crosswords before but I just can't think anymore. I finished rads last Oct. and thought I would be feeling some sort of normalcy by now. But nooo.

    Susan, hope you're doing well on your PT.

    I'm so glad to be a part of this Circle where it's fun,caring,comforting and peaceful. I appreciate all you girls very much.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007
    Hi girls, a quick check in and will try to be back later.

    Sher – gentle hugs. I’ve thought of you all day today.

    Nicki – woohoooo the port will be gone by this time tomorrow.

    NS – any word? You’ve been on my mind.

    Deb – no igloo? Well I’ll be.

    Susan – good to see you.

    Karen – sorry about the fall. Did you have the nurse check the cast?

    Lynne – happy birthday a day late.

    Joyce – thinking of Kevin and you. Let us know how he is when you have a chance.

    Madison – thanks for the beignets and café au lait.

    Vickie – hope you stayed warm today.

    CY – loved the penny story. I pick them up also.

    Vickie2 – glad you joined us.

    Tracey – my cousin had the transvaginal thing. She said it wasn’t bad.

    Hi Margaret, Anne, shokk, Jan, Bridgett, Amy, Odalys, Colleen, Michele, Cheri and everyone else I’ve missed.


  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2007
    Hi Girls,
    I have my results.
    All three are cancer.
    that is the bad news.

    The good news is that from all the things they have been able to see, it is a totally and completely different cancer than my first one. That means that I BEAT the first one and this is something that all the oncs warn us about-- the risk of BC is increased once you get a diagnosis. That simply means that if you had it once you are at greater risk of it coming again to the other breast.
    This is a NEW PRIMARY- which means new cancer -- new ball game.
    I need to be scanned of course, but it doesn't look like it is anywhere else so it is not Stage 4 - but another early stage primary bc. The only thing they want to check is that lung nodule that lit up in 2002 and in 2006. That could be from rads or I could have been born with it.

    SO: think of this as a totally new cancer like any newbie would get.

    One of the lumps looks like it may be lobular and the other lumps show that this may very well be ER positive. Which means I STILL have to eat FLAX SEEDS!

    To show you all just how OK I am I wrote a letter to cancer- I will let you take a peak at it.
    Thank you for all your pms and notes... Lini- your pm box is full so I couldn't answer you!!!

    Ok- I will be back- but I express mailed this to the beast this afternoon!

    To: The Beast Cancer
    From: No Surrender
    Date: 2/7/07

    Hey Cancer-
    Yeah, YOU.
    I hear you are nosing around looking to take another spin around the chromosomal dance floor with me again.
    Are you sure you want to do it?
    I beat you once. And that was when I didn’t know anything.
    Now I know you. I know all your sneaky ways and all the little tricks you have up your sleeve…
    And you still want to take me on?
    Just what part of “NoSurrender” do you not understand?
    I am ready for you and I am not afraid of you.
    I used to be.
    No more.
    Now I am good and mad.
    And I will beat you again and again and again- no matter how many times you try to cut in on my slow, long, beautiful dance with Ned.
    Take my advice, stop messing with my sisters too.
    We have had enough.
    And we are all good and mad.
    YOU don’t stand a chance.
    Bring it on cancer.
    I am ready for you.

    I guess you don’t go to the movies much- If you want to know what you are up against, Cancer, watch The Untouchables….

    Lesson #1:

    “Never stop, never stop fighting till the fight is done.

    Lesson #2 :
    “One more thing, you have an all out prize fight, you wait until the fight is over, one guy is left standing. And that's how you know who won.“

    I plan to be the one left standing….
    Thus endeth the lesson.
  • DoreenF
    DoreenF Member Posts: 59
    edited February 2007
    NS: I'm really sad to read that the furballs were not confirmed ... and that all three of the lumps are indeed cancer. A new primary ? sounds like more favorable pathology...

    I love your letter to the beast ... and know in my heart that you will be the one left standing...

