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Join us for a Special Meetup: The Benefits of Exercise for Anyone With Breast Cancer, Oct. 16, 2024 at 2pm ET. Learn more and register here.




  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited February 2007
    Just stopped by to read before work.

    cheri - I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for my comments to offend. Please see the PM I sent you. :-(

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Seems an elderly gentleman had serious hearing problems for a number of years.
    He went to the doctor and the doctor was able to have him fitted for a set of hearing aids that allowed the gentleman to hear 100%. The elderly gentleman went back in a month to the doctor and the doctor said, "Your hearing is perfect. Your family must be really pleased you can hear again."
    To which the gentleman said, "Oh, I haven't told my family yet. I just sit around and listen to the conversations. I've changed my will five times!"
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited February 2007
    Oops, overslept!!! Up and down all night with a cough and then overslept.

    Thought we all could use a sign of spring. Best I could find in a hurry.

    Have a wonderful day everyone, catch you later.

    Oh, Tracey, sounds like me at the doctors office. Loved it and can sure relate!!!!!!!!

    I just realized I have to print menues yet, man oh man.


  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning All,

    Oh my, 50 posts to read…I may not be able to get any work done today…lol

    Okay, I like to Emerald City….Thank you Cheri……AND DebC, yep, I noticed the same thing…great minds think alike don’t ya think!!!

    CY, oh no, that is so sad to hear that 2 young children have died from the flu….

    NS, there is no anti-social wagon….I think there are times in our lives when we are so overwhelmed with emotion that we turn inward ..and can’t talk to anyone…….and you are going through this emotion and so many other emotions at this time…...just know that we are here for you.
    March 6th is the date…we’ll be there….

    Cheri, I am glad you found a great surgeon!! Not all surgeons are the same…some have more expertise in certain areas and it seems you have one heck of a good doc picked out…..

    Tracey, snow, snow, snow….the pics are great….the black lab looks like the crazy Jake that stayed at my house over the holidays…

    Hi Ginney, glad you had a nice visit with a friend….we can’t pick our relatives BUT we can chose our friends…it is so nice to have a supportive friend.

    Karen, how did the doc visit go….are the stitches out?

    Sue, so sorry to hear about your son. My nephew is handicapped and the family has been his strongest advocate….all will work out…..

    Jule, hello, I saw you popped into the wagon circle….nice to see ya
    HollyAnn, hello to you also.
    Jbee, Hello.

    Theresa, hello to you also, how was work?

    My dear Shirley, do you really want to learn to crochet? Say the word and I’ll send you a “how to book”…

    Tina, you are truly blessed to have those wonderful boys…and they are equally fortunate to have YOU in their lives….

    Colleen, great rad onc visit. Good news is always great to hear.. I have to admit that when I sleep on the radiated side, my ribs hurt the next morning…..

    Judy, Hi….

    Nicki, you saw a Robin…’re right…it usually means Spring is on the way…somebody needs to tell Mother Nature that we want Spring. Your story about mets warmed my heart. Our office manager’s mother was just diagnosed with Stage 3 pancreatic cancer…..there is always hope.

    Brenda, thank you for the flowers…..yep spring is coming - Mother Nature - Spring please!!!

    Vickie, good witch you are!!!!. Hope all is okay. Is Nathaniel okay? Wow, you actually had a jar of the bad peanut butter…. That is so scary.

    MB, you sure are doing some planning for Pinkstock….I’m going to try my hardest to be there…just depends on various schedules….

    Alwayshope, love the story about “changing that Will”…..

    Margaret, How did it go at WW. I don’t know about you, but I couldn’t resist the valentine candy….so I’m not getting on the scales this week…

    Shel, glad you received a quilt…snuggle up…..

    Anne, did you get some sleep….steroid buzzes are no fun…..they keep you awake.

    Amy, are you at work? Time to play…You know the saying….”All work and No play”…..(can’t remember the rest) – but we can think of something….hummmmm….”means no fun in the wagon circle today”…..Amy, come out and play…..

    Susan, Carrie, Denise, Judy, Boo, Michele, Joyce, Sheri , Mena, Lini– where are you….Oh I know, you already made it to the Emerald City…..Hope I didn’t miss anyone

    Okay, off to the Emerald City. Who has the red slippers? Oh, I just saw that Cheri has the magic slippers…..I wonder what Mena is gonna say about this turn of events…..

