Dancing with the Stars



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,929
    edited September 2020

    I think this was an okay episode to miss, Divine. I quit writing down my impressions halfway through because no one really stood out to me. Nobody was horrible, and nobody was amazing. The judges are being very conservative with their scoring, which I think is good. An interesting twist was that the judges got to save one of the two bottom scoring couples to dance again next week. Next week it's back to Monday night & is Disney themed.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited September 2020

    I forgot all about DWTS being on last night so I missed the 1st hour! Started watching when Carole Baskin finished her dance. Bruno gave her a 3 and that’s ppppretty low! So I didn’t mind missing it. The remaining dances were fun to watch and I think Jenna and Nev are the ones to beat. I didn’t care for Tyra’s costume (was that Minnie Mouse?). It felt so...lame. Really, she adds nothing to the show. It’s still odd to watch them dance without an audience. Almost a little spooky.

    I wonder if they added the judges’’ elimination at the end to be able to get rid of the worst dancers, so you don’t have the Sean Spicers and Bristol Palins hanging on forever.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,929
    edited September 2020

    Most of the best dances were in the second hour, Divine, so you tuned in at the right time. My thoughts:

    * I am really glad that the judges get the final say on the elimination, It makes it a lot more fair.

    * The costume designers have certainly given Tyra very odd costumes. None of her outfits so far have been the least bit flattering. I would be protesting. She hasn't added anything to the show, but I don't think she has been a distraction either. I suppose anyone would have a hard to when you can't hug or interact closely in any way.

    *I am not a great fan of Disney Night as it's a little to gimicy to me.

    * Nev is really wonderful, and a surprise since he has no dance background. Johnny was very good, as he should be with his background. I also liked Vernon & Peta.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,929
    edited October 2020

    Geez, they sure dress Tyra in the strangest costumes. This one looked like a Victorian undergarment.

    I haven't been either horrified or blown away by anyone so far. Quite a few of the female contestants have nice, smooth lines. Johnny did great, and I am very impressed with Nev. I think the correct person went home.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited October 2020

    Tyra looked terrible. Both outfits were totally strange, her hair and makeup awful. Her bungling of who was or wasn’t safe was terrible terrible terrible and she kept repeating “this is a live show”. Ugh.

    The woman getting ready to harvest her eggs...? Now? You decide while doing DWTS you’re gonna freeze your eggs? Talk about a publicity stunt.

    The Backstreet Boys’ number had too much going on and was too confusing. Nev was one of the better ones, but his and Jena’s outifts were bland, so was their song and I guess I’m not a fan of the rumba.

    Loved Johnny Weir and hope he goes far. His professional is new, so I hope she knows what she’s dong.

    Skai Jackson. Wow, I didn’t realize she was so close to the young Disney star who died. That is quite a lot for such a young woman to go through. She has such poise. Lovely dance.

    Did Carrie Anne get some face work done? She was looking a bit different. Best dressed of the night was Bruno. Loved his white jacket with the sequined lapels. Goes well with his hair.

    So far they're getting it right on the eliminations.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,929
    edited October 2020

    Carrie looks kind of 'puffy' to me. Yeah, the freezing eggs thing was kind of creepy. Like you said, Divine, seems like a publicity stunt more than anything else. I very much like the judges having the final say as to who to save, much more fair. I imagine that Johnny will be helping the pro more than her helping him. Having an experienced pro is a definite advantage.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,929
    edited October 2020

    I thought it was a fun night. I had forgotten how crazy 'the hair' was in the 1980s.

    I thought there were some good dances, others so-so, but none that were terrible. I thought Johnny knocked it out of the park!

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited October 2020

    Good assessment, Ruth, I agree.

    Tyra is a rather bland host, Tom B was so much wittier and had much better energy. Tyra isn't bringing it.

