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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Moreland Mom: Congratulations on your 1st anniversary. Didnt it seem like it would take forever to say you are a 1 year survivor? Look at how strong you are. Look at everything you have been through. Hold your head up high. You are a survivor.

    Vickie: Where the heck was Madison with her bugle? I mean she was blasting it yesterday morning. Have a great day at work. Hope the auditors are gone.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    The auditors are stillll here! Everything is going fine though which is great as last year was a rough one for me.
    Sooo cold here and snowing like crazy...whiteout conditions off and on all the way here.
    It was the house next door to my friends that burned down...two adults, three children escaped unharmed. Ladies please...check your smoke detectors, have an evacuation plan, an outdoor meeting place, do a drill! Too many fires here lately with the bitter cold everyone is trying so hard to stay warm.
    Hmmm Nicki...gonna have to give Madison a talking to LOL. A bugle would have certainly raised me out of bed in a hurry. Somebody is going to have to hid me from MB when she's see's my new exersize routine. I posted it in the spa too so I'm caught for sure!
    NS...oh my you are overloaded with appointments. Praying for all to be well. My bilateral mast wasn't a big deal...three hours in surgery and actually very little pain at all. I took tylenol and that was it. I don't have answers about the expanders as I didn't do the recon (as you know) but maybe they can do a skin sparing bilateral, let you heal and then do the reconstruction later. Just a thought for you.
    Susan...great pictures, love the new puppy...can he be our new mascot?
    Don't have too much more time...last day of the audit and I have tons to catch up on but wanted to say that I think we will put EVERYONE in the center of the circle this weekend. Seems like that's what we all need right now. I will find reinforcements to protect the outside of our circle so we can all sit together around the fire without worry. Lots of comfy chairs, pillows, blankets, warm jammies, toe socks, slipper, hot chocolate (some which may be spiked...Deb makes "Dirty Girl Scouts"!), comfort food and most of all...lots of love, inspiration, music, and calm. We just need to keep Cheri's guys away (I have them locked in my closet here at work at the moment but they are pretty sneaky!). We gotta have some humor too as its GOOD for us to laugh...even when we feel like crying.
    Off to find our reinforcements to protect our circle for the weekend so we can relax without fear.
    To all I've missed this morning...I haven't missed you at all...just not enough time...I love you all.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Vickie: Be careful. White outs really scare me when Im driving. Ill be at the circle tonight. Gonna have a bottle of Jamesons - need some good old Irish Whiskey to warm our hearts.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Vickie, I agree with careful in the snow.
    The weather here is crazy, was in the 70's yesterday (almost had to turn on the air conditioner). Today the high will be 55...doesn't make sense.

    Yep, overslept also. Daughter and friends decided that they were going to go out (to party) last night AT MIDNIGHT. I'm too old to be up late worrying about kidlets (I know-she is almost 21)...still worry.

    NS, yesterday you must have had gone through a whirlwind of emotions….so many decisions. Do you have any dates scheduled? Holding your hand G….

    We lost someone in our neighborhood to a house fire right before Christmas. He was a sweet 90 year old gentleman that lived by sad....good reminder to check our smoke detectors.

    Nicki, thanks for the breakfast...I need nourishment to fight the BIG BAD WOLF. ..We have an office manager (no human resources dept)…office manager is scared of big bad wolf….

    MorelandMom, congrats on one year….such a journey everyone has taken.

    Have a good day everyone. Stay safe and warm
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    G, it sounds like your new BS is a good one, as well (as your GYN) and to see you at 8:30 at night is unheard of! I am glad he recommended a bilateral. 8 hours sounds like a long time - mine was 15 hours. Whatever you need, we're here for you.

    Karen, hope your funk lifts. Sleep helps. Mine is better this morning but I still woke up at the divine hour and said my prayers for those in need.

    Judy, yes,love Malibu Bay Breezes. Here you go, enjoy: Malibu Bay Breeze

    1 1/2 oz Malibu rum
    2 oz Cranberry juice
    2 oz Pineapple juice
    Mixing instructions:
    Mix ingredients and serve over ice.

    Madison, I don't understand why companies keep someone like that. My girlfriend just started a new job but had to work for two weeks with the one she was replacing, who apparently is a tyrant. Two others had been hired to replace her and quit because she couldn't work with the lady. My friend made it through but she said it was tough.

