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  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    I'm with you on the nap girls. scoot over, this couch is getting crowded.
    Not even 11 yet but I've been to the bank, the post office and the grocery store. The kid is in there doing the dishes, in between annoying me with his chatter. Gonna start a load of laundry and hmmmm maybe watch a movie. Nothing else to do except clean but I'm pooped now and don't want to.
    Shrimp/Garlic/Chili Pepper stir fry for dinner.

    Tracey, we'll let you slide this time. Only this time.It's just crazy that you have to drive that far for a doc appt. Geez girlfriend, you need to get out of the boonies.

    jan, I was a campfire girl and a Bluebird. Anyone remember them. We were so pickin cute in our little blue skirts and white button downs.
    and I just adore Josh Groban....have no idea what he's singing half the time but o lala, that boy makes love with his voice. Yowsers!!!!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Shirley, I hadn't heard about the Campfire Girls for years. I was the only one who had been one. Oh yeah, we were spiffy alright! Josh can sing in Italian to me all day long! People laugh when they see our music collection. We own everything from Mozart to Metallica . My dad was a music teacher and grew up just loving music.

    BTW, I googled my screen name and was alarmed when a pic of DH and I was plastered there. Then I thought, wait a minute. You don't have to be a member to come on this site. Anyone, at any time, could read everything we are saying, although for the life of me, I don't know why they would want to. So, like others have said, we have to be careful what info we put out there.

    I've got a crock pot full of beef stew bubbling away. It's a cold, gray day, just right for stew! With a nice Cabernet, of course.

    Amy, you are right about all us warped people. It was the only thing that got me through treatment. I think I have the sense of humor of a 12 yr. old boy . I think it would be great if we were to all have a for real get together some day. How funny would that be??
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited February 2007
    My appt. went good today. I have to keep remembering that they take longer to read my films. I was freaking again as I watched ladies go in, come out and then be told they could go get dresses. But she finally came and told me that news also. After a big sigh of relief I did just that.

    Biker54, I loved your anorexic line.I'm on the hot tea and yogurt diet until I see my onc. this Thursday. Maybe I can at least lose a few pounds.

    Thanks for all the good wishes, prayers, etc.

    Glad that's over for another year. And tell me, why do they still charge us one boob beauties the same price for a mammogram? Not fair!!

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    Jan, I hear ya on the 12 year old boy sense of humor. I'm there with ya sister. Man, dont you hate the cocktail flu,,,it goes around alot though I have found. I had a touch of it Sunday morning but was able to fight it off thank goodness cause I had too much crap to get done. I also love your music selection cause ours is the same way. We can go from classical to cajun then heavy rock without skipping a beat. Pretty much can do it all except rap. If somebody put my ipod on shuffle they would just die laughing I am sure. Oh well, nothing wrong with variety in your life I say.

    Tracy-well good thing you attempted to get to that appointment. Hmmm,,,wondering if Mazer had anything to do with that fall on your butt. She might not have understood that you really did try to go. I will talk to her and let her know but in the meantime except my apolgizes from mazer the tazer.

    Whats with this taking naps stuff??? Scoot over ladies, I'm coming in. This is great, nothing better than law and order reruns. I swear it seems anytime of the day or night you can find that on TV. Yawnnnnnnnnnnnnn,,good thing its one I have already watched or I would get into it and not be able to fall alseep.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    Ok way too much to catch up on at work...

    Betty Im with you ,,,mamo should be half price'll ask next month...let you know what they say...

    To all that need hugs and warmth know I am here...

    Amy, Gdaughter found the picture of the donkey and wanted to know which one of my friends that she's 7 and we put everyone on a now I need a pic of you ...

    I have finally crashed ,,,wow didn't realize how crazy the last couple months have been...But I spent the weekend taking care of me....back rubs...tea and my fav I am revitaalized and ready to Who is need....but I 'll need the magic carpet to fly all over...

