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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    a dirty girl scout...pppfffttt.
    Yup...that would be one for me!! LOL.
    Looks like there is going to be lots of drinking and crying in our beer this weekend!
    Fine by me.
  • irisheyzs
    irisheyzs Member Posts: 17
    edited February 2007
    I'm going to Atlantic City on Saturday so I'll be crying in my Malibu Bay Breeze when the slot machine takes all my money! I can't wait!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007 I found a picture of a dirty girlscout


    And this is...ummmmm...a whole DIFFERENT kind of dirty girlscout...
  • irisheyzs
    irisheyzs Member Posts: 17
    edited February 2007

    Oh Baby Oh both!!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Nicki, so very glad you are home, resting and can have some wine TOMORROW. You still need to rest this evening.

    Shirley, I am sorry you are hurting and worried.

    MB, hope all is well with DH.

    NS, thinking about you.

    Jan, you have twins….Yikes…no wonder you have 2, count them -2- wine glasses for your aviator…

    Anne, how is your dh? Are they doing the stress test on Friday?

    Bridget…a St. Patrick’s Day wedding…ahhhh, the sound of bagpipes

    Amy, are you okay? I have to tell my veterinarian daughter about your donkey…I think she would LOVE to hear about Mazer. I just stopped by the bakery and ordered a Mardi Gras King Cake to send to the Vet School in Alabama (where she is interning). She called last night and asked MOM PLEASE…so off goes a king cake to Alabama….I hope I sent enough so she can share with the animals….

    Speaking of animals….Deb the Yorkie is so very cute. I want to hold the sweetie…

    AND Colleen, glad Jake seems to only have an enlarged prostate (and not cancer).

    Kristin, well HE-double L…..what is wrong with your boss?!?!? Your lyrics are beautiful…you are very talented. I agree with Nicki, when a door is closed, another opens….and sometimes that is the path we are destined to take…..

    Shokk, we all need to stop and smell the roses….thank you for reminding me
    Liz, thank you for the beautiful rose

    Brenda, Ouch, I’m sorry. Just when you think you have heard every diagnosis, we hear of a new one….did they give you a prescription?

    Vickie, it is so cold in your area. You need to stay warm. How in the world do you keep your homes heated?

    Cheri, Denise, Peggy, Joyce (how is Kevin?), Margaret, Liz, and all [I don't want to leave anyone out] (hugs)

    Nicki, I ALMOST got in trouble today at the office…..we work with a woman who is MEAN, just MEAN..she makes our file clerk cry, scares the UPS delivery men….AND today made another one of the women I work with CRY…..but the bosses don’t tell her anything because she DOES HER JOB (she has been working in this office for 27 years)…All my co-workers usually come to my office to cry or hide… cause I’m like the mamma bear and try to protect them from the BIG BAD WOLF…I am the only one in 27 years that has defended themselves against her Viciousness. I just don’t understanding meanness…why….

    So, I think I’ll sit by the fire, realize how wonderful each of you is and FORGET about the BIG BAD WOLF of the office…..

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    The warmth of this circle is sincerely appreciated by me...I can't thank you enough.....

  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited February 2007
    G ,
    I haven't posted until now I wanted to get my thoughts together what to say, and no right words will come to me.

    I am pulling you closer inside the circle, into the inner circle holding you tight.
    Circle of love ,circle of protection all around you sweet G.The light of the fire shinning light into the darkness .

    This is a prayer that Beach Cottage posted a long time ago and it has always been my favorite . I took it into the ER with me when I had my last biopsy it gave me alot of comfort.

    The light of God surrounds me;

    The love of God enfolds me;

    The power of God protects me;

    The presence of God watches over me;

    Where ever I am God is

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Madison...we just love ya here! Of course everyone comes to you to hide...they love you too. Forget the b*tch in the office...she must be close to retirement by now! Maybe you can all gang up on her and make her crazy for a change and she'll take an early retirement!
    It has been nearly impossible to heat my house this past month! The furnace is working overtime and I have the propane fireplace going whenever I'm home...two pair of socks and a sweater and I'm still cold (except when a hot flash hits LOL...then I run outside for a quick refreshing cool down and it doesn't take long!)
    Off to watch Gray's Anatomy...loved the dirty girl scouts Deb!!!
    Sweet dreams to all sisters tonight
    and thank you Carrie for your words.
    Love all around
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    uh oh...yet another house fire in our area (the fire departments have been too busy lately). I googled the address and it looks like it's right where a friend of mine lives...say a prayer ladies!
    So many people trying to stay warm...oh please spring come soon and all of you out there trying to stay warm...please, please be careful! Check those smoke detectors, check your chimney's and have a plan of escape and an outdoor meeting place!!! Please.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    look who I found by the campfire. Nice blankets. I bet ours will look like that. ((((hugs))))

  • Deese
    Deese Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2007
    Hey Girls!

