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  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning dear ladies. Happy Day After Valentines Day. Have follow up with surgeon today. I guess we'll be scheduling the gallbladder. Also have to get bloodwork for onc appt tomorrow. My poor arm hasn't recovered from the IV yet. Got another shade done. Only two left. I'll take a pic to share when I get them done. Looking pretty good in there if I do say so myself. Now just to get hubby to hang the curtains.

    NS you made me cry. Praying the new surgeon can work everything out for you.

    Vicki, O my. Yikes!!! I will be praying for you.

    Anne, you are not annoying.

    Susan, hugs for you. Hang in there.

    Ok Amy, here we go.
    Crochet 101.....supplied need...Size G crochet hook, colorful yarn, large bottle of xanax.
    that should do it.
    Thanks to all you dear ladies who have offered to teach those of us that are less than competent with yarn. I'm a willing student. Teach on.

    Liz, we love you even when you don't like yourself. Hugs and bug kisses to you my friend.
    thanks for the pretty flowers. I LOVE DAISYS
    They are such happy flowers.

    Denise, someone else mentioned the nifty knitter to me. Can't remember who. No Michaels or Joanns in my two bit town. Walmart might have it but I have the crappiest walmart on the planet so probably not. I'll look into it.
    Thinking of you and your appt today. Mine is tomorrow. Tummy will be in knots till he says bloodwork fine, lets cop a fell, see you in 4 months.

    Madison, thanks for the offer. I'll pm youmy addy.

    Can someone send me the address list? I wasn't around at Christmas time to get it.

    Deb, praying for you friends and your Aunt. I turn into a hermit in the winter and get antsy too. A very good time to get things done.

    Cheri, o my gosh. If I ate that much food I wouldn't be able to move for a week.

    Nicki, 1below!! yikes. Be safe out there. Have fun at the open house tonight.
    I love hearing those stories. Give that lady a bug kiss from me.
    Makes me feel better about tamox too. I always stress about not being able to take the AI's.

    Sheri, break a leg....that is what your supposed to say right? If not welllll don't break a leg.
    Praying for you for port removal.

    MB, my moto is "Learn something new everyday" Good Lord I don't want to be 22 again. 32 was pretty good, can I go there?
    Did you pop into chat last night?

    Jeannie, praying for your surgery.

    MENA!!! hi, did you have a nice birthday?

    Tina, your boys are a gift. I would keep them if I were you.

    Laura a beautiful story.

    Theresa, wow, that was a long day. Hope you get some rest soon.

    Off to work on another shade. See you all later. I'll let you know what doc says about the gallbladder.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Good morning girls. I stayed up much too late last night. My dd & her family spent the night so I had to set my alarm early for school. So I've had about 3 hrs sleep. I woke my dd up and then couldn't get back to sleep. So I'm not much of a thinker today.

    Sheri,good luck getting your port out today. I still have mine. It took them several tries to get it in so I'm really dreading them taking it out. Let me know if it goes as smoothly as I hope it does for you.

    Joyce, glad to see you in better spirits today & hope Kevin is doing well.

    Jeannie, good luck with your thumb today.

    Madison, thank you for the book.

    Kristen, hope chemo goes well for you today.

    Laura, thanks for the story.

    NS, I do hope all is going well for you. I don't want to pm you because I'm sure you've been swamped but know that I'm thinking of you and wishing you the best.

    Mena, not to worry you don't have to learn how to post pics. But I do expect written witty repartee. That's how we play, ya know. Did you get your email yet? You were busy yesterday since it was your birthday. Celebrating is one thing but I can't keep bailing you out of jail for drunk & disorderly. It's time you face your...uh...drinking problem. Oh dear, did I let anything slip?

    Welcome Hollyann. You will like it here in the Circle very much.

    Shirley, good luck at the dr today.

    Hey to Vickie, Nicki, MB, Lini, Brenda, Tina, Theresa, Jule, Carrie, Denise, Judy, Boo, Susan. And to anyone I mistakenly left out.

