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  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    Vicki, No bad boys either. You'll just have to make do with BOB.

    amy we can make you matching hooker prom dresses. one for each leg.

    Tracey, yowsers. I think the fish would have got a bad deal. Good luck with your girls. They do grow up and move out eventually.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    It's all cuz we love ya Tracey.
    And your not is hard sometimes!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92
    edited February 2007
    Ya it is hard kids are both grown and on their own and have their own kids....

    About a month ago my sons ex called him out of the blue and told him to come pick up their 5 yr old daughter because she is "just tooooooo stressed" right now....

    Mind you my son is a single 26 yr old living in a studio apartment....I live alone with extra bedrooms so told him to go get her and move home so I can help with her......(I think those were my weak moments of insanity!!!!) I definately forgot what it is like to raise a little one...

    Today was the first day I had to get up, get myself ready for work, get her up, get her ready to drop off at day care......I think I forgot what it is like to have a 5 yr old in the house!!!!!!!!But I love her to death, she is such a little china doll....

    I was just pondering to myself about how life seems to through more crap at me than I think I can handle sometimes but no matter what I always seem to get through it....

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Hey girls. I'll read & post soon but I need help right now. My dd is at walmart to pick me up some yarn and i read that i'd need the "G" crochet hook. She says they come in 5.00 mm or 4.25 mm. Which one do I tell her to buy? I kinda need an answer soon if anybody stumbles across this. thanks

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited February 2007
    I don't have my G to tell you the size for sure, but with the squares it won't matter too much. You'll just adjust the number of stitches to get the 7 by 9.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    OK…by the time the magic carpet came to pick me up it was so full I had to tie myself to the tassels in the back and hang on for dear life! At least the waiting room was warm once we got there.

    G~ did we make too much noise? I’m sorry we made such a mess in the waiting room, but it really was not my fault…I just offered Mazer a cinnamon bun and then Distorted Humor got jealous…well you know how those things can get out of hand. I slipped the gal at the front desk a 20 dollar bill to clean up the chocolate splatters on the wall…and to throw away the empty bottles….

    Nicki – I am glad you got your scripts filled…Do NOT get between a woman and her meds! NOT fair. Sending you a hug my dear. Oh, and if you think you are going to get away with NOT coming to pinkstock, you got another think comin’ my dear! I’ll come and fetch you if I need too! If I can get my butt there fro ALASKA, you have to come…now we just have to figure out how Amy can bring Mazer…

    Speaking of Mazer…Amy, when I took down the Christmas Cards…yes, I finally took them down…my daughter scooped up the photo of Mazer. I think she is in love She wants to have every animal you can think of.

    Holly – have fun in the Spa wagon. I recommend the hot rock massage and a nice hot coffee…with a small shot of Bailey’s of course

    Sue – Your hair sounds like it is growing fast! Doesn’t it feel wonderful? I never enjoyed my hair before. Now I have trouble keeping my hands off it.

    Joyce- Hope the tests went well.

    Anne- My dog would sit on my lap and sniff me all over and growl when I was on chemo. I think my smell was weird and it freaked her out. She would eventually calm down and sit with me, but she acted weird the whole time.

    Vickie- So how do you race a pancake??? LOL sounds like fun

    MB – I will send you a PM, but I need a bed in a camper if you have one please. It is going to cost me a ton to get there so I would rather not spring for a hotel too…besides, I love to camp and it is not very far to toddle off to bed that way.

    Denise – I hope the flu bug has high-tailed it out of town. It stinks to be sick…hope you are feeling better soon. Hugs

    Jeannie – glad you have Sam to take your mind off things and I am green with envy that you get to just “stop by” and chat FOR REAL with a sister! Whaaaaa some times I hate being so far away from “the world”. Give Vickie a hug from me and say HI to the king…

    Shokk – sounds like you and I dance alike! Woo Hoo…I can see it now we will be the life of the party. And I have been elected “Most likely to end up in JAIL”. I think you girls know me tooooo well! Actually, never been to jail, but in the right company, it might be fun! LOL. You make me laugh girlfriend… bail money might be a good plan…..

    Theresa – have you had your dog checked for a bladder infection? If it started quickly that might be the problem.

    Shirley - A bra quilt….hmmmm…sounds interesting. Hope the dentist went OK…I hate the dentist…I’ve been avoiding the dentist…bad me.

    Tracey – glad you didn’t have to shoot the kids I laughed about hitting the therapist in the fish section…whack her with a big old Cod…Glad you are having a better day.