    G, I have removed the bubble wrap and my wagon is more comfortable than ever. Please come by anytime at all! I'll be at the fire every night with you, and fussing around you all day. You are in good hands with me, because I got it from the best, my friend 'no surrender'.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    oooh more people are joining us.

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited February 2007
    Good evening

    Thanks to all who enquired about the DH. Sorry, I'm really pooped and didn't keep notes tonight. I think a "cardiac incident" translates to "I am going to charge you big bucks and have to justify that." Seriously, the enzymes came back that something happened, they just haven't decided quite what yet since they still have some tests to do. They are keeping him overnight (one cold empty bed to look forward to) and doing a ultrasound, probably a stress test, and maybe a cardiac cath tomorrow; each dependent on the results of the test prior. BUT (and I'm holding this thought) the EGK they did today looked 99% normal.

    Part of his day sort of made us smile. Everyone who came to examine him today asked, "Have you had much stress in your life lately?" and the first thing he mentioned is, "My wife is being treated for stage III breast cancer"... the universal response was, "That'll do it!" Gee, does this situation cause stress??? I hadn't noticed! <dripping sarcasm>

    Again thanks for the thoughts prayers and support. You ladies are a big blessing in my life.

    I am now going to adjourn to the Hoochie tent and try a (couple/few) Dirty Girl Scouts to see if they'll help me sleep with all the steroids from today's treatment. As a former Girl Scout and current Boy Scout Leader, I think they sound very appropriate.

    G'night All! Sweet dreams!

    P.S. Deb I'm the Peppermint Pattie person. If I decide I don't like the Dirty Girl Scouts, I'll relax with one of them. They are good for sleepless nights because the booze relaxes you and lactose in the milk really does help you sleep.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    He followed me. Let's keep him.

  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited February 2007
    I am starting backwards tonight, since I see Susan has been here recently , I wanted to say THANKS for the call today. You are always on the top of my prayer list, along w/ Gina now, as you are both positive forces here in the circle.
    Just wanted to say a quick Hi, now I am going to read back now, love to all.
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    Hi ladies, I'm in a funk myself. In addition to G's news, I talked to Ter (some of you may remember her), who is having a tough time. Then a coworker of my husband has already had two lumpectomies and just got the news yesterday that she has to have a mastectomy, and finally, one of my coworkers, in her early 30's with a recurrence of ovarian cancer, has been on Avastin. The good news is one tumor has disappeared and two have shrunk, the bad news is that there are two more new tumors. Does it ever stop?

    Hi Anne, hope the cardiac incident becomes a distant memory soon. You don't need any additional stress at the moment.

    Nicki, glad you're home. Hope you rest well.

    Bridget, a dirty girl scout- he he he. I drink Malibu Bay Breezes all the time.

    Vickie, I like the reflective, comforting party and you've probably already left the hoochie tent but I'm coming over. The way this week has been, I'm sure I'll find someone there.

    Madison, thank your daughter for us please. She did a good job driving.

    Cheri, take care of yourself; the last thing you need is to get sick.

    Deb, your little stray is adorable and that fire looks comforting.

    Colleen, hope you feel better soon.

    Kristin, sorry about the promotion. What a beautiful song you wrote.

    Brenda, I can't even begin to imagine the exam you had today.

    SoCalLisa, beautiful rose.

    Shel, how exciting about the job offer. Check it out.

    Hi Susan, Shirley, Sheri, Shokk, Denise, Liz, and I know I'm forgetting a lot of others. I'm going to get ready for Grey's Anatomy....too mentally exhausted right now.

  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited February 2007

    Oh Boy, it sounds like the beast is on a rampage now. Sometimes, it seems more epidemic than others. That is why it is important for us to always be rounding the circle. We never know when we'll be in the middle, just sending my healing energy, prayers and all positive things to those that there and those with loved ones in our center circle. No matter how large the center gets, we are the most flexible of women and the circle grows.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    hi ya laideses..
    no more for me tonight... no more dogs a nd no more drinks
    i am to pooeped tonight...
    hahahah i toatlay forgort what i was saying now thats extreme chemo brain!!!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    ok i am tipay
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2007
    I haven't read anything yet- I will go back and do that next.
    I wanted to give you all an update.
    Today was a day from hell. Spent it running around trying to see if my BS could do my surgery like he said he would work out last night... well he can't. And that would mean no PS would work out either. I went into a panic.

