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  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Vickie, Hahahahahahaha! I think we need to put the insurance companies under that pooping elephant, several pages back I think I want to be the tin man for the party, since I'm taking Arimidex also and I am stiff as a , well, tin man!

    Oh Liz, I think your first attempt at crocheting is really good!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Evening Everyone: Its a wonderful Friday evening. Im home, got my car washed and have a glass of wine to boot. Pinot Grigio of course. So is this going to be a Wizard of Oz weekend? I want to be the Cowardly Lion - Courage! That is what helped me get through this journey. To help me through today and the future, and to share with all of my friends here. COURAGE! Yeppers. Im the Cowardly Lion.

    My note taking is getting very sloppy I have 2 pages here with tiny writing all over the place. Hope I can read what I wrote.

    Oh BTW, when I got my car washed, the outside mirrors froze up with ice! But I can still open the doors and now the car looks brand new again.

    Gus/Sue: OK, so I looked up Aspergers Syndrome. - great website. So now I understand. It is a mild variant of Autism. Part of what they call "Autistic Spectrum Disorder" Named after Dr. Hans Asperger, an Austrian physician who first described it in 1944. My surgeon, who I love to bits, has a son who is autistic. He is president of the Autism Association here in the Chicagoland area. Has stuff all over his office to help support and try and find a cure. Sending you hugs and hoping all goes well. My BS son is doing pretty good and he posts letters from his son in his office all the time.

    Jules: Well hoping I can help you some. Pernicious anemia occurs because your missing the intrinsic factor in your stomach. This is what allows you to absord b12. But if you dont have the intrinsic factor then you need b12 replacements. Usually b12 shots. Not related to breast cancer at all. Magnesium and potassium are part of your electrolytes. Low magnesium can occur because of
    ...low dietary intake
    ...Using diuretics
    ...After surgery
    ...OK here is the kicked. With burns!!! So it sure could be related to the rads is what Im thinking.

    Oh! and BTW. Congratulations on being half done with those RADS. We will have a big party here to celebrate when your done. And the way you described it, I just felt your happiness. Feeling happy today. That made me feel happy.

    OK - taking off nurses cap, putting on party girl cap.

    PurpleMB: I sure like the idea of having a purple angel sitting on my shoulder. Your pretty special to me too. Have know each other for a long time. First from chat, then here.

    Anne: The wonderful thing about the circle is you can never offend and you never have to feel sorry. You can say what you want and we will always understand.

    Jasmine: Ahahahahaha that was great.

    Brenda: Why are you coughing so much that you cant sleep?

    Sherloc: How did the onc appointment go? Ativan - yes a anxiety friendly. Side effects include drowsiness, but if you really anxious it should just calm that feeling.

    Madison: Seeing those Robins was the weirdest thing. I almost felt like it was an omen. Im very superstitious and I had some real premonitions when I entered this group home. Really creepy. Have to tell you all about it another time. But I think the house is haunted!!

    Karen: All I can say, is the women at work that distribute mail are so jealous. They want to know why I keep getting mail from so many people outta state. And Im laughing my arse off. You are right. Great was is reference to the Bob Seiger concert. What a blast!! Bet your playing his CD's right now.

    Jeannie: Ok! I have to repeat your quote:

    "I believe that believing we will survive is what allows us to survive."

    Thats on very important statement. For those of you who read the story about my mom? Well I left out one thing. She was born in Italy and very ITALIAN. My older sister wouldnt let the doctors tell her that her BC had spread to her liver. Mom was told "they got it all." Now hows that for what the mind can do. Like I said she passed 12 years later from heart failure. Oh and loved the cancer crusade!

    Liz: The diet is going well. I have been on South Beach since Monday. Only carb Im taking is wine, cause I didnt give it up before and Im not gonna give it up now. Weight loss. A big zero!! But I didnt gain weight, and last week-end I went crazy with carbs! 2 packages of raspberry newtons. 100 calories in 2 of them. So I guess I should be happy I didnt gain.

    Vickie: OK! All the police and men in white coats are tied up. As the cowardly Lion, well Im standing about 10 feet back going grfffff! grfffff! and if one of them makes a sudden move, I might just run away.

