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  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007

    Oh Sue, I'm sorry. I know that feeling. Hugs

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    I tell you, it's getting harder and harder to catch up.

    Amy, keeping my fingers crossed for the job. That would sure save you a lot of gas.

    Karen, I checked the website and Bob Seger is here next Sat. night so I think we'll have to go.

    Susan, go back and look at the picture of the Emerald City, look at the top and you'll probably see it.

    Cheri, I'm overdue for posting some pics so I'll have to dig up some good ones. You were very lucky in that accident; I can't even begin to imagine what you have gone through with your ankle.

    Liz, I'm one of those munchkins. You beat me to it.

    Denise, I'll PM you the directions. It will be a contest to see who can outpost the other -- you or Cherie. Open up Notepad or Word and type your notes in that while you read. Then when you're done, "select all", go to the posting dialog box, and "paste" and ok and your post is saved. I've lost too many long ones and have actually copied and pasted and still had the message that my post wasn't valid but at least it was still in Notepad so I didn't have to retype.

    Vickie, I did read about the baby when I came home for lunch today. I would have done the same thing. Now I'll have to go back and find the post with the pictures.

    Shirley, interesting about your friend with the gastric bypass. I have a friend who has had gastric bypass and she had the same problems and had to have several infusions. I take ativan when I haven't slept for a few days and my husband does too. I don't know what the dosage is, that would mean I have to get off the couch and go in the bedroom. Too much trouble right now.

    G, you always make me laugh. What a cute picture.

    Boo, I've done that before. The worst for me is forgetting someone's name or calling someone by another name, both of which I do all the time.

    Ok, sort of semi caught up. Good evening all.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Awwww, our Dorothy with her little dog Toto. How sweet.

    No, Sparky, I will not exchange Toto's pic for one of a black cat. He was a dog. Anyone can see that.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Finally had my review today. Got lower scores than I think I ever have in the past 10 years. & I told him to put that statement in my file. I also said it weas proabably because he didn't reallyt understand what my job was or what I did. He did go back and give me better scores in two areas though. I got nailed for 7 abesences but he did put a note in the file that under the circumstances I was doing my best to avoid missing work. But everyone weas getting low marks for that. So I don't feel to bad on that one.

    Wow Cheri you had some mighty bruused angels after that accident. Glad you made it through though cause we are so lucky to be able to have you here and be able to call you a friend.

    Shirley, the Braca test is a simple test. the hardest part is going over all the family history to determine if the testing should be done. I had a lot of family history so they did the test and mine came back negative.

    Liz great job!. The turning is always the hardest part. But Vickie or Madison can make up for it when they do the borders when connecting the squares.

    NS, glad to see you my dear. When all is said and done you will still be beautiful as ever!

    Vickie, am praying that Derrik will be safe until he's home with you.

    MB have been thinking rteal hard on trying to figure out how I could makeit out there this summer. If I can make it I would love to get up to Niasgra Falls as well. Now I've got an itch to travels again!

    know I'm missing so very many but i can't see staright again so am going to go to bed.
    Hugs and prayers to all, putting more logs on the fires to keep us all warm and safe.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Well, here I am again all my Circle friends tucked into their comfy beds. I'm beginning to think I need to get up before noon so I'll go to bed like a normal human being. Something about the night, though. I always liked staying up late. The only trouble with these boards is that you can't get feedback until somebody stumbles onto your post. By then, I'll be fast asleep. Soooooo, guess I'll bundle up and walk the perimeter once more. The Hooch tent is closed and the Chuck Wagons not open yet. CY already threw extra logs on the fire. BTW, thank you for the kind words,Cy. I'll talk with you all in the....afternoon.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Oh my, I fell asleep early this evening and missed some of the trip to Oz.

    Hi NS, yes you make a good Dorothy. Glad you were here tonight.

    I'll be a munchkin 'cause I want to be in the lollipop crew. I really think we'll have fun AND I don't like those bad monkeys that went after Dorothy. I think in munchkin land we are gonna have fun….

    Sue, sorry you had a bad day. You need to join the munchkin crew. I hear the lollipop guild is great (Xanax flavor, of course)

    Susan, please take your pain meds if you are still in pain.

    DebC, I agree, I don’t remember the flying monkeys being so cute.

