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  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2007
    Vickie...he is adorable..having four sons myself makes me have a soft spot for the little guy. I know this must be a difficult time for you. I know everything will work out.

    Pass the Xanex lillipops ladies!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Hi All,

    A quick visit for me 'cause dd has some military buddies coming in for Mardi Gras.....should be interesting...PASS the Xanex lollipops please....

    Vickie, he is beautiful...I agree with Joyce, everything will work out.

    Gotta go...
    Hugs to all...
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Vicki, I don't know much about the Emerald City except it must be green. Don't know what to get for our party.

    pals, cheri
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited February 2007
    Tracey, thanks for the name post. Those are so cool!!!! That was a nice welcome coming out of the medic tent.

    Vicki, he is adorable. You know YOU better than anyone else. Has this relative considered being fixed so she doesn't keep having children that she doesn't care for? It makes me worry how many more she will have that will have to be very hard emotional decisions for you or others.

    Cheri, going to get your ankle fixed and walk normally - oh, those grandkids had best watch out when you can chase them!! Glad that you have a date. I know the pain has been hard to handle and not being able to walk normally. I'm surprised you haven't had back problems.

    Sher, had my gallbladder out in November and they were able to do the laparoscopic procedure. Came home the same day. I can tell you that I had more pain from the "sick" gallbladder than I did from the surgery. Some friends told me that if the gas from the procedure started to bother me (gets under the rib cage and hurts) to swing my arms like a windmill - it works!!! Thought I would pass that one along.

    Ok, guys, where is the get together???????? I know in August.

    Nicki, you OK? Sometimes we get our worst weather here in March - we're due considering how the rest of the country has been getting slammed. I think it was somewhere in Penn. today people were stranded for 6 hours - the interstate was bad but think it was from a truck jack knifing.

    Catch everyone later.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Vickie and Jan...your Emerald City

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Hmmmm...maybe I'm just a dirty old lady, but I don't remember The Emerald City being quite endowed! LOL

    Deb C.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    OH MY DEB...glad you pointed that out (pun intended!!)
    Cheri...Emerald City...Wizard of Oz! Can I be the good witch? Pretty please...I'll get a magic wand and make all your dreams come true!
    Thank you all for your ya all.
    Only two rows to go and the afghan is DONE! It's sooo pretty!
    Sweet dreams dear sisters
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    We have now had two young children die from the flu, everyone Please be careful and Wash you hands!

    Niki what a great story to give us all hope!

    Sheri congrats on getting the port out and “break a leg” tonight!

    Jeannie, hope the thumb fix went well!

    MENA We MISSED you!

    Laura, loved the fairy story. It is so true!

    Welcome Hollyann

    Shirley, I still haven’t finished the curtains for my bedroom. I got one set done and need to finish the other set.
    Walmart carries the nifty knitter, both round and rectangle

    WOO HOO Cheri You’ve got a date!

    Colleen glad you got the thumbs Up!

    Jan I thought I lived in the Emerald City, that’s what they call Seattle

    Welcome JBee

    Vickie is part of the issue with social services that they need to get the fathers permission to release the baby? That is assuming your sister has said who that is

    Get together August 11 in Ischua, NY sound like fun!
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited February 2007
    If you haven't already done this. Check your peanut butter. Over 300 people have gotten samonella poisoning. It's Peter Pan, lot #2111. My pregnant daughter in Virginia had some of it over the weekend, and was very sick. Please, be careful. There's a store brand that's also contaminated. I forgot the name. Sorry

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited February 2007
    Hi All,

    I am buzzin’ on steroids so even though I should be going bed, I’m sitting here reading and typing. Better living though chemistry.

    I’m feeling a bit less funky than I was earlier this week. Several reasons. DH and I decided to do something for Vday when typically we don’t. Just decided we’ve had so many examples of reasons to do things now. Did dinner then picked up the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with Johnnie Depp. Another treatment done today, plus I had a nice (if cold) walk over for my treatment. And, did I mention the steroid buzz?

    I’m looking forward to the gathering. Working on the finances like so many of us. Maybe we should see if we can get a psychiatrist there and then we could all get referrals and get our insurance to pay for the trip….

    Jeanine – how’s the thumb? Hopefully all went well and you’ve got enough stuff that you’re not in pain.

    Sheri – I’ll bet it’s nice to have the port out. I’m looking forward to having that done.

    Cheri – I’m glad you found a surgeon for your ankle. I’m sure that all will go as it’s supposed to with your tests and you’ll get the surgery done. I have a hard time wrapping my little brain around driving that far for a hospital. I guess I’m totally spoiled because mine’s only a mile and a half.

