
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Posts: 310
    edited September 2006
    Just checkin' in for the nightwatch.

    Vickie--I PM'd you again. Or will shortly.
    Carrie---I'm all over that hot chocolate as long as you don't incinerate the marshmallows. Ungrateful wretch that I am, can't stand marshmallows you can't tell apart from the charcoal!
    Denise---I'll be answering you soon Everything I know I learned from my mother----an unbelievable role model we lost to colon cancer 4 years ago tomorrow. So thank you for your kind words.

    We certainly seem to be a group that travels on its stomach. Will cogitate on the recipe book some. We could even make it hard copy and a keeper if someone out there knows how to set up a downloadable title page and chapter tabs to put into a 3 ring you bought yourself. Anybody have a webpage they could do that on for us? Or is there an easier way? I'd try to do it myself but we just replaced the old PC with an iMac and I'm going to be on training wheels for awhile---amazing machine! I sent a message to Melissa (after the pain meds wore off!) to ask about keeping the thread on top. Will let you know what she says.

    Sleepy time. They really did a job on all of the muscles down my jaw and neck---feel just like a bad case of whiplash. Only three days (please God) left to go in the waiting game. Zanax is a wonderful thing! It's still a worry but you don't give a rip!
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Posts: 310
    edited September 2006

    What the heck is a Whoopee Pie?

  • newvickie
    newvickie Posts: 2,941
    edited September 2006
    Whoopie pies are a very rich chocolate cookie with frosting center. You bake the cookies and they puff up, put frosting in the center and they look like a ball...sooo good with ice cold milk! I used to make them at the diner and our truck drivers would come in and buy every one and make everyone else so mad that they missed them.

    Oh...have a great recipe for corn chowder too...NO FISH IN IT...everyone thinks because it says chowder it has fish.

    Taco soup...mmmmm.

    Ok...enough...I've eaten enough today and making myself hungry again.
  • Deese
    Deese Posts: 50
    edited September 2006
    Oh my, whoopie pies! We use to make them too! (I mean mom did when we were kids) Sooo good! Love the recipe thread idea. A lot of talent around here that needs to be shared. I need the 'two steps or less' recipes. Anything else is gourmet to me!

    I still want to try cocoa in my coffee but have to go buy the cocoa!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Posts: 2,941
    edited September 2006
    Hi Denise,
    I guess the Whoopie Pies are a recipe from Maine...I had a customer from Maine in the diner one day that was shocked that I was making them as she had never seen them any where but Maine!??!
    Oh and creme puffs!!! They are the best.
    Not coming up with many healthy recipes here am I?!?LOL
  • newvickie
    newvickie Posts: 2,941
    edited September 2006
    Just wondering if we can keep positive thoughts for Trenton in our circle...he's stll missing, my daughter is soo worried, they were searching dumpsters yesterday. (you can google Trenton Duckett if interested but it is sad, just so you know)
    Thanks ladies
  • csp
    csp Posts: 119
    edited September 2006
    Just let me know how you like your marhmellows silvergirls are sightly toasted just so the center is melty and warm. yummmy whoppie pies ! I had no idea they were from Maine, The lady that taught our Mother to make them was from Kentucky. I don't think I know any healthy recipes Vickie ALL mine are bad , Okay but vera I love watermelon !

    We need to really be thinking of Rhymee on Tuesday
    she is having a procedure done and needs all our good thoughts, prayers she can get she goes with in an hour of Denise I am sorry Rhyme I have to check again but I know it is tuesday around 8:00 or 8:30 am So I am going to be praying for Denise and Rhyme at the same time !

    Come on rhymee get into the circle with everyone so we can keep you safe and warm.

  • Naniam
    Naniam Posts: 586
    edited September 2006
    Decided it was time to leave the red cross wagon and come sit by the fire for a bit. I do appreciate whoever brought the food to the wagon but just to let you know I heard the giggles!!!! Yea, it is true that I went into the surrounding landscape to try to make room for more wagons that are sure to join and stepped on an underground yellow jacket nest. Now let me tell you those guys don't take to kindly to your foot sliding over the entrance to their nest.
    I know some of you saw me doing the "yellow Jacket Dance" when you heard all the yelling - that one just didnt' want to get off my leg at all and one got up under my shorts - that is far enough with that story. Those things hurt, and hurt and hurt - so keep watch when you are out. Nurse thought she should give me some Benadryl so I haven't been having a party in that red cross wagon; so my wooziness comes strictly from the pill kind of medicine.

    I see we have a bigger fire tonight and it sure is warm and cozy. I guess some of it is from all the cooking that has been going on around here. Everyone's sweet tooth has sure kicked in, must be the cooler nights and the feel of fall in the air. I see our list of new sisters continues to grow; Trenton isn't home, Tim needs our prayers and many of our sisters are having test, surgery, learning the results of test and having treatments soon. I hear a whipoorwill off in the distance and the night critters running through the surrounding woods. Our friend, the hootowl, is back too.

    When I look around at my sisters, I see they have learned to unwind a bit this week and they can banter back and forth but their momentary lapses into silence and the far away look that comes to their eyes tell me they are thinking of our sisters that are hurting and Trenton and Tim. Our dear ones are down, they are weary but I think, maybe tonight, those that we have created this wagon circle to embrace has some words for us. I think these too are the words of our hearts to all who embraced us in our darkest days.

    When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
    When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
    Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
    Until you come and sit awhile with me.

    You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
    You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
    I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
    You raise me up... To more than I can be.

    To my sisters and Trenton, Tim and other names we carry in our heart and to you dear sisters forming this circle and have traveled long and difficult roads - Rest Well.

    Think I need to check in at the Red Cross Wagon again.

    Love and Blessings to all, Brenda
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Posts: 310
    edited September 2006
    Rhymee and Denise---
    You know we'll all be following you on Tuesday. Right now we are all sending that healing white light to both of you.

    Somebody please go get Denise's big blanket that enfolds everyone in the circle---we'll keep you both warm and safe tonight.

  • christineK
    christineK Posts: 735
    edited September 2006
    Brenda - beautiful words to comfort us. Thank you. You remain in my thoughts and at the core of this circle of hope and love.

    P.S. Everyone thanks for the good eats, I am so full.
  • 2up
    2up Posts: 944
    edited September 2006
    wagons ho!!!!!!

  • Sige
    Sige Posts: 334
    edited September 2006
    Just dropped in for some hot chocolate...on my way back to watch another movie, but wanted to send hugs to all the cowpokes! lol

    Been thinking of all of you that are going through so much lately...and sending lots of positive vibes your way...

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 47
    edited September 2006
    Shel !!!!! Thank you so much !!!


    GOOD TO SEE YOU !!!!!

    gonna drag my behind in the circle and not leaving till Friday at the earliest.


  • 2up
    2up Posts: 944
    edited September 2006
    my pleasure..........not really my idea lol!

    my kid is pretty "intuitive".......she must get it from me lol!
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Posts: 737
    edited September 2006
    After a day of ernesto messing with the power here on long island i am so happy to be back at the circle and to see PEGGY back! And to SEE Shel- great pic!

    I have to tell you all I have gained ten pounds since we started this journey!

    many many prayers going out to all of the girls who are undergoing things next week...
    and also prayers for girls who may NOT be undergong anything but who just need an extra bit of loving.
    And if prayers aren't your thing- then Raisinettes for everyone!
    I want to remember that Deb starts her rads next week, so we need to keep her close- but not TOO close to the fire
    Denise getting another scan... ever notice there are Catscans and Petscans but no one ever gets a Dogscan?
    Debby- hang in there girl!
    Jeannie- you are an amazingly strong woman- with or without xanax!
    Rhymee- may all your tests be CLEAR and have them set you free!
    Robin- Avastin- HOW WONDERFUL- I hope you start that new protocol sooner rather than later. And there are fewer s/e with Avastin than with Taxotere!
    Tim and Trenton are welcome in our circle
    Penny? You still out there? we are still here for you!
    Mena, please come stop by the circle... we need to hear from you!
    Brenda! DID YOU GET STUNG??? You poor thing! You take care of yourself in the red cross wagon and then come by the fire.
    Vickie, sad but true about Anderson Cooper...
    OK- since i am just arriving after a LONG day- any dinner left for me?
    Thanks Denise for the treats you saved for Wonder Cat.

    I want to send a special hello to Sherry, if she is out there looking at the moon, we are too, so you are still one with us in the circle and we miss your beauty and your kindness and the generousity of your heart that we were so priviledged to have been the recipients of here at BCO...

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 47
    edited September 2006

    I want to send a special hello to Sherry, if she is out there looking at the moon, we are too, so you are still one with us in the circle and we miss your beauty and your kindness and the generousity of your heart that we were so priviledged to have been the recipients of here at BCO...


    Amen !

    gentle hugssssssssssssss
  • christineK
    christineK Posts: 735
    edited September 2006
    Peggy missed you around here.
    Now that shel can post her own pics, maybe she'll take over for the visual aids. lol
  • 2up
    2up Posts: 944
    edited September 2006
    that's peg's job........so she'd better stick around!!!!!!

    it was a fluke that i figured it out lol!
  • christineK
    christineK Posts: 735
    edited September 2006

    I think we all appreciate shel's sign and know she went thru something just to post the picture. I think at this time of night, we could use a little laughter. So with shel's permission, I'd like to share the extent of her creativity, She and Mackenzie designed the sign on computer paper, then had no tape to hold it together, so they used band-aids, so clever. Their creativity had me cracking up. I think thay shared some laughs in the process of making it. This does not lessen the sentiment behind their thoughtfulness at all.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 47
    edited September 2006

    Band Aid's ????????

    Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha !!!!

    Certainly did work.....think it is the RN definitely combined with the pioneer spirit of this wagon train comming out in shel !!!!!

    Shel.....teasing you and Mckensie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Absolutely LOVE it !

    gentle hugsssssssssssssss

  • jasmine
    jasmine Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    The marshmallows make me think of smores so I brought some hershey's chocolote bars and graham crackers. Prayers for all the ladies next week, may God watch over you and hold you in the palm of His hand.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 2,728
    edited September 2006
    Good morning everyone. Early morning watch has arrived. I see you all had a night filled with a little fun and lots of food. I gotta tell ya, Im getting fat here.

    You can tell fall is on its way. Im waiting for the first peak of sunlight to come over the horizon. Crickets and frogs are singing. Started a new fire as there is a chill in the air. Coffee is brewing - yes waiting for that first cup.

    Ah so it seems, Tuesday is a significant day for many of our sisters. We will be there with you. Our spirit is strong.

    Its too early for breakfast. Actually, its too early to be up lol. But I will be hanging around. Keeping everyone safe. Making sure those of you who were finially able to fall asleep, sleep well.

    Im a feisty Italian girl. So no intruders gonna slip by on my watch. I'll smoosh them.

    And Im sending the biggest hug to our friend Peggy. Now the circle is almost perfect.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 2,728
    edited September 2006
    For those of you who missed it, we had a beautiful sunrise. The sky and earth were bright orangish pink. And now the sun has risen.

    Special thoughts and strength to all of you who are getting pounded with rain and flooding from Ernesto.

    Now Im hungry. Sure would like some bisquits and sausage gravy this morning. Oh geez - another unhealthy, but delicious breakfast. Starting Tuesday, Im going on a diet.

    Good morning to those of you walking towards the fire. I see your sleepy eyes - means you rested well.

    After breakfast, I plan on going for a walk. Maybe pick some fresh blackberries and raspberries. Thinking about making ice cream with them later.

  • DebraLynn
    DebraLynn Posts: 8
    edited September 2006
    Hi all,
    Nicki, I am Italian too, let me know if you need help.

    Shel, great picture, you and your daughter are so pretty. UMMMMM, Do I see a pink strap peeking out on you though? And pink nails? I think you have some 'splaining to do"
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 2,728
    edited September 2006
    Debra: OMG you are so observant. Yes shel, please do tell, pink strap and pink nail polish. Ahahaha now that is too funny. So I guess shel does not think, pink stinks so much.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Posts: 2,941
    edited September 2006
    Good morning ladies,
    Only have a minute...back to school shopping an Nathan's shoes don't fit.
    Thank you all so much for thinking of Trenton, it means a lot to me.
    Missing Sherry...wish she were here.
    Great to see you Rhymee...your a night owl so I'm off to lala land by the time you get here...hugs to you and positive healing vibes.
    Peggy...big hugs back to you too, happy to see your post..
    Best of all to Denise...will be thinking of you.
    Shel...beautiful picture!!!
    NS...you always say it best.
    Nicki...thanks for the great morning...needed that.
    To all my sisters today...healing prayers coming your way, you are in my thoughts.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Posts: 699
    edited September 2006
    This is the most thoughtful bunch of women...er..wranglers..er...cowgirls...cowpokes..take your pick. Wish I could write like some of you do.

    Cheers and prayers for Denise and Rhymeee. Good luck Tuesday.

    Prayers for Trenton, Tim and for all our sisters who are going through treatment or waiting for tests.

    Wasn't it a beautiful sunrise this morning.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Yummy Nicki. Your house must always be filled with the most wonderful smells. Lovely picture Susan.

  • 2up
    2up Posts: 944
    edited September 2006
    ok.........i'm busted! lol!!!!!

    i always wear pink nail polish BUT i always did BEFORE BC!

    and that pink bathing siut is a pre BC relic and the only one that still fits my tamoxifen belly!

    that's my story and i'm sticking to it lmao!

    i can't bake to save my life, so i'll bring some "cinnabons" and spanish coffees over later!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Posts: 1,159
    edited September 2006
    Good morning friends.

    I went for a little walk around the wagons this morning and noticed a few ladies sleeping in...good for you. I was up early and said a few prayers for all of you. I made fresh raspberry freezer jam and brought some for the bisquits Nicki made.

    I hope you all have a great day. Find someone you love and hug the stuffin' out of them!

    Deb C.