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  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Good evening ladies. My DH is at a men's bible study. My daughters are both getting a cold, so they are tucked into bed early and I am on the couch with the TV running in the background and my lap top keeping me warm

    We still don’t have things sorted out with rebooking the flight from Michigan in time for the Relay for Life. Hubby is getting ready for an audit at work, so he has not had time. Hopefully it will be worked out by the end of the week. Grrrr….

    Susan- Tell Dr. evil he has to give you a big kiss for you doing all those mean exercises Keep up the good work. I know it is hard, but it will be SO worth it in the end.

    NS – Only you know what the right choice is for you. Hang in there. I think it is unconscionable that you have to fight for you right to health care. It makes me SO mad when this happens. I have typed and erased about a dozen things here…trying to be wise or give you some kind of advice. I want so badly to do something that I kept typing trite crap. I wish I could help. I wish I could fix things. All I can do is say a prayer and send a hug…. ((((((((((Gina)))))))))

    OK ladies, I’m too tired to be good company. I think I will take advantage of the quiet to hit the sack early.

    Hugs to everyone
    Deb C
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Well let's see it's Valentines Day... that means HAPPY BIRTHDAY MENA!!!!!!

    Feeling better today. no dizzy spells. that was a little freaky..
    I think I might have been a bit stressedc out cause I had spent all day shopping with my DD & GD only to get home and find out my youngest DD was in a car accident. Some guy making a left turn off the freeway says he didn't see her and slammed right into the drivers side door. Good thing I taought her deffensive driving or it would have been a lot worse!. Th ebad part is she doen't have car insurance! She thought I kept the insurance on the cxar when I sold it to her in November. I didn't, couldn't afford it. The Dr. says here back is out of wack and she needs to do PT.

    Kids don't you just love them!

    Well I know there were lots of notes but i'm just so tired. I cut out and made another dress for my pregant daughter tonight and I think it wiped me out.

    Please know I pray that each of us has a better day than the last and that family and friends are doing well too.

    throwing some logs on the fires.
  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited February 2007
    g - I'm so angry you have to fight for your care!!! I'm keeping fingers crossed that everything will work out and you will get what you need quickly! I wish I could do more....Just hugs for now {{{{{{{{Gina}}}}}}}}

    I'm still in a funk today - I learned that my friend from high school was murdered - we didn't know the details before. I haven't seen him in a few years but it's still so shocking. My best friend there was very close to him for a long time - they were connected off and on for many years so she's very upset. It's all very ugly and difficult for me to process right now. Then my SIL told me about a friend's relative dx with bc in both breasts and liver at 33 with a 6-mo. old baby. UGGHHHH....I just started crying at my desk. WTF - sorry - but it just seems so many - from Deb's friends to newbies here and NS - it's really starting to piss me off! Just when I can reconcile my feelings about one thing - BAM - punched in the gut again. Then I read a thread about SS Disability for Stage IV - and it said something like "they can't turn you down once your diagnosed with a terminal disease.." UGGGGHHH I hadn't thought of it that way before - CRAP - now I have to process that little tidbit. I mean, I know I can die from it, but I never used the term "terminal illness" in my head! GEEZZZ...sounds crazy but I really don't think of myself as a terminal patient - and I refuse to now! Just have to get that over with and throw it out of my life.

    WOW - didn't know I needed a rant today! Well - at least I have here to do that! Thanks for indulging me!!

    I'm too worked up now and let it go too long so there's too much to catch up on everyone. I'll just wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day!!!


  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Tracey, that is soooo cool! Thank you. I'm fixing to unleash the 'picture monster' myself. lol

    Ginney, so sorry. Into the middle of the Circle for you, with lots of love, understanding & support.

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited February 2007
    I know it's kind of late, but I've been in kind of a reflective mood all day today. It's time to get it out and let it go. When I walked out the door to go to the Y this morning, the snow reminded of what happened 11 years ago on another snowy icy February 13th.

    I was driving to work early, because of the weather, and was trying to be careful. One minute I was in my lane traveling towards work, and the next I was going sideways down the road. Black ice! The front end of my Prism swung into and hit a semi. Then it was spun around and the back end hit the truck too.

    All this time, I felt rather calm, thinking "Well, my life is over." But then I immediately thought of my 21 year old daughter, whose best friend had died it a crash about six weeks earlier. She was heart-broken. so, my next thought was a prayer, "Lord, Sara can't handle another death right now."

    Well, it's hard to explain what happened next. My car slid across 2 lanes of highway. And at that very moment there were no oncoming cars. This is usually a very busy road during commuting hours. My car came to rest off the road. The engine was still running. There were telephone poles at intervals along side the road. There was a deep ditch along most of that side of the road, and quite a few mature trees.

