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  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    well crap forgot to copy and poof it went.
    Here we go again. I'm home. Yehaw. Surgery was scheduled for 1, they took me in at 12:30, home by 1:30. drive by surgery is grand.
    Doc didn't say all was well which kinda bugged me cause thats what he always says. Just said I'll call you when the path report comes in. Makes a girl go hmmmmmmmmmmm.
    Asked about the HIDA scan. He didn't have report yet but said if gallbladder didn't fill then I definately have gallbladder disease and we'll discuss that at follow up next week. I said can't we just do a two for one today. He said ummmmmmmm NO. O well had to try. So looks like I'll be going in for another chopping soon.
    Tried to read a bit to catch up but have a killer caffiene headache and was only making the pounding worse. So I will see you all tomorrow.
    Thanks for being there girls. Mazer and Distorted Humor were a hit with the nurses and everyone was totally impressed with the magic carpet. Don't see those very often in this two bit town.
    O and want to hear the worst bit of the day.......Get to the surgery center, walk thru the door, and smell COFFEE!!!!! They have a new fancy schmancy coffee maker in the waiting room. Makes espresso and mochas and everything. Now that is just cruel.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    well crap, just read your update Gina.
    I am soooooo sorry you have to do this again BUT
    we are here, you are strong, and life is to good. New, small, and er+ all good news out of bad.
    I love you dear sister.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    I guess it would be bad form for me to sit here and cry in my soup about your news when you are all ready to fight the beast. I don't know what to say except we will be here for what ever you need. Get the armor on and get ready to FIGHT.

    Deb C
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited February 2007
    NS, your letter to cancer is just what I would expect from you. I cannot imagine what it is like to hear cancer, different kind - starting all over again.

    I want to just hold you and tell you how special you are. I am so angry right now. Cancer just seems to keep hurting those that I have come to know and love and have accepted me, for me, in friendship and in this walk with cancer.

    I'm sorry girls but I don't feel like a PJ party. I want to go back to the campfire and draw everyone close and keep them safe, wrap them in hugs, warmth and love. Somehow the fun of a PJ party just left; but then, I'm not here everyday either. Party on.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    Crap, How unfair that you have to go through all this again. You know you can beat it. I know you can beat it. I'd put my money on YOU every single time. Cancer doesn't stand a chance. It's not fair though. That's the part I don't get. Well we are going to have to find a way to share your burdens and infect you with our good times. For someone who has been there for all of us, we could do no less. I don't know what this will look like (maybe we will show up on weekends and take turns cleaning house) we will figure it out as we go along. You can only use so many quilts!!!! Maybe we can start knitting you socks, too. I don't have your gift of gab but whatever gifts I do have are yours for the asking.

    I'm with you, whatever you need,

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Sparky, just remember you are not alone and you are loved.

  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited February 2007

    I'm so sorry...but yes - we're all here with will win this battle...


  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited February 2007

    So sorry to hear your results. I'm just repeating what everyone else has said, but we're with you every step of the way. I loved your letter to cancer -- so powerful and inspiring! If anyone can take on the beast, it is you!

    Hugs and love,
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    The Beauty Of A Woman

    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears,

    The figure that she carries,

    Or the way she combs her hair.

    The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes,

    Because that is the doorway to her heart,

    the place where love resides.

    The beauty of a woman in not in a facial mole,

    But true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.

    It is the caring that she lovingly gives,

    The passion that she shows,

    And the beauty of a woman

    With passing years.....only grows!

    i found this beautiful .... author is unknown!!!
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007
    G - OK, I have a few drinks in me (went out with the ladies after the PTO meeting!) and I gotta tell ya, the first word out of my mouth when I read your post was a whole lot worse than "crap"

    But here's the thing, you're right, it's a whole new ball game, and you're a newbie with a whole heck of a lot of experience this time. This is definitely a case of you beat it once (in a big way) and you'll beat it again.

    OK, so like I said, too much alcohol to be eloquent (coherent is a stretch right now!) but you will beat this, cause you have us, but more importantly you have you, and you are a strong, powerful, cancer-fighting, hell, cancer BEATING woman!


