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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Hey NS...sweet girl...we were posting at the same time...sending you love out there in denial land! Have missed you and you can ride with me to MB's...August is a long ways off and you should be just fine by then (I'm the good witch Glenda so I can say so and make it be true!!!) and if your a bit sore we will take such good care of you you won't believe it!
    Love ya
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited February 2007
    NS - missed your post while I was typing. Glad to see you. My you are busy. If you run out of things to do around your place I have a couple of rooms in great need of remodeling. Besides it's a lot warmer down here for walks on the beach.
    Promise I'll ship you back by the 3rd.
    Next to denial land FL is a close second.
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007
    I saved all of my bras but don't ask me why---I'm a totally different shape now. I'm still wearing the surgical compression bras I got to carry me thru revisions (something you won't have to do) and still wearing them since they are comfy. When I am totally done my gift to myself will be a trip to Lord and Taylors to have a real fitter figure out just what the heck size I am now.

    Glad you have just been busy. Sounds like you cope the same way I do----can't rest until the freezer is full. My kids don't call me Quick Thaw McGraw for nothing!

    BTW all---the hand is doing well. Intersting handicaps---have you ever tried to wash your HAND? Was having trouble washing my face until SO (who is a retired engineer) suggested I wash my hand with my face---it worked! Looks really silly but it works. Now if I could just figure out how to blow dry my hair......

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited February 2007
    gina..........first mast was a train wreck........i was bound up in tensor bandages for quite a while and actually had the imprint of 2 hands in bright blackish purple bruising with gross swelling on my right flank and my front rib area...........the recovery sucked, and i wore a ridiculousy tight zip in front sports bra for months. if i took it off for more than an hour or two i was literally doubled over and in tears from the referred pain in my back and ribs. plus i had the drains for over a month and still leaked tons of fluid out of the stab wound for weeks after it was removed!

    second mast was pretty "breezy" because no lymph nodes were taken and i was actually landscaping on day 5 (drains and all), just made sure to wear my 3 sizes too small speedo sports bra (it was so tight i couldn't do it up without a second pair of hands lol! but bare in mind that my PS was absolutely useless on every level, so i was never prescribed any specialty garments (even though i have ample coverage) because she thinks everything is "overkill" and treats her BC patients like "wimps".

    long story short...........the binding was/still is a godsend!

    edited to say..........i NEVER EVER go without a top of the line bra since exchange...........they are so far apart and unevenly matched that i can't even face myself in a mirror without them hiked up and over in a bra.........but the lack of nipples doesn't help in my case! make sure they leave enough for nipple creation, make sure, make sure, make sure lol!!!!!!!! i never dreamed i would be this disappointed, and i surely never got even remotely what was discussed.............and DON'T do them separately............mine are 2 totally different sizes and there is absolutely no extra skin to rectify the situation!

    don't mean to freak you out, but i've "lived and learned" the hard way, and wouldn't wish my atrocities on even my worst enemy!!!!!!
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited February 2007

    NS - PS put me in a post surgical bra to wear the first week - then i went out and bought some "jog" bras at Walmart (Bestform brand) - 5 hooks in the front - one cup size fits ABC that I wore for the next several weeks. Since then I have only worn little girl cami undershirts that I got at Target. I still have all my bras. I am going to bring them to PS at my pre-op visit on the 6th for exchange surgery - I hope he has sample implants of the size he is recommending for me!!! I want to make sure that I am no bigger than before BC. Don't know if I will be able to use the old bras again, but just couldn't get rid of them yet. They have been sitting in a bag in my closet since my mastectomy almost one year ago. PS nurse said to go buy a "friday" bra to wear after the surgical bra comes off one week post exchange. Don't know what a friday bra is - haven't gone looking yet. AT one point, PS nurse said I wouldn't need to wear a bra after implants were put in. Who know!!! Cami's are more comfortable Thinking of you and wishing you well. I'll be there with you (as the rest of the circle will be on the 6th). Karen in Denver

