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  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    G- giving up boobs for lent Bwahahahah! I gave them up last year but since I gave up both I think it should count for this year too! Hun, you make me laugh

    Good Old Wal-mart has all cotton front hook bras. They are cheep too

    Sending you a hug. I use to be needle phobic...cancer cured me of that. I have one really good vein and if they will listen to me and use it we get blood on the first poke most of the time.

    I just spent 3 hours in a useless meeting, so I need to go get something done.

    Hugs to everyone
    Deb C
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited February 2007
    Good evening ladies -

    NS- Walmart has hook up the front cotton bras - about $8.00 Do you have a walmart near you? If not, I can look here. I have two of mine in the bottom of my drawer (size 34) if you don't mind "used" I wore them for about a month after the mastectomy and expanders were put in. Only worn little girl cotton cami t-shirts since then.
    Vickie - the afghan is absolutely GORGEOUS!!! I hope one day to manage to make a few squares (knitted) when the hands feel a little better.
    Nicki - so sorry about the Rx hassles. I'm not bushy either anymore - had more at 12 than I do know! Hair is also sparce on the arms, legs and pits, but thank goodness if it full on the head.
    Shirley - my oldest DD dreams of being 5 feet - she is 4' 11 1/2"
    Deb - I'll donate old bras for a craft - just name it.
    Shokk- congrats on DD - brag all you want.
    Biker - BC is the wicked witch - too bad water won't make it go away. My dd who is almost 9 says one day there will be a cure and that it will make me happy because no one else will have to suffer, but also make me sad as I had to go through all this - how did she get to be so wise.
    Happy 36th anniversary - hope your day was special.
    Liz - happy 19th anniversary
    Thresa - good luck tuesday
    NS - glad all your tests are scheduled. We will all be there with you - hope there is room in the waiting rooms for all us gals - also we will need a couple magic carpets - we are getting to be such a large group
    Tracey - hugs - don't blame yourself - your kids are the ones who are making poor choices. pm if you want. my DS has provided DH and me with some major challenges
    Brittney Spears - I can't believe that I took my oldest daughter to the concert several years ago - maybe 6 - I just kept looking at Brittney and thinking what a little girls she was - she is only 4 or 5 years older than my daughter. Today DD is turning 21 in a couple months and would never dream of even listening to her music. I remember telling the mom in front of me that I would never be the same for coming to the concert. I think Brittney was 17 at that time. What a shame - too bad she can't be a good role model for her children.
    i don't get VS catalogs - just Hanes outlet catalogs!!! Younger DD today asked why people want fancy bras (we went looking for the Friday bras for after my exchange surgery - PS nurse says I will have to wear it 24/7 for one month) - that maybe young people would want them, but not older people - she couldn't decide if I was young or old!!!!
    Boo, Shel, Margarte, Cheri, Deb, Amy, Madison, Always hope, Bayyore and everyone else. Sweet dreams and all the best for a feel good day tomorrow. My thoughts will be with everyone who is having tests/procedures done. Karen in Denver
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Everyone! Woke up late again. I swear, ever since I started taking Celexa that it is harder to get out of bed. My head feels heavy until I have had my first cup of coffee.

    Finially, got a call from my pharmacy at 9pm last night - now I was sound asleep mind you - got refills on my presciptions. I was so upset about this last night I was almost crying. All that wasted energy!

    Vickie: Wake up! I thought for sure you would have beat me this morning. Im tweaking your toes! I use CVS also and they are always very very good to me. They are more customer oriented. My problem lies within my PCP's office, or should I say office staff! Some of the excuses they gave my pharmacy were just laughable. "Oh we leave early on Friday." "Oh the doctor has been out of the country." "Oh we tell our patients to give us 3 days for refills." Being a nurse and former Practice Manager - Im appalled at all of this. And when I see my PCP next week, he is gonna get an earful!

    Cheri: Well once again I blew off exercising this morning. Guess Im setting myself up for failure. Im gonna focus on exercising when I get home from work.

    Holly: Sometimes its hard to keep up - as we are a chatty bunch here. Im just glad to see you hear

    Tracey: Oh my, I was the worst teenager! Hung around with the "wild crowd"! As a matter of fact, when I went to nursing school many high school friends were shocked I would accomplish anything in my life. I was like the Fonzie character. And look at me now. I think the teenage years are really the hardest. I will be glad when February is over. This month has not be nice to me. Oh and I just loved the Soap Stud.

