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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007
    OMG I just wrote a long post and Lost it! I usually always copy and paste and just forgot this time! grrrrrrrrr

    well I'll have to try later because Ava is now up from her nap and dinner needs made!

    I want to say a quick hey to Cheri, good to see you back!

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2007
    Hi Girls and Peter,

    Thanks, Cheri, for looking for me. I haven’t been posting because I’ve been having a tough time and I didn’t want to come to the circle only to complain! I feel like I might feel better, though, if I can let some of this stuff out…

    I am fighting tooth and nail with my insurance company regarding therapy for my son. My insurance changed in January, and the occupational therapist he goes to now is not on their approved provider list. There are only a couple of other places in this part of the state that do the specialized therapy that he needs and their waiting lists are huge, so I have been trying since January to get his current therapist added to the approved list or to get an exception to use a non-participating provider. We just got a letter last week that his coverage has been denied, and that I will have to continue to pay for his therapy if I want to use his current therapist. We have been paying out of pocket since January and have spent literally thousands of dollars, and now my choice is to keep paying or stop his therapy altogether until a waiting list spot opens up. So, right now finances are very tight, and it looks like I might have to back out of Pinkstock. I was really looking forward to being with everyone, and I am so upset!

    Also, I have spent many days lately fighting with my damn swim prosthesis and swearing up and down that I will never put on a bathing suit again. It makes me dread any social occasion in the summer, and it just dredges up all the crappy feelings I have about myself. So, while attempting to buy a better swimsuit last week, I had an experience similar to Nicki’s with the 7th & 8th grade boys. A group of probably middle school girls were shopping in the same area that I was, and they looked over at me and started making “woof” noises. I left the store, had a good cry in the car on the way home, and pretty much have decided I’d be better off if I never had to see people again.

    For those of you who are still reading…thanks for letting me talk! I know that I will snap out of this funk, but these things come on the heels of other bad news I’ve gotten recently, and I’d love for something good to happen to break this cycle. Can someone please give me the kick in the arse I need to shake this stuff off and move forward?

    I really do love all of you, from Amy to Z!
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited July 2007
    So Sorry for asking for help!!!!
    I must have got the wrong message! But anyway, we Love Ya
    have a good night everyone xoxoxo Puppy
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited July 2007
    Hey Sue-

    That is just beyond crappy about the insurance rejection. I swear they just deny things like that until they get you to break down and pay yourself. Can his therapist's office give you any help in the fight? They are the ones getting paid after all....maybe they can advocate for you. If you have to keep paying yourself, can the therapist show you how to do part of the therapy at home? I know it isn’t a perfect solution, but it might help cut the cost….crap…I hate insurance companies! Good luck!!

    I know that if money is tight Pinkstock might sound like an extravagance you can't afford, but if you can swing it I hope you can sounds like you could use a break from things and a few real hugs. In the meantime….(((((((Sue)))))))))

    Bugs and fishes
    Deb C
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Dear Sweet Gus!

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited July 2007


  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Hi to all!

    Gus: Sent you the kick arse picture at your request! I want you to know though that It make me sick what you are going through with Insurance Co. Who would have ever thought that the Insurance companies would rule our healthcare. I see this happen so often in my line of work. I feel so bad for you, and wish I could help. Take a couple days off if you can and rehash it and start out fresh. Blessings to you.

    Pam: Glad you had a 'decent' 4th. of July. I know how hard the first and second and third and etc. Holidays are..Love ya! Breast of Friends and Precious Mammeries are way to Funny!!

    Margaret: Did you go First Class? Glad you got the car..Pick up that darn Knifty Knitter and get going!!!!

    Charlene: Girl, do you ever sleep?? Brought tears to my eyes when I read of your Sister losing her daughter. There are a few of us on here that have been through that...prayers to her and your whole family.

    Shirley: DH to ER..........Yikes! Hope it wasn't the "job" that sent pains to his chest. Nothing to laugh about and I'm glad he is okay. Sounds like pretty good news on the Bones!! I have no idea what the bladder thing is either!
    Yes, I think I deserve a LARGE Ice Cream!! And I will be glad to send DH to you for a fix it visit! Don't think I could get him out West in July..........we'll work on the fall!

    Cy: Glad you had a good time at the zoo!

    Nicki: I ALWAYS dunk my fries in my McDonalds Shakes!! And Potato Chips in shakes or Ice Cream are the best!! That is pretty scary if my Pic I posted looks like the "darling" that got fired!! I'm thinking it's a good thing she is gone!!

    Betty: Good Luck and have fun with your Convention this weekend! You have certainly put alot of prep time into it.

    Peter: Sorry about the 'accident' with the Coffee.......Please don't sue me!! If I can get this time difference right, you are probably out and about right now. Enjoy your day...........and easy on the fish!

