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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007

    Here is a close up of sweet Dorothy. Isn't she just the cutest lil thing? I thought NS would make the perfect Dorothy. Up to you all.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Nah, Denise, I'm the Tin Man. Vickie is the Good witch. It doesn't matter though, we can be whatever we want. That's the beauty of the virtual party!

    Hope everything goes well with the pulled muscle!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007

    YES!!! NS IS Dorothy!!!! It is perfect!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Jan said PENIS! I'm tellin'!!!!

    Love Ya
    Deb C
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    OH my we are a busy bunch of ladies tonight.
    First BABY update...sorry to leave you all in suspense. She was allowed to take him home today BUT Social Services is seriously involved. They are predicting that this is not going to work out and they are going over her previous records and talking to the Judge that told her she would never be allowed to keep another child. They have my number at work and at home if there is a problem I will be called to pick him up. Will I...well mind is made up...the answer is YES. I don't know if it will happen or when it may happen but if it does then I will be there to bring him home with bells on. That's my decision. I don't truly see it lasting longer than 4 to 6 weeks as she doesn't have much patience and social services isn't going to play games with her this time around and they can see she hasn't changed a bit. I am still so very worried about that dear sweet baby but I'm letting God take control. If they call, they call...if they don't then it isn't meant to be. Truthfully...I so very much want this baby. So very very much.

    Liz...oh thank you...what a sweet generous offer! You are truly a doll.
    Jan...I am glad to hear you son and his wife are working things out. I know how stressful that can be. Sarah and her husband (the little jerk) are currently trying to do the same thing. I know how much she loves him and her happiness is all I want so I'm praying he straightens up and acts like a husband. are you feeling. Can't wait to see you again. A pee pee teepee!! Oh my, what will they think of next! That's just too funny.
    Deb...the lollipop guild!!! Thats us!!
    Amy...sorry about the baby anticipation! OOPS need to stick with us...we can handle anything and you need us and much as we need you. are the couragous lion...thanks for keeping the men with staight jackets at bay! evil green witch in our land of OZ! Your safe here, we just came to take all the emeralds!
    Shirley...I love the blinds...great idea!
    Sending hugs to Susan and Sue.
    Kevin is home!!!! Give him hugs from all his aunts and let him know that we are pulling for him.
    Cheri, Madison and Nicki...looks like I gotta find a horse of many colors for Mazer and Distorted Humor...hmmm...this could be a tough one! Do they still hang people for stealing horses!
    Lots of warm hugs and love to all...gonna go see what I can "borrow".
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007

    oh Cheri...what a beautiful rainbow!!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Me giving NS (who makes a beautiful Dorothy)all her wishes.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    horses of many colors
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Way up high
    There's a land that I heard of
    Once in a lullaby

    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Skies are blue
    And the dreams that you dare to dream
    Really do come true

    Some day I'll wish upon a star
    And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
    Where troubles melt like lemondrops
    Away above the chimney tops
    That's where you'll find me

    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Bluebirds fly
    Birds fly over the rainbow
    Why then, oh why can't I?
    Some day I'll wish upon a star
    And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
    Where troubles melt like lemondrops
    Away above the chimney tops
    That's where you'll find me

    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Bluebirds fly
    Birds fly over the rainbow
    Why then, oh why can't I?

    If happy little bluebirds fly
    Beyond the rainbow
    Why, oh why can't I?
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Since NS is Dorothy, I can now be Scarecrow (if the change is alright with Nicki) I figured I could use a brain! Here's a close up of the Scarecrow.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    A heart is not judged by how much you love; but by how much you are loved by others
    Auntie Em: Why don't you find a place where there isn't any trouble.
    Dorothy: A place where there isn't any trouble. Do you suppose there is such a place Toto? There must be. It's not a place you can get to by a boat or a train. It's far, far away. Behind the moon, beyond the rain.

