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  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Morning All,

    I had a marathon day cooking yesterday for DD's that live out of state.

    Vickie, I did make 10 more squares, so I have a total of 40 squares completed. I have sent my home address to a number of our helpers.

    Karen, I am sending you hugs...I know that many of us have gone through crying, sleepless nights. I take a sleeping bill when necessary. I also take 75 mg of Wellbutrin 2 times a day for depression. I did not like the way Paxil or Prozac made me feel, so Welbutrin was the one anti-depressant that worked for me.

    Nicki, did you dig out the bar-b-que pit?
    Yesterday I made 5 lbs of spagetti and meatballs, 5 lbs of chili, 4 lbs of crawfish etouffee AND 4 lbs of hot dog I plan to make a HUGE pot of gumbo....all to freeze and send to my girls.

    Boo, I am considering doing the BRCA testing, mainly for my 3 daughters...

    Hi to all, I have to go do the duel between the cooking spoons and the crochet needle today....

    Also, I am still scared of the wicked witch and those horrible monkeys that fly.....I will not venture out of the Emerald City.....

    Hugs, Madison
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Midmorning here is the Chicago area and just checking in. Exercised liked a good girl. Walked 1.6 miles. Ran out and bought some yarn. Pretty, multicolored. Fun working with it. I will send half to Vickie and half to Madison!!

    Vickie: Its a good thing you said send the plain old borning squares to you. I almost threw them away.

    PurpleMB: You right, I havent said anything about Pinkstock. Dont know if I will be able to come. Still just listening about it. Im not a camper person. Mosquitos just love me. Remember now, Im a Chicago girl, not a country girl. It sure sounds like fun though.

    Karen: Hope your having a better day. I tried Zoloft once and gained weight from it. Im sure you will find the right combination that works for you. I dont cry all the time either. But I know, without my antidepressant I would be an unhappy camper.

    Sheri: Keeping busy is good. Not home til 11:00pm? OMG! Im in bed a 7pm. Ya know I really have to get a life.

    Madison: First of all those flying monkeys still scare me. They sure are creepy! The Cowardly Lion was always my favorite character. Still is today. What are you doing for Mardi Gras? I sure didnt dig out that BBQ! Stuck my head out the door, looked at it, and laughed. I did 25 wall push ups today.

    Well, guess its back to squares! BBL

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    ooooo thank you so much Cheri. Of course I'll share.
    Good Morning ladies. Another day waking up with a monster headache. Think I'm gonna break down and take some sinus stuff today. I'll be pinging but I am so tired of this pounding head and achey face.
    Onc said he thinks the headache is due to my neck being totally out of wack from the osteo? Who the hell knows. I just want a drug that will make it go away. Stupid weather isn't helping either. Yesterday it was 70F and I was outside doing yard work in a tank top. Today it's flippin freezing out there and grey and foggy. Whine whine whine, pass the cheese please.

    Deb, the ski meet sounded fun. Have never been skiing. The thought of strapping little sticks to my feet and going downhill at high speed has just never appealed to me.
    Dumpster Diving Eagles. Now that would be a site. I was amazed at all the Bald Eagles we saw when hubby and I took our cruise last year. Sitting in the trees in the towns, just like the black birds do here. WOW!!! Majestic creatures. Even if they do get their food from dumpsters.

    Vicki, good for you. My goal is 110. Or so my doc tells me. I don't think I'll ever see it no matter how much ice cream I eat. Was 106 before my appendicitis. Dropped to 98 after two days of puking my guts up. Back up to 103 and holding steady now.
    No "I hate you's" girls. Being skin and bones aint all its cracked up to be. No matter what the magazines say.

    CY, the piss? hahahahahhaha I know what you meant but that was tooo funny.

    hi susan, good morning.

    Cheri, hahahhahahahahhahha. I really don't want to be that close to hubby.

    yarn will not get the better of me. I am stronger than any little metal hook.
    Gonna go get some real yarn at wally world today. Trying like heck to remember why I bought this silly stuff in the first place. Also found a roll of that fancy "hairy" yarn. It's soooo pretty, but what the hell do I do with it? I'm sure I had a plan at one time or another.

