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  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2007
    I have been SO TIRED today! I think everything hit me at once and I just wanted to sleep- but I had to fight insurance companies instead!

    I want to share with you the pictures of the MAGNIFICENT afghan!!!!


    Is that not the MOST stunning and beautiful thing you have ever seen???!
    And it is SO COZY!!

    Look at the kitties on it!

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2007
    You guys are funny! Shel- you are a Canadian! What do you care if the president of the US reads your posts!! LOL!!

    If you change your name and someone is specifically following you- when they see the post from "bettyloo" that says- "Hi guys, it's me, mary, I am now Bettyloo--" they will just follow HER around.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Well we certainly were a chatty bunch yesterday. I had to go back 4 pages to find my last post, and that was yesterday evening. I myself passed out early. 3 glassses of wine and I just slid into bed. Cant ever remember what was on the television. Although I must admit I did sleep pretty darn good.

    My body feels like it should be Monday. Ya know the usual 2 days off then back to work. And its only Saturday. Now this I like. Can spend all the time I want talking to all of you. We have dial up. God forbid, someone wants to call and talk to me or my husband. Well hells - bells thats what I have my cell phone for.

    Ok! Im calmer this morning. So just to explain the google thing. Someone has taken the entire "I want my mojo back" thread. If you havent posted on that thread - your safe.

    Now who in the world would google Chemosabi? I was just so shocked. As you all know, Im not computer savy - so this surprised me. But none of my personal information is available and geez, I only posted in that thread 1 time! So Im gonna blow off the concern. Just suprised is all.

    NS: Of course your tired. You have been in the flight/fight mode. All those endorphins are now kicking in. You need to sleep! Come this Spring, I really am thinking about lobbying related to insurance issues. I can do that through the ANA - American Nurses Association. Something has to be done about the insurance companies telling our doctors how to practice medicine. Grrrrr! this topic makes me so angry.

    Madison: Sometimes I just feel cursed. Have an ache or pain and the doctors immediately order a test and right down as a diagnosis "breast cancer." Everytime I see that on an official form it gives me the heebie jeebies. Im hoping the back issue is something simple like arthritis. But Im sending you a big hug anyways.

    Debc: Just google Alaskadeb and you will see what I mean. Thanks for the laughs last night, I sure needed it.

    Liz: OH Im laughing. Ativan and Booze. Or Xanax and booze. In every medical book - this is certainly a no no. But in real life, I have my glass or 2 or 3 of wine. Still take my xanax before I go to sleep. Your life has been in such an upheaval lately. But we miss ya when your not here.

    Jan: Lots of things can cause the liver enzymes to go up. I hope your not on any cholesterol medication. My SIL had a blood test done after drinking the night before. He enzymes were elevated. She went back after not drinking and they went down to normal. Like I said earlier, its the whole Mojo thread that has been stolen and posted. But after you all explained this to me, Im not worried anymore.

    Shokk: OMG! I love it. Burn your underwear. I have a few bra's I would like to do that to. Ones that I wore before and cant wear now. I heard you howling last night.

    Colleen: Our young children. I worry about them the most. They dont know what to think and its very hard to understand life and death issues at such a young age. Maybe get the school counsellors involved. Sounds like there is way too much happening involving so many children. They need some grief counselling. Sending you a big hug.

    CY: Good luck with the review. Im due for mine also, but not by someone who one a position over me. Man I would have a hard time with that. Hope things dont change too much with the new owners.

    Shel: Gotta love ya.

    Tracey: you are so funny. 2 hot hot hot Frenchman. Ooolalala.

    Vickie: Great poems and great songs. I heard alot of rukus last night coming from the hoochie tent. But alas, big drinker that I am, passed out before the party begun.

    OK - time to start breakfst. Its Saturday, so it will be eggs anys tyle, bacon or breakfast ham (the aroma is killing me), flapjacks, and citrus fruit melody. Rolling up my sleeves and starting to cook.

    Catch up with ya all later.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    Shel, is this what you were referring to:

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    Morning ladies,

    Nicki, you need to get DSL or cable. I can't even remember what it was like to dial in plus before we all had cell phones, with teenagers in the house, no one would have been able to get on the computer. No, wouldn't have worked around here. We'll talk more at breakfast.