    Odalys: Always good to hear from you! What happened to our Spanish Lessons?

    Shel: 5 days off from the Hell Hole! You enjoy lady....hope the weather improves!

    Alwayshope, Puppy, Susan, Robin, Iris, Gina, LisaE, Marsha and Beth............Where are you????
    Oops, small post from Marsha and Beth!

    Marsha: As the Queen of Poop Stories............Sheri's Carpet had nothing to do with me!!!!

    Liz: Busy day with family! Is it both your Mom's and Aunt's Birthday? And over 50 for the in laws........Nice to know that that still happens!
    How's the Bathroom?

    MB: My note to you says: My pic, Zoo and Pinkstock? As soon as I figure out what the heck it means, I'll let you know!

    Joyce: Enjoy your extra day off! Glad Kevin continues to improve....give him hugs (if he'll allow!) Comfort food, haven't had any in 3 months..............I'm thinking it's time for a treat! Congrats on the 10 pounds!

    Shokk: No Mister GQ? Bummer! Better get prepared just in case he shows up in her place! I know first hand about Ex-Idiots and kids.....Mine has hurt my kids so many times (emotionally) that they act like they don't even care. We've been divorced something like 24 years. Good luck, Dear.

    Theresa: Survived the Storm.........That's good!! We're under a watch now, but so far nothing happening. Have a great time at the shore this weekend. Does DH fist like our Peter does????

    Anne: Where oh Where are you????????????????

    Cheri: Glad to see your little fingers are typing away! Glad to hear that Susan is fine! Enjoy your 4th celebration today!! How spoiled we get.........Beef Tenderloin for me, too!!!!

    Madison: Hope things are better for you this week, too!

    Vickie: One busy lady! You will do GREAT with the wedding photography this weekend!

    And to popular request, I won't do any Match Making!!

    Got Mom Duty tomorrow.......both of my sisters bailed and went up north! I always go in on Fridays anyhow, but my middle, sometimes 'witchy' sister is insisting I should go over the weekend also........we'll see, but I'm not planning on it. (Famous Last Words!)

    Hugs, Love and Sweet Dreams to all.........From A to Z!

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited July 2007
    {{{SUE,May the Lord be with You and Your Family}}}
    xoxoxoxo Puppy
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited July 2007
    Denise - "Lo siento pero se me olvido". Ha, how is that for a Spanish lesson? It means, sorry but I forgot.
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited July 2007
    Denise...Rick(hub) loves to fish and hunt but is really lousy at both. But he has fun, so we're so happy when he gets a fish. Praying to St Francis that he NEVER gets any furry animal because He said he'll hang it from the tree out back.

    Gus..((((hugs)))) Insurance sucks. They should have to spend a day in the patient's shoes if they want to decline. Maybe they would wake up. And with all of the medicare abuse that goes on. Just stinks. xoxo
    Please try to come to Pinkstock. I'll have extra room, food and of course drinks..xoxo
  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited July 2007
    Hi ladies!
    I just wanted to check in and say hello to everyone.
    I haven't read to see how you all are doing lately yet.
    Denise (deese) went to the cleveland clinic and got an all clear from her surgeon and she is doing really good. She
    has aches and pains from the Arimedex and the dastardly hot flashes , but is working full time now.

    I go for my 6 month check up,and have another stupid lump so I am going to see if they will do a mri this time??
    wish me luck ,okay.

    Hugs everyone,
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007
    i am off to bed. soooooooooo tired.

    shirley-pool ther. is exercise in p;ool.
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited July 2007

    Hi Carrie - I've missed you. Sorry to hear you have to deal with more tests and worries. I will keep you in my prayers. (((((hugs))))) Sending lost of love your way.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007
    Okay, using Notepad this time!

    Madison - That's cool about the fireworks. My grandmother's birthday was also July 4th! I'm sure you guys are careful; I was referring to the many who treat fireworks with no respect and don't appreciate the danger. We'll probably get some ourselves to set off with Audrey since she missed the big show. But they'll be small ones .. they make me too nervous!

    Shirley - Great news about your bone scan and the disappearing arthritis! If it were me I'd be Googling "bladder diverticulum"! Thank you regarding my niece. Shannon was a free spirit who in just days was going to start school for Art at Temple U.. She was a very talented artist and a very sweet person. Ava's middle name is Shannon in honor of her cousin.

    Jasmine - that is too funny and truthful!

    Cheri - I'd love to be on your team! lol mmm filet mignon, my fave also! Good you're getting some rest.

    Nicki - what happens when you light a Morning Glory?

