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  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Oh G...waiting just sucks! I'm handing you the extra large sized Xanax lollypop. I hope that at least your computer keeps working for you.

    Big hugs
    Deb C
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Brenda, I had the shots for my L4 L5 several years ago. by the fourth one it was working. The first ones hurt like Hell though! but after all was said and done it was worth it. Sure didn't want the spinal fusion that was the other option. I still get back pain but now where near like it was.

    Lynn, Happy Birthday and welcome back

    Tracy, you sure had my hubbys attention with ganja! But he is asking if you can post the recipe for the Baba Gannouj?
    Are you the one nextr to the kids in the photo?

    Joyce, saying special prayer for a succesful surgery and a quick recovery for Kevin.

    Glad Peppers surgery apears to have been succesful.

    Karen don't push the recovery. all in due time!

    Ginney, sorry the legs are still hurting. I hope that goes away soon.

    My arms haev been really hurting but only inlong skinny areas, like the vein did on my chest. Hope that doesn't mean more clots. I just keep rubbing them and eventually they feel better.

    Laura, Talking to the OW must have been scary. I hope it has positive results for you. but don't forget that you need to take care of you and Catie first and foremost.

    Going to go check on the perimeters.
  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited February 2007

    g - ugghhhh - so sorry you have to wait - fingers crossed for furballs...

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited February 2007
    Good evening CG's - it seems to take longer every day to read all the posts - over an hour - we really are a chatty group. Came home from work exhausted again today - fell asleep after dinner for a half hour or so before our nightly walk. I haven't been this tired in a while. Never imagined that CT surgery would make me so wiped out. Tonight on our nightly walk with the dogs, my DH asked me if I thought this online support group was as good as a face-to face group (or something to that effect) as he said it is hard to see emotions in writing. I tried to tell him how much emotions come through in all the posts. I told him how much support the CG gives to each and every one of us- okay you all know what the CG means - its just hard to tell someone else, but by the time I was done, I think he got it. Our two Bernese are quite large, but are gentle and walk quite nicely. but tonight one walked in front of me and I tripped over her and fell to the ground. Guess what hand went out to protect me?? Of course the one I just had the CT surgery. I do think it is okay. The 1/2 cast is driving me nuts. DH thinks it is too loose and I should go get it looked at. The part dividing thumb and hand is pointed and hitting me at an awkward angle. the hand doc is only in on Tuesday and Friday and only in am on fridays. Really don't feel like going for another appt. DH says nurse should be able to fix it. I am already tired of the cast and it is only 4 days. It is so chubby, it is hard to find tops that will go over it - even if I push the sleeve up. Cast is so gross looking - fabric over plaster with tape over fabric that keeps rolling up. thanks for letting me whine.

    NS - thinking about you and hope you are hanging in there. I know that waiting for results are so tough. I do hope the reason we are not hearing from you is computer problems, yet I do understand if you need alone time. Just know you are in my thoughts.
    Judy- sorry to hear about step-son's bank troubles - hope they get it straighted out quickly,
    Colleen - glad your day was better
    Nicki - I thought my family won the dysfunctional family award!!! I guess we will all have to fight for it!!!
    Joyce - I will keep you and Kevin in my thoughts and prayers. I'm sure the CG's will be keeping the two of you in the inner circle. Will try to join everyone on the majic carpet tomorrow - atleast for a little bit.
    Margaret= rest - if that is sleep, then its something I dream of - still don't sleep well even with my Atiavan - gave up on sleeping pills as they don't work.
    Madison - know what you mean about another doctors appt. DH has been trying to get me to go to a sleep doctor and the thought of one more doctor just sends me over the edge. Well, DH was happy at the onc visit a couple weeks ago when onc said he wanted me to have a sleep study since I don't sleep though the night. When I told him I am in bed 6 hours, but keep waking up, onc said that I could not keep up at this rate. but still, I am avoiding making the appt - will wait till I am done with the hand doc next week on this hand.
    Brenda - good luck to DH with his back. Hope the spinal helps.
    Theresa - sorry for probs with recon. Keep us posted.
    Lynn - happy b'day. Hope it was a good day. No it is not stupid to worry about the timing of the tests. can you move the test up earlier. Keep us posted.
    Amy - fingers crossed for your power.
    Lini- I have not seen your post, but the other gals who saw it thought iw as no big deal. Please come back when you are ready.
    Newvickie - you belong here. We love your humor.
    laura - good luck at the ps. I have my exchange next month, but I am not going to do any of the finishing touches.
    Tracey - love the pics - I love teddy bears
    Cy - beautiful story - I've heard it before, but it is one that is always good to read again.
    Madison - the stitches come out on the 16th.
    Ginny, Laura, Biker, kristin, Cheri123, Mena, Nicki, MB, Margaret, and everyone else - wishing you a feel good day. Best wishes to anyone who is having any tests in the next couple days. I took notes, but it is hard to read my writing. Oh - BTW, it was in the 60's today - big change from single digits last week. So maybe it will be warming up your way Nicki by the weekend.
    Karen in Denver
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited February 2007

