
  • b445
    b445 Posts: 980
    edited November 2006
    Well a lot has happend these past couple of days. I'm so sorry that so many are feeling blue.

    I had the most wonderful time visiting my Step Daughter and the grandkids, The newest grandbaby is a cutie & looks like my Step Son, I'll post some pics tomorrow as I see it's getting late tonight and I didn't sleep much the last couple of nites.
    My MIL makes some strange noises when she sleeps not to mention she kept putting VICKS on and I'm allergic to it! and she was sleeping a mere 3' from me. It was a long drive up and back but other than the neverending rain it was nice to see all the fall colors and even the winter color of white, it wasn't on the road thank goodness!

    I check in with the GYN tomorrow to go over the DNC surgery on Tuesday, then it's off to work to trry and get three days work done in half a day.

    I may have an idea for the map pins but Ii'll look at it tomorrow.

    Hugs and prayers to all Sleep tight
  • newvickie
    newvickie Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006
    Good morning circle girs...loading up the wagon, stocking it with the chocolate fountain, hot chocolate, donuts, fruit (for our dieting girls to dip in the chocolate LOL), warm blankets and fuzzy slippers...going with all who are having tests or procedures or any kind of appointments today.
    Deb...watch those cartoons! Find a laugh. Sending you a hug.
    Cheryl...sounds like you had a wonderful weekend and glad you made it home safely.
    NS...looking for Bruce...will do whatever it takes!
    G...yes...get away from the bus...praying for B9 results. Remember that we are with you.
    Question...I know that I have read it here somewhere but can't find it...when are you considered a one year survivor...the anniversary of you dx or the end of your treatment. I couldn't even remember the day of my dx but found the path report last night and it was the day after my sons birthday in December.
    Praying you all have a peaceful, happy, good news filled day.
    Love ya
    Deb...when are you going to send the email with the addresses?...chemo brained me can't remember. Nathaniel says I'd forget my head if it weren't screwed on tight...he's soooo right!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 2,728
    edited November 2006
    Good Moring Everyone! Well so far its a good day. Got up at my usual time and exercised 1st. Geez, 3 days in a row. I could start making this a habit. But alas, I dont have quite as much computer time.

    Its cold, windy, and the wetness seems to put a chill down your spine. But Im sitting here in the wigwam where its nice and warm. I did throw a bunch of logs on the fire. So hoping by time most of you wake up - it will be burning brightly and keeping all warm.

    So day 2 on my Lexapro and Im myself again. No more crabbiness and losing my temper. Boy, I didnt realize how much I needed it.

    LauraGTO: Ahahaha the horses will be lined up. Distored Humor will go right into the hospital. Hes to fast to catch. Just remember - when you get scared - think of all of us there with you.

    I know lots more are going for tests or seeing the oncs. Hang in there. We can ride with the wind and be anywhere we want to. Just depends on who needs us is all.

    Robin: Boils are awful. I had a problem with them myself last year when I was on taxotere. Did the doctor give you an oral antibiotic? If not, ask for one. Warm moist compresses to keep it draining. Keep it covered, dont want them to start spreading. Usually caused by a staph infection - so if you can, get yourself some bacitrcin or bactoban ointment. Its topical and will help fight this darn infection. And remember - no trying to pop them. Thats the easiest way for it to spread to other areas on your skin. Hopfully, now that they are draining, it is less painful. Geez! if its not one thing, its another.

    Carrie: Man oh man its so good to hear from you. I knew you were ok cause I did check the inspiration thread. How is Denise holding up - waiting until Decmebeer 12 seems like along time. Sending hugs to both of you.

    DEbC and NS: I really believe this funk is related to stronger powers. Changing of the time, not enough daylight, gloomy weeather. Hang in there, we will get through this.

    OK, I know I have missed so many, Cheryl, liz, Amy, Vickie, Shirley - and everyone else. Sending all my love. Gotta go. I need a warm shower to help my aching muscles. When you are out of shape, exercising does a number on your muscles.

    Have a wonderful day

  • lizws
    lizws Posts: 789
    edited November 2006
    Morning girls,

    It's early and cold here in my area of the circle. Everyone is snuggled up and sleeping soundly it seems. I have an appointment with my plastic surgeon today for check-up so this week is off and running for me.

    DebC, I do hope you have a great day hon. The blues hit me for awhile. Hang in there.

    NS, so good to see you.