    I have some good news to share. I talked to the surgeons office at Iowa City Univ. Hosp. and I now have a scheduled appt. to have surgery on my ankle/foot so I can walk again! They kept putting me off as to a date but I pinned her down this morning and got one. It's 360 miles from home but he's got an excellent reputation & I really liked him when I met him the first time. He's not a pretend surgeon like the ones I've had in Springfield, this guy is a real surgeon! My appt. is May 18th for sugery, 17th for pre-op at 1:00. He's ordering all kinds of tests to be sure I'm up to the surgery. His office is faxing my gp orders for vascular, including dopplers, and all kinds of lab. Not sure what else. I am sooo excited about this surgery. I'm not in the least scared and I have total faith in this OS. So, now what could I be worried about? lol What if I don't 'pass' my tests? What if something is wrong somewhere and he can't do it? Circulation, cancer, vascular problems, cancer, blood work, cancer. My ins. case manager went to great lengths to get my ins. company to cover me out of state to see this dr. She is wonderful and has moved mountains for me. I am sooo lucky to have her the past 3 yrs. and I tell her that alot. But there's that nagging fear of cancer & he won't touch my ankle then. My ins rep & I decided on him over a year ago but then the bc came up and I had to put my ankle surgery off for a year. It's quite painful all the time. I just don't whine about the pain cos it does no good. WooHoo, to be pain free and be able to walk again.

    Why after having cancer is good news always mixed with fear? It just never goes away. Ever. But I refuse to let it run my life...after this surgery is all done. lol

    Hope you all have a great day,
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Hi CGs,
    Just a quick note from work. It was 2 degrees when I got up this morning. DH didn't put antifreeze windshield washer fluid in my car, so I can't wash the salt off the windshield. Wasn't that a nice drive to work this morning?

    Michelle, you are more than welcome to join me in the Emerald city. As they say:
    We get up at noon and get to work by 1,
    Take an hour for lunch and then by 2 we're done.
    Jolly good fun!
    That is my motto

    Susan, I'm sorry you are having such a hard time. That's why I can't deal the knee surgery right now on top of everything else. You are strong, and I know you will get on top of this! Joint replacement rehab is tough. Based on what others have told me, just hang in there. Before you know it, you will be feeling much better.

    Amy, yee haw!! Come on up and sled down my front hill! I love playing in the snow, as long as I don't have to shovel it!

    Madison, yes, DH got home in plenty of time to plow. I'm glad I waited to let him do it. Our tractor was sliding all over the driveway on the ice.

    Tina, that was a really great card your son gave you. You must be doing something right girl!

    I have to get back to work now. With the storm yesterday, no one came in to work the front desk and I have a mountain of charts to take care of .

    Hugs all!
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007
    Hey Ladies

    Well, I had 5 pages to catch up on, and had to stop on 236, but I'm hoping to finish up later on tonight.

    Wanted to share that I just got back from my 3 month with the rad onc and she said everything looked good. Even made me feel better about the pain I've been having on right side under rib cage. So, yeah to that!

    OK, didn't take notes but...

    Tracey - I love those name things! I can't even figure out how to put my picture on my atavar (is that what it's called?) never mind post a picture that moves!!

    Vickie - Oh my! My friend had a similar situation with the birth mom of her daughter. She had another baby, a full sibling of my friends daughter (i.e., same boyfriend.) It's really hard to know what to do, I'd say, do what you WANT to do, try not to let anyone or anything else sway you.

    Nicki - Um, can't remember what I was going to say...Did you have a good Valentine's Day? I hope so!!

    Gina - how are you? Sorry to hear about the stomach bug, sheesh! Glad to hear about the nice doc....

    MB - get-together sounds cool. I need to plan my summers along with my ex-husband, as we try to let our son spend as much time with each of us as possible, but I should know pretty soon what the schedule will look like.

    Ginney - how are you? Didn't get to all the posts, so I may have missed an update. I hope you're hanging in there.

    Yikes, eveyone else, much love to you all. I'm kind of on a post-docs appt high right now (literally the first time I've gone for a 3 month check-up in a year that I was able to walk out of there with the all clear, no tests, no scans, just "you look great, see you in 3 months"!! I'm hoping some of that happiness will spread through the circle, lifting up anyone who needs a little boost.

    I'm feeling really stressed too, cause I'm leaving tomorrow night for a whole week, and won't have computer access!!! Last time that happened, I didn't come back for a month! This time, I'm going to jump right back in the day I get home, and just try to catch up as I go.

    Big hugs to you all!
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    ok Shirley I got everything but the xanax and I dont have a script for those. Hmmmmm,,will effexor work or should I get with Vickie and have her send me some of hers? I am like you in my two bit town and no Michaels or Joanns here either. I can check at my local WalMart though. I did mention to my mom that I wanted to learn to crochet and lets just say,,,she has probably stopped laughing by now since it was a few days ago. My SO and my mom almost fell over laughing but just wait,,I will show them. My mom wanted to know if I was making Mazer an afghan in between her laughter! I can do it, I know I can,,,wellll maybe I can. I can sew on a button if that counts for anything?!?! Shirley you are covering shades so I am sure you are somewhat crafty to do that. pictures soon,,you promised.