    Liz: Happy Anniversary. Sounds like you had a fun day.

    Jan: Happy Anniversary to you. Hope you have a grand day.

    Madison: I will be wearing beads all day today. I really feel like Mardi Gras just crept up on us and all of a sudden its here.

    Shel: Im glad that Jeannie knocked some sense into you. If ya cant come here to talk to us, then where can you go? No one understands how I feel, like all of you.

    NS: Thats weird about the xanax refills. I dont usually have problems! But I will tell you this, if they didnt call in my prescription yesterday, I was going to the office and not leaving until I had written scripts in my hand. I even envisioned myself going to the hospital and cornering my doctor while he was making rounds. Thank goodness I didnt have to do either.

    Laura: I have one good vein. When I had my port out, a nurse anesthesisit tried starting an IV in my hand! Its still bruised!

    MargaretB: I loved the hears a free hug picture.

    Karen: I remember having to wear a bra 24/7 after my exchange surgery. And while everyone elses PS was saying dont wear underwire bras - I was told to wear them! If I didnt need support for my big belly with my one piece bra thingy - I would go braless!

    I find it amazing - how many of us still have our old bras. The different sizes of clothing in my closet? Well in my warped mind I will fit into them someday. But I will never fit into my bras. I remember on my path report after my mast - they said 70% was adipose tissue!

    So last night - I was really out of sorts. I mean I was actually crying over this prescription thing. It really made me take a nose dive. Kept thinking - dang it, everything is a fight. And sometimes I just get tired of fighting. I was laying there thinking how ridiculous this situation is. Saw my PS last week, had my port out 2 weeks ago, get blood tests this week at my PCP office, and see my BS on Thursday for a follow up. Its not like Im a bad patient. I have more doctors than I care to have - so give me my drugs!!

    One more thing I forgot to tell all of you. As I was walking about yesterday, its was warm - seemed like Spring, and for the first time in 2 years I had to worry about the wind messing up my hair. It was blowing all over the place. Its such a great feeling to feel the wind blowing your hair about. I forgot what that was like.

    NS: Distorted humor and I are ready to be with you for your tests today. But he has cabin fever, and Im afraid when he see's Mazer, he may cause a ruckus!

    OK! Gotta go, hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • dash
    dash Member Posts: 173
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning ladies...thanks for all the warm welcomes! I petered out early last night but had fun reading all your posts this AM.

    NS--CMF blues...! I think that's what I have. I have gained about 3 lbs each 2 week period and when I am on the meds I bloat up too. I regret now I didn't take the shorter DD course. Ah well. Don't worry about the DH thread--you didn't say anything that I didn't think~! Men! You know even these pin up boys just don't appeal lately. Good luck on your tests today! ((HUGS))

    Liz--Happy belated Anniversary~! Good idea about donating the bras. I gave mine to a single mom who didn't have any good ones and she says they gave her figure a new life. She calls me her BOSOM BUDDY--lol!

    Laura--so sorry about the pokes..I use a (camping type)handwarmer on my arm before I go for a poke. I have good veins generally but when it's so cold outside, they hide and make it more painful.

    Margaret--thnx for the heads up--gonna explore the spa wagon~lol(never thought the virtual world could be such a comfort!)

    Hope everyone had a great night and has a nice day
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited February 2007
    Morning Ladies,
    My what a chatty group. I only skimmed the last 44 posts I missed so not up on all.
    Laura- I also hate needles. I have no veins left in my left arm and my port is gone. 4 sticks is normal for me with bloodwork these days. Last time I left in tears from the lab.
    NS - Good luck with your tests today.
    Nicki - I know what you mean about the hair. I've been brave enough to go in public "topless" for about the past two weeks. It feels great! I have about 3/4 inch of hair.
    Well got to go. Will try to make some more squares today. Made 4 yesterday!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Hey sisters
    Have a happy
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2007
    Nicky-I was just saying to DH that I was having a bad hair day too! I only have about a quarter inch but it was pressed down on one side from sleeping on it. WOW! I was so excited to see that!

