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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    MeeeeNaaaaa! It's your birthday so come on out and play! It's no fun having to play alone. I need a playmate.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2007
    Wow..I am so impressed with all this great stuff!!!
    I feel like I am a computer challenged person...
    Where on earth do you find all these things???

    Amy to answer your question about air conditioning..we had none before so.....
    We have a Carrier forced air furnace so are getting a Carrier 14 Comfort Series with Puron air conditioner..
    Whatever that means..I guess he will start work tomorrow.

    Happy Valentines Day all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Liz, thanks for the name thing. Somebody sent me the website for those & I mistakenly deleted. How do you do that again?

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited February 2007
    Thanks for the animation. It's late now, but maybe I'll share a condensed version of a story from a book I've had since a was a little girl. It came from the one room school house where my Dad went to kindergarten. I don't believe in coincidences. Just God incidences.

    Till tomorrow.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Shokk, I couldn’t agree more with this statement “can't skip any it makes me feel like I gone a wk without watching my favorite soap opera”

    Vickie, thanks again for the purple hippo. It is a found memory. My older sister wanted a purple hippopotamus for Christmas one year. She got a stuffed one. I remember how happy she was to get it. I think hippopotamus was one of her speech words they were working on that year. She has cerebral palsy.

    NS, please rest and take care of yourself. I hope it’s not the stomach flu but just stress and that will ease now that you hopefully have a PS that will fight for you. The PS sounds wonderful and it was terrific that those women were willing to help put your mind at ease.

    I just checked on flight cost from Seattle to Bradford, PA around 8-2 / 8-6 and it was about $531. from Seattle to Buffalo, NY it’s only $363. I think it would be grand if we were able to do this. And several timing their flights to come in and then share the cost of a car or van would be even better. I just used the dates above to get a ball park figure.

    Jule, so good to see you in the circle. The temps back east make what we went through look like a walk in the park on a nice summer day

    Susan, you’ve been through a lot recently. The pain from the knee will get better. It takes time. Just remember that the exercises my hurt now but doing them will help it get better sooner. If you don’t do them then the scar tissue and muscles will get really tight and hurt even more. When you are moving around better again you can always get a job or volunteer somewhere to help keep you busy. I know when I had my thumb knuckle replacement I started think. “what was I thinking the pain wasn’t that bad, now it’s worse” It did get better and I have almost full range again. And I’m glad I did it. You will be too. Time heals all things!

    I know that most of the time that I lose my post someone else was posting at the same time. Either that or I took a really long time to type up my post. I do my one of two ways now. I either type it in word that way I can type click back over to BCO, read click back over toword and type some more, then when I’m ready copy and past it into my post. Or I type my post highlight it all by by pushing and holding the left side of my mouse while dragging it to highlight it, then right click and pick copy. Then it hit continue. If I have timed out or it’s not valid anymore I still have it and can just paste it back in.

    Aw Liz with love just as you are!

    Denise, you’ll do just fine at the oncs. Just remember to BREATH!!!

    I think there is a site called that has cool animated pics. I’ll have to ask my daughter

    Love all the pics
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Everyone must be in bed early. I'm pacing again tonight. I'm having a heck of a time being calm lately. Things are good, I'm just restless. I have started about 20 projects and finished none of them. I always have a hard time this time of year since I'm getting itchy for spring and it is still a LONG way off up here. I guess I'm just restless.

    My friend Connie had her first AC apointment today. Please keep her in your prayers. She is doing well, but still needs all the support she can get. My friend Erica is about halfway done with her chemo and is doing well. Linda finished her chemo and is resting up before rads. Aunt Rosemary is done with her treatment. She refused chemo but is feeling well. Keep them all in your prayers if you can.

    I'm going to grab my hubby and fill the jacuzzi with hot water and bubbles.

    Happy valentines day all
    Deb C
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Nah Deb, I'm still up circling the perimeter. I think I'm gonna go find something to bring back. Gosh I wish that wasn't so much fun, and so darned easy...except animated. lol I'll settle for just a funny pic.

    I'll be back
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    I have slaved all night to make you Circle Girls a hearty breakfast. Now this breakfast is for the girls in the "I don't give a damn what I look like" phase like me. Eat hearty girls.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    This breakfast is for the Circle Girls who have already gone through the phase I'm in and they are in the "I do give a damn about what I look like" phase. Eat hearty girls. lol HAHAHA

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2007

    YoooooHoooooo Nicki and Vickie we are all waiting.......its getting late.......a little cold up there?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Everone: Yes Im late this morning. Woke up at 4:15 and thought hey, you can sleep 2 more hours if ya want. So I did lol. Now of course that has totally taken away any computer time this morning.