    But my GYN who is my friend stepped in like Super man and took action. First, he ripped my BS a new one for being so impossible. Then he got me an appointment with an EVEN BETTER BS that all my other docs have been telling me about- he got me the appointment for 8:30 tonight!

    I just came home a while ago. He spent a long time with me. I love him. He is kind, gentle, focused and caring. He also had been "briefed" about me so he also knows medically I am half a bubble off plumb.

    HE told me that two of the tumors are IDC and ONE is Lobular. IS THAT NOT THE CRAZIEST THING YOU EVER HEARD??? Plus he thinks that all three MAY be ER positive but he said you never know- one could be er neg! I think my immune system is about as screwed up as it can possibly get!

    Then we got down to the Masts. It really hit me at that moment. I didn't think I was a vain person but I had been focusing so much on the pathology I really didn't realize what an impact losing them will have. When he said he didn't need my films... that is when I realized it.

    He recommends bilateral, EXPANDERS- NOT immediate implants- and he said I will look great in clothes but naked I won't look like they are "natural"... OK. Whatever.

    He said it will be eight hours on the table! I have a problem with anesthesia so this really scares me. Also the fact I can't take pain killers too.
    I was thinking on the drive home that maybe I will do the right one now and the left one in a couple of months- just to reduce the problems I have post op.

    I have three names of PSs to see. I have to make up my mind because I need to have this done no later than two weeks.

    I am having a PETct next wednesday, still need an appointment for the brain mri and he wants to add a bone scan to "restage" me.

    I am kind of nervous about the technicalities. But I think I just need some sleep!

    OK- let me answer my pms and emails and then read and catch up with all of you!

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007
    Gina, you've had so much thrown at you in the last 2 days. You know I'm here and will help in any way. I've never been to New York. Maybe I can find the money to come take care of you if you need me. Be sure to ask about the Mepergan as it's the only pain pill I can take. Anesthesia makes me sick also and I learned a few tricks for it too. I'll pm you.

    Hope you sleep well and we'll talk soon.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited February 2007
    Hi girls,

    I was on earlier this evening and in the middle of writing a post, aol shut down on me!!!!

    I hope the NY girls are staying warm and dry. WE can finally see pavement on our street - first time in 7 weeks - big trucks came by to scrape the street (can't think of what they are called) - we had little bunny ski hills last night till they carted the snow away today. It was nice to walk the dogs and not sleip slide around.

    The funk must be going around. I am so mentally and physically worn out tonight. Just need a good cry. I am so tired of pains in my body. Last night I was so tired - falling asleep at the computer so I thought good - I'll go to bed - it was after 11:45, so I didn't take anything to help sleep. Wrong - I woke up around 2:30 in pain - both hands. Right hand hurting near the incision and left hand (supposed good hand) tingly and tight. Took 4 ibuprofen and cried. Left hand has been bothering me all day today. So I guess when I get the stitches out of right hand I will be scheduling left hand. I know my troubles aren't as great as some of the gals here, but does it ever end. Do we ever get back to feeling good all (okay most) of the time? Its been a long year!!!
    Odalys - so glad we could be there for you - good luck.
    NewVickie - A great big group hug in our jammies sounds good - with our teddy bears!
    Nicki - so happy all went well with your port removal. Enjoy your day off tomorrow. I'm sure its well deserved.
    Lynn- index finger is still tingly on and off, but hand is better overall since the surgery. Now left hand is going haywire!
    Anne - hope DH is oaky
    Deb - I love the fire
    Amy - how was your treatment today?
    Shirley - hugs
    Cheri123 - thanks
    Colleen- glad Jake is better
    Kristin - so sorry about the promotion.
    Brenda - hugs
    Liz - the cst comes off and the stitches come out on the 16th - next friday - only two weeks total. I don't know I could manage 6 weeks - it is already driving me nuts - now trying to figure out when to do the left hand. Will probably wait till after the exchange surgery which is 3/23.
    Thanks for asking.
    NS - how are you holding up. Thinking of you.
    Madison, Colleen, Sue, MB, and everyone else, thanks for being here. Hope we have a big group hug over the weekend. I know I need it.
    Karen in Denver
  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited February 2007
    Hello CG's

    Margaret - YES - the spa wagon is HUGE - I've got Gina all settled in with a beautiful down comforter and soft cotton sheets - resting up for her battle (shhh - she's asleep and doesn't know I moved her here..)

    Sounds like you need a soft place sorry about all of your bad news...

    3am was my time last night too - couldn't sleep either...going to have my lavender oil and ocean sounds going tonight...