    Nicki, I'll join you for breakfast - I'll have everything but the waffles with whipped cream.

    Moreland Mom, 1 year anniversary - did it seem like it would never get here? 1 year behind you and many more annivesaries ahead of you.

    Time to hit the shower. Everyone have a good day.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    With a 5-lb potato sack in each hand, extend your arms straight out from your sides and hold them there as long as you can.

    That sure is a lotta potatoes! Do you buy that amount often? LOL
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    good morning cg's
    ahhhhh yep nikki i spent most part of last night in hoochie tent,,,, but amazingly i dont feel to bad today... maybe just a little bit of your rememedy as long as its not hair of the dog that bit me last night... cause i am working till 3... hahaha
    ooooo i had to read what i wrote and thank god it was only my fingers slurring....
    you know what i never got a port when i did chemo but i sure wished i had as my veins collasped on me and now thats just painfull.....
    nikki you enjoy your extra day off you sure deserve it!!!!

    hey ns how you doing....just a gentle hug for you for this friday..... your going to have to join me one night in hootchie tent!!!!

    well its friday and i guess i will behave myself for the weekend ... i have my transvaginal thing on monday... i think it was judy that was wondering what it was... i never had one before but i think they insert something like a tampon so they get a really good look in there... ugh!!!!!!!! i am so looking forward to this!!!
    well i need another spot of tea.... hehehehe and a piece of toast and i will be energized for the day....
    have a great day ladies....
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    well i need another spot of tea.... hehehehe and a piece of toast and i will be energized for the day....

    Thongs, what exactly are you 'putting' in your spot of tea??? hehehehehe
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007
    Took copious notes but will do that later. Just heard from onc's office about the MRIs earlier this week---which I expected to be fine. Not so.

    Suspicious (Birad 5) area behind the TRAM requires biopsy. CRAP CRAP CRAP!!! It's really small---3 mm x 3 mm---onc said they weren't even sure how surgeon would manage to hit it given it's location. Does this EVER friggin' end?

    Sorry---usually one of the more upbeat sisters here but sometimes this just SUCKS!


    p.s. Onc just called back---appt w/ surgeon Monday 2:45 for consult. Another jittery weekend---thought I was done with these.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Oh Jeannie, you have just been through too much. This really stinks. Im hoping it ends up being nothing serious. I had a lump 1cm by 1 cm after my exchange surgery but it was fat necrosis and eventually went away. It showed up like a tumor on US.

    And dang it, now you have to go through the whole week-end waiting. Wanna share my Jamesons? Sending you a big hug.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007
    Morning Ladies!

    First many thanks to everyone who inquired about Jake. We realize he's "just a dog" but if you're a dog/animal person, well then, you know... Anyway, we're still waiting on test results, but I'm hoping that getting him neutered (he's 10!) will resolve the problem. He's still bleeding from his you know what in the mornings, but not as much!!

    And yes, some kind of epidemic going on! Not one but now two children in my son's class at school (one in his actual class, one a friend in his grade but not his classroom this year) have aunts with extensive bc mets. One passed away this past Tuesday, the other has weeks/months per the doctors. In addition, my good friends FIL was just diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer, they have him home on hospice, where he keeps ripping out his IV and feeding tube. My son is best friends with her daughter, has been since Kindergarten. And finally another friend in his class has an uncle battling leukemia, which is apparently not going well and I believe he's in hospice right now. This is all within a pretty small group of 5th grade families! Breast cancer, whatever kind of cancer, I really hate this disease! So, on the selfish kick of worrying about my son's reaction to all the cancer in general, and the bc survivor's in particular. He's been having nightmares, can't fall asleep, very clingy, etc. He keeps saying he's fine, and refusing to talk about it, getting angry almost when I try to bring it up, so I'm not really sure what to do. I don't want to keep pushing it, and yet I don't feel like I can ignore it.

    Nicki - glad to hear you're feeling great.