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited February 2007 worries, i'm fine!

    i know i never say much anymore, but i have some confidentiality issues that really weigh heavily on my mind (as most of you know), so i try to be very choosy with what i post!

    i never meant to make you worry girlfriend...........none of this is new for me. i geuss i just haven't been "sharing" much lately around here...........but i've been trying (rather unsuccessfully lol) not to wear my heart on my sleeve in "public" because of my lousy experience with mike before christmas!

    put the money to whatever use you see fit, and DO NOT HESITATE to let me know if ya'll need more...........that i can do anytime!!!!!!!!! and it's the least i can do!

    so much for sleeping tonight...........geuss i'll be sleeping on the way to london instead lol!

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007
    A quick hello and I'll catch up later and post more tomorrow. I've been helping a friend pack up and get ready to move. Now I remember why I still live here. LOL

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    NS, I had an immediate free tram. My PS had me wear basically a tube top (remember those) that had hooks in front to close it. I wore that for a few weeks and then she had me switch to a sports bra, again with the hooks in front. I actually wore those for quite awhile. Went to Nordstrom and bought two. I now wear regular bras but I get mine from Macy's or Nordstrom because I need a good quality bra. I donated all my old ones because they no longer fit.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Shel was so good to see you on here. We will all be with you tomorrow. Things are going to get better. We love you girl!

    NS, If you decide you want to get rid of your bras I'm sure the womens shelter would be happy to take them.
    Fact is I know there are many womens shelters out there that need colthes that will help women feel confident when going for job interview or to work. and basics are are big key!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Alright already! My goodness I feel the love, girls. It is just flowing into my heart. I didn't know you all cared so much. Ok, so I had a "moment." Reading about all of you lil skinny girls depressed me just a bit but I am doing fine now. I opened a bag of chips & some cheese dip and read all those soapbox posts and all is right in my world! I am planning on going to Pinkstock. No definite plans about it yet but I will be there if ya all are. (I'm afraid not to cos you guys skeared me!)

    Vickie, the mental image of you 'kicking my ass' is sooo funny! I loved it. lol

    Ginney, Cy, and Susan, thanks you all. What good friends that someday soon I'm actually going to meet!

    Shel! Missed ya girl. Nice to see you posting. Come out & about more often.

    NS, miss you and glad to see a post from you. Nobody ever said you were are 'Fearless Leader' so it's good to come here cos you can just be yourself. So if you were thinking you couldn't show weakness you're wrong. Honey, we ALL get scared.

    You know the more I roam around the more I love this place! I remember just less than 3 months ago I was sooo depressed, didn't know why and looked around these boards. I recall reading through the Circle thread and I thought I'd take a chance. I posted what must've been a very pitiful little post and geez! The warmth and friendliness mixed with the support and understanding was amazing. I knew I'd found my niche. My little corner. It's a crazy world out there. Glad to be here where it's safe. Thanks.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    back to say good night. I have 1.5 squares done. And the cutest pickin little hat from the nifty knitter. I think it might fit a cabbage patch doll. Ran out of yarn. How many squares should I get from one ball of yarn?

    My head hurts so I'll catch up tomorrow.
    Just want to say Cheri I am very happy you changed your mind. I second, ditto, and Amen everything that has been said. We are SISTERS. Sisters do not compare themselves to each other. We LOVE each other with our hearts and souls.

    See you all tomorrow.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Yeah Cheri,
    Now I have to find a way to Pinkstock just so I can give you a bear hug!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Just came by to sing a lullaby and tuck you guys in for the night. I hope that all of you that have had trouble sleeping have had a visit from the sandman by now. Sweet Dreams sisters…

    Deb C

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2007
    Hi Ladies..we went out to the park this afternoon to see an exhibit at the art museum...sold out ...Plan B...walked around Balboa Park and out for dinner...
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Lisa, beautiful picture. You're a very good photographer if you're the one that took the pic. Sounds like you had a lovely day even tho the art show was sold out. The weather looked wonderful too.

    I've been trying to figure out the simple steps (and I know they're simple) for posting an avatar. Could be that it's just too darn late or early for my mind to be working. I think it must've quit working a few hours ago. So I'll try again after i've had some sleep. Course I wouldn't be trying to just post a simple pic. I'm trying to get a 'Zwinky' on here.

    Madison, I was getting excited about receiving your book & directions & thought it might be in tomorrows mail then someone reminded there was no mail because its a holiday. Maybe tues. Anxious to get started.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    good morning sweet sisters,
    Nicki..time to make the donuts...I know your out there!
    Only got a minute with two kids to get ready before heading off to is the afghan...finished!!!
    I'll be back later when I get a break at work.
    Love and hugs all around
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Hee Hee Hee Vickie! I wasnt lurking lol. Woke up a little late and was all psyched up to go exercise. Put the coffee on and thought I would peak in while it was brewing. Got a pm from NS which really brightened my day. And guess what I blew off. Exercise. Yeppers - ya cant just peak in here, its too addicting. So I guess I will exercise when I get home from work today.

    The afghan is beautiful. I see some royal blue and tan squares and they look pretty good. I managed to make 5 squares last night from the new yarn I bought. Guess I better start mailing them before it costs too much money

    Just listened to the news. My goodness, its gonna be 38 degrees today. Yee Haw - bring out the flip flops! We broke a record here in Chicago for the longest stretch of days below freezing for this time of the year. Better have my boots, cause with all this snow starting to melt, its gonna be messy.

    NS: Talk about weird! My goodness its 20 months post op for me and I still have my old bra's in my drawer! Dont fit into any of them. Guess I should just toss them and buy new ones. Glad to hear you are so organized. Tazmanian Devil ahahahaha. Im picturing that cartoon character zipping through your house. Keeping busy is good. Making those meals and freezing them is great. You are gonna be really glad you did that the first week after surgery. Good luck with your tests this week.

    Vickie: Seems like we need to get the posse for alot of people! Robin, Peggy, Puppyfive, Baldeagle are just of few!

    Jeannie: Girl, you just told my story. I dont know what size I am. A trip to Lord and Taylors sounds great. I have one piece fitters that I wear, but mostly to hide my belly fat. I dont really fill the cups.

    Ya knw, I really need a day for myself. Get a manicure and pedicure, and go buy new bra's. Maybe that would lift my spirits. I feel so unattractive right now. Im trying to grow my hair to a longer length and right now it looks awful. I look like a frumpy old lady.

    Well with all this tak about reconstruction, I will add my 2 cents. I dont have answers for you NS cause I had expanders/implants. I went braless for months. Had an ace bandage as binding for 4 days. Drains and binding came off during my first follow up visit with my PS. I havent found bras because Im just too fat. Hard to find the right cup size when you are a 42! So as I lose weight, Im sure my new boobs will look bigger.

    Cheri: Im with you. When I was younger, I was very skinny, and now Im fat! So its hard to imagine not being able to gain weight. I just look at food and gain 10 pounds.

    Ginney: I dont know, I just have to wait and see. My husband wouldnt be able to come with me to Pinkstock as the summer is his busiest time. I can talk about it all I want, but at this point, I just cant see me going to Pinkstock.

    Jan: My birthstone is Aquamarine. Im a Pisces and like to swim!! We watched the Blue Dahlia - I didnt like it very much. We also watched Capote - better than Blue Dahlia but still another disappointment.

    Michelle: Im glad you are better.

    Shel: Good luck with the onc/gyne appointment.

    Ok everyone - just ran outta time. Hello to Sherloc, Denise, Tracey, Susan, and Karen. I have notes next to all of your names - will have to catch up with you later.

    Have a great day.


  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    GM all....

    NS glad to see you back ...and I know you will feel better so PINKSTOCK is a must besides you will have all of us to wait on you...our leader...hugs...PS I saved all my bras none fit so 2 yrs after the surg. and when all was done finally went shopping whoo hoo...bras that fit the "new Me" hospital gave me a bra for after was ok for a while...but I went with a nice sports bra too...felt better...

    Vicki what a great afgan...i am soo jealous, but I did get some knitting done this weekend, around making my lists for

    Cheri so glad you changed your mind...

    Ok lots of work today and pinkstock phone calls to make so can't stretch the bosses kindness too I have to ask for lots of days off in a row, not something I have done before.(at least not in 13 yrs I've worked for him).after Mast he brought the puter to my
    take care all and stay safe
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    Just dropping in to say hi to everyone. Haven't been around much this week. I also volunteer for an organization that benefits underprivileged kids in my county and our annual major fundraiser will be Cinco de Mayo so have been gearing up for that since I'm co-chair of this committee.

    I'll be back later tonight and will say hi to everyone then. Everyone enjoy your day and for those that have a holiday today, I'm envious :-)

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007
    A lot of us saved our old bras---isn't that interesting. Mine will never fit again but I just can't get rid of them yet. The women's shelter was a good idea---I really should do that. I thought I was the only one with a drawer full of bras that are totally useless to me.

    Vickie----as I said on the other thread---the afghan is gawjus!

    Temp here this am is -10. Somehow attempting to drive to Wegman's just doesn't seem as attractive any more. Gotta drive to Ithaca tomorrow so I really should take a shot at it. Besides---haven't been out since last Thursday and getting a little wiggy.

    Had a little melt down last evening---it seems I'm more worried about the MR biopsy next week than I was acknowledging, even to myself. I feel so bad for SO---it's just been one thing after another ever since we got back together with BC piled on top of it for good measure. My life has always been pretty stable---until I came back home to be with him. Three of his brothers lost wives to CA and I know we both think about that. A lot. Guess I'll go check to see if I have enough Xanax to get me thru March 2 when the results should be back! Deb----where are the lollipops?

    OK---enough introspective pity party. Get it in gear, Jeannie. Still not anxious enough to clean closets though. YUCK!

    Shel---sending you a PM.

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited February 2007
    Good morning girls!

    I have the kiddos home with me today, so I'll be wearing my black and white striped shirt and my whistle and breaking up their scuffles. Good times....

    NS - I still have my old bras too even though there is no way that I will ever wear them again. Of course, I also have clothes in my closet in every possible size ever made. Every time I open the closet, it is just a chronicle of my weight ups and downs. Don't know why I keep all this stuff...

    Jeannie - big hugs to you and I'm praying for good test results.

    Vickie - the afghan is wonderful! It is just like us -- each individual piece is so different, and when it is all put together, it is beautiful!

    Cheri - so glad you changed your mind about Pinkstock! I also am uncomfortable about the amount of weight I've gained, but I'm trying hard to not let it keep me from having fun. I am a walking example of "pear shaped", but I fear that my tamoxifen belly might move me into the "apple shaped" realm by August! Will there be a produce tent at Pinkstock?

    Nicki - I have a March birthday too! I'm an Aries but people say that I act more like a Pisces. Whatever that means...

    Well, the children are already arguing about a video game, so I'll have to check in later.

    Hugs and love to all,
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    Jeannie-I raised a boy and never heard of the pee pee tee pees. Those have to be the cutest things and coming in handy is putting it lightly.

    Shirley-laughing at your story about the jeans with holes in them. My son wore a new shirt last week to school. My parents pick him up and then when I get off I go by and pick him up at their house. Mother says, that shirt he has on needs to be a rag shirt. I said what shirt? She said the one he had on today. I said mother I just bought that shirt. My mother then says I cant believe you paid good money for that and its already worn out. Geesh meme, look around and see what the other kids are wearing,,lol. Hey no fair on the square thing,,I knew you were crafty!

    Cheri-love the striped socks but if I wore those hills I would fall off and break a bone.

    Cheryl-Hope your friend Cathy is ok. Moving her to the inner circle.

    NS-you are a perfect Dorothy. Hope you are feeling ok and remember we are always here for you. Love the little girl pic and as my SO always tells me,,,”Boobs are overrated anyway,,I just want you!” I must admit I kinda enjoy working around outside and running and not having my boobs bounce around. It will all work out,,I promise. I knew I saw you yesterday in my part of the world,,,denial land.

    Susan-you have an excuse to take the drugs so go for it. Since when did you become a doctor anyway with all these medical decisions you are making?!? I know,,I do the same thing tough. I love your comment about the surgery scars. No telling how many miles of surgery scars we would have with all of us getting together.

    Boo-I laughed at your freeway story also because I could see me doing that. In fact, I have left work many days headed directly to the farm and find myself turning on the road that my house is on which is not at the farm. Oh well, I just laugh and move on. We’ve all been there girl.

    Margaret-thanks for the well wishes on the job. I know if its meant to be it will be but dangit,,,I want it!

    Tracey-I hate when I get a little carried away partying and then have to go to work. I feel for you,,been there done that and sure I will do it again.

    Sheri-glad opening night was a success. Congrats!

    Joy-glad you and the DH were able to go out for a bit. That had to do you some good but I know you worried about Kevin the entire time. Its just a mother thing. If you will send me your address I would love to send Kevin a care box.

    Karen-hope you are feeling better. You have had a rough time with a lot going on so would be very easy to be depressed.

    MB-Aug 4th would work out better. Going to look up the official school start date and then I will know more.

    Biker-your vegetable beef soup sounded wonderful. Its going to be 60 degrees here today so probably wont be eating any soup but it sure sounds good. I bet you had fun with the grandkids.

    Ginney-Love you speech to cheri---I was laughing out loud as I read it.

    Cy-I am exactly like you. Spent my growing up years at 5’8 and pushing it to be 90 pounds with always being told I need to gain weight. Well, nobody has to tell me that now. I can look at food and gain but I also love my food and that doesn’t help. Oh well, its me,,take it or leave it. I’m happy with me and that’s what matters.

    Gus-good luck on your refereeing today! Sounds like fun,,,NOT! My son in in Gatlinburg for the long weekend on a Church trip so been rather quiet around the house but he will be back today.

    Nicki-Its up in the air if I can make it to pinkstock also but doing everything I can to try to figure it out and work it in.

    AlaskaDeb-thanks for covering up the “P” things on Emerald city for my virgin eyes. LOL!

    Ok gotta go get some work done but will be checking in later. Bye for now. Amy
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2007

    WOW Vickie that is sooooooooooo beautiful!!!!

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2007

    Good morning CG's......I have been trying to catch up on reading all the posts since last Thursday.....all I have got to say is what a wonderful bunch of ladies we all are....I thank God every single day for and these discussion boards (I can't keep up with chat)....anyway I hope ya'll don't mind if I do alittle mommy bragging this morning....I went to San Antonio for the TMEA (Texas Music Educators Association) convention were my daughter's middle school won the state championship and they proformed...she plays the "oboe" which looks kinda like a clarinet but has a exterior reed.......she had three solos....I was so proud...I had complete strangers (college recruiters) coming up to me and asking if the tall oboe player was my daughter and handing me there business cards....she doesn't start high school until the way she is 5'10" and weighs about 125..... they all said they will follow her through high school and contact her again her jr yr to talk to her about scholarships........she wants to play someday professionally....I just hope that I get to live long enough to see her play maybe at the MET.....thanks for letting me brag.....I will be back later

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Morning All,

    I took a sleeping pill last night and DH had to wake me up so I could get ready for work.

    I really think it will be SLOW today because so many businesses are shut down due to Mardi Gras. Tomorrow my office is closed, YEA!!!!

    NS, good to see you. Please stay with us ‘cause we worry when you don’t come visit. We love you G.

    Sue, I posted some information for you in the afghan thread. My finger actually had an indentation in it yesterday from the yarn because I was one “wild and crazy crochet lady”. Get that whistle ready……everyone in their corners…..