    I am going to the primary doctor for my pre-op test today. My regular primary is not available so I have to see her partner. I am a little nervous. Silly I know but I just hate the thought of going through my past 8 month saga. Oh well, time to put my big girl pants on. My veins are shot too. My good vein is on the arm they can't use and my port is out.

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited February 2007
    Well that is weird. I was poking around on the boards at home before I left for work and saw 77 new posts on this thread, so I decided to leave reading for work. (Don't tell.) But when I got to work there was only 1. I thought the counter thingie didn't reset until you opened a thread?

    Tracey - Poor Girl. I am sending hugs - teenagers are SO much fun. It will work out, long term even though it doesn't seem like it now. We were literally coming to the point of kicking my eldest out of the house. But we all survived and they are doing great. Just remember, many sympathetic ears and drip dry shoulders here when you need them.

    Liz and Jan - Happy Anniversary to each of you!

    I loved the Kitty Massage. My Dad has a cat that kneeds like that for everyone but me. Cats seem to avoid me since chemo; I'm wondering if I smell funny to them or something...

    NS - I so loved your comment about giving up boobs for lent. I'd been pondering that, and didn't want to set myself up to fail with all the stuff going on right now. (And Deb; I agree those of us who are bilat should get to count only one boob a year.)

    Shokk - Good for your daughter. Oboe is a tough instrument, but good players are always in demand. When I was in the Army Band I was a flute/piccolo player, until my CO/Bandmaster found out I played oboe... Is she learning how to make her own reeds? That is so critical for oboe people.

    Gotta scoot, the boss just gave me a project and one of my co-workers brought Pazcki's... Don't tell the Circle Spa girls....

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Morning girls,
    Oh my I overslept...where were you Nicki? I didn't even feel you tweaking my toes...boy was I tired this morning. Would you like me to come do some yelling at your pcp's office. Feeling very hormone deprived today!
    Jan...happy anniversary today! Hope it's a great one.
    Liz...happy late anniversary to you! Yup two kids to get ready as my niece is staying with me for a while. She's 13 and a typical teenager...can you say aaauuugghhh.
    Shel...welcome have been missed!
    (((Laura)))...we will be with you. I have gotten used to the needles after all the sticks I've gotten!

    NS...on that magic carpet heading your way with lots of love and hugs and support. Boy this carpet is crowded...I'm dangling off the back! A bra covered wagon...hmmm
    LauraB...we are thinking of you...pop in and let us know your ok.
    Joyce...we are with you today too.
    Ok...really gotta's Fat Tuesday here at work and we are having the annual pancake race at 10:30. No school so I have an office full of kids...two of mine and two others and we're having so much fun.
    Sorry to all I missed...hugs to Karen, Shel, Denise, Carrie, Anne, Madison, Cheri (where are you this morning),Jeannie oh...everyone!!! I need to make a list of names!
    Love to all
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008

    Anne, I think the new post counter may have something to do with cookies stored on your computer. So maybe the cookies on the two comps are mismatchted. I dunno....i's just guessin...did it sound good to everyone?

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    wow we can surely rack up the thing boss is out for now...

    NS...thinking if you,hugs
    Tracey..hugs girl...just know eventually they grow up...I'm still waiting for the youngest one to do that But it does happen...good luck...
    Bayyore(holly) so glad you have joined us...we will keep you warm and hold your hand, we will let you whine, vent or just yell cuz we care and understand..hugs you know you shouldnt be hiding from us, besides Vickie mat sen those scary guys looking for you so you may as well stay in the center of the circle and enjoy the fire
    Jaennie, drumming at is part Indian and goes to tournaments during the summer maybe they'd come and do their
    Nicki...Now I am going to more fat talk...we love you just the way you are...we don't judge ...and changes that are slow are better take it eay on yourself....and tell DH he can play at pinkstock so he'll let you we'll need a resident nurse...

    Ok ladies I must run, I know I've missed many...please remember to PM me if you are coming...and what you are tents campers) hot guys
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007

    HOT GUYS...MB is ordering hot guys for Pinkstock!!! Oh now I really have to be there LOL.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    To funny Shirley, I also made a "cabbage patch" hat when I first got the knifty knitter! GD loves it and doesn't realize it was a mistake....she thinks I made it for her babies!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    I have the day off of work for MARDI GRAS….I plan to spend it with NS, and Jan, while working on the afghan.