    Hollyann – Welcome to the Circle!

    JBee – Hi and welcome. I see we are your first post!

    Vicki – I’m still thinking about you. The baby is BEAUTIFUL! Makes me wish for some cuddle time. Don’t worry about the crying – I think we’ve all got drip dry shoulders.

    Sue – So sorry about your son. One my nephew’s has Asperger’s. Good luck with the schools and insurance and all. It’s a real pain, but your son is worth it.

    Madison – Where is DD stationed? What does she do? My son’s at Ft. Bliss. I’ll run for the lottery ticket if you’re daughter’s there too. I already learned that Shirley’s son and mine are at the Navy’s Nuclear Power School together.

    It’s now an hour past bedtime and I’m still bug-eyed. Gonna take some Lunesta and at least get into bed. Probably have a better chance of sleeping than I do sitting here at the computer.

    Hugs to all!
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2007
    Hi I am NS and I am from the anti-social wagon.
    I have been staying away from the phone, the computer- everything. I am in bunker mode.
    I have a definite surgery date of march 6th.
    I have all my scans approved for next week.
    And all I want to do is be someone else!

    I want to make sure I am released from the hospital ASAP- like within 24 hours- so if any of you know if I can achieve that goal faster by getting expanders instead of the immediate implant let me know!

    I cleaned my pms for those who asked!

    Lini- you have to clean yours! I couldn't write you back!!

    I TRY to post but I cannot KEEP UP with all of you!

    Someone give me a starting point for tomorrow and then it won't be so overwhelming!!!

    Love you-
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007

    Great Value Peanut Butter I think that's Walmarts band name. It is the ConAgra Peanut Butter

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    so how come doc says I have to stay overnight????
    sniff sniff, I hate staying in the hospital.

    hugs to one and all, I'm off to bed
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    hi ns!!!!!!!!!!
    just want you to know i sure miss you!!!!
    pls get your butt out of that tent and come home!!!
    big hugs!!!!!! i am sorry your going through this again! but you watch this didnt get to your nodes so your going to be good to go!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007

    NS We love you and know that you are overwhelmed right now and rightfully so. Take your time we understand. Special prayers for you my dear

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Brenda, I do have lower back pain. One leg is shorter than the other one. I just haven't ever mentioned it. No need to whine over something I have no control over.

    Vickie, sweetie, you already ARE the good witch.

    Anne, it does sound silly to drive 360 miles one way for an Orthopedic Surgeon. I only live 30 min. from the hospital here. But ya see, I've had either 6 or 7 surgeries already done on this ankle cos it was so badly smashed. Plus, these are not top notch OS that I have been dealing with. I've had 2 different OS's and all they did was mess it up further. The last time i saw my last OS he said there was nothing else that could be done for this except amputation above the knee. I said NO. So that's when we set out to find another dr. The clinic in Iowa is ranked #7 and is the closest to me. He says he can fix it. Thats why the long drive. To save my leg. Plus it'll be nice not to hurt anymore and there's something to be said for just walking under your own steam. I'm really happy I got this OS.

    NS, you know we all love & worry about you. I know that you are already overwhelmed with your dx and upcoming surgery. You don't want to hurt people who love you & just mean well but all of us together are bound to overwhelm you, too. We don't want to do that. You just check in whenever YOU feel like it. And be secure in the fact that we are every one here for you and would help you in any way possible. My thoughts are with you through this tough time and prayers too.

    your friend
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    wow were getting lots of snow up here to... i just love it!!! and its really mild out there.... here are a couple pictures i just took!!!


    and we have a mad case of dandruff going on!!!


  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    i had my yearly physical today and this is what happened!!!!

    Yearly Physical

    Went to my new doctor for my yearly physical. The nurse starts with

    certain basics.

    How much do you weigh?" she asks.

    "115," I say.

    The nurse puts me on the scale. It turns out my weight is 150.

    The nurse asks, "Your height?"

    "5 foot 8," I say. The nurse checks and sees that I only measure 5'


    She then takes my blood pressure and tells me it is very high.

    "Of course it's high!" I scream, "When I came in here I was tall and

    slender! Now I'm short and fat!"

    She put me on Prozac.

    (What a #$%#@!)
  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited February 2007
    g - glad you have a plan - and are hunkering down - do what you need - we'll keep you in the circle.

    I have two tabs open so will try...

    Nicki - THANK YOU for posting that - 20 years - how wonderful for us to hear and how sweet of you to think of us!