    And like everyone else here has already said, whatever I can do, just say the word.
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited February 2007
    Evening all. Haven't been around for a few days but dropped in tonight to see how everyone was.
    OH NS I'm so sorry about your results. So hoping to hear you say B9. It really sucks starting over on this path once again but you are one tough lady and will triumph. Loved your letter to the beast - time to kick some CA a**.
    Know that you are deeply cared for. This circle that you started months ago has become a tremendously powerful force of energy and love. It will fight with you.
    You are in my prayers. ((((NS))))
  • baldeagle
    baldeagle Member Posts: 97
    edited February 2007

    You are one strong gutsy woman. A wonderful letter to the Beast in the face of another round with him.
    We need to put you in the middle of the circle. As you wrote months ago


    Throw some more logs on and start some big time healing meditations as well.

    I wish you were closer so I could take you out into some great open spaces. I went horse back riding today - actually bareback and outdoors to boot. It was so peaceful and healing to be that much in contact with this big gentle horse who was just happy to be out for a walk (I was a bit worried about falling off for a few minutes but that went away). Distorted Humor - you got to come and check out these boys (they are all geldings that have been rescued from neglectful and abuse owners). It was so good and healing. I need to package that and send it to you Gina.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007
    Nicki my friend, so thrilled that port is coming out tomorrow. It's a big day for you, you are moving beyond in a big fat way.

    Be good to yourself... xoxo
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited February 2007
    hey G............tina and i are discussing coming to see you!!!!!!!!!!!!

    in the mean time, "sonofabitch"..............but keep your beautiful chin up!!!!!!!!!!!

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    Evening, got some catching up to do I see.

    Colleen, your poor dog. It sounded like you handled that quite diplomatically.

    Odalys, hope you were able to negotiate that promotion.

    Nicki, good luck with your port removal tomorrow. I read Holly's post earlier; what a crappy thing to have to deal with on top of dealing with BC and chemo. I wake up once or twice a night and each time I look at the clock.

    Anne, I would be really upset with a comment like your friend made. It was a pretty callous comment.

    Amy, who's driving tomorrow? Don't forget to get me. I can bring a replacement pot of Starbucks - yours will be gone by the time you get me since I'm on the West Coast.

    Susan, how are you feeling?

    Karen, I agree with Cheri; I don't need a support group - I have you ladies.

    NS, I don't know what to say. I'm sorry doesn't seem to cut it. We are there for you. I see Vickie put you in the middle of the circle where we can surround you with love. I loved your letter. You are such an inspiration and we will beat the beast with you.

    Jeannie, sorry the volunteer program isn't gong to work out. Build that database.

    Night to all I missed; I'm going to bed.

  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited February 2007
    Oh No ~ I got back on this evening before idol to see if we heard from Gina and found that I guess she was writing around the same time as I was on my last post.

    Gina ~ Oh SH** was what I said when I read your post. I am so sorry to hear your diagnosis. Thank heavens the waiting is over and you can FIGHT THIS BEAST! Your letter to Cancer was wonderful and so creative. You of all people can do it..... We are all here for you, just yell.......

    Hugs and Love to all of you.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Make sure the magic carpet picks me up for Nicki's port removal tomorrow. It will be EARLY my time, so don't wake up the family. I will roll myself in a sub-zero sleeping bag and wait on the front porch. I have a huge insulated coffee pot that will come along with LOTS of straws...we just need to make sure we have some for Nicki when she gets done.

    Was there anywhere else we need to be tomorrow? My poor feeble brain is having a hard time focusing tonight….

    G ~ I keep thinking I will come up with something profound to say that will make it all better….so far I am still at a loss. All I can do is send prayers and hugs. Don’t let the night-time get you down…we are here.

    Sending hugs to you all
    Deb C
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    Jan, you asked me earlier about my knee replacement and said you were thinking about it. I'm happy to answer all your questions. It's a week and a day now and a small part of my brain is begininning to function. Send me a PM or we can chat on the phone and I'll give you the REST of the Story.

    Margaret I'm doing good thanks for asking. The recovery is long but I will physically be able to do things I haven't been able to do in a long long time. Shopping Therapy!! My husband may have to unretire!!

    Cheri, give me a call or PM. I can't find your phone number.

    Shel I hate airplanes but I could psych myself up for that trip. assuming I can walk.

    I'm angry. I really want to kick the crap out of someone (thing).

