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  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Popping back in to welcome Tricia.....first of all its not nice to come in and lie about your age...there is no way you are 59 yrs old.....hey Serloc looks like Tricia is going to give you run for looking young....why do CA women always look so freaking young??????????

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Where is the fabulous Ms. Z this morning? I'm still waiting on some hot cocoa...:)

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    Tricia, how did I miss your post? Glad to see you made it through the wildeness.

    Happy birthday!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Hi everyone!

    Welcome to everyone who is new. I'm off to try to win a car at one of the casino's. LOL Mine is officially dead. They're giving away a new car each day until Sunday. Of course, I have zero luck at Casino's but maybe my DH will win something. I have to help with an 8 y/o birthday party this evening!

    I'll check in later.

    Love you all to pieces.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007


  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited April 2007

    Welcome to you! You have found a wonderful place full of loving and supportive sisters. Let the peace begin. Happy Birthday - every year that we can celebrate anothr birthday is a true blessing, it means we are here and kickin'! Have a beautiful day.

  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited April 2007
    Nicki...we were joking...don't be bursting balloons...these afghans are the best things since xanax...everyone should have one! Actually, Cheri and I were goofing around trying to kill that awful thread. That was what we were doing. And we were referring to Cheri hahaha...please don't take it the wrong way.

    In fact, I think I'm going to have to learn to knit or crochet or get myself a nifty knitter or something so more people can get afghans like mine...there was a time that I did know how to crochet...I wonder how long it takes to "get it back?"

    Hi Shokk...thanks for introducing yourself to me and for your kind words...I look forward to getting to know one another better...

    Tricia...Happy Birthday...why isn't there a little cake over your head signifying your day?

    Amy! I finally found your newest addition. I've been trying to find the bugger for the past 20 minutes... Adorable! Have you named him (or her) yet? Congratulations!

    Hi Beth! We're due for a conversation. I believe I'm "it."...I read something about a snb? Huh? Why? Ok, we'll talk...

    Sher...Is that the Navy son that used to drive you nuts when we were buds in chat? He's cute...and the grandbabies are beauts...

    Robin...your granddaughters are precious little gems, too...and their dresses are just gorgeous...and that puppy! And the picture I saw somewhere of the puppy on the I have to get a puppy to put on my can you not smile at that? Thanks for sharing...

    Ok...see y'all later...gonna go call Mon Cheri...see how she's doing...I'll let you know...Mena...xo
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited April 2007

    Here I am, I had meeting first thing this morning. But now I have a few to say hi to everyone. I wish you all a wonderful day, I cannot wait to get out of here today so I can have my computer time tonight and chat. The hot chocalate is ready, a little late but ready, whip cream or marshmellows? And I made it from scratch, with real hersheys and cream, just the way my grandmother made it, she refused to buy instant. Drink up, get warm and settled into the day and I will check on you all a little later. The highlight of my day has become reading the posts and hearing how everyone is doing, so I'll be back in a bit.

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited April 2007

    Good luck on winning that car - and good luck with the party.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Good morning sweet ladies

    I am SO glad "that" post is gone...made me a wee bit insane, it did....

    I have a busy day in front of me, but all good stuff, it is Friday after all My daughters have a track meet after school today, one running, and one jumping. If I run out of work right on time, I should be able to get there in time to see it all.

    This weekend we will be setting up at the local grocery store to sell raffle tickets for our Relay for Life team. I am also going to write letters to a few influential, minor celebrity type people to see if I can get them to publicly donate to the relay and encourage other people to do the same thing. Times like this I wish I was a bazilionaire so I could donate millions to cancer research. In stead I guess I was blessed with a big mouth to ask others to give money...LOL

    Cheri- just wanted to let you know I am thinking about you. Sending hugs…

    Mena- good to see you posting…we missed you

    Shoot…the phone rang and now I’m late! I’ll try and post again later…

    Deb C
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Hi Liz

    I won you a new car but as I was driving it to your place we had a bit of a fender bender.


    The good news is that I had my proof of insurance card with me this time.
  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited April 2007
    Just a fly-by to say good morning and Welcome to well as Happy Birthday I hear...?

    Off to work.


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    To Tricia
    You have found a wonderful place! My DD lives in Florida...Eustis, Mount Dora area. She just got her first orchid and is treating it like its a baby...I'm getting quite a kick out of that...I have NO luck with plants.

