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  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    how about pirates of the carribean theme????
    or american idol... or how about iron chef?????
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    I can't get American Idol on my TV and I'm assuming Iron Chef is a cooking show? Doesn't matter what the theme is to me. It's just always fun.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007 about a hoe down with Captain Jack, your favorite American Idol and iron chef...
    In a barn.
    Now that would be a different sort of pary!!! LOL.
    Bummy tummy to go along with my shoulder tonight so its off to bed with me.
    Love ya all!!!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007

    Hello ladies-

    I have not got much time to play tonight. I’ve been working on a certain surprise…

    Ginney – sending you a hug….

    Tracey – sorry to hear about your truant girl child. They will all lie to save their bacon. Hope she didn’t get into TOO much trouble

    I wish I would have been able to take a nap this afternoon with all you sleepy heads I could have used it.

    Vickie – sorry to hear about the sore shoulder. Don’t let it go too long without getting it checked. Hugs

    Nicki – good job not hitting DH over the head. I think he needs to pay up BIG time (or suck up big time) with a great valentines day. Hang in there hon… Men, you can’t live with ‘em, ya can’t shoot ‘em…

    Jeannie – glad you at least have things in motion and that your doc calmed things down.
    Waiting stinks. Hang in there.

    OK ladies. There are lots of you that I have not had time to talk to, but I’ve got to run…places to go…secrets to keep LOL

    Deb C
  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited February 2007
    Hi everyone! I just got home from doing the Look Good Feel Good program. I am a volunteer. there were 8 woman attending, all breast cancer. I always am nervous when it first starts but once it gets going I am ok.I think they feel the same way. I have been doing the program for years but now I have so much more knowledge to give. I guess thats what they mean when they say things happen for a reason. It was a great group of woman!!!!

    I hope everyone is doing well tonight and I hope I can catch up on all these posts.
    have a good night!
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    Evening all, I see you have been busy today. Where to start?

    Judy, the wine tasting sounds fun. Which winery was it? I went to the Harvest Ball at V. Satui Winery this past fall, black tie affair - we had a wonderful time.

    Tracey, been there with the kids. What punishment did you decide on? I always thought that the more things we gave the kids like pagers (remember when those were all the rage?), ell phones, etc.,the more stuff I could take away as punishment. Worked pretty well None of them got their cars taken away. I'll have to tell you about the time my daughter moved out of the house in the middle of the night and took EVERYTHING out of her room, not even a dust bunny left. I got up the next morning to wake her up and her room was so clean you would have never known anyone lived in that room.

    Nicki, did you get my instructions for posting pics? Running into the woods to have a good cry would be something I would do. Men, can't live with 'em and can't live without 'em. I have the opposite problem, my husband has worked for 3 weeks straight, no days off. Then he was sick to boot this weekend (he had a cold but you'd think he had malaria or something). My girlfriend's husband is in a band and he works fulltime and then plays on the weekends, so it can be done.

    Vickie, glad the auditor are gone.

    Shirley, I grew up in San Bruno - lived there until I graduated from high school and my husband and I bought our first house up there and lived there for two years. Love the sloppy bug kisses.

    Ginney, so sorry about your high school friend.

    Betty, those re beautiful words to hear - you can get dressed now.

    Cheri, better late than never right? I tell you, since I told you how to post, I've told I think 4 others, and that's in less than 24 hours! Oh, I just saw your post about job for Nicki's hubby! LOL.

    Jan, I just watched Desperate Housewives this morning; couldn't stay up last night either.

    Madison, want me to tell you how to post pics too? Ooops, just saw Denise doesn't know how either - want the directions too?

    Michele, that's got to make you feel so good to be a part of the Look Good Feel Better program.

    NS, hope you were able to convince the insurance companies to go ahead Just wnated you to know I was thinking of you.

    Hi Madison, Colleen, Amy, MB, Deb, and everyone else I missed.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    OK…angry rant here…feel free to skip this and go on to happier times. I just need to yell.

