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  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited April 2007
    Puppy, good job on the pictures! I must confess, I had a good teacher - thanks Beth.

    Cheri, good luck with the dr. appt. Let us worry about the head CT.

    Denise, mom started dialysis last year when she was having so many problems. Her congestive heart failure led to kidney failure and then dialysis. She had another problem today so I don't know what's happening. The nonprofit is good, I like the feeling I'm giving back to the community.

    Shel, what is loserville....that shouldn't even be in your vocabulary.

    CY, Shirley, Jankay - thinking of you.

    Spring is finally here so I'm going to enjoy the day.

    Everyone have a good day - Cheri, we're with you. Will check back later.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Please pray for Stephanie (Tripleneg) as docs think she had a stroke Sunday.
    Stephanie always says "God is able", always has words of comfort for her bc sisters.
    We need to put her in the circle and surround her with love and prayers.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning Girls,

    I had trouble getting on this morning also. I am determined to get out of the house on time this morning, so this will be a quickie!
    Thoughts for all going through tests and procedures today, Mazer is gonna be one busy pilot!

    Well, like I posted in the Circle Spa, The "new" diet that I started April 12th.........the Visa bill will be here today! DH still doesn't have a clue as to what I paid! If you don't hear from me in a while, I left instructions on the spa page!!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Good morning ladies,
    aaauuugghhh...can you say internet withdrawl! Couldn't get on at home this morning so I'm popping in here at work quickly.
    Pick me up for the magic carpet ride. You'll find me buried under a ton of papers that seem to have magically appeared on my desk since yesterday.
    You are all in my thoughts and prayers today...I'll be back when I get a break.
    Love ya all
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    Ok, DH just called a women at the school, we were dx at the same time, is going back for more surg..etc....I have told her about this place but those of you who could maybe would send her your prayers....her name is Betty....her son live next door to me....( maybe some cards, c/o me if you could, I will be visiting her frequently...)
    I know this group and the love will be felt, I think DH is as upset as she was...
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007

    well it looks like everyone is bright eyed and bushy tailed. the email i sent to shel also reminds me of this group. I dont know why bc women surprise me but they do-i know how lovable we are. Off to therapy now - will post later. jankay

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning everyone!

    Nicki-so glad you got the afghan. I tell you,,there is nothing like cuddling up on the sofa at night being surrounded by hugs. As you all know, I am not the mushy type but I dare anybody to use my blanket. My dogs can cuddle with me when I have it but they are not to use it without me. Guess I am kinda selfish with my blankie.

    Lisa-good luck with the pain managment dr today. Mazer and all of us on the magic carpet will do a fly by to make sure they are taking care of you. Dont think I have ever told you but your picture reminds me of one of my sisters.

    Madison-I do know tripleneg and thanks for the update. Hope your daughter got a job too and I know you are hoping she does. Thinking of you and your upcoming biopsy.

    Jankay-nice letter to Shel. Good luck at therapy today.

    Robin-Where are you? You must have been busy last night because I dont remember seeing a post from you or its just me and I cant rememeber.

    Cheri-Mazer was up early this morning with her pilots hat on and was a bit upset that you would not be sitting beside her. Thinking of you and I am certain there is nothing in that head of yours,,,lol.

    CY-dont freak out with what the ER says. They dont know their butt from a hole in the ground so I am sure they cant diagnosis liver lesions.

    Vickie-ewwwwww that many 2nd graders would have driven me to drink. I would need a xanax IV by the time I got home. I am sure Nate enjoyed you being there though.

    Shirley-thanks for the hubby update. Mazer kept a watchful eye on the surgeon to make sure things were done correctly.

    Biker-My sister was in a motorcycle accident Sunday but is ok. They were stopped at a red light and the car behind them stopped but the one behind that one didnt and it rammed into the back of her. They first thought her leg was broken but its not. She cut her heel and it messed her foot up and she is to follow up with an orthopedic surgeon. They said something about nerve damage. They were in Florida and spent the night in the ER and this info is relayed through her son so not sure of many details yet. Glad she wasnt hurt bad though. phewwwwwwwww! The bike wasnt hurt either. It did knock the saddle bag off but she was able to hold the bike up off the pavement. Mother said she was totally calm and just kept saying she didnt want to lay the bike down because it would scratch and could somebody please find her shoe.

    MB-yep now you will wonder how you made it so long without a backhoe. You can take the teeth of the bucket and scratch over the ground nicely before you turn your garden also and it makes the tiller easier to use. I dont have a farm tractor and if I did I wouldnt have to do that. Hmm, what else?!? My dad has had one since I have been born so it never dawned on me how much we used it because it was just natural.

    Denise-so if we dont see you posting we know the hubby saw the credit card bill, right? So is the diet working?

    Margaret-hope they figure out whats going on with your mom. She seems to have alot here lately.

    Shel-thinking of you. Loserville is not you missy.

    My neice is pregnant and we find out today if its a boy or girl. Always nice to know if I am going to be an aunt or an uncle ya know?!? I dont have a feeling so cant even make a good guess. She seems like the type to have a girl but she is feeling boy and her husband thinks boy also. She isnt big enough to go by size. Its exciting though and I cant wait. Sure hope jr or juniorette cooperates unlike my son did. He just kept putting his big feet at the camera.

    ok off to get some work done and I am not looking forward to it.

    I will try to get some pics of sweet pea up soon. It wont be tonight cause its ballgame night and will be dark when we finally get home. Mazer will let me know that I am late with the grain no doubt.

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited April 2007
    Morning sisters...I see my long post from yesterday didn't go through as I thought so I guess I'll make a short story of my day at the farm Sunday.
    Had a blast. Four different families with their dogs went and we spent approx 7 hours there and I was so bummed to leave. My dog Ted a phsyco springer spaniel probably had the best time. They gave us golf carts to drive around the 600+ acres with their dogs, but No my dog ran the whole trip.
    The house on the estate was handed down from the King if England to one of his loyalist and the guy that has it now has terminal brain cancer and is donating it to the state with all of the furniture (all antiques)for a bed & breakfast. Hopefully dog friendly. They grow asparagus, corn and soy and raise goats, turkeys and pheasants for hunting. There are 5 different ponds each stocked with different fish. Ted tried to find all of them. It sits on the Cohast River that empties into the Delaware River. We had lunch on the dock next to the river and one of their dogs jumped in and caught a muskrat!! He became my friend for the day and brought it to me and put it at my feet! What a blast.... I have pictures of the estate and maybe when my computer doesn't act up, I'll post.

    Yesterday I had my mammo and onc appt. All went well except I now have to get tested for Rhumitoid Arthritis. I had been tested for years with a neg., but he thinks I now have it. I also need a colonascopy. Great more tests.
    Ok enough about me. are so loved, just read the posts.xoxo

    Margaret...thinking of your mom.
    Cheri...good luck with today.xoxo
    Amy...I said it before, you need the next Pinkstock on the farm so we can meet Mazer.. of the girls from my onc office is having a knitting class, but I'm so ADD and hyper, I'd never last.

    To all of my sisters I've missed love to all and have better day than yesterday.xoxo
    "With every new day brings new promise" xoxo
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    good morning ladies,,,
    i have been around just not feeling myself.... feeling very weepy and emotional!!!
    just hope this passes soon!!
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited April 2007

    ps on another note. I received a pm from Mena and she's really not feeling great these days. Too tired and sick to her stomach but she's thinking of everyone. xoxo

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Hola bc sisters, well today we are expecting tornados this afternoon here in North Texas so I will probably being posting during all that activity.....I don't know why I feel the need to get on line while were are under severe weather but it must be the same concept that the only time I really wanted to drink was while I was pregnant......anyway I need to vent today.....I am really pissed off (excuse my language) at bc many of the triple negative girls that I lurked during early dx and tx are having such a hard time right now (Lisa40 and Stephanie) and others as well I feel so discouraged....the only thing that keeps my going without having a complete break down is that NS beat triple does give me a ray of hope and I know that there are lots of triple negatives that do beat this kind of bc but geez......and not only my triple neg status but all is freaking us all out.....brb.....

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    I don't care if it is IBC, ILC, IDC, or DCIS or any of the other compinations of freeking breast cancer I am sooooo sick of it......then one of the band moms called me last night and asked what I knew about the band teacher's condition.....I didn't know anything because I think my daughter is trying to protect me but evidently she has not responed to her last chemo treatment and the freeking beast is spreading....ugh.......when my daughter started taking band in the six grade I had no idea that some middle school band director was going to not only change my daughters life but my life as well........I HATE THIS DISEASE..............oh crap.....brb

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Geez I am so sorry girls but I do feel thing I do know is that I can come here and read everyone's post and so many will bring a smile to my lips...Denise I had to chuckle about the Visa bill except it was my ex to used it and I would get the bill and seems so stupid now but at the time it sure made me mad.....Vicki about what your sister said to you last week really made me smile because last Wednesday my brother called me about something I don't even remember why now because he very seldoms calls and said to me I heard about you shingles thats must really seemed to get through the whole cancer thing pretty easy...what the ****....he saw me twice while I was going through treatment.....he's more concerned about me having shingles then the "cancer thing"? and then you know what I was reading Vickie's post on Friday (Vickie it sure was nice of you to have bc so you sister can appreciate the small things in life) and Vickie sweetheart I know you were hurt but I just had to smile.....I thought siblings...don't you just love them???????..brb

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Amy:Here I am,thanks for thinking of me.I didnt get to post yesterday,me and the EVIL had a falling out yesterday but whats new,happens everytime we are in the same room.He got mad cause I asked him to unstop the commode.Mind you I have a broken shoulder and he says he is the only one that does anything here,and I proceded to tell him what a worthless piece of crap he truly is.and I wish he would just leave.Well I already see i am gonna have to get rough to get rid of this one,he smells money that he aint gonna get.
    Keep working on the xp thing.

    Nicki:Dont it feel great to get an afghan I cried for days everytime I looked at mine and I sleep with it every night.

    I loved that story about God creating women.

    Lisa:Tesla is growing like a weed,she has kinda head cold now though,her eyes get matted up and she is congested,last night I elevated her bassinnett and she seems to be better this morning.SHe goes this afternoon for her 2 weeks checkup.She is 2 weeks old today.I will post some new pictures soon.
    Karen is off work tomorrow and wed and thur and always takes noelle to visit her dad so hopefully i can get some rest/house work done.I got the laundry caught up finally.Now if I can just clean the carpet i will be in good shape.My vaccum is messed up and I dont dare ask EVIL to look at it.Its not worth the cursing I will get.SO gonna have to get it fix or get another one.

    Saturday i felt really good and then in the afternoon I got so sick at my st omach I had to drag out the zofran,i couldnt understand why i felt so yucky and then i rememberd that I am still on chemo and will have bad days.Somedays I do feel so good I feel well then it hits me.
    Oh well this to shall pass.I have a good feeling about these new drugs I am on.

    Oh yea Lisa I forgot to tell you,I would love to be fility rich,but dont know if its in my cards or not will know more next week.I do know one thing I have always promised God that If i could come into money that my friends and family would never do without anything.And I have a lot of friends in all of you.

    I know my shoulder kills me at night and still pops and cracks when I move it and I got a bad feeling about that.I bet I end up having to have surgery on it before its fixed.There is so mething that is just not right.

    Hope all of you are doing well.Liz: How are you doing ?

    Shel:what can I say that I have not said before? You are a wonderful lady.
    be back later.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007
    Just checking in for a minute. I am following all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Things are ok here these days. My dh is taking Joe to a counselor this morning. It will be interesting to see how that goes. He's still working for me, but I need to step up his assignments. I've been pretty easy on him.

    Have my monthly bloodwork on Friday. Hopefully my levels will start going up and staying up.

    Nicki, I'm so glad you got an afghan. You really deserved it right now.

    Have a wonderful day.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Sheri:praying for your blood work on Friday.
    Sometimes all we can do is Pray for each other.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning dear ladies. Thanks for all the prayers for hubby. Just got off the phone with him. He is in lots of pain but much more coherent. Yesterday when they called me into the recovery room my first thought when I saw him was Man, you look like crap. Sure hope I don't look like that when I first wake up from surgery. How pathetic is that? Anywhos, son #1 is coming home to spend the night with dad so I don't have to cancel my appt in Sac. Still don't have a place to stay. Have left half a dozen messages around and no one has called me back. Grrrrr. So I may be coming home and going back at 5am to drop son #2 at the airport. Glad the beep beep gets great gas milage.
    Well shoot howdy, someone finally called me back. Bed secured for the night. All is well. I really didn't want to cancel the appt.

    Cheri, thanks for the name of the book. Praying for you this morning.

    Shokk, very funny.

    Very pretty Beth

    Jan I am going to schedule the test.

    Denise, my mammo reports always say.....architectual distortion consitant with radiation therapy for breast cancer.....say that fast ten times.

    Jankay, my daughter was required to cook dinner for the family once a week when she was a kid. Was one of her chores. Now at 25 she is an amazing cook.

    Liz, glad you got the bone scan over and done with. First time I had one I watched the screen. Saw white spots all over my body...what "research" called Hot Spots. Freaked me out beyond belief. Now I just don't peek.
    I don't know about a wedge pillow. Guess I'll find out soon enough.

    Amy, glad to be back. Leaving again this afternoon.

    Vicki, I don't have a dishwasher by choice. Remodeled the kitchen and refused to put one in. How weird is that.
    Hope your out of the fruitcake tent by now.

    Nicki, you got an afgan. VERY VERY COOL.

    Susan, nervous didn't begin to describe him. He was way over the edge. Wore his favorite beanie into the operating room. They let him do it so I just bit my tongue.
    Thinking I am happy I missed the carpet this morning. Mazer looks like she has had one to many blue drinks.

    Amy glad your sister is ok. How very scary. Hubby won't let me ride anymore cause of my bad bones. I miss it.

    Missing many but have to run. I'll see you all tomorrow night. Love you all to bits.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Nicki, I'm glad you are surruonded by our hugs and love! You've done a lot for this circle and it's only fitting that we incircle you!

    Shirley, Waiting room chairs suck! I spent half my time yesterday in those waiting room chairs and the other half ni a gurney, which are also uncomfortable!

    Funny thing about the dialaudin, it cut the pain in my stomach but not in my back! I haven't tried to eat cause everytime I tried last night I got sick. Besides I'm hoping they'll get me in for a CT today!
    Still in pain but can't stand the way the pain meds make my head feel!

    Time to call the Dr's office again! maybe they're in now!

    It was slow getting on here today I hope they get it fixed!

    Love, hugs and prayers to you all!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Popping in again quick...taking a break. can't be having the same kind of day I'm having at the same time as me...I need you! Sending you a big warm hug.
    Cheri...I simply know you will be fine. Mazer is misbehaving in the waiting room since I didn't bring any treats.
    Sheri...sending prayers your way.
    There is a bomb scare at the high school here. The are calling it a credible threat and bring in the dogs. All the high school students are out in the field waiting for the buses to come pick them up. WTH...we live in such a small community. Three schools, elementary, middle and high school with a graduating class of about 120 or so. I guess when you consider what happened at a tiny little Amish school you can safely assume you are safe no where any more. Makes me want to go pick up Nathaniel and bring him home and home school him. geez.
    In such a rotten, anxiety ridden, funky mood. I soooo hate this. Nothing is wrong that I can put my finger on just having one of those weepy...whiny...woe is me kinda days. I shouldn't feel this many here are dealing with so much more than I am and I feel guilty even complaining so give me a kick in the behind and tell me to knock it off...seriously!! Let Mazer do it!! your always make me at least smile if not laugh out loud. Sounds like we are in the same mood today! What is it...something in the air. the poem!
    Hi to Robin, Lisa, Tgirl, Liz, Jeannie, Nicki, Madison, Shel, Margaret, Colleen, Cheryl, Oh...everyone!
    I'll say it again...I feel blessed to have you all in my life and "family". You are the most compassionate, caring, loving women I know. I love ya all.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Shirley...sending prayers for you dishwasher...aaauuuggghhhh. What are you crazy lady!! I truly hate doing dishes LOL.
    CY...haul your butt to the doctors dear lady and get feeling better!
    Hangin out in the fruitcake tent for the time being.
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited April 2007
    Hi all,
    Just checking in for a few. I have so little time to post these days with work and family obligations. I tried to read but have not caught up. I miss you all!!
    Nickie - so glad you got the afghan. Lots and lots of hugs to you.
    Cheri - Thinking of you. I never had a brain scan. Guess they figured that was the only part of my body not worth scanning. lol I know yours will be fine.
    CY - WTH!!!!! ER DR's are idiots. If you have a history of cancer they want to blame every new thing on that. Hugs to you.
    To everyone Sending good thoughts and hugs. I'll try to catch up this weekend. I think my DH and DS are going out of town with the scouts. That's the only time I get to the computer and not feel rushed.
    Love and hugs,
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    OK the weather is deteriorating rapidly outside so here I am posting again.....Nicki I had no idea you were getting an afgan....congrats.......Vickie I just want to say that I think it was great that you had this idea about doing these afgans for sisters that are having a hard time.....and all the other sisters that have taken on this project...Madison.....and everyone else ya'll are the best......Cheri you are in my prayers today....I hope that all this head crap is just nicotine withdrawal......Sherloc glad your dh is doing better.....good luck with your are also in my prayers......CY in my prayers.......sometimes I wish that even if we got bc that we all could have dx and that would be it....we would never have to think about cancer again... Sheri it sounds like you son is doing better....has your other son had his biospy done???Please let us know whats up......Jankay thanks for the e-mail post that really also made me feel better today.....Hey Amy let me ask you a you drink goat milk.....I love goat milk and goat cheese.......just wondering.....ok girls I soon as the first tornado sirens sound I'll be back....ha.......

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Hi girls,

    I'll be in the fruitcake tent with Vickie today. I think all this is weather related??????

    Shokk - weather is headed this way also. Be safe. My mom is petrified of storms and is already calling wanting to know which way they will be moving.

    Sher - hugs to you and DH. See you tomorrow.

    Robin - I'm okay hon. Thanks for asking. Waiting on scan results.

    CY - I sure hope they get you in today. Keep us updated on you. Sorry you're in pain.

    Jankay - I know I need to find time to join our brits. Please tell them I miss them.

    Tracey - sorry you're in a mood today. I hate those days. We love ya!

    Nicki - hope your day is wonderful!

    Amy - glad your sis wasn't hurt badly. I used to ride years ago. Haven't in a long time. People just don't pay attention to riders nowdays.

    shel - no way! You are a wonderful, caring, vivacious woman and you cannot and will not be anywhere near loserville.

    MB - hidey ho! I just may call you sometime soon. Heck could be today even. LOL

    Hi to Margaret, Beth, Iris, Peggy, silvergirl, tgirl, Sheri, Susan, Cheri (thinking of you hon), christine, Madison, Gina, Naniam, Colleen, Cheryl, Kristin, Lynn, Lini, Karen in Denver, ishop, Denise, Carrie, LOL I know I missed someone. It wasn't intentional though.

    Big Hugs
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    I just got the MOST fun package in the mail from MB...It was a box full of sunshine There are a pot of silk flowers (Gerber of my favorite flowers...used to grow them in Michigan all the time) a BIG blue drink glass with a lei and a plate printed with a recipe for BLUE DRINKS!!! What a fun thing to do are a doll

    One of my friends from church has a daughter who had to get a bilat mast yesterday. I also found out that another friend’s cancer is not responding as well as they thought to treatment. He is stage four and they are thinking about stopping treatment. I was in a blue funk worrying about the surgery and just sick of cancer….and then this ray of Hawaiian sunshine in a box showed up on my counter It made me remember that friends ALWAYS make things better.

    I don’t know what angel steered me toward this place to find all of you, but I thank heaven that it happened. It seems that when ever I am down, somehow you ladies make my days brighter.

    I have a sick kid today so I’m going to make some soup and pamper her for a bit. I just had to say thanks and pass on a bit of love…

    Bugs and fishes to ALL of you
    Deb C
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    Deb, great big hugs...and sorry I forgot the umbrella, ps the stained glass thing was done by my GD...age 4...
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    I haven't read any posts yet so I'll have to go back and do that before I actually make a post myself. But I wanted you all to see what I had in the mail when I got home from my tests today. It's a "Great Friend Angel" from Hallmark. Susan sent it to me. She also called me right after the first scan in the dr. office to check on me. She is truly a "Great Friend Angel". Thank you, Susan.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    I wondered if one of you grands made the flip-flop suncatcher! How sweet I think I am going to hang it from the mirror in my car. Give your GD a big old hug from me!

    Deb C
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    Cheri, please come to pinkstock with Susan....we need to chat by the fire...hugs....

    Susan I knew there were sooo many angels on this planet, glad that I know them all....
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Hi everyone - I had a nice post and yep - it's floating somewhere in cyber land. So to everyone having tests, waiting for results or having a crappy day. Big Hugs!

    The weather here is going to get nasty - so I may not get back on today.

    Everyone take care!

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited April 2007
    Cheri-just doing a quick check in to see if you were home and surprise,,surprise,,you are. Mazer assured me she saw nothing on the brain scan!

    Susan-you are such a sweety to send Cheri that angel and to call her.

    Deb-aww a sunshine box. We all just love you.

    Liz-be careful with the weather.

    Shokk-Be careful with the weather also. I still picture you in the closet with all those animals.