    The dreaded post is GONE!!! Three cheers for Melissa and Tammi!!
    Shirley...I think Cheri looks pretty good hog tied LOL! No way she is goin anywhere without one of us.
    Shokk...a salmon head in her bed. Oh I so love reading your posts and proud to have you as a sister!
    Deb..come back sweet lady...all the bad vibes are long gone.
    Jankay...your not self centered at all. Never feel that way! Love reading your posts and love the poem.
    Betty's got a new laptop...woohoo! I don't have a laptop or I'd be here guys would be goin to the grocery store with me!
    Sue...glad you decided to stick around. Would hate to have to round up a posse!
    Tgirl...just sayin hello and sendin a hug your way. No one but me and puppy sleepin in my bed LOL. Just weird disturbing dreams! yuck.
    Madison...loved your words! Hope your day is great.
    Cheri...where are you? Oh that's right...hog tied.
    Mena...wanna go pick on Cheri and get her going?
    Brenda...passing the drugs LOL!
    Ah Deb...there you are! And there you go again LOL.
    Liz...oh hope you win a new great would that be! I never win anything.
    Nicki...i'll be sure to tweak your toes and get you up Monday! Wondered where you went!
    Jasmine...that picture is probably what I'd win.

    Had to leave work early and come home as the nurse called and said Nate was sick. He's home now with me and playing playstation...hmmmm...we shall see. I had a trillion things to get done at work today and at the rate I'm going I'm gonna have to work double next week. I got a 40.00 gift card to Michaels for Administrative Professionals day!! Whoopie...I am sooo excited...look out yarn here I come!
    Love and hugs to all...I'll be back.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Happy Birthday Tricia

    Shokk, all the drugs preserve us. Were pickled.

    Liz, have a grand time. At the casino and the party.

    mena, nope that is son #2....Son #1 is no longer in the Navy. Home and still driving me nuts. But HE'S MOVING OUT NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thank you Lord.
    Son #2 is my baby and my favorite...shhhhh don't tell the other two.

    Deb, busy as usual. Me I'm going grocery shopping. That will be the extent of my energy expeniture.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007

    Vicki, a $40 gift card. How cool is that? Most I ever got for Secretarys Day (when did it become Admin Pro day?) was a vase of flowers....and we all had to share it. I worked for the cheapest company on the planet.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Hi all!

    Peggy, I love the new avatar.

    Mena, it's so good to see you posting! How great is it that you can keep your meds down? Thanks for the update on Cheri!

    Brenda, a big HI to you today!

    Z, what a lovely poem and so appropriate!! Save some of that hot chocolate for me !

    JanKay, what a great story! How are you doing today?

    Tricia, I can't remember if I welcomed you or not . If not, WELCOME!!! and Happy Birthday! You look darn good for 59!

    Boo, so glad you are staying. I think Nicki (?) said that if you left, the nasty poster wins. She is so right!

    Deb, sounds like you have quite the busy day. That kind of busy is good though.

    Susan, how are you???

    Cherikins, did you see your doc today? Let us know what is happening. Amber is gorgeous! And, she is always welcome here whenever she wants. That is one big puppy! You don't get a sense of how big they are until you see someone holding them.

    NS, how are you feeling today? I'm glad the nasty thread is all gone. You didn't deserve that! You are a good person.

    Nicki, Hola sister! I'm gettin' ready to drink me some wine tonight!!

    Well, the work week is finally over!! Time to unwind and relax. We are having terrible weather today. Heavy rain!! It is very dreary on my side of the circle. I think they are calling for nice weather this weekend, though.
    I need to open up my wagon and air it out! It's been closed up tight all winter and smells musty and dusty! Mena and Cheri are in the inner circle keeping warm and dry by the fire. There is plenty of room for anyone else, who feels the need, to slip right in there. Aaawwww, lets do a big group hug! Amy, can you let go of that cute little donkey long enough to participate in the hug ?
    Take care, you all. I'll check in later.
    Bugs and fishes!
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited April 2007 go girl...which casino are you going to?
    Shirley....I love to clean when no one else is around and in my house it's impossible...just my desk getting ready for next week.
    Tricia...WELCOME and HAPPY BIRTHDAY My bday is 4/1 so I'm 49 also. Of course we don't look our age, nobody knows our age!!!!
    Beth....I don't even want to go home and look at my basement. Waiting for dh to waterproof for years, even brought home the paint. I'm not doing it, painting causes cancer LOL That's what my dh does for a living.
    Vickie...let's spend it on drinks
    Jasmine...remind me not to let you drive anywhere.xoxo are such the salesperson. We're putting you on the street for Pinkstock to raise more $$
    Mena... I don't think you have the patience (like me) to knit.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited April 2007
    TGIF Everyone
    Welcome Tricia