    It is cold here in the Chicago end of the circle. Really cold. 1 degree below zero. Ive been listening to the news, and the roads dont seem to be an issue believe it or not. They did a fantastic job clearing all that snow away. Then the sun came out and the roads were pretty clear. So Im hoping there is no black ice.

    Im gonna have a pretty busy day. Remember me telling you about be on the Board of Director for Nami? Well there is an open house this evening. The first group home will be opening soon. Its sorta neat. They purchased a real home and have turned it into a group home. So besides going to work, Im gonna have to be there from 3-7pm.

    I really think Winter is getting to most of us. You all saw another side of me after being couped up in this house for 4 days. A side I dont like coming out very much. So to everyone hang in there. Spring is just around the corner.

    No long post for me today. Gotta get ready for work. Hoping everyone has a grand day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Ok...Vickie is up!! Ummmm...cold is putting it mildly!!!! Wow...Deb...could you please take this stuff up your way. Everything is closed here except of course our school which is on a two hour delay which is ridiculous. It's nasty out there. I can't get out till they plow my driveway as the drifts are a bit too deep for my car to handle. It's gonna be a loooong drive to work.

    Nicki...tweaking your toes sweetie...time to make the donuts.
    You girls were on a roll last night! Great pictures and I love my "name".
    Ok...gotta get the nieces up and moving, get Nathaniel up, figure out how to get them off to school and get my butt to work.
    Love to all...I'll talk to you in a bit
    oh...I have the baby's pictures...oh my. She's saying she's keeping this one but it's highly doubtful she will be allowed to.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    heehee...Nicki amd me at the same time...good morning sister!
    Be careful out there ladies.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Morning Vickie! You just be careful out there in all that snow. The news station said you guys got a doozy of a storm.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    I almost forgot. I want to tell some of my friends here a special story. So I go to evaluate a nice lady who is 80 y/o and just had open heart surgery. She is gonna come to where I work for some rehab. So Im doing a history and I see a note above her head that say "no blood draws or BP in the right arm." So of course I ask her why. Had breast cancer with mastectomy 20 years ago. Had liver mets from the get go. Has been on tamoxifen!

    So much for stage 4 being terminal! She is proof. And lol, lived long enough to need heart bypass surgery! I thought of Ginney, Shel, and Amy with a twinkle in my eye and a big smile on my face.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2007
    I've missed you all sooo much! I don't have a lot of time, but just wanted to pop in.

    Susan, a couple of friends have had knee replacements in the last couple of years. It's no walk in the park. I believe it does get better. I understand about pain. I've had pain in my neck about 3 months constant now. Medically, there is nothing that can be done. I've been seeing a chiropractor for 2 months and it doesn't even help. I'm so tired of pain.

    Today is port out day. I took the day off. My appt. is at 10:00, so need to start getting ready. Last dress rehearsal tonight, so have been super busy. My 15 year old is flaking again. I really don't need this stress right now. It just wears me out!

    I love hearing about long-term survivors. It is so encouraging.

    Vickie, whatever you decide about the baby, we'll be here to support you. It's got to be hard to know what to do.

    Hugs to everyone! Hope you had a good valentine's day.
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2007
    Nicki-Great story ,I love hearing about surviors stories..20 years wow
    Vickie- Sheri is right what ever you decide we will support you.
    Madison- Thanks..I was in my dark mood last night..don't know where it comes from or what sets it off. I hate being there but I don't know how to avoid it.As my mom use to say time heals all wounds..I hope she was right!
    Cheri-I am with you on the first breakfast!
    Keep warm girls, with the wind chill here it is -4. I don't have to go out till 3:00 but I don't want to!

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    GM all...
    the snow is still falling, but the sun is breaking I am making beef hash for dinner , homemade bread and salad....peppers, onions and tomatoes for the has on th side(ewww)
    Nicki what a great story...make sure you give her a hug from all of us...glad you got on the "mill" keep up the good work I'm so proud of you...hugs...keep it up an you can be the head bikini babe at the camp
    Cy...thanks for the info on flights...DH said he would chouffer anyone who got to the airport... just figured out you had a new am I slow some days...and can't blame chemo brains...
    Susan big hugs...I'll send you a flashlight so the end of the tunnel isn't so'll come into the light soon...hugs...and remember we are here for you...
    Shirley...glad you are trying new things it keeps us young, I figure with all the new cr*p I must be about 22 I don't want to go there we are all gonna be teaching
    Tracey & Liz, you guys are too funny I love the pic...becareful Cheri may be right behind you stealing your web
    Cheri...just checking in on the smoking thing how's it going?....praying for you....hugs
    Vicki...hugs its such a hard decision...yur heart will help guide you...
    Deb...try making a list of your projects...and one by one finish them and cross them off...this will help you know you finished some part and it won't be on your mind so least it helps me...I do it for all my chores , things to be done etc...and at night I see what I've done in a day, which is usually more than i think...good luck...or just keep trying to figure out how to find my
    Madison...exercise that Vday candy that will be 50 wall push ups and a few hundred she hates it was worth it...

    Hugs to all I missed
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007
    Well, today is "fix the thumb" day. The surgical center just called to ask if we can get there an hour earlier (well sure if it means I can eat something an hour earlier) so no time to type. Just wanted to tell NS I'm so glad she found a PS she likes---and that the tummy troubles will probably turn out to be a stress reaction. Think you've had a little stress layely Gina?

    Deb----February does a number on me too. A little pissed SO didn't have anything for V's Day. Normally wouldn't bother me but it's FEBRUARY DAMMIT! Grabbing the hubby sounds like a pleasant diversion even if it doesn't actually fix it!

    Vickie---have a story of friends in a similar situation I will share with you when I drop the squares off next week.

    Freezing cold here---so what else is new? Have to go scrub myself in the shower. May not be around much the next few days since left, and dominant hand will be kinda out of commission. I'm getting way too used to this kind of stuff since I didn't even get OCD about food. Leftovers tonite and then it's anybody's guess---back to the Fruit Loops and cottage cheeese!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning (I know it is late, late, late because I keep hitting snooze on the alarm)..

    Oh my MB, 50 wall push ups and all....okay, okay, I'll start

    Nicki, I loved the TRUE story you told us about your 20 year survivor.... Bless her....

    Sheri, check in with us after your port removal.

    Vickie, be careful if you do drive today.....thinking of you dear sister....

    I have to leave NOW or I'll be late for work....

    Hello to all CG's and take care, Madison
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Jeannie, thumb surgery today....okay, saying prayers and please check in after the surgery.

    DebC, hope the hot tub and bubbles cheered you up last night...

    Cheri, I just saw our breakfast...Yummmmm..

    Loved all the pics....talent plus...

  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited February 2007
    Good Morgan Girls...Cheri, I see you're quite adept with the pictures now...I guess this means I have to learn so we can have witty photo repartee? Geez, woman...I still haven't figured out the "quote" thing yet...Like a true CG, I still hunt for my own food and walk seven miles for water and carry it in buckets on my head...hence the stunted growth...

    Photobucket, huh? all sounds so complicated...

    Blah blah blah...when in Rome...(steal like the gypsies!)
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    MENA hugs since your hunting and carrying water you must be ready for the camp to see you..
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited February 2007
    Theresa, it was great seeing you on Saturday too! What a surprise! You look fantastic and I hope you had fun!

    Cheri, thanks for the breakfast! Since today is chemo-day for me I throw caution to the wind and eat whatever the heck I want! So I will chow down on that great spread!

    Nicki, great story, thanks for sharing it!

    Sheri, good luck with the port removal today!

    Jeannie, hope the surgery goes well and you have an easy recovery!

    Vickie, whatever you decide, we are behind you 100%!

    Love the pics everyone! I do not yet know how to post pictures, animated or otherwise. It is just a matter of sitting down and reading through directions, but who has time!

    Kids were off yesterday (DH stayed home because I cannot miss any more work!) and they have a two hour delay today. Then I am off for taxol/herceptin #9 (not that I am counting down or anything).

    Everyone, stay warm and safe! Warm hugs to anyone feeling down or going through a rough time.

  • DragonladyTina
    DragonladyTina Member Posts: 58
    edited February 2007
    Good morning girls,

    Sun is shining brightly which greatly interfered with me sleeping in this morning.
    I have been on afternoon shift this week and staying up past 10pm is near impossible for me .
    NS, I am so relieved that you have a PS that is going to work with you.
    My son is so darn cute, 20 yrs old and still a mama's boy, I got home from work last night and found a card on the counter adressed to Tina, I opened it and it was this recycled paper card (son is king of the environmental causes). He is a nerdy type like his dad and it was all about scientific things etc, funny but in a nerdy funny way, typically his sense of humour At the bottom he put, TO THE BEST MOST WONDERFUL STEPMUMMY EVER!! It is a standing joke to my 2 sons, I am their evil stepmummy or just stepmummy or mummy dearest, just a take off on evil stepmummies in general.

    The best part....he crossed off the step in stepmummy! I love those boys like I gave birth to them myself. I was so lucky when I fell into this family. Their mother died in 1994 of IBC at the age of 31 so I have had them longer than she did

    Anyhow that made my night!
    Hope all is well in the circle and big HELLO to everyone.

    love Tina
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited February 2007
    Well, here’s the story I promised. I decided not to condense it. The original language was too beautiful to mess with.

