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  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Boy, I tried to catch up after I posted those 2 pics. Now I have a headache! We certainly are a busy bunch!

    The grandkids came over yesterday and we went sledding on our back and front hills. OMG! I am still laughing. We got about 7" of snow on Valentine's day and there's a 2" crust of ice on top of it. Well, my son brought 3 plastic discs over and we almost killed ourselves! We started in my neighbors yard and slid about 700 ft.. The only problem was that you can't really steer those discs and we kept ending up in the woods. I slammed into a huge sticker bush, backwards. DH had to come rescue me, cause I couldn't move without getting stuck by stickers. Then we moved out front, which is much steeper. The kids were sliding down the hill on their butts because it was just too fast to let them use sleds. They were sliding down on their hands and knees also. We could not stop laughing. Thankfully, I caught a good part of it on video. I ran into my next door neighbor, at the market, this morning. She said they were watching us and laughing their a$$es off.
    The door bell rang a little while ago, and I got a flower delivery from DH for our anniverary. 36 years tomorrow!! Yeah, I got married when I was 12 LOL!

    Cheri, your GS will come around. I told you that my 4 yr. old GS hated me for the longest time. He is much better now. I could never figure out what I had done to piss him off! That is a terrible story about Tristan's mom. She was so young! I found your boy toy, did you see the pic I posted?

    Vickie, I know from other people that it can be just as hard to be too thin, as too fat. Most people don't think that it is hard to gain weight. I just smell food and I put weight on. The afgan is beautiful. I wish I crocheted. I used to knit when I was a teen, but I never learned to crochet.

    NS, good to see you posting again. We worry when you don't come to visit! I had immediate recon. My ps had me wear a good-fitting sports bra for about 6 weeks. After my first recon., I didn't need to wear a bra after about the first 2 months, but since my second surery, I am lop-sided and I need to wear one to even myself out. I'm having another surgery on the right side to try and straighten things out.

    Jeannie, LOL washing your hand with your face! SO's three brothers had wives die of cancer????? OMG, that's awful. I hope you have good test results!

    Nicki, that's some heat wave. It is still cold here, but they are calling for a warmup to 44 degrees by Wed. That must be the same weather system that you have now. I didn't like the Black Dahlia either. I should have rented a comedy. DH is going to Atlanta this week, so I am borrowing My Big Fat Greek Wedding from a friend. I never saw it, and I figured I could have a chick flick night with him gone .

    Shokk, brag away, momma! That is so cool when our kids get recognition. A scholarship would be the best!!

    Deb, oh my, that's a LOT of Xanax lollies. Is it your private stash?

    Damn it! I want to go to Pinkstock. I am going to try real hard to make it happen. I think I am about a 5 hour drive from MB.
    Oh well, the party in the Emerald City may be over, but I'm going to hang around over the rainbow for a little while longer. I'll just use the Travel Wagon to get back!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Hey NS...I think you are on to something...I think we need to make some art with our old bras! I love to make "found object" art and collage. Hmmmm we need to think about this. If we call it art we can auction it off for BIG money for or something....

    Good luck on all the scans tomorrow. The flying carpet might need a trailer to get us all to your appointments!
    Deb C
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Here is a cute little hug for everyone!

    Amy, I hate those VS catalogues too. I can't imagine stuffing my fat butt into fancy panties. It just looks disturbing LOL.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Deb, A few months ago, a radio station in Philly sponsored an event for breast cancer. They collected hundreds of old bras and hung them down Roosevelt Blvd. . At least I think it was down the Blvd. We could strings bras from Alaska to Maine! You know, like Hands Across America, it could be Bras Across America!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    hmmm...what to do with our old bra' about throwing them during our parade at MB's hometown LOL! Wouldn't that be a hoot!!!

    NS...warming up the magic carpet for all your scans...I think Cheri is still our designated driver so we'll wrap you and anyone else that needs it in bubble wrap.

    ummm..we are missing a bunch of girls...adding Carrie and Denise to the list of MIA!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    good day ladies....
    today is a day off for me good thing i am feeling so depressed today
    well its already after one and i am just getting out of bed... been dozing and watching csi...
    so i think i will get my butt in the shower and do some house cleaning... as i have neglected this and have been partying to much...if i dont get my butt into gear i am going to get behind in my course to... so thats what i shall be up to today... check in later...
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008

    Thongs...did you ever finish your bedroom? Did you get the fish netting you were looking for?

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    ok, so tomorrow we are off to NS's appointments. It will be a long day with all those test and they never get you in on time so packing plenty of snack food to help us survive. I will bring Mazer some extra teddy grahams to plead with her to be nice. NS I sure hope the nurses are nice are a swift kick in the arse is destined to happen.

    I have had an MRI guided biopsy and the description that NS gave is the best. Not really any pain but you feel like work is going on under the hood and you cant watch.

    I like the bras across America thing and any money raised go to BC.Org. People always have bras to get rid of so even if they werent a breast cancer survivor they could contribute in honor of someone.

    So Jan, are you sore today? I know when you play in the snow all day you tend to use muscles that you dont always use. I think you just keep talking about the snow stories to make me jealous though. You will think jealous when you get to Maine and I come popping out of your motorhome!!! congrats on the anniversay too. Anybody that can put up with somebody that long deserves a party!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    uh oh...Tracey needs a warm group hug ladies.
    Sending you one from sunny New York!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Oooooooh! Look what I found hiding in the hoochie tent!!

    Then I caught this dude trying to sneak into Vickie's tent
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    big hug Tracey! Nothing wrong with relaxing for a day.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Amy, I am really sore and I'm sure that it will only be worse tomorrow! Haha! If you pop out of my motorhome when we get to Maine, we'll have a party!

    I hope Mazer is up for the trip tomorrow! NS is going to need her!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    He wasn't sneaking in my wagon...I had him hog tied and was dragging him!!! No peeking allowed!
    Can I have the one in the hoochie tent too...oh my...sorry girls...gettin greedy LOL.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    You ladies have got to stop...I have to work another 45 minutes and I am "absolute" distracted now! Did you all forget that I am officially a virgin again!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    no jas still lots of stuff to do and i havent made it to the city yet.... going on the 26th then i hope to be able to pick up a few more things!!!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    BTW, has anyone heard from LauraB?

  • dash
    dash Member Posts: 173
    edited February 2007

    Girls, I am plopping myself down right in the center of your circle..just gonna let your voices soothe the stresses from me. I'm nauseous, bloated, tired, got some bloody painful hemmorhoids and woke up today with a darn vaginal infection--yep, I feel so purty---having a pity purty.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Afternoon ladies. It was so quiet here over the week-end but it livened right up on Mon. morning.

    Vickie, afghan is beautiful! Nice job putting it together. I can't hardly wait to get started. I've come out to play, dear friend.

    Nicki, glad you got warmer weather. I was always thin growing up and when I was young, then the pounds just kept adding up. I was 5'10" (so is my dd) and had the figure to wear the hip huggers and hot pants. I have not only gotten wider but I have shrank which I don't think was supposed to happen quite yet, only 49...and holding.

    Margaret, that's great that you do volunteer work. Thanks again for the avatar instructions. Just don't know how to get a virtual funny on yet.

    Gus/Sue, isn't weight gain a b...h? I take tamox too but I also take Lexapro and my appetite is way too large. Don't know which meds are doing it. Prolly both.

    Shokk, yes you have bragging rights. Congrats on your dd.

    Madison, i imagine if we all checked our grade level there'd be alot of us together in Elementary School. lol Hoping to get your package tomorrow so i can start crocheting.

    Deb, cute pics. Sorry bout the bra meltdown. Isn't is odd how some little thing can spin us around? All I did yesterday was read about the girls who had trouble gaining weight and I melted. But I bounce back fast as I'm sure you do.

    Jan, yikes! Hope your weird guy doesn't bring his weird friends back with him. They seemed to take a real shine to me Ewwww. Sounds like you had a ball yesterday with the GK, glad you got a video of it.

    Shirley, you'll feel so much better after you get that gall bladder out. I had mine removed back in the olden days when they did they big incision thing and have a long scar & it took a whole lot longer to recover.

    NS, glad your tests have been moved up. The sooner you get them done the sooner you get results. We'll be right there with you both days. Don't know who will drive the Magic Carpet but somebody officiallly took away my Magic Keys. lol Gee, all I did was make a few airplane loops. I thought girls just liked to have fun. They probably wouldn't have minded it so much if they'd been belted in. I might've lost a couple on one of the bigger loops. lol

    Hey to Cy, MB, Jeannie, Lisa, Amy, Always, Sheri, Anne, Theresa, and Joyce.

    Where is Carrie, Denise, Lini, Judy, Odalys and some of the others?

    Hi Ginney.

    Hey Susan, where are you today?

    MeeeeNaaaa, hope everything is well with you.

    It's a beautiful day in the Ozarks! We do have a heavy wind warning out tho. The temp. on my puter says it's 62 degrees but my indoor/outdoor temp gauge in the house says its 67 degrees! Up from the teens. Geez, what is up with this weather? I'm going to meet Susan and another lady from chat this week. That's if I am able to MAKE myself actually put real clothes on instead of night gowns/caftans. It's supposed to be nice all week but I hate getting out. I'm thinking since the dr changed my Paxil to Lexapro it isn't strong enough for me. I'm in this house for weeks at a time. For real. Alot of it has to do with my ankle tho, in all fairness. It's tough getting out & about when I can't walk. But I don't have an ounce of ambition to do anything or go anywhere. I've had social anxiety for years but the Paxil helped so much, I'm just not sure the new one is doing me any good. Do I sound depressd to you girls? I find it's easier for others to see our own depression than for us to see it. I don't like me this way cos I'm into friendly but I just have no desire to leave my house. I like having people over if I know them well enough that I don't have to put on clothes and can wear a caftan. lol My dh told Ethan yesterday when they were talking about metal that grandma had metal inside her. Titanium in her arm and ankle, silver in her hair and lead in her butt!! lol Yes, he's such a dear. He does wait on me hand & foot.