    CY, good luck with your review. Mine is coming up too but I have a great boss and really do love working with him.

    It's quiet in here this morning. Must have been too much partying in the hoochie tent last night. I was there but am not suffering too much. Right now my allergies are bothering me more than anything. I start my morning off with a Claritan and coffee, every morning lately.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Good morning
    Well that was an interesting night! Had a bit of fun chasing down our "escapee"...geez Cheri and Madison can run faster than I can but of course I was carrying the duck tape LOL.
    I found a picture of the beast...I have him in a cage outside the circle. He looks fierce but he's only 2 foot tall and quite a whiney little wimp when you poke him.
    He can't him safe in the cage with chains and duct tape...have at him girls. I gave him a dose of Decedron so he won't be able to sleep, a dose of the red devil and waiting for Nicki to come castrate him...hmmm...we can't call him a him...that wouldn't be fair to all the men out there so its an IT. Bring all your frustrations and hurts and take it out on IT...I've got lots of good ideas.
    My SIL just arrived to go grocerie shopping so I'll be back in a bit.
    Love to you all
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Hi all,

    I have been awake since 4:30 a.m. Vickie, our escapee sure does cause a ruckus......BUT we have the trumpet back so we can gather all up for the Magic Carpet ride on Monday.

    Oh NS, the kitty cats look so happy with you. How are you doing? You know we are always thinking about ya....

    Nicki, that was YOU huddled under the blankets all night?!?! I know DebC was going to sleep early....

    Well, we may have to have a day at the spa with Ginny to recoup from our wild night....
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2007
    I thought about changing my name when I first started posting. Not for security reasons, but I just thought it was a boring name. I have nothing to hide. I haven't said anything here I haven't said to someone in person, and I learned a long time ago that those confidences are rarely sacred.

    NS, that afghan is beautiful! How you must love cosying up to it.

    Nicki, glad the port removal was easy. When I scheduled mine I forgot that night was our last dress rehearsal, and we will have an audience, too. My character is a cranky old lady, so if I come across in pain, it will only add to my character.

    Who got skipped with the job promotion? I wanted to go back and check, but didn't want to lose my post. That's terrible! I had to walk on eggshells the first year after my treatment. Even when you are giving as good as you did before, it seems like there is always that question in peoples minds. Hang in there!

    I'm so sorry for those of you with new or continuing dx. It's like we have it hovering over our heads at all times. Deb, I'm with you on humor. I've had so many bad things happen in the last few years, that all I can do sometimes is laugh. Lately, it's been harder, but thank you for reminding me.

    I want a tent with a curtain around my bed. I'll take anyone of those gorgeous guys as long as he keeps telling me how beautiful I am, I'm not too picky.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008
    Sheri, so nice to see you posting. I hope this week was better for you.

    So, I have a question on NS's afgan. Are those squares knitted or crotcheted cause I want to learn to make patterms like the cats. I just think that is the coolest thing since sliced bread! Can someone post on the crafting thread and give me a push on where to find instructions on putting patterns into squares?
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Good Morning,
    Just popping in quick to say Hi. I am pooped after last nights party...You girls are wild! I can't wait to get my hands on the "beast!" Vickie, I am so glad you found this ugly SOB for us.
    NS, thanks for posting the Afghan. It is Beautiful! Just wrapping up in it has to make you feel better and well loved!
    I'm going to meet my daughter (she lives an hour away) and go to an art/craft show today.
    Please behave while I'm gone. I'm taking note that it is now 10:00a and we are on page 225. Where oh where will we be when I get back!!
    Love to all,
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    wow, I was so warm and cozy in Susans tents behind socals castle walls with our protectors standing guard that I didn't even wake up to pee.
    Of course the drugs might have something to do with it.
    Wake up to 3 more pages.

    Vicki, a beautiful poem. Thank you.
    Wow two poems in one night. Cool.
    IT is one ugly cuss. I have some flesh eating bugs in the basement. I say we put them in his shoes.

    Cheri, the General is mine. But you are welcome to any of the others.

    Shokk, antichrist of underwear....HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAH
    Burn baby Burn

    Shel, did you watch King Arthur? Love that movie. Actually love any movie that has swords in it.

