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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. Long morning. My US Doppler on my legs went well, no bloodclots. That was a test I had to have before my ankel surgery. I have no idea what the results are on the brain scan. The tech gave no hint at all. I bet she's a heck of a poker player. lol She just said if I hadn't heard anything in 2 or 3 days to call the drs office. Yeah, I'll be starting those calls this afternoon, no waiting around to start waiting around. I'm worn out though, I guess just being out and about. I tell you something. Not smoking and driving is just, just...wrong! There's something so unnatural about it. Ewww. But I did it anyway.

    Shirley, glad dh made it through surgery and is doing well. Get you some rest.

    CY, get to your dr office. That doesn't sound too good and hurts!

    Lisa, thank you for the well wishes. Aren't you just the sweetes thing.

    Jankay, that was lovley what you posted about God making Woman. Thank You. That was very thoughtful and I know Shel appreciates it.

    Theresa, sounds like you had a great Sunday. So glad your mammo and onc appt. went well.

    Vickie, you just need someone to laugh with. Let me get my get my own ducks in a row and we'll cheer each other. We'll go to the Hooch Tent, we havem't been there in awhile,no telling who we'll run into!!

    Boo, I'm going to send you a pm.

    Margaret, thank you.

    Denise, oh how the Visa bill sounds familiar!

    MB, prayers for Betty.

    Amy, thanks for the vote of confidence about there not being anything in my head. lol I've certainly wondered that myself at times, as have others. hahahaha

    Hey to Christine, Madison, Iris, Shokk, Tracey, Robin, Liz, and Deb. Thank you all for your well wishes and concerns for me this morning. I appreciate your prayers. I joke around alot, but this brain scan thing and the symptoms I've had kinda have me a little nervous. I'll feel better when I get results. Maybe. lol

    Hope everyone is having a safe and healthy day.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Hi, oh, you are all so wonderful!!!!
    I can't spend much time on the files are lined up in attack I'm trying to get some work done!!!!
    Yep, Amy, Mazer had a good time today. (I think someone slipped some blue drinks on the magic carpet).
    I did get an afghan in the mail today. If anyone has tripleneg's address (Stephanie), please PM me.
    Mena, we are thinking about know we love ya.
    Puppy, how is Pammy doing?
    Gotta go, one of the files just moved closer to me...yikes!!!
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    Cheri thankyou, I know she will feel the love...and I will hold your hand for as long as you need it...only wish I were really closer....

    Madison, sending my circle file for your files too....lolol

    Ok there alot of missing CG....I hope and pray they know we think about them everyday....

    tossing a log on th efire, the wind is whipping and a cool breeze has come to the hill...
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007

    Cheri, I know how hard it is to drive your car/drive in a car and NOT smoke...BUT..You DID IT!!!! AWESOME!!!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Hi to all,

    Just got home and haven't read yet...want to find out about Cheri and all with tests today, and an update on Shirleys DH.

    Just want to thank whoever snuck over here and took the Visa Bill out of the mailbox!! It isn't here, so I just figured you flew over here with Mazer and plucked it out! Good job my friends!

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2007
    Hi All,

    I am making time (maybe I should say stealing time since I’m at work) to check in. I haven’t done that too much lately because my desk has been about 6 inches deep in paper.

    I’ve been reading everyday, but haven’t had anything to say. Rads are going okay, but I wish they would communicate better. I found out today I will be getting boosts. That in and of itself doesn’t bother me, but I do find it odd that it took this long for them to mention it, and that I’ve gotten more info about boosts here than from them!

    And once again, I need your prayers for someone. My FIL had a stroke over the weekend. He’s had health issues for years, so it wasn’t entirely unexpected, but my MIL is having a hard time dealing with the idea of him being in rehab. I think it’s entirely possible that he may need a nursing home and my DH and I are afraid she won’t consider that and will end up making herself sick trying to care for him full time at home.

    I went in for my one month follow up at the onc last week. Everything is okay. They have put me on Effexor for the hot flashes. I’m beginning to think the antidepressant aspects may have been good too. I’ve had a bit more energy the past few days at any rate. I get to do another CT in June. They are following up on some spots on my lungs. They said it’s nothing to worry about, and acted like it’s the same spots they have been watching from my base lines, but I realized that they said the areas of concern were in my lymph system last time and she said lungs this time. I’m trying to tell myself that it’s not something new, but I’m also eating a lot of chocolate.

    JanKay – when I was a Scoutmaster, I always told the parents that the boys should start cooking at home. I couldn’t expect them to cook in the woods if they couldn’t do it with all the amenities at home. And my troop could do everything from turkeys to scratch apple pies in the woods. The parents loved it, and so did the boys.

    Nicki – I’m glad you’re enjoying your afghan. That’s cool!

    Vickie and Madison – did my squares arrive?

    Cheri – I’m thinking of you. You are my hero! I equate someone else giving up cigarettes with me having to give up chocolate – I couldn’t do it! Or now I could say with having to give up these boards.

    Shokk – I hated tornadoes when I lived in Alabama. Stay Safe!

    Denise – I’m watching the sky outside my office window for Visa bill pieces… I don’t see them yet! Congrats that the new diet is working for you.

    I know I never ‘talk’ to everyone, and I’m sorry for that. But I love you all, and don’t know how I’d make it through my days without you. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Woooohooo,,go Cheri for driving and not smoking. Waiting for results is never fun and when its the brain its even scarier. I, like you, would start calling tomorrow.

    Shokk-I think you are the one that asked me about goats milk. Yes I like it and I love goat cheese. As soon as I have new kids I will be milking and hope to make some yogurt also. There is always fun soap to make.

    ok SO is on a roll. She wants an Alpaca and we spent Sunday at a Alpaca farm. You cant buy just one because they are companion animals and do you know how much those things are? Yes its an investment but holy cow!!! Sticker shock isnt the word for it. We are giving it serious thought though so who knows.

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited April 2007

    Add my wagon too please, I'll take a late shift, not much sleeping going on with these darn night sweats - but I'm ready to join the fight. Peace to the sisters.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Welcome Z, pull up a wagon....these ladies are wonderful!!

    Has anyone heard from G?
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Welcome Zazrrte, Pull up a long and tell us a little bout you. Just jump right in and don't worry about not knowing everyone. You'll soon konow who's who. There are many that are here all day and others that are only here during certain times. There are many wagons to go play in and we all love to help each other out!
    I'm not normally here during the day as I'm usually at work. But not today!

    Well the Onc read the US report and doesn't think it's mets! Thank God, praise and Glory Be! But they are still going to do the abdominal CT, Thursday afternoon! I told them I couldn't wait another month to get it done. The sooner the better so I can relax. I still hurt but was able to eat a little today. I will be going back to work tomorrow.

    Anne, boosts are not much different than the regular rads. You will most likely will have another mapping session just before time to do the boosts so they can make sure they are getting the area they need for it, which is usually smaller than the area being done now.
    My boosts were basicly the same as the regular on cause my lump had been so deep!
    Hang in there you'll be done in no time and the healing is so quick after rads!

    Cheri, how are you doing this afternoon? I would be calling tomorrow too! They should have the reports fairly quickly.

    Guess since I was able to eat I should go take a pain pills, I hate them I like being in control and I don't like the way they make me feel
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Good Evening Everyone: Today was a traffic day from lala land! Saw three accidents just on my way to work, and mind you, the weather was fine. Gosh 2 days in a row, I had to actually put in a full days work. But Im glad to be home.

    Tomorrow will be even crazier. I have to go meet the Owner at the Corporate office. We called him Mr. Bernard! He is a character. Then go to work, see PS for a routine follow up and then have to go to the Board of Directors meeting that Im involved with for the group homes. Its amazing - this is how my life was everyday before bc!

    I finially got the call from my onc. He is thinking osteoporosis too. Said the fractured ribs are not pathological - meaning not from cancer. But then he goes, he wasnt crazy about the radiologists report about my rt. hip! He is gonna go look at the x-rays himself. I said good - so no news is good news and I will see you in 4 months. He says, no he will call me either way. Gotta just love it - how they let you think your OUT and then they pull you back in. Bottom line - I know in my heart, the hip thing is osteoporotic. So pfffft! Too all doctors!

    I dont have much time, dinner is gonna be ready any moment. So I may have to get off real fast. If I do, I hope you all have a wonderful evening.

    Z: Pull up your wagon and sit awhile. Its very nice to meet you.

    I just quickly went through all the posts to see if anyone heard anything from NS. Her port was doing goofy things and she was supposed to see the doctor. Gina, I hope you are ok. Post when you can - I have alot of love over here to share with you.

    OK - ya know this is gonna make me crazy. Havent even read all of your posts and I have to go. I love you all and will catch up with ya in the morning.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited April 2007
    imagePraying for all of you! Vickie, we will get things a lot better in the "FRUITCAKE TENT" we have many sisters to help us! Praying all the scans were B9 and for comfort to You All! Love, Puppy
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited April 2007
    Hi everyone..I spent the day going to the Navy Hospital for regular stuff..the main thing was my liver usual they took gobs of blood so I won't know anything til that all comes back, but my liver ultra sound showed no further problems...

    Shokk..sure hope those nasty tornadoes bypass you!!

    Sherloc..glad you found a bed in Sacramento..saves alot of driving!! I know my husband looked like that also when he came out of his prostatecomy. He talked really funny for a couple of days...think it was the morphine!! and here I thought is sounded like a stroke... three sons each had to learn to cook as part of their required(by me) "bachelor training"..each had his own "specialties" and two turned out to be pretty decent cooks..

    Vickie..what a crummy thing to do..calling in a bomb scare...those people should be put away for good...

    CY..any word yet..??

    Deb..a party in a cool!! that great friend angel..thanks for sharing...

    Anne..sorry to hear about your FIL..

    Z..welcome from another Southern Californian..

    Hugs to all...Lisa
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Evenin' all!

    I checking in quickly from work. So I will do my best, since I couldn't take notes.

    Z, welcome to the best place on the site. There's lots of love to go around!

    Amy, I'm so glad your sister wasn't hurt badly! Cars and bikes don't go together real well. People in cars just don't see us (I don't know how that is possible).

    Cheri, great news about your US. Now you are ready to tackle that ankle surgery, with or without your brain, lol!

    CY, glad it's not mets!!!

    Anne, my rads weren't bad either. The boosts are no worst than the regular treatments.

    I must go now. Can't remember squat without my notes. I love all of you! I don't know how much time I can steal tomorrow, since I have to work again. Hopefully all our sisters in the path of the tornados are safe!

    A big HI! to Vickie, Nicki, Shokk, Madison, Karen in Denver, JanKay, Robin, G, Shel, Betty, ChristineK, MB, Deb, Sherloc, Tracey, Susan, Iris, Jeannie, Joyce, all of you!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Hahahaha! My DH just read my signature! What do you mean, boys are stupid, throw rocks at them.

    He says "we are not stupid and stop throwing rocks at us."

    See ya in the morning

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Evening to all!

    To all, wishing you a good evening and hoping good results with tests and procedures. I try to catch everyone, but it's easy to miss one, and I'm sorry.

    Cheri: See, we told you there wasn't enough in your head to be worried about! (kidding) Glad the doppler is over with too. Now let's get that ankle fixed and get you doing the jig!

    Tracey: {{{{Hugs}}}} The weepies are never fun. Let us help you.

    Theresa: Sounds like you had a blast at the farm! Did you get the fresh Asparagus? Glad to hear that the Mammo went well..a relief isn't it?

    Shel: Don't make me come to Canada!!!!!!!!!! I will open a can (a NICE can) of whip ass on ya till you listen to us!! You are NOT a LOSER..You are a very caring, soft (and strong), BEAUTIFUL woman. We all love ya!

    Shirley: Glad to hear that DH came through Surgery alright. Is he going to play the typical "man" and moan and groan for ever? Good luck tomorrow.

    Jan: You are so right. A Son is a son, until he takes a wife....I do have a daughter also.

    Cy: ER..Yuck, and double Yuck! Things are looking pretty good though. After the CT on Thursday hopefully you will have an answer. Not looking like Mets..that's a good omen!

    Lisa: How did the pain management go? Hoping for some relief for you. Glad that the US showed no further problems.

    It seems like we're starting to get some good results here, ladies!!

    MB: I am so sorry to hear about your friend. She is in the middle of the circle and I'm sending prayers her way. Please let me know her name....(unless I missed it), I'd love to send her a card.

    Amy: How spooky for your sister. I am so glad that she didn't get hurt alot worse. Do you know if it's a girl or boy yet? Goat Soap...probably not the correct term...but I have had it before and I love it! Don't think I can do goat milk though!

    Shirley: I can't say it fast one time!! Love the medical terms (lingo) they come up with! Okay..No dishwasher? Gee, NS finally got a microwave, now we will have to work on you!

    Vickie: I have to reread your post. But I take it there was a bomb threat at the school? Nathaniel's? It makes me sick to think that this world is in such a mess that parents can't send children to school without fearing for their lifes.

    Madison: I was going to ask you about your test...but don't remember what my question was! Anyhow, any official word yet about the B9 Biopsy?

    Anne: I just sent a Posse out looking for you! I am so sorry to hear about your FIL. Prayers to your family.
    Sorry they sprung the "boost" thing on you. I do believe that is a normal part of Rads. Just a couple mega doses at the end to make sure there aren't any floaters hanging around. You won't notice any difference.

    Z: Welcome! You've found a great group of friends!

    Deb: Sun in a box! How fun is that? Please don't reciprocate by sending snow in a box this way!!

    Nicki: I knew I should have been a DR.! See, I DX'D you as having osteo a few pages back! That you can live with. I am so glad you are having all checked out.
    Drive from Hel* this morning, eh? I could not do it. Big cities and me just don't go together.

    Kinda strange. I ran into a "cousin in law" this afternoon. Haven't seen him in 5 or 6 years. I was at a store near where I work which I never stop at and he is in some kind of sales. He was selling at this store which is quite a long ways from his home........anyhooo, his 34 year old daughter has BC. She will be having a double Massectomy next week. And why were we both in this store at the same time??

    Love and Hugs to all,
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Denise sounds like someone wanted you and the cousin to see each other!

    Dishwasher.... That's what the DH is for! he washes the dishes and put them in the dishwasher, (that no longer works) and I put them away! Don't want to get a new one until we decide what we are doing with the kitchen! I have cabinets that have been sitting in the shed for 2 years now!
    Have to rip out the old ones and fix the floor and ceiling before we can put the new ones in. But ran out of money and energy when BC hit!

    Nicki, I love it you DH didn't like you tag line huh! That cracks me up!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Hi ladies,
    Well the bomb scare was nothing but a scare. They are pretty sure it was two kids at the high school that did it and are hot on thier trail. Hope they catch them. It wasn't at Nathaniel's was at the high school. Stupid kids.
    Cheri...just sending you hugs.
    Beth...sorry I had to cut you off last night but glad you figured out that's a tough one. glad it doesn't look like mets. I'll be glad when your feeling better. Sending you hugs.
    Denise...can I come to Canada a real mood here and opening a can of whoop ass might be just what I need.
    Tracey...weepy with you. Huggin you. I hate these hormone ups and downs. I know that's what it is.
    Lisa...glad your liver is looking good!
    Puppy...I kinda like the fruitcake tent LOL!
    stinking hormones anyway!!!
    glad you joined us. We can always use another sister. Jump right in and you'll catch up quick.
    Shokk...where are you? The way the wind is blowing here I expect to see you land in my back yard. Be safe!
    Deb...a sunshine box. What a doll MB is! You deserve it!
    Amy...I love goat cheese too. My mom used to make it all the time. Alpaca's!!! Oh my...I looked into that and you're right...way too expensive for me. I thought after a couple of years the prices would drop but they have gone up. Good luck...I hear they are wonderful.
    Madison...tell me to get off the computer and get crocheting!
    Nicki...hi there sunshine sister. Laughing that your husband say your post. Wonder what he's thinking now LOL!

    been a long, stressful, crappy kinda day so I'm gonna go to bed, watch American Idol and House and crochet.
    I love ya all and sorry to all I missed.
    May take a minute and see if I can find Gina...GINA WHERE ARE YOU?
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Hi girls. I cannot believe the support I have received here over my habit quitting and my brain scan. I am so flattered. I didn't know you cared. Well, I knew you cared...but I didn't know you really cared.? That doesn't make any sense. I just want to say Thank You to all of you but some have been especially thoughtful, and I do not ever forget a kindness. Thanks Amy, Vickie, CY, Madison, Jan, Anne, MB, Iris, Denise, Puppy, Boo, Margaret, Colleen, Meaner than me, Theresa, Susan, Sheri, Nicki, and Shirley. There's probably someone special I'm leaving out my mind is just all amok right now. I'll think of you after I post this. I usually do. lol Really, when I look back up at my list I might as well have just said thanks to each and every Circle girl. Because anyone I've left out was a mistake so thank you all. Gee, am I babbling or what? I have a little case of jitters lately.

    CY, I am soo glad your onc ruled out Mets. Whew! What a relief for you. I hope you start feeling better soon.

    Amy & Madison, apparently you have both had to face that nico-demon that lives in your car when you've been a smoker.He's a nasty little devil.

    Jan, everything's kinda put on hold until I get my clear brain scan results back. Just a day or two.

    Zazette, wow, I noticed we are your very first post! Come on over and pull you up a log, sit by the fire and tell us a little about yourself. This is a wonderful group of woman that cry, laugh, listen, vent and much more with each other. We are always happy to have another wagon. You will enjoy this place very much.

    Gina, I wish you'd check in and let us know that you were alright. We worry when someone is out of the loop.

    Meaner, I do hope you're feeling better.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    ok I just told my hubby "boys are stupid, throw rocks at them" and went "What did you say" so I repeated it! He got a sad face and said "I'm not stupid" "I'm selectively Smart!"

    I just had to share that you all of you!
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    Tomorrow is my first adriamycin.
    Together we are going to kick some cancer ass.
    Chemo is my friend.
    IT hates the beast even more than WE do!!!!

    Love you,
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    I just told hubby that if he acts like a man instead of a boy he won't get rocks thrown at him

    Deb C
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Deb, this one is just for you, my Lilac that is in need of trimming!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Is this site Slooooooooow today or is it my computer??

    I tried 3 times to post a long post and it times out. I'm off to see my nephew's concert.

    Hope this works
    Deb C
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    hey ns your right your going to kick this in the arse again!!!!!! hope all goes well for you tomorrow!! hugsssssssssssssss

    cy wow is it ever green where you are!!! things are just starting to bud here!!! i will get a picture of my nanking cherry tree when it blooms!!!

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Good evening cg's....well are having so very bad weather but no tornados.......we are under severe flood and thunderstorm warnings and having lots of flooding and the part of Dallas County were I live the storms are not quite here yet.....they move in a west to east and south to north direction so Dallas County has just been added to the warnings......there is very strong winds called straight line winds that are now being clocked at about 70 miles per hour...they can do just as much damage as a tornado......anyway girls is nice that ya'll are concerned about know we are nothing but a bunch of gun slinging cow pokes down here........maybe ya'll will catch me wading through waist high water with an umbrella looking for my kinfolk....ha........will check back in later alligators.......hope everyone is having a pleasent evening...NS you and that chemo kick some cancer butt tomorrow.........

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited April 2007
    Thanks for the warm welcomes. Glad to be here. A little about me: I'm 39, 40 next month. 13 year old son, 14 next month. DX November 2, 2006, DCIS 5cm non-invasive, 2cm invasive. Lumpectomy x2, radiation x31 with boost. Currently on Tamoxifen. I'm trying to teach myself new coping mechanisms for all the changes. Sort of just been doing it on my own keeping busy with work (I work for a Union) and the kid's life and activities and family stuff. Really just going through the motions and pretending I am just happy to be a survivor and (I thought) slowly and quietly going crazy and not so quietly I have been told letting folks know that I am definitely going crazy. So here I am reaching out to the sisters for a little hand holding and guidance. I went to my first support group and I was real good after that, it was good for me and I know I will go back.
    I know alot of the antsy, edgy, moody stuff are the hormonal changes, but alot of it is that I just haven't learned nor have I had anyone teach me to be a survivor and what all that means. I am so ready to learn.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Tracy they don't call this the "Evergreen State" for nothing! It's all the rain we get! My Plum tree bloomed about a month ago and now look dark again. I drove down the road to a shower of cherry blossoms today! The Magnoilas are blooming too I may see if I can get a picture of them. They're in a neighbors yard.

    I added almost a page of pictures on our picture thread. Just some spring pics from our trip to San Diego.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited April 2007

    NS..stretching my arm all the way across the US to hold your hand tomorrow..hugs, Lisa

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Zazette, you sure picked the right place to be. This group of women are what help me stay sane.
    They are here to give guidence, lend a helping hand or ear tell they love us unconditionally and help us find a way to deal with this journey we are on. Some have been trhough this more than once some are just starting the journey. We are all at different stages of the journey but so much better off because we have each other.
    There have been more than 100 women that have come to the Wagon Circle pulled up a log and shared their journeys. We are from all over the place. Fact is if you haven't visited the circle map you might want to take a look at it. I will look to see if I can find the thread and bump it up so it will be easier to find. It shows about where we all are.
    What part of California are you in? We have several from Califonia.