    We made plans weeks ago to fly out to Michigan the day the girls get out of school for John’s Dad’s 70th b-day. We planned to get back on Sunday the 3rd. We had to make the reservations so early because we are using frequent flyer miles and the flights fill up quickly…SO all of the sudden tonight , in one horrifying instant, I realized that the Relay for Life is on the 1st and 2nd of JUNE. We have to figure out a way to change the flights because I am the captain of a team and I can’t miss it….besides, I LOVE the relay. Last year I was the top fundraiser for the relay….I am SO pissed off that we didn’t see the date conflict before we made reservations. What a huge pain…The trip was already going to be short, and now we have to cut it shorter. We can’t go earlier because school is still in session and I work for the schools. I just hate it when things get complicated….There is not a good answer Grrrrrrrr.

    OK…griping finished. We will just have to figure it out. What a huge pain in the tush.

    Deb C
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    gnite ladies....
    this cold is really dragging me down.... been in bed most of the day... i got up with hubby and tried to have a cooler with him but nope right back to bed.. i am just so pooped out and my throat is so sore.. that sick tasting sore throat....
    i am thinking of grounding for the kid for two weeks and i know she was really looking forward to the highschool valentines dance wed night.... i feel so bad
    well i think i am back off to bed watching wife swap... lol its a good one.... a rocknroll mom trades places with a really religious mom!!!
    i check in later.......
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Tracey, I listen to Wife swap while I'm in here reading posts.

    Michele, sorry to hear that your cousins lost his battle. But he is no longer in pain. I said a prayer for his wife and kids

    Vickie, can you find a purple hippopotumus?

    Judy, Zinfindale Ice Cream? sounds interesting!

    Ginney, so sorry to hear about your friend

    Aimee, Yurts like all things cloth will rot over time. They have one at the retreat I went to last summer. I really liked it.

    M&M is Morelandmom

    Michelle, the Look Great Feel Great program is wonderful. I bet you feel good being a part of it. who knows you may wind up with customers from it too!

    I had a starnge morning. Shortly after I started work this morning I got dizzy and felt sick to my stomach. The dizziness passed but I felt out of it most of the day. It freaked my hubby out casue that's how his Dad felt before it had passed away from them not managing his coumadin well enough. I feel better tonight. but was concerned earlier.

    Niki, put that $500 in a seperate account that is only ibn your name. It is for you isn't it?

    Jope all are doing well. It's time for me to get ready for Heros.
    Throwing some logs on the fires to keep us all warm
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited February 2007
    Good evening CG's

    Deb - wow - top fundraiser - you go girl. I hope you are able to change your flights - frequent flier miles are such a hassle to use anymore.
    Nicki - you rant and rave all you want. Isnt that why we are all here for each other.
    Tracey - love the list you posted yesterday. Sorry you had to postpone the TV US - I had two last year, but no more ovaries so don't need anymore. Hope all will go well with you test when you have it the end of the month
    Cheri - your boys are so handsome
    Judy - what a fun weekend. I do't drink wine or anything much anymore as it disrupts my sleep even more than it already is. Friday night i had two glasses and barely slept. DH prefers beer.
    Betty - so glad to hear all went well with the mammo
    Shirley - thanks - hope you are feeling better
    Round2 - so sorry about your hs friend. What sad news.
    Amy -thanks
    Jan - Lunesta does not work for me - none of the sleeping pills do. I finally made the appt with the sleep doc - going next tuesday - have a big packet to fill out. DH told me I snore - I dont believe him as I don't hear myself!!!!
    MB - happy to hear that DH is back on track
    Tracey - I'll trade you one almost 18 year old son for one of your girls!!!
    Jeannie - good luck next week with the biopsy on frankenboob.
    Collen,Margaret, Cheri, Denise, Vickie and everyone else- greetings from denver. Vickie - hope our shoulder is better quickly.
    I love all the pics everyone is posting. saw the directions, but still can't quite get the nerve up to try. maybe one day - that is if I can remember how to do it.
    Get well wishes to all the sisters that are under the weather.

    My friend in chicago is having his surgery tomorrow for prostrate cancer. Please keep him in your prayers. Friend and wife are dear friends and take good care of my dd who goes to college in chicago.