    Yippe, like Vickie said…IT IS FRIDAY!!!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning ladies. I've been up since 5am. Buttttt I slept thru the night!!! yehaw. That is always a treat. Have onc appt this afternoon. Not sure what I'm gonna get into until then. Guess I could finally get around to finishing the laundry. I did wash hubby some socks and undies but thats as far as I got.
    heres a pic of my new shades. Think I'm gonna put some kind of header over it so you can't see it when it's up.

    and one of me and my grands. a picture of a picture so it's not very good, but aren't my favorite babies cute.

    WElcome Jbee and Hollyann

    Cheri, yehaw on the surgery date. What happened that you have that much damage?
    OOOOO I love emeralds. They are sooo sparkly.

    Have a great trip Colleen. Where you going?

    Amy, I don't have xanax either but I'm sure Vicki is willing to share. Shame on them for laughing at you. Learn something new every day is my moto. The shades were really easy, just time consuming. Bought cheapo vinyl shades at wally world. Tried covering them with the fabric but it was to heavy. Wouldn't roll up. so I ripped that apart, took the vinyl off and hot glued the fabric to the roller. Used the fabric bonding stuff for the hems. Wala instant shades. The best part. Hubby likes them. He hates window coverings. Says he likes to be able to see out the windows. Bad part about that is my windows are antique. The living room is freezing in the winter. Hoping the shades will insulate some.

    Brenda, I am happy you are feeling better.
    I've had ovaries and appendix out in the last 18months. know about the gas. Not looking forward to it.

    Sheri, glad your port removal went smoothly. Hugs on the headache. I've had a mild but nonstop one for a few weeks now. I'm sure it's this darn weather cause my face hurts. Can't take the stuff for sinus, it makes me go PING. So I wait patiently for spring.

    Denise, gonna check out walmart for the nifty knitter. If mine doesn't have it I can always go shopping in Modesto which is the nearest town with real stores. Only an hours drive.

    Awwww Vicki, I knew you would share. Thanks bunches.
    Prayers for baby Derrick.

    Speaking of drugs. Dentist is giving me Ativan for my appt next week. Whats it gonna do to me? I hate taking new drugs. I know I won't be able to drive. Am I gonna be looped out of my mind?

    Liz, I'm right there with you. So sick of winter. And we haven't had the extremes in weather. I wanna feel the warmth of the sun. I wanna go play at the lake. I wanna whine about how darn hot it is.
    yep on the laproscopic. unless they have a problem once they get in there.

    Sue, hugs for you and your son. You'll be in my prayers.

    Deb, hahahahahhahahhahhahahha

    jan, you would not believe the # of unfinished projects I have in my basement. I have been working on my 6yo grandsons quilt for ahem 6 years. Shame on me. Bad grammie. Hmmm maybe I'll work on that a bit today.

    Anne, pshyc referrals. hahahhahahaha excellent idea.

    Gina, hugs hugs hugs. March 6th it is. Your gonna be fine.

    Tracey, UGH and hahahahhahh, that was too funny.

    Ginney, glad you had a nice visit with your friend.

    oooo sparkley castles AND shoes. How cool is that.

    Karen, Bob Segar, o la la. Lucky you.
    Praying for your appt to go well today.

    Nicki, thanks for the instructions. I'll let you know when I master them. note to self "self, go find crochet hooks in basement"
    I adore my surgeon and trust him. I will do what he says even if I do it with a pout and a whine.
    Another great story. I never get tired of hearing them.

    Have a great grammie day.

    jas, hahahahahahhaahahhahahha
    I have pitiful hearing. My family takes great joy in whispering around me. The bumms.

    Madison I do I do. Sending you my addy.

    off to see the wizard. I don't think were in Kansas anymore. Have a great day. Stay on the yellow brick road girls.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    well shoot don't know how that happened. Lets try this again.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    How come those look like the same exact pictures, Sher?

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited February 2007
    Good morning gals - just a little time before I am off to the hand doc to get cast and stitches off. Little bit scared it will hurt.