    CY, you changed your log on? Good luck with the buy out. My experience is it's never "business as usual"
    I'm with Jas. If the President is worried about my boobs we have far greater issues than we ever imagined.

    Madison, step away from the trumpet. You can keep the protector.

    Tracey, the vaginal u/s isn't bad. Just up close and personal. Don't stress about it.

    Ginny, Aragorn is a babe isn't he.

    Deb, sorry the General was with me.

    Gina, wow!! thats gorgeous.

    Nicki, it's not just the mojo thread. But don't worry about it girls. Unless your posting your address, phone #, bank account #, etc who cares. Some scum wants to read about what "toys" we buy or what kind of recon we're having has their own problems.

    Have fun at the craft fair Denise. 7:26am, page 225.

    The General and I will be incognito for most of the day girls. See you tonight when he goes back on guard duty.
  • baldeagle
    baldeagle Member Posts: 97
    edited February 2007
    Just popping in quickly. We are in a cold spell with just enough snow to make it challenging to drive. Nothing like Western NY.

    OMG, I just noticed that the boards have spell check! Whee. Just doesn't recognize the acronyms. Hurray.

    Buffalogirl - welcome. Not where you want to be but the very best place to be on this journey. As other have said, check out some of the other threads on newly diagnosed, etc. and the site info on treatment options.

    We are having some ritzy PJ party - have gone shopping for a spiffy outfit. I put on homemade sour cream egg waffles A(whole wheat) with apple chunks inside. Plenty for every one. Some hefty espresso style coffee to swill it down.

    Seafood chowder for lunch (clam chowder with a few extra molusks)

    Lynn, the place I bareback ride is just north of Bragg Creek and West of the city. It's not hi energy riding - but slow and comfortable and really puts one in touch with your horse. Very peaceful, grounding and healing. Actually we had a meditative piece before starting our ride.

    Drats, I have forgotten the rest - and there was so much I wanted to say. But I lost most of yesterday trying to find a file that went missing in my puter and that I need to finish a proposal this w/e. Must get to work - and hugs to all.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Dont have much time. Got 2 pictures from netflix. "Little Miss Sunshine" and the " and "The Devil Wears Prado."

    Ill check back later. Have a great day.

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited February 2007
    Hi CGs

    Just a quick check in. Had to read 162 posts to catch up. Wow!

    My DH is home, it was a mild heart attack, but the heart doc said no permanent damage. They changed a couple meds and told him to keep exercising.

    Gotta run, be back later! Thanks for all the support!
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited February 2007
    Hi all. Post and poof. Post and poof.

    Btw, "Little Miss Sunshine?"...Priceless...

    "Devil Wears Prada?"...Lots of cash went into that wardrobe!...for me, Streep made the movie. Enjoy!...Mena...xo
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007
    Hey ladies

    Well, definitely feeling under the weather, cold seems to have just come out of nowhere, and a couple of glasses of wine last night really didn't help! I'm laying low all day today...

    Didn't take notes on the 87 posts since last night! and my head is foggy, but thanks to all for suggestions about helping my son. There isn't that group someone mentioned (CY?), but there is a Wellness Community near by that he has attended a Kids Count program at, I will look into getting him back in there if he's willing. He does talk to the guidance counselor at school, but lately he has been going with the kids currently impacted as "peer support" for them. I'm starting to feel like he needs some support of his own, and I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing for him to be the one helping his friends through this stuff. I think he feels good about being able to help, but of course I worry about him...

    OK, I can tell I'm rambling, and my head feels like it weighs 100 pounds, so I'm signing off.

    Hugs to everyone (and then wash your hands - I'm sick!! LOL)
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007

