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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Deb, oooh, I love surprises! Can't wait. Glad it's not ticking.

    Anne, wish I lived closer too, so you could teach me to crochet. You girls are GOOD at that afghan making. I am so impressed.

    Ginney, you won't make anybody mad here. This is a safety net. There's no fighting or fussing so you stick around.

    Vickie, you are so silly. I luv ya, girl.

    your pal
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Brenda, thanks for letting us know about NS. Hope she gets some much needed rest.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Wow you ladies wiped me out last night or spiked my drink or something. I was in bed b/4 9pm and didn't get up till after 11 this morning!

    NS rest and take a break we all have you in the middle of the circle.

    Joyce hope Kevin is recovering and you are getting some rest too.

    Anne, So glad you hubby is doing better and is home.

    Mena good to see you here we missed you

    Vickie, try one with batteries they won't let you down!

    Cheri, my nephew broke his ankle and several years later had a problem walking. turns out the pin was pushing out his foot. they had to remove it. He's now over 6'5".

    Spent some time today figureing out birthdays and anniversarys for my family, Put in into a spredsheet. We haev at least one every month! Most with at least three!

    Going to go see my granddaughter tomorrow after I take groceries and meds out to my MIL. I just have to have my Cloe fix. Wish the lived closer so I could see them more often.
  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited February 2007

    Thank you for updating us on g...tell her she's in the circle...though I'm certain you already did!

    Oh - I'm still here...just lazy today...


  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited February 2007
    Anne- in the restaurant world (where I live) a salamander is is a brolier?
    Deb - what could you be sending? Your Christmas card was by far the most creative- thank you.
    Susan- wanna let you know I am holding on and doing good. My SIL, had 1/24 nodes pos, Not too bad.I guess, she will be doing chemo and they are still not sure if the 4 "hot spots" are cancer, but not in spots for biopsies? I don't know that much about about colon cancer, but I am learing.

    Tomoorrow is the dog parade for Mardis Gras, Woo Hoo!! Time for a week long party. St. Louis is BIG on Mardis Gras.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007

    thanks for the update on g.

    G- if you are reading, please know that we are here for you, but that you are NOT to worry about constantly updating us. We want to be helpful and here when you need us, but please don't come post out of obligation. Get the rest you need.

    Sending prayers and hugs.
    Deb C.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Well no chemo brain today. Its Sunday -no doubt about it. I crashed early last night. Finished watching the movie "The Devil Wore Prada." I never liked Meryl Streep when she was younger, but the last few movies I have seen her in, she has been prett darn good. She has aged so well. Anyways, its not the kind of movie I would have gone to the theatres to see, but for a netflix film - hey is pretty good.

    I have been in this house for 4 days. Not one breath of fresh air! Or should I say cold air. When I let the dog out this morning I stuck my head out. Even though its cold, it felt good.

    You would have thought my last day off before returning to work that I would have slept in. Nope! I woke up and the 1st thought on my mind was making coffee and coming to these boards. I actually went on the chat for a little while yesterday. It was fun. Talked to some people who I havent seen in a while. And I was talking to Sherloc! It hasnt changed. Moves pretty fast - lots of new people who are scare, looking for comfort and advice. A few laughs too.

    Vickie: I sure did use the kerosene on the campfire last night. Went out and gathered a whole bunch of logs. It seemed like the flames were touching the sky.

    Denise: Imglad the Art and Craft show was fun.

    Tracey: Oh bummer. Sorry your getting a cold. And you had to cancel the Frenchman's dinner too. It must be a doozy. Sure seems like we still have alot of colds, flu, and stomach virus going around here in the chicago area. So its to the medic tent for you, under quaranteen. Have a big pot of chicken soup cooking for when you wake up.

    Anne: I sure do understand what you mean when you talk about the taxol aches. I only had one round of taxol, couldnt handle the bone pain - so my onc switched me to taxotere. Still had the pain, but not as bad.