    Laura, I'm heading to your appt. after mine. Praying for B9.

    Vickie, I use the date of diagnosis as my anniversary.

    Nicki, oh my did I beat you? Morning girl. Ahh, you must be exercising.

    I've missed many but didn't have time to take notes this morning.

    Okay girls, will check in later when I get home.

    Hugs and Prayers
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 2,728
    edited November 2006
    Liz: Oh you win the contest. You did beat me and yes, I was exercising. Good luck at the PS office this morning.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Posts: 554
    edited November 2006
    Good morning girls! Hope everyone slept well.

    Deb - I agree with you, enough is enough! I am like a basket case lately, and have realized that I'm pretty much unhappy all the time! Mad at the world so to speak. I'm going to try to have a good day today, and I wish the same for everyone!

    Cheryl - Sounds like a nice visit with the grandkids. Was LOL at the description of the weird noises and Vicks smell! Ay yi yi!

    Vicky - I have the same question, and I don't know the answer. There was a thread somewhere about it. I remember that some gals started from dx date, and some started from end of treatment date. I wonder what the "official" stat is?

    Nicki - Wow! Three days in a row! I'm supposed to be heading to the gym right now, but am procrastinating as usual. I don't know why, I don't even hate it ALL THAT MUCH when I get there! Congrats to you. I always read it takes 21 days to make something a habit. You're well on your way!

    Liz - good luck with your appt today!

    Everyone else - wishing you sunshine (real or not) on this gray and gloomy day!
  • tflowers
    tflowers Posts: 232
    edited November 2006
    Morning sisters. Finally back from Boston. Sat in the airport for over 3 hours last night. Flight was supposed to leave at 7:30 but didn't until 10:30. Than when we landed we couldn't pull into the gate because they had to find someone to signal us in!! Baggage was another fun time, they sent us to 3 different belts to get it. I felt like I was in the movie "Airplane".

    Wedding was really nice. Receiption was in a 200yr old Cathedral, was very medevial. Nice time.

    Sorry so much is going on with our inner sisters. I lite a candle for everyone at the church.

    Nicki....I was rooting for you Bears, Thank you for beating the Giants for us Eagles!!

    NS....Sometimes you just can't catch any breaks. So not fair.

    Laura...we only accept B9 today..xoxo

    Carrie...have only good thoughts for Denise and getting past this hurdle. Miss you.

    Robin...This "boils" me that you now have to deal with this. Can't you just wish it on the soon (hopefully)to be ex?

    Guess with this rain, we can all hudde in my tent and watch The Price is Right or anything else you want to. I'll make hot tea with honey and some shortbread cookies. How about hot coco with fluff??
    Love to all today xoxo
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Posts: 899
    edited November 2006
    Good Morning to all the circle girls,

    Its a cool morning here on my end of the circle but warming up in the 60's today. I guess I am one of the weird ones that enjoys the cooler weather. It was 78 degrees here on Friday and that is just not right for November.

    Work around the farm was great on Friday. Dad had the backhoe (tractor) going taking down trees left and right. Mom and dad are returning this morning to smooth out the driveway and knock down some more areas and get it all smooth. We were able to get a bit done yesterday but also had to attend my sons first youth symphony concert which was great. Saturday was a rainy day so not much accomplished except football watching.

    NS-Cancer sucks! I am so sorry to hear what you are going through and I am not patient at the waiting game either. My thoughts are with you.

    Susan-Great news that your ribs are ok and I know a cyst isnt good but its a heck of alot better than having cancer return. I know you will make a good decision once you have all your facts together.

    Dr. Chemosabi-ok you and AlaskaDeb arent doctors. Glad to hear you got your lexapro filled and started taking it again. 40 bucks is alot but better than you bond that would be set after you killed somebody from not taking it.

    Lisa40-glad you checked in and we have been thinking of you.

    cherylg-I got my bag balm at the feed store but Wal Mart does carry is also. Its good stuff and not a strong odor at all. I dont like smells and it doesnt bother me.

    Laura-Great picture of your NoSurrender sign.

    Shel38-sorry to hear you are having such a rough time. My son is 12 and boy do I dread him turning 13. I remember being that age and glad my mom put up with me and let me live.

    NewVickie-believing in Santa is always good. My son is 12 and I dont think he has the nerve to tell me Santa isnt real. I just always say as long as you believe you will receive and so far so good.