    Dh is back on tract AGAIN and I can rest I made him do all the work this I am off to the new soft cushy tent ...Oh yeah and to feel better I bought a convertable car to take the Gkids for ice cream in in the when the weather gets nice I'll be around to pick up everyone for ice
    hugs to all I'll try to catch up later
    PS vickies exercise doesnt

    M&M I like your new name...its easier for me...
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Hi MB...geez...was really hoping that exercise would help! I am underweight but have just discovered that my shoulder is killing me!! Big time...I had the nurse at work check it out today and guess what...she thinks its the beginning of "frozen shoulder"!?!? Back to my post mastectomy exercises that I admit I have been lax on. Hoping it works but will call the dr's if not better in a few days. boob beauty...that got a chuckle...glad it all went well and you can relax again.
    Anyone heard from Jeannie? I totally chemo brained on her yarn fuzz! got away with it this time. Better safe at home than getting in an accident!!
    Colleen...rackum frackum...that was a good one.
    I'm with everyone else...I need a nap too. Supposed to have a winter storm here starting tomorrow afternoon through Wednesday with up to 15 inches of snow! Hoping for a snow day...need one. My two nieces are staying with me for a while...13 and 15...hmmm...could be interesting! LOL. Love em both but they aren't going to be happy when I block's just one show I can't tolerate and I'm pretty lax about most shows. They may not like computer supervision either but oh well...
    Love ya all
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Vickie, frozen shoulder? Does that come on all of a sudden? Oh, I hope not! BTW, so glad to hear the auditors are gone. I'm sure they can be a major pain in the butt.

    Betty, great news! I knew everything would be ok. Alright, yeah, I worry just like everyone else. Let me know how that tea and yogurt diet works for you . Hum...One boob beauties?

    Amy, I'm with you. No rap. It doesn't make sense to me. I try and like everything, but I don't get it. I'm taking a break from Law and Order. I've seen this episode 1,000 times! Boy, if it doesn't stop snowing in NY soon, we will have to hitch Mazer to a magic sleigh and have her rescue all our circle girls up there. Good Lord!! How much more snow can fall?

    I'm goin' back to the sofa. Maybe a cup of tea and get all snuggled in under my fleecy blanky.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Don't know if the frozen shoulder comes on all of a sudden or not. I know that I reached behind me in the car yesterday to move a box...kind of reaching over my shoulder and the pain was literally horrible and hasn't been right since. I'm kind of hoping its just a pulled muscle but have to wait till I get home to do some research. I have NOT kept up with my post mastectomy exercises for the past couple of months though...lazy me!! I have been doing the yoga though and you would think that would be just as good..
    I'll let you know what I find out.
    Hugs all
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited February 2007
    Ginney - I am so sorry to hear about your friend. That must be very hard to deal with. Hugs to you, friend!

    Tracey - You get points for trying to get to your appointment. But now I'd like you so send the snow up towards SE Michigan. We're supposed to get 6 inches Tuesday night/Wednesday morning and I'd really like a snow day. More snow would help!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Evening Everyone: Oh I'm in a nasty mood. To make a very long story short, those of you who are single! Be glad you are. Im so upset with my husband right now I could spit. Im the main money maker in this family. Always have been while he enjoys being a part time "player" entertainer! And today Im sick of it. Came home, he didnt clean the house, didnt cook dinner, is pretty drunk on beer and blasting music that is already giving me a headache.

    In addition to my paycheck, my best friend owns a nursing home. She has me on her payroll as a constultant. I get $500.00/month which she told me was so I could buy nice things, get manicures, stuff like that. Well he just count it as part of our income. This month the check didnt come. He bugged me everyday to call, call, call, and call. So I called today, and they just forgot. They wanted to cut an immediate check, but I really didnt want to bother my friend. So I will get 2 checks the beginning of Marchl. My nails look like crap, my hair needs to be styled and for petes sake, I cant even go to Great Clips and get a $12.00 cut. Hmmmm bet his beer cost him that much today. I carry our insurance, so I had to work all through treatment. And when I was off for 2 months after having 3 surgeries, my best friend paid my rent.

    He has always been very supportive, but tonight I want to punch him in the nose. I have 4 words for him. GET A REAL JOB! I started South Beach today and the first 2 weeks you arnt supposed to drink wine. But I have a glass and believe me Im gonna have more before this evening is over.

    Glad I could say all this here. Otherwise I will go into the kitchen and whack him. Sometimes I would like to just be taken care of, ya know what I mean. And stupid me, now Im already thinking of getting a second job. Oh BTW he is blasting 'Cream" which sometimes I enjoy, but tonight Im ready to go break the CD.

    OK! The Grammy's were yesterday and I could never win a thing there cause I cant sing! But I do believe I am the best Actress and want an Oscar. You won't believe what DH is doing now. Now he is blasting one of his CD's and is coming into this room and singing it extremely loud in my ear. He doesnt realize he is crossing a fine line

    And after having 2 galsses of wine. My how things can change. So he put one of my favorite Cd's. REM playing "its the end of the world as we know it." And although Im outta breath, I just sat down from dancing like crazy to it.

