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  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007

    ok that does it. Gonna find a nifty knitter. I am getting frustrated. Think I'll go take a nap. But it's such a pretty day I don't want to waste it sleeping. But I don't want to do anything either. Hubby is off on a motorcycle ride. Probably won't be home for hours and hours. hmmmmm I could go rummaging in the basement again. nicki, I'm with you girlfriend. I AM BORED!!

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2007
    Hi Girls,
    Just checking in for a bit.Kevin is still having pain and is getting bored w/h sitting in. I told him I would take him to the movies this week when it wasn't so crowded.
    Hubby and I are going to meet a few friends for drinks. I haven't been out in sooooooooo long.My older son is staying in w/h Kevin.

    Boo- I hate driving at night too and can relate to getting lost. Chemo brain is still kicking w/h me two months after being done.
    Did anyone have trouble w/h their taste buds taking their time coming back? I can taste things but somethings don't taste the same to me. Am I loosing it????

    Have a nice night girls!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Hi girls. Been pretty quiet in here today I see. Nothing like yesterday. Joyce, so sorry Kevin is still hurting and I know how bored he must be. Bless his heart. And no, my taste buds is the one healthy thing about me. I have never lost them nor will I ever. Food has always tasted pretty danged good to me, too good! lol It's so good you're getting out tonight, you deserve a break from the stress. Enjoy.

    I sympathize with you Shirley. lol I know you're getting frustrated. I'm going to have a girl teach me how to crochet next week. I'm looking forward to it and it's nice to have someone in person to show me. I guess you already know how.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Joyce...sending you and Kevin gentle hugs. How old is he...would a care package help? I'd be happy to send him one if you could pm me a list of his interests. Give him something to look forward to in the mail. It took a while for my taste buds to come back to normal and there are still things that just don't taste quite like I remember...but maybe that's chemo brain LOL. It will get better.
    Hey Cheri pal...we have to get into some trouble tomorrow...our last day in the emerald city and I think we should all come back with emeralds, magic wands and I want to keep the good witch dress!!! See if you can find think she's hiding in the hoochie tent.
    Oh my...need to get off to my crocheting...I am determined to finish an afghan this weekend...hopefully by tomorrow afternoon! I have a quote I wnated to put on the bottom of my posts too but couldn't figure it out...?
    Where is fair hiding! Having some fun with the lollipop guild I suspect.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    Gave it up and watched Grumpy Old Men instead.
    Cheri, I don't know how. I googled it and got directions. Haven't figured it out yet. Damn yarn is to bumpy for me to see what the hell I'm doing.
    here the link to the basic instructions.

    gentle hugs for Kevin.

    Vicki can I have saphires too?
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Vickie, you just go to your home page to edit & type it in the Signature box. But I had to drop a couple words and rearrange the quote, so it's not really a "Quote" And it won't take my name with the line. Oh well,I did get my line on there. Bet you expected something funny, but I read that line and it just hit home with me. I have to go borrow something.

    Be back
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Shirley, you didn't say what color sapphires you wanted so I got you different colored ones. Quite beautiful, don't you think? Off to find some other goodies!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. It is 5:00; the stew is simmering on the stove. The homemade bread and Jell-O salad are done…hope you are all hungry

    I spent the whole day at a ski meet with both my daughters. It was a warmish day, about 28 degrees and sunny. The meet stated at 9:00am and went until 3:30…long but fun. It was s print format, so the kids skied in heats of six kids a t a time on a 1K trail. It was fun, but I’m TIRED, and I wasn’t the one skiing. Cheering and jumping up and down uses lots of energy. I bet I will sleep well tonight.

    I’m going to go back and read all the posts I missed, but I wanted to stop by and say howdy….oh, one funny story. The ski trail we used today is about 2 miles from the town dump. The dump has the largest concentrations of bald eagles for miles around, so there are always tons of them at this trail. 3 of them were dive bombing each other over a donut someone dropped…too funny. I know this is SO not politically correct, but we call the eagles dumpster chickens! It is hard to remember they are regal birds when they all hang around the dump and the dumpsters at McDonalds in town!