    OK! I cant read the rest of my notes. Hope everyone has a great evening.


  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    Hey, the good news is I've stopped crying. The bad news is I'm really angry. ME, who has barely been out of bed for the last 3 weeks decided it would be a good idea for my husband to take me out to lunch. AND I decided it was time for me to graduate from my walker to a cane. AND then I decided to take the dog along. Really bad decisions. I couldn't bend my knee enough to get my foot in the door. I thought, what'll I do. Hang my foot out the window?? hmmm,,,that's probably how Cheri's got smashed. Finally got the foot in the car and the dog started jumping up and down on my leg!!!!Yeow. At the restaurant parking lot, I bounced like a pin ball between cars trying to keep my balance to get to the door. Went to the restroom and I swear the toilet was about 15 inches above the floor. Try that with one knee that doesn't bend and the other one gimpy. Good thing I don't live in Japan. LOL

    I kinda insisted on going home after that. I really get why I am so frustrated. This is a slow process. I gotta take smaller steps, huh.

    Anyway, I came home and started reading all these posts and I am once again in awe of this fantastic group of women. Clever, articulate, caring!! Simply amazing. I'm not angry anymore, just back on track. being a survivor, because I believe it is possible to survive or whatever the heck it was Izzie said last night. It is because I say it is!!

    ok, someone 'splain. I don't get the well-endowed Emerald City thing.

    For all you learning to crochet/knit. I did it. I got a pamphlet with great pictures. Anyone who wants a copy let me know and I'll email or fax. all together about 10 pages. the first 5 pages should be most of what you need.

    Cheri, my dh offered to drive me to Buffalo. I'm not quite ready for another excursion yet. Maybe next week if it warms up. LOL

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    How in the world did I miss another entire page? My goodness.

    First of all, I just realized when Im reading your posts that most of you are on AI's or tamoxifen. So how about a role call.

    Im ER/PR negative. HER2 positive. IDC stage 2 one of thriteen nodes positive. No hormones for this girl. Sister diagnosed 3 months after me. ER/PR positive and HER2 negative. Weird isnt it. Both of us testing positive for BRCA2 and we are being studied at Mayo Clinic.

    Amy: Im sure you charmed them during that interview. Thats alot of driving. I drive about the same amount but I get paid for it. Keep working on that crocheting. Its really easy once you get the hang of it.

    Susan: OMG! Im sorry, Im sitting here laughing. Miss Independence are we? Now getting outta of the house and the lunch date sounded great. But why in the world would you go without your walker? And bring a dog to boot. Oh Im shaking my Italian finger at you. But the cowardly Lion just zapped you with some courage. Next time, out for lunch with the walker!!

    OK, guess I better spend sometime with my husband before he goes to work. See ya all later.

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited February 2007
    Hi Girls,

    Thank you all for your support and your kind words about my son. I'm overwhelmed at this point, and I have a lot of mother guilt about attributing some of his behaviors (anxiety, etc.) to the stress of having a mother going through cancer treatment. He's only 6 years old, so I hope that he can make progress if he is given the right supports.

    Margaret and Karen, thanks for your offers of help. I'm sure I will be in touch because right now I feel like I am drowning.

    Nicki, Good job with your research. I was ready to give you a long-winded explanation of asperger's, but you explained it quite nicely yourself!

    Thanks again, ladies. I don't know what I would do without all of you!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Sue: I heard on the news last week that one out of 150 children get Autism. It is not and I repeat is not associated with breast cancer.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Afternoon ladies. I got some much needed sleep last night and slept very late. I keep such odd hours. I guess being here alone most of the time I've gotten used to doing whatever I want & whenever I want. I was up very late again last night so today don't have as much to catch up on.

    Margaret, your husband looked like Bob Seger?? Cool They've both gotten older so do they still look alike?

    Anne, oh you didn't hurt my feelings at all! I don't get my feelings hurt very easily. But if you had hurt them I would've told you so. lol I wasn't just explaining to you, I think it was to anyone who hadn't kept up on my little saga why I was crazy enough to drive that many miles just to see an OS. I'm sorry if I sounded defensive. Sometimes I'm a bit IN-sensitive. Maybe that's why my feelings don't get hurt easlily. So fagettaboutit.

