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  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2007
    Can't keep up with you girls!

    NS, I wanted to see how you are doing and you amaze me! You have become a role model with your positive attitude and ability to support so many of us. Please feel circled.

    Nicki, glad the port removal went well. What a relief. You encourage me for my procedure next week.

    I want to respond to all of you! So much to say, and so little time. I'm dragging today, I don't know why. Just extra tired, I guess. I got some of my meds back, but not the anti depressant, I'm trying to stay off of that if I can.

    Hope to check in later.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007

    This little guy wandered by needing a hug. I said he could cuddle up by the fire with us. I figured someone would have a lap for him

    Deb C
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007
    Oh my goodness Deb, I'll scoot him right next to Jake (our 85lb chocolate lab with the ummm... personal problem) who's been getting some TLC from me since he got home from the vet's yesterday. (Good news on Jake by the way, does not seem to be prostate cancer, just an enlarged prostate, at least so far, waiting on a few more test results.)

    Yes, a touch of the Budweiser flu for me this morning, and also just feeling like hunkering down with some warm blankets, a warm drink and could definitely give/get some hugs.

    Though I will watch The Office tonight, which I know will make me laugh!
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited February 2007
    Oh gosh, I missed so much! Went back to work yesterday and did not have time to hang out on the internet. Found out I got passed over for a promotion and had a hard time keeping it together all day. Last night I cam home and cried my eyes out. My boss told me that it wasn't because of my medical condition, but she HAS to say that, otherwise I can get them in a heap of trouble. But if it is not because I am in cancer treatment, then it must be because my performance isn't good enough. WTF? I give 110% all the time and have even kept up good performance while in treatment. Honestly, I would rather that they say it is because I am in treatment and not because I am not good enough! Anyway, I am over it now, I guess, although it still hurts if I think about it enough.

    Just got back from taxol/herceptin #8 and all is well. A little sleepy from the benedryl, but otherwise OK.

    I did not have time to read all the posts, but Gina, I saw your results. That so sucks. I am sorry that you have to go through this, but like you said, you know the beast now, and you know the best way to fight it! I actually wrote a song about fighting cancer a while ago, before I came to It is such a weird coincidence that it is called No Surrender! I have not recorded it yet, but here are the lyrics:

    No Surrender

    Where do you turn when there’s nowhere to go,
    Can’t escape the fear deep down in your soul,
    Paralyzes your heart, stops you in your tracks,
    No one can save you, your future looks black.

    But you can’t let it get to you, your time is not done,
    Fight tooth and nail to keep your place in the sun,
    The dragon shall be slayed, the beast defeated,
    A warrior you are until the battle is completed.

    You have to keep living, can’t curl up and die,
    You must face the fear, look it straight in the eye,
    Keep trudging forward, hour by hour,
    Each day you hold on reinforces your power.

    Never give up, never surrender,
    Keep on keeping on, you have to remember...

    That you can’t let it get to you, your time is not done
    Fight tooth and nail to keep your place in the sun
    The dragon shall be slayed, the beast defeated
    A warrior you are until the battle is completed

    The song reflects my initial terror when dx'd and my subsequent resolve to fight the battle with all of my strength and will. I know you have done it once, and you will do it again!

    My love and prayers to you.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    I seem to be lurking more than typing this afternoon. Still in a twilight kind of high!!

    Colleen: Glad its not prostate cancer. But what do they do for an enlarged prostate in dogs? Poor baby.

    Kristin: Very nice song.