    Vicki, I have started putting the black borders around each square….did you use a yarn need to “sew” all of the squares together? The afghan you made is gorgeous….all of those who made squares, thank you. Tell Nathaniel that he is still a KING on this Mardi Gras day….

    NS, we are with you today as you go through your tests. Good luck….I agree with Karen, that room is going to be full; we are all there for you.

    Joyce, we need to stop by and visit with you today. Good luck on your tests
    Happy Anniversary JAN……have a great day and evening!!!
    Liz, I hope you go to the Fat Tuesday party. They can be fun. DD is out of town AGAIN, at more parades…. We went to 2 Mardi Gras balls this year. In the past we have ridden in the parades and thrown beads, but haven’t been in a parade for about 5 years…..
    Karen, I hate to say this, but Brittney is from our area…..not a good role model at all, at all….
    Nicki, glad you got the refills……I hate refill time…I received permission from my insurance company (in the mail) to refill my sleeping medicine ONE MONTH after my refill prescription expired….grrrrrrr
    Hello SHEL, no hiding,
    Laura, sorry you had so much trouble with the blood draws. Ouch, that hurts. You’ll probably be bruised for a week or more.
    Shokk, I think learning to play an instrument is great training because it takes discipline and dedication. Congrats on your daughter. I was offered a scholarship in piano way, way back… good luck.
    Deb, crafty people that we all are….we just have to think of something creative to make with old bras…hummmmm….thinking…thinking….any ideas?
    Tracey, how are you this morning? How are the teenagers? Remember that teenagers are barely manageable ….lol…..from 13 to 20 years of age they become a handful.
    Anne, how dare the boss give you a project while you are visiting the circle….lol….back to work my dear.
    MB, it looks like you are at work also…..I am going to try to go to Pinkstock…I just don’t know what my schedule is at that time in August. I WANT to go, we’ll see..if it is meant to me, it will be…..
    Cheri, I hope you get the “how to” crochet book in today’s mail. I didn’t send you a G hook, only the book and instructions?
    Shirley, be on the look-out for your “how to book”… you need me to mail a G hook, yarn, anything special? Let me know..
    Sue, you made 4 squares yesterday? Great. I plan on working on the afghan ALL day today…..
    Bayyore, please explore the spa tent….ahhhhhh so relaxing..

    Hello Alwayshope, Denise, Ginny, LauraB (where are you?), oh my who am I missing? Hello to all.

    I need to start working on the afghan…..see you all later.

    NS, Joyce, big big HUGS…..

    Vickie, remember King Nathaniel today!!!!

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning all!

    Cheri-no idea about the chemo effecting the 14 month old but it was just a thought. I know my son preferred my wig over a hat and it wasn’t that I was bald. He said if I didn’t have hair it reminded him that I was sick. He was 10 though. Just a thought.

    Tracey-sorry you are having a rough time with the kids. Kids will be kids though and I am sure you are a great mom. Hang in there girl,,remember you cant kill them,,,LOL!
    I remember my days as a teenager and I turned out pretty good if I do say so myself. Thank goodness mother never found out everything I did or she would have killed me.

    Newvickie-lucky for you for no leg hair. I think that was the first thing to come back on me. I was hoping it never would of course. I could shave every day and still have stubble. I know,,,TMI!

    Liz-Congrats on 19 years! Hope you had a great time at dinner.

    Lisa-Cute little grandson but at 4 I am sure you had a very busy day.

    Biker-happy anniversary to you! Hope you have a great day.

    Madison-I’m thinking newvickie needs a different kind of wand. Maybe one that requires batteries,,,lol. Happy Fat Tuesday to you.

    Deb-You go girl on the jumping of the DH! I think it requires more than pictures to get my motor running here lately. I might need a tune up in fact cause I don’t seem to be firing on all spark plugs. Deb I’m with you on the lent thing,,2 boobs should go for 2 years and what about all those lymph nodes??? We could be good for many years.

    Holly-glad to see you in the center of the circle. We will keep you safe because we get a bit protective at times.

    NS-did we have the same mother because I have heard that exact saying many times. I have wondered the same thing about Anna Nicole Smith. In fact, I didn’t even know who she was when it was a newsbreak that she had died. Anybody that has that many men speak up and say, that’s my baby says all I need to know.

