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  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    here nikki check this out!!!!!


    lol sure brings back memories!!!
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    wow its just so hard to keep sorry ahead of time if I miss you...
    FIRST Happy Valentines day....this is the warmest place on earth...hugs CG girls
    DebC...maybe a new list of addy's lots of new girls....and I don't want to leave anyone out...Oh yea feel free to vent here we love without judging....♥♥
    Tracey...they have those old games on these little things that hook up to your Ms pacman for the gkids...I think at Target or Walmart...what a blast from the luck with the DD...I loved the teenage years...NOT...
    Jas...good to see you...glad I'm not the only one trying to keep everyone
    Shirley glad to hear your good report, now I 'll just keep you in my prayers to get that Gall blader out soon....
    NS...I wish you could come to my area...ROswell is a great place to get this beast taken care of...and really think of puttin off can do it later no need to make rushed decisions...settling with someone you don't like....anyway good luck and know you are in my thoughts & prayers... the pic...maybe tracey's Dd caught the escape act and tried the same thing...and how is the non smker doing?....
    Morelandmom..sorry 'bout the M&M but you could be the Green one she's really cute....and I'm glad you joined us... much
    Vicki....hugs and thanks...☺...I have warned DH....the wagon train may be coming our back yard....he said he would go out and start putting up the hitching posts and getting the fire ring ready...
    Amy...still waiting for chick pics...and goats Gdaughter won't know which friends they in need of lots of manure? got some....think I'll sned son out for a truck
    NICKI....BIG HUGS ....let me describe my days....I work with all men, live with all men and even practice my Martial arts with all I get no relief until the grand babies come...and boy do I love my I do understand the man therory..I think the title of the book is actually called.."10 ways to be really stupid"...take care of you and breathe...or exercise it can make you feel away my job...Man I am so just do the relaxing ones I left...ok I forgive tell hime to call me if you slack off... hugs...
    Jeannie so sorry for the news but you know we will be here for you...
    MENA i missed you ...what page were you on...I just cant read all the posts some boss gets crabby if I don' t do some work...hugs...

    OK some knitting done..please don't give up on me....hugs

    got to run for now...
    hugs and I will some day try to take notes...
    LOve MB
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2007
    I know Shirley it was stupid. I was so upset and just was so busy fighting to get it done at the time to realize it. I didn't get mad till after the surgery was over and I could think clearly. I did right a letter to the board to complain. It made me feel better.Hope you are able to get your gallbladder out. That can be another insurance nightmare!
    It is snowing/iceing where I am. I am heading up to Nicki's wigman. I made a big batch of stew so we can add that to our comfort foods today.
    I have four sons and a hubby. Three are living home at the moment so I have to deal w/h four men. I only have a brother and a dad so I am really out numbered. Can't wait till my son gets married. One more female!
    Keep Warm,
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Just a quick check in during my lunch break (had popcorn for lunch).

    Amy, be careful with this storm heading your way. We had numerous tornados’ that struck in Louisiana. nasty system. One death in New Orleans, all okay here….

    If you are not getting the rain and thunderstorms, you will be receiving tons of snow….be careful everyone.

    Deb, have you been able to change your reservations? Congrats on being such a great fundraiser. I will walk in my first fundraiser this March.

    Karen, keeping your friend going through surgery in my prayers.

    Susan, don’t let Dr. Evil work you toooo hard. We want you to recoup fast.

    Cheri, I just love, love, love, the picture of your grandson trying to sneak out the doggie door…..

    Tracey, DON’T put a Big doggie door in your house ‘cause your teenager might try to get out the way Cheri’s grandson did…...Hope you cold is getting better

    Nicki, glad you had a snow day. I can’t even imagine driving in snow…stay safe and warm. We may all join you for dinner tonight.

    Vickie, did you go to the doctor for that shoulder? We have to have you healthy so you can swipe what we need for our parties.

    Margaret, you can PM me with instructions on how to post. I have my computer literate dd at home, so maybe she can teach Mom how to post pictures. Thanks bunches.

    AlwaysHope, please join in the afghan square making…..perfection is not what we are looking for…only love and warmth in each square.

    Jeannie, oh my, 15 to 24 inches of snow….you also need to be careful

    Shirley, GREAT PATH REPORT. We need to take Shirley out for a drink. Where do you want to go?
    Do you have the gallbladder surgery scheduled?