    Everyone else: Gonna take a nap.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2007

    Good afternoon CG's........I think all of us maybe are feeling like we have been punched in our stomaches because of NS dx and of course all of the struggles we have to endure whether its our spouses/so, children, familes(parents,brothers,sisters,etc.),co-workers and of course our own phsyical and mental health issues that go on on a daily basis.......anyway today I was talking to a customer that I have known for about 7 yrs and I was suppose to get some info to him and completely forgot....of course I pulled the chemo-brain card and he said you know I am a 3 time survivor of cancer...I had no idea...he told me when he was 20 he was dx with terminal cancer to a nerve in his right arm...had surgery and chemo.....and survived then a yr later had to go back in and remove more of the nerve and had radation and was told he may live another year.....lives five more yrs and has a reacurence and then is told that his arm is going to have to be removed and again told that he would not survive more than a yr....anyway he wakes up from surgery and they did not take his arm because they really did not think he was going to live anyway(this was 1976).....but today he just had his 56th birthday and has been NED for over 30yrs......someone on the things people say board was telling about you know "cancer is a gift" type of crap statement and I wonder do ya'll think that maybe the one gift that cancer gives to us is the appreciation of life itself? When I am in Megalow mart I see people in line in such a hurry....I feel sorry for them........I just don't really hurry anymore.........oh God I am going to type it "I stop to smell the roses" O.K. I better stop or ya'll are going to ask me to leave the circle and go over to the pysco wagon...........

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Uh Deb...would you please take this cold weather away!! Enough is enough.
    Hey Cheri sweet friend...wash those hands of yours...can't have you getting sick too!
    Susan...teddy bears are a great idea. We should all have one to snuggle.
    Wondering how Kevin is doing...hope that all is well.
    (((Kristin)))...I'm sorry about the promotion. I know that I worked my butt off all during treatment too...went back to work one week after my bilateral mast just to keep my job safe, does anyone notice, I don't think so. Loved the song!
    Shokk...great story and I'll say it for you since I spend most of my time in the pysco wagon anyway LOL...
    I seriously think I'm going to hang out in the hoochie tent tonight...anyone want to join me?
    Hey it snowing up there?
    Love and hugs to all
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited February 2007
    Nicki, glad to know you are OK. Kristen good to hear from you too.

    I'm having a really, really crappy day. Send me to the "blues tent and the medic tent". Had to pay a visit to the doctor this morning - well, all that was available was a nurse practitioner which ANYONE was OK with me. I have done the usual stuff we are told to do when we can't have estrogen - use Replends, etc. TO make a very long story short - I have tried everthing even thinking I had a yeast infection and took pills the whole nine yards. Come to find out I have a bacterial infection (which hurts like ----) and comes from lack/loss of estrogen as it changes the PH and lets bacterial grow. That was one uncomfortable exam!!!!!! Solution? Estrogen cream and they say some women continue to take estrogen low dose because of this. The oncologist didn't want me taking or using estrogen in any form - well, I am miserable!!!!!!!
    The tears just really came this morning.

    Deb, can I hold the little fellow? I would just love to have one of you close and hug and let the emotions out.

    I don't want to bring all of you down so I'm just gonna go hang out elsewhere - but keep the fires going, gonna need lots of hot chocolate for these cold nights and keep those in the center loved, warm and safe. That's why NS started the circle. To gather round and keep the beast at bay, to put those going through the difficult times in the center to keep everyone safe.

    Hugs, Brenda
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Hi Girls,
    A quick post before the "computer Dr." comes over to fix this machine!!

    NS: I am stunned. Cancer does not have a chance with you. Your attitude is remarkable. Your spirits are a lesson for all of us. I will admit that I'm actually Pi--ed off. How dare that beast keep coming around. He is not wanted. We will overcome him and he will not know what hit him. God Bless my dear.

    Jeanne: Was it you that had questions about the hand? I have (compliments of these lovely drugs) tendenitis. I've had 2 cortisone shots and they work for about 3 or 4 months and it comes right back.

    Judy: I had 2 transvaginal US in Sept. Nothing to it, they slip a big Condom on the end of the wand and away they go. (no vibrations on the wand!)

    Susan: PT sucks, but your knee will thank you for it!

    Nicki: No more Port!! Yeaaaaa!

    Shirley: I've missed somethng. What surgery did you have? I know it wasn't your gallbladder?

    Joyce: How did Kevins Surgery go? Please let us know.

    Anne: A "cardiac incident." WTH does that mean?

