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  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited February 2007

    Nicki men really are from Mars if you ask me!!!! hope you take that money and get a day of beauty with it or something really nice for yourself!!!!

    Laura what an amazing story, I got teary eyed reading it!

    Colleen hope your feeling better, I am also getting coming down with something a sore throat and stuffy head.

    Deb hope you girls feel better soon!

    ns thinking of you everyday and jeannie too! I pray for all us gals everyday!
    cy hope you daughter is ok!
    Joy how is Kevin? kids are so resilient aren't they?
    Ginney so sorry. what an awful thing to happen.
    Mena HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
    Vickie we have a 2 hr school delay, whick i think is crazy they should give these kids off. It is a sheet of ice out there......
    those that are getting hit hard, stay safe stay warm. this has been some crazy weather!!!!
    to everyone else, I am brain dead this morning. have a good safe Valentines day!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008
    Nicki, I thought of you when I read this:

    60 above - Floridians wear coats, gloves, and wooly hats.
    Chicago people sunbathe.

    50 above - New Yorkers try to turn on the heat.
    Chicago people plant gardens.

    40 above - Italian cars won't start.
    Chicago people drive with the windows down.

    32 above - Distilled water freezes.
    Lake Michigan's water gets thicker.

    20 above - Californians shiver uncontrollably.
    Chicago people have the last cookout before it gets cold.

    15 above - New York landlords finally turn up the heat.
    Chicago people throw on a sweatshirt.

    0 degrees - Californians fly away to Mexico.
    Chicago people lick the flagpole and throw on a light jacket over the

    20 below - People in Miami cease to exist.
    Chicago people get out their winter coats.

    40 below - Hollywood disintegrates.
    Chicago's Girl Scouts begin selling cookies door to door.

    60 below - Polar bears begin to evacuate Antarctica.
    Chicago's Boy Scouts postpone "Winter Survival" classes until it gets
    cold enough.

    80 below - Mount St. Helen's freezes.
    Chicago people rent some videos.

    100 below - Santa Claus abandons the North Pole.
    Chicago people get frustrated when they can't thaw the keg.

    297 below - Microbial life survives on dairy products.
    Illinois cows complain of farmers with cold hands.

    460 below - ALL atomic motion stops.
    Chicago people start saying. . ."Cold 'nuff for ya??"

    500 below - Hell freezes over.
    The Chicago Cubs win the World Series.
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited February 2007
    Hugs and Kisses to all, especially those of you with special struggles.

    I am reflecting on last year and what an experience it has been. Who would have thought that one year ago today I'd be here embracing and being embraced by such a wonderful group of the strongest women that I could ever know. You all are my inspiration and strength. I could never have imagined how a group of "internet junkies" could make me laugh and cry so hard and loud. Thank you all for just being you.

    I received a cute little flip-flop Valentine's day card with a stick of gum in it from one of the soccer moms. It had a flower on it and was different shades of pink. She only has boys and of course, the boys wouldn't pick those out to give, so she bought them for herself. I told her that pink flip-flops have a special meaning to me. It made my day yesterday and I thought of you.

    On the See's chocolate, nope. I can't open a box and have just one. The smell is irresistable, so it is Hershey's Dark Chocolate with cranberries, blueberries, and almonds; full of anti-oxidants, individually wrapped, and only 1 WW point per square. I can pace myself better. Oh yea, Shel, probably full of bugs too, but I'll think about that tomorrow.

    Today is the one year anniversary of my last full day with real boobs. I pulled out an old picture and I have to admit, I actually look better with my expanders and the 11 pound weight loss, well, with clothes on, but I do miss the softness and sensation of my old ones. Oh, and let's not forget the feeling of immortality that went away with them.

    I wish I could take all of your worries away, if only for a day. Wishing you all a safe, warm, and full of love day!!!

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    good morning ladies!!!!!!!
    well its another chilly day out there but i want your snow day.... i want to be snowed in too!!
    vicki you are a princess and when i get home i make yours to.... just cant find the program here at work... lol
    hahahah cheri your doing awsome with your pictures!!!!

    ok ladies happy valentines day!!!!!!!!!!





    with all my luv to you ladies!!!!! you are my sister and i do lub you all!!!

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    Good morning Circle girls!

    Its snowing in Alabama. I think that’s about the same time that hell freezes over but I’m not sure.

