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  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    NS, sorry you have the flu bug...but glad you were able to make some decisions regarding surgery. We will pray that the insurance company gives you the okay. Please get some rest.

    Vickie, what can I say? I find that every CG has an open heart, arms and homes.....I wish there was a magic answer for you.....but I know you will do the right thing....

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Goodness, Vickie! What to do, what to do! My question is why does she keep having babies she doesn't seem to want???

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    Anne, hugs dear, from a BC sis with a DH and a bad the way Anne you are not anoying us at all...don't stay away.

    NS, so sorry you arent feeling well but SOOO glad you found a PS from heaven...there are angels ...
    hugs to all
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    holy cow vickie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    holy holy holy cow!!!!!!
    hmmmmmmmmm well dont just to a decision too soon... would you be financial ok to raise another baby???? i know its nathanials brother... holy yikes....
    ok ok let us settle down....
    wait until she says it but in the meantime make out a pro and con list!! ohhhhhh dear i dont know what to tell ya.... deep breath!!!!!
    do you know this woman???
    wow that would sure mix me up as well!!!
    torn but you have to do whats best for nathanial and vickie!!!!!!!!
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2007
    OMG Vickie..WOW..another baby.Big decision and I know once I laid eyes on him I would cave and bring him home. You have to think of yourself too..I don't know what to tell you.We always find a way financially but I don't know if I could physically handle the care of a new born. I am 48 so a couple years older then you but I feel like 90 some days!
    Who is this woman?

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2007

    newvicki dittos with what snowybaby said above.....if I were you I would call me daughter before you really talk to anyone else (like sister)......your daughter seems so well rounded....I would listen to her...if something did happen to you (anything doesn't have to be cancer) would your son go to his sister? You have to take into consideration would your daughter be able to raise her two little brothers?????????OK now you have moved up to the top of today's prayer will figure this out.....

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    ok..thanks ladies..taking a deep breath and a xanex. I DO know this girl...she is my half sister (not proud of that fact at all!!). I haven't seen her in over a year and she pretty much ignores Nathaniel (she just "doesn't like kids"). She gave Nathaniel up at 4 weeks and I finally got him out of foster care when he was 15 months and adopted him when he was a little over 3. The only reason he was in foster care so long was they thought that she would take the parenting classes and settle down to raise him...she had no interest at all so they told her she had to place him somewhere and she chose me. I'd like to kick her right square in the a$$ right about now. How do people do things like this!!!

    My other sister is going to go to the hospital IF the roads are passable and see what's up and maybe take some pictures of him but I don't know if I can handle even seeing pictures!
    ok...taking another deep breath...and this is what I am going to do...
    Jesus take the wheel. Whatever will be will be.
    Love you ladies...more than you know!
    Oh my...a Valentines I go again...crap.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    It is already set up that if anything should happen to me Nathaniel would go to his big sissy (she's 25)and I will talk to her tonight. I know what she will say though...she'll say "take him'll be ok."

    Sorry ladies...thanks for the prayers...stealing the thread here but I am soooo hyped!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008


  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007

    Posting a new thread with the abbreviations

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007

    Vickie, I think the Lord is talking to you. You will be OK. And your daoughter will tell you to bring him home. Yes it will be a lot of work but I think you will be just fine!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Oh Jeez Vickie, what a pickle!! I have no idea what I would do in your place. Is there anyone else in the family who could take the baby? I can't imagine having to make that decision at my age.

    Gina, sounds like your news gets better and better. Praying hard girl! What was that pump (?) you were talking about? Take care of your belly and get some rest. You have had so much on your plate lately, I agree that it might be the cause of your stomach problems.

    DH is on his way home to plow!! Yay!!! That means I don't have to. I just hope he can get up the driveway. I watched my neighbor go up his sideways a little earlier.

    Bye for now
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Vickie, I sent you a PM...quiet your heart and you will know the right thing for you and your family.

    NS, I am SO happy you got to see the results of your PS's work and are happy. What a huge relief! At least you have a date. Get some rest and don't worry about catching up on things. Just read a few of Nicki's posts and you will know the highlights.

    I'm at work so I have to jet.