    I can't believe that it took me 1/2 just to read the posts from this morning! We are a chatty group (maybe caring is the better word). What a treat to read in the morning as usually I am out the door at 7:00am and off to work. Don't have time at work to check in unless I do it during my lunch 1/2 hour which is often not!
    MB - I would love to come to the party - Aug 11th sounds alfully close to my start date back for the new school year - will try to get ahold of next years calendar. We will be in NYC on 8/2 for a wedding so was hoping the party would be earlier. But if I'm not there in person, I'll be there in spirit!!!!
    Cheri - Seger was great! He said he is 61. Yes he sang NIght Moves and Hollywood Nights and the silver bullet band still is - 3 members from the 70's - Alto Reed still is one of the best sax players around.
    Nicki - I think great was in reference to the Seger concert.
    Thank you for sharing the 20 years survivor story. Also the story about you mom. I know I need to hear these over and over. Some one who works for my school district - her mother is a 50 year survivor - mastectomy but no other treatments - she is 80 something to day - and the daughter is a 20 years survivor!!! I know I won't make 50 yes, but 20 would be just great!!! I agree with you, I like the term "chronic" much better. Has a more positive ring to it.
    Collen hope you and 10 year old are feeling better.
    Tracey - love that princess tracey - also is it you doing all the names - they are great! how about one for Karen?
    Mena - hope your b'day was everything you wanted it to be
    Lini - hope you are doing okay - NOw its one year - a celebration.
    Cy - sorry about DD accident, but glad everyone is okay.
    Laura - thanks for sharing the story
    Cheri - Thanks for the rose and choc and all the other treats. I love all your posts - one day I will give it a try. Looks like so much fun/
    Alwayshope - loved the winter (chicago) peom
    Joyce - sure hope Kevin gets to come home soon - glad to hear he is making daily progress.
    Amy - snow in Bama!!!!
    Theresa - keep us posted
    Gus - how old is your son? what type of class is he in? My thoughts are with you. PM if you would like - I work in sped for a local school district. My strength is not aspergers, but I do know the system - atleast out here.
    NS- glad to hear about the PS. HOpe you are getting over the crud. My BS said I would only need one night in the hospital after mastectomy and expanders. I was so freaked out as my surgery was not till afternoon, I asked to stay two days and PS let me. I was ready to go home on day 2, but for me the extra day felt good. I think it was the first time I had any rest for a month. Be sure to take care of your self. We will all be there with you on the 6th.
    Vickie - what a cute baby. I had my Miriam at 42 and she is my darling. Listen to your heart about the baby - it will lead you in the right direction. You have a lot of love to give, but you also need to be sure that you same room for yourself. Remind me how old your nieces are and how long they are staying with you.
    Anne - hugs - how is DH?
    Susan - hugs - ehine and cry here all you want - thats why we are here.
    Denise - good luck at 6 month check up with onc.
    Sherndon - glad things went well with port removal.
    Silvergirl- good luck with thumb - keep us posted.
    Kristin - hope treatment went well,.
    Shirley - hope all went well with surgeon visit.
    Cheri - so glad you have a date - May 18th!!!! we'll be there with you.
    Colleen - glad all went well with the rad onc.
    Shel - enjoy the afghan.
    Cheryl G.,Jan ,Sue, Laura, Cyy, Tina (what a sweet son), Liz, Jule, Brenda, Shokk and everyone else I left out - welcome to the new girls and wishing everyone a feel good day. Have a good long weekend. Stay warm and dry. I love winter, but this year I am sick of it already!!! Too much snow and cold. Well better get ready to leave - appt is in 20 minutes. Oh just wanted to mentnion - my friends protrate surgery went well Tuesday - no lymph involvement and good margins. They should have the path report next week. Thanks for keeping in your prayers. Also my dad is still in rehab - making progress but still not weak bearing. MOm is a mess!! calls it her worse nightmare!!!
    Karen in Denver
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    cause I'm an idiot jas.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    follow the yellow brick road ladies...weekend is almost upon us
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007
    Well shoot---that hurts! But my thumb bends and I get to goof off for 3 days! Won't type long since hand really objects if it's not elevated and iced.

    Just wanted to know if anyone else besides me noticed what Izzie said at the end of Gray's anatomy last night. More or less, this is it.
    "I believe that believing we will survive is what allows us to survive." All I could think when I heard it was, wow, gotta remember to tell the Cgs---that's pretty much the philosophy in the circle.