    The king sat on his golden throne troubled in soul.

    “Friend,” said he to the wise man at his right hand, “give me council.”

    “Sire,” said he, “yesterday near the well I heard two beggars taking. One told the other this strange tale, “Two spirits once wandered away from the bright land and came into the realm of a great ogre who seized them fiercely and cast them into a dark dungeon. For many hours they bear their frail wings against the rough stones of their cell in a vain endeavor to get out. At last, exhausted, they crouched close together on the cold floor and slept. They were suddenly awakened by the pattering of feet passing near them and opening their eyes, beheld a feeble light approaching, behind which, shone the fair face and golden curls of a little girl.

    “’”Fair spirits,” said the golden child, “I am Hope, the daughter of the great ogre who has cast you into this prison. See how beautifully the little light in my hand shines! I shall leave it with you as a comfort, for, though by its rays you cannot see the way out of here, at least it can remind you constantly of the warm sun beyond and be a sure pledge of you release. You must have faith in the great goodness that lies back of all things.” So saying, the daughter of the ogre set the tiny light on the cold stone and faded silently away.

    “’”Sister,” said the elder spirit, “there is a way out of here, for where Hope came in we, too, can to out. Let us search once more.”

    “’The search, however, was in vain. Cold stone rose around them on all sides driving them ever back to the center where burned the pale light in the gloom.

    “’”If we but had a greater light,: cried the younger spirit, “then we could see the passage through the stone walls. Without it we shall wither and die in the darkness of this place.”

    “’At the cry of the younger spirit for light a great pity and a great love swept over the elder and she caught her frail companion in her arms and pressed her head against her breast.

    “’”Sister,” said she, “rise up against the roof of this dark cell. Perchance a great light will come to you which will show you the way out.”

    “’The younger spirit did as she was bid and the elder, standing before the tiny light, dipped into it the edges of her frail silken wings. There rose up a might light in that dark place, as the flame grew on the gauzy wings like color streaming over sunset clouds.

    “’”The way! The way!” cried the younger spirit, but the elder stood with head bowed wrapped in the brightness of new wings which soared above her in two scarlet flames. The stones of the mighty cell existed no more for her. Only the calm stars grew daisy-like in the meadows of the sky.”

    “A queer story,” said the jester at the foot of the king, “but beyond my poor pate to understand.”

    “Only he who has burned his wings in his brother’s service and found new ones, mightier, swifter and warmer in their stead, can understand,” said the wise man.

    This story came from a book called Wings of Flame Everyday Fables by Joseph B Egan, A.M. It was printed in 1929. My copy came from the one room school house where my Dad went to kindergarten. The fronts piece is a wonderful color plate of the two spirits, with the elder’s wings of flame. Hope you liked it. Sorry it was so long.

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited February 2007
    Morning girls. Checking in before I run out to more site to look over. This ice storm is a killer for cleaning up walks and ramps. I over see about 30 commerical, hospital and private school sites for snow and ice removal. My department covers the cleaning of walks and ramps. I don't have to physically do anything, just manage. Gets very tiring driving around all night looking at the same sites.
    Worked from 3:00am on Tuesday to until 11:00 last night and back again 7:00 am today.
    See you later. xoxo
  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning All....
    It is drizzling rain here this morning ....I am SOOOOOO ready for spring to be here. I think of all of you who just got hit with that awful storm and chastize myself for being so whinney about the weather!!!!!
    My thoughts are with all of you today...
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    Morning CG's

    quick post here as I am in the middle of something here at work but had to click and read the post from last night.

    Nicki-loved your story and I must be emotional today because it brought happy tears to my eyes. Thanks! I needed to hear that today.

    Love all the pics being posted also. its a good thing I dont have time at work to be out searching for pics.

    Loved the breakfast this mornning also and I must be in the Dont give a damn phase!

    Lynn-glad to see you around girlfriend. Margaritas work for me too,,,pulling down the top shelf tequilia just for us cause we deserve it.

    lisa the Carrier 14 seer should be an excellent unit for you. Its a great residential unit and has a 10 year limited compressor warranty and 5 year parts and labor. You all made a good choice in my opinion.

    ok gotta run finish some work here but will return.

  • lucyemmons
    lucyemmons Member Posts: 13
    edited February 2007
    count me in girls! we all have to stick together.
    love, prayer and hus to you all.
    lucy idc 01-16-06 bilateral w/tram recons 02-02-06
    t1b nx mo 2 weeks and counting