    Yep, Jan said it. Our Emerald City is quite interesting.

    Jan, glad your son and dil are back together and trying to work things out.

    Vickie, hugs to you. I always pray that my path be made clear….I pray the same for you.

    Shirley, I have 3 daughters and the first thing out of my onc’s mouth was genetic testing. I haven’t run the test yet…..My girls are at risk because their paternal grandmother passed away at 36 from lymphoma…their paternal aunt had bc at 29 and ovarian cancer at 36…..then me…..genetic pool is not looking great for them.

    CherylG, keeping Cathy in prayers.

    Cheri, I’m awake also. Why is the Hooch tent closed?….If we make enough noise do ya think we can wake someone up?

    Hello to everyone else…or should I say good evening in the land of Oz…..I’m going to join Cheri and walk around….

    See everyone in the morning.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: 3 pages to read since yesterday evening lol. And I even slept in - well a little. Got up at 6am instead of my usual 5am. Had more snow here in the Chicago end of the circle. Just enough to make the roads slippery.

    Sue: I know its hard, but dont beat up on yourself. When we are going through treatment we do focus on ourselves. We have to for survival. Sometimes symptoms can be vague. I remember when my mom was still alive, she was having mini strokes. Never picked up on it for 3 years. Until the symptoms became quite noticable. And thats my job! Evaluating older people - totally missed it on my mom.

    Cheri: Man oh man, Potatoe chips, dip and chocolate. Sure sounds good - can enjoy it at least in my dreams!! My munchie snacks last night were cheese and pistachio nuts. Lots of calories, but no carbohydrates.

    Susan: So we do have a "I want to be alone tent?" Well Im glad you came out of it and your back here with us. Im just so addicted, so even when I want to be alone, I still have to come here - just hate it when I miss too much.

    Jeannie: Im laughing out loud at the PeePee TeePee thing. What a great idea. Another invention anyone of us could have thought up! But didnt.

    DebC: Yes, your funny, your pop in and out very quickly.

    MB: My eyes opened wide with delight. A post from you on a Friday evening.

    Liz: At the end of your row, chain 3 and turn. Skip the first stitch you just made as the chain 3 counts as a stitch. Otherwise each row will keep increasing by one. Count your stitches on each row and make sure they are the same each time. Your picture was great. Loved the yellow.

    Jan: I hope you enjoyed Black Dahlia. Have that movie from netflix and gonna watch it today. Im glad your son and his wife are trying to work things out.

    Vickie: Glad you made the decision. Having a newborn around the house is hard, but its fun too. And yes lol, they still will shoot you for stealing horses. But Distorted Humor doesnt care. He wants to be colorful in Oz! Ya know I forgot about how pretty that song is.

    Cheri: NS is a perfect Dorothy.

    Sherloc: Man! Aredia infusions! Hoping the dexascan shows improvement. BRCA testing. For me getting my results was anticlimatic. I had to see a genetic counsellor cause of a big history of ca of ovary and breast cancer in my family. I had already decided on a bil. mast - anyways, got the results the day of my surgery. Came back brca2 positive. So I knew I had made the right decision. I do believe knowledge is power. The Monkeys are still creepy to me also. Now about the Ativan! If your taking 2 mg the night before and the morning of. Someone should drive you. That would put me to sleep in a second.

    Susan: You have to remember there is a healing process going on. If you dont take your pain pills, you wont exercise as much - and its the exercsing that is gonna help the knee bend. Take the darn percocet.

    NS: you make a great Dorothy. So glad you popped in. You know we all standing strong behind you.

    Boo?Sue: Ah yes - chemo brain. I still have issues trying to remember what color my toothbrush is. Green - its green like the Emerald City!

    CheryG: Sorry about your friend Cathy and have just put her in the middle of the circle. Hoping all goes well with her surgery.

    To anyone I missed, I still love ya. Think I might go back to bed and take a nap.