    I think I ate a gazillion toasted marshmallows last night. My tummy is still full. I am bored to tears. wish I was watching your movies Nicki. I'm laying in bed with this machine exercising my leg. at least 8 hours a day. more if I can take it. i don't mean to complain. i can't even sit up. i'm kinda balancing my laptop on my chin. LOL I'M very talented.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    (((Susan))) good to at least see you. I'm sorry this is so hard and you have every right to complain all you want. My goodness...maybe we need to get the magic carpet out and send you to Nicki. Love ya.
    Colleen...ewww...take care of that cold. Three schools were closed here on Friday from this cold/flu stuff going around. It's a nasty one.
    Mena!!! How are you ...we have missed you here. glad to hear that hubby is ok. You were in our thoughts.
    I'm eating with Jeannette! We have spell check?!? happy your enjoying your afghan!! Hugs to you.
    oh I am so whipped. Went grocery shopping with my SIL...freezing cold outside...made the foolish mistake of washing my car and had to pee!!! Frozen solid, didn't think I'd make it home but did...whew. Staying inside for the rest of today and crochet.
    OT...and I am repeating myself...another fire here last night. A man trying to thaw his water pipes with a salamander...lost everything. PLEASE LADIES...CHECK YOUR SMOKE DETECTORS, HAVE AN ESCAPE PLAN, AN OUTDOOR MEETING PLACE...PLEASE BE SAFE. OK..Nuf said and I won't bug you again about it...just freaks me out that we've had so many fires here lately and I know it's because of frozen pipes and people simply trying to stay warm. Be safe ok.
    Love ya all...too tired to write any more.
    be back later
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Afternoon: Well "Little Miss Sunshine" was cute. "The Devil Wore Prada?" Let's just say my husband couldnt sit through it lol. So Im gonna watch the rest of it when he goes to work tonight.

    Susan: Ah! The famous knee torture machine. I picturing you laying in bed balancing your laptop lol. You need some good music to exercise to da beat! of the machine. How about feeling "Hot Hot Hot" by Dexter Poindexter? Now if you go to youtube try "Black Horse and A Cherry Tree." Has a nice be to match the movement of the machine and a pretty good song too.

    Colleen: I was just thinking, does you hospital have a cancer center? There might a whole bunch of support for children. If not, its certainly needed. I know what you mean about those just lay around days. Hope you feel better soon.

    Mena: So good to hear from you. So tell me what other movies should I get. My husband is getting upset with me cause he is the only one ordering movies. Im trying to think of movies he wouldnt watch but I would. Gosh - our own movie critic. Im tickled pink.

    Vickie: Those were really nice. I cant believe you went out shopping and washed your car in this cold weather. I wanted to but I was afraid the doors would freeze shut.

    Anne: Thank goodness. Im glad your husband is ok and is home.
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007

    OK---all of us city girls want to do you thaw pipes with a little lizard?!?

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2007

    A lady in our county tried to thaw her pipes with a space heater and her house went up in flames. It was really sad, it was an old, original log cabin. The pipes were in her attic because they couldn't put them in the walls. She's over 80 and had lived in that house all her life.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007
    With a hair dryer. That's how I've done it.


  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    A salamander is a really hot forced air heater like this...

    They can overheat in enclosed spaces and start things on fire...really sad.

    Deb C
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Sheri: The port removal had very little pain. Im so surprised. I wonder if it because Im still numb from my mastectomies? All I know is I havent needed any pain medication, made the bed today. Using my arm on the side it was removed without even thinking about it. I hope yours goes as well. But let me tell you I feel LIBERATED!

    DebC: OMG! I was thinking a real live lizard also. I lived on a farm where our pipes would freeze. I hated it.

    OK - so Im really chemo brain today. Really, I mean it. I keep thinking its Sunday. Just asked my husband where the Sunday paper is. My days are all goofed up. But now Im smiling cause I can play all day today and still have off tomorrow. Think I'll get a glass of wine and check back with you all later.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2007
    Now that the day is drawing nearer, I am really looking forward to getting that thing (my port) out. My next step is to start thinking about reconstruction. I'm still wavering on whether or not to do it. The main reason I want to is I get tired of putting in my fake boob. I'm also not crazy about the idea of more surgery.

    I'm so glad you are feeling good!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007

    Sheri: They did my reconstruction when they did my bil. mast so Im lucky. All surgery is over. I didnt get mipples or tatoos, but I look good in a bathing suit. My S wanted to put in different implants, I said no! He wants to make me look better, I feel I look good enough.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2007

    I envy you girls who had your new boobs put in with your mastectomies. Mine didn't even suggest it, probably because I would have had to go to a different surgeon in a larger city. At the time I didn't care, I just wanted the tumor OUT! We just got a PS in town this past year, but he's not in my network, so I'd have to travel. I guess I'm just either too lazy or I don't really care that much.

  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited February 2007

    Nicki: Did you ever rent "The Swimming Pool?"