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  • dash
    dash Member Posts: 173
    edited February 2007

    OK, I thought Bayyore (Holly), Nicki, Tracey and several of the rest of us could use a nice Massage. This little lady seems to be enjoying it. lol I'll go back and find us girls a different Masseure (sp).


    Oh a massage sounds good--just don't want to lay on my tummy--I think I'd roll off the table between my bloated belly and implants!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    this is just a horible day!!!!
    my oldest is a liar and my youngest just got kicked off the silver strings music group at school as well as the climbing wall.... i feel so disappointed with my kids and where did i go so wrong!!! i am just in tears!!!
  • dash
    dash Member Posts: 173
    edited February 2007

    Bayyore: Oh Im so glad to see you here. I almost fell outta my chair. The middle of the cirlce - well - its nice.

    Nicki, don't fall outta your chair--I've visited a couple times before, felt I couldn't keep up with all your nimble fingers here and headed back out in the cold. I'm still not sure if I can keep up with your typing but all your sisterly warmth is too much for my weary brain and body to pass up on. (((Hugs))) to you all--it IS nice in the middle of the circle!

    Tracey---(((HUGS))) So sorry it's a bad day. Maybe get away from the kids for a bit, take a bubble bath....
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2007
    Oh, tracy (((((hugs))))

    I think all of us who raised kids can relate!!

    Rain, rain all day today and I babysat my grandson
    He is four and wears me out..soooo nice to turn him
    over to my son ...

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007

    I hate having kid problems. Sending you a big hug.

    You didn't ask for advice, but I will share something my dad told me....You don't have to act right away when you are faced with bad behavior from your kids. Tell them you will let them know what their punishment will be in a day or so. It gives you time to think before you act. It also gives you time to deal with your disappointment before you either over, or under react.

    You didn’t go wrong. You area good mom…sometimes shit just happens. Hang in there.

    Deb C
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007

    Glad you are here safe in the middle of the circle. Don't worry about keeping up with every post. If it is a busy day and I don't have time to catch up I skim things and then read Nicki's post in the morning...she usually recaps things pretty well.

    Deb C
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    OH may what a day it's been. Too many sweet sisters back in the funk.
    Tracey honey...It isn't you...they are teenagers and finding their way. Each kid has his or her own distinct personality. I have fours sisters and one brother and you know what...we are all different. My grandmother always said that you raise them the best you can, cross your fingers and pray. They will grow up to be whatever they want and you know what...most of them turn out ok in the end...they just need to grow can't help them all the time. Not expressing myself very well...too tired tonight.
    Holly...sending you warm hugs...come sit by the bonfire and we'll tell silly stories to make you smile.
    Cheri...ok...where did you hide my guys!!!! Look here missy you have no idea how desperate I am LOL. Gonna get me a boyfriend named BOB! Actually I couldn't go in one of those stores without dying of embarrassment LOL.
    Meeennnnaaaa...get you silly butt back here! As for babysitting you have to go with your heart. If it's too much to handle I'm sure your DD would understand. My sitter has a little one...he just turned a year old and back in September I took my wig off to show his mom my hair growth and freaked him right out!!! Oh the look on his face was priceless. He just now is starting to come to me for hugs and kisses.
    LauraB...hope your reading and see that we are thinking and worrying about you. Sending you hugs.
    Nicki...I'll share a glass of wine with you. I can't believe the pharmacy. Thats just wrong. I use CVS only...they have been so very good to me in the past year. I went in one time when my oncologist had phoned in an antibiotic because my counts were very very low and they yelled at me and told me to go through the drivethrough in the future and if I needed anything off the shelves they would get it for me. Gave me hand sanitizer and practically escorted me out of the store. Got the germy lecture. But they really cared. I still don't have hair on my legs...not complaining but isn't that a bit weird?
    ok...missing a bunch of ladies since I didn't take notes...gotta get the afghan out of the dryer and ready to ship out tomorrow.
    Love you all and I'll most likely return later (gotta find my guys).
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Tracey, please don't beat yourself up. You're a great mom. The kids may be just acting out because of your fight with bc. Kids are like little sponges, they soak up everything around them. When they pick up on tension around them, they react to it, good, bad, or otherwise. I agree with Deb. Just step back, take a deep breath, and let them know you are thinking about proper punishment. Let 'em sweat a little.
    I really hate kid problems. My youngest got arrested when he was in college. That was good for lawyer fees and a bad case of shingles. But through all that, he turned out pretty good, so have faith. ((Hugs))

    Cheri, I was talking about the Absolute guy driving drunk. I know you would never do such a thing, heehee.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007
    Hi girls,

    Today is my wedding anniversary. 19 years. We're going out to eat so will read everything I've missed and see you girls in awhile.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007

    Happy Anniversary Liz!!! Mine is tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed your dinner.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    How about a nice..slow..water massage. Wouldn't that be lovely? This is for all of us stressed out women. I bet this guy is good with his...hands.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Happy Anniversary Liz and Jan!!

    Viiiiickie, where are you?