    Gina---you know we are all with you all the way. We do understand the bunker thing---we all hang out there occassionally. Just know we're all hanging right outside the door when you feel like coming out. The Circle has gotten big enough that it can be a little overwhelming but isn't it nice to know so many people love you and wish you well---even if you can't keep us all straight!

    got hammered with more big snow last nite. SO's truck looks like a giant marshmallow in the driveway and you have to back out into the street VERY carefully because you can't see if anyone is coming over the snow. Our backyard backs up to a meadow and wildlife managment area. There is so much snow cover the deer have been driven out of the woods and have destroyed three hollies in our front yard---one of them right in front of the living room window! Will try to take some pictures if Vickie will post them for me. Dressing on hand makes things very clumsy---have you ever tried to wash one hand? Can't wait to try to wash my hair!

    OK---pain r' us. but the stitches come out next Thursday--yay!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    how I feel on Arimedex
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2007
    Karen-Kevin is home,he came home Sunday.Thanks for checking on him. He still has the drain in him though. They originally thought they would take it out today. The fluid amount has to be under 30ml for 24 hrs.He is still around 100ml a day so I don't know when that will come out. I feel sorry for him. He actually had me call school about his work. They are sending someone out to tutor him.

    Love the pictures girls. I have to sit down long enough to figure out how to do that. I think I have ADD now. I have trouble w/h directions. Not that I was any good at it before chemo but I am worse now!
    Hope everyone is well and keeping warm. It was around -2 this morning here.I want SPRING!!!!!

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007
    This was in my inbox this morning from the Cancer Crusade. Thought some of you might like it---this is the same site that sent me "God's Night School" I posted last month. I know some of us are having a rough time of it lately---hope this helps.

    Laughter rises out of tragedy, when you need it the most, and rewards you for your courage.
    ~ Erma Bombeck ~

    Roger and I do a lot of public speaking about our cancer experience, and much of our presentation is humorous. During the nearly six years we've been doing this, we've spoken at literally hundreds of cancer related events. Every time we've been invited to speak, we were told it was because the meeting planner had heard that we were "very funny" and that our presentation is "uplifting and inspirational." We work very hard at being all of those things.

    In those six years, though, exactly two people have commented that they think it is wrong to make jokes when talking about a subject as serious as cancer. And - you guessed it - not only was neither of them a cancer survivor, but neither of them has ever heard us speak publicly or any of our jokes. They had only heard from someone else that we tell jokes
    when we speak about cancer.

    Cancer survivors are the most resilient people we've ever met. The Cancer Crusade receives e- mails, postcards and letters every week from survivors who just want to share something funny that happened to them along their cancer journey. They often end by saying, "By the way, you have my permission to use that." We have used many of their precious, priceless stories in our writing and in our speaking, and we feel truly blessed and honored that they chose to share those treasures with us.

    One of the two times someone said something to us about this subject was just last weekend at a cancer fundraising event (we were not speaking at the event; we were there only as guests). Someone who said he had "heard what (we) do" told us he was bothered by the fact that we "make fun of cancer." He said he doesn't think that cancer is "any laughing matter," and that it is wrong of us and "offensive" to cancer survivors to make jokes about it.

    Whoa, Nelly! I reminded him that both Roger and I are cancer survivors, and I tried to explain that we do not "make fun of cancer." I told him we agree that cancer is no "laughing matter," but that funny things occasionally happen along the cancer journey, and we believe if we can find a way to laugh or smile while fighting cancer, then the hated disease has lost a little of its hold on us and we have been blessed in a mighty way. Humor and laughter are gifts from God, and I was always taught that it's wrong not to use the many gifts He has given us. But this gentleman would hear none of it. I said a little prayer for him and moved on.

    That said, and in defense of the healing powers of humor, I'd like to tell you about a funny thing that happened to me on my way home from the hospital after my third cancer surgery in as many months. And I'll preface the story by saying that if anyone had ever told me it was possible to throw up and laugh at the same time, I wouldn't have believed them. That is, until I experienced it myself.

    My husband was helping me up the driveway to our house after driving me home from the hospital. Our two teenaged sons ran out to meet us and to help.

    As the three of them fussed over me, I stopped in my tracks, waved a hand in the air and said,
    "I think I'm going to be sick."

    Instantly, I felt three strong pairs of hands on my arms and shoulders, supporting me, holding me, guiding me to the side of the driveway. As sick as I was, the thought crossed my mind that, in spite of everything I was going through on this journey called cancer, I was the luckiest woman alive to have these three caring, compassionate men to love
    and support me through it all.

    As their hands continued to turn me toward the flower bed, my younger son said gently,
    "Not on the Mustang, Mom."

    Take it from me, it is possible to throw up and laugh at the same time. It's not pretty, but it's possible.