    Denise, acting all stupid is the norm for boys isn't it?

    MB, niagra falls. O crap now I'm gonna really have to figure out how to make it happen. Are hotels close? I so don't do camping. This bod needs a bed to sleep in.

    Hi Vicki, don't work to hard today.
    Love you new sig line.

    Sheri, so happy Opening Night went well. How long does the play run?

    karen, Bridge to Terebithia. Such a sad story. I miss having kids in school. I used to read everything they read. Had to keep up on what the system was putting into my kids brains.
    Good thing about that is now I know all the "good" books to read to my grands.
    Have fun with the cookies. You can send a few boxes my way.

    Madison. Darn thats a lot of cooking. Will you send some to me too?

    Off in search of sinus meds. I know I have some somewhere in this house.
    Have a great day girls.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    yarn will not get the better of me. I am stronger than any little metal hook."

    Feel the the hook....or some existential crapola like that! LOLOL
  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited February 2007
    Nicki - I'm going to try to make it to Pinkstcck - originally from Western NY - but I will be in a hotel - mosquitoes LOVE me too...So if the camping is putting you off - then come stay with those of us in nearby hotels...

    Have a ton of work to do today - plus take DD back to school - so I'll catch up later...


  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Hi all!

    Busy day today. Both my DSs and DILs are coming with the grandkids for dinner. I made a big pot of vegetable beef soup and got some nice crusty bread to have with it. I'm slobbering just thinking about it and smelling it! We live on a pretty big hill and we are all going sledding. The neighbor kids come over and snowboard down my front yard . It's pretty steep. We'll have to keep the little kids out back where it's not quite so steep.

    Vickie, ppfft!!! Which stiff, uh, man did you think I was talking about Of course you get to keep the Glenda dress!! You have to promise to wear it to Pinkstock! Maybe you could ride Mazer through town, like Lady Godiva, except with lots and lots of crinelin (sp).

    Sheri, congrats on the opening night success!

    Joyce, it took a long time for my taste buds to come back. It's still not the same. I have a fuuny taste on the back of my tongue. I'm not sure if it is from Arimidex or left over from chemo .

    Cheri, my birthstone is sapphire, but oooooohhhhh can I have some diamonds???

    Karen, you have every right to be depressed. You have been through a lot! Your hand will get better. It will just take time.

    Oops! The grandkids are here early. Gotta go!!!!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    Jas you are to pickin funny.
    Just got back from walmart. Got some real yarn and a round nifty knitter. They didn't have the straight one.
    So here we go. Off to conquer the yarn.

    Ginney, I'm seriously going to TRY to talk the dear hubby into going. I'll be willing to share a room with anyone that wants to.

    Jan, I take my grands to go play in the snow once a year. It is my grammie duty. We have fun, get all wet and cold, come home, have hot chocolate.

    Wish me luck girls. I will figure this out yet.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    Hi Ladies,
    Just a quick scan of posts before Granddaughter gets up from her nap. I tell you, she will be 3 the end of April. There is no better feeling than to hold a little one in your arms as they are falling asleep. She can be a real pistol but so sweet!! DD and SIL coming for dinner and to pick her up. I have it so rough..........DH is out in the kitchen making chili while I'm reading. Going to make a couple squares while she's down also!
    Madison, have the squares arrived yet?
    More later,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Oh wow...wearing the Glenda dress to pinkstock would be sooo cool. Now I gotta really go borrow one. I'll find a magic wand too! I think we should talk to a local car dealership about a mini Pinkstock Parade...convertibles with slogans and drive through town...wouldn't that be a hoot. Of course you'd all have to keep the men with the staright jackets away from me!
    Feel the the hook....or some existential crapola like that! LOLOL
    OH that had me laughing! The paintbrush has officially gotten the best of me for one day. I have two walls painted and had no idea how big my living room is!! Who's foolish idea was this...oh idea...can't blame chemo brain on this one! I do have to say I am loving the red though.
    Shirley...gaining weight is HARD! I lost so much weight I looked like a friggin skeleton and heard it from everyone. I got so sick of people saying "oh man, your really skinny"...h*ll yes, I'm do four friggin months of chemo, surgery and six weeks of rads thinking the whole time your not going to make it and see how your appetite holds up...geez. I had a women I work with one day(she was touring some people)say..."Gee your losing more weight all the time" and I had had it so I said "No actually I think you've gained so I'm looking smaller." Shut her up. It was a comment that someone here posted that I should say and never thought I'd have the nerve but, come on, you don't walk up to someone who is struggling with being overweight and say "Gee, your getting bigger all the time."
    Nicki...crochet away dear. I am going to finish number one today and will try to post a picture later!
    Madison...glad your getting some are you crocheting in your sleep girl!
    Hmmm...gotta send Sheri some sapphires. We'll see if we can find some big ones.
    Shel, Mena, NS, Cheri, Liz, were the heck is everyone? Playin around with the muchkin would be my guess.
    Gotta get to back later
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Nicki, it has been very quiet on here this week-end. I stay bored. I like it when this place is busy. Glad you got out and got some exercise I'm sure that you made you feel better.