    NS - sorry about your day, glad about the good doc at the end though, what a difference it makes when you have someone you like/trust. Sorry about the mast, I was thinking about it myself yesterday. As much as we all "get it" in general, not having had a mast myself, I really do think it's hard to actually imagine the reality of it. I have no boobs, literally, I don't even wear a bra, just an undershirt (unless I WANT to have boobs, in which case my bra IS my boobs!) I really wouldn't LOOK that different if I'd had to have a mast, but that's not the point, because I'm pretty damn sure I'd FEEL different. Man, I feel different just having a big divot and weird huge hole in my arm pit. Quite frankly, I feel different just having to have gone through anything at all, even if not one soul could tell by looking at me!

    I'm sorry you have to go through this, to everyone who's gone through it. It just sucks. So, don't mean to be negative, but I guess for me sometimes, I'd rather just say it right out loud, "this sucks and I hate it" and then move on with fighing it or getting through it than just pretend like it's OK. It isn't Ok, not one little tiny bit. I think we've talked about that before on this board. So anyway, again, don't mean to be negative. Should probably just sign off, as clearly I'm in a downer mood this mornign, and we don't need cranky pants around the circle!!!!

    Everyone else, Deb, Cheri, Vicki, M&M (I love that), Margaret, Madison, CY, Karen, Jeannette, Ginney, Kristen, Amy, Brenda, Odalys, AlwaysHope, Lynn, Anne, Shirley, Susan, Tracey, Christine, Mena, Bridget, skokk, armynavymom, I can't remember anymore right now so sorry but all of you wonderful ladies, have a good Friday

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    JEANNIE...CRAP CRAP CRAP. I just can't friggin believe this whole week!!!
    I'm so sorry you have this to worry about...d*mn...I'm so friggin tired of this stinking lousy rotton no good horrible C word!!! Where is that toilet.
    Share a drink (or several with Nicki)...we are spending the weekend drunk around here...I'm beginning to think it's the only friggin way!
    You know's not a's yarn lint!!
    Hugs and love to you
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Jeannie, I echo what Vickie said....Well HE-DOUBLE-L....

    so is no wonder why we stay frazzled (don't know if that is a word, but.... frazzled it is)....

    Drinking tent tonight for sure...

    Colleen, it does feel like an epidemic...our office manager's mother has just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer...not good...

    Hugs to all Madison
  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Ladies ~
    Sneaking in quickly from work to say Hi and hope everyone is doing well or at least as what can be expected today.

    Jeannie ~ Just read your post. I am so sorry you have to go through this again. Chanting B9, B9, B9.

    Hugs to everyone..... Will catch up later.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    well crap crap crap Jeannie. Hugs hon. I'm sorry you are having to deal with this. And why the heck can't the give us this info on mondays so we don't have to wait thru the weekends???
    And what is up with this year so far???
    I vote we go back to New Years Eve and have a DO OVER.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    Jeannie, I'm so sorry. This must be terribly frightening. Remember though that the drs are very careful with you so maybe it's nothing. I will be praying for you. It isn't fair.

    Newvickie, the puppy's name is Hot Chocolate!! He'll be here tonite to snuggle every one.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007
    Yarn lint---I LOVE it! What else would it be for the Mad Crocheter BWAAHAHAAA?

    Thanks Vickie---you made me laugh! Off to find the supply of Zanax.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    GM Ladies,
    I hate using this site to vent, but I don't know where else to go. I am so tired of not feeling good. Sometimes I think the beast is bigger than me. I feel so petty saying that, as there are so many sisters with alot deeper problems than mine. It seems like one thing after another. Sept. thru Dec. were truly months from Hell. January, I actually felt good. Now, I'm gonna try to explain this "newest" ailment....Hope someone can relate. The breast that I had Lumpectomy on is killing me. Now, my surgery was 3 years ago. For 2 days started out feeling kinda like a very sore muscle. Yesterday and this morning, when I move that breast (deep breath, bend over, reach) it really hurts. When sleeping, I have to lay on that side, if I lay on left, then bad boob dangles and HURTS. Heating pad did not help. I swear I've become a chronic complainer. I called my 85 year old Mom to tell her that I wasn't coming in today and I just started crying. I'm sorry I'm rambling and my description sucked too. I just don't know what to do. Pain after 3 years. It came on so fast. Feels like after one of my biopsies. Suggestions, comments or I've been there's are extremely welcome.
    If I've posted in the wrong place, I am sorry.
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007
    OK, somehow managed to miss a whole page of posts!