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited February 2007
    Good evening CG's

    NS - you are one incredible woman!! I just loved your letter to the beast. I am so very sorry that you are having to go through the BC journey again. You beat it once and I know you will be it again. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Nicki - good luck tomorrow. I know all will go well. Just think how good your coffee will taste when you finally get to sip it (BTW - I can't stand the stuff). Stay warm. We will all need to dress extra warm for the magic carpet ride in your end of the cirlce.
    Vickie - when is the pj party - friday or saturday. If its saturday, I can come by for awhile. friday is my shabbat. I will have to dig my pj's out of the drawer. I can't sleep in them as I am way too hot at night.
    shirley - sounds like the surgery went well - sorry no news yet on your gall bladder - i like your idea of 2 for 1.
    Jan - I think mine is just plain insomnia and maybe "bad" sleep pattern developed during chemo.
    Joyce - how is Kevin - was his surgery today?
    Odalys - all the power to you. Keep us posted on the promotion.
    Colleen - how is your dog?
    Briget - what fun - a St. Patty's day wedding. My youngest daughters bday is the 19th.
    Anne - your boss is an insensitve "B". Sorry you had to hear her comments.
    Liz - no didn't have the cast checked out as it is only a 1/2 cast. I did have the school nurse help me tighten the wrapping on it - it was loose enough that I was able to peak in and see the stitches!! not good!!!
    silvergirl - yes - I'm glad you saved the comment till after my surgery - but I still have the left hand to do.
    Tracey - beautiful peom - thanks for sharing
    MB - how is DH?
    Deb - doesn't everyone in Alaska live in an igloo!!!!! I loved your story and to think that no one caught on. You are wonderful!!!
    susan - how is the "knee"
    Madison, Margaret, Chei123 and everyone else. You are my support group. That is what I told my DH. I'm so lucky to have found the CG.
    Since the ole brain doesnt' work like it used to please fill me in - sometimes I just skim the posts because there are so many and tonight it took me 1 1/2 hours to read just todays posts - who are Mazer (is it Amy's donkey) and who is distorted humor. Also -what is the ignore button (hope I don't ever need to use it though).
    Chat with everyone tomorrow night.
    Hugs from Denver.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Man o live, I woke at 3:23 this morning and gried out for NS. I hate it when things I see happen for real. NS you're one of the strongest women I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. You will beat this and go on to inspire hope in so many others.

    My niece does the 'realy for life' run with her faternity. this year she is dedicating it to her Uncle Johnny, who we lost to lung & brain cancer on New Years eve and me. I'm going to make a donation in No Surrender's name too!

    There was some things I wanted to say to others but I just can't think right now.

    Stoaking up the fires to light up the night!
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited February 2007
    Just her to add another log, giving everyone hugs.

    Shirley hope your surgey was easy for you and you are recovering.
    Nicki- GOODBYE PORT! wooo hooo!
    A day of mixed emotions in the circle. Thanks for the prayers for my SIL, Jeanne, her surgery was today, she has stage 4 colon cancer and it doesn't sound too good.
    Sweet dreams to all, a peaceful night, sleep straight thru- no hot flashes, weird dreams, just peace!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Just can't settle on anything tonight. Tried to crochet and got distracted by the TV. I walked in circles for a while and ended up back here...imagine that

    Has anyone heard how Kevin's surgery went?

    Susan, i know what you mean about being angry. i wish there was something physical we could get out hands on. I feel like striking out too....I hope your bionic knee is not to much of a pain. I know how hard this surgery is to recover from...had a friend that did both knees and both hips...just FYI, she is now doing GREAT....hang in there and keep up with the PT. Sending hugs!

    Karen- You were right, Mazer is Amy's baby donkey. She is a cute little bugger (Mazer, not Amy...but I'm sure Amy is as cute as a bug too). Someone sprinkled Mazer with magic dust so now she can fly to people's appointments.

    Distorted Humor is Nicki's horse. He is a retired race horse and is in love with Mazer....we many have mules in our future. It's a good thing Amy has lots of room on the farm

    We use the ignore button on pesky bothersome people. Just click on someones name and at the bottom of their profile is a button you can push to ignore them. When you do it their posts no longer show up on your screen...kinda NICE for those few jerks out there.

    OK, I have to find something productive to do. I'm send out peaceful, sleepy vibes to all the circle girls. May we all sleep like, that's not right...babies get up every 3 hours. How about the sleep of a dog....mine sleeps all night...or maybe my cat...she is pretty lazy too! Awe heck...just get some rest girlfriends!

    Deb C
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    Cristine, I thought it was your SIL friend that was just dx. I'm sorry. hugs to you.