    Great to see you Mena...Liz Good luck at the Casino
    Sherloc hope hubby is behaving..
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited April 2007

    SoCalLisa: Are you loving this weather we are having? I hope you are enjoying it. Good weather does so much for the mood. So far at 11:32 am I am doing pretty good, listening to Elvis on the Ipod and just chillin out. I here the Democratic Convention is descending upon your area this weekend, hope it doesn't make life and traffic to hectic for you. Take care.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited April 2007
    The afternoon is getting away from me. I have to drop ds off at his dad's and then pick up dh and take stuff over to my mom. In between, dh is taking me to...hold on to your hats....the new Home Depot that just opened! Mena wanted to go to but you know the excitement might be too much for her and she would no longer hold her meds down, LOL. DH works for Home Depot...a busman's holiday? Can't miss the contractor bags that are on sale.

    Theresa, I got the basement all dried up. Turns out the drain in the yard was blocked and once I freed it up, no water was coming in anymore. Yup, waiting on the dh to do the waterproofing. Did I mention he works for Home Depot? Yeah, I did...please note the heavy sarcasm.

    Cheri, heard anything yet?

    Robin, Shel, Mena, Vickie and everyone who has encountered an ex, I saw this bumper sticker that says it all:

    Zazette, love the avatar. You look maahhvelous!

    Mena, glad to hear you are handling the meds better.

    Jankay, this is for you. I saw it and thought of you immediately because you are always so positive minded and are there for us every day.

    You guys have a good time tonight, knock back one for me. This Sunday, my best friend Carol is arranging what she calls "Byer Bye Bethie's Boobies". She contacted all of our gal pals and my family and 12 of us are going to the movies and then to dinner. Our dh's/so's are going to play poker and order out here at our house. We are all wearing pink in honor of my surgery and also our friend Marge who is a 3 yr survivor and doing the Mother's Day walk and th e3-day in October. I will take pics and post them. I will also put them on the website. BTW, I finally got pics to post there so feel free to take a look. The ones there are from ds's Bar Mitzvah and I have many more to get on there. (see the link below my name)

    Oh yeah, we are kidless this weekend! Oh baby!

    See you all either later tonight or sometime tomorrow!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Good Afternoon: After having a crazy week - today was really boring. So Im home early and loving every minute of it.

    Tricia: Just wanted to say hello. So glad you found the circle. It surely is a special place.


    BTW, you and I are close to the same age. I just celebrated my 57th Brithday in March. Welcome - welcome - welcome.

    Beth: Now that sounds like a good plan. I had 3 different surgeries and everytime they gave me antibiotic IV. PS was threatened eh? All I can say is


    Liz: Im wishing you the best of luck. You MUST win that car. And then after the casino a BD party for an 8 y/o. Oh my you are one brave person.

    Mena: I really seriously think that Im influenced when there is a nasty post. I sort of get paranoid and protective at the same time. I was so darn crabby today! Of course you were joking.

    Z: A glass of your hot chocolate? And well I think I would be in heaven. I just threw some logs on the fire. Its Spring, but its still chilly. Got a bottle of Jamisons, a bottle of Pinot Grigio, and a bottle of Dry Italian wine. (I stoppled the grapes myself lol) So maybe this evening we could all sit by the fire and just talk. Have some hot dogs and marshmellows we can cook over the open flame. Take a deep breath and smell Spring.

    Vickie: OMG! Im laughing my arse off. You get a gift certificate and your gonna buy yarn. Your funny. Maybe buy something for yourself too.

    Sherloc: Well I had something to say to you, but chemobrain made it disapper. Hope you got something good to eat at the grocery store. Last night I went totally off my diet and pigged out on Oatmeal Raison cookies. And a Reeses peanut butter cup. And Pistachios. Yep - guess that means I had wake up hungry 3 different times.

    Jan: Yes wine tonight. ummm or maybe I should say this afternoon as I take another sip! It was gloomy here today too but looking forward to a nice week-end. Tomorrow is the day. I plant the flowers I bought last week and I get to go out and spend some MONEY on more flowers. This is one of my favorite days of the year. Got somemore weeds to pull. I cant believe how fast some grew back from last week.

    SocalLisa: You are such a gentle, kind and caring person. I remember you from the chat also, and I know to this date you go there to help all the newly diagnosed who are so frightened. Then you come here and always have a postive thing to say. Your flowers enchant me. I feel like Im in another world when I see your beautiful pictures. You are a role model, you are passionate, and Im proud that you are my friend.

    Beth: BBBB? OMG Im laughing so hard.

    I know I have missed so many. Shokk, Tgirl, Madison, Jasmania.

    Where is NS?