    Nev's was my favorite dance, tho, and I was surprised he was scored low by the judges! Altho to my surprise, my very favorite moment of the show was Justine's Flashdance finale with the torrent of water hitting her arched body! Oh my! So unexpected and fun!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,929
    edited October 2020

    I think it is probably hard for anyone to develop an energy with no studio audience. I think they should have stuck with Tom this season, if for no other reason, because he already had developed a rapport with both the TV audience and the judges.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,117
    edited October 2020

    Tyra obviously is a talented woman but not a good fit, imho, for this show. It seems hard for her not to make the hosting job about herself. Tom was a good host because he could easily slide into the background and with his subtle humor could poke fun at things in a nice way and make the audience feel like they were part of an inside joke. Although I did not like it when he decided to get political-that might have been the kiss of death for his hosting duties.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited October 2020

    Chicagoan, you are right on with your assessment comparison of Tyra and Tom’s hosting abilities and talents. If Tom had a political stance, tho, it went right over my head.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,929
    edited October 2020

    I think the producers were the ones who politicized the show last year when they had Shawn Spicer, who was a polarizing figure with zero dancing ability on as a contestant. I believe that Tom was publicly unhappy with that choice (as was I.......it's nice to have SOME things that are just for fun, not driven by one's political views).

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited October 2020

    Finally got to watch the Monday night show today. DH does not care for it so I watch when he is not home. I do not care for Tyra. Her costumes are awful and her humor is flat. Johnny Weir was great and I loved the water trick in the beginning. I was fine with the couple that was voted off. I do like the way the judges get to “save” one of the bottom two. Seems a bit more fair for the contestants.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited October 2020

    JCS, thats a good description of Tyra: flat.

    Oh, yes, Ruth, I had put Sean Spicer out of my head. If I want to take in the political landscape, I can watch late night talk shows, SNL and newscasts. When tuning in to DWTS, I want an escape from the woes of the world, not to be reminded of them.

    I gag a little with the cookie-cutter female types DWTS brings on. Here’s two photos, one of this season’s contestant, Charise and one of last season winner Hannah Brown. It’s like: cue the female with long highlighted blonde hair, perfect teeth and makeup, strong eyebrows and dangle earrings!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,929
    edited October 2020

    Interchangeable.......that is kind of creepy!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,929
    edited October 2020

    I had a number of interruptions so didn't watch it as closely as sometimes. A couple observations:

    *I thought the right person was voted off.

    * It seems like the judges are awfully tough on Johnny. I wonder if he might need to tone it down? Maybe he is too flamboyant and a more traditional look/dance might serve him better

    * I didn't love A.J.s dance as much as the judges did.

    *I thought Nev's was the best dance of the night.

    * I liked Justina's dance a lot. To me, it was her best so far.

    * I liked Katiln and Chrishell's dances were good (although now I'm thinking of them as interchangable!)

    * Derrick's dance was a treat to watch!!

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited October 2020

    My favorite dance actually was AJ's.

    May I say that the venue, dance studio or whatever you call where they are filming from, seems so dull. Tyra looked awful, and then her clothing colors blended with the background. I haven't truly loved the costuming for any of the couples this season. It seems off to me.

    I loved Derek's dance, but they used so much smoke it was hazy to watch him. I want to see his choreography in full view! It is thee best!

    I fear that Johnny Weir may suffer from an unseasoned professional who doesn't quite know how to accentuate his positive techniques. Boy did Skai Jackson flub!

    No 10s tonight, and that seems like we are still getting sub par performances. Or was there any 10s? Can’t remember!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,929
    edited October 2020

    No tens given or deserved.

    If I were Tyra, I'd be complain! The costumes are both weird and blah!

    I think the lack of audience does drain the energy. When you are in any kind of performance, the enthusiasm of the crowd is what fuels the performers.

    If I were Johnny's pro, I would dress him in a tuxedo and have him channel himself into more of a traditional male dancer role. This is partner, not solo, work and if she could make it more of a smooth couple thing, they would do better. I wonder if anyone gives tips to the pros?

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited October 2020

    I agree with Ruth, Johnny needs to tone down the flamboyance a bit. It detracts from his dancing. I am not that crazy about AJ. My favorites are Nev, Justina and Crishell. Overall, the show seems to lacking something more than the audience.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited October 2020

    Lacking something other than the audience—good way to put it, and I agree!