    Liz, got your card. thanks.
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited February 2007
    NS - so sorry, don't know what to say other than darn disease. I know you can beat it again. BC does not stand a chance with all of us on your corner. I will keep you in my prayers.

    CG's - thanks for sending girl power my way today. I felt the energy. It's unnerving playing hardball with the guys but what the guys don't realize is that hardball is nothing compared to fighting bc. No deal yet, but we are close.

    Love and hugs,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Rise and shine sweet ladies it's time for a magic carpet ride.
    Woke at 3 and thought of all of you...God's school. Sad sad sad. Taking a big breath and a Xanex and moving on.
    NS...just sending you lots of love.
    Tweaking Nicki's toes again, wrapping her in warm blankets for the ride. What a great day NO MORE PORT!! I hated mine and was so glad to have it gone.
    Hmmm...Deb is sleeping on the front porch!! Waaaaay to cold to do that here!!! It's a whooping 2 degrees this morning.
    Hmmm..someone was bringing coffee...maybe it should be spiked. I don't like it either so I'll supply hot chocolate (spiked of course)...I think we all need a drink.
    Thinking of Holly who's in the center with NS...sending her a warm hug.
    Who has the keys to the magic Cheri driving?
    Madison...are you up.
    Susan...we'll wrap you in extra bubble wrap for the journey.
    Christine...sending prayers for you SIL...I'm so sorry.
    Ok...looks like we need a pajama party but I think we will have a "kill the beast" pajama party. I need to hit something, yell and scream, jump and shout, bring out the big guns to stomp this nasty C word to a bloody pulp. I'll swipe a bus and some baseball bats that we can take our anger out on. Any other suggestions are welcome. I think I'll see if I can find a picture of the beast that we can hang up and throw darts at, slap, spit on, step on and burn in our bonfire.
    So friggin angry with this disease this morning!
    Ok...another deep breath...
    It should last all weekend...he's a tough beast to kill but we need to drive him from our circle and we can because we are strong and if love alone could kill it then it would be long gone by now!
    I love you all
    Gotta get ready to boogie.
    Sorry to all I missed...Shel, Colleen, Margaret, Brenda, Liz...and so on...just running behind.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Vickie, I am up. I also woke up at 3:03 this morning. Said prayers for NS, all of you. Yea, I also hate the BEAST.
    Nicki, are you okay? We're coming.
    Any word from Joyce about Kevin's surgery. I know we heard from Shirley yesterday....
    Hugs to all, I need to log off to get ready for the magic carpet.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Well I am one crabby person. How in the world can anyone go without coffee in the morning! Im showered and in my new PJ's. This is how Im going to the hospital and this is how I will leave. My sleepy eyes are still here even after the shower! Dang it anyways. And no makeup - I look a mess.

    Im not nervous. Im excited. Have waited along time for this, and its not major surgery or anything. Should be a pretty easy procedure.

    Vickie: I like your idea. A kick cancer butt pj party is in order!

    Dont have alot of time, so I will catch up with everyone later.

    NS: I loved your letter to cancer! Just sending you a big hug. Encouraging news that it is a new cancer and hormone positive. I will catch up to you later. Once this dang port is out, Im off til Monday so I will have all week-end.

    Madison: Im ok, just sleepy, crabby from coffee deprivation, but ready to get this done and over.

    Talk to you all later.

  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited February 2007
    Good luck with your port removal today and congratuations on getting it out. What a great step in the right direction. I know I felt wonderful when mine was removed.

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited February 2007
    I'm off to drive the kids to school, but I wanted to pop in to wish Nicki good luck with her port removal. I loved having mine removed!! Maybe you can talk the docs into putting some caffiene into your IV!

    NS, I'm praying for you and I'm so inspired by your fighting spirit. I've been feeeling defeated about alot of things in my life lately, and you make me want to dust myself off and get back in the ring! Please remember that I'm here for anything you need!

    Ok, kids are gonna be late because I can't stay away from the laptop! Catch up later!

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007
    Morning Girls! Can't stay and play, just needed to check in again to give everyone a good morning cup of coffee, cocoa, juice, water, soda, vodka, whoops did I say vodka? Well whatever it is that gets your morning going and a big hug to start the day. Seems like there are lots of us in need of hugs today.

    Hey, how about a cup of coffee, a hug and a punching bag for all?