    Gus - That's just terrible regarding your insurance company. It shouldn't be like that! I'm with most other people .. I Hate insurance companies! There's got to be a better way! I feel for you regarding the summer bathing suit season. Screw those girls too. Some people have no class and hopefully they'll get theirs someday and recall how crude they were and feel bad for it. Jeeeez

    Denise - Sometimes I'm certain that I don't sleep enough! lol Thank you for your prayers, I very much appreciate them.

    I was on my way home from the doctor today and the rain turned into this driving downpour that made visibility next to impossible. For a minute there I thought how ironic .. I'm going to die in a chain reaction crash and all the stress and treatment over the last 3+ months will be for naught! After driving what seemed forever to get off the highway bridge I was able to pull alongside the highway and sit out the storm along with dozens of other cars. NOT fun!

    My rheumatologist ordered the Cytochrome P450-2D6 test for me to ensure that the Cymbalta I'm on isn't interfering with my bodys ability to metabolize Tamoxifen. He did this without me even asking! I was going to ask my onc for it but now I don't have to! He also put me back on Celebrex for my fibromyalgia and arthritis to go along with the Neurotin I'm on for my neuropathy. I'm hoping to get my chronic pain issues under control before my upcoming surgery. Already have muscle relaxers on hand for when needed!

    Had lasagne, texas toast, salad and a nice glass of merlot for dinner. Going to go eat some Butter Pecan ice cream now for dessert!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
    Good evening ladies...oh what a day.
    Gonna make a quick go around tonight and get my butt to bed...just got home from the movie Ratatoulle (sp?) was great and Nate had a wonderful time. He sure earned it.
    Peter...tweaking your toes...could you please make sure Nicki has coffee in the morning LOL. How has your week been?
    CARRIE...boy have we missed you...hugs and lotsa love coming to you and glad she got good news. Will be praying for you!
    Cheri's about time you showed back up! You make me worry and that just isn't right you know LOL. Where are we partying this weekend and where did you hid Jan? I haven't seen her all she off to a party without us.
    Sheri...oh the pics of you and the afghan are wonderful!! deserve it.
    Really got to head to bed or I'll never make it to the rehearsal tomorrow...have a toothache...wisdom tooth...great timing huh?!? Gonna do the Excedrin route and hope it takes care of it till next week at least. My whold freakin jaw hurts. Actually the whole side of my face hurts.
    Remind me to take my lens cap off!!! YIKES...getting nervous.
    Tucking you all in from Amy (we miss you)to Z. Hope you all have sweet happy dreams...sorry for the short post...just all I can manage tonight.
    Love ya all...each and every one!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited July 2007

    lost a post, they're rushing me outside...

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    rushing you outside???? what does that mean?

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited July 2007
    evening ladies and good morning Peter. Just finished Shrimp Scampi for dinner. It was yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy but now I'm sweating like a pig from all the garlic.
    Been a lazy hot day here in the hills. Dropped off the quilt this morning and then got a massage. Mrs Hippy Magicfingers promises to be gentle with my ribs from now on. Then came home and melted on the couch. Dang it's hot today. Was 104 and 10 this morning. According to the news it got as high as 110. Air conditioner is working overtime.

    Want to give Gus/Sue a great big gigantic hug. I HATE INSURANCE COMPANIES!!! Have you thought of contacting a local news station?

    Denise, could very well have been his job. It does tend to stress him out. Have fun on mom duty.

    Carrie, good to see you. I had my mammo on tuesday. Twisted me like a pretzel and my boob is actually bruised.

    Charlene, I did google it. Still don't understand what it is but didn't find anything that said it was bad sooooo I'll just ask doc about it next time I see him.
    Smart girl to pull off the road in a storm like that.

    Vicki ouch ouch ouch. Hope the excedrin works.

    gonna go check out the last couple of pages. See ya.
  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited July 2007
    grrrr...I hope the third time is the charm. I lost the last 2 posts. Strange.
    At any rate, please know i love you all and think about you so much. Thank you for you comforting words and welcoming arms.
    So nice to see Carrie back. And Vickie, I am going to tuck you in tonight. You have sooooo much on your plate! I think you are a great mom. ((Shokk))hugs to you and your family. Teenagers and exes just naturally are abrasive. My Craig used to have so much anger for his dad. Turns out he had to pretend to be angry so no one would see his hurt. All he wanted was to KNOW that Daddy loved him. Shame.
    Peter..... guess we are gonna have to tweak your toes!! Isn't it time to get up? Before you go to bed in the morning, would you put Nicki on a fresh pot of coffee? Thanks. By the way,,, Clyde is in BIG trouble with me. Deep doggie doo so to speak. He is still outside so far.
    My tender heart does miss him though and I will have to let
    him in to sleep at the foot of my bed in a few.
    Beth.. hope things are going better. And Robin, did you check in today? (((((Aunt Puppy))))) hope your head is feeling better. I know there are several things I missed. Blame it on chemobrain and forgive me? From Amy to Z.... God bless you all... Pam
  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited July 2007
    Almost forgot... My oousin sent me this thought for the day on Tuesday and I just have to share it with all of you:

    "Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain."
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited July 2007
    Stopping in to wish everyone a good night...Peter a good morning....
    Sending hugs to Sue and Carrie.