    Well, I finally made the appt with the sleep doc for next week. Big packet to fill out. Little anxious about it - mostly about how many follow up visits there may be. Off to the dentist tomorrow for cleaning (atleast a "normal appt) and friday I get the stitches out of my hand - can't wait.
    Time to go watch the news - will be back after the weather report.
    NS- thinking of you.
    Wishing everyone feel good days.
    KAren in Denver
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    HI all,
    I went to see the OS today. I'm doing pretty good with the knee. Wore me out but in a couple of weeks I should be walking with a cane and driving. This is the hard part. I have to keep exercising to build my strength back up. My dh has volunteered to be Dr. Evil and keep harassing me about exercise. MB I realize I gave your job away. Well, I probably need two people harassing me.

    I'm lovin' all the new pictures being posted. good work!

    love you all,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Weeeell, this is my little sweet Kevin trying to escape Grandmas house in whatever way he can. So he decides to go feet first out our dog door. I just love that child. lol

  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited February 2007
    Wow, I cannot I believe I read from pages 220 to 231 and am now being able to post. I took notes and typed them in Word as I was doing it so I hope I did this right. It is now 2 am and I started reading from 9:30 pm and even through watching What About Brian.

    Gina ~ That is a beautiful blanket. It looks so warm and cozy….. bundle up and sleep pretty lady….. Please don’t feel you have to update us, just know we are here for you.

    Vickie ~ Wow, you found that UGLY beast and I too want a GO at that thing. Whack, Whack, Whack, I think I just knocked his head off…. Vickie while you are swiping stuffed animals for us can you get me one of those “big” teddy bears and a Dolphin please? Thank you.

    Colleen ~ I hope you are feeling better from your cold and that soon your son will see his way (hopefully it will be the right way.) We can’t do everything for our child, although I know we do try. In the end they have to WANT to be helped.

    Susan – I hope your knee gets well real soon.

    Anne ~ I am glad your husband is home and beginning to recover.

    Margaret ~ I am sorry about your ankle, but I think I missed the “full” story on it since Cheri was talking about surgery on hers with pins and rods. Do you have to have surgery on your ankle? Please PM me too on how to post the pictures. Does it have anything to do with photobucket? Are you and DH wine club members of V. Satui? The winery was in Alameda and is called Rosenblum winery right next to the Ferry to San Francisco.

    Cheri ~ We have DSL and I can’t get the movies you guys are putting on the posts from youtube to even come in. I am hoping my son comes over and does whatever he has to in order to get this computer to get it to come in, or at least walk me through it on the on phone. ~ My first DH and I Square Danced for 10 years. It was pretty fun and pretty big at the time. We did several barn dance hoe-downs, hayrides and so forth.

    Nicki ~ I will take some of that egg plant parmesan….. mmmmmm good. Ahhhh, I thought you were the lovable Nicki in Chat 2 years ago. Me too being a Bluebird, Campfire and for awhile Horizon girl. I am so sorry about your husband. That was VERY sweet of your best friend helping with your rent while you were in treatments.

    Betty ~ Everything will be fine you will see. We all seem to go “nuts” when it is time for another mammo or test of some sort. I too had my lump in Feb, 2005. Betty see I told you things would go well. Yippppeeeeeeee.

    Joyce ~ Thank you so much for the update on Kevin. We were all quite worried about him since we did not hear from you. Let him know he is in the middle of our circle and hopefully soon he will be recovered. As for you, get a lot of rest so that you can take care of your precious son and yourself as well.

    Tracey ~ I hope you are feeling better. You were so funny telling Shel that she is a Canadian and shouldn’t care what the President of the United States knew about her also, your little phrase on how the girls will change their name, but then refer in the post to their old name. Oh well, I guess enough said about being incognito huh?

    Sheri ~ Hope you catch that mouse real soon. They are cute but ohhhhhh so messy.

    Jeannie ~ Wow, I am sorry to hear about your news, but you seem pretty optimistic and that is what counts for all of us. The best of luck and lots of {{{{{{Jeannie}}}}}}.

    Karen ~ I am so sorry you are feeling so down. Here are {{{{{Karen}}}}} to warm and care for you. Get better soon…. I wish the best for your friend with his surgery, prognosis and recovery.

    Jan & Shirley ~ I was a Campfire and Bluebird girl myself and a little bit of a Horizon but thought I was too old.