    Snowmen n thongs-I knew I was an angel and you just confirmed it. I love how you made it where you couldn’t see the horns holding up my halo.

    Mena-Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you,,,Happy Birthday dear Menaaaaaaaaaa,,Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuu! Your present is that you didn’t have to be here in person and hear me sing. Hope your son is healing also and your daughter is doing well from her lobotomy. Tracey might need the surgeon that performed that lobotomy for her daughter btw.

    Shirley-What time at TGIF? I’m there! It sounds like we might have the same recipe book in fact.

    Colleen-sorry to hear you are sick along with your son. Hopefully it will pass quickly.

    Karen-don’t you hate when your post disappears. I have started typing in word and then copying and pasting so that I know it wont happen. It seems like when it did happen to me I just couldn’t turn around and post again.

    AlaskaDeb-hope your daughters are feeling better today. I know what you mean about the right words to say because I catch myself typing and erasing quiet often because it seems like there should be something I could say to make it all better.

    Gennie-so sorry about your friend. Hopefully they will be able to find out what went on quickly. I had the same reaction when I read that about the “terminal” part. It didn’t hit me right off but I was driving home from work that afternoon and the word terminal just wouldn’t go away. I mean, I’m not dying and when I think of terminal I think of lying in my hospital bed. It does seem like there is an awful lot going on right now. Grrr,,I hate this freaking disease.

    Laura-thanks for the reflection. It does make us appreciate things when we lay it out like that.

    Shel38-I get “it” also but I don’t have to like “it.” I thank of you often and I know you don’t say a lot of personal things but I do know from your postings that you have a lot on your plate. Just letting you know you are in my thoughts.

    Cheri-glad you called your mom and I know its hard to see parents not be the same parents that raised us. I hope you have a snorkel though because I have found that you still have to breath with your head buried in the sand. I happen to have a few if you need one because denial is my favorite place on this earth. Who me? Stage 4,,you gotta be kidding! I’m 39, a 12 year old son, a wonderful SO and a farm that I have wanted for my entire life so cancer can kiss my happy A$$ because I am not giving up what I have worked for. I love your pics btw. I also love the “Don’t give a damn phase” Life is short ya know,,gotta enjoy it

    Sue-Best of luck with your treatments. Hang in there and before you know it you will be done.

    Cy-sorry to hear your daughter was in an accident. Hopefully its not too bad.

    Lisa-congrats on the central air. Is it a heat pump or what type did you go with. Lots of good warranties on compressors out there for many of them.

    Newvickie-enjoy your snow day at home. Hows the shoulder? To answer your questions,,YESSSSSSSSSSSSS I do have power and construction has started. Woohooooo!

    Nicki-I vote for the stay home day unless of course you might get the police involved with a domestic call because you have been around your husband too long,,,lol. If you do go out,,drive safely.

    Michelle-I agree Men are from Mars,,,,,Can we send them all back there? Just kidding there are some nice ones,,hmmmmmmmm oh yeah my dad is one of them,,I will keep thinking cause surely there has to be more,,lol.

    Joy-hoping Kevin is doing ok today. Tell him Happy Valentines Day from the wagon circle.

    Alwayshope-loved the Chicago stuff you posted…now that’s funny.

    Lini-Happy Anniversary! Who you calling an internet junkie? Lol!!!! Take time to enjoy yourself today and be proud of what you have accomplished.

    Susan-where are ya? Hope PT didn’t get you yesterday.

    NS-thinking of you and hoping you haven’t gone “postal” on the insurance company. Don’t worry if you have though cause we’ve got your back!

    Geesh-I know I missed many. Just as an FYI, I got a card from Lynn and shes not upset with me,,phewwwwwwwwwwwww! I think she may be in the spa tent though and if she doesn’t get out soon she will be all shriveled up like a prune. Lynn,,come out come out wherever you are. <waving a nice mixed drink at the spa wagon door>!

    Armynavymom-Don’t think I saw a post from you. Hope you are doing well with your treatments.

    Madison-Glad to know the storms weren’t close to you. They happened to be all below me when they came through so that was nice. I think they had damage around Tuscaloosa though from listening to the news this morning.

    Hmmm-I know I missed many but my thoughts are with you all. Happy Valentines Day!

    Love, Amy
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited February 2007
    AlwaysHope, You make me smile. You could say most of those things in Michigan, too. Except for the Cubs. Just substitute the Lions, enough said.