    Ginney: You couldnt upset anyone. You are just so sweet. Thats the one thing I like about the circle - its a safe place. Ya can say and do what ya want. Thanks for the tip on the movie. I may rent "Her Minor Thing" for next week-end.

    DebC: You are truelly amazing. I just looked at the list of names with my mouth open. There are so many of us. And just like a little child, the anticipation is killing me.

    Brenda: Thank you so much for the update on NS.

    CY: Sounds to me like you needed your sleep. Have fun with your grand daughter today.

    Christine: Sorry about your SIL. Have they staged her yet? I work with a woman who had cancer of the colon. She had 4 positive nodes. Went through chemo - that was 5 years ago and to date she is NED.

    Cheri and Mena: The 2 of you had me rolling on the floor laughing last night. I have a couple of those chin hairs!

    Well since its Sudany, I thought we should have a nice meal. Have a beautiful ham to bake today. Its gonna taste so good and we can eat at our pleasure. Just walk up and cut yourself a slice. Gonna make noodle salad. Have sweet potatoes. And Pumpkin pie for dessert. Also have a some Egg Plant parmesian I gonna put in the over for those who dont like or dont eat ham.

    As far as breakfast, geez - Im just about sick of everything. This is my last day to eat whatever I want, so I guess we will have some bisquits with gravy. Im gonna start South Beach again starting tomorrow. Stupid me - to start it the week of Valentines. But it works. I have to confess I ate a whole bag of Raspberry flavored fignutin cookies last night. Im am so over indulged on sweets and carbs its pathetic.

    Gina: Sure do miss you when you are not here. Debc, was right, dont feel compelled to update us. Just remember, we all just want to give you the best support we can.

    OK! Maybe I will crawl back to bed and take a nap. Hope everyone has a grand morning. See ya later.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited February 2007
    Good morning everyone,

    I haven’t had a chance to post for a while and it took me forever to catch up.

    NS, keep fighting…you are one inspiring woman. I know the beast doesn’t have a chance against you.

    I didn’t take notes, so I’ll just say hugs, prayers, chuckles, etc to all. Sounds like I missed two pretty good parties.

    DH and I went to a local production of Smokey Joe’s Café last night. They did a great job and it was hard not to sing along with them. But then I have NO singing voice, so I didn’t try. LOL

    For those who remember my adventure with Mr. Boot, my friend Wylie’s cat, I wanted to let you know he lost his battle with the beast yesterday. He went downhill really fast this last week. Tributes, etc have been posted on the blog

    It’s cold here in East TN, but nothing like the weather in NY. Ya’ll take care up there. Every time I see the pictures on TV it just reinforces why this southern gal left NE Ohio.

    Tomorrow is my yearly mammogram. I’ve asked DH to go with me. I just have a feeling this year. Can’t explain it. You all know how it is. I’ve had some unexplained pains that have lasted a few weeks, etc. I’m worried for nothing, probably. But Tony is such a trooper. He didn’t blink, just said sure. Later this week I have my oncologist appt. She’s gonna yell at me. Despite the treadmill and really watching what I eat, I’ve gained again. Darn arimidex. Oh, and I got my fossilmax (fosamax) filled. I’ve been taking samples from her office since Jan. 1, but I’m on it now for good I guess.

    Think I’ll help Tony make beef stew today. He’s the stew cook and does great, but sometimes he sneaks in ingredients. It always works, so I don’t know why I want to help. Maybe, I’ll sneak in a little something. Have about two glasses of merlot left from dinner last evening.

    Deb, can’t wait for the surprise.

    Everyone, stay warm.

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited February 2007
    Good morning girls! I went out last night and had SO much fun. I almost felt normal! I laid around all day yesterday and was not sure I was up to going out, but I am in this little amateur band and we had promised to play a set during dinner at a Boy Scout fundraiser Valentine’s dance. Somehow I got a second wind during the evening and ended up dancing the night away! Of course, I am paying the price today (I am achy and exhausted!), but it was well worth it!