    Cowardly Lion: [singing] If I were king of the fore-e-e-est / Not queen, not duke, not prince / My royal robes of the fore-e-e-est / Would be satin, not cotton, not chintz / I'd command each thing, whether fish or fowl / With a r-r-ruff and a r-r-ruff, and a royal growl - R-R-Ruff! / As I click my heels / All the trees would kneal / And the mounains bow / And the bulls kowtow / And the sparrow would take wing / If I, if I were ki-i-i-i-ng! / The rabbits would show respect to me / The chipmunks genuflect to me / Though my tail would lash / I would show compash / For every underling / If I, if I were king / Just ki-i-i-i-ing!

    Cowardly Lion: I'd be brave as a blizzard...
    Tin Woodsman: I'd be gentle as a lizard...
    Scarecrow: I'd be clever as a gizzard...
    Dorothy: If the Wizard is a wizard who will serve.
    Scarecrow: Then I'm sure to get a brain...
    Tin Woodsman: A heart...
    Dorothy: A home...
    Cowardly Lion: The nerve!

    And the perfect quote for all of us here.

    Dorothy: Oh, you're the best friends anybody ever had. And it's funny, but I feel as if I'd known you all the time, but I couldn't have, could I?
    Scarecrow: I don't see how. You weren't around when I was stuffed and sewn together, were you?
    Tin Woodsman: And I was standing over there, rusting for the longest time.
    Dorothy: Still, I wish I could remember, but I guess it doesn't matter anyway. We know each other now, don't we?
    Scarecrow: That's right.
    Tin Woodsman: We do.
    Scarecrow: To Oz?
    Tin Woodsman: To Oz.

    Love ya ladies and yes Cheri you can be the scarecrow too. I'll even let someone else be the good witch with's a great costume!!!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    Well crap, onc visit didn't go like it usually does. First he tells me he wants me to do aredia infusions for my bad bones. Which is ok cause it's only a few times a year as opposed to remembering to take the darn pill every week. Got him to agree to wait till I get my next dexa in april. If no change after a year on fosomax he's gonna talk to my endo about it.
    Then on to the loaded question. We are on our way out of the room, the man is closing up the file and I say..."when should my daughter start her mammograms"...he said "daughter? I didn't know you have a daughter? Didn't your mother have breast cancer? Have a seat Mrs Larson." UGH!!! He wants me to have brca testing. I sooooo don't want to do that. But crap crap crap. Now how the man has treated me for 2.5 years and not know I have a daughter is beyond me. Geez. He said he will call Standford, give them my history, and if they think it is warranted they will call me to make an appt. Other wise he will call and tell me not necessary.
    Other than that, boobs look good, blood looks good. All's well for another 4 months. Then I get to graduate to 6 month appts. Yippee!

    Jeannie, I'm sorry your thumb is hurting. But it's for the good right? You loaded the dishwasher and made dinner? O my gosh, Dr Shirley is ordering you to the couch. Recuperation weekend is the rx.
    I don't watch Grey's Anatomy but I hear its good. Is someone on there a survivor?
    Not on the Mustang...hahahhahahah
    When I got appendicitis in South Carolina, my son and I were at a mall when the pain started. Thought I had food poisoning. Was sooooo sick to my stomach. Dear son gets me out to his car. We start to drive away. I say, "I think I'm gonna throw up" have never seen a car pull over so fast. That boy did not want puke in his car. He whipped it into park and jumped out and opened my door as fast as his little feet would go. Made it just in time for me to puke my guts up in the parking lot. EEEEEEEwwwwwwwwwwwwww. TMI.

    Jule, I don't think we've met. hi there, nice to meet you. Did you have gastric bypass? I had a friend that had that and she had a lot of issues with anemia and low this and that. She had to have iron infusions for a while.

    Madison.....MAN WE ARE GOOD!!!!
    I want some ruby slippers too. Click click click.
    I wasn't allowed to watch the Wizard of Oz cause I was prone to nightmares. How sad is that. Those monkeys creep me out even now.

    Gina, can we throw in the head of my insurance company too. Pretty please. I am having root planing next week. Just got a call from the dentist office. Insurance is paying $150, which leaves me with $230 to pay. WTF!!!! How can I have insurance and have to pay more then they do. That makes no pickin sense.