    I'm gonna read some post before the Computer Doc arrives.

    Love and Hugs to you all,
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008

    I couldn't help but chuckle when I mailed the Afghan squares to you. I mailed them very properly in plain brown paper. I was just wondering what your Mail Carrier must be thinking, with all these "plain brown wrapped" packages coming to your house!!
  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited February 2007
    Don't have time to write much more right now except...


    I just read your post.

    Love you,
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007
    Hi girls,

    It’s a cold dreary day here again. I am so ready for spring. I’ll be in the middle of the circle helping Susan pass out blankets, etc.

    Nicki – wooohooo! Glad you’ve got that done.

    Sher – hope the boob starts to feel better. When do you get the path results?

    Jan – my mom is a twin and my cousin has twin boys. I don’t envy you taking care of them. I don’t think I have enough energy.

    Margaret – great idea about Ginny’s spa wagon.

    Joyce – thinking of you and Kevin.

    Karen – how long do you have to keep the cast on? 6 weeks? When is your exchange surgery?

    Lynn – I missed the carpet also. I just couldn’t drag myself out of bed.

    Anne – I hate when they say “incident”. There is no such diagnosis. Keeping you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers.

    Bridget – a St. Paddy’s wedding sounds great. I love the idea of the shamrocks on the roses. Getting ready for a wedding is hard work.

    MB – does DH have reflux? It can cause pain. Hope you guys get this figured out. Hugs.

    Deb – you are one brave woman. Standing on the porch? Great pic of the fire. I want the little dog. He’s so cute!

    Amy – I read your posts and it takes me back to when I lived in South Texas. Some “folks” down there were interesting. LOL

    Vickie – I think those guys have a thing for Cheri. Do you guys have a closet we can lock them in at work? I’ll meet you in the Hoochie tent.

    Cheri – sorry you’re in a funk honey. I hate those days. Come to the center and we’ll take care of you. Hope you don’t get sick. You’re a good mom and grandma.

    Colleen – glad Jake is going to be okay. What will his treatment be?

    Kristin – that sucks! What reason did they give you? Great song!

    Shokk – you made total sense to me. Of course, I probably should be in the loony tent but I keep avoiding it somehow.

    Brenda – I have used Premarin. I don’t like doing it as I’m ER positive but did it to help cure dysplasia that was pre-cancerous. My gynecologic oncologist was all for it, my regular oncologist was against it. I do hope you get rid of that infection and feel better soon. Hugs

    Denise – hope the computer doc gets whatever wrong fixed. Love your description of the transvaginal ultrasound.

    NS – anything – anytime. Hugs.

    Hi Peggy!

    Okay Mena where are you?

    I’ve missed many but will be back later.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Vickie,my friend, I do believe I'll join you in the Hooch tent tonight...I haven't drank in a very long time.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Evening Everyone: Watching the news and heard about the cold and snow in New York and other Eastern states. Im sure tired of Winter also. I cant wait until the first signs of Spring come. Actually Im already thinking about what flowers Im gonna plant.

    I'm feeling pretty good. Realized I probably could have gone to work tomorrow, but glad I took it off. These are hard times here in the circle.

    NS: My head is finially clear. Your going through a whole bunch of different emotions. And my heart is heavy, cause we all have been through it at least once. Others with reoccurances, and more with mets. I sometimes wonder why I am compelled to come here everyday. Its more than friendship. We are indeed a special group of sisters, all fighting this beast in different stages and different ways. We are connected! We have Karma. And most of all we have love. But you just remember, there is not one step of this new journey you will travel alone. We will be with you every minute.

    Well I have a big campfire going here. The flames are touching the sky. Lighting all the trees in the forest. All different pathways are lighting up. We are all coming together and were gonna stand strong and fight.

    Shokk: What an inspiring story. And there are plenty more out there.

    Kristin: Dont let your company fool themselves. This is all about having breast cancer and in the middle of treatment! But I'm a believer. One shut door leads the way to a bigger open one.