    Oh my - The white coats are knocking at my door again.

    Margaret: I got the pm. Thanks. Now I have to wait until Im in a less emotional episode to concentrate enough to learn how to do it.

    Madison: Hi! I missed you this weekend.

    Tracy: Oh boy, now your 15 y/o wasn't smart enough. I mean, the experts would have hid their tracks. I know, I was one of them. So ya got a reprieve. Hope you didnt hurt yourself with that fall.

    Colleen: Oh you have my empathy. I had a bad cold that just wouldnt leave me. Hope your feeling better soon. The Amazing Kids thing sounded really interesting.

    Sherloc: Ahahahahaha Sloppy bug kisses. And OMG hearing The Bluebirds rings back to some pleasant memory - but for the life of me I know them but I dont. I may have been one hahahaha. Is it chemo brain? I swear if I live to be 80 I will still say it's chemo brain.

    Ginney: That is just awful news. Im so sorry. Just a reminder that we need to enjoy life everyday. Hell, Im gonna get a manicure and my hair cut tomorrow.

    Amy: I laugh at the running into the woods story myself now. It was pretty funny once I was safely in my car!! Someday Ill tell you all about my Office Max breakdown! Its a good one.

    Jan: OMG! Not one but 2 Campfire girls. I didnt think anyone would recognize it.

    Betty: Im so glad the mammogram went well. Congratulations.

    MB: Im so happy your husband is back on track. Whew! I cant believe its been 2 months already!

    OK - Im missing it. Who is M&M. I cant find it anywhere.

    Vickie: After everything that you did yesterday, no wonder your shoulder hurts you. What hand to you hold your crochet hook in. Make sure to try some heat tonight and antiinflamatory. Motrin, Aleve something like that if you can take it. Oh and the storymn is coming to Chicago tonight and coming your way tomorrow. I hear its gonna be a doozy. And God, if I have to be stuck in this house tomorrow with this "man" well, lets just say they will take me outta here in a straight jacket.

    So Im done whining. My day today actually started out nice. It was good to go back to work. It snowed a little, but it was a traffic issue, and it looked pretty. Shhhhh I gonna be sorry I said that come tomorrow morning. Felt good to be outside. The temp was almost 30 degress and that felt like a heat wave.

    I am now listening to Pharoh Sanders! If you like Jazz, come on over. Me - Im going into the bedroom and blast the television.

    Catch up with you all later.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. What a nasty, old rainy day. Supposed to snow tomorrow. Amy, sounds like your weather has turned into our regular winter weather. One day it's 65 the next 28 w/freezing rain or snow. No wonder everyone stays sick all the time.

    Judy, sounds like you had a great time at the Wine Tasting.

    Nicki, you must be very careful telling Margaret you don't know how to post pics....cos she will teach you!! Then you'll turn into another Picture Monster like me!

    Margaret, humm, just one post down you're already creating another monster by telling Nicki how to do pics! I shoulda known. I loved your comment..."it's very easy-ask Cheri" You are such a funny girl!! You know it took me hours to figure out. lol The part I couldn't get was how to get the pics on my pc pic list. Duh. Gee, is my face red! Everybody kept saying to save them to my pc and I kept thinking HOW do I do that??? lol

    Tracey, did you ever sneak out? Hmm? My dd snuck out one time and it was after I'd had one of my ankle/foot surgeries so I was sound asleep under meds I couldn't have heard a bomb go off. But instead of walking out of the house her boyfriend tore the screen up on her window & she climbed out! And at 17yrs old she thought I was the DUMB one! Shoot, she coulda had a wild party & I wouldn't have heard it. lol

    Colleen, take care of that cold and just rest.

    Thanks to all of you who commented on how nice looking my family is. Looks can be deceiving, especially on little boys! I tell ya that little one will look me straight in the eye and reach his little hand out real slow, watching me the whole time, to touch something I've already told him to leave alone. LOL He's darned lucky he's so cute and I love him so much. He is meaner than a snake. I noticed when he was here yesterday he's finally managed to rip parts of 3 slats out of my mini-blinds. That sure looks nice when they're lowered. lol But my little Ethan is truly the light of my life. He brings me so much joy. He's such a comical little boy. Grandparenting is sooo much easier than parenting.

    Shirley, gee I haven't watched that many movies in the past year. Glad you're doing better.