    Jeannie - ARRRGGGHHHH!!! I don't even have words anymore, I'm reduced to growling (howling at the moon!) I'm wishing and hoping that it is the docs being extra careful, and that's all. Sorry...

    Denise, my lump was only 18 months ago, but I randomly have pain in that breast from time to time. Not to the extent that you're having though, more like an all of a sudden sharp pain that stops me in my tracks, but not ongoing. I'd give the doc a call.

    I'm really sick of having to be the one to assess and diagnose whether or not my "normal aches and pains" are normal or not. Tired of feeling like an alarmist if I get worried about a pain. Tired of the fear that I'm in denial and ignoring a pain that should be evaluated. Just sick and tired of being in charge of all of this crap.

    Seems like many, many of us are having a hard time of it lately for a wide variety of reasons. I'm trying not to feel guilty about venting and adding to the list of woes, I know you all understand, but I also know it gets overwhelming sometimes. I totally agree, we need to hunker down, cuddle up, and just be with each other this weekend, sending out whatever positive vibes we can muster to each other.

    Together, we can bring each other through anything. I truly believe that.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007

    Well....Crummy Buttons! I can't type what I am yelling for fear of getting banned for life from the boards.

    You, my dear, are off to the center of the circle. We have it stocked with all kinds of drinks and Xanax lollys to ease the waiting.

    There should be a law that they can NOT gove out this kind of news on a Friday. Do these Dolts have ANY idea how hard waiting is???

    So....yarn lint it is!

    Sending big hugs.
    Deb C.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    I just started reading the past days posts. I tried to delete mine, with so many having bad reports this week..I feel quite small adding to the list. I feel so sorry for all. I grew up thinking the four letter "C" word was the worst thing to say. Little did I know that the six letter "C" word would enter so many lives and become the worst word.
    Warm P.J.'s, Hugs and Drugs. Let's try to have a decent weekend. If you can fire up the Magic Carpet and head towards Michigan we can hang out in my Hot Tub and lay around the fireplace!
    Hugs to all,
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    Deb-love the cute little pup but as we all know I sure hope somebody else takes him in before I do because I’m a sucker. I must say you are on top of the pictures girlfriend. Even the dirty girl scout one.

    Shokk-I too try to stop and smell the roses. I cant say cancer is a gift but it definitely made me realize how short life can be and to live my life to the fullest. I sure don’t want to be lying on my death bed wishing I had done something different. My favorite all time line,,, Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved package, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, worn out and tired...
    and shouting "WOO HOO what a ride !! "

    Vickie, sorry I missed you in the hoochie tent last night,,,didn’t get out of doctors office from treatment and visit until 7:10 p.m. and it’s a little more than an hours drive for me to get home but hopefully will be in the hoochie tent tonight. Loved the tater sack exercise. I just might start that one.

    Kristin-loved the song! Sorry about the promotion also and you know it was the Bc thing or it wouldn’t have been brought up. Things happen for a reason ya know and good things will follow.

    Adriona-love your description of the vaginal ultrasound. You made me start laughing sitting here at my desk. Visual image took over. Have you told your oncologist about your breast? I would for sure be telling somebody and trying to figure it out.

    Liz??? Are you calling me interesting? Hmmmm,,for some reason I don’t think that’s a compliment. Lol

    Vickie-that’s a nice mail lady that you have. Those are few and far between. Doesn’t mojo toys come in brown paper??? You will be the talk of the neighborhood.

    Shirley-your words crack me up…well shoot howdy! Hope your bresticle is healing nicely and not causing too much pain.

    Shel-congrats on the job offer..dont forget to wave at me when you fly by on your way down south.

    Irisheyza-I have had that drink and its excellent. Been a while so glad you reminded me of it. Or maybe it’s a bad idea that you did,,hmmmm,,making a mental note to stop and pick up a few “special” things. Actually have everything in the bar except the White Creme de Menthe.

    Madison-your daughter will love the king cake. Wonder if she will get the baby? We have them around here also but they just aren’t the same as a real one back in Cajun country.

    Denise-great to see you girl. Glad to know you have also been able to come out of the bubble wrap. We were using it around here also when Cheri was driving the magic carpet.