  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited February 2007
    Morning Ladies
    Liz, Margaret, Madison, Nicki - Thanks for the kind words. Usually when my chemo brain strikes and it's just my DH and DS noticeing it really doesn't bother me. Must have been extra sensitive last night. I don't like driving in the dark anyway so feeling lost really unnerved me.
    I'd love to be a munchkin. Kind of short and round these days so I'd fit right in.
    Dh is gone till Mon. night so it's just me and the 14yr old this weekend. That means I will have a house full of 14yr olds. I swear you can smell the testosterone in the air when a group of them get together. Will have to escape to oz frequently to keep my sanity.
    Speaking of boys- PeePee Tee Pees ! HAHAHAHA Don't you know baby boys are given to us to improve our reflexes!
    Who's making breakfast? I'll bring my homemade muffins. Bran for those who are being good. Blueberry and bananna for the rest.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Good morning sweet ladies...only got a minute...gotta hit walmart before the crowds do. one woke me up and its LATE for me.
    Sue...sending hugs to you...I know just how you feel and it's hard. I hate chemo brain but this too shall pass. Joining you for breakfast. happy to see you. You are in my thoughts and prayer all the time sweet sister. You make a perfect Dorothy...just remember the "there's no place like home" when your stuck with your scans and know we are all around you holding your hand. All will be well. What a beautiful little girl you were!!! What a beautiful women you are!
    Ok...sorry all..I simply gotta boogie or I'll never get back home. I want to paint my living room today and I have to return the paint that I had mixed as its NOT red it's a disqusting shade of dark pink! Glad I only painted a small patch to check the color!
    I'll be back to check on all in a while
    love you sweet sister
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    I just put coffee on and I think I'll make breakfast burritos. That way everyone can have one when they get up; ingredients are all cut up and in bowls ready for everyone to make their selections. Mine has spinach, mushrooms, green onions, maybe today some bacon, and a little cheese. Yum.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007
    Ooooh Margaret, that sounds YUM! Yankee type girl here so I have to ask--what do you do? Cook your filling ingredients together and then roll in tortilla? Roll in tortilla and then fry burrito? I know the traditional burrito is deep fried but that's about it. Upstate NY is not a thriving hot bed of Mexican restaurants. Unfortunately, since I love the food.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    whoo hoo...breakfast on the weekend...this is too much wonder I cnat catch up on Mondays....lo.
    Ok the Pinkstock is up for a vote...AUg 4 or the 11 to see when more can please PM me...I have lined up a few campers....
    Oh and by the way...I want ot be one of the lolipop kids...i love the
    ok off to watch a soccer game...Gdaughter goalie...
    back late
    love MB
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    good day ladies....
    well i lost my first post!!!
    susan those are great tyvm
    ok i was out till 1 am partying with my frenchmen now i am at work and i feel like crap.... why do i do this to myself!!!!ugh....ugh!!!!!!!!!!
    i want my bed!!!!!!!!!!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Tracey,o-la-la...hangover from partying with your frenchmen...take care of that headache.

    Morning MB, I vote for early in August to help those with school age children. Our school systems starts around August 11.

    Margaret, coming for breakfast. Yum

    Vickie, Nicki, Jeannie, Sue and all Good Morning

    I am heading to the grocery I promised the two DD living out of state that I would cook and freeze some home cooking foods to send to them.

    Cooking spoon in hand all day.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007
    Either date is fine with me. Once that is definite I can help you figure out hotels, food, etc. We'll tawk!

    Did my HS reunion two years ago and used to do event planning for my then employer so I think I still have some of those chops together.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    Good morning girls. Results of Ativan experiment.
    1mg = 9 hours uninterrupted sleep. Yowsers. Dentist said to take 2 before appt. I think that will put me in a coma. Or at the very least require me to be carried out of there. He already told me I would need someone to drive. Anywhos, it didn't make me loopy like ambien. I love the ambien wheeeeeeee. And I have a kickass headache this morning. But I've had a headache for a few weeks now due to this ridiculous weather. So it could just be a bit worse with the drug.
    Hmmmmm So the question of the day is. Do I take 1 or 2 before my appt? Guess I'll have to call on monday.

    CherylG, thanks for the compliment. Praying for Cathy. How scary for her.

    Sue, hugs to you dear friend. I get lost going to the bathroom. No one ever wants to ride in my car and I am never allowed to lead in a caravan. I just look at it as the norm and think of it as an adventure.