    Brenda,love the flower pics. Hope you cough gets better.

    Karen, hope you had good luck at your dr appt. Bob Seger is 61?? OUCH! I must be getting old.

    Vicki, oooooh love the yellow brick road. Nice pics. Ain't we got fun??

    Joyce, I sure hope Kevin is able to get that drain out soon. I always hate those things.

    Jeannie, loved your posting. Humor is my best defense on getting through anything in my life. Ya gotta laugh.

    Jule, sorry you're having some problems. I was low on potassium and just started eating 2 bananas a day. But someone will come along on here that has alot more answers. Welcome to our Cirlcle.

    Madison, wasn't it nice of the Good Witch to give everyone a pair of ruby slippers? Now everyone can get home safely.

    Shirley, love the blinds. We're kitchen people & spend alot of time around the table and have patio doors. When my dh is home he likes the blinds open so he can see out. Mind you there's nothing to see but open fields and a few trees. But I noticed it lowers the room temp. between 10 & 15 degrees! Cute grndchildren, aren't they wonderful? Well...for the most part I mean. lol As far as what happened to my ankle I had a car accident 9-7-99. (Isn't that funny, I remember none of my bc dates but remember the date of the accident) Head on, 65 miles an hr (my fault-don't know what happened) I hit a van, missed a car, hit a pick-up etc. Anyway, I ended up with a broken left ankle, already had a broken right leg from a fall that had a rod in it, broke my right arm humurus bone and smashed my right ankle. And I lived to talk about it. And I didn't kill anyone. Thank God. I've had soooo many surgeries cos my bones don't heal, and I didn't have real good OS's. Rods put in my arm, taken out, plate put in. Rod put in leg, taken out, my left ankle healed pretty good, but my right ankle/foot has been the problem. They've put rods, pins, plates, screws, fused it. They've taken out rods, pins, plates, screws, and now the last pin is broken inside my ankle and the xrays show my ankle is still broken. I've had PIC lines put in due to infection. That was ugly. I've had a total of 4 staff infections in this ankle. Oh hell, I could babble on forever. It ruined my life. My entire 40's have been spent trying to walk again and to end this constant pain. Whew!! Didn't really mean all that to you Shirley, just got on a rant. lol Sorry.

    OKAAAAAY. Wow, all that just came spewing out. Guess I've held that in for awhile. I'd delete it if it wasn't you girls. I figure we all understand rants. lol

    Madison, glad you got your ruby slippers. Be careful coming home.

    Vickie, betcha got sumpthin' cute on youtube. I'll go back and look at it later. I have "Backwoods Dial-Up Internet Service" as web carrier. So it takes forever to download or upload anything.

    Sparky, I miss you. Take care of you for me.


    Hey to Nicki, Tracey, Deb, Ginney, Amy, Carrie, Jan, Denise, Boo, Judy, Lini and so many more I missed. Have a great evening. I'll be back.

    Susan, where are you? Come out to play & laugh. It's good for the soul.

    your pal,
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007
    Susan---So glad you're feeling more like yourself again! The constant "coping" can really wear you out but basic attitude will always prevail---and you are always on the funny sunny side.

    So I typed too many times today, loaded the dishwasher, made the bed and then was really put out by the pain in the hand. WTF? Oh yeah, I'm supposed to be on the couch with it elevated and iced for 3 days. sometimes we just expect too much from ourselves and must really learn to be nicer to us.

    Dear sweet Susan----scroll back to the pic of the emerald City and look at the tallest spire. What does it look like to you? Never seen a green one but Deb just HAD to point it out to get us all to look at it!

    Jan---How fast did you get back to all good after your hand surgery? Supposed to take care of Sam Tuesday and Wednesday and stitches don't come out until Thursday. Surgeon swore up and down a twelve pound baby would be no problem---but then he said the pain would be minimal after. Maybe it would be if I'd just stop waving my hand all over the place. At this rate, SO is going to think everything is so great I'll have to cook dinner!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    NS: OK! Im gonna be the pink sheep in this heard of white ones. Your Pm's are full, so I cant tell you what I want to there. But you know me! Ive always been honest!