    Yet another reminder that there is beauty even in life's ugliest moments, tenderness in the toughest of times, and humor even in illness. We just have to look for these little blessings, make ourselves open to receving them, and cherish them when we find them.

    Dear God, cancer certainly is no laughing matter. There is nothing funny about what I'm going through or what my family and friends are experiencing as they watch me struggle with my illness. But there are funny things that happen from time to time along this journey, and there are many opportunities to turn uncomfortable situations into occasions for smiles and laughter. Please help me find them and to recognize them when I do, knowing they can make me stronger, knowing they can help me feel better, knowing they are gifts from You
    to brighten this path I must take. Amen

    Roger and Kathy Cawthon
    The Cancer Crusade
  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning All.....
    It is so nice to come here and read all the post...everyone is so friendly and caring...I dont seem to really have anything to add here, but sure enjoy reading...
    I woke this morning for the first time since this all started in Nov feeling happier than I have in a long is my 18th rad....1/2 way done!!!!!!it is bright and sunny here today and since I work for the state Im looking at a 3 day weekend....what more could a girl ask for
    I do have a quesiton that I posted in the treatment section but thought maybe someone here might be able to answer as well.. I got a message from my Drs. nurse saying that he wants me to have another blood draw since he saw low potassium and magnesium in the one from this past Monday....I understand and know about the low potassium because I have been treated for high blood pressure since my mid-20's but I dont understand the magnesium one or what can happen with it being low....did any of you ever have anything like this??
    Im not even sure this is part of the BC stuff...I didnt have chemo, but doing rads and dont understand how this can be involved with BC.
    Earily this year I was diagnosised with pernicious anemia due to the fact that my body no longer obsorbs it via food so wonder if this is more involved with that instead of BC...
    I think everyone on these boards are "everything" makes me wonder if its BC ....

    But anyway....
    time for me to get back to work since today is time to run the financial reports and see how much money my people have spent.....

    All take care
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Jeannie, that was great.

    Joyce, glad you gave us an update on Kevin...I just wish they were able to take his drain out.

    I just have to say this:

    Do you know how good we are? I mean, who else can get the Emerald City, the Yellow Brick Road, Dorothy's slippers AND have Vickie as the Good Witch....

    Man are we good!!!! Follow the yellow brick Road...

    Cheri, can I borrow the ruby slippers...I mean traffic is terrible on Friday's and I want to tap my shoes and BE HOME in like a nanosecond.....are you gonna share?

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007

    Madison---I just got your valentine---thanks!! SO didn't even bother---blamed it on the snow----hummphhh. Guess I know who loves me---the CGs!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Ok..the good witch is passing out ruby slipper so everyone gets home safe...
    we can all tap our feet together at 5 and say
    "There's no place like home"...and here we will be.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007

    There's No Place Like Home
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007

    I know you are the GOOD witch, but could you please turn the head of Gina's insurance company into a toad? I'm still mad at them and think we need to teach them a lesson...

    Deb C
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2007
    Don't have time to write anything but just wanted to say how much I loved the picture of the spring is beautiful!!! and Sherloc..that is one great photo and you have a such neat grandkids.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007
    Here you go Karen -

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007
    Okay, I went to the store and got stuff to learn to crochet! Here's my first attempt. LOL

    BB in awhile to check on everyone.


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Hey nice work Liz...I'm truly impressed! to get my magic wand to make some toads!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    ok so I swiped a magic wand
    and turned the insurance a$$e$ into toads.

    Madison, Nicki, and Cheri have the police and men with the straight jacket tied up so I'm safe and sound.

    I actually think I'm gonna like this good witch thing. I must admit that I think we should have turned the insurance bigshots into doggy doo or something equally nasty as that toad is kinda cute!
    Supposed to be working so it's back to the ya sisters...see you all later!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007
    Afternoon girls,

    Nicki – there are Robins here also. Hopefully that means spring is soon. How’s the diet going?

    Margaret – I’ve taken Tamiflu before and it does work.

    MB – I carry Purell with me everywhere. Hope you had fun on Grammie day. I love it! Pinkstock!

    Jas – love the story. LOL

    Brenda – gorgeous flowers. Thank you. Just what we needed here.

    NS – you are not being anti-social. You are doing what you need to do for you. Know that we are all here when you need us. Gentle hugs.

    Madison – is your company staying for the weekend? I love Mardi Gras parties.