    CY, I hated the annual reviews when I was working. Just plain stupid in my opinion.
    I understand the BRCA test is easy. Personally I don't think Standford will consider me a candidate for it. I was dx before my mom. But she also had ovarian/uterine cancer in her 20's. We aren't sure which. She always said it was ovarian, butttttt in the 60's it was highly unlikely that she would have survived that. So were thinking it was uterine. Other than that I have no other history that I know of. I wasn't raised with my mothers family so I have no clue about them. No cancer at all on my dads side.


    Madison wow, thats some pool.
    Heres my take on brca testing. I don't think it's bad. For now I know it is a good thing in that it brings recognition to those that are at higher risk. BUT
    I truly believe that any kind of genetic testing will be used in the future by insurance companies to deny coverage based on pre-existing condition. Insurance companies are EVIL, and they have a huge lobby in Washington. I know they can't do that now, but what about my daughters future? My grand daughters?
    O crap I don't know. I guess I can have the test and wait and see what the results are and let my daughter decide on her own.

    Nicki, aredia infusions indeed. I'm hoping the dexa shows improvement but endo said not to expect it after only a year. Did you know that our bods only absorb 1-5% of fosomax and it can take years to show any improvement. The IV biophos drugs are absorbed at 75% or higher. Onc said if I can't get my T-scores up I am bound to start breaking bones. Had a convo with endo about aredia at my last visit. She said the same. Lets wait for the next dexa and go from there. But she didn't want to do dexa this year. Had to talk her into that. I said there is no way I'm taking this darn pill for two years without some clue as to whether it's working or not. So she reluctantly gave me order for the dexa. UGH!!! This has been a medically crappy week.
    Put me to sleep it did. Kinda freaked out about taking two now.

    Vicki, pink??? ugh. Have fun painting.

    MB, tho I can wish and wish it's highly unlikely that I will be able to make it to PINKSTOCK. Tho I am gonna talk to hubby about it. So either date is good for me.

    so lets see how many more posts there are when I click continue.
  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited February 2007

    Just a short post to Susan for now - I have to say, I was laughing like Nicki when I read about your decision to be independent. I know as an Instructional Designer you have attention to I think you may have a desire for excellence as well...since that sounds exactly like something I would do - and have on several occations! In fact after one treatment I had a horrible headache - and took 1/2 Vicodin and 1/2 Xanax - because I hate taking anything. Finally my DD called the Dr. because it was so bad I was vomiting and couldn't sit up. He told him what I took and he said "that's like taking a Tylenol...tell her to take one whole of each!!" I did and the headache was gone in a half hour...

    It's amazing how stubborn we can be when we are not 100%...glad you can laugh at it now and are following the rules! Percoset is only temporary...hang in there - it will get better very soon....

    oh...and the dog really got me to laugh - no cane and no dog...


  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Good afternoon CGs,

    Boy we really freaked them out in the Emerald City last night, didn't we?

    Vickie, were you able to lift anything for Mazer and Distorted Humor? They need to be colorful. And...have you memorized the entire Wizard of Oz??? Someone has waayy too much time on their hands ! Thanks for the songs, though. Sometimes I think it would be especially nice to be over the rainbow for real. I'm not ready to go home yet. Can we stay a little longer please?

    Shirley, good luck with your gall bladder surgery. If you have problems with your blood pressure after surgery, it makes sense that your surgeon would want to keep you over night. You will be feeling better in no time. My son and DIL's names are Steve and Theresa. Thanks for putting them on your prayer list. They can use all the help they can get.

    Cheryl, are you serious about the pill that adds estrogen back after Arimidex takes it out???? I have never heard anything so insane in my life. My onc won't even let me use herbal remedies or estrogen vaginal creams. Your friend Cathy is in the inner circle. There are so many who need our warmth and love.

    Susan, please keep using your pain meds, if you need them. I was told to never let the pain get ahead of me. It is much harder to control if that happens. Nicki was right. You need to be comfortable enough to do your rehab!

    Boo, don't feel bad. We've all been there. I forget where I am sometimes. I blank on people's names also, which is very embarassing. Especially when it's someone I've known for a while.

    Well, I didn't get a chance to watch The Black Dahlia last night. We were catching up on TV shows that we had taped, and it just got too late. Tonight's the night. Gotta go do some chores right now, so I'll sign off.

    See everyone later!
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2007
    NS, aka Dorothy, so glad to see you posting. I worry about you! You have done so much for me (us), I wish I could do something for you.