    Many hugs,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Evening ladies,
    Oh it is soooo cold here. I am so tired of this weather!! Deb...please...take it back!!!
    NS...hoping you are well, thinking of you and waiting with baited breathe for good results. Love ya.
    Anne...sending you a hug...some people are just naturally insensitive. Be thankful that you are there to give him the support that he obviously won't get from her.
    Odalys...sent lots of power thoughts your did it go?
    Ok Amy...I'll be up early tweaking toes and getting everyone ready for Nicki's magic carpet ride. I'm carrying ammo so if I get any smacks upside the head...I'm armed!!! LOL.
    Nicki...I will be up before you in the morning ready to take you on your magic carpet ride with Cheri at the wheel. Hope all goes well for you.
    Susan...yup you are the bionic woman! We will wrap you in bubble wrap and pick you up in the morning. Sleep well and get lots of rest.
    Cheri...I'm already swiping things for our slumber party weekend. I do believe the jammie police are staking out my house though. I too have the same problem spelling words and it drives me crazy. I could spell anything before and now when I write something I will look and look and look at it and not know if it's spelled right or not so I end up looking it up or doing spell check...truly weird.
    Jeannie...loved the underwear comment!!
    Hi Liz and hugs to you.'s good to see you here. It's such a warm loving place.
    Bridget...come out and play...we are having a pj party this weekend and I have some fun lined up.
    hmmm...arm pain could be a blood clot! arm has been really tender for the past three or four days...feels like a pulled muscle, not swollen or hot or I know freaking out for no reason...I am good at that as you all know!
    Tracey...could use some help with pics for our party!
    We really need to put sweet Holly in the center...having a rough spell that hopefully can be worked out.
    I am so tired I can barely function tonight. This is ridiculous...I need my energy back!!
    Gotta go put clothes in the dryer, figure out what to wear to work tomorrow and read to Nathaniel.
    If I don't fall asleep know that I am thinking of you all.
    I love you sisters,
    hmmm....where is Robin, Mena, Shel and Peggy...MIA again. Miss you girls.
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007
    How do you say "crap" and "yay" at the same time? I love your fighting spirit---shows how appropriate your screen name truly is. ER positive is actually a good thing, as we know, and early stage is also a good thing to hear.

    I talked to my cancer too---my adult daughter asked me to stop because it was creeping her out but I explained that's what I needed to do to get and keep the upper hand emotionally.

    You know we are all there with you---lifting you up and carrying you along to a new survivorship. Whatever you need----Vickie will steal it for you!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Oh CRAP and DOUBLE CRAP NS...just read your post as I was posting at the same time. It does sound like a "good" (if you can call any cancer that) report.
    In the middle with you my dear so we can take care of you and kick this beast in the ass and get you back off the bus as soon as possible!!!
    Always remember I am only five hours away and you can always come here if you need a break.
    Love ya through my tears
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Oops Jeannie snuck in...
    Yup NS my dear...anything you need...I will find it and swipe it for you. I am the hormone deprived psycho xanex addicted women here...they could never put me in jail.
    Although the straight jacket guys might snag me if I'm not careful...I've been telling them stories about Cheri and Madison to throw them off my trail LOL.
  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited February 2007
    Hi Everyone ~
    Just about ready to leave work. Thought I would drop by to see if there was any word yet on Gina.... Still NONE... We are all going to be picked up by the men in the "white coats" pretty soon.

    Gina ~ Come out Come out where ever you are. We miss you and are worried about you pretty lady.

    Anne ~ Your boss is too insensitive for words. She could have just left it with how she felt sorry for the family and all.... She did not have to put her 2 cents in when it has to do with negativity about someone who could possibly be on their death bed.

    Tracey or Liz ~ What is a transvaginal thing? I have not heard that term before.

    Joyce ~ I hope you, Kevin and your family are doing ok. Prayers are still with all of you.

    Nicki ~ Be thinking about you tomorrow - but yipppeeee that ole port comes out.

    Colleen ~ Sorry to hear about your dog. I hope he will be ok.

    Deb ~ You are too funny with your Igloo and Eskimo story.

    Margaret ~ Many times I have woken up at the "Divine" hour. Sometimes hard to get back to sleep after that.

    Odalys ~ Go KICK BUTT! You Overpower them!