    Anne-I love how you justify the peppermint and the milk making you sleep. Its for medicinal purposes so its all good,,right? Hope your husband gets better soon.

    Bridget-sorry about the funk you are in. With all that’s going on around you I can for sure understand why.

    NS-thanks for the update. Been worried about you and still am. I dunno,,maybe bite the bullet and do both breast at the same time. Once you start healing it will be hard knowing you have to go through it again. Just my 2 cents which wouldn’t buy you much these days. I know we all think differently but I just rather dive in head first and be done with it. Like I said though,,we are all different and that’s what makes us special. You have had so much thrown at you at once and I know you don’t have a lot of time but take your time to think about it. Congrats on finding a great BS.

    Karen-sorry you are in a funk also. Sucks about the pain in the hands too. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

    Susan-hope you are feeling better. Nice to see you posting more so I hope that’s a good sign.

    Morelandmom-congrats on the 1 year anniversary. I bet you feel better today than 1 year ago. Its amazing what all can go on in 12 months.

    Tracey-sounds like the hoochie tent was hopping last night. Glad you don’t feel too bad this morning.

    Jeannie-oh my gosh,,sorry about the mri results. Looks like the magic carpet will be out and about on Monday. Ok,,,,,,,,,whos driving?

    Colleen-sorry to hear about jake. I would never every say its just a dog,,those words don’t come out of my mouth. Moving jake to the inner circle also so we can keep an eye on him.

    My day was good yesterday for my treatment. All went well except my appointment was at 3;30 and I didn’t leave until 7:10. My onc just kept apologizing. He said it had been one of those days where it was bad news after bad news. He said the lady before me was just being told and very upset and she needed somebody and he couldn’t leave her. I told him I understood because I have been the lady in the other room and was glad he could be there for her. I like him,,I am glad my other oncologist was an a$$ because now I have him and hes great. Ok best news now……drumroll,,he says will do a scan in april and if things are going like they are now I will get to stop taking xeloda. He explained how it gets to a point and then it really isn’t doing anything for the cancer yet its effecting you mentally and physically. I was so excited. TMI I know but would love to not have diarrhea from the xeloda and be “normal”. Well the normal word might be pushing it for me but you know what I mean. I would still do herceptin of course but that’s just once every 3 weeks. Right now I get it every 2 weeks but since I wouldn’t be seeing him it would go to 3 weeks apart. Wooooooohooooooooooo!!! Pass me a drink Nicki—its celebration time.

    Ok love to all of those I left out and it for sure wasn’t on purpose. I love you all and this is a great place.

    Oh yeah,,nicki,,the King Cake is believed to have originated in France around the 12th century. These early Europeans celebrated the coming of the three wise men bearing gifts twelve days after Christmas calling it the Feast of the epiphany, Twelfth Night, or King's Day.

    The main part of the celebration was the baking of a King’s Cake to honor the three Kings. The cakes were made circular to portray the circular route used by the kings to get to the Christ Child, which was taken to confuse King Herod who was trying to follow the wise men so he could kill the Christ Child. In these early King Cakes a bean, pea, or coin was hidden inside the cake. The person who got the hidden piece was declared King for the day or was said to have good luck in the coming year.

    In Louisiana, Twelfth Night also signifies the beginning of the carnival season which ends with Mardi Gras Day. The bean, pea and the coin have been replaced by a small plastic baby to symbolize the Christ Child. The person who gets the baby is expected to carry on the carnival festivities by hosting the next King Cake party.

    Our King Cakes are baked fresh daily and filled with real fruit filling, fresh cream filling, or a combination of both. King Cakes are decorated in the traditional Mardi Gras colors; gold (for power), green (for faith) and purple (for justice)

    Ok gotta run. Love you all. amy
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    (((Denise))) didn't come to the wrong place at all. I don't know what it could be as I had a bilateral mast. Maybe just a pulled muscle or something. Call your doctors and get it checked but also post under another thread to see if anyone else has any suggestions.
    Don't be can always vent here.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Denise, my boob (or what is left of it) hurts like hell today has been 10 months since surgery.....I was wondering WHY, WHY on my way to work this morning....I just have to make sure I don't "reposition" the thing where anyone in my office can see me.....they would talk…”Mamma Bear is playing with her boob again”…..