    Cheri-Congrats on the appointment! Wooohooo just imagine how much trouble you can get into when you are walking again!!! Watch out world. Thats great though and I know you are excited.

    Mena, uhhhh whats with this dropping in only on occasion? How was the birthday? Hows treatment? I know it sucks but hopefully not too bad. I go next week and already dreading it and xeloda starts back up on this Saturday.

    Jan-playing in the snow would be great and then we could come in and have a nice uhhhh "drink" to warm us up.

    ok off to get more work done. Amy
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited February 2007
    hey girls.........not a lot of time, but i wanted to say that i got a quilt today in the mail!

    it is just magnificent, and truly brightened an otherwise lousy few days!

    i will try sending vickie a pic so she can post it for me. tty all later if i get a chance to post again tonight!

    (tina)...........i loved the story about your says an awful lot about you that they think so much of "mommie dearest" are blessed (and deservedly so!)

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    OK....the gathering day has been set...I hope to see you all..AUGUST 11, 2007.. so get the feed for the horses, donkeys and mules....prepare the wagons for a trip...and plan on being there...
    love MB
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited February 2007
    Man, go to the Medic/Blues/Whinning tent for a bit and you get totally lost when you emerge again. No way, I can keep all of this straight - even with notes!!!

    I am totally worthless when it comes to crafts. I don't sew, don't knit, don't crochet, used to do some cross stitch - I clean Real good though. I don't don't do ironing though!!

    Susan, I'm sorry you are trying to keep your emotions in check. We've all done it when we've been hit with another surgery after our BC battle but knee replacement is a real BIGGIE - you had a terrible ice storm and was housebound and now this surgery too. Winter has always been a more depressing time for me and you have had pain and the exercises are a lot to handle. It's ok to cry!!

    Joyce, sending hugs to you and Kevin

    Vicki, I see that you have pictures. I would love to take in foster kids or when in my 40's even though about adopting but then the grandkids came and my life wasn't so empty or my arms. Our children have put us down to take care of the grandkids if anything happens to them and I would do it and never regret it. I just find that now that I am older and I don't have the energy, stamina, or patience that I once had, could I give them the life they deserve. I would try. If the situation allows, you will know the right thing to do.

    Deb, when I read all about your friends and then your aunt in treatment, I thought it would be very hard to be focused. I am sure it is hard for you to move forward with so many others still struggling.

    Mena, hope you had a happy birthday.

    NS, sure hope you are feeling much better today. You insurance company is about to give all of us ulcers - I can't imagine what it is doing to you!!! Sending love, prayers and hugs.

    Ladies, I see on the news and hear of all the snow and bad weather many of you are having. We have been very lucky so far - the ice they predicted was just rain and then snow never came. I don't own a pair of boots and my Sunday coat is a very light one. I don't wear pull over sweaters either. During chemo and the months after with no hair, along with the hats, I did wrap a scar around my neck. I guess I realize why I live where I do - God knew were to plant me for sure.

    OK, so there is going to be a gathering in August????? I've missed where it is going to be or any other details.

    There have been so many post, I can't remember anything else and I apologize. Oh, Anne, I think you were having some down days too? Has anyone heard from RObbie lately or RobinTN?

    Now that I am coming out of the medic tent let me tell you fine ladies one thing. I will be 62 in May. I was on estrogen for a very, very long time. I miss my estrogen. No one ever talked to me about the kinds of female problems we could have from the loss of estrogen. I learned much here. I used the Replends and other stuff. For me it wasn't enough!!! THe lack of estrogen changes your PH level and, we all have bacteria that is kept in check by the estrogen, when that PH level changes enough the bacteria is allowed to grow. I was treating it myself thinking I had yeast infection. Do not let this happen to you. It isn't fun. I was miserable and very close to tears. Get checked, see if you need more than the Replends, etc.

    My hubby had the epidural steroid injection on Tuesday. He isn't having as much pain but the leg is numb and to be honest, I was picking up and covering lots of his work at our business and that upset him, so I am not sure if he is being honest that the pain is less or not. He at least said he didn't require pain meds during the day yesterday or so far today. Keep your fingers crossed.

    Hope everyone is safe, warm. I'm looking forward to spring!!