    Shirley, you are where I'll be with the crocheting this week. I have to send Amber to town to pick out my yarn and I guess I need a 'G' hook? I know the yarn is to be washable but that's all I know. Madison is sending me some info along with a book, though.

    Jan, of course you may have any of the gemstones you want. That's alot of cooking. Wish I liked to cook. My dd likes to so I benefit from that. She & her dh have gone to the store for me then she's cooking dinner here.

    I was just getting out of the shower when dd & her family came. Ethan loved all over me. Little Kevin went to he 'Pa' with outstretched arms. My dh later tried to get him to sit on my lap & he screamed NO. I've tried messing with him and he just turns his back away from me. lol I don't know what's wrong with that baby. I tried to get him on my lap and he kicked and yelled...he is such a sweet child. He's just turned so opposite of my little Ethan. He is 2yrs old and very anti-social. And mean. I don't let him get away with throwing large heavy objects at my head from just out of reach. I can still hobble around & swat his little behind. Maybe that's why he doesn't like me? lol

    I don't talk about my 8yr old stepGS much. They have him full time because his 27yr old Mama died of bc 2 years ago. My dd & her dh have broke up so many times that I'm scared to get too close to Triston. I don't treat him any different than the other 2, in fact, I proabably over-compensate. But deep down I just don't want to get hurt if they break up again.

    My dd is back from the store so I must go. Be back later.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    good sunday afternoon ladies!!!
    well i am about recovered from the frenchmen party... hahhahaha
    lol cheri thats some toliet omg i couldnt even imagine.... uck!!!!!!!
    well its that time again of the month and major bad cramps... so i am not doing to much... maybe just grocery shopping!! so bbl have a great day ladies!!!
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2007
    Hi Girrls,
    It is quiet here. I have been busy trying to keep Kevin busy but we are bored! He is taking a nap now so I thought I would check in. Thank you Karen and Vickey he would love to receive something in the mail. He is 14 but a young 14. I am not sure if it is because he is the youngest or because we babied him because of all his health issues.He is what we call a old soul.In some ways he is old beyond his years.I will send you my address.
    Thanks for reassuring me about the taste buds. I was told before it could take 3 months. They are better but not like they were. It doesn't stop me from eating though!

    Karen-I hope you are feeling better. I get the cries too sometimes. I was given Lexapro it did help. I find having a glass of wine helps too!
    I have to start taking notes because now I can't remember who I wanted to answer.UGHHHHHHHHHHH!
    I am making dinner for the boys and my son's fiance. We have Chicken,corn,rice,mashed potatoes and asparagus.Come on over!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    well here we are. several hours and many do overs later.....I FINISHED A SQUARE!!!!
    Or a rectangle. whatever the case may be. My hand hurts. Tried the nifty knitter too. That was to easy. Is it supposed to be so loose?

    Denise, I adore little ones. They start to lose their charm about 7 for me.

    Vicki, hahahahhahahahhaha good for you. I get tired of the comments too. My standard response is "it's genetic" Can I help it if my parents were itty bitty.