    OMG - it took me so long to write my post that there were 8 posts while I was writing mine - now i need to go read them. NS, I see there is one from you, can't wait to read it. Be back tomorrow. Karen in Dener

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2007
    I see you were looking for me!
    My cable was messed up from the wind storm so I had no computer- THANK HEAVEN Sister Carrie called me last night to tell you all!!!

    I promise you- no matter what the news is i will post it. I may then run away to an island somewhere afterwards- but you are my family and YOU ALL will be the first to know.

    Geez- it is not so easy being positive anymore...the waiting is killing me.

    Thank you for the hugs, prayers, thoughts and chants,the pictures you posted and my very own Bingo number!!

    I read the past few pages....
    just quickly here--- susan? how are you??? Shirley what about you and that HIDA???? I am sending out mega Prayers for Kevin tomorrow. And my love to naniam's dh! Madison- your legs are still bad??? Maybe you need an mri? I HATE BACK PAIN!!!! I hope you feel better! Nicki, you are getting the port out this week correct??? I KNEW you would ace your presentation! Sorry your pre-op was so rough!!
    Lini?? WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING??? Screw that!
    Vicki??? What is going on around here? DON'T LET THE TURKEYS BRING YOU DOWN!!!
    Cheri and Jasmine- i know not ONE thing about computers... but I have noticed that sometimes when people use a lot of *** in a long row it can make the post look really wide.
    Lisa, Ginney, Tracey, Margaret, Cy, Colleen, Deb, Denise, Jeannie, Judy, Joy, Jan, karen, Kristin, Theresa, Mena--- Just THANK YOU!
    Amy, be careful- I might just start grooming mazer too!
    Karen, how are you feeling??
    TINA! YAY!!
    MB, how is your dh doing????
    Christine, I am so sorry about Jeanne and Shane... There is a nice spot in the inner circle for them!

    Shel- you crack me up every single time girl!!!

    Laura, I FEEL for you. I just am going to say one thing- the chances that your dh and the ow have just an "emotional relationship" are slim. Especially since the biggest issue he brought up with you is sex. I see your posts and I look at your avatar and think: WHAT IS THIS BEAUTIFUL YOUNG GIRL DOING???? DUMP HIM!

    Love you all- and if I missed someone it was only in typing NOT in my heart or mind...
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2007


  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited February 2007
    Hi Ladies ~
    Came on quickly before shower and bed to see if we heard anything from "Our" Gina.

    Gina ~ So glad to have you back with us.... We missed you so much and were so worried about you. Stay with us because we are with you ALL THE WAY! Waiting is such a b*t**.

    Joyce - The best to Kevin and all of your family tomorrow. We will all be there in heart and spirit.

    To everyone else, I may not have written your name, but just know you are NOT forgotten.

    Hugs to all,
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Bugle Call....

    Magic Carpet is coming. I am stopping at Café du Monde
    for beignets & café au lait. You know when I am in your area by the smell of the coffee.

    Joyce, we're coming.

    Karen, you need to get out today so we are going by Denver.

    G, we need you also....bring your laptop and we'll use the cyberspace connection.

    Nicki, Vickie, wake up.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Vickie is up...bitter cold on this end of the circle so bring me some heated socks!!! Overslept so I will return after I go tweak Nicki's toes and get her some hot black coffee.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Yes I was sound asleep until I heard a bugle blasting in my ear and felt someone tweeking my toes. Im awake now and taking my first few sips of coffee. It better help. Im finding the new antidepressant Im taking makes me feel more tired in the morning.

    Its very cold this end of the wagon circle. -4 degrees! The high is suppposed to be 11. Geez - that will feel like a heat wave. The snow we had yesterday really caused some havoc with the roads. Im so glad I came home early. And Im hoping that they cleaned things up overnight. It became a big challenge because it was so cold out. The usual salt they use, doesnt help when its this cold. I said it once and Im gonna say it again, Im eating my words about having such a mild Winter. This! is not mild.

    Well I had to go look about and see what was going on. Vickie, Cheri, and Madison - I went there and whisked you all away. We dont need negativity in our lives. The circle is always a safe place! Just remember, the ignore button is GOOD!

    So as a result! I wont be doing my early morning post like I usually do. Im running out of time. Geez, it seems lately thats all thats happening. Running out of time!!

    Amy: Thanks for explaining. I was picturing you in a cold house without lights using kerosene lamps and a wood fire place to keep warm.

    Vickie: Like in the Wizard of Oz - after reading everything all I can say is "What a world, what a world." Thats when the witch gets water thrown at her and she starts to melt. I can imitate her really good.

    Cheri: After reading everything, I sure am glad that Distorted Humor can fly. I hate carnival rides and your magic carpet ride sounds like one lol. Cheri, if you look at the upper right hand corner of your post you will see edit. I type a paragraph, save it, then go back in edit and it allows me to keep my post without losing it to the lost posts world.

    Shel: Good to see ya my friend

    Silvergirl: Glad the MRI is over, now hoping the results come back soon so you will stop worrying.

    Joyce: Good luck today with your sons surgery. We will be there in the waiting room with you.

    Jan and Madison: So our weather is hitting national news now is it? Yeppers its pretty yucky!! Im laughing at crummy buttons!

    Ginney: When I read your story about your debit card, I freaked out. I use mine at the gas station all the time. Never thought about hiding the numbers with my hands. I just had my numbers changed. The bank told me it became compromised. Had alot of scratches. But with chemo brain, Im trying hard to remember the new numbers.

    NS: In numbers we stand strong! So just imagine all of us filling your house today. Distorted Humor and Mazer are wondering if you will have cinnamon bears for them - as they get hungry while waiting. They both have promised to behave. No licking!! Will be thinking of you all day.

    CY: I loved the penny story.

    Susan: Hope your feeling better today.

    Judy: Hope you have a good day.

    Time is up, I gotta go. Last day of work for me. Off the next 4 days.

    Hi Margaret

    Oh and by the way, after I whacked Madison and Vickie on the back of their heads, I was thankful they woke me up. Seems like those 2 girls are always getting into trouble and Im the one folllowing behind. Oh I wonder what trouble they will get into this week-end with the jammie party.

    See ya later.

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Ladies!

    I always smile when I look after a half a day and there are 40+ posts. This is such a wonderful group!

    Always - I was wondering why sometimes the posts get wide, too. I'm pretty computer savvy but have never figured that one out. Could you 'splain, please? Maybe a PM? I just want to make sure it's not me. I use a Mac at home, and sometimes the interface between me and the Windows world causes issues.

    newvickie - Conversations with yourself are the only way to get good answers. Be careful about arguing with yourself. Don't sink to the level I'm at where I loose the arguments!!!

    Joyce - Prayers for Kevin. And you!

    Jeannie - That is a wonderful turn of phrase! I love the mental picture I get of all those folks born in tight undies. I'm gonna remember that one.

    Cy - what a beautiful story. It brought tears to my eyes. I will remember that one too. I've had some bumps in the road of life lately (besides the cancer) and that one is going into my Palm with some other inspirational stuff I read to keep me going.

    NS - glad you're back on-line. Praying for furballs and peace.

    Gotta go grab breakfast or I'm gonna be late for work!
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    Morning girls. I woke up at what is it called - the divine hour? - and said a prayer for G and Kevin. Thinking about you both today.

    Karen, tripping and landing on the hand you just had surgery on is something I would do. I hope it is ok. I hear you about the cast. When I broke my foot, I opted for the moon boot because I could at least take it off whereas if I had chosen the plaster cast, I would have been unhappy with it.

    Have to make this quick, I hear Madison's bugle call and smell the beignets. Madison, make sure the heater is going.

    Anne, I love it - I talk to myself all the time and answer myself but don't usually argue with myself, and especially don't lose my arguments.

    Time to go - I hear Madison. I'll catch up with you later.

    Kevin and G - we're all with you.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Always - I was wondering why sometimes the posts get wide, too. I'm pretty computer savvy but have never figured that one out. Could you 'splain, please? Maybe a PM? I just want to make sure it's not me. I use a Mac at home, and sometimes the interface between me and the Windows world causes issues.

    I'll just splain it here so everyone will know. Usually the screen will go wide if someone posts a very large picture. The margins of the thread will expand to accomodate whatever is placed inside.

    It will also expand to accomodate a post that has a long line length. Line length is determined by where the carriage turn (when you hit the enter key or some software has word wrap) is within the line. If you are typing in Word or Wordpad, you set the line length or page width or carriage return (for us who remember typewriters) by setting the margins.

    The other day for some reason on Cheri's post either some of the carriage returns were missing or the board software did not recognize word wrap correctly and created a very wide post.

    Nicki, minus 4 degrees!!!! How do you people live like that???? I freak when it gets below 32 degrees here.
  • MorelandMom
    MorelandMom Member Posts: 7
    edited February 2007
    Well...ok think I've found you girls...boy there is alot going on...I hope I can just stay caught up or at least contribute every now & then....Hope everyone is having a good Wed....

    Vickie (Moreland Mom)
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2007

    Good morning CG' is just beautiful in North Texas this morning.....all of you up north keep warm and be careful....I have a beautiful 19 yr old daughter that is a freshman in college in WI of all places and her roomate is from Chicago and they have become the best of daughter spent Thanksgiving with her roomates family because I couldn't afford to fly her home....its amazing how God sends us angels along the way of this bc journey.......NS you are keeping me up at night worrying about you but thats are so in my prayers as all of us are because not only are we battling the beast and our own sanity but it is amazing how everyone on bco has become a part of my daily life..........I get up early just to see who post first NewVicki or Nikki...........I just want to make a comment about LauraB as all of us has been in her shoes we are going to have to let her go through this process of trying to save her marriage we all have done stuff to try and save a relationship that is horrible for us but she is so focus on this when was the last time she even talk about her cancer.....she lost that battle and I think she needs for her own sanity try and win her marriage battle for the time being.....we all know in the end she will end up leaving him...........why do men make us so crazy even fantasy men....haha.....NewVicki you know what I am talking about....I had never even visited that thread until yesterday and there is a showdown about you we fantaize about......I'm sorry but that is so funny.....NewVicki I hope you will continue to post there life on these boards is so amazing......everyone is on my prayer list all of you all that are dealing with medical issues, children issues and spouse issuess....everyone have as good as a day as they can we are all in this battle together.............

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Good morning sweet sisters of mine,
    Thanks for all your sweet thoughts.
    12 below zero at my house this morning...can you say "frigid"...ewww. It is now saying 2 degrees here at work in Ithaca. I am soooo tired of this bitter cold. That groundhog had better be right as I am so ready for spring.
    Nicki...well, good morning sleepy head. I thought it was Cheri sneaking up behind me to give me a swat! Thanks for whisking us all away from the bad back to the good. I love this place and would be lost without it. Oh...this is going to be the pj party of the century!!! Wait till you see my pj's!
    Michelle...I have extra bubble wrap for our journey this morning.
    Joy and Kevin...hang on tight...we are going for a magic carpet ride. We will be with you both today, holding your hand and giving lots of love and support.
    NS...praying hard for good results today and I am so very happy your internet is back. We nearly ended up in the looney bin!!
    CY...someone had sent me that penny story and I too have suddenly been seeing pennies everywhere and I HAVE to pick them up!
    Anne...oh I alway lose arguments with myself. Should I or shouldn't I...thats my mantra. LOL
    Ginney...I missed the debit card story but it sounds a bit scary so I'm going to go back and check it out. I use mine for everything.
    Vickie2...good to see you again.
    Shokk...Thank you...I truly NEED to be here. It's my only support (other than my dear sweet children).
    good morning to Alwayshope, Jeannie, Susan, Madison, Amy, Karen...everyone!! Hope we all have a wonderful day.
    Love to all around the circle
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning girls. Surgery is at 1 today. Have to be at the hospital at 10:30. Didn't hear from doc yesterday about HIDA scan so I guess we won't be addressing my gallbladder today. Which means I'm gonna have to probably do this again soon. UGH!!!