    Love ya ladies.
    Deb C
  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited February 2007
    Hi Vickie
    I adopted my son when I was 45 and did fine. The circumstances were a lot like yours. You will know in your heart what to do ... this may be a special gift from god for you to enjoy for the rest of your life.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Evening Everyone: Well it took about 1 1/2 hours to read everyones posts, just from this morning!! I did go into work today. It was the weirdest thing. I went in late to try and miss the rush hour. They got the roads cleared pretty well. My job is right by Lake Michigan so by time I got in that area there was Lake Effect snow. And then all of a sudden the sun came out. I couldnt believe it. 28 degrees! A real heat wave. So the roads in Chicago arnt so bad. But the temp is dropping to 4 below tonight! Have I mentioned before that I am so sick of Winter?

    Vickie: Thank yo for the Roses and Kisses. Got a card in the mail today from you, and made me smile pretty big. Glad you stayed at home, this storm is a doozy. OK! The baby! Well I think your much younger than me. I couldnt take care of a baby - OMG - Between my animals and my husband Im psychotic. Sending you lots of hugs. Big decision to make. And I certainly wouldnt make the decision based on the fact that you had breast cancer!

    Margaret: I walked another mile today. One day at a time.

    Michelle: Men are from MARS lol. I hope your start feeling better soon.

    Jasmine: The Chicago thing was just too funny.

    Lini: Good to do some reflecting. Look at what has happened this last year.

    Ok! dont have much more time so Im gonna try and be quick.

    Amy: I hate tornados. I was in one in 1968 and that scared the heck outta me. Im glad you and Madison were safe.

    Laura: I cant read my notes. There is something you said that made me laugh cause I wrote ahahahaha but I cant remember what it was.

    Joyce: Glad Kevin is healing each day. Too bad about the drain though. Man I couldnt wait to get my drain out.

    MB: You sure are a party person. I wakled 24,000 steps today. Not so hard when you walk on the treadmill. The insurance/lobby thing. I dont know where to begin. I asked my DH and he said to look under Political Lobby Groups but there will be plenty of them. We have to find ones related to insurance.

    LIsa: Those are your roses. That you have grown? Very pretty.

    Tgirl: What can I say, I was just so darn excited to see you. HOpe life is treating you kind

    Sherloc: Crocheting is easy. I find it much easier than knitting. Get some yarn and a size G crochet hook, and Ill teach ya.

    Shokk: Good luck to your childs band teacher. Hate to hear about reoccurances.

    Jan: Sorry to hear about your sons separation. There seems to be alot of that going around lately.

    DebC: hoping you get the tickets without too much hassle

    Anne: Now Im a big fottball fan. the Lions dont look that bad. There were alot of games last year they almost one. They are a young team.

    NS: I tried to send you a PM but your box is full. Delete, delete, delete.

    OK - ggota go. Dinnier is done. Hello to Colleen, Denise, Brenda, Jule, And tracey.

    Tracey: your post cracked me up. OMG OMG OMG! I could feel the exitement.

    See ya in the morning

  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited February 2007
    ns so happy you like the ps! I know it feels good to have a plan in place. hope your insurance goes through! It should!!!!! (*@#*ing insurance companies pain in the A$$...

    Vickie WOW thats a a life altering decision, I know you will do what is right for you and nathaniel. good luck on that one.

    mb sounds like your idea is a hit! would love to meet everyone face to face. we have a vaca planned for 2nd week in aug. we go to the jersey shore but if it is any other time i would love to come. families too????

    Jan I like your new location..... Can I join you in emerald city????

    Tgirl how are you???? hope your arm is ok. I will keep you in my prayers(you are anyway, I'll just move you up on the looong list I already have!!!!! how is Sue????? maybe we can meet up again for lunch. let me know......
    Tracey deep ok?????
    Anne sending hugs to you.....
    ok to everyone else sorry if i missed you, I hope everyone had a nice Valentines!!!!
    weather is still icey took me 1 1/2 to dig car out. now my back hurts, I am going to take some pain relievers and cook dinner, DH is in Las Vegas(lucky duck) so I am spending my Valentines with my 9 yold. I guess we'll play some play station, whenever I can drag him in from sledding......
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    I'm not sure how to say all this or if I even should. I know keeping it all to myself isn't working. I am crying all the time. How do I get my hope back. I was banking so much on my new knee. I hate cancer. I hate my knee. I hate that I moved so far away from my friends. I want something to be easy again. I want to work. I want some money. I want to be able to go in a store an buy myself something and not be in pain. I just want something to look forward to.

    I know I should be grateful but right now I'm not. so sorry for raining on valentine's day. I want to feel better, I really do. Ok, this is a secret just between us!! I want my mommy. Make room for me in the whiny tent.