    So here you are, going through difficult times. The person that usually cheered all of us up. Now, so many emotions going on. And part of you is saying, well I dont want to get my friends feeling sad. Holding back are ya? We are here for you. We want to help you through this. So please, please - come to our place, here in the circle. Somewhere Over The Rainbow. You my dear are the scarecrow in Nickis eyes. Just fumbling around but in the end, the strongest!!

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited February 2007

    I didn't mean to say that autism was associated with breast cancer. I just feel guilty that I might have missed some of the signs of my son's asperger's because I was preoccupied with my own treatment. Just another excuse to beat myself up!

    Sorry that I wasn't clear.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    not sure if there is any one of us here that hasnt got on a rant or two so think nothing of it. I actually kinda enjoyed hearing the story behind the bum ankle.

    NS-We are here for you and wish I had magic words once again but please know my thoughts are with you and you are loved.

    jeannie-we are going to have to put you and Susan in a wagon together and keep a constant watch on you two.

    OH MY GOSH! You dirty minded women! Why I neverrrrrrrrrrrr!!! I looked at that picture of Emerald city many times and never saw anything unusual with it. <Twinkling my eyes> Maybe that halo on my head in that picture that was posted with my name was for real??? Ya think? no, wait,,dont answer that!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    I have another post, need to read up a little. But considering this is "Wagon Circle Rush Hour" I want to put dibs in on being the scarecrow. lol

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Nicki, forget my short post. Since scarecrow is taken I'll be TOTO! I love dogs.

    Everyone posted while I was thinking & typing mine up. I posted and there was 7 new ones? It's really bad when you have 'Cyber Rush Hour' well, it IS Friday. lol

    Liz, good job on your crocheting. Won't be long until I get mine started.

    Jan, glad your son & his wife made up. Green cocktails sounds great. Actually, cocktails in any color sounds awfully good.

    Amy, I am sooo wishing you good luck on your job change. About the post to Mena. Oh no, I don't want to give the impression that I LIKE her or something. lol

    Sue, sweetie, sending you prayers for you & your son.

    lol, I noticed on my post about my accident I spelled staff instead of staph infection. TeeHee, that's why I originally thought of myself as the Scrarecrow, he was the one that needed the brain, right? lol

    Glad all you dirty minded girls are enjoying the Emerald City. Just one more reason to reach the end of that yellow brick road. HAHA

    Susan!!! We were posting at the same time. Sooo glad to have you and your sharp wit back out to play with us. Welcome home.

    Well, I have my dogs all watered & fed for the evening. A pitcher of iced tea made and Amber ran some errands for me as usual. I don't know what i'd do without my dd. She brought my stuff back from town. I had her get a large bag of chips, cheese dip, chocalate bars, bagels....and hair color. WTF is wrong wih me?? I don't care that I continue to get fatter & fatter gray hair for me! Uh-Huh. Nope, not gonna have all gray hair at age 49. My dh & dd says it makes me look old. So I'm gonna color it...all 2" of it. lol I am such a silly woman!

    Vickie, what a tease! I hope your just in "Wagon Circle Rush Hour" with me and when I post you will have finished the rest of the story about the baby. *slap on the hand* don't leave us hanging like that again.

    I'll be back,
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    To NS
    If you are wanting to hang out in the anti-social, I WANT TO BE ALONE tent, too bad. I'm already there. LOL You aren't going to hurt anyone if we see you are sad, angry, upset, depressed, neurotic, etc. You won't damage us. We will not think less of you. WE ARE NOT WIMPS!! WE ARE WONDERWOMEN! Remember, you told us yourself.