    Deb, you are such a sweetheart to be sending something to all of us! I can’t believe how much I am looking forward to the surprise!

    Ginney, I don’t see how you could offend anyone. I am sure it was a misunderstanding and I hope they can get over it and see how wonderful you really are!

    Brenda, thanks for the update. NS, I am constantly thinking about you and sending supportive vibes your way!

    Joyce, I hope Kevin is doing well. Update us when you get a chance.

    Mena, so good to see your spunky posts! I hope all is well!

    Cy, have fun with your granddaughter! I am sure she is a ray if sunshine for you!

    Nicki, I tried chat a few times, and you are right, it moves so fast! It was fun, but I could not keep up. And it seemed like everyone knew each other already and were talking about things that I could not follow. I guess if I went more often I would get more used to it. But I like to spend my computer time in the circle! And wow, that dinner you are working on sounds great! Count me in!

    Tracey, I hope you feel better soon!

    Anne, I am having taxol aches too, although I can manage them pretty well with advil. My biggest complaint is the skin side effects. I get a red rash on my face and tons of zits! Yuck! I feel like I am 13 again (and it wasn’t fun the first time around!). I hope you feel better soon!

    Christine, I am sorry to hear about your SIL. My husband had surgery for colorectal cancer this past summer. He is doing really well now. I hope for the same result for your SIL!

    Ah, well, I need to get started on the laundry I neglected yesterday. I hope everyone has an enjoyable Sunday! If I get a chance later, I will check in again!

    Love to you all!
  • DragonladyTina
    DragonladyTina Member Posts: 58
    edited February 2007
    Good morning everyone

    I am just relaxing at the computer with a cup of vanilla coffee and I am not really a coffee drinker, more of a tea bag myself but this is really tasty.
    I am having my neice and her children over for supper, little miss Autumn is 7 and I am her fairy godmother, little Austin is 2 months old and a fat little rolly poly.
    We are getting a little relief from the deep freeze we have been in here in Canada and today the sun is shining brightly, gives you a better outlook when the sun is shining.
    We watched The Guardian last night, with Kevin Costner and Ashton Kutcher, not bad but definately not one to go and see at the movies, we got it for 5 bucks.
    My son just left for school, and took my microwave, toaster, bread, butter, etc etc etc, ah, the life of a university student.

    Well, I have a very exciting day shopping!!! YAY!

    Everyone is always in my thoughts and prayers.

    NS I love you and Nicki, glad you liked Devil wears Prada, nice fluffy movie, I read the book and it translates well into the movie.

    Best wishes, Tina
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2007
    Sounds like you had a fun party last night. Sorry I missed it. Yeah, those chin hairs are fun. I'm lucky, mine come in blond, but I still have to pluck them out or people like to point them out to me. Middle schoolers don't always have a lot of tact.

    Devil Wears Prada was good, but only my daughter and I watched it. She would in her favorite world love to be a fashion designer. We thought it would have a little more to do with that aspect, but still an interesting peek into that life.

    I'm a netflix junkie. Right now I'm finishing up season 3 of 24. I love to sit on the couch with a hot chocolate (supposed to be a teatotaler) my knitting and a good series to watch one episode right after another. These discs go be so quickly!

    First big dress rehearsal today, will probably last a few extra hours. Getting excited.

    Betty, good luck on your mammogram. Only good vibes coming from the circle.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning girls. I actually got up early this morning. I don't have nearly the posts to read. My dh is home today and my dd and her family are coming over for a steak dinner this evening. We'll have the GS's this afternoon. But with my dh driving a truck he doesn't get to see the 5yr old much cos he goes to his dads every week-end, so he gets to visit with him this afternoon. Then there's the 8yr old SGS, and of course the little 2yr old wild child! It's funny how different brothers can be. Ethan was always "our" baby. We've always been very close and when he was a baby he was so happy, smiled & laughed all the time, very affectionate and cuddly. He still runs in with hugs. The 2yr old is completely opposite. He cries all the time (when his mom's around). He like my dh, calls him "pa" but that baby does not like me! I have tried everything in the world and he is just plain mean to me. He throws things at me, and I swat his little bottom for it, after all, I am his Grandmother and it's inappropriate behavior to hit me in the face with a large metal car! lol I mean it the child doesn't like me! I'd love to pick him up and just cuddle him to pieces but he wants no part of that. Oh well, maybe he'll grow out of it. Maybe that's one reason Ethan has remained my favorite.

    Vickie, where are you this morning? Have out 2 nights of partying been too much for you? Surely not. Girls just wanna have fun ya know. I guess I'll have to tweak your toes.

    Nicki, yum the biscuits and gravy just hit the spot. The ham sounds wonderful for lunch. Yes, that Mena is quite the card! Keeps me sharp though. Hope you enjoy your last day off. Shoot, I go for weeks without even sticking my head out of my house. I live in my jammies. But once I can walk things will be different.

    Cy, enjoy your GD today. I wish my dd would have a little girl next time. Boys are fun but she wants a girl too.

    Christine, hope your SIL does well.

    Sheri, I still have my port and am dreading having it out. I may keep mine awhile so when I have ankle surgery it'll come in handy.

    Joyce, we'd like to have an update on Kevin when you get time.

    Betty, good luck with your yearly mammogram tomorrow. Everything will be fine. I know it's scary.

    Kristen, so glad you had a good time last night, you deserve it.

    Tina, my dd takes alot of my stuff too when she moves out. That's kids for ya.

    Posting was much easier this time cos there wasn't that many to go through. All of you that I didn't mention are in my heart.

    MeeeeNaaaa, you sleepin' in?

    NS, I know your strength will carry you through. Just remember that you are not alone. If you feel like posting thats great, if you dont we all understand.

    Wishing everyone a great day,
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2007

    Oh, an update on the mouse. I still hear him in the walls and my dh has found some "evidence" in a cupboard where we keep towels. NS, I really need that mouser you have!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Hey Jeannie-

    Just checking to see how your weekend is going...How's Frank holdin' up? Just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you...

    Deb C
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2007
    Hi Girls,
    We are back,thank you for keeping Kevin in your circle. He had a few rough days but he is coming along. We were suppose to come home yesterday but he was running a fever so they kept him an extra day.It took a while for them to find the right pain meds too. They sent him home w/h one drain. If it goes down to 30cc within a 24 hour period they will take it out. Right now he is putting out 117cc a day. We have to go back Friday for post op. I will check in later. I am really beat 2 days sleeping in a chair and they finaly found a cot for the last two days.It's catching up w/h me so I am going to take a nap.
    Take Care,
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning girls. Still raining here in the mountains. Sitting here trying to remember what I wanted to say and my brain is in a fog. O well.

    Jeannette, love seafood chowder. Yummmmmm

    Anne, happy your hubby is home. Very sorry about the heart attack.

    Hi Mena. how's your boy?
    That was you behind that mustache? Well I'll be!!!!

    Colleen, long distance hugs to you. hope you feel better soon.

    Susan, that machine sounds like torture. Have another marshmallow.

    Vicki, your pee was frozen? Fire starting lizards? O my!!!
    seriously tho, praying for all those dealing with this freeze. I can't even imagine.
    My pipes freeze and I just wait for them to thaw.
    Protectors with batteries..hahahhahahhahahahah. Never had one either.
    It's been so long I'm sure I've returned to virginal status as well.

    Nicki, it was good to see you in chat. I'm totally addicted. Spend my mornings here and my evenings there. There are some in chat that don't do the boards and some that don't "approve", for lack of a better word, of The Circle. I have no clue why. I just keep my mouth shut and my worlds separate. I love you all here and all those in chat as well. But just like the real world you can't always mix company.
    Meryl Streep has improved with age. I think it's cause she doesn't die in her movies anymore. She used to be soooo depressing.
    Did you know it's SUNDAY? hahahahaahhahahahhah

    Sheri, that is so sad.
    I'm seriously considering bilat mast these days. After lump #4 this whole process is getting old. The stress is giving me wrinkles.
    24 is fabulous. I don't watch it during the season. Way to frustrating. Just watched season 5 a few weeks ago. Did you know they are putting out season 6 on single disks now? 4 episodes at a time. How silly is that. I'll just wait till the end of the season and get the whole thing.
    I used to have the best mouser in the whole world. She was an amazing cat. Sadly she went to kitty heaven a couple of years ago after a good long life. Rat Terriers are great mousers too. Tho much higher maintenance.
    Dear heavens, now it's raining and snowing. UGH!!!

    Cheri, you can have the General for a while. I'll take my turn with the elf. Those pointy ears are sooooooo sexy. Sorry if I wore him out. Give him a nap and some mead and he should be as good as new.
    Glad Ginny helped you figure out the wide post thing. Never bothered me but I know it frustrated you.
    I'm sorry your little one is not very nice to you. I would smack his little bottom for sure.

    Denise, glad you had a good time with your daughter. Did you buy us presents?

    Tracey, I'm sorry your feeling bad. Rest well.

    Ginny, there is no anger allowed in the Circle. Love and hugs to you my dear. congrats to the Sabres. Who/what are they?
    WOW it's pouring out there.

    shoot, clicked on the next page and stupid satellite went down. Good thing I had copied.

    wow Deb, thats quite the list. glad the surprise is smaller than a bread box. bigger would kill the mailman.

    Gina, hugs to you my friend. Rest well.
    Brenda thanks for the update.

    Have been wondering about Joyce and Kevin as well. Hoping and praying all is well and she's just busy taking care of him.

    CY, it was that guy with the mustache. I saw him lurking around the choc fountain.
    My daughter just moved my grands over 4 hours away. I think I'll be pissed for eternity.

    Christine, dog parade? hmmmm sounds interesting. One of these days I'm gonna get to see what Mardi Gras is all about.

    Betty, good luck with your mammo. It's gonna be fine.
    I take fosomax too. That is when I can remember the stupid thing. Whoever came up with a once a week pill is an idiot. And shoot howdy today was the day. Darn it. O well, guess tomorrow will have to do. First thing in the morning before coffee....who the hell can remember to take a pill before coffee. Geez.

    kristin, sounds like a good achey to me. Glad you had a good time.

    Tina, I haven't heard of the Guardian. I do like Kevin Costner tho so will have to look it up. For me to pay theater prices there has to be car chases, things blowing up, or sword fighting.

    So rain turned to rain and snow turned to snow turned to rain and now the sky is blue. All in an hour. Mountain weather is just plain odd sometimes. I'm off to watch another flick. Hubby is a major movie addict so I have hundreds to choose from. Last night it was Star Wars triology. Maybe I'll pick Kingdom of Heaven just to keep the sword fighting theme going. This is my last official day of recuperation. Since I live with bumms absolutely nothing has been done since my daughter left on wednesday. Grrrrrrrr!!!! The kitchen is piled high with dishes, the garbage hasn't been taken out. I love the men in my life but gee whiz they are pigs. Back to the mines for me tomorrow.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007

    Joyce, I'm so happy to hear Kevin is home.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Being stuck in the house for 4 days is brutal! I finially went out and got a Sunday paper. Felt really good just to breath the fresh air again. And of course, now that its time for me to go back to work, they are talking about a snow storm again. Now why couldnt it snow when I was off?

    Betty: Its always so nice to see you. sorry to hear about Mr. Boots. Its a sad story. Good luck with your mammogram and onc appointment. Oh and the beef stew sounds delicious.

    Kristin: Boy its sounds like you had fun. Dancing queeen.

    Tina: Never saw the "Guardian" may try it. Im laughing about your college son confiscating anything he could.

    Cheri: Its to funny about the 2 year old. Although I dont think he really hates you lol.

    Sheri: Time to get a cat. Dont want the mouse to build a nest and have babies.

    Jeannie: Just like DebC, I hoping your doing ok.

    Joy: So glad to hear Kevin is doing well. Hoping he does get to come home today.

    Sherloc: When I first came to I found the chat by accident. I must have spent everyday on it for a year. Never ventured over to the Discussion boards. Didnt even know they existed for along time. One I started working full time, the boards were easier for me. Everyone one is a while I go to the chat. Still is fun. For me, the circle is the best place to come. I feel safe and loved here.

    Im so darn bored I cant stand it.

    Vickie and Madison: where are you?

    OK - time to work on my exercise tape. I already have downloads 5 songs. Need a few more. Have a great day.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    good day ladies....
    i seem to be getting a head cold.... i feel better then i did last night but still have the headache and sore throat... i will definatley watch for strep throat...
    well today is my friday but its not going to be to exciting tomorrow going for the transvaginal thingy... but i look forward to the shopping afterwards....i am a little concered as the drive to the city is a hour and a half and its still snowing here......
    well back to work for now and i see you ladies later...
    oh and deb i love suprizes.... at least i know its not a bread box or a bomb... lol
    oh yes i am glad kevin is doing better.... hoping for a speedy recovery for him...
    well have a great day ladies...
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Tracey: Hope you cold gets better and the transvaginal US - well just get it over with.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Good uuhhhh...afternoon!!!!
    Overslept this morning, jumped in the shower, made french toast, got dressed and ran out into the frigid cold to church. Came home and have been furioulsy cleaning house!! Wow...the kitchen is spotless (well except for the fridge), I TOOK THE CHRISTMAS TREE DOWN, cleaned the living room, bathroom and bedrooms. Still need to vacuum and fold laundry but whew...wiped out.
    Great news about Kevin being home! Hope he is comfortable and resting well. Mom needs to rest to so we'll keep you both in the center until you get your strength back.
    Dear G...get your rest, we are all thinking of you but rest is important. Hope your sleeping and having beautiful dreams...we have you surrounded with love and comfort.
    Shirley...thinking about a boyfriend named BOB that won't let me down LOL. Guess we're the virgin twins!
    Hey Cheri...sweet pal...thanks for tweaking my toes. I really hate to oversleep. I stayed up wayyy to late working on the afghan! Oh wait till you see!!
    Looks like we need to fire up the magic carpet for Betty and Tracey tomorrow. Betty...I think we always expect bad news as it's what we've had to live with and may your news be good. Same for you Tracey and be careful out there!
    Sheri...good luck with the dress rehearsal and have fun...I have a mouser I could send you but she's such a royal pain you'd surely send her back!
    Nicki...HI...I don't know where you are for sure but north of where I live they have over a hundred inches of snow. The pictures are amazing! We have very little snow but at this point I would welcome it over this bitter cold. Madison is out of town this weekend...I think she'll be back tonight...if my chemo brain remembers right.
    Missing a whole bunch of you but I'll be back later to play catch up...need a nap!!
    Having lasagne, corn on the cob and garlic bread with cheese if anyone is interested.
    Hmmm...where is Shel, MB, Mena, LauraB, Robin...oh my so many.
    Love to you all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Joyce, so glad to hear Kevin is out of the hospital and at home. You get some rest I know you're worn out.

    Shirley, thanks but no thanks for the General. I'd rather have a fresh horse...or stud...if you know what I mean.

    Nicki, I agree with you. I go to the chat sometimes too when I can't find anything else to do. I like some of the girls alot. I could never split my loyalty though, my heart will always be in the circle, where it's safe. I try & watch what I say in there but I will defend the Circle to the bitter end. It's just the way I am. My loyalty will always be here in the Circle. Which is where I spend most of my time.

    Vickie, where are you today? You must've had way too much fun last night!

    Susan, hope you're doing well.

    NS, we love ya honey!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Vickie, you've come home! Wow, so what kind of hugs & drugs are you on to get so much work done? With my dd moved out I'm trying to do things myself and I've overdone it today i think. this dang ankle won't let me stand but a minute or so at a time, but I'm actually doing laundry and loading the dishwasher a little at a time. I don't know where everyone is, kinda quiet for a Sunday, don't ya think?

    your friend
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007
    Deb and Nicki---thanks for asking. Have come to the conclusion there should be a law against telling you that kind of sh** on a Friday! Onc sent me the radiologist's report---at least I could calm down a little bit since it's a BIRAD 4, not 5. But still sounds wonky. Appt tomorrow at 2:45 with the surgeon---sure hope I don't have to wait 2 weeks for the biopsy again----I'll run out of drugs!

    Glad to hear Kevin is home----

    Deb---did you get the PM I sent you just B4 your Aunt Leah died? Asked some ? about the Kenai Peninsula and gave you a heads up on our tentative plans.

    vickie--have some more squares done----should I send them to Madison or do you still need some more? Bought some crazy yarn that stripes itself but boy is it LOUD!

    Nicki---KNow what you mean. I always look forward to days where I don't have to go anywhere but if there are too many of them strung together---like this last week with the Nanook of the North routine----boy, do I get cabin fever! got so desperate I actually went grocery shopping yesterday----I HATE grocery shopping on Saturday! That's when the Stop, Look and Stagger crowd descends on Wegmans.

    KNow I missed bunches of you but brain is a little Xanax fogged. No idea what's for dinner. Fruit Loops and cottage cheese?

  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning!

    Hey - a light morning (post-wise, that is!). Good - I can actually catch up a little - yay! The sun is out and it looks nice and damp and chilly out (you want that after months of sun and no humidity - at least I do!). Woke up and let the kitties in (they cannot stay overnight - the races keep waking me up and they are HUGE - about 20# each - so they sound like elephants running around!). Anyway - started the coffee and went back to bed while it brewed. Floyd (the cow kittie - black and white) just wants some love while Harry (the troublemaker) insists on picking at my toilet brush - I have no idea why other than he knows that repetetive noises send me into orbit (or in this case, out of bed!) Here's a refresher for those who haven't seen my boys...

    Gosh I love those guys! They are so predictable. So up I was - poured the coffee - yummy - thinking about breakfast with no milk - prolly have egg'a'muffin with sausage (mmmmmmm). Then to work - doing some stuff on the side for fun - but gotta get it done by the 20th! Have my "Easy Listening" mix going on my iPod - Yanni right now - Andrea Bocelli before that - Anita Baker before that. Yes - it is a perfect Sunday.

    At work I am working on a training that includes a module on Communications. Has anyone ever heard of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs? It's interesting - a pyramid - here's a picture of how he breaks it down.

    As I was reading through the description of the theory - I was pleased to realize that through my life and particularly the last year, I've moved through the first four levels and am now poised to begin fulfilling the last need, self-actualization. Now all I have to do is figure out what that means to ME. Should be fun!!

    So now the catch up...

    Deb - that's a LOT of mail - do you want donations for the postage?? I am anxiously awaiting the surprise!! Thank you in advance for thinking of us!!

    Brenda - thank you for the update on g...what a time she's had lately...

    Vickie, Cheri, Nicki, Kristin - I'm good - I know it's safe here...

    Shirley - the Sabres are the Buffalo hockey team - and are in first place in the league now!!

    Tracey - hope it stays just a cold...

    Mena - again - so happy to see you here again! xxoo

    Nicki - keep slapping that SOB!

    Susan - hope the PT is coming along well...

    Anne - hope your pain is better - you're getting closer to the end...keep taking your meds and rest...hope you had a nice night with DH keeping warm and cozy..

    Joyce - glad to hear Kevin is doing well..

    I tried the chat again last night - tried it a few times over the last few months. Last night it was too busy for me - couldn't figure out why all the . were entered. They said it was to slow it down, but when 5 people did it in a row it moved faster and I had to scroll even more to see what people were saying. Anyway - in my five experiences in chat, three were great, one was last night, and one was very strange - a very hostile night - people arguing - comparing dx and insulting each other. I was shocked - I assumed there was one very angry poster that started it and the rest were trying to defend/diffuse. I think it's interesting that I rarely see the chat people posting on the boards and vice versa. They seemed to go hand-in-hand to me (until the hostile night - kept away a long time after that).

    Anyway - this was my experience. It's easier for me to be able to look back any time I want - must be the middle-aged thing - hey - that's what I can do for self-actualization - take a memory course...

    Hope everyone has a great day - much love and hugs to you all....

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    You down't think you are rushing it or anything, do ya? LOL

    Cheri, as soon as I can drive I'm coming to see you. We can gang up on your grandson.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Vickie, you didn't take down your outside lights did you?? That's just plain scary.

    Susan, come on down. My little GS, Kevin, will probably like you, it's a personal thing with me for some reason. If I tell him no about something he'll throw something at me & run! The little imp! He's gonna be one sorry little 2yr old when grandma gets her ankle/foot fixed cos I'll be able to catch him! lol Come dowm anytime, it'd be great. Although be prepared to catch me in my jammies. lol So good to see you posting.

    Hey to Tracey!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Hey everyone! It sure is a quiet day, not only on the boards but in this house!! I am so ready to go back to work.

    Ginney: Well we certainly are connected today. First of all, you would swear that was a picture of my 2 cats. The one with spots - I have one just like that, her name is Leslie. And the black one - I have one just like that, his name is Wesley. What a great picture. Its amazing you brought up Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs. Remember that CEU presentation I gave last Monday? Well that was part of my lecture. The topic was "Emotional Intelligence While Dealing With Crisis." It was to social workers and we talked about Maslow's Theory - which as a nurse - I believe in whole heartedly.

    Vickie: Christmas tree? Ahahahahah. But at least you cleaned your house and I figured you were working on the afghans.

    Jeannie: I agree. It stinks that they dumped this on you Friday. Our minds can really do a number on us. The newest report sounds encouraging and Im hoping you get this addressed as soon as possible.

    Susan: Good to hear from you. Still exercising?

    Cheri: Your grand son sounds so darn funny. Gotta love a true brat. When they are not yours of course.

    OK - back to being lazy. Watching Law and Order reruns.

    Catch ya later

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Hey ladies,
    Got my nap!! Boy that felt good and I'm raring to go again! Yup the Christmas tree is down...Christmas 2005 was so incredibly sad for me. I was the only one who knew that I was dx'd stage IV and was going through all the test, scans, xrays, mri's, etc and scared silly. It wasn't until January 06 that they said that all my scans were clean and I was stage II or III (some paperwork says 2 some says 3 and I just don't care!). This year was so much better and I just wasn't ready to let go of that "holiday" spirit yet. My outside lights are still up!! We beat all the neighbors who think I'm truly looney!

    Working hard on the afghans along with cleaning...clean...take a break...crochet...clean...take a break...crochet...that's my day. Watching K-Pax right now as I am that movie.
    Be back later with some fun
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007 can send them to whoever you wish. If your coming to Ithaca it would be cheaper to drop them off though...saves on postage!
    Madison you need some squares?
    later sweet sisters
    Vickie are you feeling...LOVE THAT SMILE!