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  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    OK guys, I was not going to bring this here because it is a long story, but I am beginning to freak out a bit!....I’m at work, but I can’t settle down and get anything done.

    On Saturday night a 14-year-old girl that goes to my Mom and Dad’s church died unexpectedly at home. The whole community (remember this is a small town) was shocked and saddened. The basic story was that she had been sick…kind of a cold-upper respiratory thing…for a few days but was feeling better. Early in the morning she began to cough up and/or vomit blood and died before the ambulance could get to her home. The family and a next door neighbor tried CPR but were unable to revive her.

    Everyone was shocked, but things got worse when by Sunday afternoon both her father and sister were both ill. They both ended up in the hospital. Long story a BIT shorter, the illness is a virulent form of Strep B. Dad is out of the hospital and sister is getting better but still in the hospital.

    Last night John went to a men’s bible study with a group of men, some from my mom and dad’s church. This morning two of those men are very sick with strep B! I am TOTALLY freaked out! I guess there are several other people in the hospital with this stain of Strep. John was sitting on the same couch with these two guys!

    I called our PCP, who happens to be the internal med doc that is taking care of the family who lost their daughter. They are swamped with calls from people who have been in contact with the ever-growing list of people who are getting sick.

    This is like some kind of warped small-town epidemic movie! Shit like this just doesn’t happen around here!

    I guess the good news is that even though this strep seems very aggressive, it responds well to basic antibiotics. Now we are waiting to see if they want John to start antibiotics profolacticly or to wait a day or so to see if he gets symptoms.

    I know I should calm down, but I am freaked about this. I sprayed my whole house with disinfectant and opened the windows even though it was 15 degrees. I ended up being late for work because I wanted it all cleaned before my kids came home from school. I need to take a chill pill….

    Thanks for letting me rave….

    Deb C
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007

    I LOVED my Lexapro!!!!!

    I went from sitting in my room crying and walking in circles to functioning reather normaly in about 8 days. I still could cry and had didn't take that away, it just took the "edge" off things. I truly think it was a Godsend for me. I was on it for a bit over a year and just went off about 3 weeks ago. I went off it slowly but still had 3 or 4 days where I felt kind of spacy and funky (Yeah, real helpful and discriptive, I know).

    I think it is a great drug with very few side effects for most people. When you first start it you might fell a bit extra tired, but that went away in 3 or 4 days for me. It also made me a little "spinny"...kind of drunk actually, if I took it in the morning, but I switched to taking it at bedtime and it was no problem. That only lasted about 2 weeks and then my body got used to it anyway.

    Deb C
    Who SHOULD be working Shhhhhh don't tell....
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Wow Deb...sounds like they may need to get the CDC involved on this strep B thing.

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    Wow, Deb. I should think you'd be freaked out! The 'good' part is that you're aware of the symptoms to watch for and can watch your DH (and everybody else in the family - including you) and not delay if they appear. I'm thinking about you, praying that your DH didn't catch it and that you all stay well.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007

    Holy Moly Deb!!! I'd be freaked out too! It's so cold there, you'd think that those nasty little bugs could never survive. If I were your DH, I'd get me some antibiotics now. It couldn't hurt!

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Deb you better get yourself some antibiotics because even if your husband doesn't come down with symptoms he could still be carry the strep and I sure your wbc may not be what it should be.....absolutely no tongue for the next few days......

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007

    Bwwwaaahhhhaaahhhhaaa!! No tongues!!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Good Evening Everyone: Exercised after work today and no whine oops I mean wine!

    Have a story for the day. Went out and evaluated 3 different women at 3 different hospitals. Walked into each room and a sign above the bed says no blood pressure in a certain arm. Start talking to each one and guess what. All 3 had a history of breast cancer. All 3 were survivors. The best story of the 3 was a lady who had hip replacement surgery. She is 63 y/o. Had bc at the age of 47. 8 positive lymph nodes. She is NED!! Now that was 16 years ago.

    Strange though. So many people I meet who have bc. Way too many!!

    Debc: OMG, it was so funny at work today. The receptionist calls me and says you have a love letter. The owner of the NH is standing there. Asks me who is the love letter from. And I say, a breast cancer friend who lives in Alaska. His eyes open wide, and he said, your kidding - you talk to people that far away. Loved the card.


    PurpleMB: Make me some chocolate brownies with splenda please. Man I could sure eat one, covered with fudge frosting. Ohhhhhhhh. As you can tell from the pic I posted, Im getting used to this exercise, but I still hate it. Hate it, hate it, hate it.

    Amy: Oh great! PurpleMB plays a trick on us, now I will probably wake up tomorrow morning and say TGIF!! Your Herb garden sounds wonderful. I cant wait to start planting. I havent in the past planted as many herbs as you, but I think Im gonna this year. I have to one to your list Dill! Love the taste of fresh dill in salads and stuff.

    Jane: Now here's the funny thing about the new outfit. The skirt is straight and goes down to my shins. So I wore it to work today and got lots of compliments. But there is no slit in the back. So I either had to take baby steps, or lift the darn skirt up to walk with my usual stride. But hey, if I look sexy in it, I will wear it everyday. Sad story about the lady who was in a car accident. Yes, it could be worse.

    Shokk: Oh my goodness Im laughing and crying at your story. She sounds a bit like my son. Wired at birth and hasnt changed - he will turn 40 this coming October. Yes ladies I will have a 40 year old son!! Had him when I was 17. Always joke that the two of us will end up in a nursing home together.


    Oh ladies, after reading all of your stories, I have come to the realization that I WAS A MONKEY CHILD. My poor mother and father, not to mention my 2 older sisters who had to watch over me.


    Well I have run out of time. Dinner is ready and I must go. I still have a whole bunch of posts to read, so if I didnt say Hi, Ill catch up with ya in the morning.

    Just remember that


  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited March 2007
    Hey CG''s me...Meaner than Cheri...and that's no easy task, I tell has to be really pissed off at the world to be meaner than HER...I hear she filled you in on my probation officer...yup...but that was way back when...tried to poke some loser's eyes out and ended up getting my fingers stuck up his nostrils...nasty...I believe it's on YouTube...'s everyone...Gina? Are you healing? I may not have been here in type, but my phone has kept me apprised...I heard all about trouble with drains and nurses? I hope you are faring better...I hope you all are doing as well as you can.

    LIZ...I LOVES YA...Yes, it was one of those days that I actually brought the mail in! I've been wearing the necklace ever since, but still haven't opened the bills...And the card is too excellent. I tried to sing it to Vickie on the phone yesterday, but I'm no Sanjaya...Anyway, it's always been one of my favorite songs (Liz sent me a singing card, girls)...and Vickie and I were trying to figure out who sung it...flashback...Supertramp! Thank you so much for brightening my day with good Liz knows how to lure me will do it everytime. Everyone send jewelry! Put it in cheesecake. I'll never freakin leave.

    Vickie, thank you for calling. I'm sorry I had to cut you short...listen to this sickness...

    I want to share with you all the poopy scans were treatment changes...but I'm pissed off, so consider that a good thing! I won't let you down. I'll break some kind of freakin record or die trying hahahahaha....Anyhoo, I see my onc tomorrow...looks like Tykerb and Xeloda even though I did Xeloda for like eight months and then it went bust on me...supposedly it works wonders with Tykerb (scared of this one!)...the GOOD news? I should have hair soon...

    Let me share with you all what an ass I am. After I got this sucky news yesterday morning, I went to the candy store and bought everything I deny myself usually but love...ate it all at once in the car on the way home...been puking and other stuff I won't mention cause I'm such a lady since 4:30 am! NO! It was not worth it. Halloween will never be the same.

    I've had a few tears, but I have my CG buttons and my new way-to-cool necklace from Liz here, another from MizSissy, so many pm's, and I figure I best get my fat ass back in the Circle. Move over, Cheri...

    So far only one person looked at my house! HA! I'm kinda glad...they loved the house. It was PERFECT, but they wanted more land...freakin greedy Americans...

    I'll know much more after tomorrow when I see my onc and discuss all this wonderful sh*t. Then I'll fill you in and try again to get back into the loop. My Cymbalta seems to be helping the mood...gone from cranky to kick-ass mode...

    Does anyone know Poon? She's a metster I met here in Chat back in 2004 and we've been friends since. I did talk to her today and she helped level me out. She's well acquainted with setbacks, physical and emotional, and it was good to talk to her...

    OK I'm blathering. Must be that candy buzz hanging on since yesterday.

    Everyone stay well and no giving up.

    Vote Sanjaya...let's cause an upset...Mena...xo
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    OH MY DEB!!! I'd be freaking out too and I hope everyone there is safe and stays healthy. Take care of yourself and your family. Sending prayers you way for all in your town.
    Now for a rant...Can't help myself I just gotta get it out. High anxiety today. My right eye is driving me crazy...feels like there is something in is screwy off and on. I had the nurse at work look at it and she said its a broken blood vessel, nothing to worry about as long as I don't have a headache. All I could think was "friggin great...eye cancer" that stupid or what.
    I hate friggin cancer...I hate it I hate it I hate it. I hate what it's done to me, to my kids, to my family to my friends and to all of you. Not to mention all the people that I don't even know. It is breaking my heart. I eat, sleep and breathe it. I wish it were a physical thing that I could take out in my back yard with a baseball bat and beat it to a bloody friggin pulp. Burn it with a torch, shot it with my gun, kick it and scream at it, make it suffer, make it bleed and beg. Stomp it into the ground and pull it out and stomp it again until there is nothing left. I wish I could win Mega Millions cuz I would give it all to research to find a cure. I hate hearing about stars who spend 60,000 dollars on a new kitchen, millions on new houses, thousands of dollars on new stars, public officals, athletes, all these people making millions of dollars a year...what can you do with all that money!!!! I know there are many who donate and I apppreciate that. But what about us...we walk, we raise funds, we do all we can do...on about 1 percent of what some people make. I want a cure...I want it RIGHT NOW...not next week, not next year, not in five years...RIGHT FRIGGIN NOW!!!! Not just for bc...for all cancer. For everyone.
    It makes me so very sad.
    Ok...I'm done now. Off my soapbox.
    Been a long week.
    Going to a healing service at church tonight...guess I need it huh!
    I love ya all...I want so much to make it all go away!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Mena...I am so very happy to see you and I will personally vote Sanjaya just for you!!! Consider it done!!!
    Love ya
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2007
    Good to hear from you all today.

    MIL is confused again today. Colonoscopy is set for tomorrow. Sure hoping there's no cancer there. DH's cousin came in from out of town and was totally freaked by her mental state. Don't know what to think now.

    My appt was excellent. I got a short anatomy lesson one the cartillage at the end of the breast bone. Do I feel stupid. The PA reassured me that I wasn't an idiot. So everything is good with me.

    We're leaving Friday AM for Virginia. Got an almost two and a half year old sweetie to spoil for a few days.

    Must get dinner ready soon. Choir practice in 50 minutes. With Easter coming we just can't be late.

    Hugs and healing to all that need them.


    PS-Thanks for all your prayers and concern for MIL and me.
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited March 2007
    Hi Girls,
    We don't know anything yet about the EMG. We have an appointment on 4/2 to discuss all of his test results. The one thing that the nuerologist that was examining him yesterday said he has atrophy in his left shoulder muscle. I could have told him that! I just want to know if they can help him. Can they do anything if the muscles already started to atrophy??

    Everything else is going ok. Work is extremely busy so I do not have anytime during the day to check in. Hopefully it should calm down next month...we will see.
    Take Care,

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited March 2007
    Mena:Glad to hear you are doing well,have you heard from Roza latley?

    Liz:Thank you for the card and the kind words.I dont know what i would do without you girls on here.I feel better today.It just took a while for all the prayers and positive energy to flow here in the south.

    Nicki:I understand what you are talking about with women with bc.I dont know if it is i pay more attention to the dx now or what,but it seems like there are so many that are fighting it today.I hope this new chemo I am on wipes the remaining spots from my liver.My onc thanks that it will in 3 months.Then I can have recon done.I am still looking forward to that.
    Now with this broken shoulder it has screwed things up a bit for me.I cried all day yesterday it is just so unfair I did not ask to be manhandled.They did not give me enough sedation while they were replacing my port and i was trying to get off the table and the sugeron told my onc laughing"he had to get rough with me"So i have a broken shoulder and karen found a huge bruise behind my right ear so they did get rough with me.But i am going to get t he last laugh.I have an appointment with an attorney april 11.Will know more then.I am going to pick up my xrays tomorrow when I go for chemo.They wanted to charge .75 persheet for my medical records and i cant afford that.My last job i was risk manager and I know that an attorney can get them anytime.I have said enough of the why me's for the past2 days but this should not have happened.
    Nicki have you or any of you other nurses ever seen/heard of something like this happening.

    AlaskaSue:That is terrible.That poor family.I will pray all is well with your family.I dont blame you for being upset.

    The DH went on second shift,i dont have to look at him he is usually gone when I get up and dont get home until well after mn.I cant wait until he is gone.I am anxious to get it over with.i dreaded it at first but now i just want him gone and i want peace of mind.

    Jasmine is due april 9 she hasnt dropped yet in my opinion but she is miserable she is all baby.It hurts me so bad to look at her i burst out crying.I wish this had never had happen to her.Not until she is married.
    SHe is my baby and it hurts to give her up,or that is what all this feels like.
    Noelle is talking up a storm these days,she has been sick with the stomach flu but is doing better now.

    Thanks to all of you who send cards,it makes me want to fight to live to know there are people out there who do care about me.
    I love all of you.forgive the typo's i am gonna see if i can find one of those software voice programs.

    I love all of you so much you will never know.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Robin, *Sigh* You have so much ugly in your life right now. Here, you are beautiful, dammit!! Make sure you come here every single day to let us send healing light your way.

    Vickie, Amen, Sister!!!! With all the money in Hollywood and beyond, you'd think there would be a cure for this beast!!

    Joyce, good luck with Kevin.

    Mena!!!! Thanks for checking in. Keep us posted. Don't worry, I've been trying to keep Cheri under control . We keep her pretty busy driving the magic carpet, although she has tried to dump us off, with all those loop-de-loops!

    Oh yeah, I'm a Sanjaya supporter also!!! Too funny! But he has great teeth and hair.
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited March 2007
    Deb...just catching up...did you call your onc and see if you should be treated prophylatically with antibi's also? Scary stuff...I'd call if I were just got over shingles and careful...

    Robin...HI! are not alone...hang on...I can't believe the shoulder thing! That's barbaric! I'm glad you are lining up an attorney. It's good to just hear you getting things off your were gone for way too long there for a while... do not have eye cancer...must I call you and sing to you? Like I said, I'm no Sanjaya...certainly haven't got the hair to play with like he does, but I'll croon to ya if it'll make you feel better...Cancer sucks...yes it does...I'm getting the t-shirt...thanks for the rant...I rather enjoyed it...xo
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Well I'm back...went to the healing service and I must say it was simply beautiful. I love our pastor and she knew just what to say to me and I feel so much better.
    Robin sweetie...just know I'm sendin you hugs and prayers. Hope that attorney kicks some butt for you! Enough is enough already!
    Glad ya like the rant! Boy it hit me like a ton of bricks today. Gonna grab a glass of wine...maybe two, imagine Meana singing to me (oh my) and go to bed.
    Love ya all...each and every one!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Good night, CGs,

    I'm off to watch a little boob tube with DH. Waiting for the results tonight, GO SANJAYA!!! And then, to bed .

    To everyone having problems, remember, It's always darkest before the dawn!

    Love you all,
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Hi to all,

    Susan: you are on to me and the way I post!! My motto is, "if you can't do it right, fake it!" So glad you and Cheri got together and you got the "knifty Knitter" going!!

    Vickie: Totally with you. I'm also sick of canceritis, and I'm sure my family and others are sick of hearing it to. How do we stop ourselves from this craziness. Cancer of the eye, really..what are the chances?! As is Cancer of the toe nails, cancer of the hair, Cancer of Cancer. Up and down constantly. I hope your healing session goes well. And I hope you are feeling better.

    Karen: Yeaaah--the corset comes off Thursday! (tomorrow?)
    Sounds like you over did yesterday. Pamper and TLC time for you.

    Betty: My husband always dreamed of a log home at the lake. Even had the property and the plans. Now he says he can't afford it since he got married! Can't imagine what he means!

    Nicki: Our little sexy gypsy!!! Good for you! Loved your stories about work today. It does seem like we can't go anywhere and not hear of someone affected by BC. You have a 40 year old Son. Damn you're OLD! (just kidding!) Ever thought about shipping him out to Vickie?! My baby is 28 and still doesn't sleep through the night!

    My husband calls me Dr. Welsby, cuz I have to ask so many questions whenever I hear something medical. When I was in ER this fall, I questioned everthing. Heh, Inquiring minds want to know!

    Alwayshope: Love the pic of Cheri driving. And Boogie Woogie Bugel Boy..A classic!

    Odalys: Good Scripture..I enjoyed it. Take care of that eye.

    MB: Thought I had lost a day! You got us all excited about tomorrow being Friday! Enjoy your day off!

    Amy: Glad you talked to your DR. You are not a Wuss...I hope you fill the RX and see if it will help you.

    Jan: I'm glad the toe is getting a wee bit better. I had to have both of the nails on my big toes removed. Yuk to look at, but alot more comfortable!
    I used to work in a TBI (traumatic brain injury) home. So sad..when my son was killed I always said I just wish he was with me, no matter what he would be like. Kinda makes you wonder when you see so many young ones living in shells.

    This one's for Shirley.........I'll be right back!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007

    Shirley: Meant to say, "this ones for Susan!" How dare your computer try to hide our names. Glad you got them back! Hope you are recouping after the little ones!

    Laura: Hope your MIL's test come back okay. I read something about 18 years....but I don't know what it is for.You have fun with the grandchild!

    Madison: How is PT going? Hope you don't have the same physical terrorist that Susan has! I can just see you falling asleep with squares all around you!

    Shokk: "Bitch Slap Him" I love it.

    Shirley & Shokk: Kids leaving at night. Scary. My kids never left at night until they were about 14 or 15, then the cops would bring them home!! My 2 1/2 year granddaughter got up at 4am a few months ago and opened the sliding door and let the dog out. Freaked My dd out totally.

    Sheri: Good Luck at appointment..and good luck with the Carpal Tunnel..I agree, No more surgery!

    Deb: At first I was laughing at the couch dances you mentioned! Then I read your second post. Of course you are freaked out. I would think they would give the preventive course of antibiotics and that the CDC would be notified. Hang in there!

    Shirley: I'm not sure you want any of my bras. Nothing to sexy here. I had a sexy black push up number, but it got misplaced on a cruise.........end of story!

    Anne: I hope you got your van taken care of. I hate car problems. I just took my car in.

    I'll be back. Phone call. For real...
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    That was a for real phone call..Not an excuse to continue my post! Tell me again why I love my Job? That was a clients niece who lives out of state and is the only relative of my lady. We (being me) are setting up Hospice. Very involved. I can't even go there right now. It has been a sad, pissy (sorry) day. I know what I do is right, but I'm dealing with so many facing their final days and right now it is really getting to me. I've been with this lady for almost 4 years.
    I had more sisters to write to, but I am sorry, I just have to end for now and regroup. Meeting first thing in am with the agency (not hospice) who are going to tell me they have no funding.......WHATEVER.

    Love and Hugs,
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Sorry, one more thing. Would anyone be willing to do an address exchange? I know alot of addresses were passed at Christmas, but I wasn't aware of it then. I would love to have some addresses, for sending cards and such. If you would like to do this, please pm me with info!
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2007
    Just another quick hello.
    I counted 12 veins that are blocked. No wonder I can't extend my arm!
    Still nothing came out of this new drain- so tomorrow I am DEMANDING it be removed.
    I hope someone will help me tomorrow- either the PS or the BS.

    My now former onc called to tell me that he was no longer going to take care of me- that it was "those darn insurance companies" fault. I wanted to tell him NO IT IS YOUR FAULT BECAUSE YOU DROPPED MY INSURANCE BECAUSE IT REIMBURSED YOU A FEW BUCKS LESS THAN THE OTHERS DO!
    I can understand other doctors nickel and diming- but an oncologist?? Do you know how many patients he had to dump? And this is supposed to be a life-time commitment!
    BTW- he lives in a gigantic house right on the beach. he is not hurting for money.

    I am being positive about it- new onc- new blood and a new view of things. Now if I can only meet her!

    love to all of you!
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2007
    Robin, God bless you, dear.

    G, praying that you'll soon find a new onc who's the right fit for you.

    Deb, be careful. Call your doc for recommendations. Better safe than sorry.

    MIL update-No colonoscopy tomorrow. At her age (87) they wouldn't do surgery if they found cancer anyway. It's too risky. Even the anesthetic is risky. So, what will be, will be.

    Tomorrow I spend all day getting ready for Friday's 12 hour drive to Richmond. I'm a list maker, so that's my first job.

    Hugs and healing to everyone in need.

  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited March 2007
    No time to read all of the posts, sorry CG's, but there were about 150 missed, ya'll been bizzy!
    I do want to say HI to those I haven't seen lately, Robin and Mena and glad to see Gina posting. You girls are really center circle. Missing you, thinking of you and praying for each and everyone of us.
    If I missed others in the center, I am sorry, I only went back one page.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited March 2007
    Good evening CG's,

    For some reason I feel like I already posted today, but don't really know if I did. I am still so tired!!!! DD came home from college today and the 2 girls and I ran a few errands - I guess I am thick headed. Its just that it is spring break and I am trying to get things done. I wanted to take Miriam to spend some of her birthday money and we needed to go to the grocery store. Trying not to nap so I can sleep. Last night I took an Ativan at 10:30 when I went to bed and it only lasted a few hours, so at 3am or so, I took 2 Restoral and managed to get a solid 4+ hours sleep.
    NS - I hope that you get some relief tomorrow. I also hope you get into you new onc soon. Shame on the old onc, but lets hope the new one is even better.
    Denise - yup the "corset" comes off tomorrow morning! I can't wait. I am curious to see what I look like - have tried peeking, but really can't tell.
    Robin - hugs. No one deserves to be manhandled. those docs need to be ashamed of themselves. I hope you find a good attorney.
    Mena - hugs. Thanks for the update.
    Deb - I am so very sorry to hear about the young girl and her family. HOw awful. I hope your family stays well. Like the others have said, prophy antibiotics sound like a good thing.
    Amy - good for you that you can now go to a clinic close to home - your onc sounds like a wonderful human being. Now what are you going to do with your "extra" time?
    Ann - hope the van is up and running soon
    Deb - I have been eating organic yogurt with cultures every morning, plus my Nexium and many does of mylanta. Today is the last dose of the antibiotic.
    Susan - funny thing is - there is a family picture on the kitchen counter taken about 6 months before diagnosis - DD gave me the pic in a frame that says MOM for either mothers day or my b'day (they were just days apart) and that pic doesn't bother me. Maybe it was just my mood yesterday and it being a different picture - I think it was my "school/work" picture.
    Sheri - I had an EMG to comfirm my CTS - it was uncomfortable, but not awful. Neurologist chatted the whole time, told corny jokes.
    Shirley - my DD's are good kids - older one is turning 21. DS is the one who gives us a run for our money - he is turning 18 and wants to move out on his own. He really is a good kid too, but thinks so differently than his dad and I. We are hoping he will wait till he graduates in Dec.
    Shokk - DD sounds like a champion - well done.
    Amy - I don't feel bad about asking DD to clean - its her welcome home present!!! Actually, she got called to substitute in a pre-k class tomorrow and maybe friday, so it looks like DH will be doing most of it. DD gave me a "Love to MOm" TY beannie baby when she came home today.
    Margaret - I felt that hug - not too tight, but just right.
    Laura - hope all goes well with MIL - wow - 18 year survivor. Let us know how the onc visit goes. and have a good trip.
    Betty - my PCP didn't put me on Fosomax due to all my stomach problems last summer and I guess its a good thing.
    Vickie - thanks- I just cry at anything related to BC. DH called me into his office to watch the news regarding mammos and MRI's and tears start to roll down my cheek.
    Nicki - you sexy thing!!!
    MAdison, MB, Betty, Sue, Odalys, Cheri, CY, Joyce, Biker, Shel, Lisa and everyone else, sweet dreams and have a feel good day tomorrow. KAren in denver
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    OK..Here is the latest update on the strep cases in town…..

    This strep is a nasty strain. It is a type of Strep B. The good news is that even though it is a bad sickness and it gets bad quickly, it also responds very quickly to antibiotics.

    I talked to my PCP today and thankfully he is also the internal med doc that is handling the community reaction to the strep and the girl’s death from it. They have an infectious disease expert for the state involved. All the joking about the CDC, and they are only one step away from it!

    They are only having people go on prophylactic antibiotics if they were in direct physical contact with someone who had active symptoms. My hubby was around two people before they were sick, so he doesn’t need the drugs right now. They want the whole family to take our temps and keep and eye on everyone’s health. At the first sign of any symptom, we are supposed to go directly to the hospital…do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.

    This whole thing in scary and so, so sad. Even though this is a bad illness they really feel like the girl’s death was not the normal course of this disease. For whatever reason, she had a very bad case of it that attacked her heart and lungs and she had a bleed that killed her very, very quickly when it started.

    I feel much better after talking too my doc. He is a family friend and I know he will take good care of the whole town.

    Susan- The bugs and fishes story…I had a friend who’s boys did not like “hugs and kisses” so she started calling it Bugs and Fishes. I just think it’s cute

    Bugs and fishes to everyone tonight
    Deb C
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2007
    Evening all.

    Cheri, thanks for driving the magic carpet today. I think next time I won't eat first. When I get done with my fundraiser, I'll give the Knifty Knitter a try.

    Amy, get the lasik surgery if you are a candidate. It only took an hour (course, it could be faster now) and the surgery isn't bad at all. My son was the perfect angel until he turned 13 and then I dont know what happened. He's a good kid for the most part but every once in awhile, I could just choke him. He's a lot like my husband so the apple is no falling far from the tree.

    Betty, anytime you want to borrow kids, let me know. They are 21 (Friday at midnight), 27, and 30. I'll keep the grandkids though - they are so much more fun than the kids:-).

    Jan, How awful about your patient. I have always felt that if you look around, you find someone worse off than yourself.

    Shokk, the weather here has been warming up by 10 degrees per day for the last few days - Monday it was bitterly cold, wind blowing extremely hard, Tuesday was in the 60's and tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 70's. Got to love California. Glad you and your daughter get along so well.

    Shirley, I leave Friday around 1:00 p.m. I actually could care less about Vegas but it's for my son.

    I was one of those horrible kids too. Read, walked, potty trained early, mom found me on top of the fridge, would flour the entire kitchen, even drove the car once with my sisters in it and I was about 5. I grew out of it.

    Karen, Deb made a good suggestion about acidophilus. I take probiotics for my tummy issues.

    Deb, I'll let you know about the powdered peanut butter. I was wondering if I could bake with it. I figure it has to be good when the WW leader was raving about it and the reviews I read were very positive. I just read about the epidemic hitting your town - I would be in a panic too. See about antibiotics - your immune system has been compromised.

    Susan, if I win two cars, you can have one. I was in Vegas in November but no one told me you don't put money in the slots anymore - I hauled a few hundred dollars in quarters clear across the country (visited my sister in NJ first) and then found out you have to trade in your silver. The little tickets are not nearly as fun as the sound of money dropping into the bin.

    Anne, that sucks about the van. I hope you can get the receipt. I had a car that had an electrical problem and of course, it never occurred at the shop - the radio would switch to AM - he had the nerve to tell me it was operator error! I took it there again and after looking at it and sending me home, it did it on the way home so I turned around and went back to him. They finally fixed it but I never went back to the Toyota dealer.

    G, sending you big hugs, but gentle ones so I don't affect the drains.

    Nicki, you'd be so proud of me - I went to the gym tonight after work. One of the girls at work is on WW with me and she's doing well so we have made dates to go to the gym - we have one at work so it's free so I went - only 1/2 hour tonight but at least I went. I decided I'm going to put a penny in a jar for each time I exercise so that I can see the jar filling up and pretty soon I can swap the pennies out for dimes. Maybe some positive reinforcement will help.

    Mena, we missed you girl. Glad you're posting.

    Vicki, Ive had the blood vessel thing too. I hate cancer too and I know far too many people with it.

    Robin, you keep strong for your babies. Don't let that jerk take the fight out of you. I wish you lived closer to one of us.

    Oh my, just finished reading all the posts - you girls were busy today. I've been taking Airborne and ColdEze all day today and feel better than I did last night - I have a plane to catch.

    Night all. Anyone I missed, you're not forgotten.

  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2007
    As usual, I've been reading the posts, but too tired to respond. Because of the iron deficient anemia (my RBC is really LOW) I have been so totally exhausted - all I want to do is sleep - and I can't even do that. Now my onc wants me to have a colonoscopy to see if I'm bleeding internally. Oh yeah, can't wait. Or, oh yeah, maybe I'll lose some weight.

    There is so much negative energy around me that all I seem to do is cry. My DH and I went out to dinner tonight and I burst into tears right there in the restaurant. Sometimes I think I must thrive on chaos.

    Having never been around too many alcoholics . . . My MIL is in the hospital cause she almost passed out while driving on the Atlantic City Expressway. She's an alcoholic, but just doesn't know it (or admit to it). And, really frightening, she is a social worker. My DH who hadn't had a drink in 18 years, started drinking again. I've been attending Al-Anon meetings and it's scary that I actually look forward to them. It's my weekly dose of strengh and friendship. My DIL's father is a bad drunk who wandered off last week; someone called 911 and he's now in the hospital and I've been helping out with the 4 children when I can. I'm on 300 mg of Effexor a day - shouldn't I feel happy? LOL!!!

    I've been having a lovely pity party for the past couple of weeks and I'm sorry for bringing it into the circle, especially since I don't post that often.

    On a lighter note, the ACS called again today. There is a new oncology group opening at one of the local hospitals and they decided they want me to be a patient navigator - talk to their newly dx bc patients and let them know what's available and try to keep them calm. I'm looking forward to doing this even though those of you reading this are probably thinking???

    I wish I had the energy to respond to each of you individually. Just know that my thoughts are with you and, hopefully, during the next couple of days, I will get back to you.

    Love, Sue
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited March 2007
    Evening ladies, I've missed talking with you the past night and boy were you all very busy!
    I can't catch up as I'm not at home but wanted to check in.
    Dad had a quadruple by pass yesterday. It was a very long surgery. He did good though. He woke up tonight and is in good fighting spirit. I saw him earlier before he woke up. Little Cloe was such a doll. She had all the nurses, Dr. and even other paients smiling! She would just walk up and down the hall stick her hed into a room and say "HI" that really made a lot of peoples day. She was really awesome. Today I took them out to Seaport Viliage were I show my SIL the USS Midway which is an Aircraft carrier. Cloe went on her first Carosel ride. My SIL & Cloe had never been on a plane or to California. So there are a lot of firsts happening this week. My Sister from MO flew in also. So 3 out of 5 of us kids made it home.
    That you all for the prayers he still has a long way to go but is doing well. I think they will keep him in ICU for another day or two. He was really happy to see my daughter SIL & Cloe.

    Got to run, Mom just goty home from the hospital so I need to find out how he's doing tonight.
    Love, hugs & Prayers to all