    MB – You’ll love having a convertible…. Have fun going topless…. At least that is what I tell people I am doing and especially DH when I talk to him on the cell phone.

    Ginny ~ Very sorry to hear about the death of your friend.

    Well ladies I bid you all now good night or should I say good morning since it is 2:15 am. Hugs and lots of prayers to all of you.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    good morning ladies
    hmmm a purple hippo
    Here you go Judy

    ARm is making it hard to type this morning.
    love to every single one of youu
    i'll be back later
    hugs and kisses all around
    ....winter storm predicted here 16 to 24 inches of snow!!!!
    yipppeee...i need a day off!
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2007
    There is no way I can catch up here! I only have a few minutes to get ready to go see the first of two plastic surgeons.
    It looks like I will have a fight on my hands to get one of them to take care of me... my insurance company is driving me insane.

    NO ONE has ever heard of the ones in their plan- or the ones they have don't do breast recon.

    I don't want to go to someone who I can't find out anything about. The two I am seeing today both come with loads of reco's and personal experiences from people I know.

    The breast surgeon's office called today because "we must schedule you- SOON!" apparently i am pushing the time envelope. Which is as I feared -- and I fear this is spreading.

    Can't get the surgery until i have a PS and have my scans- which are under medical review because as you know they are not "medically necessary" according to my insurance plan.

    I am not a morning person in general... but today I can't even fake it.

    I bought a twin bed yesterday in case I need someone to take care of me... my sister told me that will not be my mom because she thinks I should not tell her anything more- which is just the basics and no details- because I am "upsetting mom"

    OK- maybe more coffee and I will be awake and more chipper.

    Later gators
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Wow, so much for being the one to wake everyone up. It sure is busy this morning! The big snow storm has begun and is gonna continue throughout the day here in Chicago. Still too dark to tell how bad it is right now. Im either going into work late or not at all. Gonna follow the early morning traffic and weather reports and then make a decision.

    If Im stuck home today with my husband I will scream!! Got the lecture last night. "You spend way too much time on the computer." "You beat the cancer and you need to stop thinking about it." Then he had the nerve to tell me I spent 50 hours on the computer this past week-end. I said, hey, I was recovering. His answer "thats a joke, you said you could have gone to work the day after the port removal." With that, I took my medication, an extra xanax, turned over so my back was towards him in bed and went to sleep!

    Ya know, I have always been very positive, minimized any pain, just keep telling everyone Im doing great. But dont minimize it for me!

    Jeannie: Im so glad you feel calmer after you saw your BS. Of all my doctors, I trust my BS the most. He is always on top of things and can somehow make me feel good when things seems so bad. And you are so right. I dont complain often. I think being couped up in this house for 4 days with him was way too much. Today is another day.

    Jan: Aiy yi yi is right. Guess sometimes our emotions come out in crying and other times come out in anger. Im much better this morning. I think the thing that put me over the edge was having to call my friend to find out why the check didnt come this month!

    Denise: Im like you. Posting pictures is gonna be a real challenge. Margaret did pm me with directions on how to do it. When I first looked at it, is seemed like another language, but Im hoping that once I have the time, I will go with it step by step and learn how to do it. Good luck with your 6 month check up.

    Cheri: The pooper scooper picture really made me laugh. Still laughing about it this morning. And the stories about your grand son are just hilarious.

    Vickie: I loved the Angel Warriors. Hoping your shoulder is better and hoping you dont go out and try to drive in this stuff. Hard enough trying to drive in a snow storm but with a sore shoulder?

    Tracey: As hard as it might be, your daughter needs to learn there are consequences to her actions. I vote for no Valentines Dance! She shuld have thought about that when she snuck out in the middle of the night.

    Debc: The Relay sounds like it will be fun. All of the walks here are 3 days walks. Thats just too much for me. Whatever happened to a one day walk? Anyways, hoping you get to fit in both activities.

    Michelle: Look Good Feel Good program. You must really be a support to so many who are coming to the meeting scared.

    Margaret: I got your directions. Just need to absorb them.

    MorelandMom: I love your new name. M&M. Thats good.

    Cy: The dizziness and nauseated feeling doesnt sound too good. Hope your feeling better today. If not, make sure and call the doctor.