    RobinTN-sorry to hear your DH (and we all know what that stands for) is being such a jerk. What goes around comes around and I cant wait till he gets his.

    Ok gotta run but will hopefully check in later.

  • Lynn48
    Lynn48 Posts: 69
    edited November 2006
    Good Morning Girls,

    Going to try and catch up some, so much goes on in 2 days! It sure isn't much quieter here on the weekends.
    Had a good trip with my son. He is getting to be quite the skater, it's so neat to watch. Had good visit with my daughters too. Went to IKEA with my oldest and her boyfriend, holy man, is that a BIG store! Lots of neat stuff though.

    Shel, sorry your hard time is continuing. 13 yr old girls can be a challenge. Mine were, but when they got older (around 18 or so)they have both apologized for how they behaved. My oldest was working at a Fort (interpretive) and phoned and said "I have to apologize for everything I said and did when I was 13, because 13 year girls are the most rude, obnoxious, pain in the butts around!!" LMAO over that one. The older they are, the smarter we are, but at 13-14 we don't know squat! Hang in there.

    Nicki, 3 days in a row, that's awesome. I have trouble getting to Curves 3 days a week. Haven't done snowangels in a couple of years, but the snow-woman sounds like fun. Heard a lady up here talking about here snapdragons, and my MIL as well, that they are still blooming and big. Your crafts sound really neat, pics?

    Laura, hugs and prayers, B9B9.

    Liz, did the IL's get all their stuff sorted out? Hope you had fun at the Shower.

    CherylG, glad you're taking on the map, sounds like the other Cheryl has some ideas too, maybe you can collaborate?

    Vicki, your daughter sounds wonderful, beautiful song. Have a wonderful time at the Ballet, Nate will love it too. Loved your idea of hosting a family for Thanksgiving, that's what it is about.

    DebC, your funk is GONE...alakazaam! lol. I have a hilarious email about Sons that will get you laughing. Anyone interested, PM me as it would require an email. Showed my DH and he was nearly crying with laughing so hard.

    NS, glad to see you riding the circle again. Do they have "light books" at your Y? Those are the small bright source light panels that help boost spirits by giving us added light in this time of decreased sunlight. I went to a Y for a bit and they had them attached to some of their bikes so that you could use them while you exercised.

    RobinTN, oh my. Don't pop them!! But now that you have, soak in salt water and use the Bactiban or something equivalent. Hugs and prayers always being sent to you.

    Colleen, hope your feeling better soon.

    Karen, good for your daughter! Hope your Effexor kicks in soon and helps.

    Carrie, hugs and prayers to you and Denise. It must be good to finally have a surgical date.

    I have probably missed some, but you ladies are all always in my thoughts and prayers.
  • Lynn48
    Lynn48 Posts: 69
    edited November 2006
    HEre is a picture to brighten your day. It was taken by my DH.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Posts: 1,159
    edited November 2006
    Since you ladies are the most "connected" group I know...I am asking for some help. I have a friend that was just DX with prostate cancer (Shit!) He has a very advanced cander (double shit!) and needs some support. I told him about this web site and we are both wondering if there is anything even remotly like this for prostate cancer? If anyone has an idea I would love to hear about it.

    Deb C.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Posts: 593
    edited November 2006
    OK Girls...I have taken it upon myself....queen smile maker.....I have painted the "blues hut" a bright yellow and filled it with spring flowers,,imported of course from somewhere warm...and have wine, & champagne for all, NOW the blues must be gone cuz there is no longer a Blues tent...
    Ok i hope that helps, I leave for the weekend and so many are down....but I hope to put a smile on your faces...and warm thoughts in your hearts....

    Liz, tried that cheese cake, it was good like cinnomon sandwhiches,,,,yumm, the whole pan was gone in a flash....

    Nicki, start with one push up then work your way up and of course do them on your knees.....I'm off to the weight wagon tonight any one want to go with me?

    well the weather here has been a little crazy...warm then cold and lots of rain, then snow flakes....but at least the fire is burning warm...SNOW angles, of course we make snow angels, and snow reindeer and even snow men , snow tiger and a dragon or two...I love to play in the snow...hmmm that's why i live in NY...lol....

    OK to all of you started on your christmas presents I'm so jealous, I spent the last 2 weekends knitting a new "titty"..as found on this web site...lol..OMG its too cute ....wish i could knit faster...I'm sure my grandma is rolling...lol

    But need to take roll call for thanks giving dinner...got to get the turkeys ready...so who's coming to NY ?????