    Be Back later
    Deb C
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    HI DEB...good to see you...on my way for dinner...I'm starving as usual. I am up to my weight goal of 130 pounds finally!!!
    Gotta go watch Cheri's back...she's "borrowing" the big stuff now!!! Good job Cheri!! Love ya both.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    WOOHOO Vickie. Maybe you have been finding the pounds I have been loosing When my sister's little boy lost weight when he was sick and needed to gain it back the doc said to put cream-cheese on EVERYTHING. We added heavy cream to his milk, and butter to just about everything we could think of.

    I know it is hard to gain weight without adding a lot of fat...try some added protein. Glad you made it up to your goal. Any baby news?

    Deb C
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    A quick hello and goodnight as I just got my granddaughter down for the night. And my Son in Arizona just called and is acting all stupid, so now I'm worried about him.
    Shirley, I bought some of the yarn you showed and I didn't like it. I made one square out of it. (poor Madison is getting it!) I have just been using the regular stuff and you use two strands with the knifty knitter. Much better!
    If you send me your email I will send you a picture of the squares. Margaret has sent me instructions on posting on this site, but I haven't done it yet!
    Love to all and I will see you tomorrow!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Gee girls look what I found! I just stumbled upon them in the forest. There's Emeralds, Rubys, Sapphires and my personal favorite...Diamonds, and more. All kinds of precious stones. Can we keep them? Pleeeeze? Sure we can, 'finders keepers'. HAHAHA

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Mena, Oh Mena I made a special treat just for you! A layered cheesecake. Start with graham cracker crust, a layer of sliced bananas, cheesecake and finish with raspberry cheesecake! Oh so good!
    Hope you are feeling better. How did the sons’ surgery go? And is the daughter behaving herself?

    Cheri, I tried to stay up with you last night but just couldn’t see straight anymore. I get tried so easy lately. Almost feel asleep in my chair watching the news tonight.

    We lost another 7 year old in our area today. But they don’t think it was the flu this time. Apparently the flu caused heart carditiis (sp?) in the first two. The third was also showing flu symptoms but the think it was a bacteria in the heart that was his problem. Just so said to lose them so young
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Madison, Thank you for the card! You made my day. I hadn’t opened my mail until late last night! I think I was avoiding bills! And was pleasantly surprised to see the card!

    Vicki, went painting the darker colors you have to use a special primer in order to get the top color to turn out right. I did a burgundy in my bedroom and just put three coats on to get it the color I wanted cause I didn’t use the primer. It looked kinda pinkish with only one coat.

    Shirley, from what I’ve read anything is good for the squares. The piss I’ve seen make it look like a stain galss afgan with all the different colors! I think it’s really neat. I still have to find where I put my yarn and get started. But first I have to finish my sewing projects.

    Sheri, glad opening night went well. I remember all the opening night with my daughter. I think I was just as anxious as she was.

    Joyce, it took a while for me to get my tastes back. Even now I still get where nothing tastes good to me. Give it time relax and just enjoy each day as it comes.

    Had a wonderful visit with my tow daughters, SIL and granddaughter. Cloe isn’t feeling too good, she’s teething and was running a low grade fever.
    She’s walking all over the place now. I’ll try to post updated pics of her a bit later.

    Scooter, the mainecoon, is sitting in the hall looking for the laser light to chase. He just sits there looking up and down the hall for it and is just the happiest camper when it appears for him to chase. He’s a hoot!