    BTW-I fell asleep quickly after my late night ramblings.

    Happy Valentines Day to all.

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2007
    Thanks girls for checking in on Kevin. He is doing pretty good. His drain is not slowing down so it won't be coming out on Friday. I feel bad for him,I remember how they were annoying.
    Mena-Happy Birthday!!
    NS-Hope your having success w/h the insurance company
    Michele-I never understood the two hour delay when it is really icy out there. Our kids have off today.The community College is open though so Sean has to go.My SIL works for Wildwood schools and had to go in today.
    To everyone I missed,I'm thinking of you.
    Happy Valentines Day!
    Stay warm,
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    HAPPY V DAY ALL....and of course a little late but...heart felt..Happy Birthday MENA...hugs...

    Ok snow day and I have to work....5' drifts and DH can't do 2 hours of shoveling and of course late for work....he on the other hand had no school...hmmm...where's the

    Jas...ROFLMA...maybe I won't be visitng Chicago anytime soon....

    Nicki, glad to hear you are better...and good job with the exercising keep up the good work...and if you are getting ready to go to congress count me in....what do I need to research?...let me help...I'm ready...

    to all speaking of their kids...yup we never cease being moms...many nights of pulling them out of last night, phone calls in the middle of the last night...and catching them coming in last weekend...hmmmm...never ending story...but glad i can live it every day...(especially with a glass of wine)

    Cheri...moms are important and can handle alot more than we give them credit for..I know its hard to see them change but..wouldn't you want to know?...and SOOOOOOOOOO glad you figured the pic thing are such a great

    The SPA tent now has hot toddies for all those in need....and some lovely warm lemon drinks, very low fat, low cal...and good...

    Today is the day I will start making plans.....ok ....CG's....I am planning a gathering the first part of August....camping (tents, campers, whatever) fires, smores etc...good friends...and families...(and hotels for those less maybe even if your interested PM me...

    once again Happy Valentines Day MB
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    ok MB didnt PM you but would love to be involved in the gathering. Geesh, not sure if I can work it out though with the building going on. man, I sure wanna. Hmmmmm,,maybe as plans go on i can figure something out.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2007
    Happy Valentines Day everyone..

    Must go to get some more yarn today for our project
    Just finished up 12 of the squares..

    Amy, We are getting a regular air conditioner, a Carrier, that goes with the furnace...forced air.

    Here is one of my roses for all..

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited February 2007
    Hey everyone. I just got back from the radiation onc about the swelling and pain in my recon. breast and back. He's not too concerned about it but I have to get an MRI and bone scan to rule things out. So more waiting time.

    It's been crazy here with all of the ice. I've been out with crews since 3:00am and don't know when I'll get done.

    MB that sounds like so much fun, but only if Mazer can go.
    Wouldn't your neighbors love to see Mazer walking around the neighborhood?

    NS, so thinking about you. Keep smiling

    Kristen, It was so great to see you Saturday night. Except for the backfeed problem, your voice is wonderful. You looked so great with the hat that you wore. xoxo

    Mena...happy birthday lil sis.

    Have to go back out in this lovely weather. Love to all xoxo
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO ALL OF YOU WONDERFUL FRIENDS. I love all the pictures posted. My talent lies in typing a few lines, but I meant every word of it!!
    I will check up a bit later. Still reeling from losing last nights post. Please know that I'm thinking of all of you and your families. Stay warm. We are kinda snowed under today. Vickie, I love the angels you posted..Warrior Angels. I'm parshall (new worD) to angels. I'm going to try to print that one! It might be to big to copy, but I'll try.
    Mena, Do have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
    I will post individually in a bit. Husband is at the hospital, and just called to tell me he is coming home. Hope I can get out of the driveway!!
    Love to all,
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    The sun is shining but it's pickin cold out there. Finally put a load in the washer yesterday. Still in there as I type. Lordy I hate doing laundry. Someone really needs to come up with some attractive disposable clothing.


    Denise, it happens cause the server times out. Copy your post before you hit the continue button. If it times out then you can just paste it back in on the new page.

    I wanna make squares. Someone teach me please. I'm a whiz with a sewing machine and quilting needles but haven't a clue about knitting needles and crochet hooks.

    Vicki, snow day yehaw. I think.
    Thanks for the flowers and chocolate. Made my day.

    Sue, all work, no play...well you know....