    My car came to rest in an area with no trees, poles, or ditch. The car had a manual transmission, and it didn't stall. I sat in the car for a few minutes wondering what to do next. I realized that the trucker had stopped, and was probably worried about the driver of the car that slammed into his semi.

    He called the police, and got out to see how he could help. I looked myself over. Didn't see any blood. Didn't feel any aches or pains, so I got out of my car.

    When the policeman got there, he was so relieved to see me walking about. He said that he hated going to semi-car accidents. This was one of the few times he ever seen one where no one was hurt.

    Well, I don't know what really happened, but some friends have said that angels must have guided my car. I know that I didn't have any idea how to get myself out of that skid. The truck driver said that my car had hit the trailer bracket. You know that part that supports it when it's not hooked up to a truck. If I had hit anywhere else, I would have been most likely killed.

    So, here's what I'm really getting at. I've already been given 11 bonus years. I don't know how many more there will be. None of us do. Those around us who haven't been diagnosed with a life threatening disease, they don't know either. So, we're really all in the same boat.

    Sometimes I wonder about how I should be spending my time, living my life. Am I going to make a difference? Then I think, we never know whose life we'll affect. It could be a complete stranger, that we'll never meet.

    This is really too deep, and I've gotten a little full of myself here.

    One thing I know though, I sure am grateful for those 11 years, even if there was cancer in them. A whole lot of wonderful things have happened in them, too.

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited February 2007
    ginney...........i "get" what you posted............i'm still having a really hard time with the "terminal" issue, and i'm not really wrapping my head around those words don't really know me, but i feel compelled to let you know that "you're not alone"..........i'm struggling with a bunch of other issues besides mets, but i truly understand where you're coming from............this whole thing just really stinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i haven't even shared my new DX with my family (just a select few friends that i thought could handle it), because my original DX was handled so poorly by my family that i thought the torture of trying to carry THEM through it would kill me before cancer did!............try not to despair certainly can't get any worse lol!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Laura, that was a very nice story. So glad you were safe. I think we've all had a few narrow escapes.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    A yellow rose for each of the Circle Girls.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    You also must have candy to go with your rose.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Of course, champagne and gifts.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Finally, cowboys coming to the aide of any ladies in distress.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    NS, here is my yellow Valentine rose to you. Hoping you are well, my friend.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Margaret, see see what you've created! Now you've gone & done it. I ask you not to tell me how to do this but nooo. I told you the 'Picture Monster' would go wild. If I could just figure out how to do the virtual ones, wouldn't I have fun?

  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited February 2007
    Good Evening Ladies, or once again Good Night ~

    Nicki ~ Yea, tell him to leave you alone. I guess I am lucky my DH said that he was and still is so glad that I found people to talk to that REALLY understand what I was and sometimes still am going through.

    Lini ~ Congratulations on your year Anniversary on Valentine’s Day. Just for that you get to have See’s Candy.

    Mena ~ Happy Birthday today (Valentine’s Day.) My nephew’s is today too. Also, I PM’d you.

    Amy ~ Thank you for the quick list of abbreviations. I knew some of them but not all.

    Tracey ~ Thank you for the Pacman site. I will surely try it.

    Cheri ~ You are SO right. Mamma should be there for us. Mine usually is and does not live very far from me. After surgery DH and I stayed over there for the week so that DH could also work. Mom said he needed to so he could get his mind off me and know that I am being taken care of.

    Vickie ~ Thank you on the go ahead on the dolphin for my daughter.

    Jeannie ~ I am so sorry you have to wait on taking tests, but at least now you got a date. Hope all goes well for you.

    Lisa ~ Congratulations on the Central Air and HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY.

    Shirley ~ I hope you are feeling better from your mini attack. That could be scary.

    Sue ~ Best of luck with your treatments.

    Colleen ~ Hope you are feeling better from that stupid cold.

    Deb ~ Stay warm and still looking forward to “your” surprise, even if it is SNOW.

    Cy ~ I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. I hope she will be okay. Our receptionist and her husband were in an accident last weekend (thinks car is totaled) driving back from Los Angeles, CA (they are both okay) and my brother was in one today (minor) while backing up from his driveway someone was making a left turn and smacked into him.

    Ginny ~ I am so sorry to hear about your friend from High School. That is so sad. I am also so sorry to hear about your SIL’s friends friend. That is so rough with a baby too.

    Laura ~ Wow, so glad that you weren’t HURT or worse yet. I am so sorry to hear about your daughters best friend. She is really going to need reassurance that you are okay.