    Cheri looks like you hit pay dirt in the forest! Now we’ll all be decked up in gems! But be careful I think the 7 dwarves might come looking for those gems!
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited February 2007
    Good evening girls - I can't believe how long it takes to read all the posts from 1 1/2 days - its almost overwhelming.
    DH told me today that he thinks I might be depressed - I have been in denial about this. I just cry so easily. I cry when I think about this past year!!! Got my stitches out yesterday and was so frustrated. I need to go back to the hand doc in two weeks and she will decide then if I need hand therapy. Hand is sore today - fingers are still tingly - doc said it could take up to one year to go away (I think the index finger is going to stay tingly) - hand is not as sore as before surgery, but more sore since the cast was taken off. Thought we would schedule left hand, but didn't - will talk more in two weeks. I am just so tired of doctor appts. I thought 2007 would be different - well it is, but its still more appt than I thought I would have!! I am just so tired of hurting - sore knees, sore knuckles, stiff hand joints, sore hands, insomnia, no sex drive. I just want my old life back - or some close proximity to it. I tried Effexor and it was horrible for me. Several years ago i was on Lexapro, but I gained weight and don't want to do that again. LAst night walking the dogs, I told DH (for the first time) that I miss my nipples - I was crying. He said he missed them too!! (I know he does). Funny thing is, I am not having any finishing touches done with my recon - if I can't have the real thing, I don't want them. Do all the aches and pains ever go away? I said to someone at work yesterday that i just want one day when some part of my body does not hurt and she said something to the effect does that happen for anyone - well she did not get it - of course she did not have BC or any other chronic condition. THNAKS for listening to me whine. It helps to be able to tell people who understand.

    Vickie - Tin man- great description for those of us on arimidex. I buy my glocosamine at Costco and its not all that expensive for how long it lasts -it is SChiff brand Glucosamine with MSM 1500 mg - 200 tablets (so 100 day supply) for around $20. Glad you were able to make a decision about baby Derrick - keep us posted. Hope it works out for his best interest (which probably with you).
    Silvergirl = glad surgery went well. I also get cancer connection. Lots of food for thought.
    Joyce - like Vickie asked - would Kevin enjoy a care package, maybe all us CG's could each send something -what does he like? what about muchies> you could pm us if you are interested.
    cpann- yeah 1/2 ways done.
    Liz - thanks for the Karen - it was a day brightener - if I copy and paste it - will it still sparkle?
    Amy -fingers crossed for the job
    NIckie - cowardly lion after he gets the courage
    Susan - loved reading about your outing - it put a smile on my face, but sorry it was so hard on you
    Gus - be sure to take care of yourself. I think we all try to blame ourselves when our kids have issues. Remember its one step at a time. ONce again, feel free to pm and i will try to help the best I can
    SHirley - talented girl
    Cheri - what an accident - so many injuries. you are a survivor in more ways than one. I had a steel plate on my left leg many years ago, but wasy lucky to be able to have it taken off - thats going on 30 years ago (oh am I that old)!!!!
    jeannee - peepee tee pees - thats so funny. my son is almost 18.
    MB - Aug 4 would be better for me. We will be in NYC for a wedding on Aug 2. Will check with DH about me staying over for the weekend. How far from NYC? Would need to figure out how to get out to you and then back to denver.
    Shirley - sorry about the onc visit. My onc had me do the BRCA testing shortly after my diagnosis. I just did the multi-stie 3 testing. It came back negative, so it was a little bit of ease regarding two dd - but I still had my tubes and ovaries out.
    My Ativan is 1 mg. Take it to sleep. I think onc originally Rx it for nausea. It works better than sleeping pills for sleep, but I still wake up on it.
    Cherly G - sorry about friend.
    NS - glad to see you post and glad things are coming together. Of course you are Dorothy - who better? Love the pic of the little girl - is that you?
    Sue - sorry about the drive - I'm sure I've done that before
    Margaret - go to the concert - he puts on a great show
    Cy - sorry about the job performance review.
    Vickie - yeah - goal weight!
    Shirley - your family is beautiful!!!
    Jan, Ginney, MAdison, Lisa, Denise, Travcey, Colleen, Sherndon, Nicki, Susan, Anne, Shel, Judy, Lini, Shokk and everyone else, sweet dreams and feel good tomorrow. I decided I am going to start taking notes in a spiral notebook so I can save them all instead of different pieces of paper. Night.
    KAren in Denver
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Awwww Karen. I'm so sorry that you are going through a rough time. It does sound like depression with you crying all the time. Please talk to your dr. there's hundreds of anti-depressants out there and he can find one that works for you. You can't go on like that. As far as your hand, I know it must be a real pain but it will get better. Having bc, mixed in with other health issues is very difficult. But you're going to be fine. We'll put you in the middle of the Circle & keep you safe. Then on Monday, call your dr.