    Vickie, that baby is adorable. I'm having baby withdrawals, but will have to wait for grandchildren someday. I don't blame you for wanting him.

    Opening night was a success!!!! We had a full house and the audience was very receptive. Here was a weird thing that happened. The cast lines up in the hallway after the performance and greets the audience as they leave. It can be kind of interesting to see the response people have to your character. Well, I play the "sick, old lady" who yells at the kids. One of the people who shook my hand said that I did a great job of convincing her that I was sick and dying from something like cancer. I felt like saying, "Little do you know...", but I just smiled and said "thank you". Maybe this part was a little too close to home.
    When my fellow cast members saw my stitches from the port removal as we were dressing, I was teased about being a "method" actor, making myself feel real pain so I can portray it better. Just too weird for me right now.

    Here is a barf story: I had terrible morning sickness with all my children, but especially my first. It wasn't unusual to have to pull over and find a place to throw up as I drove to and from work. When I was 6 months along we went to a wedding. A friend of my dh was riding with us to the reception. We lived in Anaheim, and as we were driving by Disneyland I had the urge. Dh pulls over to the disneyland driveway and pulls up next to a large flower bed. I get out of the car and fertilize the flowers. The friend looks up and right above the sign says "Happiest Place on Earth". Needless to say I was the butt of many jokes after that.

    I'm joining the munchkins, I fit the profile. What a fun party!
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited February 2007
    Oh man, I missed the Wizard of Oz party??!! I could definitely be one of the munchkins too! Vickie, can you steal us a tank of helium so that we can take a few hits before singing the lollipop guild song?

    You girls always make me laugh. Bless you for that!!

    Big hugs,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    ok Jan..I'm sitting here snickering. I read your earlier post (well I was skimming posts)and you wrote...

    I think I want to be the tin man for the party, since I'm taking Arimidex also and I am stiff as a , well, tin man! I was skimming I missed the "tin" in your post and was so shocked I had to go back and read it again LOL!! Had me wondering what kind of men your hiding from us!

    Ok...I'm being bad. Gotta get the house picked up and I'm seriously considering a nap.
    Love to all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Sue...couldn't find a helium tank but here's a bunch of balloons we could have some fun with
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    and here's your munchkins
    Lets here some singing ladies
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    Do they have wheel chairs or walkers for munchkins??

    Sheri, glad opening night was a hit. How grand for you.

    Boo, I guess you've never heard my story about melting down in the middle of the grocery store. I kept trying to put an ear of corn in a plastic bag and it kept falling out. I was hysterical. Luckily my neighbor walked in and rescued me. We've all been there sweetie.

    NS really like the picure of you at the beach. what a cutie.

    Ginney, me?? Stubborn? Guilty!!

    doing good today.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Good afternoon, girls. Hope you're all having a good day.

    Madison, we need to talk to the owner of the Hooch tent and tell them we want it left open 24/7 some of us late nighters might need in.

    Shirley, glads your meds worked and you got a good nights rest. Thanks for waking me it was time to get up.

    Jan & Sue, we have a whole week-end in the Emerald City.

    Sheri, Congrats on a successful opening night.

    Vicie, GREAT Munchkin pic! As well as all the others.

    NS, when I saw that up close pic of Dorothy I knew I had to bring it back to post and all would agree that you would be the perfect Dorothy. As Vickie put it, 'there's no place like home.' Glad to see you out & about posting. I do believe you started this thread and now it's come a time when we need to Circle the Wagons for you. That's what this thread is here for isn't it? For those that are confused, frightened, feeling alone, and in need of support? Or do I have that all wrong and it's just here for those in troubled situations to pop in once in a great while & write a short post? We've backed off so you wouldn't have any more to deal with but aren't we your support system, Sparky? Maybe I have the true meaning of the Circle all wrong. If the person who started it doesn't come here regularly for support & comfort then we must not be doing what the Circle set out to do. You've had your isolation it's time to come "home" now. It will be good for your soul. We love you. Cute pic of you on the beach.