    Jan, would you mind if I invited myself to dinner at your house? Beef stew sounds sooo good on this rainy, cold day. Since I'm all alone now through the week while dh is on the road I usually eat a tv dinner, bagels or hot dogs for dinner. Although, I do have a bag of chocolate bars within easy reach. lol

    Betty, so glad your mammo results were clear!

    MB, you're week-end sounded wonderful. You deservved it.

    Ginney, so sorry to hear about the death of your friend. My condolences and prayers.

    Amy, "Law & Order" rocks, doesn't it? It's on here all the time. I love to catch the old episodes I've never seen before. I can't get regular TV stations out here only satelite so everything I see is a re-run off reg. tv. IF I get to see it.

    Mena, I do hope you're feeling better. Hey, did you get a peek at my posted pic of Mr. Peck? HAHAHAHA Say that 10 times in a row real fast! "Peek at my Posted Pic of Mr. Peck" Tag! Your IT!

    Vickie, OH NO, say it ain't so! Not one but TWO teen-age girls staying with you? They are not gonna like those rules. I don't know about how your daughter was in her teens but mine turned into the anti-Christ from age 14 til she was 19! Lets see, was it Mena that was taking her teen-age daughter to get a labotamy?

    I over did yesterday. I'm not used to doing anything but staying off this ankle. Which was really working for me until my dd moved out. So I hobbled round here and actually did our own laundry, loaded & unloaded the dishwasher and a few other things I'm not used to doing. I am feeling it today. But I expected it so I can't whine. But I have the house all to myself today and it's partially clean and it's quiet. Now the 'quiet' wss something I had a hard time adjusting to it took me all of about...3 days. lol

    Hey to Christine, Madison, Anne, Liz, Susan, Carrie, Denise, Brenda, and gee, I just went totally brain dead. Anyway, hey, to anyone I left out. Hoping you all had a good day and will have a great evening. I bet there's been 15 new posts by the time I get this one done.

    NS, I do hope you're doing well. Prayers are with you. Hey, I hope it was you that likes Bruce cos I posted him for ya. He's a cutie.

    your friend,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Hi Ladies,
    whew...I'm home from work...what a long day.
    My two nieces are dolls...they have lasagne in the oven and dinner is almost ready. My daughter never went throught the horrible teenage years. I was sooo lucky. I think it was because she was alway so very sweet and I'd tell her "Just wait, you be a teenager someday and you'll be a monster and just hate me"...reverse psychology!! Worked like a charm...she swore she would never act like the teenagers she knew and she never did...never has.
    Ok...gotta go goggle frozen shoulder, eat dinner and be back later.
    Anyone want me to sticky finger anything?
    Love and hugs to all
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    afternoon ladies......
    ach never fails i have a nap and now my sore throat is worse off...
    lol no i dont think i ever snuck out of the house i just didnt come home.... its not so much they snuck out its they lied about it all.... i guess they walked over to the golf resort and got some pop but they had to walk down the hiway in the dark with semi trucks and other traffic...
    i still think there lying as hubby went and followed there footsteps and they ended across the street right where you see car tires...
    i have had it with parenthood...its so fusterating...
    i have two girls free to a good home!!!!!!!! any takers????
    well back to the tv for a bit bbl
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Thongs, they do windows??? LOL

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007

    Yes, it's good that we can come here and just yell, yell, yell! (I have to admit I kind of chuckled about the Cream being blasted though, it's funny how there are certain bands/songs you just can't tolerate! For me it's Dust in the Wind by Kansas - literally makes me go ballistic!)

    Well, what to say... nothing really of course, except sorry he's getting on your last nerve right now, I know the feeling (I'm sure we all do!)

    I will tell you that my sister finally put her foot down a few years ago re my BIL. He was in a band, they were pretty darn successful, but never made it national big. Well, she got tired of being the full-time job, full-time money (they had 2 small children at that time), driving around in a clunker car with no AC (they live in Virginia) while he was driving around in the brand spanking new van they had to buy for the band equipment, etc. And yes, she said just that, "get a real job", with an actual paycheck that comes in the same amount every week. Not only did she demand that he get a real job and start pulling his weight, she cut her hours!! She was not fooling around! She gave him a 3 month ultimatum to make the changes, get a job, etc and she stuck to it. Just her story I know, but I can understand from my sister how frustrating it can be to have a spouse who is a performer.