    Sher – love the shades. Did you say no sewing? I do not (hate) to sew. I’m learning how to crochet. If I can do this, you can. Oh the grands are wonderful! And of course, you’re still as cute as ever. Thanks for sharing. I take Ativan. Doesn’t do much to me except relax me. Think you’ll be fine with it.

    Karen – Bob Seger! Wow – glad you had fun. Hope getting the stitches out wasn’t bad.

    Ginny – thinking of you and your friends and family.

    Tracey – great pics of the snow. It is pretty. I hate the ice though.

    Vickie – how are you doing? Making a decision like this would be very hard to do for me. Hugs Have you tried Glucosamine? I started on it and my stiffness/aches/etc. on Arimidex is better. Just a thought.

    Jeannie – Yes I heard it and thought the same thing. Perfect for the circle. Thanks for sharing as I’m sure I wouldn’t have gotten it right. Take care and rest this weekend.

    Joyce – glad Kevin is doing better. I have a horrid time of following directions nowadays also.

    Jule – half the time I don’t have anything to add either. Keep posting. I stay in the psycho tent a lot.

    Okay, going to go play with my crochet more.

    To all I’ve missed, I’m thinking of you always.
    Hugs and Prayers
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Hi the Glucosamine expensive...I have heard it is and have heard various goods and bads...I've been on the Arimidex for a while but the acheyness is really starting to kick in for some reason. Maybe this bitter cold weather has something to do with it.
    Baby update later...interesting news but I have to get back to work.
    Love to all
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007
    Vickie - I get it at Wal-Mart for around 11.00 I think. It's Schiff brand and it says joint care supplement Glucosamine 2,000mg per 2 Gelcaps. I do think the weather has something to do with it though. I'll send you some to try. Take it for a couple of weeks and then you'll know for sure. I'll get it in the mail later today or tomorrow.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Good afternoon everyone!

    I'm so glad that everybody is joining me over the rainbow and we can take our party to the Emerald City!! Yay!!! I had good news today. My son moved back in with his wife. Whew! I hope they can work everything out.

    Cheri, I'm glad that your surgery is scheduled. I missed how your foot/ankle got crushed in the first place. I can't imagine being in pain for 7 years! Pryaing that this will take care of it and you can actually walk around again. I loved the Emerald City pic. Maybe we can think of some green cocktails to drink lol!

    Vickie, the Emerald City party is a great idea! I think they need to be shaken up a little bit. They ain't seen nothin' like us . Boy, some of those horses there are pretty fancy. I'll bet you could swipe some pretty cool things for Mazer and Distorted humor. BTW, the baby is gorgeous! I also think you will make the right decision. Like the others have said though, you need to make sure you make time for yourself too.

    Liz, I work for a demented dentist . He is the one who gave us our office motto. It is from the song they sing when Dorothy & friends arrive at the Emerald City. Please join us there!

    Shirley, are you having a laprascopic surgery? I did and it was an outpatient procedure. The shades look great! I can't believe you made them! The pic of you and the grands is beautiful. You should be very proud. And no...there are NO bad grammies here. Just a little chemo brain goin' on .

    Tracey, thanks for the animation! I can never find any of that stuff.

    Deb, About that pic of the Emerald City.....I wouldn't say your mind is in the gutter, just the underpants .

    Gus, they thought my son had autism years ago. Looking back, I think it may have been aspergers. I spent so much time fighting with the school district, that we finally moved. They told me that he had organic brain dysfunction (whatever that means). Long story short....he was very driven to succeed and he graduated from high school and then college. It took him twice as long, but he made it. Today he is a health & phys.ed. teacher and some of his students have aspergers. You have to fight for your son and get him the best education you can! I know how hard it is for you, but hang in there!

    Karen, sounds like you really enjoyed the Bob Seger concert. We like him too.

    Jeannie, I hope your thumb is feeling better soon. I had my trigger thumb operated on also, so I know what you are going through. I was very happy to be able to bend it.

    Sheri, congrats on the port removal.

    Jule, halfway done!! Join us in the Emerald City. You have a reason to celebrate. Can't help you with the blood test results though.

    G, I'm thinking of you daily. I'm glad your scans are scheduled and you found a great ps. Everything will be just fine. You know, it's still a Furball, it's just got a little attitude .