  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited February 2007
    AW Susan,
    Sorry you feel so down. I know it's not easy right now, but it WILL get better.
    Sending positive thoughts your way...
  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited February 2007


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    awww Susan...sending you hugs and you come here and tell us whatever you feel! That's why we are here. I can't imagine what your going through but my heart and thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Love ya
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2007
    Susan,we must be on the same wave. I will meet you in the whinning tent w/h my bottle of wine. I am sitting here feeling sorry for myself and Kevin. I am tired of trying to stay upbeat for people. My friend just called and she was so upbeat I wanted to smack her! That's not right! She is getting 8000 back in taxes,her and her new husband are planning a cruise in January and they want us to go. I would love to but I am not back to work and I am afraid to plan that far ahead. I tried to explain that to her but she says anything can happen to anyone not just you. True enough but it just seems to be happening to us.Not that I would ever wish my life on anyone right now. I sound like a terrible friend right now don't I? I just want that feeling of looking forward to something. I sometimes feel like I can't plan ahead. Does that ever come back?
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    Susan, dont you ever hold out on us. The posse will get you if you do. Do you take anything to help you mentally? I mean alot of people do and you have alot on you right now so it might be something to think about. I can really imagine how you feel because if I am down for more than 2 or 3 days nobody wants to be around me. I cant even stand myself at that point. Your feelings will pass as you start to improve but there should be something out there that could help you mentally get to that point. (Ok nurses this is where you pick up!!!) Wish I was closer and I would come be with you for a bit until you got tired of me anyway. grrr,,no magic words here susan but know that I am thinking of you and wishing I was closer.

    newvickie-I would do it in a heartbeat. I have mets as you know and that wouldnt stop me because regardless we never know when our time is up. I plan on mine being a long time away. its a personal decision though. I would love to have another one and have tossed adoption around several times but listen to your heart.

    Deb-sneaking in while working huh? shame on you,,lol. I do it everyday because when I am home I dont have the time.

    Nicki-glad the roads improved for you today and your husband should be glad also. he got to live another day. Be careful tomorrow when all thats starts freezing again. LMAO,,hows that for a southern girl telling a chicago person about the weather???

    Its 19 degrees here and I wore a sweater today which I never do. Just a few days ago we were 60 degrees.

    tgirl-glad to see you dropping by. Been missing you.

    NS-sounds like the PS was a gift. crossing my fingers that insurance works out. Sorry about the stomach bug. does it ever stop????

    Shokk-thinking of you and your childs band teacher. Hopefully treatment will kick in and it will work out.

    sherloc-ok on the crocheting. Maybe Nicki can teach us together. Hope she has plenty of xanax after that!

    Tracey-little excited? I could feel it in your post! It was great.

    Lisa-Carrier is an excellent name and a good warranty. Did you go with minimum 13 seer or higher? Did you do variable speed? Those are really nice but cost more so its all in what you want. Congrats on the unit,,what did you have before?

    Joyce-still hoping kevin gets his drains out soon. I hated those.

    Biker-glad you got out of the plowing. I would love to come play in it though.

    holy craps its 4:57 and I get off at 5 so gotta cut this short and get outta here. there are some things I am not late for. See you chickeys tomorrow! Beer night,,anybody up for it?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Shoot, darn, drat, dang, just plain damn! I read through all those pages, took my notes, sat here and worked on my post just as I was typing my name at the very bottom, I hit some button I guess and LOST my whole post!! I am sooo disgusted. I had put alot of effort into that post. Guess I have no choice but to do it again. But my notes are gone and I don't do well by memory. So I'm sure I'll leave out some I included awhile ago but my thoughts are with you all.

    Tracey, thanks for all the cool pics. Loved em. Also, loved your first response to Vickie, little nervous were you? lol

    Hey Nicki what's for supper? Remember"Hee Haw"?

    Amy, gee can't remember what I wrote to you but I'm sure it must've been witty & clever. lol

    Joyce, glad Kevin is doing well.

    Judy, I think you & I walk the late night perimeter of the Circle. I'm kind of a night owl.

    MB, you live in NY?? My I'd never be able to afford a trip so far away. Why don't we compromise and meet somewhere in the middle of the country say...Missouri. I have 12 empty acres out of town with nothing on it but our little house. Actually, it does sound like great fun.

    Liz, where are you?

    Brenda, are you the one in the Medic tent? If so, get well and get on out of there.