    Alwayshope, I think I became the hook yesterday….or the hook and cooking spoon….laughed at your quote….too cute…

    Nicki, I think if you mail a few squares at a time, the postage will not be that much….luckily the individual squares don’t weigh that much….Also, it should be easy to find an envelope to mail a small number of squares.

    Cheri, did I read that we may have to get a posse to find you my dear…You can’t go AWOL….You must know Vickie has great powers to round up anything we need to find you my dear…..Glad you are feeling the love now…..

    Cheri, it is a crazy world out there…and I do believe that we all come to the circle for warmth and friendliness.

    Denise, the squares haven’t arrived, but not to worry because it is Mardi Gras time in our area and the mail is a little slow. I know things will settle down on Wednesday.

    Joyce, I would like to send something to Kevin…please PM me with the information. He needs to be cheered up….

    Michele, are you doing better? The flu, not fun at all, at all.

    Jeannie, thank you for the squares. Meltdowns are okay, just come here for the Xanax lollipops. I think we all worry but try to keep that worry in the back of our minds, where it doesn’t always stay….Can you really go outside when the temp is –10? How in the world does your vehicle start? Can you stay warm?

    Shel, good luck with your tests. Did I read you have to be in London today?

    Margaret, sounds like you are doing some rewarding work for those children….it is such a great feeling to help someone….I miss my non-working days when I could volunteer….

    Susan, do you have Mosquitoes in your state? I really thought we had the monopoly on those biting creatures.

    Shirley, if my DD was heading West I would send you some food, but she is going East Thursday….I saw the picture of the “lumpy yarn”. I have to admit I have never worked with this type of yarn before…and wouldn’t know what to do….

    Lisa, beautiful pictures. The weather looked great in your area.

    DebC, thank you for the lullaby and tuck –in.

    CY, I am also trying to find a way to Pinkstock….it all depends on timing for me.

    MB, I can’t commit to Pinkstock just yet….I don’t know what my summer schedule will be. I’ll try my hardest….

    Karen, are you feeling better?

    Sheri, glad to hear the play was a success.

    Jan, hope you had fun with the grandkids….

    Susan, happy to see you again.

    Hello Ginny.

    Who did I miss? Hi to all

    Tracey, oh-la-la-….how are you this Monday morning? Now one, but two frenchmen!!

    EVERYONE, that is worried about looks, weight, etc…please refer to Tracey’s posts…BEAUTY IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEERHOLDER…..

    I just typed this post in Word – then I did a spell check (which also includes a grammar check). This post is at a 4.5 grade level….I am so smart…(now I'm really worried!!)

    Hugs, Madison
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    This afgan is absolutely gorgeous. I especially love the square that is on the very bottom row, third one from the right side. That pattern is way kewl!

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    I do the word thing too and thec copy and paste here. 4.5 grade level,,laughing my butt off! I wonder what mine was,,probably best that I dont know.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Amy, naw, I don't think you want to know.

    I always have my computer set on spelling and Grammar check (because of the letter writing I have to do).

    Geez....4.5 grade level, move over kiddies, I'm joining you back in 4th grade.

    Wait, I may need to go back to the Emerald City and get a brain....I was too scared of those bad monkeys and didn't really see the wizard!!!

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007

    I really like that square too! Whoever made it----what kind of yarn did you use?

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Jeannie- Of course you are worried about the test my dear. The last time I checked you were a human! This kind of stuff eats optimism with a big spoon. OK…so you are supposed to eat well, get some rest, don’t worry….blah, blah, BLAH!

    Here is MY theory….Cope any way you can….cry, eat, don’t eat, try denial land (the company is good there), and if all else fails I made you your very own batch of Xanax lollys….


    Have as many as you want


    OK…maybe that is a few TOO many

    All joking aside, we are here for you. No matter what, you can come here and vent all you want, and by the way that is NOT a pity party. We love ya girl.

    Deb C