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2007
    Ok, the port removal wasn't too bad. I love my surgeon, he's just a really nice guy. He and my husband were joking around about food, he eats at my husbands restaurant a lot. He needed to put extra numbing stuff because I was able to feel some pain, the port had slipped a little farther down. It all came out in one piece, though. He was quite proud, since he was the one who put it in. He said he took one out last week for another dr and it broke. They had to send the lady to a radiologist to go in and grab it. So glad mine went easily. Now that the numbing is wearing off it is a little sore.

    I told the surgeon about my neck pain and how the neuro surgeon just looked at my mri and said there was nothing he could do. I also told him my chiropractic treatments weren't doing anything, either. He actually acted interested and is having me see a neurologist. It made me feel better to know that someone wasn't just sentencing me to a life of pain.

    Thanks for the encouragment for tonight. I should be fine, except I have a "killer" headache. I hope it goes away once I start focusing on my lines.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2007

    BTW, those of you doing the "name" pictures, can I have one? They are soooo cute.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007
    Sheri - there isn't one with just one "r" here's one for you though.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007

    I love my Mickey Mouse name!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Amy, thanks so much for the congrats on my surgery finally being scheduled. This is soooo important to me, it is a life changing operation. To be pain free for the first time in 7 years and be able to WALK again. I have shrank 1 1/2" on the right leg. This May is MINE. Maybe I can even go back to work. OMG I can hardly wait. Thank you.

    Hey Mena, I agree with Amy (thats scary enough in itself). You pop in once every couple weeks, write a short note and POOF you're gone. You must be feeling really bad. I'm so sorry. No funny stuff, I do hope you feel better. (wow, i did good, almost sounded genuine HAHAHAHA)

    Shel, congrats on your quilt. I bet it is really something!

    Brenda, I am sooo glad you're out of the Medic tent. I've missed you. I hope your dh is actually feeling better.

    Sheri, glad your port removal went well, sure hope mine does. Good luck tonight, lose that headache.

    Ginney, I sure hope you are feeling better. Sometimes life just wears us down but we somehow manage to drag ourselves back up. Come back when you feel like it.

    Susan, you are missed greatly. You need to come help Vicki and the rest of us plan what our party will be this week=end.

    Hoping everyone had a good. Hey to Jan, Mb, Laura, Nicki, Vickie, Deb, judy, Liz, Tracey, Cy, Christine, Boo, Sue, Madison, Margaret, Shirley, Ann, Carrie, Denise, LauraB, Lini, and anyone that I missed. Have a great evening.

    I'll be back
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    Hey Shirley,

    Some dept. stores (do they still use that term?), carry the knifty knitter. Also, there is a web site that gives info. If you can't find them, I can always get it here (Michigan) for you and mail it to you. I'd be glad to. Just let me know!
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2007

    Thanks for the name, even if it has 2 "r"s. Didn't you know that's what I look like when I go on stage--NOT! Actually I look pretty scary when I'm in my costume.

  • JBee
    JBee Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2007
    Hey ya'll. New to the forum, long stories to be told someday from here. Cowboy Up? You betcha!!! If we don't stand together, someone may fall. Ladies "do not fall"!!! I am here day or night if needed. Been down the cancer road and it is sooooooooo dark and ugly.

    Strength is in Numbers We are #1!!!!!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    Wow Deb,
    I can't believe the string of people in your life going through this crap right now. They are so lucky to have a person like you in their lives. It's gotta be hard, but try to keep your chin up, and don't let it all play to hard on you.
    I hope you got your airline tickets straightened out. Let me know when you are coming to Michigan. I'd love to have lunch with you! Will you be in the Brighton, Whitmore lake area?
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    Evening to all,

    I've made a couple post on here and on "Community Afghan", now I've got to "excuse" myself and go back and read some posts and take notes so I can see what everyone is up to. I'll be back!
    Love and Hugs,
  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited February 2007
    Hi Ladies
    Hope you all had a Happy Valentine's Day
    These are from pages 231 - 236 ---- Will check later for others.

    Cheri ~ Your kitty (terrified one) was a trip and ½.

    Nicki ~ Yes, please don’t alienate yourself from the rest of the world. I highly agree with your DH (on that aspect ONLY.) Maybe when all your snow melts you will go out and play, yes?

    Vickie ~ Thank you for all the cool pictures. Wow, another baby. I wish you the best of luck. It must be very difficult for you since the little guy is Nathaniel’s baby and the biological mommy is your half-sister. I am unsure how I would handle something like that, but I am 55 and I really want to travel with DH now. We usually do things every other weekend and go away whenever we can.