    Cy, you used to stay up with me quite a bit. Sorry you're so tired. Before bed though, I'd sure like a piece of Menas cheesecake. She won't mind.

    My dh is great. He has been a rock through all this. He is a hanger onner. He works hard and has a great sense of humor. Plus...uh...he's gone all week. lol But he really is one of the best people in my life I've ever known. But...he talks more than anybody I know. Yep. Mr. Friendly. Which is good that he's nice but....his chattering is really getting on my nerves tonight! Especially, since he's had a few beers he gets repetitive. Maybe cos he drives a truck all alone all week and hasn't got anyone to talk to. Well it sure pours out at home. I just sent the little sweetie to bed. It usually doesn't bother me much but tonight it has. It's got to be just me.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Karen just a thought, it might be easier to open up word or notepad and put you notes in there than it would be to write them out by hand. Also juist because you have your stitches out doen't mean that you can go all out with the hand yet. Take it easy. just like Susan you need to do your exersices and take the time that is needed to heal!

    Ok can't see straight again so I'm going to throw a couple more logs on the fires and hit that bedsack.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Cheri I'm sure Mena won't mid you haveing some cheesecake. I just had a piece and boy was it yummy! And so easy to make too! I get the philidelpha cheescake filing seperate half of it. Mix in raspberry pie filling into half of it and volia yummy cheesecake!

    I think it may be the coumadin that is making me so tired.
    But it's the not being able to read the screen that makes it hard to stay up!

    Love, hugs and prayers to all
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    oooo Cheri, no way I can pick just one. Can I have all of them? Pretty please. I'll be good all week I promise.

    hugs karen.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    oh Karen, I just had to get on and give you a hug. So sorry about the pain. Sorry about the frustration. I know it absolutely sucks. It will get easier, I promise.

    I am taking antidepressants. It sure helps. Do that and come here and whine when you need to. I like it if I'm not the only one whining. LOL

    cheri, i will call you to see when you will be in town. no way are you going to sneek in and out and me not get to see you. We can play bumper walkers in the parking lot somewhere.

    hi sherloc and CY

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Shirley, yes yes all the sapphires are yours, I trust you will share?

    Susan, lol I actually prefer 'bumper wheelchairs' it seems to be a little easier on me and I don't have to worry about tipping over & pouring out! Gosh, ya know I used to go to Springfield all the time and I just don't get out of the house unless I have a dr. appt. but I haven't seen my Mother in awhile but I have to check & make sure what day is good for her & then I'll let you know. Back before my foot got so bad again I'd have been up there steppin' & fetchin' for ya while you went through this. My mother, brother, 2 sisters all live there in town, then I have 2 sisters out in Nixa. So I used to keep the road hot. Plus I worked up there in a dr.s office and drove back & forth for awhile.

    Here I am up again. Now I said I wasn't going to do this anymore. I told myself I was going to go to bed before midnight, but once again, I just hang around the house. Guess I'll make one last walk around the perimeter to make sure you little ladies are all safe in your tents & wagons.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    I Sooooo need a hobby. lol I couldn't resist this.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Having a heat wave here in the Chicago end of the circle. Gonna be in the 20's today - whooo hoooo. I was thinking last night that we really only have 6 more weeks of Winter. I finially understand what Spring fever is all about!

    Sherloc and Liz: Dont give up. I have been crocheting since I was a teen-ager. The fancier, bumpy yarn looks pretty but is very hard to work with. You need to go get yourselves some plain old 2 ply yarn. It will make a world of difference because you will be able to see each stitch.

    I keep making squares and then I look at them and just dont like them. I was trying to make them from left over yarn but the colors are just boring. Tan, Royal Blue, Dark green! So I have 13 squares - all boring!!!! I found some yarn that was multicolored and started a square. It looked so pretty. But there wasnt enough to finish one square. So today, Im gonna go buy some yarn and pick the color I want. Much more fun than using all this left over stuff.