    Shel-glad you have decided to drop in more. We miss you around here.

    Laura-My veins are awful in both arms but it does seem like one will pop up in the good arm as if to say,,neener neener neener,,you cant get me! I always look like I have been in a battle when I got for my herceptin and zometa. I always get the hand stick now because they seem to be the only veins I have.

    Shokk-forgot to say yesterday how great that is about your daughter. Brag all you want!

    Armynavymom-I have had that happen to me on the counter page thing. It doesn’t happen all the time but on occasion it does. I hate it when it does too because I don’t want to miss a post. Hello, my name is Amy and I’m a BC board addict!

    Always hope you may be on to something about the counter and the cookies. I’m buying it anyway cause it does make sense.

    Nicki-glad you got your meds or the magic carpet would have been swinging by today to give your doctors office a piece of our mind. It is frustrating and some days it just seems like enough is enough.

    NS-Back to you now. You must feel really special to get called out twice,,lol. We are with you today. Mazer is a bit excited about the spring weather so apologizing now for any behavior she might show. She also got some new apple treats yesterday from the Co-op and get excited when she knows she is getting a special treat. I must say though, yesterday I had a beer as I was down in the barn brushing everybody and I turned around and she was checking it out.

    susan-hoping you are feeling good today and behaving and not trying to do too much.

    Ok gotta run I cant tell whos driving the magic carpet from where I am sitting but I would swear it was Cheri except that shes probably not awake yet. Hmmmm,,maybe that’s the problem. Shes asleep at the wheel.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Dear Friends,
    I've got appx. 6 pages of posts to read! I want to know who hit me over the head with a piece of the Yellow Brick Road?!?! I got hit fast and hard with the flu bug yesterday. Out of the clear blue and I don't know of anyone who has had it. (yet anyway!)..Slept most of the day away yesterday. Felling a bit better today, but WAAA. So much for flu shots!
    I will be back when I catch up, but Vickie I want to let you know that the Afghan is Beautiful!!
    Love and Hugs,
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007
    I keep thinking that so many of my useless bras have really pretty lace and trim on them. Would there be a way to use those to make crazy quilt sqares and piece them together with---black velour? Easy for me to say since I don't know how to quilt but I've managed to teach myself everything else, sure I could figure that out.

    Any quilters out there have a clue what I'm talking about? I don't!

    Waiting for a call back from my b surgeon about next week. She has to be the most calming woman I know! And I leave this afternoon to go to Ithaca because it's Sam Time! YAY! All it takes is a cute three month old baby to keep me on track and out of crazy city. For 2 days anyway. The stitches come out of my hand Thursday so maybe I can get back to the happy hooking soon too.

    Tracy---they eventually turn into humans---honest! My dtr is lucky I didn't drown her in the pond in middle school and she is now a social worker with a master's degree. It does happen--vodka helped me a lot!

    Nicki---oh please please come to Pinkstock. It won't be the same if you don't. You and Gina are the lynchpins on this thread. We don't care about your underwear! All my recon (and subsequent tummy tuck) did was highlight the small person I have wrapped around my midrif. I have perky boobs that hardly show for Mini Me around the middle---and my pants keep falling down now that there is no belly to hold them up. This is progress? Fly into Syracuse and I'LL pick you up and we can drive the rest of the way! I think Shel may fly in here too.

    Vickie--See you in a few hours. Two or threeish works?
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2007

    Thanks everyone that let me brag about the kiddo.....Madison that is just great....I so took piano lessons as a kid and the piano teacher finally told my mom that piano just was not for me...hehe.....I don't have a musical gene anywhere in my body whether its playing an instrument, singing or dancing....if I get to make it to pinkfest (great name by the way MB) I dance like Elaine on Seinfeld.....instead of howling with me around the camp fire ya'll will be howling AT me.............its good to see some CG's posting after taking a break for a while.....even though some of the girls like Shel won't remember me (I was still just lurking back then) its good to know many are doing as well as they can and maintaining some sort of sanity..........Tracybaby kids what can you do....I have to wonder what kind of kid you were?????? You have a great personality but I can't but wonder what your mom would say about you and you seem to have turned out to be a fantastic woman...........just hang in there and everyday get down on you knees and pray to God that he blesses your daughters someday with daughters just like they are...ha....and as grandma you can just sit back and have a great laugh...............remember what goes around comes around (and kicks you in the a$$)