    MB, maybe we all need to get a copy of the book….."10 ways to be really stupid"….Only one word comes to mind “MEN”

    Joyce, stay warm…..I can smell the stew in my office. My co-workers are scratching their heads trying to figure out where the cooking smells are coming from. I surely can’t tell them you and Nicki are busy cooking in the wagon circle…or maybe I can….

    NS, I hope you are able to make some decisions today and are able to work with the insurance companies.

    Hugs to all I missed, time to get back to work.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. Hope everyone is staying warm. Another cold, rainy, foggy day here. Whatcha cookin' for dinner tonight, Nicki? Jan? Anybody? I imagine I'll either have a can of soup or frozen dinner...unless I get invited to someones house who actually cooks.

    Tracey, awwww I'm a softie. Guess that's why I had the teen-ager from the Twilight Zone. But I'd let her go to the Valentines Dance cos girls need to look back at dances and such. Then I'd ground her butt.

    Cy, you should check with your dr. about the dizziness and feeling out of sorts. Better safe than sorry.

    Karen, sleep apnea is a very serious thing. My dh said I would just stop breathing. But I did their sleep study and I'm so glad I did and now I sleep w/oxygen at night, which is a small price to pay. Hey, good news about your stitches coming out today.

    Susan, good to see you posting. I know PT is a pain in the butt. It'll help you tho. Good news from your dr.

    Judy, OH NO, you asked Margaret how to post pics? She'll be happy to tell you. I think she enjoys creating the Picture Monster in all of us. lol Nuthin' like a good ole fashion barn dance or hayride. Ahhh, reminds me of my youth.

    NS, you tell your Mama what's going on with you. And unless she's in ill health then that twin bed will be hers. Don't listen to your sister sounds like she's afraid you might be in the spotlight. Of course your Mother will be upset when you tell her that you're sick, that's her job. That's what us mothers do, we get scared, worried and then we jump into action to help our children! Your sister can help out too. That's what families do. Hope your appts. go well. I miss you.

    Nicki, glad you liked the elephant poop job for your dh. You might tell him that I hear it pays really good but the benefits 'stink'. lol Don't you let him turn things around on you. He needs to work. Who cares how much time you spend on the computer? You work hard you deserve to spend your days off however you want. He was just trying to turn the tables away from his finding a job. You MAKE him work! I don't mean just around the house but a paying job.

    Vickie, good luck at your shoulder dr. hope all goes well. You have to be able to type. What would we do without you?

    Margaret, I see you're still creating Picture Monsters. I love it. Thank you.

    Shirley, Congrats on the clear path report!! I know that's a load off your mind. Glad you liked the elephant poo pic for Nickis dh. My screensaver shows every one of my pictures I have in the computer, one after the other covering the whole screen. Wow, you can't imagine what that pic of the elephant looks like enlarged that big & look up not expecting it! lol

    Joyce, so glad Kevin is doing well. Keep us posted.

    Amy, anyone with a warped sense of humor such as mine should never have the power to post pics. Ya know what I mean? lol

    Well it's quiet again today. But my GS gets out of school early so I imagine my dd will coming over. She's supposed to be taking them to see my Mother and I was going to go with her but I don't feel like getting out in this cold wind. DD is going to be mad but she'll get over it. I'd love to see my Mama & I haven't seen her in awhile but I just don't feel like going. I'm ashamed of myself lately.I feel like I've become so self-absorbed. Life is all about ME. I've never been that way before. My immediate family drains me and I don't have anything left for my other family, cos I'm selfish. I don't call my Mother enough, never call my sisters and they've stopped calling me because I won't pick up when they do call. I just don't know what's came over me. I am a hermit. I stay in this house in my jammies for weeks at a time. Really. I don't feel depressed, oh once in awhile I do but so does everyone. I like being home. I'm the youngest of 8 kids and have always been a Mamas girl. My sisters are all close & quite a bit older & always spoiled me. But anymore I just keep to myself and I like it that way. But I'm making myself promise to call my Mother every day. She's 85 yrs old, so I need to talk to her more often. I will fall completely apart if something ever happens to her. Well enough babbling. Probably more posts since I've been typing.

    Hey to Deb, Madison, Michele, Liz, Carrie, Denise, Ginney, Odalys, Colleen, and anyone my brain has missed. Hope you all are having a good day.

    Lini, where are you?