    My dd is thinking of getting a job. She's been a stay at home mom. Her dh doesn't have ins. with his job and she could get it on them if she worked. Yep, you guessed it. She checked into daycare & it really is expensive half her paycheck would be going to pay for it. Sooo, she asked me this morning if I'd babysit for her. Uh...with 2yr old Kevin that hates his grandmother. She has done so much for me. She never missed a chemo and only a couple of rads. She runs all my errands etc. But man, that's a big responsibility for me to take on. What about dr. appts. and such. He'd really hate me then, cos I wouldn't put up with the kind of behavior his parents do.And we don't have a back up sitter cos we don't know anyone here. I told her I'd think about it. Dang, always sumpthin.

    Well this post is a long one. Must've had alot on my mind. There's prolly been 10 more posts since I started this one.
    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Holly, you are soooo welcome here. We will all put you in the middle of our circle and you'll be safe, loved, and cared for. All the ugliness will wash away. This is a wonderful place to come. Everythings gonna be alright. We'll watch over you.

    Vickie, why must YOU always drag the sexy guys off to your wagon and I get stuck with the weirdos? You're almost as bad as Mena. lol

    Tracey, sorry to hear your feelin' down today. We all do that ya know. We have to mix those few good days in with the bad so we can enjoy the good times. Put some more water in the soup better times are comin'.

    Best to all
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    ooooo cheri thats a tough one with the grandbaby sitting. Hmmmm,,dont know what I would do without my parents helping me but my son is in school so its not an all day thing. They do take him and pick him up from school though. It would greatly benefit your daughter for sure but grandmom has a life too and you have to think about you. Oh geesh, thats a tough one. I know it sounds selfish to not want to keep them but I bet you thought you were done raising kids?!? Just give it some thought and it will all work out for you. Another thought,,did you do chemo? Just thinking seeing you bald might be a memory for the little one that he doesnt like.

    Biker I thought about LauraB as I was driving to work this morning. Sure hope she is ok cause she has so much going on.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Holly, Tracey, and Cheri,
    I am wrapping my arms around all of you and giving you a big, gentle hug. What better place to be when you're feeling down. Lord knows we've all been there now and then!

    Cheri, I'll share the absolute-ly gorgeous guy! Hey! What's a sister for? You can have him for now, if he leaves the bottle for me . We're gonna have to hide pretty good if we don't want Vickie to find us! lol Oh, maybe he could drive the magic carpet? Or not. No drinking and driving you know!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Amy, that's a good thought about Cheri's GS. Mine was weird with me when I was bald. Although he was only 2 when I went through chemo, now that he is 4, he still asks me about my hair.

    Cheri, I don't know what I would do about the baby sitting. If it were only for a couple days a week, maybe. You do need to think about yourself too! It's a very tough decision.
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007
    I've had the stereotactic core biopsy before along with MRIs every year. Referred to at my house as the Jiffy Lube experience! The hospital called the other day and the nurse explained the proceedure to me pretty clearly---I always do better when I know what to expect. I'm so glad they moved up your tests---I think waiting for those has to be the hardest.

    A soft sculpture or a quilt made out of bra cups----hmmmmm. Somehow more symbolic----creating beauty out of what we have lost. I think Komen here had a contest making purses out of bras. I could be wrong but it rings a bell. And I thought suggesting a drumming circle for Pinkstock sounded a little out there! I know----where would we get the drums!

    And one more. For my dear sister (and you know who you are)---I am so glad we talked. One suggestion. The next time you feel yourself wavering, ask yourself if this is the life you deserve.

    OK---thumb says Uncle. Later.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Evening Everyone: Well first of all I just cant believe it. There are 2 full pages since I left for work this morning!! We sure are chatty.

    Im very angry tonight. Called in a refill for my xanax and Lipitor Friday morning. Still today - my physician hasnt called the pharmacy. Now they keep giving me pills to carry me through each day, but this is bullpoopie. Nurse tells the pharmacist that my PCP has been outta the country and they do encourage people to allow 3 days for a refill. Well that is bullcrap! So, my blood pressure is elevated. I even had chest pain, but a glass of wine took care of that. I get blood tests Thursday and Im asking for a prescription with all my medication with 4 refills. I wont go through this again let me tell you that.