    Nicki - so happy the surgery went well!!

    Anne - I'm so sorry about you DH - hope it all goes well tomorrow...

    MB - you too - hope you and your hubby get this figured out...

    Amy - good luck with the treatment - it is sorry.

    Vickie - that picture - I crack up every time I see it...

    Deb - what a beautiful picture!! Thank you...wait - you posted more - how cute they are! I have a pic of my boys hugging - have to find it..

    Cheri - hope you're feeling're like the fourth or fifth person that didn't sleep last night...

    Brenda - so sorry you're having a bad day...wish I could make you feel better...

    Shel - how great to get an offer! Hope you can make it happen - it sounds so wonderful!!

    {{{{{Gina}}}}}} OK - it took so long to post that you woke up! Wow - that's a lot to take in - take your time - yes - more opinions if you can get them. I'm so sorry you've been hit with this - so much...still here in the circle for you...

    I'm going to get some rest - 3am was too late for me last night...

    Hugs to all...

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited February 2007
    Gina - I just read your post after mine went through. My cancer was ILC and IDC in the same breast. Like you I had 3tumors as well as lymph involvement. I had double mastectomy (and axillary dissection) with expanders and the surgery was only around 3 hours. Why did the BS say it would be so long. I am glad that you were able to find a caring compassionate BS. The BS is right, with expanders you do look okay in clothes. Naked - well its not really all that bad. Thanks for updating us. I'm keeping you in my thoughts. You are one strong lady.
    Karen in Denver
  • baldeagle
    baldeagle Member Posts: 97
    edited February 2007

    I am so glad that you can move on an action plan quickly - and that you have been blessed with a good BS at this point.
    We are all here hurting for you, our fearless leader, and need to keep you safe and warm in the middle of the circle.

    Niki, glad your port removal was a piece of cake - and now understand why it was such a big deal (they just gave me a local and pulled the thing out).

    Karen, you have been thru a hell of a lot of nsurgery and medical stuff this last year. We went thru TAC together and that was its own challenge. Anyway, your body will probably take extra time to heal as a result. I know that my gall bladder surgery knocked me out for about twice as many weeks as most people have reported. So be patient - and if you have to put some things off, do so.

    Now I must throw a log on the fire and off to snooze ( I hope)
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Ok now I know whay I don't take my ambien, gabapentin adn warfen all at the same time and then stay up wow do Ifeel loopy.
    Hug and prayers tro all Night
  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited February 2007
    Good Early Morning Ladies ~
    It’s just about time for bed for me but had to come on and say hi to all of you and check in for the night.

    NS ~ Wow, you sure were given a lot to digest, but I am glad that you found a GREAT BS that you just love. Know we are all here for you. Lots of Hugs to you.

    Anne ~ I hope everything works out well for your DH with his cardiac incident and they are able to find the “real” cause so they can “fix” it.

    Nicki ~ Yipppeeee the port is out and it was a breeze for you. Thank goodness. Have a great day off and get a lot of rest. Nicki were we roudy enough in the waiting room for you?

    Bridget ~ Dirty girl scout ha ~ Here at the bars the hot chocolate and peppermint schnapps are called Girl Scout Cookie. St. Pattys Day wedding, very nice. My brother and sister-in-law got married on St. Pats Day, will be 19 years ago. My 2nd husband and I got married on the 4th of July 3 years ago.

    Margaret ~ What is a Malibu Bay Breeze? Is it something made with Malibu Rum? Love that stuff. Give me the ingredients please. Also, very sorry that you had to hear some more bad news throughout the day. How much more can a person take?

    Vickie ~ The comforting PJ party sounds pretty damn good about now. There are so many sisters that really need it. I will bring a lot of soft pillows and more blankets for everyone.

    Madison ~ Your daughter did a GREAT job driving the “Magic Carpet.”

    Cheri ~ Be careful of that flu – it’s nasty.

    Deb ~ Loved your fire, puppy and kitties.

    Colleen ~ hope you feel better soon.

    Kristin ~ I was sorry to read about the promotion. Your song was beautiful.

    Shel ~ It sounds like a GREAT opportunity in Florida and the Beach too, Woo. Good luck.

    Jan ~ Hope all went well with the twins and you had fun with them too!

    Ginny ~ That Spa Wagon sure sounds sooooo good about now.

    Susan ~ I will take a teddybear and hot chocolate too please.

    Shirley ~ I am glad your surgery went well.