    Mena, hope your dr appt goes well today so you can come out & play. You know you're 'IT' right? I tagged you.

    your friend
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited February 2007
    Hi Cheri!! Thanks for asking about me. I've been around, though not as much. I'm still waiting for Aunt FLO. She left me last year around this time for a few months, so really don't know what's going on. I'm coming up on my year anniversary of my bilat. Tomorrow, Valentines Day, is the one year anniversary of my last full day with my breasts. Kind of in a reflective mood of late, but you all are always in my heart, thoughts, and prayers.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    hello Lini, glad to see you checking in. Hopefully if aunt flo is supposed to visit she will hurry up and get there.

    anniversary dates are always special in one way to know you have beat the beast but also brings on alot of other emotions.

    Thinking of you! Amy
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    thanks Jas. Not looking forward to another surgery but if it gets rid of the pain in my side then so be it.

    Amy, drive thru cleaners. ahhahahh I taught my kids to do laundry when they were youngins. If ever they came to me with mom I don't have anything to wear I just smiled and said "and that is my problem because?"

    Tracey, recipe for chicken wings
    Put on coat
    Get in car
    Drive to store
    Purchase big bag of frozen hot wings
    Drive home
    Heat in microwave for about 6min

    Nicki, I'm with you on the lobbying. Tell me where to sign up.

    Thanks bunches MB. Happy Valentines Day to you too.

    Joyce, I so don't want to hear that. I have blue cross. So far so good. They have never squacked about paying the bills. Tho it's often not done in a timely manner.

    Madison, a drink sounds good to me. I'll have a cosmo please.
    Surgery not scheduled yet. He just said when he called yesterday that we would discuss it on thursday.

    Cheri, hugs to you. I become a hermit every winter. I HATE WINTER!!!
    Call your Mama. My mom spent the last 5 years of her life not speaking to me. Her choice not mine. I think at the end of her life she regretted her decision.

    hugs to you to Lini.

    I have spent my day making shades for my living room. Only have one done cause I had to figure it out first. Bought cheap vinyl shades at wally world. Planned on covering them with fabric. Did that to the first one and the sucker was just to darn heavy. Wouldn't stay rolled up. So I ripped it apart and took the vinyl off the roller and just used the fabric. It looks pretty darn good if I do say so myself. Now have to do 3 more. Still haven't started the laundry, but now it's time to go shave the bits as I have a massage in an hour.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    Shirley-love your recipe for chicken wings and its alot like mine. Get in car, drive to local restaurant/bar that has excellent wings. Order pitcher of Guinness and wings and enjoy. Awww,,get up and there is no mess to clean.
    Your shades sound just down right cute. Wanna do my home decorating for me. I will work on the outside but I hate inside crap.

    cheri-i agree call you mama. As much as mine can get on my nerves I cant imagine her not being here. Although sometimes when she is moving around like a bull in a china shop I do wish we werent as close as we are. Mothers,,,gotta love em. They put up with us during our teenage years so no wonder they are like they are.

    Whoever made the comment about having a good memory and you remember what you did and dont want your kids to do it,,thats a good one. I will be lying when I say I have a good memory cause here lately I cant remember sh!t but I do remember my teenage years,,,well most of them anyway.

    ok gotta run. Last 30 minutes of work here and just had to check back in.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Eveing Everyone: Have been working on squares all day. I dont like the 1st 3 so they are out the window. But not I got it. So officially have 2 done.

    We for sure have 6 inches of snow right now. There is a big 3 foot drift in the front of our house. And they are calling for white out conditions tonight cause of the wind. And I think Chicago got the better deal outta this storm. So those of you East of here, watch out - this is a big one.

    Tracey: What a neat website. Im gonna have to play with that some more.

    MB: Well I was so darned bored today, I finially used my treadmill. Walked a mile. Its a start! And have been sticking to South Beach so far for 1 1/2 days.

    Joy: The Beef Stew sounds wonderful. Bah humbug to insurance companies.

    Madison: Glad your ok. Heard the storms were pretty bad where you are. Saw it on television.

    Cheri: We are having Chili, one with beans and one without. And Beef Stew! Warm comfort foods. Tracey is gonna bring some buffalo wings, using sherloc's recipe.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    This is Kevin on his latest escape ploy...mailing himself out of here!

  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited February 2007
    Vickie ~ Thank you, thank you for my Teddybear and Dolphins. How cute they all are. I will be sure to take the Dolphins with me when I go visit my 29 year old daughter in San Diego, CA in March. Is it ok with you if I give her the Baby Dolphin since she likes dolphins too?