    Deb, good luck with changing the plans. When I had my appendectomy in south carolina damn airlines charged my hubby $1700 for an emergency ticket to come get me. Airlines are also on my s**t list. They are scam artists.

    CY, I am so happy to hear your daughter is ok. Wouldn't the other guy be at fault and his insurance company be responsible?

    Ginney, great big hugs to you my friend. I believe that each of us has an appointed time to die. We will not lose or gain one second beyond that time. How that comes about is inconsequential to me. Tho I do prefer it happen when I'm old, dried up, wrinkled and crotchety.
    If the government wants to give you money for having a chronic illness I say go for it. Lord knows they don't do much else for us.

    Wow Laura, thats quite the story. Really big burly angels were protecting you. I have wondered about making a difference in my world as well. Came to the conclusion that we don't have to save the world. The young man/woman you smile at at the grocery store could be a medical student who is thinking of quitting. Your smile could make his/her day and cause him to persevere and one day discover the cure for cancer or aids or whatever. Every persons life counts and has purpose even if we aren't on the cover of Time.

    Hugs to you to Shel, families are odd.

    Cheri, wanna hear DUH! All this time I see you complaining that you can't post pics. I'm saying to myself "self I don't get it, the pics are right there. Can she not see them?" Just figured out you mean the animated ones.
    Heres a simple explanation for you. Animated pics are a different type of file. They are several still pics combined to make a moving picture. If you are not saving ALL the individual pictures then they don't work. Does that make sense.
    Now how to save and post them I have no clue. I can make them in PSP. Used to keep me entertained for hours and hours.

    Jas, ahhahahhahahahhahahahhah that was to pickin funny.

    Amy how is 6pm for you. I'm an early eater. We'll call a cab so you can have all the Guiness (my son in law drinks that..yuck) and I can have all the cosmos that we can handle without getting thrown out for public drunkeness.
    Snow in Alabama. O my.

    Lini, I am not a junkie. I am an addict. It is a medically documented disease for which happily there is no cure.
    Junkies drool.

    Crap Nicki, don't get the police involved. Just bury him in the basement and let the bugs have him. I'll give you an alibi.

    Joy I'll be praying the draining slows enough for removal on friday.

    MB that is just not fair. I vote a snow day for you too. t on

    Socal, central air? wow good for you. HOw you've managed in san diego with out it is beyond me. I would melt.
    Is that rose blooming now? Wow it's gorgeous.

    Theresa, out with crews? what do you do?
    You'll be on my prayer list for your tests.

    Off to finish my shades. And I do believe some stinky laundry is calling my name.
    HAPPY DAY TO ONE AND ALL. Chocolate for every one. There are no calories in holidays.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2007

    Good morning CG's it is a cold day here in North Texas (28 degrees).....I know for alot of you sweet "Yankee" girls you would be putting on shorts and flip flops but for Texans it is just dang cold.........Everyone has been in my prayers......boy are we just a bunch of banged up girls or what? It is amazing that before cancer dx you get a pain somewhere or a bump or a cough and never give it another thought but after bc everything that happens to our bodies is suspect......its a very strange way to live....I haven't gotten use to it and probably never will........anyway tomorrow I am headed for San Antonio for my 14 yr old daughters band preformance.....her middle school won the state championship...yea which brings me to another matter. My daughters band director has had a breast cancer reaccurance after being ned for ten yrs.....ugh!!!!!!!!! I know how much we all hate this stupid stupid disease........First NS then my daughters favorite teacher and I know that Alaskadeb has had friends recently dx...our spouses and or ex-spouses wonder why we can't move on...uh could it be because there are constant reminders in almost every single breath we take of what this disease has done to us and continues to haunts us every single moment..............anyway if everyone would keep Shokk's daughters band director in their prayers God will know who you are praying for...........I will be back on Saturday night...there probably be what about 20 pages to catch up on...I can't skip any it makes me feel like I gone a wk without watching my favorite soap girls are really my main form of sanity in a really crazy world.....everyone take care......Yankee girls stay warm....I think I may have a margurita on the river walk down in San Antonio in honor of my CG's.............

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    Tgirl...well, my neighbors are a long ways away ( one is a parttimer from Buffalo area and has his own "parties" looks like tent city some weekends) is part of our family..I live out in the country and no one really cares what we do.. and most arent ever surprised with what we do...beach bon fire in January one year...bathing suits so hot it melted just about all the snow and our eyelashes I have 5 acres of everyone and everything is welcome... make sure you put the date on your calendar...
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Happy Valentines Day CGs! And Happy Birthday, Mena!