    Cheri ~ Thank you for the wine, candy and roses and hey especially those hunky cowboys.

    Lots of Hugs and Prayers
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Bahhh! I have tried for a very long time to learn how to post the virtual stuff on here. I am now extremely frustrated. This is exactly the way I feel! But I did get the size thing figured out. lol

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Looks like you all had a pretty busy night here. Just got up and waiting for the coffee to be done. Pretty sleepy eyed. I tossed and turned all night and was up at the "Divine Hour" had to shake my head and look at the clock twice. Couldnt believe it. What is it with the 3:00am stuff? Wemade it through the storm. Ended up with about 8 inches and the temp crashed. So its 12 degrees here in the Chicago end of the circle. But I will be going to work today. Cant stand to stay home another day. Looks like they did a pretty good job cleaning up the roads overnight.

    Vickie: Im tweaking your toes! Sleeping in cause of the snow eh? One thing I learned from being on South Beach before is how to make some really good desserts. The only problem is they might be sugar free but not free of calories. I watching the news, and you guys are really getting hit by this storm. Its a nasty one thats for sure.

    Cheri: Oh the picture monster has been released. I certainly enjoyed the last one of the cat. Im laughing at your statement food for people who dont give a damn what they look like. We have both kinds of chili here all the time. My DH doesnt like beans, I do. Same recipe but no beans in one.

    Jeannie: Glad you got the MRI scheduled. My personal opinion is knowledge is power. I like to know what to expect. The unknown scares me a little.

    Well! News flash. Husband just came in. We have well over a foot of snow. Im listening to the news. The roads are awful. Lots of accidents. So now I dont know what Im gonna do. Husband says dont go to work. Im saying I will wait and see. Maybe go in a little later. Dang I hate this. Using all my vacation days again this year to recover from something and now snow! When I was younger and worked as a staff nurse, there would be no question. I had to go to work. Had patients to take care of. But with my current job - there is a marketing component. And no one depending upon me to take care of them.

    Shirley: Im serious too. I dont know where to start. Guess researching what bills are going before Congress that are health care related. At 57 y/o I belong to AARP. They are a strong voice for those who are over 50. All I know, is that the insurance companies, just like the oil companies are being protected. They are making HUGE profits. And all this madness must stop. We are paying big bucks for health insurance and not getting a whole lot back in return. I have had to change so many medications because of insurance! Ooooh it makes me so mad.

    Lisa: Congratulations on the Central Air. Your gonna just love it.

    Denise: I dont know how to copy or paste. I write a small paragraph and post it right away. Then I go to the edit button in the upper right hand corner and it allows me to keep adding to my post. So I keep doing that, and I dont lose anyposts that way.

    Tracey: I loved see my name flashing across the board this morning. And how were the chicken wings?

    Sue: I think the hardest time for me was after my last round of taxotere. My feet hurt so bad. It was hard to walk. Very disheartening, cause I thought once chemo was over I would start to feel better. It took about 6 weeks for the pain in my feet to finially go away.

    Colleen: Sorry your still sick with that cold. Wondering if you need an antibiotic? I tried fighting my cold for 2 weeks thinking it was a virus. Finially went to the doctor and he said I had bronchitis. Gave me antibiotic, zyrtec for my head congestion and Mucinex to loosen my cough. It was amazing. I started feeling better 2 days later.

    DebC: Ahahaha now if you sent everyone a box of snow that would be funny. I sure hope your travel plans get straightened out.

    CY: Man, Im sorry about your daughter. And no insurance!!

    Ginney: I hate the term "terminal!" I much prefer "Chronic!" And thats how I feel about bc with mets. Its being treated as a chronic illness - no different than diabetes or high blood pressure. I know a dentist who is on SS disability because of his Diabetes! Doesnt mean he is terminal. Im so sorry about your high school friend. And Im hoping your feeling better soon.

    Shel: Hey, good to see ya girlfriend.

    Laura: Thats one amazing story. Had a similiar incident myself when I was in my 20's. Almost had a head on collison, but at the last minute the car spun outta of the way and off the road. Actually saw the terror in the others guys eyes.

    Judy: I do think DH was turning things around cause I was so pissy with him. It was like even his normal voice was making my skin feel creepy. Im better now. And he is better. He finially agreed that Im getting so much support from these boards. He said he is just worried about me still isolating myself from the rest of the world. Hope that gets better.


    Talk to ya all later. Gonna go exercise. 2 days in a row. whoo hooo.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    A quick Good Morning to All (before I hit the shower and work).