    Don't you dare take on another job! He can pick up the slack, I know from my BIL that there is LOTS of time available when you're a musician. Kyle used to spend a lot of time sleeping during they day, or doing Lord knows what. For a while he kept doing both, got a full-time job and continued to play on weekends, so it can be done!

    I might just have to whack him too!!

    It's funny, I think I said this in my post that I lost, but this doctor spoke at the Go Red Women's Lunch that I went to last week aobut how women put themselves last on the list all the time, to the detriment of their physical, emotional and mental well-being. She said that we have got to start putting ourselves first, at least once a day. She had this thing with the "to do" list that we all have a million things on. She said to put something for yourself on every otherline. For example, 1. grocery store, 2. call an old friend, 3. laundry, 4. manicure, etc.

    OK so I'm rambling, but your post just struck a nerve with me. I'm hoping that by the time you cool off, he will come to his senses with a sheepish, "oops" and make it right.

    Big huge fat hugs to you, and a big old glass of wine too. I think you're a pinot girl if I remember correctly, I'm not sure if I have any of that, but I have some really nice reds and roses, or I'd be happy to make you some sangria if you'd like some citrus with your wine! South Beach can just get over it!!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    tried to go back and read some pages of posts…so here goes…..

    Cheri….good looking family. I see Mena got Gregory Peck….. I wonder if she ever shares.

    Judy, the wine tasting event sounds like fun. You live in a fantastic area and are able to take part in these events. Have fun.

    Tracey, no fun…kids sneaking out at night. Did you hurt yourself when you fell?

    Margaret, the wagon picture was great. All of you are so computer literate...

    Vickie, I just sent you a PM. I had a frozen shoulder (adhesive capulitus [sp]) in September of 2006. It HURT…and happened on a weekend, could not move my shoulder , could not move my arm away from my body (even to put deodorant on) and did have dh drive me to the ER. The doctor injected the shoulder and I spent weeks in PT trying to get range of motion back. My arm is better, not GREAT, but better. Please see an doctor before the shoulder freezes to the point where you can’t move your arm.

    Colleen, how is your cold? Are you feeling any better? We are going to have to make some chicken soup for you and put you in the medic tent.

    Shirley, did you manage to put some clothes on today? There is absolutely nothing wrong with spending the day (days) in pj’s.

    Ginny, sorry to hear about your friend. I think shock is the right word to use when you hear about such violence.

    Amy, we are waiting for chicken pictures. I thought of you this weekend when I went “back home” because I saw some sheep in the pasture and there were the cutest lambs snuggled next to their mammas. I saw horses and cows in the pastures. My blood pressure goes down when I am in that country environment. There is no one rushing around, no traffic jams……

    Jan, can I borrow the “cocktail flu” expression. I like it.

    Betty, GREAT news on your results.

    MB, GOOD FOR YOU. Some TLC was what you needed this weekend. Glad DH is back “in the saddle” again.

    Nicki, I have one word for you - - - “MEN”

    I am jealous of all who had a nap….

    Hello to all I missed…..I am still at work (shhhhhh don’t tell). Time to clean up my desk and head home.

    Vickie, take care of that shoulder please. It can be very painful.

    Hugs to everyone…..

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Nicki, I found your husband the perfect job! The mood you're in tonight I thought you'd think it would really suit him...and you. lol

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Cheri: Ahahahaha great picture.

    Colleen: You said it all lol.

    All I can say is that this snow storm they are predicting? Well it better happen. Otherwise tomorrow I will surely have the pinot grigio flu!

    NS: LIke I said, I hate it. We have oppostie hours. Hoping when I wake up tomorrow morning there will be some update from you.

    And hey ladies, dont forget Valentines Day is our DEAR MENA'S BIRTHDAY.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Oh Oh before I go. NS: Remember the Weintsteins funeral home fiasco in the North Shore Magazine. Their add in October during National Breast Cancer month. Well - I stopped by their today! Can you believe it? Too tipsy to tell all now, but it was a big accomplishment.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007
    Nicki---He must have really messed up to get you mad--you never complain. Get outspoken maybe, but not complain. And what would he have to say if he came home from a hard work shift to a dirty house, no food and YOU semi drunk on Pinot Grigio, huh? Mine used to b**** about how bad he had it (while wearing his jammies) while I headed out the door to run his business. I'm not married to him any more. Hopefully this is a momentary slip and will earn you mucho brownie points and a REALLY good valentines present!

    Vickie---give it a few days but if it isn't any better go to your doc. I dislocated my shoulder doing something similar (overextended the joint) and then tried to fix the "pulled muscle" for four months. Finally dawned on me this wasn't getting any better when I could no longer get my hands in my pockets or brush my hair!