    NS, soooo glad you like your PS. He sounds wonderful. Hope your stomach is feeling better. You seem in better spirits and I'm so glad. You know my thoughts & prayers are with you.

    Susan, sweetie, one of us needs to be able to walk! We are only 30 min apart and you sound like you're a hug low. I started to call you day before yesterday, thought I had your# in my cell but didn't. I'll pm you with mine again. It's gonna be alright. I'm sick of this doo-doo too.

    Vickie, sweet Vickie. Wow. So you've adopted your birth nephew and now have another one to decide on. You know you must think realistically, no matter how sweet the thought of having a new baby is. There's finances, age, and alot of time involved with taking care of a small baby, then a growing child, as you know. Although, it is Nates brother, your nephew and I bet you're wonderful with kids. What will happen to the little guy if you don't take him? Gee. I don't know. I'm straddling the fence, too. lol God bless. He'll tell you what to do.

    Did you get your emails??

    I know I missed many but my thoughts are with you all. I'm sure I'll be back.

    Hi Lini. Hey Madison. Hey Margaret.

    your friend
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Just a suggestion, but why not use the Notepad program that comes installed on most computers to type your notes and then when you are ready to post, just copy and paste from your Notepad window into the bco message window. That way if something happens with bco, you still have your copy in Notepad to use again.

    Once you are ready to post, just go to 'Edit' on the file menu at the top of Notepad and choose 'select all', then go to Edit again and choose 'copy'. Then open the posting window in bco and paste into the message window and post.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    good idea jas!!!
    but i wonder why some ppl lose there posts i dont think i have lost one yet....
    strange.... twilight zone... do dododo dododo
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007
    Happy Valentine’s Day girls.

    I didn’t like the person who I saw here last week, so I stepped back, ran away from home and thought a lot about who I’ve become. I don’t have all the answers yet, but I’m headed in a better direction than I was last week. So thanks to each and every one of you for being here.

    Gina – I tried to send you a PM but your box is full sweetie. I sent you a little something to the PO Box addy I had from the Christmas card list. Hope you get it soon and it makes you smile a bit. Great on the PS and that he uses the pump. Take care of your tummy.

    Susan – big gentle hugs! Wish I could do something for you. You come here and we’ll wrap you in love and hugs.

    MB – wow! A get together sounds like fun. I’ll have to check into it financially. It would be great for us all to get together. I sold my tent years ago. LOL

    Anne – I hope things get better for you. I know what you mean about being around yourself. I don’t like me much lately either.

    Madison – glad you survived the storms.

    Amy – glad you got the card. No beer for me, but I could use a margarita!

    Tracey – you made me smile. I could see you hyperventilating!

    Vickie – If anyone could do this, I feel you can. You are a wonderful, caring mother to your DD as well as Nathanial. I held a precious little boy today that was born late last night. They do bring a joy to our hearts. You’ll know when you’ve made the right decision.

    Nicki – glad you were safe today. I am so tired of winter also. Be careful tomorrow.

    Mena – happy birthday girl! Hope you’ve had a great day.

    Cheri – I ran away from home for a few days. I’m back now. Thanks for asking about me. Missouri is closer for me. LOL

    Sher – I want to learn to crochet also. Great on the path report and get that gallbladder out soon.

    I’ve missed so many but know that each of you are always in my thoughts and prayers.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Go out and get yourself a knifty knitter. Michaels or JoAnns. Actually they are on sale at Michaels this week. I bought the round set for $15.00. (on sale now for around $10.00) Then I went back and bought the Pink Straight loom. I didn't think I'd ever figure it out, but I love it. Poor Vickie got my first batch of squares..........she swears they are fine. But, now as a EXPERIENCED knitter, my second batch are much nicer!! Do it, you will love it!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    Wow Vickie,
    That is a Biggie. I doubt that any of us could easily make that choice. I know you have the heart and love to take care of another little one, but can you physically and emotionally take care of him? I have no answer. Go with your heart, but throw a bit of your head in also. (unless your head is screwed up as mine...then leave it out.) We're with you sister. God Bless.
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2007
    Can you send me the directions on how to post pictures?
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    Quick Hugs are being sent to you Susan. You've been holding up well, on the outside anyhow! Your knee will heal, you're a determined person. I know what you mean .. to just want to be "all better", feel normal (whatever that is!), do things like we used to!
    Surrounding you with warmth and hugs. We are here to listen.