    I can't even begin to catch up today. My youngest son called me at work yesterday and informed me that he and his wife were separating. He was here at the house by the time I got home from work. That's ok, we will always be there for him as long as he needs. I think they will probably work it out, they just need a little time apart. He misses his two little boys though. I feel bad for him.

    We are also having a huge snow/sleet/freezing rain storm. DH couldn't plow the driveway this morning because we were afraid if we removed the snow, the whole thing would ice up. Our driveway is 400 ft. long, on a hill, so ice is a real bad thing! At least it is my normal day off and I don't have to worry about getting to work.

    Alwayshope, that Chicago thing was priceless! I think it could apply to people in Central NY too lol.

    Karen, I took the Lunesta the other night and it didn't work for me either . I gotta call the sleep doc.

    Vickie, thanks for the lovely flowers and kisses. My DH gave me a small box of Godiva today. He knows I'm trying to lose weight! I think he wanted them. I should hide them. Hee hee.

    SoCal, beautiful rose! It looks so pretty on this snowy day!

    I've got to go now. I'll try to catch up on all the posts a little later.

    Happy day, all!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007

    MB, That get together sounds like it would be fun. We are taking the motorhome to Maine the end of July, and I'm not sure we could take off the extra time.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    oh my goodness Shirley is on a roll...drooling, burying hubbies, giving alibi's and looking for disposable clothes! If you go to they have pretty easy to follow instructions for knitting and crocheting.

    Hugs to Shokk and we'll keep her in our prayers.

    Hi MB, Tracey, Lini, Peanutgirl, Alwayshope, Lisa, Amy, Michele, Margaret, Colleen, NS...hmm where are you dear girl...snowed in?

    Still snowing here...actually snowing harder now and they said it will be snowing this hard until at least 6pm. Winds are picking up...maybe another snow day tomorrow?!?

    Love to all

    Denise...If you go to google and click on images you can search for angels and get tons of beautiful pictures. Right click on the ones you like and save them to you computer.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    Jan,((hugs)) is tough being a mom...
    I guess we can have the "Wagon gathering" when you're driving by......what dates are you going to be in the vicinity...?...we can move it around ...just let me know... I really want this to happen...we can call it the largest gathering of BC families..

    hugs, still waiting for the boss to let me go home...&#9787;...driving & parking ban in the "city" snow piles on the roads are as big as the trucks...

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    My dear dear circle girls
    May you all have the valentines day you dream of..

    put your feet up and get some rest

    hug someone you love

    sing the song that's in your heart


    and remember I love you one and all

    Deb C.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007

    Are we talking about a real life get together?? Man, I would love to do that! I hate being so far away. Maybe I could swing a plane ticket....what airport are you near?? New York is usually an expensive ticket. They have good sales to Chicago and Detroit. Maybe they do to New York too...Hmmmmmm

    Deb C
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited February 2007
    Happy Valentines Day, My sisters,

    Hope all is well in your world today. Still not totally out of the Medic tent but working on it. Back to the doc this afternoon.

    Saw this - all of you are HEART ANGELS!! NS thinking of you this afternoon and sending hugs!!!


    Love to all, Brenda
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    DEb, yup real life share the food and wine and really sit around a camp fire...I'm an hour 1/2 south of Buffalo, NY , hour 1/2 north of Bradford, Pa...airport.. so please do consider...lots of tents available...and lots of hugs...
    any othe takers...remember its warm in July & Augus in no 5' snow drifts
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Madison, you may use the cocktail flu excuse aannyyy time you need! I never heard the expression until about a month ago. It just cracked me up. I know this was several pages back, but I can't catch up!
  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92
    edited February 2007
    I would love to attend your campfire!!!!! but unforunately I live alone and am the sole supporter of my humble abode....not sure I can swing the cost of the trip there....dont think we could be much further across the united states from each other!!!!!!
    I will check to see what the cost might be to fly out and will see what I can do about being there.
    Maybe several of us that might be landing in the airport at the same (or close to the same time) could get together and rent a car for the trip to your place to help some with costs.
    Hope it all works for everyone that wants to be there...
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2007
    Hello Circle Girls!