    Cheri, you me and Amy are gonna be crocheting fools.
    Do you think little Kevin is reacting to you going thru treatment and such for all of his little life?

    Tracey, glad your recovering. Frenchmen can be dangerous.

    Joyce, bored is good. Means he's getting better. Dinner sounds yummy. We're having jambalya, however it's spelled.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    Good afternoon all. We had a beautiful day here. It must have been in the 50's.

    Joyce, chicken, corn and mashed potatoes are some my favorite foods. I"ll be right over.

    Sherloc, if you have a whole square done, you are ahead of me.

    Vicki we need a picture of you in the Glenda dress for our Pinkstock posters. NS has to be on there also. I'll make the posters.

    My dh says he is willing to go. Mosquitos like me also. Who knows we may cause a biological shift in the eco system with all the mosquitos moving to NY.

    NS hope you are doing well. Sending you good thoughts.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Hi all...
    Well Cheri...and where have you been all day...playing with your little munchkins I see.
    Shirley...are you using two strands of yarn on the nifty comes out tighter that way.
    Tracey...I missed a frenchman party! did that happen?!?
    Hi Susan...I am looking on ebay for a Glenda dress...oh boy is this going to be some party! NS simply has to be there and if she can make it to my house she can come the rest of the way with me.
    NS my dear...little lecture comin up so look out. I know your down, scared, worried, frustrated and just plain fed up but know that we have you completely surrounded with our wagons, our hearts, our prayers. Come ahead and whine with are our "wagon circle founder" and we need you but right now you need us more. Sending you warm hugs. Love ya sister.
    Joyce...mmmmm...I'm on my way over too. I'll see what I can find for Kevin. Is he into the super hero comic books? Does he like to read at all...I know he likes the gaming magazines but is he interested in anything else...model car building maybe?
    Well three coats of paint on three walls...I love this's bright and bold and pretty unexpected but really pretty at the same time. Long ways to go before it's finished...gonna take me a while I do fear!
    Off to finish the afghan.
    Jeannie my dear...are you coming down to Ithaca this week? I just realized I can't mail the afghan until Tuesday as Monday is a holiday so you will get to see it if your in town.
    Love ya all
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    Gee Vickie, I've never had trouble gaining weight! Maybe we can arrange somesort of a fat exchange, you know, like Christmas Cookie exchanges! I'm just kidding....I know it is hard for you.

    Okay Shirley, You just ruined my evening....The knifty knitter is "to Easy?" I prefer to call it "user friendly!" I like the straight loom best for the squares.

    Kids just left, so I'm going to read some posts, knit some squares and collapse.
    Love to you all,
  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited February 2007

    WELL, HELLO CG'S! I have finally risen from what felt like death. I got hit with the flu bug really bad and I HAD A STINKING FLU SHOT THIS YEAR!!!!!! I started feeling like I was getting a slight cold on Wed when we got hit with the ice storm and I had to dig out for work, my back felt achey but thought is was that well boy was I wrong, it wiped me out! but I am back and see that I have missed alot. I am going to try and read some back pages. I hope everyone is well!! missed seeing you all. will check back in later. kids are off tomorrow due to the holiday. wont have much time so hopefully will catch up soon! have a great night!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    My gosh, where is everyone? You all don't actually have lives beyond this computer do you? Huh, don't hold out on me! Someday I'm gonna have a life again beyond sitting here on my behind all day & half the night. Alas, but for now, I'll roam all over the web and check in here regularly.

    Denise, dear. How nice for you that you were holding your sweet little GD in your arms as she fell asleep. lol The only way I could hold my GS would be if I held him down!