    Karen: Good luck with your friend who is having surgery today. Snowstorm here in Chicago, is gonna make this even more difficult on his family.

    Susan: Im jumping up for joy, glad you got a good report. And exercise, exercise, exercise. I bet your sick of those 3 words.

    NS: Wishing you good luck with your doctors apointments today and saying big time prayers they will take your insurance. I personally feel your sister has some nerve telling you not to talk about this with your mom. This is a time when you all should be together talking. My famous words to her SHAME ON YOU! Ahahaha I know you know what I mean by that.

    Judy: Well I took notes and I cant read what I wrote to you. But I still gotta tell you. "Bluebirds" gives me a warm fuzzy feeling from times gone by in the past. A nice feeling!

    So Im still pretty ambivalent about whether Im going to work or not.

    If I dont go in, well I have my new croceht hook and I can just start working on the squares.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

    Talk to ya all later.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Good morning once again,
    Oh Nicki...DH needs a little visit to the deliverance tent. Just a little wake up call for him as it sounds like he needs one.
    NS...what a lousy thing for your sister to say. Is SHE planning on staying with you to help...want me to swipe her and put her on a deserted island for a while? If you need me...CALL...always and forever here for you.
    Hugs to Jeannie, Karen and Ginney and anyone else who needs one.
    Off to get my arm checked...back to work to play catch up...home early before the storm hits. Looks like a snow day tomorrow!!! I love my job and my co-workers...just tired and I hurt!
    Don't mean to leave anyone all your post...hard to type and tons to get done.
    I love ya all
    Oh...planning on throwing a Valentines Day party for us tomorrow...look out ladies! A special day for all of us even if we are single we have each other and there is so much love here it deserves a special day!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Morning All,

    Just a quick check-in before I go to the office (early today to play catch-up)....we had numerous storms last night so be careful if you are in the way of the storm.

    Good luck today NS....saying a prayer that all works out with the insurance companies (who tend to rule our lives)..

    Vickie, please take care of that shoulder today. I know how painful that can be...

    Oh no, gotta go....there is that 5 minute window to leave your house before the TRAFFIC hits.....

    Talk to you all later. Be careful if you are in the path of this storm.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Well! Its official. Its a snow day. Just spoke with my boss - gonna take a vacation day. Since my job involves driving around all day. Now if I had my jeep, I would probably have gone into work. But I dont have it anymore. Im so greatful that my boss lives in the Western suburbs and is afraid of snow herself. She's not going anywhere either. So Im off - start crocheting. A good day to work on the community afghan.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    CY, I hope you are feeling better this morning.

    Deb, I hope you can change the flights. A few years ago a friend got married the night before our Relay for Life, and I was a captain. We had to leave the wedding reception at 9 pm and drive the 5.5 hours home and I had just finished chemo the month before. I was exhausted but I did it.

    Karen, my hubby tells me I snore too - unfortunately, I know I do because I wake myself up sometimes! I guess I'll PM you too and give you the directions on posting pics.

    Susan, good luck at the OS today.

    Judy, I'll send you instructions on posting. It's really easy through Photobucket. Just sometimes I forget about resizing. No, don't need surgery on my ankle right now anyway. My sister was invited to V. Satui by one of her vendors, who is a member, and she was told she could invite up to 4 others so she invited a girlfriend of mine who had just gotten a job where she works, my hubby and me.

    NS, I just know that today will be better than yesterday and you will be able to use and like one of the PS you see today. Is your sister going to help when it comes time for your surgery? And I would think your mom would want to know.

    Nicki, next time hubby brings up the computer time - tell him it's cheaper than a therapist and more satisfying for you too. Try not to kill him today.

    Hi to all, time to get in the shower.

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited February 2007
    Good morning! I am at work so I don't have much time! My computer at home has been commandeered by my boys. They got these Webkins stuffed animals, which come with a password that gets them to a really cute website where they can have a house for their animal and play games to earn 'money' to buy clothes and toys for him. Since I work, they are in an afterschool program and we don't get home until 5:30 or so, and I have been going to bed at (get this) 7:30 or 8:00. So, during the week there are only a couple of hours of computer time available! Someday when treatment is over, maybe I will be able to go to bed at a more normal adult time!