    I know what you mean though. I will stay by myself and be miserable for days rather than admit I'm feeling bad. How smart is that! Don't do what I do. Besides it will make us feel good to connect with you.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007
    Okay, as I'm short and round - I'll be one of the Munchkins

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    Sue, I just wanted to send hugs to you and your son. It's hard sometimes to have faith that things will all work out but it will. When you need to be reminded come and let someone know. We will be here.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007
    NS - we love you!!!!! Don't stay away sweetie.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Oh my, We have Munchkins, the Good Witch...the ENTIRE Emerald City...

    The Ruby Slippers

    The Lion....Toto

    Amy, You neverrrrrrrrrrrrrr, are you sure? I know, we're baddddddd.. Good luck with your job change...

    Hi Susan....glad you're back.

    Sue, many hugs to you.

    Okay, true story....the first time I saw the Wizard of Oz I hid behind my father's chair because I was SO SCARE OF THAT NASTY WITCH.
    Man, oh man, was I MAD when I found out that it was just a dream that Dorothy was having...
    An entire evening was spent, behind my dad's chair, watching TV between my fingers over my eyes...

    Yep, I am going to the Emerald City....I think that at my age I need to conquer my fear of that Nasty Witch….I’m going to get my courage…

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2007
    NS I just call it hunkering down and it is OK to do!
    Just want you to know we are thinking about you
    Holding your hand anyhow...Lisa
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007
    So I cooked dinner (but it was really easy---don't tell SO). Took a whopping 10 minutes---thank you Bertolli.

    Just have to tell you what UPS brought me tonite. Got Sam a little blue bag filled with PeePee TeePees. Anybody who has raised sons knows what is llikely to happen when you take their little diapers off---so these are cute little baby blue teepess with little airplanes printed on the fabric. Take off diaper, smack a teepee in appropriate place while you get the clean diaper arranged and, voila, no annointed parents or Grammas!

    OK--back to the ice pack.

    NS---remember all of the BC advice that says we should let people help because it helps them to deal with it? Let us help. That's what we're here for.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    I'm gonna type real fast or split this in two so I don't lose my post!
    Vickie: That Baby Boy is Precious! Like you say, God will help you make the right decision. Keep us posted.
    Shirley: Good news on the Boob! I had my gallbladder out in 91. You will do fine and if you have to stay overnight, we'll come visit! I love your blinds..I smell hidden talent within you!!
    NS: Mine along with all CG'S are sending p.j.'s, hugs and drugs your way! We love you, your inspiration has helped many. We are with you!
    Cheri: That crappy foot..hope the surgery gets you out dancing soon!
    To be cont'd
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    Emerald City...I'm there. Who's driving? Or are we taking the traditional way? Okay, I am noted for being Naive and not catching on to things....But I must say that even I got the well endowed picture of Emerald City!!!

    Gus: Sorry to hear about your Son. There is so much help for Autistic Children now. But, following the ropes to reach the right place is what wears people down! Bless you.
    Jeannie: Hope your Thumb is feeling better. What a pain. (oops, seriously no pun was intended!)
    Joyce: I'm glad to hear your Son is home and hope he can get the drain out soon. I believe I read that the surgery was quite successful, right?
    Jule: I had low potassium once. It was found with bloodwork before a check up. They retested and it was fine. Let me know what you find out about it.
    To be Cont'd
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    OMG Jeannie! I laughed so hard at the peepee teepees!!! I had to read it twice to get it...I have 2 girls I think you should put one on the top of the emerald city "tower". We don't want to offend Amy and her halo! LOL

    You ladies make ma LAUGH. I love this place
    Deb C
    I'm a munchkin too...we represent the lolly pop guild....(Xanax flavored of course)
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    Susan: Take it easy with your knee. I'm glad to see you are feeling better both physically and emotionally. Stay with us!

    Margaret: Are you scared to send me directions for posting pictures?? I agree, it could be very, very scary if I learn it!

    Madison: Robins in LA! Please send them to Michigan!! I sent your package off (squares) and they said 2 to 3 days. However they told me the same thing when I mailed some to Vickie last week and she got them in 1 day!

    Liz: You picked up on crocheting that easy? Maybe I should try it. I don't remember who sent the directions, but if you would like and if they are VERY easy please send them to me.