    Shirley, congrats on Mine will be so bad but i am gonna give it a try. I'm thinking over your thought about little Kevin being the way he is because of my tx. *thinking very hard, hands under chin* Nah, I don't think that's it. He just plain doesn't like his Grandmother. I can't buy his love (Lord knows I've tried) or tease with him, he'll just turn his little back & walk away! It's gotten to be almost a running joke around here cos he loves my dh. Up until a month ago the child lived here almost ALL his little life. You would've thought he'd have developed some sort of fondness for this ole gal. He'll get in the fridge & bring a bottle of chocolate syrup over to me to make milk for him, or he'll come over for me to open something for him, or fix something for him...sometimes. Oh well. I think I'm gonna start ignoring HIM and see if he notices. He may just be toying with me bacause he knows he can. lol

    Vickie, Shirley, and you other skinny girls (and you do know who you are) there is no way in hell I would go to Pinkstock & be around all you little cute women! I'm bigger than both you girls put together! And the way it looks I'll still be that way in Aug. Nope, uh-huh. no way, couldn't drag me. (more ways than one, lol) But you all just carry your lil skinny selves on up North and have a grand time but Big Mama goin to be stayin at the house!

    NS, are you hovering about? Hope your doing well and remember we miss you. Hell I miss everybody! What a rotten week-end.

    Tsk Tsk, I don't see to be in very good humor. Don't know why, maybe tired.

    I'm sure i'll be back,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Ok there Miss Cheri...I got news for you! There is no way we can have Pinkstock without you and if use skinny gals gotta drive to Missouri and hogtie your a$$ we will. I'm telling you we can get quite a posse going. Do you honestly think we care one iota what you look like!!! Goodness girl...I need my partner in crime...I love you for YOU...I don't know what most of the girls here look like but love em all anyways so there! How do you like them apples sweet pea!
    OH...WAIT A MINUTE...your gonna let them guys with the staight jackets get me! I see what's goin on now LOL. I'm gonna find Mena to get you out of you funk sweet lady.

    Maaadddiiisssoooonnnnn....Cheri is trying to desert us. She thinks she can go AWOL!!

    Denise...a fat exhange would be a great idea...maybe they can easily build me new boobs!
    Oh my back to crocheting and getting these kids off to bed before I go bonkers. know I love ya right?

    Hugs and love to all
    Sweet dreams...although I'll probably be back
    My name is Vickie and I'm a boardaholic.
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007
    I'm coming down Tuesday and have some squares. Do you need them or should I send on to Madison (I think there are 18 of them). Slowly going into crochet withdrawal with this hand all bandaged up! I'll drop them off mid afternoon if you need them unless you have time for lunch. It's my turn if you do.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Hi can drop these off with me and it will give me just enough to do the second afghan and save you on shipping. Mid afternoon is fine...I will have Nathaniel and my neice with me at work this week so it should be an interesting week!! LOL. They are actually both very good and very helpful.
  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited February 2007
    OH NO Cheri - you are not allowed to think of how you look to decide about this gathering.

    FYI - I have a scar on my neck, a half-finished tram flap with no nipple and a divot, a smiley scar on my abdomen from one side to the other from the same operation, varicose veins and spider veins so that my left leg is blue. My skin is like crepe paper and my ass is now part of my thighs. I will be wearing shorts and sleeveless tops because it's Western NY in the summer - and I am beautiful - and so are YOU! Don't you dare forget that!!

    (picture me wagging my finger at you...)

    Sorry to be so rough - but you are....


  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Sounds like Pinkstock '08 needs to be at Cheri's!

    Shirley & Vickie. I understand the problems with being too skinny. I was 5'9" am only 98 lbs for the longest time. Unfortunately I an not well over 200 lbs! So I've been on both sides of the weight fermce.

    OK every sees what happens when Cy stays up and can't see straight! it was suppose to be PICS not piss! LOL

    Spent the day in the spa tent. manicure, pedicure fish lunch, retail therapy!

    Vickie, Hope Nate like horses and red! And Derrik's will be blue & Orange with Fish! You should see them in about two weeks, If I can get myself off the puter to do them!

    Joyce What does Kevin like? I want to make him something too!