    Socal, awwww thanks. They are the light of my world. Lordy I love my babies. I'm gonna make the portrait thing annual. When they are teenagers they are gonna whine to their mom...."awwww mom, please don't make us go have our pic taken with grandma, she always makes us dress stupid" hahhahahaahhah
    Would you believe those jeans my grandson is wearing were purchased with those holes. Now THAT is stupid.

    Joyce, tell kevin I'm sorry he has to keep the drains for a bit longer. Hope you are resting.

    Liz, excellent. I made an attempt at plowing thru the basement to find my hooks. Decided it would be far easier to go buy new ones. Gonna do that tomorrow.
    The shades are 95% no sew. I did hand stitch the hem where the little sticky thing goes in. Other than that hot glue and an iron.
    Picked up my rx for ativan today. They are 1mg. Is that normal? Haven't looked it up yet. He wants me to take two the night before and two the morning of appt. Hmmmmm maybe I'll try one out tonight to see what it does.

    Vicki, waiting very impatiently. Hope it's good interesting.

    Jan, what is your son and daughter in laws names? I will add them to my prayer list.
    Yep he says it will be laproscopic unless there is a problem once he gets in. I talked to a friend today who had hers taken out by the same surgeon. She had to stay overnight to. So I guess that is just the way he does things. I'll survive and it's probably for the best. My bp tends to drop drastically after general anesthesia. Last two times I have had it I had to get some kind of injection in the middle of the night.

    Amy, I don't have a patent. You can borrow it any time you like. Tho I think "Holy Crap" is just as good. I'll stand guard. No men in white coats will get near. I can call the General if you like.
    Please don't smack me. I will admit I'm pretty good with a needle and thread. Tho the shades really were hot glue and an iron. It's yarn that gives me fits. Haven't got my hooks yet. Gonna toodle on down to wally world tomorrow.

    Susan, I am very very thankful you did not hurt yourself. No more road trips till you can bend your knee. And leave the dog at home.

    Sue, big sloppy bug kisses and scrunchy hugs just for you.

    Cheri, o my gosh. What a time you have had. I am ever so happy that you now have a surgeon who is gonna fix you up. My oldest son was born with a metabolic defiency...multiple something or other that I can't spell. They told us if he lived beyond 2years he would outgrow it by puberty. Now the boy is 21 and driving me nuts..but thats another story....anywhos, in the first 15 years of his life he broke 13 bones. He has chronic pain and will probably have major arthritis when he is older. So I do understand a teeny bit about what you are going thru. Gentle hugs to you.
    Are there batteries at the end of the yellow brick road?

    MB, welcome to the friday night Circle party. We always have a grand time.

    Seems only munchkins left on the menu. So munchkin it is. Do I get the cool striped socks and silly shorts?
    See you all later.

    oops missed a page.
    NS gets my vote.

    Wow Cheri, thats gorgeous.

    Vicki. I will pray for little Derricks saftey. And if it is going to happen it happens sooner than later.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Here is the Lion. Who was our Lion? Nicki? Can't remember. But isn't he marvelous?

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007
    Sher, mine are .5mg. Me thinks if you take 2mg you won't be driving. I can take 2 of mine and that makes me drowsy. Great on the good onco visit. If you have to have the test, then it's meant to be. Hang in there. I know you don't want it.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    I can't seem to find a good pic of the Tin Man. The original like the others. If someone should get us one that'd be great. I did find something for Shirley, though. Shirl, here's your striped socks. (cute shoes)

  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited February 2007
    OMG I missed 2 days and can't even start to catch up.

    NS ... I know how you feel, been that way lots of times. Stay to yourself as long as you need. But remember we all love you and are here for you whenever you need us. Post when YOU feel like it. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily.

    MB ... nice to see you. Missed some of the Pinkstock posts, when did everyone decide?

    BIKER... I'm the Tinman too That Arimidex really does a number on us. Now they have a trial going where they give another pill to take with it to add back some estrogen WTF???? Take it all out then add some back???? We really are guinea pigs on this one.