    Well work is hounding me so I must run, but before I do prayers and good thoughts to all..
    warm hugs
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 2,728
    edited November 2006
    Good Evening Everyone: Hope is was a good day. I seem to be much better, calmer, and less frazzled. Had to be the Lexapro!

    I didnt work too hard today, big event was giving lunch to a doctors office. So I got paid alot today for driving and doing pretty much of nothing. I needed today.

    Gosh, my ride home at 3pm was dark and gloomed. There was a fine misting rain. The kind that turns to ice if it goes below freezing. But no ice here. Just the mist. In fact you could walk around the wagon circle and not really feel like your getting rained on! And if you have a hat on, well your all set.

    Last year I wore hats cause I was bald. This year Im wearing hats cause they are stylish.

    Colleen: 21 days - oh geez, I have a long way to go. And you are so right, when Im doing it, Im enjoying it. The only things that gets in the way is this nagging in the back of my head. Gotta finish so you can go on the computer and talk to the circle girls before you go to work!

    EVERYONE! Santa? There is a santa right!!

    Amy: I just got tired reading about how hard you worked this week-end. Guess I was a little princess. All I did was work on a Christmas present and watch TV. And yes you are so right about Dr. Chemosabi. Ya know, nurses are the worst patients!!

    Lynn: Someday, someway, Im gonna learn how to post pictures. I am so computer illiterit. I dont even have a camera to take pics. Im gonna tell ya, the next time I need a new cell phone, its gonna be a camera one.

    DebC: OMG Im sorry about your friend. Even though it aggressive, get him in the fighting mode. They are doing wonderful things with treating Prostate Cancer. I dont know of a web site like this anywhere else. For that we are blessed. But maybe send a PM to Melissa or Tami. They might know a good place for your friend to go. Tell him to come on and sit by the campfire with us. We could just talk and talk, laugh and laugh, cry and cry.

    PurpleMB: You are too funny. I love the yellow tent. But, can we still have some BLUES? Music that is. Im laughing my head off. So maybe ask me in March if I succeeded with one push up lol. My muscles hurt just from stretching!! And the weight tent? Oh no no no, not today. It will scare me. Gotta wait til Saturday. That gives me a week to get back to my normal fat normal.

    Colleen: Just saying hello again. I see you snuck in while I was editing this post.

    Im lucky, my husband cooked dinner, but I have just been told I have 5 minutes. So it chow time. See ya in the morning.


  • cmb35
    cmb35 Posts: 554
    edited November 2006
    Ladies - It's cold and gray in my end of the circle, and meant to be that way all week! Please stop in for leftover night - pot roast and assorted veggies, and homemade pizza, one with 3 cheese (yum!) and one with carmelized onions and peppers, garlic and pepperoni. There's lots of ice cream for dessert (anyone have any brownies?)

    MB - thanks for the renovations to the Blues Tent. Very pretty! I'm trying really hard to get out of my funk and be in a better mood already!

    Deb - This is the only online thing I've ever been on, but I'll bet there is something similar for other cancers. Maybe your rad or onc's office would know of something? I know there is a social worker at the local rad office here.

    Lynn - What a beautiful picture! I laughed at your description of Ikea. I agree, I can't go there, it's too overwhelming! I have the same reaction to the Container Store. Which is totally overpriced anyway....

    Amy - You know, there is a "admit the embarrassing" thread somewhere, but I have to say, I know what DH means most of the time (I think!), you definitely need to consider the context. There are some variations... LOL

    Hey tgirl - sorry about the yucky trip back from my neck of the woods! I hope the wedding was on Saturday - boy was it a beautiful day here! Sunday was the pits though...

    Deb - I'm intrigued by the holiday cards thing, but know myself too well (I won't actually do it!!) Maybe it will be an early new year's resolution for me!!

    Well ladies, I'm feeling better/happier than I did when I sat down at my computer, so I thank you for that. Sweet dreams everyone. (OK, I know it's only 6pm, but I'm tired!)
  • newvickie
    newvickie Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006
    Colleen...add your name to the list anyway...I'll send you a card...I'll send cards to everyone and don't even care if I get one back.
    Rainy and misty here too...hard to see to drive home tonight...sick of the gray days already.
    A sunshine tent...what a great idea...just what we all need.
    Nicki...of course there's a Santa...believe! I was bald last winter too so spent all my time in hats and I simply can't bring myself to put one on this year. I look at myself with a hat on and it spooks me! Maybe when my hair is long enough to show with the hat it will be easier. My doctor prescribed Lexapro (still taking the Xanex a couple of times a day) but the Lexapro made me soooo sick...did this happen to you? Is it a side effect that will go away?
    Deb...put that man right here in the center. We don't seem to have any men posting...maybe he could cheer us up as we cheer him on.
    MB...where are you...I'm near Ithaca. I have probably asked you before but chemo brained me can't seem to remember anything anymore...when does this go away!
    Lynn...gotta hear your joke so I'm sending you a pm with my email.
    Deb...did you watch your cartoons at all today? Sending you a hug and a wish for happier days.
    Missing Mena, Lini, NS, Peggy and others...come out and play girls...we need some fun here.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited November 2006
    Hi there -
    Greetings from the forest...I survived! Whew.

    And, OMG, I have to say...I have never seen so many horses in a hospital parking lot! Actually, I had never even seen one! LOL

    The procedure was routine. Much better than the one I had at bc dx time. The US tech couldn't locate the "lump" and said maybe I didn't need to have the biopsy. So - I was sooooo ready to bolt, but she eventually found the sneaky SOB! Damn her! LOL They took 3 specimens. It's sore right now, but not bad at all. The Radiologist was poker faced and he wouldn't tell me his opinion on b9 or not. I took a Xanax b/4 the procedure, so as soon as we got home, I passed out for 3 hours! I am such a lightweight! They'll call w/results in 48 hours - I know the odds are in my favor, so I will be trying to think of that until then. Thanks so much for all the encouragement and concern. I really appreciate it. You're so thoughtful!

    Giddy, up!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Posts: 893
    edited November 2006
    Howdy do girls. It's been a busy Monday here in the hills. Worked out today. It felt good. Grands have gone home. AAAAAAAA can you hear the silence. I love em to bits but o my they poop me out. And most important of all....
    Wandering Son has a job!!!!! Break out the champagne, do the happy dance, shout for joy!!!!!
    Starts Wednesday. Which means were one day closer to him moving out and me getting my guest room (formerly his bedroom but thats besides the point)back.

    Liz, hope the shower was grand. How was your appt?

    Cheryl, glad mom is OK, how scary.

    Colleen, hate when that happens.

    Hugs for you Karen. 5K WOW!!! I can't run to the bathroom.

    Laura, how did it go today? I've been praying for you.

    NS, good for you for joining the Y. I worked out today with docs permission. I'm sore but it felt good to move and sweat.

    Deb, KICK!! my shoes are small but they pack a whallop.

    Vicki, ACS says from day of dx.

    Nicki, 3 days....YEHAW!!!! Becareful, it will become a habit.

    Theresa, welcome home.

    Lynn, beautiful but BRRRRRRRR....I love IKEA

    MB, lovely job decorating the tent. Daisys are my favorite flowers and they go so well with yellow.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Posts: 1,159
    edited November 2006
    Hey laura-

    Glad you could feel us all with you at the dr. I'm also glad you had your BX on a monday...no waiting extra time over the weekend. B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9....

    Thanks for the good vibes and a quick kick or too LOL. I had a much better day. I just puttered around the house and did what I wanted. I flipped through the TV programs this morning. I watched NO news and had to stop for a few minutes on a Scooby Dooby Dooooo episode I baked some awesome pumpkin cranbery nut bread YUM. I did some writing and made some lists (I'm a list nut). I feel better...not 100%, but tomorrow I have a list of REAL things to get done. I will feel better when I am getting things back on track.

    No other big news here. I'm going to go throw another log on the fire and enjoy...

    Big hugs to all of you

    Deb C.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Posts: 699
    edited November 2006
    Circle Girls Are Stars

    I have updated the stars. I added Colleen, Shirley Larson Laura GTO and Rosemary Alaska Deb's Aunt. Did I miss anyone. It's been re-arranged some so if you don't see your name, keep looking!!! Instead of posting it here all the time, I just provided a link.

    Laura, good to hear from you. Sounds like it was normal biopsy scary but you made it through. 48 hours, huh??? how many hours have already passed?

    NOW serving hot chocolate and marshmallows in the redecorated Blues Tent!!! Sorry about you all that aren't feeling so wonderful. I can so relate.

    Agree with you Vickie. Deb give me your friends name and I'll even give him a star!!

    Now who was it who got an EWWW from her PS, Jeannie I think it was you. So sorry about that. Send that guy back to school for bedside manner refresher course.

    Beautiful picture, Lynn.

    Well Darn. I know there was more I was going to say but DH just came in and interruped me. Can't remember a thing now. Hmmm..it will come back to me.

    love ya all. yee haaa

  • newvickie
    newvickie Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006
    Deb...my son is a huge (and I mean huge) Scooby Doo fan. Don't let him know your watching during the day or he will want to come join you LOL.
    Susan...you are just a doll. I odn't know how you keep up with all the wonderful stars. Thanks for including Trenton...still praying he's safe and sound somewhere...he just has to be.
    Gonna go hang out in MB's yellow tent and get rid of the blues.
    Hugs all and sweet dreams.
  • lizws
    lizws Posts: 789
    edited November 2006
    Evening girls,

    My appt. with my PS went great. I told her I wasn’t doing nips right now and would let her know if/when I changed my mind. She said I looked great and she’d see me in 6 months!

    NS, I’ve found that the more I exercise the more energy I have. Remember you need to eat though. Don’t deprive yourself.

    Carrie, good to see you. Hope your mom is feeling better. Prayers for Denise as she’s facing this surgery.

    DebC, gentle hugs dear. Wish I were closer I’d come get you outta there and make you smile. Hang in there hon.

    Cheryl, glad you had a nice visit and good weekend. How did the appt. with the GYN go? When is the surgery?

    Vickie, you have great food! I could use some chocolate about now.

    Nicki, today is most likely the only day I will ever beat you coming in. I am not an early riser anymore. Keep up the good work exercising! Glad the Lexapro is working. I never forget mine nowdays.

    Colleen, thanks for well wishes. All went well.

    Theresa, glad you had a good time at the wedding and got home safely.

    Amy, sounds like you’re working a lot. Be sure to take care of you too.

    Lynn, the shower was a lot of fun. She got some wonderful baby gifts. Things are so cute nowdays. As for the in-laws – they’re trying it on their own for now. Home health comes in 3x a week and my dh and his brother are taking turns going over the other days. I’m trying to stay out of as much as I can so dh and his siblings can learn to handle this on their own. I’ll help if needed, I just don’t want them to depend totally on me. I have my mom to keep track of. LOL Gorgeous picture!

    Robin, hope the boils are healing. Think of you often.

    MB, you are amazing. I haven’t even thought of Thanksgiving yet. Guess we’ll do the family thing on dh’s side. Glad you liked the cheesecake. It doesn’t stay here long either.

    Laura, so glad things went well. Can you believe what a mess the horses made? I love the fact that you told the staff there we were with you. Waiting isn’t fun. You’re a strong woman and will get through whatever is dealt. Hugs

    Sher, yes I hear the quiet. Woooohooooo on the son getting a job. I bet he's happy as well. The appt. went great. My next appt isn't until January and it's with the GYN/ONC. That's the one I'm dreading.

    Susan, you are wonderful for doing the stars! I'm so impressed.

    I've missed many I'm sure.

    Hugs and Prayers to all

  • newvickie
    newvickie Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006
    Liz...I always have chocolate on hand for anyone in need. I actually have a stash in my desk at work that everyone has discovered...much to my dismay LOL. Take whatever you need, I have all kinds...my new personal favorite is the caramel filled chocolates (can't remember what kind though...and there in my desk so I'm stuck tonight with hersheys peanut butter cup ice cream...my old standby!!)

    Shirley...ACS says a year from DX...wow...seems hard to believe...I'm almost there. Hope I didn't just jink myself!
  • b445
    b445 Posts: 980
    edited November 2006
    Wow am I glad today is almost over. It took me 1.5 hours to get to the Dr. this morning. I'm usually there in about 20 minutes.
    I have to check in at the hospital at 5:45am tomorrow morning. And I'm suppose to eat lite tonight and since I don't have any soup I like it's fruit cups for dinner.

    Niki, I do wall push ups. it's a lot easier on the back. Just stand arms length from the wall and lean in and push out! It's that simple and you still get a pretty good work out.

    Ok I said I'd post some pics so let me go look and see what I can find.