    So just checking in to say hi and let you all know I am thinking about you all!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008
    Good morning happy campers! Rise and shine...except for those getting a big bunch of snow today. I HATE snow.

    NS, aren't sisters a kick in the behind? Mine is the same way. I think my sister is afraid that I will get more of mom's attention ...even after all these years. Why do siblings feel they have the right to be 'gatekeepers' with parents.

    Sheri, I would do something about that mouse problem soon. Take it from me, they will chew the insulation off wiring if they are in the walls. Set some traps. I know nobody wants to kill a living creature but you really can't allow a mouse infestation in your living space. Its very unhealthy.

    By the way, I love the pics of the afgan. You are doing a wonderful job. Now that I've seen what some of the other squares are like, I'll get to work. I was afraid I might make mine different and not usable.

    Stay warm all you northern folk.
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007
    Quickie this morning---have to run to the grocery store before the storm arrives to get goodies for an at home valentine's dinner.

    NS---that is just plain dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb. Two dumbs for your insurance company and two dumbs for your sister. Is delaying the recon an option for you? I felt like I just couldn't make all of those decisions that fast so did the mast first and did a delayed recon 5 months later. And unless your Mom has some debilitating condition this is not about your mother or your sister---it's about YOU. Geesh! I'LL come take care of you!!

    Nicki---Don't you know the best defense is a good offense? So you called him on his stupid behavior and he turned it around and all of a sudden it's about you? The man doesn't understand how to fight fair in marriage and he knew he was wrong. I think all of us who tend to cope well end up getting bit by it. We don't complain or talk much about what's going on (despite what my sister said---but she seems more sympathetic and responsive since I told her I won't know if they "cured" me of cancer until I die of something else). If we don't complain about the SEs or the test crazies, etc., then everything is back to "normal" and we spend too much time coming to a place like this that supports us and makes us feel better. I trust my BS the most too--all she does is surgery for BC patients and, being a woman, gets it. She can even tell me that positive biopsy results for BIRAD 4 can run as high as 75%, depending on who is reading the MRI, without sending me into a tail spin. If it is, the lesion is so tiny and so close to the skin surface that it won't mess up the plastic surgery and won't have had a chance to visit anyone else in the neighborhood, so to speak. I am so glad that I will be able to do some volunteer stuff in her office. Every time I'm there I see at least one woman in the waiting room that I wish I could just sit next to, pat her hand and tell her it's going to be all right.

    Deb---you say the Relay for life is June 1 and 2? We're getting to Anchorage sometime the 1st. How cool if I could be there on the second---at least to cheer you all on!

    OK all of you Campfire Girls, etc., anybody out there a Rainbow Girl? I was Worthy Advisor (a crown and everything) of the biggest assembly in the state and a minor state officer. Taught me a lot about community service.

    OK---snow barrelling in our direction---forecasting 15 to 24 inches. Just what we need in Central New York.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    well darn it all. I know I posted my update last night. Hmmmm wonder where it went. O well.

    Update for me. Surgeon called last night. Path report was clear. Yehaw!!! One less stress. He said my HIDA scan was + for gallbladder disease and we will discuss removing it at my follow up on thursday.

    Betty, glad your mammo is done for the year. I hate sitting there waiting in that stupid paper drape.

    Amy, rap music UGH!!!! I wouldn't allow it in my house when my kids were teens.

    MB, glad you had a Me Weekend. I had one to but all I got was a dirty house. No backrubs or favorite foods. Man I got ripped. I'm writing a memo.

    Vicki, call your doc and get thee to PT. Frozen shoulder is not something to mess with.
    Lasagne, yummmmmmmm. Lucky you. All I got all weekend was pizza. I hate pizza.

    Nicki, hugs girlfriend. I love my husband more than life but there are many times when I just want to kick him in the head.
    Bluebirds were the youngest campfire girls I do believe. I could be wrong. It was a veryyyyyyyy long time ago.
    Glad your taking a snow day.

    Cheri, hahahahahhahah. I have an idea, lets have a circus animal tent. We'll send all the idiots in our lives there. The ones that aren't quite bad enough for the Deliverance Tent but to stupid to stay in our presence. My son can take the first pooper scooper shift.