    I have an orthopedic appointment this afternoon for my back problems….always something…..

    DebC, we are going to need the Xanax lollys my dear…..

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007
    Amy - I know, I started crying (tears of relief) when the vet said, "no tumor cells found in the urine test" It's been over 15 years since our dog growing up (Bonnie, 16 years!) passed away, and I still have a picture of her on my refrigerator. It's amazing how big a piece of our hearts our pets get, and he's not even really "mine", he's more like a step-dog! LOL Anyway, he's just so sweet, and though I'm a bit worried he might be in some pain, I think the antibiotics are kicking in for him, so that's good!

    OK, really back to work now.

    Who said, "pjs, hugs and drugs"? Too funny!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    So many of us are having hard times…I don’t want to seem irreverent, but I want to share how I deal with bad times…..

    First I hunker down and remember how to breathe and walk upright. Then I spend some time sad and angry…then I find something to laugh at. Most of the time it is a case of “fake it ‘til you make it.” I laugh even though the laughter feels like rocks in my mouth. I laugh until it becomes real laughter. I think that laughter shrinks the evil and spiteful things in my life down to size.

    This is a crude analogy, but what the heck….I saw a movie years ago. My poor addled chemo brain can’t remember what movie….but this guy walks into a room naked and does this Superman pose naked. He was obviously proud of his “package”. Well, all is well until the woman points and laughs….the man crumples and covers up with his hands and backs out of the room. Laughter can make things…well…wilt.

    So, I laugh at cancer. I make jokes. I do silly things. Sometimes I have to force it…but after a while that laughter is real. I like to think it hurt the cancer. I like to think that it keeps it at bay.

    So, if I try and laugh here, please don’t think it means that I am ignoring or belittling the pain and fear that is present on this board. I am laughing to try and chase it away.

    So my dear friends, break out the fake glasses with the funny nose. Find the old Monty Python tapes. Remember some old knock-knock jokes. Can’t hurt…might help.

    I will leave you with a quote from MASH….one of my all time favorites…
    "Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice" ~ Sidney Freedman.

    Big hugs with a whoopee cushion thrown in for good measure…
    Deb C
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    PJ'S HUGS AND DRUGS!!!! YES...YES...YES. That will be our weekend!
    A whole bunch of you posted as I was posting to Denise (and working at the same time) so I'm jumping back in again.
    AMY...GOOD NEWS...YIPPEE...We needed a little of that around here. I'm so happy to hear it.
    Madison sent a king cake to me and Nathaniel...he got the baby so he thinks he's king of the world!!!
    Yup...both the mail lady and the neighbors wonder about me all the time. Actually I don't know if mojo toys come in brown paper packages...NOW DON'T LAUGH AT ME...I've never had I'm a bit ummm...behind the times? I do know that if I don't find a decent man soon I'll be considered a virgin again LOL.
    Madison...quit playin with your boob and get back to work.
    NS...where are you dear girl?
    Deb...I'm well stocked on the Xanex!! I think we should have one day that we can call this beast whatever we want without being censored cuz I've got some pretty nasty things to say to it.
    Cheri...come out come out wherever you are. Tweaking your toes to wake you up.
    Lini...come join our comfort zone this weekend. Everyone is in the center of the circle...still searching for reinforcements to protect our wagons as we all take a break in the middle.
    Missing many but gotta get back to work...
    Love to all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007 snuck in on me while I was posting but I'm with you all the way..."fake it till you make it" is my motto. I have to say that I have been really bluesy ( it's not a word but you know what I mean) this week but I am determined to bring some happiness here despite all the's all I know how to do.
    Laughter is good for us...doesn't ever mean we aren't hurting too...we are just doing it with a whoopie cushion thrown in (Deb's quote...not mine).
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    I feel better already after hearing from the group! Deb, you are so right, laughter does help. I've spent most of the past 10 years faking my life and pulling the happy mask over my face (not all related to BC) that I sometimes forget who I really am. Laughter is the best medicine, (okay, second to Xanax!) For the rest of the day, I'm going to try to take Deb's advice. ( I will think of the guy with the wilted thingy...!)
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Hugs and drugs! LOL....a new mantra. We need some bumper stickers for the magic carpet with that on them.

    Here you go:
