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  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007

    I spent a few years in Corona. My dh worked in Riverside for awhile.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Hi again,

    I think I’ve caught up. No guarantee’s though.

    Nicki – your post brought tears to my eyes. Yes, I started chatting in July 2005. You were so sweet and helpful to me. I’m proud you are my friend.

    Sher – you always were a huge help to me as well. I do hope hubby is getting somewhat better. Hearing what’s he’s going through – has reaffirmed my decision to wait to have my rotator cuff surgery. Hope you get some rest soon.

    Cheri – I know I sent you a card saying all this was going to be okay. I really believe that. Know that I’m always here for you. Tell Amber she can come here anytime. We’ll help you guys in whatever way we can. There’s nothing wrong in being scared. I would be freaking by now. You are such a strong woman and whatever comes of this, I’ll be here for you. I’m glad you got an afghan!

    Robin – I want Max! He is just the cutest little thing. My dog is getting old and now they think he may have Cushing’s disease. Bless his little heart. The pics of the kids are great! My great nieces have the same dresses.

    Mena – I am so glad things are improving for you. You so deserve it. I sure miss you when you disappear. Glad you liked the card.

    Brenda – so good to see you again. Sleep? What is that? I have now become very good friends with Excedrin PM. I actually sleep a few hours now.

    LisaE – I guess I didn’t realize you lived in TN. Don’t know why I would have known though. I remember chatting with you in chat. Good to see you here in the circle.

    Tracey – how’s work going? Have you managed to get changed to weekends off yet?

    CY – hope you’re feeling better.

    Christine – have a great time at the fundraiser. I think of you daily. I’m trying to learn to “embrace” these curls.

    Z – What a beautiful poem. I’m from Oklahoma and was diagnosed in July 2005 with ILC. Had bilateral mast w/ reconstruction, 8 rounds chemo and am now on Arimidex. So glad you joined us in the circle. These ladies are great!

    Jas – please tell me that’s not your car!

    Susan – I love the secret pals idea but as many have said, it would be pretty easy to figure out who is who. I also love the idea of Circle of Friends. It’s always fun to get little surprises or cards.
    G – hope things are still going well for you today. How did you do with the shot? Gentle hugs

    Vickie – Hope things are improving for you. If you take this new job will you still be able to bring Nate to work like you do now? That is so great you can do that. Making a change or deciding what to do is so difficult. You’ll do what’s best for you. When is DD coming to visit you?

    Betty – woohooo a new laptop. Our computer died awhile back and it drove me crazy not being able to visit with my friends.

    Beth – hope you called the doc about the Levaquin. I’ve taken it and it doesn’t bother me, but it does my son. They always gave me IV antibiotics before any of my surgeries. Party sounds like it’s going to be fun. Enjoy!

    Madison – I can’t wait until you come visit your daughter. Just think, we’ll know each other before Pinkstock! Holding you close in my prayers for your biopsy.

    Boo/Sue – glad you didn’t leave.

    Jankay – great poem. I got that earlier from someone. Was it you? I’m going to have some hopefully free time first of next week. I hope to be able to visit with you and our brit sisters. You are far from being self centered young lady. I’ve known you for a very long time and you are never like that.

    Shokk – I know you live near Dallas (at least I think you do). I may be in that area sometime this summer. Where exactly are you? I love reading your posts about the weather. I am so sick of storms already. My response to “how are you” is “just peachie” or fat and sassy! My mom is a twin also. They are 76 and I can so relate to fighting. My mom and aunt go everywhere together though. They still fight!

    Tricia – Happy Birthday and so nice to meet you! Pull up a wagon and we’ll visit near the campfire. I had ILC also.

    DebC – you are such a busy little thing. Good luck on your Relay. Ours is May 11th. Send me a link and I’ll make a donation.

    Jan – I need to air my wagon out also. Yesterday it was 54 and today it’s 78. I don’t know if it’s going to be warm or cold!