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2007

    Oh and one more thing.....I think we should start collecting bond money right now for Tracey and AlaskaDeb....why do I have a feeling that those two might end up in the county jail before the pinkfest weekend ho-down is over???????????????????????? Oh and NS you are so in my prayers and we all are right there with you as you go through the scans and such..........take care.....we love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2007

    **(bail money for your bond)

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited February 2007

    the pinkfest weekend ho-down is over????????????????????????

    Did somebody say "ho-down"?
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2007

    Sorry ladies I ment "hoe-down"....I really didn't mean anything by that......its chemo-brain and I am sticking to my story..............

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited February 2007
    OK I miss 12 hours and 3 pages???? Can you imagine if we all can get together, no one would hear what the next person is saying.

    Liz, I've been having some pain in the middle of my back behind my recon breast and the breast has some really painful areas. Not like the nerves, I have that pain also. This has been for about 2 months, so it was time to call. Not worried though. We have too many other girls in worse shape. Mine's probably all in my head.

    I'm having issues with my dog last week. He's 3 and just started peeing everywhere in the house. I think he's made at me if I don't walk him everyday. We live on an acre and it's not enough. This coming from a pet store dog!!

    NS....(((smack))) on your cheek to cheer you up for tests.

    Niki, must come to Pinkstock. I'm going even without my hubby is he becomes a pain before that. Maybe we need a dropoff point and babysitter for them when they become too much of a handfull over the weekend.

    Silver...hope your hand gets better soon.

    Denise, feel better and catch up on soaps.

    Love to all,,,back to work...xoxo
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Jeannie...two or three works fine and you will get to see the afghan in person before it goes out in the mail!
    Madison...King Nathaniel is having a great time today...he just participated in the pancake race in full costume...I will try to post pics tonight. It was a blast and our residents loved it. You made him King...thank you!
    MB...heehee...I don't think Shel has seen our "scary" guys. Geez..I know why I overslept last night...all those pictures of beautiful men kept me awake. I'm lookin for a boyfriend named BOB...what can I say...geez don't tell everybody LOL...Oh...I already did.
    Collecting bond money!!!
    Hey Lini...I see how you are it takes a ho-down to bring you out of hiding LOL!!! Stick around missy or we'll have to send the posse after you.
    Hi Shokk!
    and Anne.
    Supposed to be working so better get back to it before I get any furthur behind.
    Love ya all
    Oh Madison...I used a yarn needle and sewed them together using the blanket stitch. Some will have to be stretched to fit but it's pretty easy.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning girls. Good news is another day of blue skies. My head is not pounding this morning. Yehaw. Maybe spring really is coming. Bad news is I have to be at the dentist at 11. I DON'T WANNA GO!! OK done whining. I know it is a good thing. But yuck I hate having someones hand in my mouth.
    We were a chatty bunch last night.

    Theresa, are your scans today? or next week. I'll be praying for you and Laura.

    Vicki, my dress is a size 3. Do you want it? That is IF I can find it in the basement, and IF it's still in one piece after being down there for so long. No promises, but if I can find it down there you are welcome to it.

    NS, my walmart has sports bras that hook in the front.
    Praying for you today.

    Joyce, get yourself the nifty knitter. As Denise said. It's very user friendly.

    Socal, your square is gorgeous.
    And one very handsome grandson.

    Jan Bras across America. What a grand idea.
    Happy Anniversary.

    Vicki, newly virginal women do not play with pretty men.

    Bayyore, hugs to you my dear.

    Cheri, a very difficult decision. You want to help your daughter but.....personally I wouldn't have the energy to keep my grands on a full time basis.

    Nicki, I'm sorry about your pharmacy issues. I go to one of the last remaing small town pharmacies in the world I do believe. They still believe customer service is important.

    Tracey, hugs. Have you all considered family couseling?