    Vickie: Man, I want to go to the hoochie tent. Cant drink tonight, but I sure will be sucking down the Pinot Grigio tomorrow.

    Brenda: You cant just go away. We wont let you. I think I remember reading other women here on the boards using low dose estrogen creams. Discuss it with your onc again. And I hoping there is another treatment that isnt estrogen that will help you.

    Denise: Great description of the transvaginal US. And I laughed my head off at the brown bag story.

    Liz: You picked up on the incident thing. I was thinking just like you.

    Peggy: So nice to see you. As always, always missing you.

    Cheri: My brain is too numb to go back and read all the posts tonight, but it sounds like from others your feeling a little down. I've made a big pot of beef stew. Have a separte pot of vegetable stew. In the slow cookers. We can just help ourselves as we are sitting around the circle talking and stuff. Also have loaves of home made french bread. We can just pull off a chunk and use it for dipping. If I could drink alcohol, tonight it would be shots of something!!

    Sheri: I hardly hurt at all. The anxiety was much more than the actual removal. I know you will do fine next week. And you will also feel liberated. Thats how I feel.

    Madison: I dont know where you are but I bet your getting into trouble somewhere.

    Everyone else, Hello hello, I will catch up with everyone. If I missed your name you know I still love ya.

    Wow! News flash. Anna Nicole Smith just died!! I cant believe this. Its shocking. Im sitting here watching TV while Im on my laptop. Wow!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Cheri...see you in the hooch tent.
    Looks like we are all sad. Brenda...please don't stay away...come and get some hugs and warmth. Some inspiration and hope.
    Terrible cold here and sick of it too! It's about a 40 minute ride to work and my car barely gets warm in this frigid artic cold. brrrrrr...had enough!
    Liz...good to see you. I don't know what we are going to do with those guys...they sure have a thing for Cheri.
    Madison my dear...where are you?
    I can't believe the news about Anna Nicole Smith...just shocking!
    NS...come out and get some love!
    Tracey, Margaret, Boo, Vickie2(or is it going to be M&M?), Shel, Jeannie, and everyone else that I know that I've missed...hugs to you all.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007 a chuckle about what our mail lady must be thinking!! I remember when they were mailing my dad's ashes to me from Missouri, she pulled in the driveway one day with a package for me from Missouri, I said "Oh, it must be my dad's ashes."...she laughed and said "Well, it's something your going to plant but it isn't him!". It was a box of rose bushes that I had ordered!!! She's pretty funny and a great mail carrier. I have a really long driveway and she would come up and put my mail on the porch when I was going through chemo.
    Ok...time to fix dinner.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    well shoot howdy!! I must have been drugged this morning. Passed right by Nicki's update.

    Nicki, so glad everything went well. I wouldn't want to know the thing was in my heart either. Yikes!!

    Vicki, awwwww thanks. I'll join you in the hoochie tent but I'll just have a pepsi.

    Susan, I love marshmallows. I'm there.

    Shokk, stories like that make me smile. Thanks for sharing it. I to tend to go at a much slower pace these days. By choice not need.

    Cheri, hugs to you hon. Did you hear Susan is passing out marshmallows? I'm feeling good, tho my boob is feeling a little beaten up right now. Did I mention that doc went thru my old heart surgery scar. No new scar for me, yehaw!! Tho this one hurts more than I remember the last three doing. Hmmmmm wonder if that has anything to do with it.
    I'm sorry your daughter got the ickies too. Talked to my dear sailor boy this morning. He is sick in bed with the flu. And no mommy around to make him chicken soup.

    Brenda, ask your onc about the estring. I was 98% er+ and my onc approved it for me. He says the estrogen is so minimal it does not get into your blood stream. I haven't had the need for it yet. But am glad to know something is available if I do need it.

    Denise, not my gallbladder. That will be taken care of soon enough I guess. I had lumpectomy yesterday for what they tell me is a lipoma.

    Liz, doc said he would call when path report comes in. Probably not till next week. My follow up is on thursday.