    NS ~ I am so sorry you are going through insurance issues too. Isn’t it enough that you have to go through the “Beast” situation all over again, you DON’T need this too. BTW, you are going to need a BED a lot bigger than a TWIN for all of us to be there with you. Hell while you are at it get a Bigger House too for us to be there. Do you think your insurance company will spring for that? I bet they would because it is NOT a lifethreatening disease. No, seriously let your mom know what is wrong with you, forget what your sister is saying. Actually I can’t believe she would say such a thing like that to you.

    Nicki ~ Tell hubby you will diminish your time on the computer (notice I did not say GIVE it UP) when he curtails his music and gets a REAL job….. See how far that one gets you, then put on your boxing gloves…..

    Kristin ~ That website sounds like a real cute idea for the kids. At least it can’t get them into any TROUBLE like some of the other ones out there.

    Jeannie ~ What is a BIRAD 4? I have never had an MRI.

    Shirley ~ I am glad you received a Clear report and sorry the gallbladder still has to come out, but from what others are saying it sounds like it is a good thing. Yes, Bluebirds were the young campfire girls. We wore navy blue jumpers and had a pretty little red bird on our jumpers. Is that Bi-Pap machine for sleep apnea have anything to do with a mask and water? If so, I think I know what it is and they really work I’ve heard.

    Michelle ~ The Look Good Feel Good class was very good. I enjoyed it very much and the “free” make-up we all get was incredible and from NAME brands too. Thank you for being one of the counselors. I know you made the women feel good about themselves.

    Cy ~ Your dizziness is not from Vertigo is it? Have you been checked for it? My mother has it and she said when she originally had it years ago it was not fun. Now it is controlled by sea sick meds.

    Joyce ~ I am so glad to hear that Kevin is getting better by the minute. What the hell is wrong with insurance companies. Don’t they know what the difference is between COSMETIC and NEEDED.

    Tracey ~ Hope your cold gets better quickly. Mine took 2 weeks, hope yours does not take that long. What is the name of the site with the “ole” video games? I loved Centipede and Ms. Pacman and of course Tetris.

    Susan ~ I sure hope you are feeling better

    Lini ~ Hope Aunt Flo hurries and comes for you.

    Lovely ladies can anyone tell me how to find out what all these abbreviations mean? Is there some type of sight to go to?

    Guess I better some work done now. Will check in later this evening.

    Hugs to all of you.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Im back! computer slowed down and it took a bit to get back to the website.

    Sherloc: Im serious about lobbying. Im sure there are state and federal. Someone monitors insurance companies. Just have to find a big group that isnt happy with what the insurance companies are doing. Im thinking nurses association, AARP, maybe even a group of women and men who have breast cancer. But that all takes time to research.

    Judy: Funny one - I luaghed about the computer time and him getting a job. I just love him so, but I dont know how I have put up with all this for 28 years!

    Lini: So glad to see you post. I have been missing you. One year Annivseary on Valentine's Day? Thats a biggy, you deserve something really special for yourself tomorrow.

    Cheri: I didnt finish what I was saying earlier. I have made a chocolate fudge cheese cake. No sugar. Used splenda. No crust and super delicious. That will be our dessert. OK - now the other thing. I know what you are talking about. Home is safe. Pj's are safe. I have issues with anything social/family. Its work and home. And my dearest friend, I do believe it is depression. Not necessarily a sad feeling. Im safe here.

    NS: Just wondering whats happening. How did the appointments go? And yes, where are Distorted Humor and Mazer going to sleep? If you bunk them in the same room, there will surely be trouble. Call your mom!! Wish I had my mom to call.

    Vickie: Watch out, this storm is a nasty one.

    OK, back to making squares.

    Dont forget Valentines Day is also Mena's birthday.


  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    heres a quick list judy

    BRB – be right back
    BTW – by the way
    TTYL – talk to you later
    BFN – bye for now
    TTFN – ta-ta for now
    CYA – see ya (or it could also be: cover your a*s)
    CUL8R – see you later
    IMHO – in my humble opinion
    IMNSHO – in my not so humble opinion
    LOL – laughing out loud
    ROTFL – rolling on the floor laughing
    ROTFLMAO – rolling on the floor laughing my a*s off
    RTM – read the manual
    GG – good game
    THX - thanks
    TX - thanks
    PLZ - please
    ASL – age / sex / location?
    IRL – in real life
    DH- fill in the D word as you see fit but the H is husband
    SO-significant other

    I know from having a 12 year old that so far tells his mom everything that if you type a 9 when in chat on instant message that a parent has walked up as is watching and 99 means they walked away.