    NS, FURBALLS!!!!! The nerve of that doc not to call you. Want me to blow up his car?

    Karen, praying for your son today.

    Vicki, all I could think when I read that stuff was HUH???? Who the hell fantasizes about a mans mind? Do men have minds? hahahahahahhahahahahaha
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    Shirley, good luck with your surgery today; we'll be there with you. Madison, we have another stop to make today.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    We will have the magic carpet warmed up and ready to take you today!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    good morning cg's
    lol no i am not in the picture i took that one... hehehe
    cy i didnt make the baba gannouj i bought if from the specialty section in the grocery store...
    ok ok i am to lazy to make my pictures smaller i am sure i am driving jasmine crazy....
    gina still chanting furballs and you sure made me laugh by you grooming your
    so i postponed my transvaginal till monday ugh... i should reschedule but its not worth the flack i would get from you ladies
    going to work on some homework so i check in later...
    so hugs to sherloc, gina, jeanie, margaret b, vickie, shokk, jas, armynavymom, nikki, madison, judy mena,brenda, karen rountwo,cy deb, denise, shel laura, amy , cheri,joyce,jan, tgirl,lynn, morelandmom,colleen, susan,gus, lizws, michele,and christine... oh ya christine no i am not lebenses (sp) but i sure love the food maybe you can give me some recipes

    great day ladies
  • irisheyzs
    irisheyzs Member Posts: 17
    edited February 2007

    I'm not lurking Jan, just trying to get a grip on all these conversations!!

    We had such a nice lunch on Monday...The boards have been a Godsend for me since I was diagnosed but to actually sit face to face with someone who really understands was wonderful. Now we have to get the guys together to talk about their metal head days LOL Pizza and beer here we come!

    And boobs fit in the dress!
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2007

    I have two more things to say this morning.....first Newvicki I have no idea why you would delete your posts from that other thread you did not say or do anything out of line or to be ashamed of.....second is anyone following the story about the astronaut out of Houston that drove to Florida to confront her lovers other girlfriend (by the way she is married with three kids) and sprayed her with pepper sprayand tried to kidnap her.......she is being charged with attempted kidnapping and now attempted murder after what the find in her the dirty diapers she was wearing so she would not have to stop and use the this why ya'll make fun of us Texans......omg why do men make us so crazy????? even fantasy men.................

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Bridget, Yea!!! Nothing better than a good fit over the new boobies!!! Don't even try to catch up. Read back a couple of pages and take notes . Welcome to the best place on the boards. DH & I can't wait for pizza and beer!

    NS, I wish I could be there to just hold your hand while you wait and take some of your focus off poor Mr. Fluffy. He must have about 10 hairs left on his body . No, seriously, we are here for you, chanting Furballs as hard as we can.

    Karen, please take it easy and let your hand recover. It does take time. I can't believe the swings in temp. you have had. Right now it's just plain COLD here. It had been such a mild winter, I just knew that we were gonna get smacked! I'm not sleeping either. I have to ask my onc if he can give me something. Last night I didn't get to sleep until past 2 and I woke up at 6:30. It's giving me a serious headache . This has been going on for years. I need to have a sleep study done. I am almost positive I have apnea.

    Margaret, I didn't even get to sleep until the Divine Hour!

    Jeannie, no tight undies here. Everyone's big girl panties fit just right. Even our thongs!LOL

    Morelandmom, don't even try to catch up. If you read back a page or two, you can get the gist of what's going on.

    Shirley, I hope your surgery went well today!