    Happy Anniversary Liz.
    Never made it to the basement. Had another lazy TV watching day. Someone needs to push my motivation button.
    I have two squares done. A third in the works, almost done but apparently it is not a good thing to crochet while drugged. It seemed to get wider as I went along. OOOPS

    NS, I'm with you on celebs in the news. Who gives a crap about britneys head or crotch. I'm very sorry for ANS's baby but come on people. She was a tramp with money. Why does that qualify her for front page coverage?

    Laura, I'm with you in turnip land. Usually take two techs and several pokes to get blood out of this girl. And we won't even discuss IV's.

    Margaret, shame on them. You are the Queen of your Castle. You should get whatever you want. I say off with their heads and call the worker bees back for a do-over.

    Denise, I took the cabbage patch apart so I could finish the second square. But what a grand idea. Matching hats for my girls and their babies.

    Madison, I have the hooks and the yarn. Looking forward to the books arrival. Think I've mastered the single stich but can't figure out the double. This second ball of yarn is much "harder" for lack of a better word. Will washing it make it softer?
    Have a great day off.

    Girls, I am a quilter. I would be more than willing to make our Bra Quilt. PM me if you would like to send me your old boulder holders.
    Since the first mention of PINKSTOCK I've been racking my brain trying to come up with a creative idea to contribute. This one is right up my alley.

    Off to scrub the teeth till they bleed. Can't have stinky coffee breath for the dentist now can we.
    Have a great day girls. See you when I come out of my ativan coma.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Vicki, newly virginal women do not play with pretty men.

    Umm...what do we get to play with? Now I'm pouting...oh we get the dirty bad boys!!! LOL
    I can wear a 3 (don't hate me ladies I can't help it!!!!)but don't know if a 3 will still fit my pinkstock...I really hope to gain a bit more...who knows.
    ok...back to work...shhh...don't tell
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    I can wear a 3 also,,,on one leg maybe!

  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92
    edited February 2007
    Good morning to everyone.....
    You girls are all so funny...I love to come here in the mornings and read the posts...

    Thank you all for the smiles you create
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2007

    Sorry Anne I didn't see your post until just now.....You play the oboe........oh my gosh.......yes she is learning to make her own reeds........she has such reed "issues" out of every reed I buy probably 1/3 are either flat or sharp....she can also "fix" them sometimes but geezzzzzz I have probably spent 150.00 dollars in reeds in the last six weeks..........its amazing how the weather can effect their sound............she plays 3 1/2 hrs at school and then comes home and will practice for another hour to hour and a half with the dogs howling the whole time..........

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    good morning ladies...
    ty i feel so much better today! still stressed but not to bad!
    gina your very sweet to offer that tyvm... i go to the city on monday for that transvaginal thing so i will see if i can find anything but if i cant maybe i can have you look.... i can send you a american money order i just dont want to stress you out cause you dont need that right now!!!
    ty margaret for the teddy bear hugs... i need that
    karen i will take you up on that pm offer... just as soon as i can catch up in my homework
    nikki and shokk.... i was the worst teenager ever... i put my parents through hell and back... by the time i was 17 i spent time in a juvinile jail... and at least 10x to the city drunk tank.... i never came home when i didnt want to .... i did what i wanted to... i quit school... i drank and did drugs... man o man i sure wish i could turn back time and do it over.... well maybe not... and yes your right i did turn out ok... its only taken me 40 yrs to get here and i really dont want to see my kids do my mistakes all over! i have so many ppl that think i am so well if i was so smart i would of accomplished what i wanted way back then and believe it or not but i wanted to be in the police services... now i am older i think i rebelled cause my parents were never home... they both worked and for a long period of time i was left home alone....thats not the case here... but someone said maybe from bc.... i think thats a good starting point...
    shirley you mentioned councelling but i am really put off of that... 10 yrs ago me and hubby were forced to do councelling and the counseler was hitting on my husband...not a good thing!!! just thinking about it now really ticks me off.... we just seen this person in the grocery store and she totally ignored me and started a chat up with hubby... normal circumstances that wouldnt bother me but i felt like smashing her head in the fish section.......
    i have had a chat with both of my kids and right now they are both on grounding until further notice... i am also going to try to spend more time with both of them... like a family night once a week at least... with my job and school it seems that i have no time for them like i used to.. we used to lots of things together and its time to get that back!
    so i am feeling better just need to get back on track... mabye after bc i got selfish ....
    you ladies are the best... ty