    Thank you for the hugs and warm wishes. I'm coming out of my funk now - just a lot of information in a short time.

    I visited with a friend I have worked with at a couple of jobs - haven't seen him since before my dx. He was shocked at how I looked - meaning not sick - and couldn't believe I was wearing a wig! We had some appetizers and a drink (Shirley Temple for me). At the end he said "I'm so glad you're doing well - I was really worried - so make sure you have my cell phone number." It was sweet.

    Susan - so sorry you're down - hope it gets better soon...

    Deb - sending positive energy to your friend...

    Sheri - glad the port removal went well..

    Purple - sounds yummy!

    Sue - I'm sorry about your son and all the crap that goes with it..

    Anne - glad you're coming out of your funk..

    cheri - glad you had some good news! You'll do fine with your tests..

    Colleen - thank you - things are improving...

    Hello to Amy, Brenda, Tracey, Cy, Liz, Vickie, Shirley, Madison, Sher, Jan, Mena, Joyce, Kristin, and anyone I missed!!

    Many hugs to you...

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Vickie, here you are as the Good Witch. You may use that magic wand anytime now. What a little doll you are! lol

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    WooHoo, I have Dorothys magic shoes. And I'm keepin 'em.(What do ya suppose is up with the blue socks?) I leave the rest to you other girls. Have fun!

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007

    The blue socks is to go with her Blue dress of course and it shows off the red shoes more too!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited February 2007
    Good evening girls - I can't believe how long it takes to catch up if you miss a day. I just got done reading all the posts from yesterday and today. Yesterday DH and I went to the Bob Seger concert so did not get on the computer. The concert was great. The last concert we went to was the WHO in November and I was still so tired from ooph I just about fell asleep at the concert!!!! Too tired to post - but just wanted to say hello to everyone. Get to sleep in a little later tomorrow as i have the morning off work to get the stitches out of my hand. Its been bothering me more the past couple days so sure hope I have not overdone it. I guess time will tell. Hope to check in tomorrow morning before the doc. Sweet dreams to everyone.
    Oh - NS - when I had my mastectomy, the docs only rec one night in the hospital (I had expanders. Keeping you in my thoughts. Vickie - good luck in making your decision. Take your time and listen to your heart.
    To everyone else, I'll post more this weekend - it may take me a few days to write back from the past few days.
    KAren in denver
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    WOW, Karen. You went to a Bob Seger concert?? How cool is that?? He doesn't look like he used to (who does) but does he still sing as well? Did he sing 'Fire Lake'? How bout 'Night Moves'? Did he do 'Hollywood Nights'? Of course he did 'Old Time Rock & Roll' that would be almost illegal for him not to do that one. Does he still have the'Silver Bullet Band'? Nah, they broke up years ago. Was the place just packed? Wow, I used to love that man. ok. Still have a little crush on him! Wow, Bob Seger. Too cool.

  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited February 2007
    Hi Ladies ~
    Cheri ~ You are too funny with the “miniscule” breakfast for us girls in the “Spa”. Wow that is Great news you got a date to get your ankle all fixed up to WALK again. Positive thinking ---- your tests will come out fine.

    Sheri ~ Yipppppeeeeeeeeeee your port is out and it wasn’t as bad as you thought.

    Nicki ~ That story of the 80-year old lady was wonderful. That is GREAT to hear of long time survivors. My aunt is a 42 year survivor, but not with mets. At that time they did FULL radicals.

    Jeannie ~ Best of luck on your thumb surgery for a quick recovery.

    Deb ~ That hot tub sounds fantastic. I love hot tubs over swimming pools.

    Tina ~ What a sweet card.

    Laura ~ Very nice story.

    Colleen ~ Great news from rad onc. Are you going on vacation for a week? Have a GREAT time wherever it is, and yes please come back quickly.

    JBee ~ Welcome, glad you came to join us.

    Vickie ~ Oh, with a baby that adorable you are going to have a hard decision, but I know you will make the best decision for you and the baby. Ok is your sister a Grey’s Anatomy fan (Derrick????.)

    Deb ~ You are too funny, Emerald City well endowed…. Had to take a second glance and boy were you right. I am also sorry for all your sorrows you are going through. Lots of hugs to you.

    Hollyanne ~ Welcome, glad you came to join us.

    Gina ~ You’re back……. I wish I could offer you suggestions for your upcoming surgery, but I did not have expanders or even a bi-lateral. Best of luck with your decision, I know you will make the right one for you.

    Tracey ~ I think I am going to try that trick with the weight and height with my onc appointment in March…. That sounds like a REALLY good one. Love your personality.