    Where is Denise?

    Shel: Hee hee hee you little Devil you.

    Jankay: You are an official sunshine sister.

    Im gonna take a nap. Yes you heard me right on a Friday afternoon Im gonna take a nap. Why? Cause I can.

    Love and Kisses


  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    Welcome Tricia and Happy Birthday. You look very young. I'm 57. My dx and treatment was in 2005 and I just had knee surgery and I go see a physical terrorist. Yup! that's all the important stuff. oh very once in a while I get really upset and say "crummy buttons." See you later.

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited April 2007

    well ............ i've got a couple of cases of corona, a dozen limes, a quattro fromagio pizza, and a bottle of premium drambuie ........... can i come and play?

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Hey girls!

    Okay, so I gear up and go to the casino to win the cutest little car. Welllllll - they're giving away a motorcycle tonight. So we leave that casino and go to another - remember I said I have zero luck. Well shoot howdy (as Sher would say) I won $200! Tomorrow is the day they're giving away the car I want. Not sure if I'll go again or not. They're also giving away $500 each hour. Kind of tempting isn't it?

    As far as the party - I'm going to go say hi, help decorate cup cakes, take a few pictures and RUN! I don't do small children parties anymore. LOL

    Jas - did you really wreck your car?

    Mena - It's about time you appeared. I was getting ready to buy more jewelry. Hehehehehehe

    Cheri - thinking of you sweetie.

    Okay, I've missed many. I'll read the pages I missed and will be back soon.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Oh Shel: Im in. I love Drambuie. Please hand me a shot right now!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. It was still mornining hours when I came on this site today. I was behind 42 posts from just this morning.

    I received my very own afghan this morning!! Go figure. I would've never dreamed I'd have gotten one so soon. Somebody actually chose me to receive one hahahhaha I just LOVE it! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I don't do much crying but i get really, really excited!! I plan to sleep under it tonight. This was perfect timing. I needed a lift! I understand all the time and effort that goes into one of them. Also, the love, compassion, joy, and sharing. It's just wonderful.

    Tricia, welcome home. That's what this place will begin to feel like to you, home. Happy Birthday!

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007
    Wow, I did it! I read all the posts. You guys sure have been busy.

    Nicki, I am still in awe of your post. Thank you so much! In fact, I seriously don't know what I'd do without you wonderful women. We laugh, cry, gripe, and cheer each other on. Ok, now I'm getting a little sappy, sorry.

    Things are pretty good for the moment at my end of the circle. Jacob's FNA (fine needle aspiration) was B9!!!!!! They don't really know what caused it, but I don't care. My baby is ok. Now, we have to figure out another way to keep him from going to Ecuador.

    Another good news is my blood counts were in the normal range for the first time in 6 months! No shot today, yippee. Next appt is May 24, then I'll have to see the onc, too.

    Welcome to some of the new girls, glad you are here. Cheri, I am looking forward to you telling us everything is ok. Z-where in Southern CA do you live? I lived in Orange County most of my life.

    We finished our achievement testing this week, so took the kids to the park. It was soooo cold and I forgot to bring a jacket, so I am still trying to warm up.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007

    Oh, I almost forgot--Susan, I would love to do a "secret" something. I love getting stuff. I'm also getting better at sending stuff, thanks to Vickie and Madison.

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited April 2007
    everytime i hear about the afghans and the recipients i think of mackenzie (my kid lol).

    she has an afghan that was a baby shower gift ........ it is a bazillion pastel colours with "Baby Kovaliv" (married name lol) knit into the middle of it .......... 'kenz' will be 14 years old in june and she still drags that tattered, raggedy blanket EVERYWHERE! to camp, to friends, to gramma's ........ you name it!

    saddest part is ........... she got the "sucky blanket" attachment from me!!!!!!!! i'm friggin forty years old and will not sleep anywhere, anytime without my nasty, raggedy, thread bare "blankie" ........ and there is just no substitution for it!!!!!!

    oh gosh .......... i just admitted this in public! only my closest friends are allowed to tease me about this so "hush" girls lololol!

    in all seriousness though ............ i always feel 'gushy' about the afghans and quilts, and look everyday to see who's day was made by one! i sobbed like a bloody moron when i got a quilt, so i know how ya'll feel .......... wish i was a 'little martha stewart', but that's not going to happen in any of your lifetimes lmao!

    have a good one girls .......... i'm going out for dinner and drinks and some "fun" for a change ......... screw all the crap at work, it'll still be there tomorrow!

    love ya'll, shel xo
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited April 2007

    Hey Sheri - I live in Upland Ca - The inland empire. Take care.