    Lisa, very cute little boy. I adore mine but they can sure wear me out.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2007

    Have a great celebration Liz...and Jan tomorrow

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Happy Anniversary Liz...Enjoy your evening.

    Tracey, so is so hard to raise children...take a deep will work everything out.

    Hello Holly, glad to see you here.

    Nicki, I do have the day off for Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday). I am going to sit on my sofa and crochet ALL DAY. DD and her friends returned from New Orleans yesterday afternoon and they did have fun, caught lots of beads, hats, etc. DD left earlier today to attend some more parades.
    Glad you are having wine...if you can't get your RX refill, drink up!!

    Vickie, who is hiding men from you? Don't you still have that magic wand? Make them appear!!! Oh, Nicki may need someone turned into a toad if they don't get her medicine refills correct.

    Cheri, thanks for the message.

    Lisa, cute, cute baby.

    Hi DebC,

    Jan, I am watching your wine bottle and wine glasses (with wine)....that's it...I am logging off...gone to the den and pouring a glass (or two) of wine...

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    hi lizws... just a happy anniversay wish for you and your hubby!!!!!!

    hope you have a great day!!!
    sending you something over!!!


  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    My goodness ladies...when my DH comes home and I jump him at the front door I'm going to blame all of you and your hottie boys for getting my engines it warm in here?? Whew ***fanning myself*** Dh may send YOU flowers LOL

    Deb C
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Geez you guys...would you quit with the men.
    I personally don't care what he can do with his hands LOL! I'm with Deb...hope no unsuspecting man comes knocking on my door tonight...whew.
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited February 2007
    jeannie.............yes "i know who i am" lololol!

    thank you for your support was invaluable! and i will ask myself everyday, till i smarten up, "is this the life i deserve?"

    thank you jeannie for today ............. you saved me from drowning!
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited February 2007
    to everybody else ........ hey ya'll!

    i got a chance to converse with "silvergirl" today, and among numerous other things, she helped me realize that i shouldn't be "hiding out" from this place and trying to handle everything all alone.

    i'm hoping all is well with everyone.............. now could i get a tommy lee or a dave navarro pic? i'm in the mood for a total "badboy"!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    mmmm mmmm mmm mmm mmm

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007's not warm in here...It's HOT!!

    Ask any you shall receive...



    He is hot ladies....if ya like 'em naughty

    Deb C
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited February 2007

    thanks girls!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Shel, I see Tracy beat me to Tommy Lee but here's one more for you, I personally, prefer Tommy Lee..Jones! lol This guy bad boy enough for ya?? Glad to see you back.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007

    Nope---back to the soap stud.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007
    Wow! Thanks girls for all the anniversary wishes. We had a nice dinner – DH has to go to work at 10:30. I’ve been checking into flights for Pinkstock. So far, I can’t find a direct flight and I am an inexperienced flier. Of course, I need to figure out where I’m getting this money anyway! LOL

    As for my bras, I donated them to the Domestic Violence center. I know the director and she was saying some women leave with absolutely nothing. Now I take lots of things there. I have one bra that I wear with thin white shirts; otherwise it’s nada for me.

    Jeannie – I’ll be thinking of you during your test and praying for good results.

    Jan – Happy Anniversary tomorrow. Hope you have a great one.

    Madison – I’ve been invited to a Fat Tuesday party. Think I just might go. How nice you get off work.

    Susan – how’s the knee?

    Vickie – the afghan is gorgeous! I am really impressed. Did I miss something? Two kids to get ready now? I hate it when I miss a day. Glucosamine was mailed out. Give it a try.

    Sher – hope you’re out of the basement. I’m impressed by your crocheting skills. I’m not sure I’m cut out for this. We shall see. Compare scars? LOL Good idea.

    shokk– how great for your daughter.

    Theresa – adding Laura to my prayers. When I’m told to lie still I move also. If they wouldn’t tell me that, I’d be okay I think. Are these routine tests?

    NS – we’ll all be with you tomorrow during your tests. Sent you another PM. LOL Hugs hon.

    Deb & Amy – I don’t get Victoria Secret’s catalogs anymore. I emailed them when I was first diagnosed. Think I might have offended them. Oh well.

    Lisa – I love that square. I have one done. Not sure it will work but I’m giving it my best shot.

    Nicki – it was almost 70 here today! Was nice out except for the 30mph wind gusts. But hey, I’ll take it over cold anytime. I hate when the script thing happens. Hope they get them called in for you.

    Holly – glad you came to the center. This is a wonderful place filled with love, caring, concern and laughter.

    Cheri – hugs. That’s a tough decision for you.

    Margaret – that’s great you volunteer. I’m sure the kids love you.

    Anne – someone needs to smack Britney. Spoiled brat.

    Tracey – raising teenagers is the hardest job you will ever have. Hugs honey. It’s not a reflection on you at all. Thanks for the flowers and wine. More than I got here. Now that is one good looking guy!

    Shel – so glad you’ve decided to come back. We’ve missed you.