    Off to bed with yarn and crochet hook (oh, Liz-received your squares today....the box was crushed and slightly opened but all the squares were in great shape..Merci beaucoup...have already used some squares in the new afghan).
    Hugs, Madison
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited July 2007
    Vickie: don't do this

    Remove the lens cap!!!! Good luck, some how I know you'll do great! Toothache couldn't have come at a worse time, I hope the excedrin helps.

    Jaz, I imagine Cheri went out to see the fireworks??

    Shirley, wow, those temps are brutal! be careful!

    Pam, seems to be a common occurance lately with the lost threads! Happened to me tonight. I'm using Notepad from now on!
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited July 2007
    Hi all, Spent 14 hours in car today. Ran into some of that rain that Charlene was talking about in Pennsylvania. Really slowed down our progress home. Visibility was just terrible in some places.

    Need some advice. Got home to nine voicemails on our land line. One from my rad onc. Supposed to have a mammo and then my six month check up tomorrow. They want me to have the mammo tomorrow as scheduled, but change my followup appt to July 17th. I changed my mammo center so that I could have both appts back to back. No waiting for results. Last time I got a scary letter telling me that my results were not entirely normal. Got the letter on a Saturday, of course. When I called my med onc on Monday, she had not yet been sent a copy of my report. She called me back personally when she got the mammo center to fax the report to her. Took less than 20 minutes. It was just scar tissue, and there was no change from the last time. When I called my rad onc about it two days later, he didn't have the report yet either. So this will be my first mammo since my reduction and reshaping in November. Was a DDD and now am a C. I almost went crazy with worry after the last mammo. All I can think of is that with the total change in my boobs, that the letter will be even scarier this time.

    I want to ask them to schedule the mammo for the 17th also. Am I being unreasonable in wanting this? I guess that I always want to be the "good" patient, but if I get another letter like that last one, I'm afraid it will send me right over the edge. I've got one lump where my ps removed the scar tissue left from my lumpectomy. Every doc who has looked at it says it's fat necrosis. I'm beginning to worry what the radiologist is going to make of it.

    Please, some words of encouragement and advice.

    Hugs, healing, and prayers for all from Amy to Z.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2007

  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited July 2007
    Good Morning/Evening all

    Fossilmax Friday...don't forget. I took mine at 4:15 am and now am waking up with my coffee. Peter, I love the coffee bean. DH and I are Tim Horton coffee fans. We, of course can't get it here. We have a friend who travels to Canada for business and he make room in his luggage for 2 big cans for us. He says he gets strange looks at ...oh shoot I can't remember the word...the place that your passport gets checked. Shoot...I hate chemo brain. Oh well, sorry everyone. Hope you know what I mean.

    I didn't get the bone scan results yesterday. I finally called at 2:30 and my onc wasn't in. Thursday is her day at the hospital, but not yesterday. So I have to wait another week. I was on pins and needles all day and now have to wait. I HATE CANCER!

    I'm supposed to go back on Arimidex tomorrow after a two week hiatus. I feel so much better and don't want to start back. DH is not hearing that and I know he is right. But shoot I'd love to be pain free next week for the conference.

    We finally got rain last night. We sure need it. I wish all you soggy sisters could dry out and send some here. I'm afraid my tomato plants aren't going to make it.

    I have to do the Amy to Z big hug. I need to check my work email and see what crisis is developing today. Gee, you'd think a three day storytelling conference wouldn't create all the drama we have had.

    Big hugs to all,

  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited July 2007
    Good morning everyone!

    hahahaha...good one Peter. Thanks for starting my day with a smile.


    Got to shower and run, bbl.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2007
    Good morning sunshine girls Betty and Odalys...thanks for the Fosamax reminder Betty, I totally forgot! is so good to see you again.'s off to bed with you. Great joke...should bring Gus a smile this morning.
    Not going to work...face is swelled up so I know I have a stinkin abcess and it has to be my wisdom tooth on the left side. Puppy is sick and hasn't eaten or drank anything so I need to get him to the vet and find out what's going on...then to the rehearsal and dinner (I am skipping the dinner!). I hate missing work...this sucks...I always feel so guilty when I'm not there and half the time I go in anyway as I feel worse about staying home.
    Nickster...tweaking your toes. How is the vacation going.
    Jankay...up and at em sweetie. have every right to have your appointment and results when you need them and want them. Who's making the big bucks in this picture...hugs to you.
    Gotta run but I'll be back.
    Love ya all
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj