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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Jan, (Biker) I found you a little something for your anniversary. Your very first motorcycle! I bet you looked kewl riding on the back of this thing. hahahaha

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007
    Ooooooooooh Cheri,

    I did look kewl ! Thank you!!

    Tracey, I was one of those bad kids too. I never ended up in Juvie, but close. Drinking, smoking, cutting school. My bus driver used to pick me up at my house and drop me off at my girlfriend Barb's lol. I had a teacher hit me, in high school, and I totally lost my mind and hit her back. They wouldn't let me back in school until I saw a psychiatrist . I don't think it helped much. My kids were way better than DH and me!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited February 2007

    Nicki, how are you doing on South Beach? I tried it a few years ago and did lose some weight, but not nearly as much as they said I would. I do try and watch what kind of carbs I eat, but it's hard. I just got sooo bored eating all those eggs! I should try it again.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2007
    Tracie, let's comiserate about our children. My 15 year old has been grounded from EVERYTHING the past weekend and is gradually earning stuff back. We went through so much with my first 2 as teenagers, I just don't have the energy to deal with this again. What really depresses me is knowing my sweet 6 year old will be a teenager some day.

    This Pinkstock is sounding more fun all the time. I am such a "goody two shoes" that it would be fun to whoop it up with all of you. I think we'd be far enough away from my town that I could get away with it.

    I am anxious to hear from NS. Hoping her day went well.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    hahaha jan and nikki and me the brat pack... omg its a good thing we didnt know each other as teenagers!!!
    i am still bad but just got good at it!!!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Now, all of you on the playground have got to

    Bratpack=Jan, Vickie, Tracey

    Pinkstock is going to be sooo much fun...

    Oops, I need to get back to the afghan I am working on...

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007

    one half of mouth done. Wasn't so bad. Came home and crashed hard. Next appt not for another month. Will catch up with you all tomorrow.

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2007
    Nicki- Thanks for the hair keep checking on it everyday. I am driving everyone nuts!

    The doctor was nice but the lab girls had trouble getting my blood again. I look like a junkie! They finally got it out of my hand. I think my veins have had enough and need a long vacation.
    Ginny-thanks for the update on Laura. Ive been thinking about her and hope she is ok.
    Michele-I know what you mean about chemo brain. I was on the phone trying to get a hold of Kevin's surgeon. I could not remember his name. The receptionist must have thought I was nuts not knowing who operated on my son two weeks ago! I just went blank and started rambling all his doctor's name (he has 10) till I got the right one. I scare myself like I have a short circuit somewhere.

    Take Care,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    ummm...I think we need to add Madison, Deb and Cheri to the bratpack too LOL!
    Really tired tonight so I'm off to bed...probably won't sleep but will crochet a while and wake up with a crochet hook in my ear tangled in yarn...may need extra help in the morning.
    Love ya all...truly
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    ok, so I thought I was doing fairly well. after the first row it was long enough, guess it shrinks when you go back thru. lol Back to the begining...again.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    London broil and hominay with lots of butter for those not dieting. A nice sald for those of you who are!

    Now I have to go back and try to catch up with all the posts!

    Hey I think Cheri is getting the hang of it! Good job!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    lol cherri...
    ok i give you big credit for trying.... i wouldnt have as much patience for that!!! good job girlfriend!!!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    brat pack list

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2007
    Well, we did make Legoland held..

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    thats really cool socal.....
    what a great picture
    hope it goes on the pic thread as well
    tracey aka the bad child!!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Lisa, that is really cool.

    Cheri, looks good...and it does take a while to "get the hang of it". You are learning how to hold the hook, yarn, make the stitches, etc. It takes time....thank you for doing this....

    Shirley, we'll visit tomorrow, get some rest.

    Hello Joyce, I still want to send Kevin a surprise....PM your address, thanks

    Jan, hope you had a nice anniversary.

    Nicki, glad you got med refills. My ortho doc gave me a new script for my pain med last visit....just filled it today.

    Sheri, teenagers are something else....

    Michele, you have come to the right place for help with the insanity.....just ask us...we are perfectly sane...

    Vickie, I have my crochet hook in hand and will probably fall asleep working on the afghan. It is always interesting in the morning to see what stitches are created when I am asleep....

    Tracey aka the bad child aka part of the bratpack, and all I have missed, off to bed for me

    Nite everyone, Madison
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Wow I think I have fineally caught up, but I couldn't take notes and keep reading.
    Vickie that afgan looks great! reminds me of some of the ones my grandmother would make from left over projects.

    Well I broke down and scheduled a visit with the dentist. When I went to bed I could feel my tooth pulsing. Drove me nuts!

    Sirley, was it you that said your sone was going to see about getting based in San Diego? isn't he on a sub? That would put him at Point Loma. My ex was stationed there when I met him. Nice base to be stationed at.

    Jule, are you getting all this wind that we're getting over here? it was down right cold out there today!
    I think it's warmer now than it was at noon!

    Cheri you will have the hang of chrcheting in no time. I don't do the fancy stuff. I learned the basics as a young teen. Enought that when my Grandma passed on I was able to finish the baby blanket she had started for my oldest daughter.

    I started an afgan about 3 years ago and it's about 4" high by about 5' long. But I ran out of yarn and haven't been able to find the same color since. So I guess when I pick it back up I'll have to make it a stripped afagan. It's going to be really heavy though as I have a very tight stitch in it.

    It felt realy weird not makeing a prom dress for anyone last year. But my girls are all grown and the other kids that would have come to me for a dress knew about my struggles with BC so they didn't want to bother me with making dresses for them. But I got my sewing machine back out and have lots of projects for the grands to make. I just have to get off here to do it. But I'm a BC addict and have to have my fix!

    Holly, so good to see you back in the circle. The CMF blues can be hard but I always made myself think of things that were harder to deal with to make the day seem better if only for the moment.

    Cheri, has been given back the keys to the magic carpet? Woo Hooo what a wild and fun ride! She'll get us to everyones appointment pretty fats, So glad there are seat belts now so we don't fall off!

    Vickie, I was a size 12 in high school then went down to a size 1, now am down to size 18. it's all relative. So long as we feel good about ourselves! that's all that matters!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007

    Someone was talking about antidepressants and sexual side affects. Hubby has been on several different ones to help deal with anxiety and anger. the best one so far has been welbutrin. Hated paxil & prozac as they made him into a zombie. With the welbutrin he still has emotions and feelings but is not a walking zombie

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    OK Ladies! I'm here to give y'all a little talkin’ too!

    I am a size 26...I have no boobs, I have scars all over my body, my hair is 2 inches long and gray and you want to know what??? I'm BEAUTIFUL! I'm lovely and I am worthy of love.

    Now here is the news flash my dear friends....SO ARE YOU! I don't care if you weigh 400 pounds and have a mustache and a limp. I don't care if you weigh 96 pounds soaking wet and wear an eye patch. I don't care if you are missing body parts galore. YOU are beautiful. It makes me sad when I "hear" the pain in your posts when you worry about your weight or your looks.

    Mama says LOVE yourselves the way you are right now. You do not have to look a certain way or be a certain weight to be worthy of love.

    I joke about my weight, but I joke about everything. I am dieting because I want to get healthy, not because I give a rat's behind about what people think about my looks.

    Laughing is fine and good and glorious, but please cut yourselves some slack...In the words of the Devine Miss M...

    "I'm Beautiful"

    "That's it, baby! When you got it, flaunt it, flaunt it!"

    "This is the Divine Miss M
    And I'm here to share with you some rare
    and stimulating insight into my cosmic fabulosity.
    It's really very simple. I simply believe with all my heart:"

    I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful, dammit!
    I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful, dammit!
    I'm beautiful, so beautiful, I'm beautiful, dammit!
    I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful, dammit!

    "Go away, little girl," they used to say.
    "Hey, you're too fat, baby, you can't play."
    "Hold on, miss thing, what you trying to do?
    You know you're too wack to be in our school."

    Too wack, too smart, too fast, too fine,
    too loud, too tough, too too divine.
    I said you don't belong. You don't belong.
    Too loud, too big, too much to bear,
    too bold, too brash, too prone to swear.
    I heard that song for much too long.

    Ain't this my sun? Ain't this my moon?
    Ain't this my world to be who I choose?
    Ain't this my song? Ain't this my movie?
    Ain't this my world? I know I can do it.

    I'm not too short, I'm not too tall,
    I'm not too big, I'm not too small.
    Ooh, don't lemme start lovin' myself!
    Ooh, don't lemme start lovin' myself!
    I'm not too white, I'm not too black,
    I'm not too this, I'm not too that.
    Ooh, don't lemme start lovin' myself!
    Ooh, don't lemme start lovin' myself!

    I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful, dammit!
    I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful, dammit!

    It's time to call it what it is. Don't play the naming game.
    Become what you were born to be and be it unashamed.
    "Go away, little boy," I can hear them say,
    "Everybody on the block says they think you're gay.
    Hold on, my friend, do you think we're blind?
    Take a look at yourself. You're not our kind."

    Too black, too white, too short, too tall,
    too big, too green, too red, too small.
    I said you don't belong. You don't belong.
    Too black, too white, too short, too tall,
    too blue, too green, too red, too small.
    I heard that song for much to long.

    Ain't this my sun? Ain't this my moon?
    Ain't this my world to be who I choose?
    Ain't this my song? Ain't this my movie?
    Ain't this my world? I know I can do it.

    People always ask me,
    "Miss M, how did you get so far
    on so little?" Shut up!
    Well, I woke up one morning,
    flossed my teeth and decided,
    "Damn, I'm fierce!" You look good!
    You can be just like me! A goddess? Yeah!
    Don't just pussy foot around and sit on your assets.
    Unleash your ferocity upon an unsuspecting world.
    Rise up and repeat after me: "I'm beautiful!"

    I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful!
    Can you say that?
    I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful!
    I don't hear you!
    I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful!
    I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful!

    That's it, baby, when you got it, flaunt it, flaunt it!

    Ain't this my sun? My sun! Ain't this my moon? My moon!
    Ain't this my world to be who I choose?
    Ain't this our song? Ain't this our song?
    Ain't this our movie? Ain't this our movie?
    Ain't this our world to be who we choose?

    I'm not too short, I'm not too tall,
    I'm not too big, I'm not too small.
    Ooh, don't lemme start lovin' myself!
    Ooh, don't lemme start lovin' myself!
    I'm not too white, I'm not too black,
    I'm not too this, I'm not too that.
    Ooh, don't lemme start lovin' myself!
    Ooh, don't lemme start lovin' myself!
    I'm beautiful, dammit!

    I love you ALL and you ARE beautiful, inside and out.

    lecture over...
    Hugs all around
    Deb C
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Deb, I couldn't agree more. I've been all over the scale & I figured out that if I'm happy & healthy were I'm at to bad if anyone else doen't like it.

    Think I'm going to throw a few logs on the fire and cuddle up with a movie.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Awww, that was nice Deb. Thank you. I love the Divine Miss M anyway. The Rose is still one of my favorite movies. And I do hear what your sayin. It is really true.

    Did I miss a page? I wonder if Sparky has checked in. Maybe I should backtrack but I don't think she has. Now you girls know, she has more scans tomorrow, right? It's beautiful weather for a Magic Carpet ride. G we're all thinking of you and wishing you well.

    Susan, I guess I'll have to call you tomorrow. This is 2 days without a post from you. Hope you're well, but I'm gonna find out for sure. lol

    Yes girls, I was a Brat,too.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited February 2007
    Good evening CG - at this time of night, maybe i need a different salutation, but good night just doesn't sound right.
    AlaskaDeb - you have such a way with words. Love the song. You always know what to say. I do hope I get to pinkstock and can meet you in person. You are beautiful inside and out!!!
    NS- how did everything go today? IT was quite crowded in the waiting room and the magic carpet ride was wild. The girls are wonderful. Keep us posted when you are ready.
    Nicki - glad you finally got your Rx. I am also sick of doctor appointments - I just cry when I think about making another appointment. Too many already this year. Yes, it is nice having hair to get wind blown - mine is about 2" and so soft. I don't have bad hair days anymore, cuz having hair again is so nice - no matter what it looks like. Thankfully, so far it has had a nice style all its own. But when i was bald I said I would not complain about my hiar when it came back in - well time will tell if I can keep that "promise".
    Joyce - hope all went well with the pre-op visit. Remind me what type of surgery - who was it who asked how long we can claim "chemo-brain"? I don't know if its that, or just so hard to keep up with all the posts.
    Always hope - i used to love the chocolate Teddy Grahams.
    Cheri - yes i remember Romper Room. Didn't all of us born in the 50's watch it. Till you mentioned the magic mirror, I would not have remembered it. What about Captain Kangaroo?
    Biker - I'm jealous - sleeping through the night! Heres hoping you get two nights in a row and then three and four...
    Shirley - glad you made it okay at the dentist. I had my cleaning last week.
    Tracey - happy to hear that today was a better day. Hang in there, you will get through this.

    Well, I saw the sleep doctor. He didn't tell me much that I didn't already know - yes insomnia, yes depressed, but he did say I might also have some sleep apnea due to the snoring and the fact that my soft palate hangs down low - but he is not going to do anything about the apnea at this time. He suggested that I get counseling and maybe go on antidepressants, but he did not Rx anything. Regarding the Effexor, he said maybe the dose was too high for me as I am small since I had such trouble with side effects (doubt it was the dose as I was only on 75mg). He also suggested Bio-feedback, massage therapy and accupuncture. Will try the biofeedback. Two sessions one week apart as insurance will cover it. First appt is Monday. Can't afford the other two right now, and also can't deal with adding too many more appointments. I almost cried when trying to tell him how overwhelmed i am with doctor appt. He said they are not doctor appt, but I said well they are appt all the same. Will wait and see what happens with the hand before I do anything else. He has an LPC in his office, but I don't know if my insurance will cover her. Part of me if I am going to see a therapist really wants someone who specializes in chronic illness, cancer or the likes - someone who gets it. I don't think it is regular depression, but BC depression. Sleep doc also wants me to log my sleep - got a bedtime and wake up time (midnight and 6 am). directions if can't fall asleep to get up and go to another room for atleast 1/2 hour or till really sleepy. DH wonders if I can go to bed earlier if we are going to have sex as he says he is not staying up to midnight!!! HEck, it is not often that he gets lucky!!! (sorry if I offended anyone).
    Cy, Bayyore, Laura (turnip), Boo, Anne, Vickie, Michelle, Shel, MB, Madison, Denise, Amy, Silvergirl, Shokk, Lini, tgirl, Jule, Biker, Sheri, Lisa and anyone else I left out, sweet dreams. Wishing everyone a feel good day tomorrow.
    Karen in Denver
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Am I the last one up tonight?? Of course it is only 10:00 pm here

    I have good news ladies.....I have 45 little surprise packages ready to mail tomorrow

    I am heading to the post office bright and early...who do you think will get their package first????

    Deb C.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007

    I'm getting ready for bed but had to pop back on. Just finished watching "One Night with the King" I liked it. Thought it was well done.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Karen, your BC treatmetn center should have the name of a therapist that deals with all we go through who can help you. Tell your DH that if and when he gets lucky you will decide waht time and that if it's early you may get back up! Seriously though, keep the journal. it will help in many ways. Try to go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time. I personal will lay in bed for hours on end wide awake! I can't get up and down when this happens as it wakes my hubby. he get's mighty grumpy if he get woke up, cause he can't get back to sleep. Bad enough I wake him when I come in sometimes. He's a morning person and I'm a night person. about the time I'm getting up on the weekend he's going back to bed. Of course he worked about 20 years on graveyard and I've worked days.

    Well I have to make it to the clinic for a blood draw in the morning so I sould try to get some sleep.

    Woo hoo Deb's got a surprise for us all!

    Throwing a few more logs on the fires to keep us warm.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Wow a surprise! I love surprises. Thanks Deb. I'll be watching the mail.

    I'm gonna walk the perimeter once more and make sure everyone is tucked in & safe. Goodnight my good friends.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning everyone,

    Guess I'm the first one up. I've been in a funk lately and it's starting to show up in my wake up times. This morning it was 4:45 am.

    Had my mamm. last week which didn't show anything, then saw my onc. on Thursday. She spent a long time on a certain spot on my remaining breast. Said she felt some cysts and I'm not to worry. Yeah right. Then my BS office called to re-schedule that 6 month appt. until late in next month. I just wanted all these Feb. appointments over with. Back to the onc. - she's greaat and I trust her, but it scared me. She's says it's nothing and I almost believe her, but I've heard that before and it was something - a terrible something.

    And today is the 2 year anniversary of hearing those words - it's cancer. Sorry for being a downer. I'm just feeling a little blue and scared.

    Pinkstock sounds wonderful. I've already plotted the trip out, but haven't told DH. He's so supportative, but sometimes I get the feeling he thinks I should be over "it". But what fun being together would be.

    Deb, thanks for the lecture. I've been thinking about stopping the arimidex because of the 30 some pounds I've gained on it, but I'll keep it up. As my DH says about his weight when he goes to eat something bad for him, "Who cares, I've already grown up to look like this."

    Hugs to all.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Betty! Ah geez - beat again with the first early morning post. Its so good to see you. I think all anniversaries about BC get to us. My 2 year is coming up in April. And to be honest, when I was first diagnosed I didnt think I would be here 2 years later. So I think you should pull yourself outta this funk and do your survivor dance. You deservie it! Its not just mh DH, but everyone thinks I should be over this by now. but Im not and dont think I ever will be. And those infamous last words by our doctors - I see something but dont worry. Of course we are going to worry. It warm enough by the campfire this morning so come sit with me and have some coffee.

    Jan: Im doing OK with South Beach. And yes, it can get so boring at times. I was on it for over 1 year before my diagnosis and it worked great for me. I was 20 pounds lighter then, than I am now. I did break down this week-end and had reeses peanut butter cups and chocolate cookies - so I think thats where my 2 pound weight gain came from. And I havent given up my wine. And wont give up my wine lol. I can make some pretty good desserts using splenda, just have to get motivated to cook again. Husband does all the cooking around this house. I make a chocolate cheese cake that is outta this world and no sugar - calories yes, but no sugar. Maybe I will make some this weekend.

    Tracey: Oh my "Brat Pack" now that was a good early morning laugh. I had 2 older sisters and a younger brother. Parents were both born in Italy - and I was by far their biggest headache. But its funny, out of the 4 of us, Im the only one who went on to school and became a nurse. How that happened to me I dont know. Never planned on being a nurse. Took all business classes in High School. Guess it was my destiny. As I grew out of high school I totally changed. Became a hippy girl! Went to demonstrations and was at the 1968 democratic convention riots here in Chicago. Hmmm lets see, got pregnant at 16 and had a baby at 17. As I type this I wonder how in the world did I turn out the way I did

    Madison: Brat pack = Tracey, Nicki, Jan and Vickie. Although I must admit Tracey has me beat, but I was a pretty wild girl myself.

    As I read through everyones posts, I see the Brat Pack is getting bigger and bigger. Welcome Madison, DebC and Cheri. We can sit by the campfire and tell some wild stories.

    Sherloc: Im so glad the dentist appointment is over. If I had Ativan 2 mg, I would be sleeping for sure. Hope to see ya in the morning.

    Sheri: Goody Two Shoes? You? No way!

    Joyce: I remember looking at my head about 3-4 times a day. I think that is one of the reasons it seemed to take so long for it to grow back. And my hair came back salt and pepper. I think if I remember right, I colored it about 6 months after my last chemo.

    Cheri: I think your first atttempt at crocheting looks great. I have crocheted for years and I have 6 squares that, well I just dont like. You will get the hang of it. After all my practice, I finially figured out my pattern and Im pretty happy now with the squares Im making. Seems like I dont do much crafting during the week, but I always catch up when the week-end comes.

    CY: You and I are the same dress size! Cant believe it. When I was 20 I was 5' 6" and weighed 100 pounds. But I must have big bones cause I wore a size 7-8 then. What really bugs me is that it is so hard to find nice business suits in the larger sizes.

    Debc: I sure do love the Divine Miss and that song was great. Vanity - geez, would like to throw it out the window. I think a big part of my problem is the new styles. They are not very attractive if your over weight. I say bring back the longer blouses, bring back things that are little more feminine - like a pretty white blouse with a pretty collar and lace. These short, tight fitting blouses and jackets are killing me.

    Karen: Sounds like the appt with the sleep doctor might have been a little disappointing. We all understand what you mean about more appointments! I was just wondering, do you have a cancer center? My cancer center has social workers available at no charge. Not that I would go talk to one lol. And I say phooey on the Effexor dosage being too strong. That medication made me feel awful. So did Zoloft. I would have preferred the depression over the side effects. There are so many antidepressants available. Call you PCP and tell him to order you something different!!

    NS: Where the heck are you? Yes, Distorted Humor and Mazer made quite a ruckus at the hospital yesterday. Gonna have to put a costume on them both today for you other tests. Figure after yesterday, the hospital staff wont let them back in.

    So I will finish this early morning post with a nice story from yesterday. I go to this one hospital and the volunteers give me the room numbers for the patients I am there to see. So I start talking to them and one of them says Im reading "Running With Scissors" and "I just dont get it." I said to her, ya know I belong to a breast cancer support board and alot of people were talking about that book last year - I never read it myself - as I like Stephen King. Anyways, she started crying. Was just diagnosed with breast cancer, getting port in today and starts chemo Thursday. Well the 2 of us talked for over 45 minutes! She looked at me and said, hey - you look pretty good.

    I just find it so amazing, how many are being diagnosed with bc. It seems like it is everywhere.

    Jules: I cant imagine have to take care of a 5 y/o! Man oh man, I can barely take care of myself.

    Michele: Im hoping after I take a shower today, I will remember what color my tooth brush is. Having problems remembering that everyday now.

    OK, gotta go - hope you all have a wonderful day.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited February 2007
    Thanks, the campfire is warm and the coffee is great. Forgot to mention, today is also my daddy's birthday. He would have been 95 today. He's been gone 18+ years and I miss him.