    I will keep thinking but I know there are more.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    omg sherloc.........
    hahahahahahahahahahahahah i just about peed myself....
    hahaha i loved your recipe for the wings..........
    hey judy here is that site again!!!

    eeks i have been playing it all day... well just about!!
    i can only get to level 3!!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Amy, I am sooo impressed with your list. I learned ALOT.

    Okay, all you people cooking for the circle....people keep coming in my office wondering what all the good smells are...

    Nicki, that chocolate fudge cheese cake sounds YUMMY.

    Just about to leave the office for HOME, sweet HOME

    Stay safe, Madison
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    I'll try this again. I had a whole post and when I copied it and came back to paste it the pic of Kevin was still on there from the pic thread! How'd that happen? Plus, I lost my other post so here goes a recap. (I thought the paste thing was only good once if you copied something else)

    Margaret, the pic of the wagon was perfect for me. This computer amazes & frustrates me every day! I'm kind of a beginner, could ya tell??

    Lini, welcome home! So nice to see your post. Maybe Aunt FLO isn't coming to see you anymore. She stopped coming to me when I was about 44 yrs. I know anniversaries are very difficult for some. We'll put you in the middle of the Circle and help you through it if you have a tough time. For me, anniversaries have not been a big thing. Mainly, because I can't remember any specific dates and I just stuck my head in the sand during my tx. But you can't worry & reflect over an anniversary if you don't know when it is. lol I like it that way. I know my surgery was sometime in Nov 05 and the month just slipped by me this past year. I put on my inner 'ignore' button.

    Nicki, count on me for dinner! How can chili be chili w/out beans? Ya having homemade bread & fresh butter, too? For those of us who haven't reached the "I give a damn about what I look like" phase?

    Shirley & Amy, I called my Mama. It was good to hear her voice in a way. But she's had several strokes in the past couple of years and sometimes the weak sounding voice of such a strong, vibrant woman makes me so sad. It is my Mother. She wasn't ever supposed to get old or sick or be anything except 'there' for me. There goes my head...right back in the sand. lol

    Vickie, I luv ya girl! I love it when I get a surpise in the mail. Happy Valentines to you, too.

    I know I'm forgetting something from my first post and cant remember what it is.

    I'll be back
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    ahhhh...I'm home at last. Looong day. Didn't go to the doctors but talked to my pcp who talked to my breast surgeon and they suggested to restart the exercises twice a day after a warm shower, phoned in a scrip for muscle relaxer and pain and see how it feels in a couple of days. If no improvement then I have to go in and will probably do physical therapy.
    Wow are we in for a wild ride Jeannie...they are now predicting 20 to 30 inches for us!! cool...snow day for me!! I sooo need one. Tired tired tired.
    Valentines party tomorrow ladies. Be prepared!
    Nicki...shall we ship that hubby to the deserted island? I'm all for it. you have electric yet?
    Chocolate cheese cake...gonna have to go back and look for that! If our power stays on through this storm I plan on lots of baking tomorrow. With two new kids in the house I can put them to work LOL. the can ship him to me...I may as well have a couple more to add to my kid collection!
    MB...good to see you...guess it looks like I'll be joining the spa!!
    Judy...glad you like the dolphins and you can take one to your daughter.
    Gotta run for a bit and take some back later!
    Love ya all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    HAHAHAHA, I am so silly! I copied my 2nd post and came back to paste it and there were these extra posts from others that I read over. Then it hit me. Where was MY post? Did something happen to it again? I looked up and down & then I remembered....I hadn't pasted it yet. Gee, was my face red.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007
    Vickie---yeah, I know. They're forecasting two to three FEET for tomorrow. Have to be at the outpatient surgery center by 12:30 Thursday for stupid thumb (the other one is very smart). At least that gives David a little time to clear the driveway but the surgery center couldn't be farther away and still be in Syracuse.

    Heard from BS today----the earliest they can do the MRI biopsy is 2/28! At least they will have results by that Friday, they think. It takes 2 and a half hours! Have to be there at 7 a.m.---crammed me in before the regular day starts. I can't decide if it's worse the first time because we don't know anything or worse the subsequent times because we know too much.

    More later---took notes but now dinner is ready. Know why they make you wait so long for these tests? The insanity caused by the delay distracts you from the problem at hand!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2007
    Good afternoon all
    I am sending good thoughts to our snowed in sisters..

    Shirley what great news about the path report..I know you will feel soooo much better after they take our your gallbladder!! The laproscopic surgery for that is very simple..I was in and home before I knew it and felt a hundred percent better.