    Cy, Vicke2 ~ Hi

    Hugs to everyone and to anyone I missed you are not forgotten.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Ya know, I will never take for granted again, what its like to have that first cup of coffee in the morning. Today - it tastes sweet!! I could have easily gone back to work today - pain from the port removal is so minimal. But Im glad I have the time off. So Im putting new logs on the fire, have coffee brewing, and a hangover remedey for those of you who spent last night in the hoochie tent.

    I didnt sleep too well last night. Kept waking up. At one point I got up, thinking it was 4:45am when it was really only 3:45am. Thought darn, I was ready to come to the boards - but that was way to early to get up. So went back to bed and did fall asleep for a bit.

    DecC: Now that I know your time is so different, guess I should be saying good night instead of good morning.

    And where is Vickie? I was getting used to your beating me for the early morning post! Hmmmm must have spent too much time in the hoochie tent last night.

    Wow! sure did take alot of time to read everyones posts. But today Im relaxed, I can take my time this morning - no work, all play today.

    NS: Your new breast surgeon sounds wonderful. I had bil. mast, removal of ovaries, and reconstruction with expanders/implants. My surgery too 4 1/2 hours. And Im wondering if anyone is going with you to these appointments besides us? There were so many things I missed when the doctor was talking to me. Hard to do this alone. Next step is the PS. Write down all your questions and concerns, so when you see the PS you will get everything answered.

    Susan: You must be feeling better. You were on a roll last night. I just loved all the pictures. I especially liked the statement "Well I believe in miracles and wont let cancer destroy your spirit." Great statement. Im gonna use that one alot. Sometimes I feel like a broken down person, but my spirit is strong.

    Shel: Im laughing. Your poor little jeep had to sit outside all this time. Glad you got the garage cleaned. Good news from Mariners Hospital. Man that sounds like a fun job.

    Michelle: Im doing so good, I cant believe it. Hardly hurts at all.

    Vickie: I loved the potato sack exercise story. Shhhhh! dont let MB see it. And I sure understand about the cold house. Had the same problem here. Found myself wearing layers even when Im at home.

    DebC: Loved the pics and the Peppermint Patty sounds so good.

    Irishey: Dirty Girl Scout! Ahahaha thats a new one for me, but it sounds pretty good too.

    My drinking partner tonight is gonna be Jamesons. Forget the wine. I need some good Irish Whiskey to numb the weight of all this sadness so many are experiencing.

    Madison: OK, what is a Mardi Gras King Cake? Does it have chocolate? It sure sounds good. Meanness should never be allowed in the work place, and I dont care how long the person has been there. That type of behavior should not be allowed. If someone made me cry, I would file an official grievance with Human Resources. Sounds like this lady is really insecure, and thrives on making others feel bad so she will feel good.

    Anne: Cardiac "incident" is a new term for me. But then you started talking my language. Whenever someone has chest pain, you can count on at least an overnight stay. The fact that the enzymes were elevated is a little scary. Might indicate some damage to the heart. Many times EKG's will be normal in the early stages of a heart attack. Sure sounds like the next step is gonna be an angiogram. Just sending you lots of love and hoping all goes well with your husband today.

    Margaret: So sorry to hear about Ter. Sure does seem like we are having a cluster of people going through some hard times.

    Tracey: Im just laughing. Sounds like you had fun in the hoochie tent last night.

    Karen: A cowroker just told me she has tendinitis in her hands. She is on Femara. Sounds like the AI sure do have alot of side effects. Im hoping the pain goes away and you start to feel better.

    Judy: Yes I did hear all the comotion in the waiting room. And when the surgeon was done, he hopped on Distorted Humor and went riding through the halls of the hospital announcing that Nicki has finially been liberated.

    Amy: Hoping your treatment went well.

    Ginney: You always have such encouraging words.

    Cheri: Hope you dont get sick with the flu.

    Carrie, Deese, Liz, Baldeagle, CY - Ill catch up with ya all later.

    Time to make breakfast. Since Im gonna totally indulge myself in food this week-end its gonna be Waffles with whipped cream and fress fruit. Fresh squeezed orange juice. Some breakfast ham. Loaded with calories! On Monday I start something official = dieting, exercising. I do have a pot of oatmeal for those of you who dont want to indulge.

    Have a great morning. I will catch up with you all later.

  • MorelandMom
    MorelandMom Member Posts: 7
    edited February 2007
    I hated having the port removed but it is pretty quick & minimal...I"m just a big baby!!!!

    That first cup of coffee is always the best...

    Well ladies today is my 1 yr anniversary....I woke up this a.m. thinking about it but hopefully it won't weigh on me all day....

    I hope everyone has a great weekend....

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Hey sweet beat me...I overslept! Somebody should have tweaked my toes I guess! Gotta get ready for work.
    Love ya all