    Wondering also Where is Mena, and how is your son?
    And Kevin? Joyce, I am praying for him.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    OK! Vickie, Cheri, and Sherloc! Im at the hoochie tent too. But I will have water with a lime.

    Sherloc: Hate the idea of you having to wait for a path report. Sending you a big, but loose hug.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2007 wanted to stop and smell the here goes!!!
    One from my neighbors garden..
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Lisa...what a beautiful rose!!!
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited February 2007
    i finally got near mac's computer and now i don't know what to say!

    gina.........i need you to pm me your address please.........and know that you never leave my thoughts!

    i have no time to read back through the recent posts, so i'll do my usual "generic" ALL MY BEST TO EVERYONE!!

    my dad came over yesterday and cleaned up my garage..........i have had this house for almost 2 years and last night was the first time i parked my jeep in my garage lol! funny thing is, it took all of 1/2 an hour for my dad to put everything up in the rafters..........i should've done it long ago, but last winter the garage was the last thing on my mind!

    ok, that is a pretty lame story, but i feel like i finally accomplished something, and forgot about cancer and divorce for a day!

    i got a great offer from mariner's hospital in the keys.........i am arranging another trip to check out condo's and schools, and to look into getting a florida nursing licence..........and to hit the beach lol!

    i wish i knew how to post pictures, i would put up a few of me and mac and my best friend at new years.......they would be sure to make you smile.

    well, i'm being kicked off of "miss thang's" glad when i get mine back ha ha!

    take care all.........maybe i'll come back later, when she goes to bed!

    xoxo, michelle
  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited February 2007
    Dear Dear Ns, I am so sorry you have to face this [Email]F@*#king[/Email] beast again!!!!!!! My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Nicki how do you feel today?

    Hi to all you wonderful ladies, thinking of you all!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Shel...if you want to you can copy and paste the pics in an email to me and I will post them for you. I'll send you a pm with my regular email address.
    NS...come out come out wherever you are. No playing hide and seek now!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    hmmm...found a new exercise for MB.
    Begin by standing on a comfortable surface where you have plenty of room at each side.
    With a 5-lb potato sack in each hand, extend your arms straight out from your sides and hold them there as long as you can. Try to reach a full minute, then relax. Each
    day, you'll find that you can hold this position for just a bit longer.

    After a couple of weeks, move up to 10-lb potato sacks. Then move up to 50-lb potato sacks, and then eventually try to get to where you can lift a 100-lb potato sack
    in each hand and hold your arms straight for more than a full minute. (I'm at this level now.)

    After you feel confident at that level, put one potato in each sack.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007

    Lets sit by the fire

    And howl at the moon


    and share some hugs!

    Deb C
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    I'm all for howling at the moon...I have a lot to howl about!!!
    Move over Deb, I'm sittin close to the fire as I'm freezing!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Passing Vickie a peppermint patty (Hot cocoa and peppermint schnaps...who told me about these??? I have had thme twice in the past week....wonder why I didn't loose weight this week ) a warm blanket and some fleece socks.

    Deb C
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Jeannie- I just heard on CNN that Syracuse has gotten almost 100 inches of snow! Are you alive under that mountain of snow? We have a long winter, but sheesh girl, you have us WHIPPED on snow depth! I sure hope you have a snow blower or a plow...yikes!

    Deb C
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    ooooo...Deb....that sounds like it would really hit the spot...gotta try that one!
    Jeannie is probably really buried at this point! I work about an hour from Syracuse but we have only a few inches of snow...just the bitter cold.
  • irisheyzs
    irisheyzs Member Posts: 17
    edited February 2007
    Here's a good one...Dirty Girl Scout...tastes like a thin mint cookie!


    * 1 oz White Creme de Menthe
    * 1 oz Vodka
    * 1 oz Kahlua
    * 1 oz Bailey's irish cream

    Mixing instructions:

    Mix the vodka, Kahlua and Bailey's and pour over ice. Pour the Creme de menthe down the center of the glass. Looks gross, but tastes delicious!