    Big Hugs to all, Madison
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Hey Meeeennnnnaaaaa


    Hope you have a wonderful birthday and many many more!!!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    To all my sweet wonderful circle sisters

    Sending you lots of love and big hugs today!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Sweet treats for all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning sweet Vickie: I see you felt me tweeking your toes this morning. Great pictures.

    NS: How are you? Waiting to hear how things went yesterday. Hope all is ok.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Good morning all
    Hi beat me up...heehee. I've been on the phone with my sister as her husband is a police officer and had to go into work and she was freaking a bit as it had been over an hour since he left. He arrived safely.

    I am staying HOME...yeah a snowday! Actually I don't have a choice as they haven't plowed our road at all. Everything is closed here...everything! We have at least a foot of snow now with two more predicted. Supposed to get really bad this morning between 8 and 10 then taper off for a while and start back up later. Under heavy snow advisories until 10pm tonight. If they wind picks up (which they are predicting) we will have blizzard conditions. Everyone in it's path...stay home and stay safe!! that was a wonderful story. Scary for you but truly a gift. The angels were surely there for you that day.
    shel...Happy Valentines day sweetie. Ummm...I must be brain dead or something cuz you freaked me out a bit...Terminal!!! Truly...they are treating your bone mets aren't they. I'm sorry if I missed something I just can't wrap my mind around that word. I refuse to believe that you can't be cured and go on. Hugs to you. Us single girls with crappy ex's gotta stick together so I'm sending an angel to watch over you. (ok...sappy but it's Valentines day and I don't care.)
    Good morning Madison...glad your in a place you can actually make it to safe. Love ya too.
    Cheri...oh my you learned how to post pictures...thanks for starting our party. I love the cat picture...that looks like ME!!! I have that look quite often!
    Judy...have fun with the dolphin.
    Tracey!!! What great pictures...I want to be a princess too...pretty please. Happy Valentines Day to you too.
    Deb...ummm could you take some of this least you know what to do with it LOL. Hope you have a love filled day. and hugs your way. I know how you all breaks my heart.
    Colleen...take care of that cold.
    NS...Sending you lots of love and hugs for Valentines day...know how much we love you here.
    Ok...gotta make some calls and read back and see what everyone is up to. I'll be back.
    Love to all
    Hey Jeannie...are you buried yet too!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Roses for all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    kisses for all
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007
    Happy Valentine's Day Girls! and Happy Birthday Mena!!!

    Snow day here, not really any snow per se, which is usually a requirement for a snow day, LOL, but what the heck, it was fun to see my 10 year old whoop it up. Of course, we're both still sick, and it's actually raining/freezing raining more than snowing, but it's kind of nice to have "permission" to just snuggle up and do nothing.

    To NS and everyone having insurance woes - and to everyone who has responded - there isn't really anything I can add of course. It's just awful. I don't know how the people involved sleep at night, I really don't.

    Ginney - I'm so sorry, what a lot of bad news all at once. I wish there was something I could do or say to help.

    Nicki - Be safe if you venture out there today! Probably better to stay home though, especially if roads aren't plowed.

    Deb - Hope you enjoyed a quiet, relaxing evening!

    Tracey - great pictures!

    Karen - I hate it when that happens!

    CY - Glad you are feeling better. Sorry about DD!! Glad she is OK though.

    Laura - great story!

    Judy - glad your DH is understanding

    Cheri - love the cat photo! I don't even try anymore, but I've never been very computer literate, at anything!!

    Morning Madison and Vickie!

    OK, sorry to all I missed, have a great day today and stay warm and safe!
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    I was awake at 4:00 this morning.

    Happy birthday Mena.

    CY, hope your daughter is feeling better soon. It's always scary when your kids are in accidents.

    Ginney, hugs to you. I know all about that funk; been there myself. I think we need to vist your spa wagon.

    Laura, I believe in guardian angels myself and have been in the car when we ran over something that cut into my car and I had two of the three kids in the car. The CalTrans worker who came to write up the report and clear the debris off the road told us that it obviously wasn't our turn to go. I too am grateful for every day.

    Cheri, it's obvious I am a good teacher. We'll figure out how to do the animated ones, just haven't had time to find any cute ones yet. Vickie or someone here can tell us, it's probably the same process.

    Tracey, what Pacman site? Did I miss some fun? You are a princess -in my family, one of my girls is a goddess and the other is a princess - wonder what that makes me?

    Nicki, keep up the exercise. Today is my weigh in at WW and I don't want to go and I've actually been pretty good but feel that I probably gained weight.

    Everyone have a good day. Love and hugs.