    Tracey, uh no thanks. You can keep them. My daughter was like Vicki's. The perfect child. But O My my boys gave me a run. I would have sold them to gypsys on any given day. Now the youngest is doing well in the Navy, the oldest is still giving me fits here at home. We thought he had hit bottom when we had him come home. Apparently not cause he hasn't changed his ways yet. And now we're stuck with a selfish, childish, I can party as much as I want manchild. He got on my last nerve several weeks ago but hasn't annoyed his father to the point of no return yet. Here he will stay until he does.

    Madison, I did put clothes on. Even left the house for a bit. Then plopped myself right back on the couch for another movie. The Princess Bride was just as funny as ever. Never did get to my laundry. Think I'll have to do that today as hubby was down to his last pair of socks this morning.

    Jeannie, hugs. I'll be chewing my fingernails for you.

    Michele, I didn't have chemo so I never did the Look Good, Feel Good program. But I heard wonderful things about it. Good for you for giving back.

    Margaret, I grew up in the City. Lived there till I was 13 then got shipped off to Florida. That was major culture shock. Came back when I was 18. Lived in San Bruno for a couple of years when I got married. Did you know Lanie or Allison Zimmerman. They are my cousins. Lived in San Bruno from childhood.

    Deb, hugs to you. Hope you can get it all figured out.

    CY, I hope the dizziness isn't anything serious. How are you feeling this morning?

    karen, sleep apnea is no fun but very fixable. Hubby has it. Was a mess for years. Used to drive off the road cause he would fall asleep driving. A very bad thing. Finally passed out at work one day. Got hauled off to the ER. Docs wanted to know what kind of drugs he was on. I told them none, he just never sleeps. He was admitted, put on oxygen and slept for 3 days. Had a sleep study done finally. Now he uses a bi-pap machine at night. It's ugly but it works.

    Susan, hugs to you. Go do your exercises.

    Gina, I hate your insurance company.
    From a mothers point of view. If my daughter had a serious issue and didn't tell me about it I would rip her a new one. Your sister is wrong. Tell your mother.

    Have a great day girls. I have a stinking headache, which means more rain is on the way. A good thing so they tell me but I do so hate it.
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2007
    Gina-I hope you are having success w/h your insurance company. I hate them! We have personal choice and it has been pretty good so far w/h Kev and me. When Kev was two he needed surgery to repair craniostenosis. We had different insurance then and I had to go in front of a board to plead my case.They wanted to make sure we weren't doing the surgery for cosmetic reasons. WTF???I had to convince them that he would have brain issues because his head was growing in the wrong direction. You would think the doctor reports would have been enough.
    Thanks for all the prayers girls. Kevin is getting stronger everyday.
    I love the idea of the circus tent. I have a few people that should clean up after the animals.
    I have to read how to post pictures when I get the chance looks like fun.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    Joyce, that has got to be the stupidest thing I have ever heard.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008
    Great news on the path report, Shirley. Get that gall bladder out so you can move on to more fun things.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    morning circle girls,

    Nicki-I must say I am jealous that you are home enjoying the snow day. I on the other hand am just dealing with lots and lots of rain and possible tornados. On second thought I think I had rather deal with my weather than be at home with your husband because I might just lose it. The nerve or him telling you how many hours you were on the computer. Excuse me, you work FT and if that is how you choose to relax when you are off so be it. His butt needs to get a real job with a real weekly/biweekly pay check and then he might have a say so but I doubt it. Send him to me, I've got lots of donkey poop that needs scooping!

    Cheri-oh my, you are going crazyyyyyyyyyyy! The mad picture poster has been released. LOL! I love the pictures. Keep them coming.

    Madison-You had tornados during the night according to the news. Hope everything is ok. New Orleans got hit again, man does it ever stop?

    Joyce-I cant believe they questioned that surgery for Kevin. My gosh, what idiots. Insurance,,,gotta love it.