    I'm still working on the push pin map thing I was up till midnight trying to get it to work.
  • b445
    b445 Posts: 980
    edited November 2006
    Duncan-2, DH, Claira-6, MIL, Leilani-4 weeks

    image Leilani

    image Duncan

    image Claia & leilani

    These are the grandkids I just went to see.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Posts: 737
    edited November 2006
    Good LUCK tomorrow Cheryl on your D&C!!! I pray everything goes well.


    Laura, I am so happy to hear everything went well for you. I know the feeling! I have thought about bolting a number of times lol! Try to put ice on it for the next day or so. I didn't ice my last Core BX and got a really bad hematoma from it.

    Deb C- When I was researching Prostate Cancer for someone I found that the ACS has a really nice group of people on their discussion boards for Prostate Cancer. They give a lot of good advice. I highly recommend them, they were very encouraging and helpful to me.

    Vicki, Thanks! I need bruce!!! I count my anniversary from my day of Dx.

    Thanks Nicki, I believe it IS bigger than us- and this weather and no light is making it so much worse.

    Theresa! FLUFF is my Favorite Food!!!

    Thanks Amy, I know you are dealing with a lot and it really helps to see your great attitude - you help me every day!

    Lynne, I have to ask about the lights at the Y. Thanks for that idea.

    MB- Count me IN!!!

    Shirley- GREAT news on your son's job.

    Colleen - Ok- you did it, I am coming over!

    Susan, your stars are AWESOME!

    Liz, thank you. You are so right. I do not eat enough- I skip meals and it does take its toll. Thanks for the reminder!

    Well, the doctor who was supposed to be the new endo to replace my old one who now works for a drug company - isn't accepted by my insurance! I can't pay out of pocket if it he is going to have to operate and remove the thyroid. I already have to pay my breast surgeon and onc out of pocket because they stopped taking my insurance. Which leads me to my next dilemma, if any of these things on the PET are cancer I will have to get a new onc because I won't be able to afford chemo out of pocket. I pay $700 a month for my insurance and I don't have doctors that I need on my plan. There is something very wrong here.

    I hope that Kathy and Kristin and Lisa are ok. Lisa I am so happy you are finally getting the good stuff!

    Love to the circle girls- gotta saddle up and get on duty.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006
    Hooking up the wagon to go to Cheryl's appointment...ready girls...lets go.
    We are with you Cheryl...all will be well.
    Be back later...gotta go find Bruce for NS, we want our happy girl back! Where oh where is Peggy!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 2,728
    edited November 2006
    Good Morning Everyone: Well I think Im gonna need to officially put the crown down of being the first one in the circle early in the morning. Today Vickie beat me. My new routine is get up, make coffee, and then exercise. Whoo hoo 4 days in a row. Now lets see according to Amy I have 17 more days to go before I make it a habit.

    Still dark and gloomy but the misty rain has stopped for a moment. I just looked out the window. Clouds and more clouds. So its gonna be another overcast day. Its a bit chilly too, but right now it feels good. Im sweating like you wouldnt believe. The air has the aromoa of winter and that reminds me of all the winter holidays we celebrate. I cant believe ThanksGiving is one week from Thursday.

    Vickie: I didnt have any side effects to Lexapro. But I did to Zoloft, wellbutrin, and another one that I cant think of the name right now. The only side effects I had from Lexapro was 1) couldnt sleep at night so I take in the morning instead and 2) Im a crazy woman without it!

    LauraGTO: I am so glad the biopsy is over. Whew - at least thats done. The hospital security guard tried to have us move all of the horses but he backed down - didnt want to get into a brawl with all these strong headed women. As he turned his back to walk away, Distorted Humor nudged him in his butt. He was saying "Get outta here." So results should be back Wednesday or Thursday? Well just come to the campfire and talk with us. I have some great stories. Some are heartwarming and some are scary. Now! what would a campfire be without scary stories? And stay in the medic tent till the soreness goes away. We have lots of ice packs to keep the swelling down.

    Shirley: I get confused. Maybe it was you who told me 21 days for it to be a habit. Chemobrain - once again. I have made fun of this attempt to exercise. Have some old and gread CD's that are fun to exercise to. This morning is was "Footloose." what a motivating CD. Then "Fame" and on the treadmill it was "ZZ top." Now I may have pushed it there. Heard a knock on the exercise room door. Husband said do you have to blast that music at 5AM? And I said, but hunny, I cant hear it when Im walking on the treadmill. So he left me alone and I turned it up louder.