    I am sorry I have not posted.
    I have the stomach flu I think- on top of everything else. It is either the stomach flu or I am finally getting a physical reaction to all this stress- and my weak spot has always been my stomach.

    I LOVED the PS I met with yesterday. He said he will fight to get my insurance company to pay... LET US PRAY!!!!

    He said I can't do a tram and have to go with the implants which is what I wanted. He said he CAN do immediate implants- but said he will be bringing expanders too once he sees what the condition of my skin is. He also uses Alloderm which is a skin transplant insert that helps boost the skin. THat will help on my radiated side. And LINI he said he can do the OnQ pump!!! he is the ONLY one who uses it here!! THANK YOU SISTER!

    he did something unbelievable- he asked two of his patients who were in other rooms if I could see their implants. They said YES! One was one week out and one was two weeks out- ONLY a true BC sister would do that... well- they looked great. REALLY GREAT. I am much less freaked out now that I saw it "in the flesh" so to speak. they are still swollen and have a lot of healing to do- but they didn't look bad! I kind of got emotional but the women knew exactly what I was feeling and were totally cool.

    IF my insurance company doesn't F this up my date is March 6th. I pray my cancer isn't spreading like wildfire until then.

    I promise to come back later and read all 200 posts I have missed- but I really have to lay down.. this stomach and the fatigue I feel is really wiping me out- I couldn't even clean or paint anything today.


    Love you,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    A get did I miss that!!!
    Wow...MB...I don't live that far from you and what a wonderful idea. Your idea right? Spending my day here on pain pills under the confused couch.
    love ya all
    Vickie sounds like your getting better news!! Hope your over the bummy tummy sister has it today in the midst of this storm. She called in tears, trying to plow their driveway with the tractor and its plow, throw up, plow, throw up...then the plow fell off, tractor got stuck so she was sittin in the snow cursing, trying to put the blade back on and throwing up. I told her to go to bed...can't drive anywhere anyway! Same to you...go to bed, sleep and get better.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    uh oh ladies...I need your help.
    Nathaniel's biological mother just called. Had a baby boy a couple of hours ago. 6lbs 13oz. Oh no...she is no more capable or thrilled about this baby as she was with Nathaniel! I know what is coming and I don't know if I can do another baby...I know that I really really really want to but it just doesn't seem like it would be right. What if the beast comes back. All I asked God for was to let me be here to see Nathaniel another baby. Nathaniel has bugged and bugged me about a baby and I soooo want to go see this baby but I know if I do I'll want to bring him home...this is Nathaniels brother!!!! Oh crap I am sooo torn.
    I'm 45!!!
    awww crap.
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited February 2007
    Hi All,

    Happy Birthday, Mena. Hope you are enjoying your special day. Today is my brother's BD too. Must be the day for only the BEST people!

    Always Hope - I loved the Chicago temperature thing. I think it's true. When we lived in the UP (Upper Peninsula for those outside of Michigan) I was always amazed how cool it could be for the local teens to be out sunbathing. Laura - I agree if we used it for Detroit, we'd have to substitute the Lions. They are SO pitiful.

    Amy - I remember how folks in Alabama deal with snow. In Anniston, three flakes and people hid inside! Made it extra ironic when DH and I moved from that attitude to the UP where it takes 3 feet to even slow them down. Literally.

    Joyce - tell Kevin I'm hoping for an empty drain so he can get it out!!! Friday is still two days away, and when mine stopped filling up, they stopped pretty quickly. Just don't let him drop the little bulb - that's a big owie!

    Shakk - my son is stationed in El Paso and he was muttering about cold temps last week. He said it got all the way down to 40. I was not too sympathetic as we were having wind chills of 25 below at the time. Silly kid.

    Deb - if a flight into Detroit is cheaper, maybe you could fly here, and we could drive to New York together.

    G - the flu on top of everything else!?! Oh my goodness. You Poor Thing. I'm sending healing thoughts. Wish you could ship it to me, you've got enough to deal with at present.

    I'm trying to pull myself out of a funk. With the DH's heart attack, a friend who's fight with the beast isn't going well, financial stuff, side effects from treatment, etc, etc, etc. I haven't even liked being around myself the past few days, let alone subjecting anyone else to me.

    Be back when i'm less annoying.
  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92
    edited February 2007
    I dont have any magic words of wisdom for you since I would want to bring the little guy home too.....
    Just wanted to tell you my thoughts are with you in whatever you decide....