    NS ~ I am so glad that you found a PS that was made from HEAVEN, and you got to see is work and you were so pleased with the results. Yipppppeeeeee for Gina…….
    Know that I am thinking of you.

    Margaret ~ How cool is that today is your weigh in so you won’t have another one at WW for another week. See’s candy here we COME. You can have a piece a day, but that’s it okay?

    Always Hope ~ That was so neat.

    Lini ~ Happy One Year Anniversary.

    Susan ~ There, There now sweetheart, everything will be just fine…. (that is what my mommy used to say to me.

    Denise ~ Best of luck at the oncs office tomorrow.

    Tracey ~ Those name animations are so cool ---- thank you for the pretty birdie.

    Take care everyone ---- lots of Hugs.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Wow ladies...way behind here!
    Not dealing well with the baby thing...dealing with social services and the hospital tomorrow so I'll keep you posted. He is sooo beautiful...looks like Nathaniel...can't write about it...will make me cry.

    First...welcome Jbee...this is the place to be.
    Amy...sending Xanex lollipops your way so you can share them with Shirley.
    Shirley...Can't wait to see the shades you made. It will probably make we want to try yet another craft LOL.
    Tina...what a sweet stepmom you must proud of that!!
    Cheri...hey there pal...see your pickin on Mena again...better look out...she's coming out of the medic tent I do believe and I'm bring her to the hoochie tent. So happy your getting your ankle/foot fixed...noticed you were getting a little slow on our "borrowing excersions" LOL...seriously though, I wish you all the best.
    Jan...Joining you in Emerald City...boy do I need a vacation. How about we have an emerald city party this weekend! I could swipe all kinds of good stuff there if Cheri and Madison are up to it.
    Madison...where are you?
    Colleen...we'll miss you...sending you a Xanex lollipop too.
    Shel...can't wait to get the pictures and so good to see you.
    MB...woohoo...August 11th is perfect and it's right around my birthday. What a great present to myself...seeing you all will be soooo wonderful!
    Brenda...we have missed you. Come to the hoochie tent with me and we'll give Mena, Cheri and Madison a run for thier money!
    Sheri...Yeah...the port is out!!! Isn't it wonderful. Hope you get rid of the headache soon...hugs to you.
    NS...missing you dear sister and hope all is falling into place as it ya.
    Oh my...I think I'll post a picture of the new baby...can't decide.
    Denise...gotta go see what you posted on the afghan...I am working hard on it and it's looking so very beautiful.
    Missing a bunch of you but it isn't intentional...have a lot on my mind...know that i love you all.
    Be back later
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    here he is...looks just like Nathaniel did as a baby.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007

    OMG, that is seriously a beautiful baby and I don't usually say that about newborns. His skin is so nice to be just born. Awwwwww. He's great, Vickie

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007
    Evening girls,

    Have I said this before? I am so sick of winter!!!!!! Of course, I’ll be whining about tornado season soon. LOL

    Cheri – YES! I’m so glad you got your surgery date. I’m excited for you.

    Jan – I want to join you guys in the Emerald City. What type of work do you do? I’m sure you’ve told me, but I can’t remember anything anymore.

    Colleen – I stay lost hon. Just jump in when you get back. Great news on the doc report.

    Amy – I called my mom today to see if she could teach me to crochet. She laughed also. I can crochet just don’t know how to do anything but one strand. LOL We’ll get this one way or another. I have Xanax and Ativan. Hehehehehe

    Shel – glad you got your quilt. They are gorgeous from the pictures I’ve seen.

    MB – I marked the date on my calendar. Now to figure out finances etc. Sounds like so much fun.

    Brenda – I’m so glad you’re out of the medic tent. Hope things keep improving for you. My mom did the steroid injections in her neck and her sister did them in her back. They both swear they helped. Hope your DH gets better.

    Sheri – woohooo! The port is gone. Why of course I knew that’s what you looked like when you were performing as well as you do everyday. Don’t you? Hugs and have a great time doing the play.

    DebC – bless you. You have so many friends/loved ones going through rough times. I do know that you are a huge help to them though. You are a special woman. Hugs

    Nicki – hope you stayed warm today. Hope the open house was enjoyable. Thanks for sharing the story. I love hearing those.

    Sher – how did the doc appt. go? When’s the nasty gallbladder coming out? You need to post a pic of the shades and one of you.

    Vickie – gentle hugs. You’ll know what to do sweetie. We’re with you all the way. OMG! He is gorgeous, adorable. Oh wow! Can we name him? He's so sweet.