    My eyes are starting to cross . I need to take a break. I'll see everyone in the Emerald City for our big party.
    Hugs to all!
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    good afternoon CG's! late afternoon at that,,holy crap its already 3:00 I could steal a phrase and say, well shoot howdy but somehow I dont think it would have the same effect that Shirley has with it.

    Had interview this morning so was late getting to work and it just seems like I cant catch up now and having pages of post doesnt help with the work load either,,lol. Nope not changing employers. Same employer but closer location to my home. I now drive 102 miles a day coming and going and that would put me only about 20 miles from home. Thats a raise within itself with gas prices like they are. Wish me luck ladies. Interview went well but ya never know. I did hear this afternoon that it was between me and one more. Whenever something goes on like this I cant help but wonder if behind the scenes they will hold my BC against me. Legally they cant but we know how that goes.

    ok Liz-what are you trying to do??? Show me up with your crocheting? I did go today and buy my yarn and I had already gotten my hook so hopefully I will be a hooker tonight and it will look as nice as yours but I wont hold my breath.

    Nicki-thanks for the 1st instructions. Hopefully they will sink in and I printed them out to take home with me. If you hear a loud sigh of disgust you will know its me, the all mighty crafty one attempting to crochet. Just laugh because it will be funny. Cant wait to see my SO's look on her face when I pull my fresh bought yarn out of my sack. She may send in the men in white coats. Oh by the way Nicki,,,TGIF!

    Vickie-thanks for the xanax. I might need a few to get me through this. How dare you say baby update and not have time to tell us! Saddling up Mazer and coming to kick some butt just for doing that to me. Inquiring minds want to know,,,NOW!

    madison-yep here I am at work, and you are right in saying all work and no play. Normally I have chimed in a few times by now but a bit off schedule today. My nephew is in Pensacola in the Air Force is that close to your daughter?

    Armynavy mom-what could you possibly say to upset somebody? We all get along here and dont you worry one bit because I am sure everything is fine and dandy.

    MB-Cant do August 11th I am sure. School starts here in the lovely south at about that date and I think it might even be before the 11th. Guess I wouldnt be a good mom to say ok son I know its the first day of school but your mom is going to New York to party with bunches of survivors so see yaaaaaaaaaaaa1 Naww,, cant do it.

    Shirley-love the blinds. If you can do that you can crochet so dont even go there with me woman. Probably tonight you will sign on and say ok girls got 25 squares done who do I send them to. I'm telling ya if you do that I get to smack ya or something.

    Cheri-I heard the concern in your voice when you were addressing Mena,,,are you sick or something? lol! Its not like you to be nice to Mena so had me a bit concerned. Just kidding,,gotta love me,,right?

    karen-hope the hand is doing ok and healing like it should.

    Susan-We are on at the same time and just read that you might have overdone it just a tad bit. I cant get on to you because all I could think when I was reading it was that it sounded exactly like me. I am sure it hurt to get out but mentally I am sure it was wonderful. You can only take so much of the 4 walls closing in on you. Not going to get on to you here cause I just cant but please be careful.

    biker-hows the snow hanging in there? Still wishing I had some to play in.

    Gus-My cousin that is 2 years younger than me is austisic. He's 37 and a joy to be around. He has his quirks (dont we all) & could never live alone but all in all does pretty good. I love being around him! Anyway, my aunt is the previous president of the Autism society here in Alabama and is always researching everything she can get her hands on. My SO is a high school teacher and has 2 autisic children in her classes. Now, theres some stories and too boot they are girlfriend and boyfriend. Quick story and those of you that have been around autistic children will understand. She is teaching and see's the boy drawing and casually walks over to him to see what he is doing because she knows he isnt paying attention. Trying not to draw attention to him but he noticies that the teacher is now standing close by him. He looks up and loudly says I am drawing (insert name) and I just cant help it because I am just crazyyyyyyy about her! Needless to say the whole class was laughing at this point because they have gone through 12 years of school with this boy and they know how he is but they just couldnt hold it in. SO said it was the whole way he said it too that made it so funny. The joys of being a teacher,,lol! You never know what might go on in a classroom. My aunt loves to here 'ism stories.

    shokk-missing a post from you today.

    tgirl-you too hmmmm,,I think you were going somewhere.

    Geesh-I hate when I go blank on names. I used to have such a good memory for names but now some days I am doing well to remember my own.

    Everyone have a great weekend as I am sure I will be busy from daylight till past dark and wont be checking in. See you all Monday! Amy