    DebC: Im so glad you had a better day. Its good to putz around the house. Take time to enjoy life a bit. Like the song from South Pacific. "Im gonna wash those blues right outta my hair." Or scalp - if you have had chemo.

    Ya know, even when I was bald. I washed my scalp everyday with shampoo. I thought gotta keep those roots stimulated for when they are ready to start growing back.

    Susan: Thanks for the link. I just love being a star. Boy we need to teach our husbands, children, and significant others that interrupting us - is just not allowed!! I was thinking, if my husband didnt like ZZTop this morning, wait until tomorrow morning. Im gonna blast "Heart." Then I wont even hear him knocking on the door lol.

    Liz: I almost spit out my coffee when I read your in laws are trying to do it on their own right now. I think that is the number one statement I hear when Im evaluating people out in the community. Thats a crisis waiting to happen! Hope your husband and his family, realize that now is the time to start looking. Older folks can be so stubborn sometimes. But Im glad your not having to be one that is running around making sure things are ok. This is such a hard time. I evaluated a lady yesterday who has pretty bad dementia. But she compensates well, and her family made the same decision. She will try it at home once again. Now let me see, she forgot what she was cooking and almost started a fire in the kitchen. She fell, and was on the floor for about 24 hours before she was found. Hadnt been eating. Family would do her shopping, but the refrigerator wasnt touched. Denial - its everywhere.

    Cheryl: I missed something. Why are you checking into the hospital? Well - Im gonna go right now to all the wagons. Watch out ladies, Im gonna be shouting WAKE UP - time to get your horses ready and fly to the hospital where Cheryl is at. Good luck, we will be thinking about you and will be with you all day. Oh and great pictures of your family. The light bulb just went on. D and C today. Hope everything goes well. Stay strong sister.

    NS: Darn insurance companies. Its not fair. They have Patient Rights everywhere else. No one should have to change doctors cause of insurance. Do you have an HMO or PPO? Is it the doctors who wont accept the insurance or the insurance saying no to the doctors? Just like the oil companies. These insurance companies are making huge profits! So Im sending you a big hug.

    OK - its time for me to go. My morning shower is calling my name. Hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited November 2006
    Susan -
    Thanks for the star! I'm so flattered!

    Nicki -
    Thank Distorted Humor for me! That butt nudge was great! LOL

    NS -
    I hope everything works out. Hang in there.

  • baldeagle
    baldeagle Posts: 97
    edited November 2006
    Hi Girls,

    Just popping out of the medic tent - got put in there a couple of days ago with what was either 1] a virus or 2] gall bladder acting up or 3] food poisoning. Anyway - Ultra sound and labs say no gall bladder and I am feeling better so the odds are its not viral. Hmm, wonder what I could have eaten?

    Cheryl those kids are just too cute. Maybe some day my children will bless me - right now they seem to be having fun stretching adolescence into their twenties and almost beyond.

    Susan, do you need help with the pin map? Like trying to figure out where everyone is? Let me know if you need some help.
    If you are having success maybe those who don't list their location can send a PM with at least a general idea of where they are so you can add them.

    All of the talk of Thansgiving makes me a bit homesick for life State-side. Used to love Turkey day and having the whole family together. Now I have one in Australia and another on the East coast. Not the same. Neither wants to move here to be a cowboy. Alas.
    One interesting thing - used to be the great Christmas rush starts the day after Thanksgiving. Here we don't have that holday marker - so it starts on Veteran's Day (Remembrance Day). Even longer to spend more money.

    As I sit here looking out into the dark - it seems like midnite not morning - I keep telling myself that the light fades for another 5 weeks and then it starts to come back. The rest of the winter is cold but gets increasingly brighter. Meanwhile, for those of you who need light therapy, there are special lights you can buy that help with the mid-winter blues (but they cost $$$)

    Breakfast - fresh waffles and maple syrup, just roasted coffee. Am putting a log on the fire and will check later to see if it needs more tending.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006
    Nicki...don't pass that early morning crown yet...I was only up so early because Nathaniel brought me breakfast in bed...AT 5:30!!! I feel bad because I was so tired and said "What are you doing!! I'm tired!" Poor guy...his face fell a mile and I feel totally horrible. I made a big deal of it afterwards so all is ok...seems like I have so very little patience lately and I really need to NOT do that to him EVER. He's such a sweetie...crap...crying at my desk.
    Later girls