    Well, we had another dusting of snow last night. Just enough to be a pain in the butt! I really shouldn't complain, since Vickie, Nicki, and others are getting hit a whole lot worse than us. It's so cold out, that I think I am just going to stay inside today. I'll check in later.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    Morning cg’s!

    NS-great to get an update from you. I told Mazer about the grooming and she reached for her grooming brush. That is her all time favorite thing to receive, well besides food that is. She will stand for hours while you brush her. She hates to have her feet picked out but the grooming the loves. She is very fuzzy with her baby hair and also the winter hair and a dust bath is what donkeys love. They lay down and roll in the dust to get “clean” then you brush them and dust goes everywhere. Hoping to hear from you this morning so we know our gameplan!

    Karen-my SO has asked me the same questions regarding the support group vs. online. This was a while ago and now she gets it. I don’t exactly know when I would work in a time for a local support group anyway and it would never ever compare. Besides, online I get to broaden my horizons and meet people from all over and hopefully meet some of you one day.

    Joyce-Wow that’s a serious surgery which I know you know and I am sure you had explained it before but my chemo brain couldn’t remember it. We are there with Kevin this morning and Mazer promises to behave. The nurses better hope they are nice because Mazer has a pretty swift kick if she needs to.

    Vickie-wow troublemaker huh? I always miss out on the fun stuff. What is this about men with brains? Is that possible? Guess I better hush or I will get the smack also huh? You scared me when I read that you were going away for a while. I thought the straight jacket men might have gotten ya,,lol. Just kidding,,you cant go anywhere,,you are our official borrower of things.

    Nicki-I bet you think I have only 2 teeth, lots of duct tape and drive a truck (oh wait,,I do drive a truck)! I can imagine what you were thinking with me living with no power and oil lamps. I do have oil lamps but they are for decoration and only used for power outages. That’s just too funny. I admit Alabama has quiet the name for itself but I really do shower everyday and even shave my legs for special occasions and doctors appointments,,lol. What’s funny is my son that is 12 is a city boy,,not sure how that happened. He loves his Abercrombie and fitch, his nike shox and his playstation and x box and his electric guitar and hates country music. He says he hopes he doesn’t get a truck when he turns 16. Where did I go wrong??? LoL!

    Susan-hope you are making it ok and not threatening the physical therapist too much. They are only doing their job honey as much as you despise them. Seriously though, I hope you are healing well.

    Ginney-love your input and died laughing when I read your comment about deciding what you are going to do when you grow up. If you decide please let me know because it might be what I want to do. My son has also commented after the divorce that he liked to see me smiling and being happy. He also said I was like a different person and he liked the new me better. Talk about an eye opening experience,,wow! Didn’t realize who I really was back then but I sure as heck wasn’t me.

    Armynavymom-I love your sense of humor. You say some of the funniest things.

    Madison-I agree we need the heat on high when we swing by and pick up Nicki and Deb for sure and all the others that live in the artic weather. Its nice here today but due to be cold again next week but I am enjoying today at a high of about 58 or so. Beautiful weather. How long will your daughter be home? Where is she stationed by the way?

    Alwayshope-nice explanation of the wide pages. I have noticed a few times though that it seems to get wide for no apparent reason. Just a fluke I suppose.

    Snowmen in thongs-I was going to comment on something you said dangit but forgot what it was. Hmmmmmmmm,,,oh I know what it was,,you haven’t seen flack until you try to cancel your appointment. You would hate to have the posse on you wouldn’t you?

    Shokk-I have followed the story and man oh man,,she is a fruit cake isn’t she? Driving in adult diapers? Oh my gosh! That part really got me. I would hate to think a man would do that to me. Geesh louise,,talk about a straight jacket being needed.

    Irisheyza-so what is this about the boobs fitting in the dress? Inquiring minds want to know. I’m also jealous of the beer and pizza date.

    Biker-hello there and glad you enjoyed your lunch. Pizza and beer sounds like an excellent plan. Waaaaaaaaaaa,,wish I was closer.

    Shirley-thinking of you and your surgery today. Magic carpet will be swinging by so if you hear a big commotion its just Cheri attempting her landing.