    Oh! and I didnt come home an exercise. I was too frustrated which means I will have to do it tomorrow morning which means my computer time will be cut down! And after dieting and exercising, I gained 2 pounds. So I just want to say the heck with it. The only thing that is good, is that when I suck my stomach in, for the first time in a long time I can see my pubs!

    Ok I read the first page. Hope I can read my notes.

    PurpleMB: I love my sports bra's. Especially in the summer. Seems like I look pretty good in them too. Even though Im fat.

    MargaretB: What a nice thing volunteering for the underpriveledged kids. Puts reality into our lives at times.

    Jeannie: Of course your worried!!! There need to be a rule that if you have breast cancer, there is no waiting for any tests!!

    Gus/Sue: Im laughing cause you closet is like mine. I have all sizes. Keep saying this is cute, I will lose weight and fit into it again. By the time I lose weight it will be outta style, but no worries - keep it long enough and it will be back in style.

    Amy: Distorted humor is wondering what Mazer is up to?

    Shokk: Well all I can say is you should be doing the Mick Jagger strut. Thats pretty exciting stuff about your daughter. Whoo hooo and college recruiters. Proud mama indeed.

    Madison: Well! Fat Tuesday is upon us. Please tell us, what will ya be doing tomorrow. Sounds like so much fun. We are having casual day, and Im wearing all kinds of beads to work.

    Well! Just finished reading page 2! and 3 mind you, 3 glasses of wine later!! Oh Lordy - hope I can read my notes.

    Tgirl: I always love to see you post. Vickie wont admit it, but before your computer went down at home you were a challenge with the first early morning posts. Good luck with your tests and of course Laura is in the middle of the circle.

    DebC: Oh I got those books in the mail too. Have one from "Hanes" that my husband take in the bathroom with him! Why do men need something to read when they sit on the toilet. I wrote 'funny about' and for the life of me I cant read the rest.

    Sheri: I cant believe there are only 4 more performances.

    Anne: Brittany Spears threw me over the edge. I just want to smack her.

    Who mentioned Bra Burning at Pinkstock. Oh my lord, if I cant come, Im gonna mail mine. That would be wonderful!!

    Jan: Im sucking helium - picture the wicked witch going "oh what a world, what a world.

    Sherloc: Hi! I cant read any of my notes next to your name. Keep working on that crocheting.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Nicki, that is ridiculous to have to wait for a prescription that long! Just sip on your wine and in a while you'll be fine .
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    I am dying laughing at your comment Nicki about the sucking your stomach in and seeing pubs! Oh my gosh,,,now thats funny!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Ok! Ok! Im in fast speed here. My notes are not legible lol.

    Amy - yes funny indeed. For the 1st time in a long time I realized Im not bushy anymore. Guess the hair decided to grow fast on my legs. Pubs - are, well thin. It only took a year to see them

    Bayyore: Oh Im so glad to see you here. I almost fell outta my chair. The middle of the cirlce - well - its nice.

    Jan: I did notice the absolute vodka.

    Tracey: I have been in a funk too. Hoping you feel better.

    And yes - WHERE IS LAURAB?

    I have been thinking of her also.

    OK - gotta go. Might see ya in the morning. Might not. Gotta fit in exercise someplace.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Amy, I did do chemo. But Kevin was only 14 months old and Ethan was almost 5yrs when I lost my hair. Ethan seemed to have the harder time with it. We're very close & it scared him. I put on hats around him in the beginning. When Grandparents Day came in Kindergarten he asked me the night before if I'd wear my wig. So I did and there was a whole bunch of us lined up to do pictures & he kept looking up at my 'hair' and in a loud 5 yr old voice he said, "Grandma your wig looks good". Everyone just got quiet and I laughed and told everyone I had bc. He'd do that soccer games too. But the baby was awfully small, you think it affected him that young?

    Jan, it's not the drinking part it's the driving. Nobody lets me drive anymore, got my Magic Keys confiscated. The woosies! Bubble wrap! Well, I never hurt anybody yet. (Ya think its cos of the bubble wrap?) lol

    Nicki, sorry bout your meds. When I have a refill I call it in to the pharmacy then I call my dr. office and tell them to check their fax and i need a refill. I hate my gp. And my onc. Anyway, the closet. I have 5 sizes of clothes in my closet and I have nothing to wear.

    Holly, hope you're feeling better basking in the good care we're giving you. Anything you need one of us will find it for you. lol Yes, virtual things really can make you feel better.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007

    Nicki, you MUST be here in the morning. You're my morning paper!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    OK, I thought Bayyore (Holly), Nicki, Tracey and several of the rest of us could use a nice Massage. This little lady seems to be enjoying it. lol I'll go back and find us girls a different Masseure (sp).