    Mena, pretty much the same goes for you. We love you and we miss you. We are your Circle of friends. If anything we'll take your mind off all that's ugly in life for awhile. Just read the happy posts or shall I say 'silly' posts? You need us, we need you. (Well everbody but me, that is.) HAHAHAHA

    Susan, I luv ya girl! Silly, we don't need wheelchairs or walkers in the Emerald City. It's a magic place where all our health issues are gone and we are all whole again. We're able to walk on our own there. Isn't it wonderful? Hey, I'm planning to come up & see my Mama one day next week and if you're not busy I'll stop by & see ya. I'll call you or pm you & let you know what day. BTW, do you have steps at your front door and how many? lol I'll manage just fine, we have steps. Hey, also I wanted to tell you I met another girl in chat and guess where she's from...? I was reading about her ice storm she was talking about being so bad & I thought to myself, huh, couldn't have been as bad as ours. Then she mentioned S.W. Mo. and that's when I paid attention and asked where she was from. HAHAHA The woman lives right up the road from me about 4 miles in Buffalo! I could not believe I actually met someone from this little town with only 3 stop lights. So I'm also going to try & get together with her and then I'll introduce you all.

    Hey to Cy, Nicki, Tracey, Deb, Liz, Lini, Kristen, Joyce, Boo, Ginney, Always, Brenda, Margaret, Carrie, Denise, Anne, MB, and everyone I missed on accident. Hope you are having a good day.

    Lini, where are you? Judy, where are you? Odalys, where are you?

    I imagine there's been a gazillion posts since I started this one. It takes me time to think and I don't type very fast. I told you the character of the Scarecrow fit me. lol I'm still on the search for my brain. I'm reading a book that's a form of brain-washing but not to worry, mine needs a good bath to clean out all those nicotine stained cobwebs. NO. Don't ask me about the smoking...yet. I will be back...uh...more than once. lol

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Why is it that I always look forward to the week-end and then when it comes Im bored out of my mind? Husband is sleeping and Im so bored. Yet too lazy to go out and do something.

    Vickie: My favortie song is "we represent the lollipop kids, the lollipop kids, the lollipop kids. My 2 SIL and I do an pretty good imitation of it.

    I've been working on squares all day. Finially have it narrowed down to 4 patterns. They are starting to look good.

    Jan: Looks like we will be watch the Dahlia movie together. Im gonna be watching it tonight also. Hope its good.

    Sue: I love sucking helium then talking. Works great when the wicked witch is melting from the water. "Oh what a world, what a world."

    Hi to purpleMB, Sherloc, Cheri, Madison, and Boo. Time to get back to working on those squares.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    so I rummaged good and finally found my hooks and some yarn. Good thing I didn't go buy any cause I apparently bought a whole set at some point in my life.
    heres a pic of the only yarn I have. Is it ok?
    Figure I can at least practice on it if it isn't good for the squares.
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited February 2007
    Susan - Glad you're feeling better today. Thank you to everyone who could relate to my "episode" last night. I usually can laugh at myself but not last night. Oh well.
    Sheri - congrats on a successful performance last night.
    Vicki - Love the munchkins.
    I agree BRCA testing is easy but the results can be just so frustrating. I have a BRCA 2 mutation of "uncertain significance". Well this sure doesn't make decisions easier. My BS and onc. both say based on these results they won't push me to have a prophylactic mast on my left but will support me if I decide to. Uggghhhh. Right now the thought of more surgery is more than I can deal with. Need to just feel better for a few months. I didn't have reconstruction at the time of my mast. so if I decide on more surg. will probably do it all at once.
    At least I am very small so don't feel too lobsided in the meantime.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    well shoot don't think I can even practice on this stuff. It's so bumpy I can't see where to put the needle. Guess I have to break down and head to wally world.

    hi Sue. I don't think if I tested + on brca that I would do anything about it except maybe more frequent mammos. Don't have ovaries to worry about anymore. And my boobs are so itty bitty I can feel my ribs when I self exam. But then again, my recent path report said the "thing" was 3cm. Definately didn't feel that big to me. UGH I hate making decisions. So I'm not gonna think about it anymore today.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Shirley...that yarn is beautiful but I know just what you mean about not being able to find your stitches...I gave up in the same stuff! Works good on the knifty knitters though.
    ahh...tired...gonna go to a friends for a bit but I'll be back with some more love and fun.
    Thinking of each and every one of you!
    Love ya