    Theresa – I live in Northern Oklahoma and we have casino’s everywhere here. I usually go lose my money and sit and watch my DH. Today I won and he watched. LOL

    Sheri – sounds like good news! How is homeschooling going? It’s hard work but I know you’re doing a great job!
    Hi Brenda, Margaret, Peggy, Socal, shel, and everyone else. I know I’ve missed so many. I need to make a list.
    Hope everyone has a great relaxing Friday evening.

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited April 2007
    Hi girls,

    I've been away for several days, and it appears that I missed some excitement! Since "the post" is now gone, I'm not sure exactly what the issue was, but I want you all to know how much I value the circle. You have all been so kind and welcoming, and I'm glad to stay here away from the drama!

    I just got back from Disney, so I have many loads of laundry to do. We had beautiful weather, and we looked pretty silly getting off the plane in rainy and cold NH in shorts and t-shirts.

    I'm going to go back and try to catch up on the posts I've missed -- I skimmed, but I missed alot of info.

    Cheri, I'm praying for you and sending hugs your way.

    Susan, I'd love to be a part of the secret pal exchange too.

    I'll check back in after I finish reading. I'm thinking of all of you!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Afternoon ladies...geez where has the day gone!
    I won't tease ya...I have an afhgan my mom made that is precious to me and a doll my "adopted" mom made after my mother passed away that I wouldn't part with either. I think we all need a blankie. I'll share some drink with's been a long week but the grumpy, anxious mood has disappeared at last.
    Oh the wonderful news!!! Here's the happy dance for you and your son both
    you could always lock him in his room till he comes to his senses and stays here! happy you like your afghan. Lots of love there whenever you need it. You deserve it and I'm so happy it made it there today! Huggles to you...I'm so stuck on that word...who started that? So where are we cyber partying this weekend? Your choice! the bumper sticker! BBBB that's sure to bring some looks! Have a grand wonderful time and look to a future of no worries about the beast attacking there. I wanna go to Home Depot too...I love Home Depot and have to get a new freezer. Just a small one as the one on my fridge is just not big enough and I'm sick of getting groceries every week. won! I thought I was doing good with my 40.00 gift card LOL. You have to keep going! You never know! I don't do birthday parties either. I usually just take them to Chucky Cheese or Pizza Hut and let em go!

    Nicki...heeeheee...I took a nap too! Layed on the couch and next thing I knew it was 4:00 and Nathaniel was waking me up to give me the mail. Oh he's excited...another box of squares from Aunt Puppy along with lots of little goodies for him. made his day! You are such a doll. He thinks you are just "it". He knew by the return address who it was from and couldn't wait to see your squares. He wasn't expecting the surprises and was like a kid in a candy store. He says..."Tell Aunt Puppy I love her too" and hung your card on his bedroom door.

    Nicki...hmmm...would you believe I actually thought about using that gift certificate for yarn till you said to get something for me. Hmmm...I just don't know what. I was thinking of buying glass paint for stained glass windows but I'll have to see. Have to get groceries tomorrow and a pair of sneakers as I'm going to start jogging! Yeah...imagine that....gonna take me a while to get up to a fast walk LOL.

    Z...I love hot chocolate! Especially with the marshmallow fluff in it! mmm mmm good.

    Ok...have a plan to get the entire house cleaned and all the laundry done tonight so I don't have to do it this weekend. On your mark...get set...
    oh wait...Susan...are you still being terrorized by your therapist. We are gonna have to send that man to the deliverance tent!
    Love to all
    I'll be back
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Sue..welcome home!!! How was Disney? We have been to Animal Kingdom, Islands of Adventure and Sea World. I wanna hear all about it! I always hate to come home. My DD wants me to come down for another week on Cocoa Beach with her and her friends minus her DH. Can't swing it right now but maybe later. She loves Florida but really needs to come home!!!
    yes yes yes...gonna clean now!
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited April 2007
    OOOOOH - I posted and it is off in cyber space somewhere. This time I didn't even get that note that said to much time had passed.

    Tricia, wanted to say Happy Birthday and Welcome.

    Grandsons are here and I am being called to go fix a bowl of Captain Crunch - this is after pizza. Maybe I can come back later and once again do my post and the way everyone talks there will probably be more than 40 post - whew.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    Damn I just got a coall from my Onc. There is a large mass and several smaller ones on my liver per the CT done yesterday!
    They hope to do a biopsy next week and she wants to do a bone scan too! She thinks it is cancer but isn't sure if it's mets or not. said she'll know more when they get the path repot.
    How do I tell my daughter who is pregnat? She was pregnat the lst time I had to tell her! I think I'm going to try to keep this from her until I know for sure. She's scheduled to have Hayden May 23rd I don't want to take a chance this makes her stress enough to start complications for her.

    I had to come here cause I new you all would know what to do.

    Love, hugs and prayers
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    I just got home and wanted to check in. I've got to read some if not all of the posts...I'll be back real soon.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    CY - bless your heart. Crap! Know that we're here for you. I've always been one to not say anything until I know all the facts. You'll know what's best for you and her.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    CG sisters
    i need your help. For those of you who do not know, i have an appointment with a movement specialist on may 15. The appointment is in ga, and i need to know of a good place to stay and if any of you are in and around augusta
    where we could meet.
    wish all of u well and let me know.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    CY, please feel our hugs.....
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    CY: I dont know how I missed your posts. I had to go back and read them all.

    So the posts go back to your friend Emily being discharged to Hospice. You mentioned some discomfort but didnt think it was anything to worry about. That was 6 days ago!

    You must be so scared. I am just so upset for you. Thankfully your onc was honest with you and didnt wait until after the week-end.

    I just want you to come to the middle of the circle. Got some xanax or ativan, whatever your pleasure. But you do need to take something. Gonna sit right down next to you and just listen, cause Im sure you have lots you want to say - to someone!

    This is heartbreaking news and I know how I would be reacting right now. We are here for you. This damn disease never stops.

    As I just read all of your posts for the last week, I had a tear in my eye. You are so supportive. You always offer warm thoughts. I know your ife has be put into turmoil, but you need to take a step back. You need to think about you right now.


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    CY...WTH...I'm sorry. Know that we are plunking you in the center of the circle and keeping you there. As to what to do about your daughter...I don't know. I personally would keep it too myself until I knew but every child is different. How would she react. Boy...that's a stupid question. I guess I just don't know. ((())).

    Jankay...hmm...I'm sure we have some girls in that area and you will here from someone soon. Maybe you could post a seperate thread somewhere so everyone can see it. Hugs to you.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Cheri: I am so glad you got an afghan today. It made ya feel good didnt it? I hope your feelings hugs from everyone.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited April 2007
    image [[[CY]]]

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    CY, I am soooo sorry. What crappy news to hear anytime. Let alone on friday. DAMN DAMN DAMN!!! I HATE THIS DISEASE!!!
    In my case if it were me and my daughter. She would kick my butt back to breakfast if I had any kind of tests without telling her.
    Buts thats just us.

    Had all kinds of witty responses for everyone, but now I don't want to. Gonna go say a few prayers for my sisters.
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited April 2007
    omg ......... vickie just gave me a blast from the past!!!!!!

    my "little" brother has called me 'linus' for almost 35 years!!!! i sucked my thumb till an 'unreasonable' age and cost my parents 25 grand in orthodontic work!

    and please no one laugh or have too much fun with this but, when i got dx'd in 2005 (several decades after i gave up my thumb) ........ my first thought was to run for my blanket, and i wished believe i actually stared at my right thumb for quite some time that day "missing" that childhood comfort lololol!

    once i married a musician, we got referred to as "schroeder and lucy", but my brother continues to call me linus to this day ............ vickie, you made me smile from ear to ear ....... i love it when i can laugh at myself!

    ok .......... off to "Don Luciano's" for penne in vodka blush sauce, rack of lamb in bourbon mint glaze with rosemary/garlic citrus potatoes and wild asparagus bechamel, and many, many cocktails!

    i outta be in rare form by midnight lol! this is a local bistro that seats 25 people maximum, and the owner loves to sit and 'peruse' with his regular customers (read "sit and ply the regulars with booze and too much food) ........we're 'regulars' ........ i'm taking aspirin now lol!
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited April 2007
    Awww Nicki..that was such a nice thing for you to say...can you see me blushing???....Thank you for being, My friend!!

    Sheri..glad to hear about Jacob's FNA...and your blood counts..

    Z..Upland CA..I have been there many middle son's girlfriend of many years came from there..he is now living in Covina CA where he is a family practice doc..not far away..and yes many pols are descending on our city shortly if they are not already here...
    should be interesting...

    Liz..congrats on your casino luck..hope it multiplies for the car giveaway!!

    G..hope things are going OK with you go girl...

    Sue..glad you had a good time on your trip..we are headed up to Hanover in June for a college reunion of my DH..hope the black flies are gone when we get there...

    Vickie..glad you had a little need it!! you just are able to multitask so well

    DebC..know you will do well with your Relay tickets..I bet you are a supersaleslady!!

    Madison...hope you got my are a jewel

    Jaz..hi there!!

    Sherloc..did you say your son is moving out??? Whoo Hooo

    Jan..abrazos..don't work too hard on that wagon... that bumper sticker!!!

    Hi to everyone I missed..

    Cy..(((hugs))) I don't know what to say... wish you lived closer!!

    I think all of us need a moment of reflection and the spirit of a daisy chain.....
    Hugs all around..


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007

    Brenda, so nice to see you posting.

    Lisa, so glad you joined us awhile back. I'm enjoying getting to know you.

    CY, thank you so much. When do you get your CT results?

    ZaZ, the poem was beautiful. That was very kind of you. I also appreciated you talking to Amber yesterday. Her dad told her what the dr had said and she took it really hard. I was lying down and she came in and crawled in behind me, wrapped her arms around me and cried, "Please don't die, Mama, I need you, please don't leave me." That was sooo pitiful and broke my heart. I assured her I wasn't going to die. None of my family knows anything about it yet so she really didn't have anyone, it was awfully nice of all you girls to talk to her. Thank you.

    Vickie, you paint a lovely visual of all our wagons during the early morning hours.

    Betty, thank you and enjoy your dinner out. Also, your laptop.

    Nicki, thanks for the advice for the dr.s office.

    Madison, you are just so sweet and so kind.

    Boo, don't you dare even think about leaving this site. I'm glad you decided not to let a few mean women chase you off. Just stay on the Circle and you won't have that happen. (not usually, anyway, lol)

    Jankay, I loved the Sand and Stone story. I'd never read it before and I thought it was lovely. Thank you.

    Meaner than me, well just look at you. Posting. Why did they put us both in the middle of the Circle. Scoot over and stay off my afghan. Are you resposible for the hog-tying? I don't much care for it. C'mon untie me and we'll play nice. You know you want to, we can go gang up on someone.... You know you've been quite feisty today. I like feisty.

    Theresa, it does seem strange that someone would put Mena and I both in the inner Circle at the same time, dont ya think?

    Shokk, you are such a nice lady and always looking for the niceness about people.

    Shirley, O, you didn't have chemo?? Well you sure are the lucky one aren't you? hahahahaha Is that what you said you hated hearing? Thanks for letting me know my brain cells can't run out of my head, cos I have to really keep a close watch on the few I have left! (don't wanna end up like Mena) lolololol

    Hi Jazz, bye Jazz

    Liz, it was great talking to you on the phone. I enjoyed it but I forgot to congratulate you on winning your money. Go win that car!

    Deb, good luck with your fund raising this week-end.

    Hi Lisa, Bye Lisa

    Susan, I have a brand new cell phone and I've been messing with it. Apparently, i turned off the ringer and had it on vibrate but it let me know you left a message. I fixed it now, i think.

    Hey ya Shell, sure you can come play with use.

    Gina, hope chemo is going well.

    I called my drs office today because they never called back yesterday. Seems my dr. is out of the office until next Wed. I talked to his nurse. She said it's probably just a cyst and I shouldn't worry about it. I told her it was affecting my vision when I tried to read and that tight feeling around my head was uncomfortable. She said he'd be back wed. and would probably send me to a Neurologist. I told her if she'd had all the health problems I'd had and her CT results showed anything at all to do with her Brain, she would worry too. Who wouldn't? There's always that chance that it's something bad. I'm not thinking Brain Mets, but there is something not right. I have the signs of a stroke. That scares me to death. I can't hide from it. I have to find out for sure what it is and what I need to do about it so first thing Wed morning I'll be on the phone with my dr. It just blind-sided me yesterday. I really didn't expect them to find anything. When she told me I was just stunned. I could not believe it. I'm better today. Pulled myself together because after all, we do what we have to do. It'll be great if it turns out to be just a little cyst that can be removed with no problem. If it's something a little worse then I just deal with it, like everything else.

    Thank you all for your concern, your pm's, your prayers and your very kind words. I am sooo glad that I belong to a cult like this one! Ya'll are the best.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited April 2007
    image Hey CGS, Going to talk to the man above for you!!!
    Love, Puppy
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Tricia: Welcome to the circle,this is the place to be.It has saved my life literally on several occasions and I have made some great friends whom I am gonna come visit when things are better.I can turn to these girls when I cant turn to anyone else.

    JF:Thank you for the wonderful poem

    Brenda:Thank you for the compliments of my grandbabies.Noelle is really growing.How do you like the new man in my life Max?? Still gonna come and visit you when things get better.Maybe bring lisa with me.

    Lisa:Thank you also.Maybe we can get together soon on karen's day off.Pm me your phone number for some reason I have missplaced it.I cant wait we will have fun and laugh and laugh and then laugh some more.

    Cheri:I love ya kid,you have been on my mind since this cyst thing came up and I am praying hard for you.You are a wonderful gal.

    Vicki:how you doing girl?

    Nicki:Not many days now until I see the attorney I cant wait.

    Mena:How great to see you.Please come back often its not the same without you.This thread has done wonders for me.Some days I dont think I could have made it thru the darkenss with all I have going on,but then I would get a PM from a special sister and somehow make it thru.
    I just cant wait until we have the possee rolling with the 6 shooter,the shovels and whatever else we need to get the job done.You are one special person,dont forget that and stay with us ok?

    I had chemo today and am kinda pooped,left both kids with jasmine and noelle just about drove her nuts but she survived anywho.I went to walmart again after chemo.Picked up some sewing patterns and some great fabric from the 1.00 yard shelf.gonna make noelle and tesla a outfit to match.Gonna try and work on it some tonite after noelle goes to bed.
    Tesla and Jasmine are spending the night tonite with the dad and the evil soon to be stepmother.or not if jasmine has any sense at all.I hated to see her go,but she cant keep tess from them thats for sure.I just hate for her to be around aruging.oh well.I havent seen the EVIL today he is off today and tomorrow and was gone when Noelle and I got up this am.I hope he dosent come home but thats not gonna happen.But I can dream though.
    My shoulder has been hurting me really bad the last 3 days it wakes me up in the night hurting.Someone is gonna pay for this.This episode is totally uncalled for.

    Denise:Where you at babe? Did you see the pictures of Max,see why I fell in love with another man before I am rid of the EVIL?

    Amy:Where are you? Hope all is well.

    Shirley:Consider me pickeld then

    Liz:congrats on the win hoping you win big and get the car.if anyone deserves it you do.

    Mena:thanks for the compliment about max,he is my little buddy. I just love him where ever i go thru the house he is right behind me,his legs are about 2 inches long.I took pix of him lying on my community afghan when I love also.It does my heart good just to see it and touch it.

    Jasmine:Now i think there is some sort of copy right law of people sneaking in my driveway and taking pictures of my car w hile I am asleep.

    Tricia:happy birthday sweetie.

    Shel:I am coming to your house set out an extra glass i sure could use it.

    Susan:you always have a beautiful smile and I am ready to open up a 55 gallon barrel of whoop ass and pour it all over the EVIL..THe possee shall ride!!

    Well that is all the excitement for today.WIll check in later before I turn in.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    CY, CRAP!!!!! WTH!! If it were me, I think I would probably wait to tell my daughter, given that she is pregnant. If that were not the case, I would tell her now. This just totally sucks!! I am praying for you.

    Shel, Corona and Drambuie?? Hmmmm....I'll make room on my log for you . Pretty please? Have a great dinner. It sounds REAL good!

    Sheri, Yay!! Jacob's test was B9!! Doing the happy dance for him and you! Congrats on your great bood counts also!

    Gus/Sue, I was going to say,"Where ya been", but now I know it was Disney. Hope you had a great time and don't kill yourself with laundry .

    Brenda, good luck with the GSs. I watched mine 2 weeks ago and I'm still recovering!

    Nicki, I have to tell you, I loved your post last night. Right now, I am drinking my Cabernet, and, you are my friend! You are definately the best!!

    Vickie, hello my sister! I hope you enjoyed your nap this afternoon! Big hugs to you also!

    To everyone I didn't mention, Deb, Susan, Cheri, Beth, Robin, Mena, Kristin, Karen from Denver, Boo, Z, Tricia, NS, Amy ( and cute baby), Sheri, Lisa, Betty, Jankay, Sherloc, Denise, Peggy , Iris, and Madison, I love all of you. I'm sorry, I know I missed some of you. Wine and chemo brain .
    Bugs and fishes!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    I'm here and I'm mad. I just read the posts for ever, replied to as many as I could and guess what? "invalid for whatever stupid reason they give!"

    I'll write a bit more than I'll try to get back on tonight! It's been a very long day...........take Mom to the grocery store day..........need I say more!

    Tricia: Welcome to the land of the friendliest group of people you will ever meet! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    Cheri: I am so HAPPY that you received an afghan! What perfect timing! Remember what we tell everyone else...You are wrapped in an afghan of Hugs! Enjoy!

    Robin: I'm here! I can see why your heart melted when you met Max. Even if he is "long" and "his tummy drags the ground" go girl! He is Cute and has all the amenities..........good bye Evil!!
    Love the pic of Noelle and Max fighting!

    Cy: We have to find this beast and kill him. I am so sorry you have to endure more. You are in the center of the cirlce and we are with you.

    DH just came home, so I'll check in later.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Oh my gosh Shel...we are tooo much alike. I sucked my thumb until an "unreasonable" age too LOL. I too remember after my dx wanting to crawl in bed under my blanket and pop it back in my mouth! Spooky but I'll betcha we got a bunch of blankie thumb sucker here that just won't admit it LOL!
    Gotta finish cleaning...I'll be baaaacccckkkkk
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007

    Oh, all you dear wonderful people...just know that I am thinking of each and every one of you. We really need to hold each other tight...CY, Cheri, Mena, Robin, all of you...we have you in the center of the circle...

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    thank u for the suggestion vicki, will do
    beth did u ever find out what your mom used.
    welcome trish and hb
    z-how about some homemade cin rolls or coffee cake to have with your hot choc. have deic ious recipes
    chow for now see u later witha gn poem jankay
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Awwww, Cheryl, I'm just so sorry. We were talking about your stomach ache way back on an IM. I just feel sick. OK. You don't know for sure it's cancer or mets or anything. They're going to biopsy it and then you'll know more. If there's anything at all I can do for you please let me know. You are always right there for me so if there's anything you need that I can do let me know. I am sorry for the worry, pain and stress that this has strapped on you and your family. If you need to talk you know I keep late hours. Take care, CY

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited April 2007
    CY -- I'll keep you in my prayers, and I'm sending you hugs and positive thoughts. We are with you every step of the way!

    I'm so sorry that there are so many of us who are experiencing difficult times. It comforts me to know that we have each other to lean on.

    Much love,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Cheryl....I don't know what else to say or do so this is for you.

    Love and hugs
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    This is for all of you who need it today and every day.

    I pray for you all each and every single day.