    Sue ~ I am sorry to hear about your son.

    Ginny ~ I hope you are feeling better, and I am happy you ran into an old friend and you have someone you can easily call.

    Karen ~ Glad the Bob Seger concert was GREAT and your stitches are out of your hand.

    Well ladies good night for now, check in with all of you tomorrow morning.

    Lots of Hugs and you snowbirds try and keep warm and cozy.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    OMG! Thongs that was one of the funniest posts. I'm surprised they didn't admit you to the ward for 'special' people. hahahahah

    Are you really only 5'3"??? For some reason I thought you were taller.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Good morning alwayshope...haahaa...we beat Nicki up this morning...shall we go tweak her toes and blow the trumpet together at her wagon?
    Tracey...oh that was a good one! As for the snow picture...we've seen enough of that! I am going to try to post some that I took at work yesterday, they are amazing. Snow drifts that are huge.
    NS...sending you a hug and the scans will be good. love ya and miss you here.
    Cheri...awww...your just too sweet. I love those shoes!
    We're off to see the wizard.
    (((Sue))) your card today...what a nice surprise! A concert...lucky you! Hugs your way.
    b445...I made Nathaniels lunch yesterday with Peter Pan Peanut jar. Oh's the bad batch. He seems ok but I'm tossing the jar!! Two children lost to the flu...that's really scary.
    Shirley sending you hugs...sorry you have to spend the night but let them take care of you.
    Nate is up early and wants the computer so I'm off to the shower to get ready for work.
    Sorry to all I missed.
    Love ya all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Dang Vickie: Your are up early today girl. Beat again!

    Good Morning Everyone! I just quickly looked at all of the posts since yesterday morning. 4 pages!! Oh my lord. Guess Im just gonna have to exercise when I get home from work. And yes TGIF! Things are back to normal in this household. Thank goodness. I went and worked the whole day and then went to the Open house for a home that will be turned into a group home. Didnt leave there till 7:00pm. Now mind you, on most days I'm in bed at that time. So when I came home, I was sure glad to see my husband. I slept pretty good too.

    There is a forest right next to this home. When I parked there I saw 8 Robins!! Now for those of us who live in Chicago, a red breasted robin is the first sign of Spring. I always delight when I see my first Robin looking for worms in the grass. So seeing them sort of blew my mind. I thought hey! dont you know it's still Winter? The windchill was well below zero. So even with all this bad weather, Im hoping this is an early sign of Spring.

    Sheri: Oh Im hoping your port removal went good and that your feeling ok. Its a liberated feeling to have it taken out. I just got to your latest post. Glad the port removal went well. Ya just gotta love our surgeons. They always seem to care and stay on top of things.

    Joy: Seems like its hard to stay out of a "dark mood" with Winter pounding down on us. But it is exciting. Spring is getting closer and closer.

    PurpleMB: Darn it all. I missed you yesterday and now I wont see you till Monday. Hope you have a great week-end.

    Jeannie: Im hoping the thumb surgery went well. We sure will miss you here while its healing. Just take care of yourself.

    Madison: 50 wall pushups? I can do that. I think I can do it. Im gonna try it tonight when I get home.

    Mena: So good to see you post and hoping you had a wonderful birthday.

    Kristin: Wowser, I just realized. Only 3 more chemo? Seems just yesterday when you were first starting. Youve come a long way baby.

    Tina: Im laughing here. I love mummy dearest. I hated working the afternoon shifts. Hard to go to bed when you get home cause your too wound up, and then getting up later cause you went to bed late. Then poof your day is gone and your back at work.

    Tgirl: This storm sure kept you busy. I will take snow anyday over ice. I have to tell ya, everyone worked hard to clear our roads and make them safe for driving. So Im sure all your hard work was appreciated.

    Jule: Think Spring! Im already picturing what flowers I will be planting.

    Amy: I knew you would love the story. When I was talking to this lady, the more we talked, the more excited I got. Its like she was sent down from heaven for all of us to see. She was funny too. I shared with her that I had a bil. mast and chiper as she was, said she always regretted not having a bilateral. I looked at her and said, well after being a 20 survivor with mets, didnt hurt you keeping the one good breast. First I laughed with your mom and SO. Now that should give you motivation to prove them wrong. Keep reading my post. I just gave instructions to Sherloc below. When you get the hang of the chain stitch let me know and we will have lesson #2.

    Hollyanne: Howdy and welcome to the circle. You will find this is such a fun place to be. Get lotsof support and lots of laughter too. So very nice to meet you.