    Shirley-Congrats on the good results and good luck with the gallbladder removal. good luck with your clothes washing today. I really dont mind the washing and the drying but putting up is on my list of things I hate. I usually end up with some things that never make it up and I just pull them out and wear them. My son was standing in the utility room last night and I asked him what he was looking for. He said just some socks is all because none has been put in my room. Excuse me!!!!!!! Since when did I become the laundry lady. I said this is not a drive in cleaners. You dont drop off and get them delivered back to you so pull that basket out there and have at it buddy,,match socks and you will have plenty to put away in your room. BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!! Whats scarier is then they become men. I'm telling you its almost time I lock him in his room at 12 and not let him out till he's 30.

    jeannie-sorry about your friend. No words can explain. My thoughts are with you.

    AlaskaDeb-I love how you politely drop in and say just enough to keep up on pins and needles. I love surprises but cant stand knowing one is coming and I dont know what it is. Is it a jar of snow? Well, only a few of us would appreciate that since lots seems to be getting their fair share.

    Susan-keep up the exercises. I know you will be so excited to get out of your house and drive when able.

    Cy-keep a close watch on the dizziness. That sounds serious.

    newvickie-hope you figure out your shoulder problem also and its nothing serious. Thank you by the way, you brought a smile to my face when I went to the mailbox.

    Karen-good deal on the sleep study. I dont snore either though but sometimes I am "congested" and I make noise. I know its not snoring though. Thats what grandparents do.

    Michelle-I never did the look good feel better program but considered it many times. I just couldnt understand why it couldnt be done on a Saturday for those of us that do chemo and have to take off from work and that would just be another day to have to take off. sounded like a great program though.

    Tracey-I vote on the no valentines dance also. got to show who is the boss now or it will get worse. The cell phone is always nice to take away also or no text messaging which is what they love to do and phone can only be used for family. Yep, I'm mean.

    MB-congrats on the me weekend. those are always nice.

    Betty-congrats on the good news. I know you had to be nervous sitting there. Wouldnt know as I am breastless but I can imagine.

    NS-thinking of you today and hoping you are having a good day. Lots of decisions to be made and I know your mind is full.

    always hope-sounds like you know first hand the damage a mouse can do. ok feet going a little higher up and if it darts out I will scream like a girl. Give me snakes, spiders, bugs or just about anything but cant take a mouse.

    ok didnt take notes as I am sure its pretty obvious since I left out so many. Will be checking back in later and hopefully my brain will be working.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    good morning ladies...
    my cold is sstill hanging on but getting better i think
    hey deb your issue with the relay is it a option for you to stay home that weekend... how long were you going to fil???
    well i have been trying to do homework but do you ladies remember the old arcade games like pacman and donkeykong, space invaders, astroids omg i found this site that has the original games on it... lol yes i am dodging my homework....i showed my youngest pacman and she has never seen it before..... omg its like ancient to her... lol
    well i am going to try to do homemade chicken wings tonight anyone got any easy recipes????
    ok back to homework eeeerrr pacman hahahahah
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Afternoon: So far, the predicted snow strom doesnt seem to be as bad as they were saying. But lots of spin outs so Im glad I stayed home. Just finished my 3rd square and decided to check in.

    Im watching the news and it sure seems like alot of us are in some bad weather situations. Hoping Madison is ok, as I heard Tornados touched down in New Orleans. And going right towards Alabama - Amy. Most states East of Chicago are getting hit hard with alot of snow. Lets all chant together. We want Spring!

    Shriley: Congratulations on the good path report. Whew! Next - get that darn Gallbladder removed. Pffffft! Its gone. Sending you a juicy bug kiss.

    Amy: Donkey pooop? Ahahahahah. Got him working today, Ill tell you that. Said its me or him, but that snow is gonna be kept off the driveway and sidewalks before it gets too heavy. Guilted him right into it

    I really do think part of the probelm here is we are just sick of each other. Being stuck in this house for 5 outta 6 days - well its just too much. I need my time!!

    Joyce: Im glad Kevin is continuing to recover. I swear, Im gonna get involved and lobby against insurance companies.

    Tracey: OMG! I love those games. Spent hours and hours playing PAC man, and Asteroids. Im not a great cook, I dont have a recipe, but I sure do like buffalo wings.

    Good luck everyone - this weahter system is just about affecting all of us. My wigwam is nice and warm. Have a big batch of chili going. One with beans, one without. And of course for everyone that has a cold, have a big batch of Chicken soup!

    Back to crocheting