    Cheri-wrapped in bubble wrap and ready for the take off! Actually looking kind of excited to the ride since I know what to expect. I cant wait to hold my arms up and take the upside down loops. Its always different when you know what you are going into. Wooohoooo,,here we come!

    Morelandmom-just jump in any chance you get and you will be fine. Before long you will know us all by name and be like the rest of us and go blank when you get ready to type. It happens to me all the time.

    Margaret-the divine hour is a peaceful time. I don’t usually wake up at all but if I ever do it seems to be that time. I always think of my sisters online and think peaceful thoughts.

    Jeannie-never heard the tight undies thing but I liked it and will have to remember it.

    Shel-great to see you and I must say you seem to be in a pretty good frame of mind considering all that is going on in your life. Hang in there girl!

    Ok gotta run and get some work done but cant wait to hear from NS. I hate waiting. Patience is not something I am known for.

    Love to you all.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Irishezs...oh my nice to see you. We wrote back and forth for a bit on another thread and decided that we may be long lost twins...don't know if you remember or not but it was all pretty funny. hmmm...we actually look a bit alike too! dear...are we going to have to crochet an afghan for that poor furbaby of yours after your brush all his hair out! Pick up the knifty's like yoga for your hands. Thinking of you and praying hard.
    Amy...I can't stay away from all my wonderful sisters here. I'd be lost without this thread and all of you. The men with the straight jackets would have to take me away for sure!
    Shokk...I deleted my posts to try and stop the insanity. It got totally out of hand so I thought it would help. Unfortunately it didn't help right away but it seems to be cleared up and gone now. I didn't read about the astronaut...sooo busy here at work that I haven't seen the news at all in the past couple of days. Totally exhausted by the time I get home.
    I have found a couple of things for our pj party this weekend!! It's going to be a fun time. Who is hosting it...we need a big house!
    Question...when the heck does this stinkin chemo brain go away!! When does the radiation exhaustion go away!! I don't know what the deal is...I didn't sleep at all last year...literally 3 or 4 hours a night was all I could it's all I want to do. I am so tempted to lay my head on the desk and just fall asleep!!! Am I just catching up from all the treatments and surgery. As for the chemo brain...I can't remember anything and lose everything. Nathaniel has to go down the list before we leave in the morning...Mommy do you have your briefcase, glasses, lunch, juice, car keys, etc. I have conversations with people and totally forget what they told me unless they refresh my memory. It's making me a bit buggy!!!!
    Gotta run...lunch is over and the auditors are calling from the other office.
    love to all
  • irisheyzs
    irisheyzs Member Posts: 17
    edited February 2007
    Amy~~~ My son is getting married on St. Patricks Day and after the last exchange surgery, lets just say that the boobs sit up a bit higher than I'm used to and was worried that I would look overly endowed in a strapless dress LOL It looked ok when I went for the fitting yesterday. Now all I have to worry about is balancing myself on the damn shoes!

    Vicki~~~Oh I remember, you're my long lost sister! You never father got around! LOL

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007

    heehee did my mom!!! LOL

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Vickie, I have been done chemo since Oct. 2004, and I will never stop using chemo brain for an excuse . I never did get my brain back to normal though. My onc says I suffer from CRS (can't remember sh*t)!

    Amy, if we are going to have a big PJ party this weekend, we can order enough pizza and beer for all to enjoy! I'm sure Cheri wouldn't mind taking the Magic Carpet out to pick it up. Oh...Maybe not. We might have exploding beer on our hands from all the loop-de-loops! Perhaps we should send Mazer instead. She does't drink beer does she?
    That reminds me. Back in my horse riding days, we had a pony who LOVED to drink beer from a can. We had to give her beer before every class at horse shows . She was actually nationally ranked, so it couldn't have been too bad for her!

    Shokk, I did see that story about the astronaut. Her mug shot had a crazy eye thing going on, kind of like the Runaway Bride. What a nut case! She really sounds a few bricks short of a load. Did her husband have any idea what was going on? And the adult diapers!!! WTF!! I don't think I could pee in a diaper if my life depended on it. Although if I keep having those having to pee dreams, I might need to wear one to bed lol!
    Hugs all!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007

    I'm sitting here LMAO! Hummm, Bridget & Vickie do look a little alike.