    MB: I missed most of the posts about the get together. Could you sum it up and repost, please? Maybe you should start another thread under wagon girls and we could keep up with it that way!
    I have forgot to mention many and I'm sorry. But so far I haven't lost any of my posts!!
    Deb: Your remarks and thoughts are always a upper! (I wasn't intentionally thinking of Emerald City with that remark!)
    To be cont'd
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    ok this is too cool. I've never been here before on a Friday eve....
    cheri wowo..hugs and Ipray the surg..will help heal.... what you want me to come over there...
    NS..hugs ...we love you.. still in the deliverence tent...?
    Nicki...keep up the good work..whoo hoo..
    Jeannie take it easy...heal...we under stand..

    Ok must go I'm not at work and not getting paid to chat with you all, and must be good to DH, otherwise he won't let me have you all over this summer...
    hugs MB
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    Okay, last one! My Onc check up went fine. I actually saw the PA instead of the Onc. I pulled out a list of questions that I had, I swear she yawned in the middle of it! She is really nice and I would have probably yawned too if I was listening to myself! Not worried about my sore boob. She said alot, but in a nutshell..something about the nerves being cut during surgery, the numbness we feel in that boob and sometimes 2 or 3 years after surgery some of the nerves mingle back together and we start feeling things again. (wow, that really doesn't make alot of sense now that I look at it.) Anyhow, I probably pulled a muscle in the area and ya da ya da ya da. She did say one thing that we all know, but tend to forget when canceritis sets in: Pain from Cancer does not go away. It doesn't get better in a couple of days. It is not an acute pain, but a chronic pain that will need attention.
    I have to go get ready for our weekend at Emerald City. I don't know who I'm going to be. The rusty tin man sounds good, but I think Vickie beat me to him! I might be the wicked bitc-, or should I say the wicked witch!!

    I'm gonna try to read some of the other threads as I haven't done so in awhile. I always come here to "my girls." My Granddaughter (2 1/2) is spending the night tomorrow, so I may not be on line much!
    Love to all!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007
    Denise, I admit I already knew how to make a chain stitch. I've never done anything else. I bought a CD today at Hobby Lobby and followed those directions. I still haven't got the hang of turning the chain for the corners. Mine are far from straight! I know there are others much more qualified to give you instructions. Not sure I even know what I'm doing right now. It is fun though. My mom said she has written ones somewhere. I'll get those tomorrow and get them to you.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    OMG, a pee pee tee pee!!!!!!!I laughed so hard I pee'd and it wasn't in a tee pee!!!!!!!!!
    Love you guys!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Here is a car for us to drive down the yellow brick road...who is the driver??? I call SHOTGUN


    And I don't know about you, but I don't remember the flying monkeys being this blasted CUTE!


    Deb C
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Good evening Rainbow girls!

    I am working on my third glass of Cabernet and the Emerald city is looking mighty good!!

    Amy, I've thought sometimes that BC figures into things, even though by law it's not supposed to . Oh please...a halo? Face it, the Emerald City looks like a big bunch of penis's. Ha!! I've said it out loud

    Nicki, that's a great story about your mom living with mets. It just goes to show you the power of the mind!

    Gus, please don't blame yourself. I played the blame game for years and then decided it just wasn't worth it. Everything will be ok!

    Cheri, thanks for the explanation about your accident. OMG!! I just can't imagine. I'm having wine also. TGIF baby!

    Jeannie, how's the hand coming along? I had some pain for at least a week. I never believe what the docs say. They always downplay everything so you will have the surgery. But, I must say, it really wasn't bad. You'll feel better in a couple of days. Isn't it nice to bend your thumb, though

    Susan, Hey girl, come on, feel better. You will get there. I can't believe you went on such a strenuous outing! Holy Jeez!!

    Madison, are you really sure that Dorothy was dreaming????
    Maybe not!

    Denise, we are dancing down the Yellow Brick Road!! Come on girl!! Boogie on down!

    MB, We would love to come to the get together,but it is right after our vacation and we can't get more time off. If anything changes, I'll let you know. I really want to come.

    Time to go. I have to watch "Black Dahlia" with DH.

    Love you all! Remember, I am the Tin Man!!