    Who's having the Pajama Party - Count me in ---- Tell me what you want me to bring....

    Will catch up later....
    Hugs to everyone,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Hi Judy
    We are all having a pajama party this weekend so join the fun. I have some great ideas and pictures to post...wait till you see my pj's!!!
    Bring whatever you like...we are open to anything!
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007
    Pam---went to hand/ortho guy today. He offered me cortisone shot first but then said they work 50% of the time. Is that right? Did you try that first and did it work? I'm already scheduled for surgical repair next Thursaday since I am getting really tired of dragging my butt to doctors and just felt like it made more sense to cut to the chase. Just wondered what your experience was with the stupid trigger thumbs. Just hope they don't use the same cattle prod/turkey baster syringe they used for my carpal tunnel release. (Aren't you glad I didn't say that BEFORE your surgery Karen?)

    Deb---no igloos? Well crap, I guess we'll have to cancel our trip. And please send the sled dogs down here if you're not using them. This weather is ridiculous! Good Morning America broadcast their weather segments this morning from a village about 10 minutes from here.

    Had to slide in to the hospital for the second MRI this a.m.---took 1.5 hours to make what should have been a 30 minute trip and I did a lot of it sideways.

    The volunteer thing isn't going to work out at the hospital. The entire program is pretty much 2 ladies and the only thing they wanted me to do was come to group on Wednesdays to fill out the group and be a good example---which I would do except it's the same day of the week I will be taking care of Sam every week. Guess I'll go back to my breast surgeon and tell her I'll build her database for her---we started that conversation last fall. Then she can do with her own patients what the Cancer Society should be doing but isn't---putting peers together for help and support.

    Nicki---we'll be sitting out in front on the carpet with a jug of Starbucks as soon as you come out from your port removal. At least magic carpets don't care if it's icy or white out conditions.

    To everyone around the circle---have a warm and toasty evening. Let's all move NS to the center of the circle and cheer on her amazing spirit.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007
    NS – thank you for sharing your letter. I know all this is still sinking in. I had lobular. Once you get the plan, we’re there with you for each treatment.

    Judy – it’s a transvaginal ultrasound. In other words, a fancy ultrasound done of the vaginal area. Never had one but Tracey is on Monday.

    Okay, going to go Pajama Party shopping. BBL

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Oh NS,

    Oh CRAP and TRIPLE CRAP. (Vickie, you said it best, I am just adding)

    G, You may be in the ring fighting BUT WE ARE AROUND the ring helping. You are NOT ALONE.

    Love Madison
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Darn, I knew the earth was off kilter today (if this makes any sense....just didn't feel right)...I even left work early 'cause I couldn't concentrate on anything...

    Nicki, we are coming with the magic carpet AND we promise not to bring out the coffee until we have you settled comfy in your room.

    Hello everyone.

    Okay Vickie, can you swipe one REALLY great pj for NS for our get together this weekend? We need to rally around our friend.

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited February 2007
    Hi Sisters,

    I'm back and feeling better than I was earlier. I had a long talk with myself on the way home, got a hug from the DH, followed by a nice bowl of homemade chicken soup, and I'm back on track. Thanks for the support, ladies.

    Gina - I am so sorry to hear your diagnosis. At least now that the waiting is over you can start fighting again. Wish I could go a couple rounds for you! I really admire your attitude, you make me feel stronger.

    newvickie - joining the chorus of "please get the arm checked". The suggestion of clots is very worrying. Hopefully it'll be nothing but better to be sure.

    I'd like to request the carpet stop here in Utica on our way to Chicago. I could use a road trip before my treatment. I'd also like to suggest that all port removals be celebrated with a different kind of port --- wine that is!

    Hugs, extra blankets and warm socks,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Ok...pajama party in honor of NS!! I will come up with something wild for her...just wait and see!!
    Anne...I will have the nurse at work check my arm tomorrow morning first thing.
    Hugs to lala land as I am simply too exhausted to do one more thing tonight!
    Love to all
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Ah NS, I'm so sorry to hear this news but you can beat this again.

    The Butterfly