    I thought I had a big bag of yarn. When I looked in it last night, there were 3 scarves, not yarn! When I was getting chemo I just kept making one scarf after another. Guess I made too many lol.

    Karen: I dont know how anyone could go through what we all have, and not be depressed. I remember my last visit with my PCP. I had a list of problems and when I was done he said, he wanted to increase my antidepressant. I looked at him and said "but I dont feel depressed." I was on Effexor and didnt like the side effects. Had to change from Lexapro cause my insurance wouldnt cover it. Im on Celexa now and I know its working - for the first time in 2 years I dont have this urge to just stay at home and isolate myself.

    Joy: Tastes buds! Chemo really did a number on me. My husband would ask me why I was putting hot tobasco sauce on everything - that was the only thing I could taste. Then I realized that along with my hair loss, I lost my little nose hairs. So I couldnt smell anything and that affected my taste. About 3 months after chemo, I walked into the house after work and dinner was cooking. The smell was overwhelming! That was the day I got my taste back.

    Boo/Sue: BRCA of uncertain significance. I hate that. In my world it should either be negative or positive! No in between - but my world isnt the real world. My genetic counsellor explained to me that there are so many genes that havent been identified yet. Mine came back positive for a BRCA2 mutation. But the mutation was interesting enough that Mayo clinic wanted to study it.

    Tracey: Now partying with Frenchmen and then having to work the next day dont go well together. When we play we must pay. But I hope you had a grand time.

    Sheri: I dont know if I mentioned it, but Im so glad the grand opening of the play your in went well. Sure sounds like it was alot of fun.

    Denise: I almost spit my coffee out, I was laughing so hard at "my son is acting stupid."

    DebC: Here in Chicago we have Turkey Vultures and Hawks. They arnt very pretty to look at. I would love to see a Bald Eagle.

    Cheri: Im laughing cause my husband gets more chatty after he has beer also. Talk talk talk talk talk. Last week I wanted to smack him on the back of his head. This week - just ignoring him.

    Im bored and I have cabin fever. I want it to be warm. I want to be outside planting flowers and working in my garden. Maybe go for a walk, hey - I would even settle for pulling weeds at this point.

    Vickie: Cant wait to see the afghan. Im gonna get some pretty yarn today. And where are you hiding Madison?

    I cant believe Mardi Gras is here! So thats where Madison is.

    It sure has been quiet on the boards this week-end. Yesterday my husband kept asking me "why arnt you on the computer?" And I said, I dont know - but I just didnt have the desire to do anything. Except crochet squares that wont be going anywhere.

    Hoping you all have a great day.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    I guess that means Nicki is gonna have a barbeque party outside.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007

    Jasmine: Oh a BBQ sounds wonderful. Just have to dig it out from under the 3 foot snow drift in my backyard. Yes anther sign, Winter is still with us!