    Thongs--Mine turned into Devil Woman in middle school but now she is the light of my life. I just look at her and wonder how I managed to do something so right. Of course she's 31 and married---but she did return to human form in high school. I used to tell my kids their biggest problem was that my memory was too good! (Been there, done that---and you ain't!)

    NS---hope today found some answers and a sympathetic insurance person for you. My career was in the insurance industry but I'll be the first to agree that, when it comes to medical care, the cart is definitely before the horse. Good medical care, especially with potentially life threatening conditions, should not be controlled by penny pinching bean counters. Don't get me started on Blue Cross!

    Went to surgeon today. She says definitely do biopsy, needs MR guided biopsy due to location (Frankenboob) and will schedule for next week after thumb is done on Thursday. One good thing came out of the trip though. After I am all done getting spindled, folded and mutilated, I will meet with her nurse practioner and office manager to figure out how to build her data base so she can do peer referrals with her own patients. Cool.

    She is always so calming so I'm not nearly as nutsoid about this as last week. It is what it is.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    hahahah cheri.... omg your going to be dangerous!!!!!!!!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Cheri, I am laughing my butt off over your pics!!! If I could get some stew to you I would. It was just right for a day like today!! I have some chocolate nearby also. Couldn't live without it Cripes, I can't stop laughing about the elephant pooper scooper!!

    Nicki, Ay,yi,yi!!!!!! I hope everything has calmed down!

    Tracey, I had boys. I don't know how I would have dealt with a teenage girl. More power to ya!

    Jeannie, good luck with the biopsy on Frankenboob. You know you are in the inner circle.

    Gonna go and watch Desparate Housewives now. We have to tape everything, cause we just can't stay awake.

    Bye bye
  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited February 2007
    Real quick again ladies for now. Super busy day at work, had to even pull receptionist duty. We had 2 women out today and we ONLY have 4 total, plus our boss who is the controller.

    Cheri ~ Your elephant pooper scooper picture was just too flippin funny. I am not quite sure on the "full" story of Nickie's husband. I am planning on going back to read to page 220 and catch up on everyone this evening until probably morning hahahahah and then more pages will still pop up.... geeeesshhhhhhhhhh I guess it is never ending. Isn't it GREAT that we are all so Together and here to help, console, cry, fight, bi**h, laugh and whatever else might be needed for one another? This is the BEST Sisterhood a person could ever ask for. I know this sounds REALLY weird and maybe the Men in White coats are going to be at my door, but I am really glad I got to meet all of you, even if it had to be from a Club that no-one wants to be in.

    Check in later.... Lots of Hugs
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Good Evening Ladies,
    What a weekend! Not fun wise, but "everything happens" wise! I will catch up on post later. I wasn't able to get much computer time this weekend, dain I'm addicted!
    Vickie, I love your sticky fingers..If you get out again I'm kinda partial to Angels.
    I can not figure out how to post pictures. I am so computer illiterate (spelling challenged too!), it is pathetic.
    Frozen shoulder..I did something to my shoulder a week ago. Came on very suddenly, I could hardly lift my arm. I didn't do anything that I know of. I couldn't even lay on it. The next morning when I got up I swear I heard a "pop" and other that being a bit sore it was fine. I didn't think it was possible to pull your shoulder out of joint by doing nothing! A few days later is when I started having the soreness in my lump. boob. Go figure. I have my 6 month check up on Thursday. I think I have alot of questions for the Doc. I want to say Hi to all and let you know that I think of you all everyday. I feel so bad when I don't get to read everyones post and answer them. God Speed to all and their Loved ones!!
    Hope to get back on in awhile.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Cheri, pooper scooper picture....great

    Now, I am off to the wine rack...there has been so much talk of wine that I just have to have a glass, or two, or more....

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Ok. Where's all my playmates? Vickie, Mena, Margaret, Madison, Tracey, you all know who you are...Susan.
    Margaret, I asked you not to teach me how to do this! It's just TOO MUCH FUN!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007

    Post deleted by newvickie

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007

    oops bigger than I thought !!! sorry ladies.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Angel warriors watching and praying over us.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    So Vickie, What's the big party theme planned for the week-end? Yes, I know it's only Mon. but we could come up with a theme. What ever happened to the hoe-down? I live & grew up in Mo. we know about barn dances & such, ya know. Everybody give some feedback.

    you pal