    Vickie ... what a beautiful baby. You are right, if it was meant to be it will happen. I went through the same things except it was my SIL and she had my son at 7:30pm and was gone the next morning before I even got there. Danny was a month in an incubater because he was 2 months premature and only weighed a little over 3 pounds. I went and fed him 3 times a day and by the time he was ready to go home all the social services stuff was settled and I brought him home. I hope it works for you.

    SHIRLEY... beautiful pic, good to put a face to the name

    SUSAN... I know how much you want to feel good again, but don't over do it. It is perfectly normal to feel down after all you have been through. That's what the circle is for... we are here for you hun.

    A dear friend of mine went for annual gyno check up yesterday. He sent her for an ultrasound right away. Today she was called for bloodwork and is having hysterectomy Tuesday!!! She is scared to death since she has no symptoms but they say she has a mass the size of a grapefruit. Anybody have any info for me? I wonder if this is as bad as it sounds? Her name is Cathy... please say a prayer for her.
    Sorry to those I missed ... welcome to all the new girls. I didn't have time to read everything or take notes.
    Love to you all
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2007
    You made me Dorothy???
    Ok- now I am crying again!
    Judy Garland and I have the same birthday... THANK YOU for making me Dorothy! She has always had a special place in my heart.

    I was going to try to read and catch up but I have to take it slow- there is so much.

    Oh Circle Girls, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore!

    LOVE YOU!!!!! And your little dogs too!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Bug Sloppy hugs to you Dorothy

    Love Ya
    Deb C
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited February 2007

    well,'ll be thrilled to know that i'm volunteering to be a munchkin.......lmao

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2007
    Hey! I keep emptying my message box- there should be room! I better check it.

    I have everything all scheduled- EVEN the scans. next week I will be glowing in the dark from all the contrast.

    I have been trying to figure out what I will look like without a chest. And I came up with the closest thing I could find.... not bad- kinda cute!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Hey Shel...I'm a munchkin to I'm short and round so I'm typecast I doo have the Xanax Lolly pops because "we represent the lolly pop guild" I know, I know, I said it before but I make me laugh LOL

    it's good to see both you lovely ladies here and posting.. .

    Deb C
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2007

    I love munchkins!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Oh my gosh G, is that you as a child?? Look at those beautiful curls!

    Deb C
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    Well, I'll be a munchkin too.

    Here's another picture of the tinman.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    and more animated names.


  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    thanks liz, I just hate the idea of it. But for my dear darling daughter I will do it. I think, maybe.

    those are the bestest socks in the whole wide emerald city cheri, thanks

    O my gosh NS, how cute you were, and I'm sure still are.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    Hi NS,
    huggs for you. cheryl i just noticed your tag line! hearts can be broken circles can't. woohoo.

    I gotta tell ya'll. I hurt all over. I've been trying to use less drugs. Another dumb decision all on my own. Back to the percoset.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007
    Susan - thanks so much for the name. Those are great! I'm not talented enough to make them.

    Oh I knew there was a reason I was a munchkin. The lollipops!

    NS - pretty sexy looking to me. Hugs

    Okay, back to this crocheting thing. Hmmmmm - I haven't got the turn chain thing down so that I have an even squre. GRRRRRRRRRRR

  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited February 2007
    Oh my it has taken me hours to read all the posts since I've last been here. I even took notes and now I'm too tired to do the long post I planned. Sigh.
    Kind of bummed this eve. Earlier today I needed to drive across town to bring my DH something he forgot. We agreed to meet halfway because it's about a 2 hour drive. Anyway I got on the expressway going the wrong direction. Now I guess anyone could make that mistake but I've lived here and driven around this area for 14 years. I've taken this same trip many times before. I just got to the entrance and couldn't remember if I needed to go east or west, and I guessed wrong. So of course I show up at the half way point quite late and DH is worried. So I tell him what I did and he starts to laugh at which time I start to cry. He felt bad that I was upset. My chemo brain has been pretty apparent for awhile and usually we both laugh at things but it just really bothered me today. I guess because I was already feeling scared and "lost". It just really unnerved me.
    Ah chemo, the gift that keeps on giving.