    Jule – have fun with the granddaughter

    Gotta run…I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date….be back later

    Deb C
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    ok I googled since I'm not the crochet queen and it says 4.25 mm is G and 5.0 is H but it also says each brand varies whatever that could mean. From looking though it seems like 4.25 is what it would be.

    sign me-cant crochet a darn thing but I can search the internet like nobodys business.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    BRa quilt....shirley that may be a task as the cups will all be different
    AMy we all have our is a skill....and building a house...hmmm got skills... problem, will have a place to stay...

    The nearest Jail in our area...county holding...about an hour you better behave...ahhh never mind I live too far out for anyone to'll prewarn the neighbors...
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2007

    Ok I say we get our story straight before we all are seperated by the cops.......first of all MB is going to have to explain to her daughters why she is going to town in the middle of the night.......Mom where are you going? well mommy has to go to town I'll be back soon...why mommy? well sweethearts there is this crazy woman from Alaska and this crazy woman from Canada and they got in trouble and had to be put in "grown-up timeout". So mommy is going to go get them........then of course all of the husbands,boyfriends,so are going to be hanging out in the house probably playing poker.....with one of them saying "I thought this was a "ho-down" where arel all the "ho's".......anyway can anybody tell it is really a slow day at work................

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    Ah, a quilt made from bras...That is an idea. I've got several that don't quite fit. I've got the lop-sided thing going on!
    LauraB: I've been wondering about you too. Check in.

    Deb: Again, you make me laugh. Even when you are down, you seem to have the right words for everyone else.

    Joyce: I am glad that Kevin is feeling better. I too would like to send him a little "care Package." If you would PM me your address and some of his likes, I'd appreciate it.

    Tracey: KIDS.......As I've posted before. I was a single mother to 3 kids for 19 years. My DD never gave me a bit of trouble, but my Boys who were only 12 months apart, YIKES!j
    I used to do the same thing that Deb suggested. I would not hand out a punishment at the time. When they wanted to know what was going to happen, I used to tell them I'd let them know in a day or so. Would drive them crazy! Son #1 was killed in a Car Accident when he was 18. (Hit by semi due to weather conditions) Son #2 turned into Son from Hell. I would have to start a new thread to recall about 5 years of his life!! Today, he is 28, moved out West. Wonderful job and is getting married in November. I do know that I was a inabiler (I killed that word!) PM me if you need to know more!
    I'll continue..just don't want this post to vanish!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007

    Post deleted by newvickie

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2007

    Ok Vicki you made the margins wide sweetheart.....would it be possible for you to give NS a smaller bag?

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    I'm back!
    Shirley, you're on..A Bra quilt!

    Weight: I told people last summer that I gain and lose every other year so that my clothes last longer!

    Vicki: Once again, that afghan is Beautiful. Who ever wrote that it is just like us. All different squares put together makes one beautiful piece. I love that!

    NS: We've all been with you today. I hope you are feeling okay. Let us know if we can do anything to help you.

    MB: I'm really going to try and make it to pinkstock! I really want to meet as many of you as I can! I don't plan on bringing my Husband....Is this more of a Girls Weekend, Family Weekend or Whatever Weekend?

    To everyone that I have missed. Love and Hugs to you.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2007

    Wow I never did notice before that Teddy Grahams are a good source of Calcium

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008

    Wow! That's one jumbo bag. NS, are you sure you can eat all that???

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    aaauuuggghhhh...we need Teddy Grahams for NS but the pics are all too big! Sorry ladies...I deleted the last one that I didn't check before posting.

    Thank you all for you wonderful afghan truly is beautiful as beautiful as all the ladies who sent squares to put it hat off to you all...your the best. It is going in the mail today.
    Love to all and I'll be back later
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited February 2007
    The advantage to cyber cookies, no matter what size the bag, is they have cyber calories.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    Denise...bring anyone you want we can find things for the men to do...especially if they like hot rods...some are bringing family and some are coming solo...'ll tell you I've visited the "poky" lots for neighbors...the State Police know my ihad a "crazy canadian " neighbor for camp fire story...and youngest was a tenant for I know the way in the

    Anne Dh can't wait to chat with another heart patient besides my makes him

    TO all that have been absent we miss you..hugs...

    Running work is a drag...
  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited February 2007
    Hey CGs,

    I was worried so I PM'd LauraB to see how she is - she's got a lot going on but is doing fine. She said she'll stop in soon to give an update. She sounds good and focused on what she is doing.

    I know I'm relieved!


  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited February 2007
    MB - you make me happy to know I'm not the only one who's not keeping my mind on work this afternoon. I'm Soooooo bad!

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2007

    ok where is Chemosabi and Cheri123..........I saw Cheri pop in but her post wasn't long enough.....they must be with NS pacing in the waiting room.............

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. What a day. Thank you to Vickie & Amy for pm'ing me about the size of the crochet needle. My dd really appreciated the fast response. lol She came over this morining and woke me up early. (well, early for me) Said she hadn't felt good and the oldest boy threw up all night but I thought she was proably ok. She ran to wal-mart for me & she stopped by the dr and she has stomach flu & strep...again!! I tell ya they just pass it back & forth to each other. She sat close to me this morning so she could clean up some of the programs in my computer. That's just what I need.

    Nicki, I remember always spraying my hair down so the wind wouldn't blow it, but it's sure a nice feeling now with it about 2" long.

    Holly, so glad to see you've joined us. Hope you stay awhile. You'll really like it here. I don't see how anybody wouldn't. lol Yes, who would've thought that a virtual party could ever be fun yet we have them all the time. It's uplifting. If you haven't read through the thread 'those of us born between 1930-1979' you should do so. It's a relaxing walk down memory lane.

    Joyce, hope pre-op went well for you.

    Madison, I got the crochet book & instructions this morning in the mail! Thank you so very much that was so kind of you. We had a little confusion about the size of hook to buy, but I imagine there'll be alot more confusion than that in store for me once I try & start. lol

    Denise, glad to hear you're feeling better today.

    Shirley, oooh hope your dental appt. went well today & you're not feeling any pain.

    Tracey, I like your new avatar. Show off! I wish you luck with your teen-agers. My gosh I am sooo glad my daughter made it out of that stage! I understand exactly what you're going through. Mine started at about 14 yrs old & lasted til she was probably 21.

    Jule, I know what you mean by having a grandchild live in your home. My dd & her family just moved out after about a yr. of living here. Three grandsons, ages 2,6, and 8. I wish you the best.

    NS, so hoping your day went well. Everything is gonna turn out good. My thoughts & prayers are with you.

    Mena. Come home.

    Judy & Odalys, where are you girls?

    Susan, I don't think I saw a post from you all day yesterday. Are you alright? Don't make me have to call you. I still dont know what day I'm coming up. My dd won't let me go to Mothers without her so I don't know how I'm going to do this quite yet. May make 2 different trips but I'll let you know. Its not a big deal, only 30 min drive.

    I'm tired today since I didn't get my sleep. I told Amber that I'd decided I'd try & babysit for her a couple of weeks and see how I manage but to have a back-up sitter in case I couldn't handle it. She said "I don't know why you couldn't." lol They just do not get it. But it's just my sweet little 2yr old GS. The one that's just sooo crazy about me. Shoot, when Ethan, the 5yr old, was a baby I helped raise him & loved every min. of it. But that was 5 yrs ago & I was in alot better health and was able to get around pretty good. But I'm gonna give this a shot. She hasnt even found a job yet so it may be awhile.

    Hey to Ginney, Karen, Boo, Jan, Anne, MB, Denise, Jeannie, Shokk, Deb, Lini, Theresa, Carrie, Brenda, Denise, Margaret, Michele, and anyone I missed by mistake. Hey I just thought of something. Remember Romper Room? The Magic Mirror...and I see Ginney, Nicki, Jan etc. lol Or..maybe you don't.

    Hoping all of you had a good day and wish you a good evening. You know I'll be back once I get started.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    I knew there'd be more posts by the time I got mine done!

    Ginney, thanks for the update on Laura. We appreciate it.

    Shokk, don't know where Nicki is but I'm here.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Cheri, I was cooking and crocheting and just responded to your PM. I'm glad you had a quicker response that I could give you.

    I'll read and catch up with all of you later...back to the kitchen to cook..

  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited February 2007
    how long can you use chemo brain as an excuse for a stupid mistake?????

    I have been making some big ones lately........I swear I am brain dead.....does anyelse have that problem. will elaborate later on mistake, have to drive kids to CCD class......... help the insanity!!!!!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Good Evening All,

    just a quick post from work. Today is Fat Tuesday and one of my co-workers always brings in fasnachts. We pigged out . Then, another co-worker brought in a birthday cake for the girl who brought in the donuts. We pigged out . Now I feel sick. I deserve it!! I am a stupid ass! When will I ever learn?

    I don't have time to respond to everyone tonight, but I hope all is well.

    G, how were your tests. It was mighty crowded in that waiting room!!

    Well, I'm spending my anniversary at work until 8:00. DH is going to Atlanta for a seminar tomorrow, so we won't get a chance to celebrate until he comes home on Sat.
    Guess what?? I slept all night last night, with no drugs, no hot flashes and no potty trips! I couldn't believe it. I'm hoping for a repeat. Boy, we take the little things in life for granted. I never thought I would be worrying about sleep.

    I've got to get back to work. I had a lot of stuff left for me yesterday. I'll never catch up at this rate .

    Oh, Michelle, I will use chemo brain as an excuse forever!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    ROFLMAO! HAHAHAH! Well, I made my first line of crochet stitch, forgot what I was doing and it was 3' long! Unraveled and I just don't get how to turn around & go back. I am all thumbs. lol But I am trying.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Evening Everyone: So I came home and first thing I did was exercise. I was sweating so much - now I know for sure I cant go this in the morning. I will still be sweating after my shower!!

    It was a glorious day here in the Chicago end of the circle. Got up to 50 degrees and I drove around with my sun roof down all day long. I was a good girl. There were lots of good things to eat - and Apricot filled - my favorite. So I sat there, pulled out my 2 pieces of string cheese and pouted.

    I have read everyones posts = but time is short tonight. Had to give up some computer time. Prefer evenings over morning.

    Joy and Boo! I am one year ahead of your with your chemo. I remember last year, on April Fools Day - it was the first time I went without my hat. My hair grew back so funny. I had more in the back than on top. My widows peaks came in last. And there was more hair on the right side of my head than the left. But I didnt care. I got some gel, spiked it and looked stylish. I just asked my husband how long he thinks my hair is. He says 4 inches! It seems so short. How soon we forget. Last year at this time I was whining cause it was taking way too long for my hair to grow back. As a matter of fact, I believed I was gonna be bald the rest of my life.

    Anne: Thats funny about your cats. Both of my cats avoided me while I was getting chemo also. But not my big goofy dog. He truelly was mans best friend.

    Tracey: I knew it. So you were a juvenile deliquent lol. I remember wearing a black leather jacket, cigarette hanging from my mouth, shoulder slumped and acting KOOOL. Liquid eyeliner with wings. Short skirts. Man, I was a bad kid.

    Shokk: Im a Seinfeld addict. Watch all the reruns, so I really laughed when you talked about dancing like Elaine. Now thats funny.

    Tgirl: My 5 year old dog, pees all over the place. He is just as stubborn as can be. Any other owner would have given him away by now. If its something new in the house he has to mark it!

    DebC: Sometimes I just laugh at your posts. You are so darn funny. The end of the story, PCP called in RX with 3 refills. Nurse called me on my cell phone and I have a RX with 3 more refills waiting for me in the doctors office. Guess this woman got a little crazy. Like I said, dont mess with my DRUGS.

    Pinkstock! You all are so funny. It sure would be fun getting together. And you have never seen my funny side - or maybe you have. Now I can dance. Took lessons as a child. Tap dance - yess. Hoochie mama - oh yes, on top of a table. I just dont know. Its far off and Im such a procrastinator. Husband definitely wont come. Someone has to stay home and watch these animals who rule this house. But I gotta say, the bra burning sure has my interest. I would love to do that. If I do come, I will need a hotel, with hair dryer, room service, and a pool - thank you very much.

    OK! SIZE #! OMG I couldnt fit that on my good arm.

    Ginney: Thanks for the update on LauraB.

    I walked 2 miles today. Burned 350 calories. Big fudging deal. Im still fat.

    Michele: Chemo brain? Sometimes I just space out. Or I was gonna say something and cant remember. At work, I tell people Im having a brain fart.

    OK - my time is up. Madison, Holly, PurpleMB, Sherloc, Jules, Cheri - geez I have so much to say to all of you.

    Vickie: Somehow I alway miss saying something to you. Thats cause it seems like we are talking to each other. I loved the FAt Tuesday picture. And all this dirty talk? OH my!

    NS: How did the tests go?

    Amy: Distorted Humor keeps licking his mouth. Wonder what he got into with Mazer.

    I will have more time tomorrow morning and try to catch up with everyone.

    Lini: Ho down - ahahaha, I knew something would bring you back.

    Maybe this week-end we should have a real Ho Down. Now that I have my drugs, Im game. By the way, my drugs include Lipitor which is for cholesterol.

    Have a wonderful evening