    Okay, I’ve missed so many. Always thinking and prayers of all the wonderful girls here.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2007
    Lisa, Jas is right- that square is KEWL!

    Jan I have been looking everywhere for a sports bra that closes in the front. I may make my own. This is crazy! We are going to have a heat wave too! 40 degrees tomorrow!!!

    Deb- wouldn't it be fun to do something like that! I was thinking we could do a big parachute of old bras to help soften the landing of all new bc gals- what do you think of that??

    Vickie, we could use the bras to make new wagon covers!

    Amy- I hope Mazer will share her teddy grahams with me after the tests- I will be hungry!!!! Can someone bring coffee too!! I love the idea of making it a fundraiser for BCO!

    Tracey, sending you a big hug honey. I don't have kids so I am no help there- but I can get you the netting and mail it to you- I live in a fishing town and also know where Michaels hides its netting too!

    ((Holly!)) So GOOD to see your pretty face here. I do believe you have the CMF blues. I had double dose CMF for six months and I thought it would NEVER end. I was bloated, tired, nauseous and had the same 'roid problem too!!! Come to the center and hang out with me. You need some TLC. I had posted on your DH thread in the begining but try to stay away from it because I get too crazy and say too much!!! And I am single and shouldn't interject my feelings when I don't have a husband. I do the same thing to LauraB here too- and I am trying to sit on my hands because I am so OVER PROTECTIVE of my sweet sisters!!! Come sit by me by the fire, I will try to be good. You have my support though 1000%! I just have a big mouth when it comes to DHs not treating my sisters right!

    Cheri, I am glad you are driving the carpet is fun to watch you come in for a landing! I LOVE THAT KITTY PICTURE!!! I WANT TO GO TO THAT SPA!

    Jeannie, I am glad you know what to expect... hang in there girl. I know this time is hell.

    Oh Nicki! Your doc and your pharmacy make me so mad! These rules that they have in place are insane. We used to have a little village pharmacist here who was human and would give us what we needed and worried about the "official paperwork" later. He was the one who gave me the BiafineRE when Iw as so badly burned from rads. The rad onc didn't. But CVS, Genovese and Wallgreaens came and swallowed him up and he is out of business now. He used to deliver my rx's too. That came in handy the first time I had BC. CVS won't deliver. BTW- in NY state you can't get refills on xanax. You have to get a new Rx from a doc and bring it to the pharmacy. They won't let you do it any other way!

    As far as Brittney Spears goes- I keep thinking of what my mother used to say when we were whining... She used to say "You want something to cry about? I'll give you something to cry about!" and that is how I feel about Brittney. Sorry- but I love too many sisters who are losing their hair because of this damn beast- NOT because they want attention or it is a publicity stunt or because Anna Nicole Smith was getting too much attention. (BTW- SOMEONE tell me why ANS is GETTING SO MUCH FRIGGIN ATTENTION? She was a stripper and a play boy bunny- NOT Mother Theresa or Lady Diana!)

    LIZ! Happy Anniversary!!!!

    Madison I am celebrating Mardi Gras with you in my heart-- remember I have that LA blood in me too! I just realized- this is the beginning of lent... I know what I am giving up! Boobs!

    Shel, you is who you is!! You need to come here more often.. even though you scared the crap out of me last night with your post! LOL!!! ((Shel))) Please don't hide out- Jeannie is right!
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited February 2007
    I hate Needles!! Had to have a blood draw today. They're checking my vitamin D levels, because of osteopenia. This is the third time this year. The first was for the same test, and they couldn't find a vein then. They gave it two tries that time, and I refused to let them do it again. Of course I bruised. The last time I was at my onc's for a 3 month check up. They got it on the second try. However, I've been lovingly nicknamed the 'Turnip' there. Today I tried again for the vitamin D test. Two pokes, and they both hurt like H. At least the 'turnip' gave blood today. Is it just me, or does everyone have their better veins in the arm they can't use. I'm such a baby about needles. Thanks for the chance to vent.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    Shokk, how exciting about your daughter. Hopefully she will stay interested in music and get that scohlarship. My girlfriend's daughter is on a 4 year basketball scholarship.

    Anne, I feel the same way about Britney as you do - just irked the hell out of me when I read that.

    Shirley, you're a shortie like me.....if I were 5'7" I'd have no weight problem. When I redid my kitchen, I wanted one counter shorter than the standard height; no one in the family would let me do it.

    NS, I'll be thinking of you with your scans tomorrow.

    Jan, 36 years - congratulations.\

    Holly, consider yourself moved to the center of the circle. Don't forget, Ginney has the nice spa wagon, sounds like you could use a visit there. Don't ever worry about trying to keep up. Just read as far back as you want and jump right in; you'll keep up.

    Tracey, I've had days like that with my kids. Sending you some hugs. image

    Liz, enjoy your anniversary dinner. You too Jan.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Lisa, You made me miss home. I love Balboa Park! Spent many a day there!

    Wow 4 pages I just can’t catch up tonight. But I’m printing them all out and will take them with me to work tomorrow so I can catch up!