    Sherloc: Step one. Take yarn and tie in knot around the fat part of the G hook. Wrap yarn around the top of hook and pull through the knot. Then keep pulling through. That is a chain stitch. The begining of each project. For the community afghan. Chain 27. When you have figured this out - Ill tell you more. Good luck with you blood work and onc appointment.

    Cheri: Congratulations on finially getting your surgery date. May 18th will be here before ya know it. We have a OS who specialized in total hip replacement. Have people coming here from all over cause he is so well known for his surgery. Your will do just fine. I know it.

    Colleen: Im so glad your 3 month check up went well. Yes indeed, I do love leaving the office worry free. Gonna miss you over the next week, so hurry back soon.

    Jan: OMG! Driving without windshield washers is awful. My husband got upset cause I made him go buy some before I went to work. Thank goodness I had it. He had to drvie about himself, and admitted to me he was so glad I made him buy some. Women are just so much smarter than men.

    Shelo: Oh my. Congratulations on getting a quilt. Sure is nice knowing so many care about you.

    Brenda: Im so glad your husband is feeling a little better. Brenda, Im doing ok weather wise. Got through this storm. More snow tomorrow. But my car! OMG it is so dirty from all the salt. And Im scared to get it cleaned cause its so cold. Afraid the doors will freeze.

    Oh my goodness, I still have 2 pages to read. And the morning is flying by.

    JBee: Welcome. So nice to meet you. Yes this is a great place to be. Lots of friendships to be made and support to be given.

    Judy: Man, if ya stay away too long, it takes forever to catch up. We certainly are a chatty bunch.

    Liz: Im glad to see you - hoping everything is going well.

    Sherloc: I hate staying overnight. Just hate it! Im with you, pretty please, just let me go home. Now listen, I learned one thing from my port removal. I was so upset that I was gonna need general anesthesia when so many others had it done by local. Each person and each port is different. Trust your surgeon, pout a little, but do what he says.

    Gus: What is Aspergers Syndrome? Im gonna have to look it up. Im hoping your little on is ok.

    Debc: I want to be one of those tough guys singing "we represent the lollipop kids, the lollipop kids, the lollipop kids." Make mine with xanax please.

    CY: Thats awful about those 2 children. Was it the stomach flu or upper respiratory flu?

    Anne: I sure do remember the steroid buzz. Hope you finially got some sleep.

    Tracey: what big snowflakes. And what a funny story.

    Karen: I have GREAT written after your name, but thats all I can read. I need to be more careful when Im taking notes.

    Judpy: Yeppers, she had a full radical mast.

    NS: Now dont you stay away! I feel totally disconnected. I hope you have cleared you pm's. Last time I tried to send you one, it said your box was full.

    Vickie: Oh my, such big decisions. That baby is sure a cutey. I cant imagine have a newborn in this household. We are crazy enough.

    Its almost time for me to go, but before I do - I have another story to tell you. Dont know why I havent shared this before. My mom was diagnosed with BC and had "extensive mets to the live" I know it, cause being a nurse I asked to see you path report. After I read it I told my family - tops one year to live. I was so sure of that!! Anyways, mom was put on Tamoxifen - lived for 12 more years and passed away from heart failure, not breast cancer. Sometimes we only hear the scary stories about mets. And there are so many good ones. Terminal? No no no. Chronic? yes yes yes.

    Ok- gotta go. Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Ill see ya all later.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007

    Sue, sorry about your son. Let me know if you need some help - my daughter works with both AS and autistic children.

    Deb, I thought the same thing when I saw the pic of the Emerald City.

    Karen, my hubby used to look a lot like Bob Seger and we were talking about going to his concert. Glad to hear it was a good one. Those songs bring back memories.

    For those of you worried about the flu that's going around, make sure you get your doctor to write you a prescription for Tamiflu as soon as you feel sick. You have to take it within the first 48 hours. You should be able to find it now (that's the one that is supposed to be good for the avian flu too) and I actually saw a commercial for it the other day.

    Vickie, I have to go back and find the posting of the baby.

    That's it for now. Everyone have a good day and I'll catch up over the weekend.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    GM all...whoo puter at son's but my pnone with the gathering coming I must keep in touch... never miss me, I'm always sitting on your do expect to see you at PINKSTOCK this summer...and remember the

    FLu info use your hand cleners too..those antibiotic ones...purell..
    G..hugs and remember we love you....
    MEna still missing you ...
    To all that have joined us I am sorry i usually dont have too much time at work but now that I can do this at home I should be
    i must is my grandma day and I don't let anything, even you guys get in the way...sorry...
    Lots of plans to be made for the camp out so I'm off