    Lini..we sure hope you can make our lunch on the 10th of March..

    We are getting central air conditioning installed this week..this is my Valentine's present!!! I have been complaining for too long..yeah!!


    This little bird stopped in ..and last night when I was walking home from next door, a coyote almost ran me over!!

    Hugs Lisa
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    Amy, I'll meet you at TGI Fridays. They have great wings and potato skins.

    Cheri, glad you called your Mama. I feel the same about my Daddy. He just turned 70 this year and is still strong as an ox and crotchety as all get out. But the years are passing and his health is beginning to fail Gonna break my heart into itty bitty pieces when he leaves this earth.
    That little boy is to cute for words. I would keep him even if he is mean as a snake.

    Nicki, I'm serious about joining you. Tell me what to do. I don't have a clue.

    Tracey, so glad you liked my recipe. It's an old family favorite, passed down thru the generations.

    Vicki, glad you talked to your doc. Call him back tomorrow and ask if massage will help. My insurance will pay for massage if I have rx.

    Jeannie, the second and more times around is worse. I was clueless and happy the first time around.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007

    Hey socal. thats what the doc said too. I sure hope so. Had a mini "attack" this afternoon. Yikes, can't imagine what a real one is like. That sucker took my breath away.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    I hate this freaking computer crap. I just spent an hour reading and taking notes. I posted a "nice" email personalized with everyones names and concerns and when I hit submit.........they ate it. That is so maddening. Does anyone know why it does that? It can't be a security thing, now that we all know this site isn't that secure!
    I'll try again later.
    Love to all,

    I'm knitting Squares!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    oh my Jeannie it's snowing like crazy here! Yikes! You know they are not kidding around when the emergency broadcast system is going off!! want central air conditioning...oh not fair to talk of such things right now LOL...all we have to do is open our windows. Brrr...bitter cold on top of all the snow we are supposed to get...and wind!
    Lini...where are you...went to Walmart today and they have tons of toe socks now...made me think of you.'s the weather there and how was your weekend?
    Denise...your knitting squares...good for you, I am having sooo much fun doing these afghans. I plan on spending tomorrow putting more together. Everyone at work loved it and wants one...too bad!! ya too girl...I tried to send as many as I could but ran out of time.
    Flat out friggin tired.
    Think I'll go climb in bed and crochet a while before i fall asleep at the computer. ya sister...hope your resting and getting ready to battle.
    Alaska Deb...DON'T SEND SNOW...PLEASE! LOL...igloo building instructions would be good though. Nathaniel and my nieces have big plans to go out and play in the snow tomorrow but the high temp is only supposed to be 17 with wind so I imagine we'll be inside by the fireplace!
    Nicki....I'm gonna beat you up in the morning and tweak your toes with the beginning of our Valentines Party. As long as our power stays on I will be all set to send everyone lots of love tomorrow.
    Gotta go...meds kicking in.
    Love to all and sorry for all I've missed.
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited February 2007
    Hi all,
    Just stopped in to say hi. Haven't been around too much cause I'm working more now that treatment is over. Work is so good for my brain but so bad for my body. I'm on my feet all day and by the end of the day can barely walk. Still have muscle pain from taxetere and have a lot of pain in my left heel. Onc says it's plantar faceitis and will just take time to go away. Uggh. Can't help but worry though. I've had plantar fac. in the past and this feels different. Oh well I just want to be able to walk pain free. Is that to much to ask? OK I'll stop whining now.
    I haven't been able to read back all I've missed(it would take days!). Hope every one is doing well.
    To all the ladies in the mid west and NE hunker down and keep warm. I hear the snow is socking you again. Used to love snow days when I was a kid. Down here the kids get hurricane days.
    Sending lots of hugs and good wishes to my CG sisters. Any rum and cokes available in those tents? Oh better make it diet I still have lots of chemo wt to lose.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited February 2007
    I just lost a long post and hand is too sore and tingly to retype it(good hand at that) so will just send everyone wishes for a feel good day, stay warm and dry and have a happy valentines day. I try to post later or if not tomorrow.
    KAren in Denver
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007
    Hey ladies

    Long day, I still have a bad sore throat and headache, and my 10 year old was home with it as well. It looks like we are finally getting some of this snow here, though the weather folks are so jazzed up about finally having a storm to report on, I'm taking it with a grain of salt. It hasn't started snowing yet!

    Wishing everyone sweet dreams and peaceful, relaxed sleep...
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007