    NS – hope your tummy is better today and things are still moving forward for you. I know you're worrying about the length of time this is taking but don't. I was diagnosed in July and didn't have surgery until September!

    Mena – miss you! How are things?

    Tina – you’re a good stepmummy. I lost my step dad in Dec. 2004. He was the best gift my mother ever gave me.

    Theresa – wow! You’ve put in a lot of hours girl. Hope you’re taking care of yourself also.

    Jule – I’m ready for spring also. Hope the weather improves soon.

    CY – aww shucks. I love each of you guys. You’re the only ones who understand.

    Susan – hope today was a wee bit better. Knee replacement isn’t easy hon. Give yourself some time.

    Joyce – Hope Kevin is improving. I know about those dark moods. Wish I could make them stay away. You’ve had a lot going on.

    Jeannie – let us know how you are when the thumb gets to feeling better.

    Madison – what a lovely surprise to get your card in the mail. Thank you so much.

    Kristin – hope all went well today at treatment. Hey I counted also.

    Laura – that was great. Thanks.

    Hollyann – welcome. Nice to meet you.

    JBee – welcome and nice to meet you also.

    I’ve missed many. Need to go warm up my hands. I’m freezing!

    Hugs and Prayers to all.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    awwwwwwwwww he is beauttiful.
    does he have a name yet?

    Just got back from the docs. Boob looks good. Gallbladder scheduled for the 28th. First thing in the morning so no coffee headache. Yehaw. He said I have to stay over night in the hospital. I said no no no pretty please...he said wellllll we'll see how you do. Which means, I'm just saying what you want to hear and you will do what I say.
    hmmmmm maybe they'll give me morphine?
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007

    Sher - glad you're getting it done. Great on the boob. Will they do it laproscopically? My son had his done that way and it was outpatient. I had mine out years ago when they cut you wide open. UGH! Morphine is good but I can't take it. Dilaudid is wonderful!!!!!!!!!! LOL

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    She has named him Derrick for middle name.
    Not real interested in him...only wants to talk about herself.
    Gotta run...
    love you all, say a prayer for him.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    hey vicki,,,
    omg he is a absolute cutie pie......
    how are you hanging in there girlfriend?
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited February 2007
    Hi Girls,

    I’ve been reading every day, but I haven’t had much time to post. I’ll try my best to post more often!

    I’m having a hard time right now because my son has recently been diagnosed with asperger’s syndrome, and I spend so much time fighting with school districts, insurance companies, etc. to get him what he needs. I worry so much what his life will be like if I’m not around to advocate for him. I might need a few of those xanax lollipops, Vickie!

    Vickie - That baby is so beautiful! I know how difficult this choice is for you, but I have faith that you will know what is best for you and your family. Sending hugs your way!

    Shel – I’m so excited that you got your quilt. Every time that I look at the pictures of the quilts, I think of the amazing sisterhood here and I burst into tears.

    Deb – I’m sorry that you are feeling so unsettled. It is so hard to watch people we care about go through tough times. I’m thinking about you and sending you hugs.

    MB – You are so generous to arrange the get-together! I’m so excited to meet everyone!!!

    NS – I think about you every day and hope that you are getting over the stomach bug.

    Sheri – Yeah! No more port!! I had mine removed about a month after chemo and I’ve never missed it. I hope the discomfort is better tomorrow.

    Mena – Happy Belated Birthday! Sorry I missed it yesterday, and I hope you had a great day!

    Nicki – I laughed when I read your comments about your DH. My hubby keeps bugging me about the amount of time I spend on the computer checking on my “invisible friends”! I should have signed him up for “sensitivity training” for Valentine’s Day.

    Susan – Big hugs to you! I know that you are discouraged, and I hope your knee starts to cooperate soon.

    Tina – Loved the story about your son’s card. They are lucky to have you!

    Lini – Happy One Year Anniversary!

    Tracey – Love the name animations!

    Ginney, I’m so sorry about the bad news you’ve received lately. Hugs to you!

    JBee and Hollyann – Welcome!
    Cheri – Great news about your surgery. I’m so happy for you!

    Colleen – So happy to hear that your doctor’s appt went well!

    Hugs also to Brenda, Shirley, Amy, Jan, Theresa, Margaret, Julie, Joyce, Boo, Kristin, Jeannie, Laura, Liz, Madison …and everyone else that I’ve forgotten!

    Love to you all,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Tracey dear...hanging in there just very worried about what's going to happen to this helpless little baby.

    Sue...looks like we all need Xanex lollipops!!!