    Ok off to watch Open Season. BB l8tr
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited February 2007
    hey ya'll..........i just walked in the door and can actually get near mackenzies computer lol! my laptop is ready, i just need to make some time to go and pick it up this week.

    vickie........i sent you a money order on friday to help with the way in hell i'm learning to knit at this juncture in my "unartistic" life!!!!!!! so i hope the cash is helpful.

    cheri..........cut the bullshit about appearances girl..........this is the only place i know where we are all beautiful, valued, respected, EQUALS as women!!!!!!!!! i ain't "all that" myself, but i'm going, and i'll join vickie in dragging you there if i have to!

    this is our "safe place" worries, no competition, no comparisons, no vanity etc. etc........just a bunch of girls from all walks of life who've been handed a raw deal, but managed to rise above it and keep on keepin on! so don't let me hear you self deprecating again lady!

    ok..........i've stepped away from my little soapbox..........going to bed, i've got to be in london (2 hours away from me) by 6am for genetic testing and a biopsy and an onc/gyn consult.......(then shopping, if time permits and i feel up to it lol).

    wish me luck, i've been dreading this trip for a while!

    love to all, shel
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    cheri you have a ride to pinkstock. i'm older than you and fatter too! We are going to show off our surgery scars!!!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited February 2007
    Hi Girls - Miriam and I went to see the Bridge to Terabithia - she knew the story as she just finished the book, but she did not tell me!!! I bawled my eyes out at the movie. The sweet thing was wiping the tears off of my face. It was a great movie - but may not have gone if I knew there was sad parts, so Miriam was smart not to tell me. She thanked me a couple times for taking her. She is so wise beyond her year (she will be 9 nexct month).
    Sheri and Madison - thanks for the hugs and kind words, I really felt them and appreciate it.
    Biker - crinoline (or however it is spelled). I so remember it in dresses as a little girl - it wa so itchy, maybe we can spare Vickie the itchy part in her dress.
    Vickie - just loved your comment
    Joyce - Pm me your address, I will look to put a care package for Kevin - how about cookies and candy? What type of things does he like?
    Mena, Madison, Boo, Always hope, Michelle, Denise, Lini, MB, Amy, Tracey, Nicki, NS and everyone else - sweet dreams and have a good day tomorrow. Karen in Denver
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2007
    I am here!
    I have been doing my usual tasmanian devil routine to keep from thinking about this!

    I have clothes and pjs bought, walls painted, food cooked and frozen...

    I keep reading about this gathering at MBs. It sounds so wonderful... I wish I knew what or who or where I will be in August!!! I don't even know what or who I will be next week! I already have a MAP to MBs... so I am ahead of the game!!

    HOW is everyone doing? I worry about YOU guys and want to know what each and every one of you is up to until I log on and see I am behind 200 posts! ACK!!!!

    Now hear this: Stop worrying about me! I am fine just in Denial Land. Everything is moving along and it will all be over with and then onto the next gig.

    I just wish you all would SLOW DOWN so a girl can catch up!!

    Love you,
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited February 2007
    Just dropping in to say hi. Had a busy day with DS. DH is still out of town till tommorrow night. Read the posts but didn't take notes and who can remember anything these days.
    Shel - Good luck with your very busy day tomorrow.
    Posted a note on the afgan thread. I used to crochet but it was many years ago. May just give it a try but I won't promise success.
    Sleep well all.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2007
    Part 2
    All of you girls with immediate recon, did you have a compression garment to wear after surgery?? or do I need to go get one?
    And what do I do with all my bras? I was straightening out my drawers today and wondering if I should save them or not!
    Isn't that weird?? It brought back the memory of when my mother took me to go get my first bra... fiber fill and all...
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    haahaa Cheri...looks like the posse is rounding up! No way your getting away with goin AWOL!

    Karen...I sooo want to see Bridge to Terabithia but will have to wait for the DVD...darn. Don't know if I can handle the sad parts but I just have to see it!

    Shel...where in the world have you been!!! No fair poppin in and out on us and makin us worry. Geez...we have a posse you know and we're getting pretty good at hunting people down. LOL...and thanks for the donation...I am keeping receipts too so all is above board. If anyone needs help with yarn, shipping whatever just pm me and I'll send help your one to be left out for lack of funds or supplies!
    CY...Nate loves red and horses...what are you up to there sweetie. You sure pegged him right. He's my little cowboy.
    Cheri...pop back in here sweet lots of comments goin on about you! and lots of love.