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    Ok for all you girls bored on the can help i can't be doing tthe puter thing,,I'll never be ready for you all...
    Nicki...I haven't seen your name on the camp out????hmmmm what you don't like
    Cy Niagara Falls is about 2 hours away...raod trip can be
    Jan...sorry you can't make it but understand..
    Laura ...well some things are important...
    NS you are so the pic...
    LAdies it looks like AUg 4th is the best date to get most of the CG here so I'll be changing the post...Please try to make it ...and next year Pickstock will be planned for July...maybe somewhere in the middle...or back here if you want.. so all those not able to attend this and video will be available...I do love to have people over....a friend who is a 5 yr survivor is spending time with her...and if its ok I'd like to invite her to the CG event...? let me know...
    love this weekend
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning sweet sisters,
    No I did not just get up LOL. Got up and read a few posts and realized that the battery in my clock is on it's last legs and the time was wrong! Jump in the shower, grab the kids and off to church. Just in time.
    Karen first...aww sweetie I'm sending you warm hugs. I too was almost a year out of treatment and crying all the time. I don't know why (well...guess there was a million reasons actually)but everything would make me cry...heck I couldn't watch pudding commercials without crying! I finally talked to my pcp and she tried Celexa...nope...made me really sick...Effexor...really sick...finally Lexapro which gave me an upset stomach so I took just half of one at night with food for a week and then started a whole one...WOW...I truly feel so much like me! I told me breast surgeon that I wasn't happy adding one more pill to the mix and she said "If you have a headache you take Tylenol...if you have a heartache, your are down in the dumps, you can't cope, you take an antidepressant...and it's ok because you need to have a good quality of life and NOT suffer needlessly." Just giving you something to consider.
    Cheri don't tell me that I have to use that potty to spend quality time with you !!! LOL.
    CY...ok...I am sooo brain changed your name!!! I didn't even know it was you until you mentioned Cloe...don't know when I missed it but I did.
    Nicki...morning sweet girl...send the plain squares to!!! I have lots of multicolored ones and the plain ones work nicely next to the others. Determined to finish the afghan this weekend...yippee!
    Deb...cream cheese on everything...oh I like that idea. No baby news yet but I probably won't hear from DSS until this week.
    Madison...where are you?
    Mena...come out and play...Cheri is getting into trouble all by herself (I of course never get in trouble LOL).
    Boo...I didn't do the BRCA testing as after the counseling they said there was less than a 1% chance that I carry the gene. I wasn't sure if I wanted it or not and in the end I guess it didn't matter. My daughter and my syblings are being extra vigilant just in case and I ride them about it constantly!
    Lots of catching up to do and I love the I get one...pretty please. Don't tell anyone but I'm keeping the good witch dress! shhhh...we are keeping the ruby slippers too...we deserve them. I could use the tin mans oil can for my achey bones so I just might swipe that with all the other wonderful things from our stay at the Emerald City. What a weekend it has been.
    Missing many but gotta get the house picked up (I swear I have gremlins that come out at night and make messes that I know weren't there when I went to bed), work on painting and finish the afghan.
    Sending lots of love and hugs to everyone
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2007
    Just checking in. This play is keeping really busy. We don't get home until 11:00, so been pretty tired. We do matinees on Sundays, so will be an earlier night.

    I love reading all your silliness, but am not very good at taking notes. I just know Vickie and Cheri are having way too much fun.

    Can I have some sapphires? That's my "signature" stone. Whenever someone in my family buys me jewelry, that's what they get. I was thinking about changing my name to Sapphire at one time.

    Deb, please come and cook at my house! You always seem to put together well balanced meals. I'm lucky to do an entree, let alone other dishes. I put some chile in the crock pot today. At least there will be dinner when I get home.

    Looking outside at some beautiful snow. It's supposed to be all gone tomorrow. I love it, but am looking forward to spring.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited February 2007
    Good morning girls - thought I would take a quick peek before Miriam and I get busy sorting girl scout cookies to deliver. Then this afternoon she wants to see Bridge to Terabithia - she just finished reading the book.
    Cheri, Cy, Nicki, Susan, Vickie thanks for all your hugs - group hugs can be so nice. I will talk to the doc - probably the sleep doc on tuesday - my first visit. I am kind of nervous about seeing him and I know him from synagogue - ususually I stay away from doctors that I know - what spill your guts and then share a meal with them!!!!. I should clarify - I don't cry all the time - I do okay at work, its more just at night when I am overtired and achy and like friday when my expectations were too high. I know I need to find the right anti-depressant and I know it can be trial and error. I do know Effexor and Lexapro and nos. I was just hungry all the time on lexapro and gained 10+ pounds that i don't want to put back on. ITs been a few years and don't really remember how exactly i felt on it. But whatever I take, I still want to be able to cry when the time is right. I know with some SSRI's people have great difficulty crying. Will keep you posted, and thanks again for the hugs.
    Well need to get busy. Be back later.
    Karen in Denver
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2007

    Karen-an extra HUG from me. I know how awful depression can be. You are a special person. Know you are loved.