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,117
    edited October 2020

    Lacking stars/charisma? The only "stars" I had really heard of this season are Johnny Weir, Anne Heche, Nelly and the football player. I think some of the professional dancers are more charismatic and well-known at this point than the "stars." Another nit I have to pick-why do the producers have the fake audience sound so loud when Tyra is speaking? Sometimes I can barely make out what she is saying.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited October 2020

    Chicagoan, I said the exact same thing to my husband about the fake audience noise and not being able to hear Tyra!

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,117
    edited October 2020

    Divine-Glad it is not just me. I thought maybe I need my hearing checked. If I was Tyra, I would be a little mad, because it would be easy for them to turn the sound down a bit when she is talking or raise the volume on her mic.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,929
    edited October 2020

    I enjoyed tonight's show very much. I thought everyone did quite well & Tyra's outfits were relatively normal (for Halloween). I agreed with the judges as to who should get the axe. Some of my highlights:

    **Nev: I said "Wow" out-loud and clapped at the end of his dance. That was excellent!

    **Johnny: Very good! (They seemed to take our suggestions, it was much more of a couple's dance & he took a more masculine role).

    **Skai & Justina: I enjoyed both of their dances. Skai may be too dainty and Justina might be too voluptuous to go all the way, but they are both fun to watch.

    ** Nelly & A.J.: both did a nice job although I don't see either going all the way.

    **Jeanie, Chrisbell, Kaitlin all were good tonight, but I don't think I see any of them there at the end either.

    ****two dances & double elimination next week!

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited October 2020

    Yay! One of the best DWTS shows I’ve seen in a long time! There was not one single dance that I didn’t like, and that rarely happens. I agree with your whole assessment, Ruth.

    Nev was amazing. Jenna’s physique is simply incredible to watch.

    I loved Chrishell’s dance because I thought Gleb looked super hot!

    Skai’s poise for such a young woman continues to greatly impress me. She’s gorgeous, too.

    Johnny was mesmerizing to watch! Fabulous performance, tho DWTS needs to cut down on the fog machine, it interferes with seeing the dancers!

    Justina also great, and I just love Sasha, who reminds me of my niece’s Australian husband (who does not dance but has that upbeat personality like Sasha).

    Fair elimination and I will hate to see two go next week! But dancing two routines in one night will separate the good from the great. And am wondering/hoping we will still get to see some trio dances which are always favorites of mine.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,929
    edited October 2020

    I am also in lust with Gleb .Loopy And I like Kaitlin better now that I know she has to rescue dogs & she made a great Cruella DeVille.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited October 2020

    I also wanted to say both of Tyra’s costumes earned a 10 from me. They complimented her figure, had the right amount of glitz and glamour and I loved the white hair. If she would bring it like that every show, it would make me happy.

    Are ya listenin’, Tyra?


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,929
    edited October 2020

    If we think it, other people are too. Time will tell!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,929
    edited November 2020

    Well, I don't agree with who got voted off. I thought it should have been Nelly or A.J. Other than that, I enjoyed this show too. I thought the triple dances were fun & a nice way to get to see more of a 'group-like' dance.

    As far as the contestants:

    *I felt sorry for Jeanie's health problem (but don't think she would have getting much farther).

    *I think Nev is great; a beautiful, smooth dancer!

    *Johnny is doing exactly what I hoped he'd do.......become part of a couple.....very good teamwork and amazing moves.

    *I don't know what I think of the remaining females. Skai is super athletic, but many too young. Justina is very lively, but maybe too heavy for the smoother moves. Chrishell has more of the traditional dancer's body, but I'm not sure if it's her or Gleb that I'm rooting for!

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited November 2020

    Lots of observations.

    Tyra looked like she was wearing a huge bathroom scrungee. Dh thought it looked like the big brushes at the car wash. But I didn’t hate her this week, her hosting blended instead of interfered, if one can seriously blend wearing that electric yellow get up!

    I didn’t mind who got voted off, I didn’t want to see Skai leave. They seem to score Skai low which frustrates me. They’re more hyped about Justina and I don’t get it. But I agree, the women contenders aren’t as strong as some of the men. But I really liked Kaitlyn and Artem.

    Johnny Weir, yes! Hopefully he’s coming in to his own. And of course Nev, who consistently cuts an amazing figure across the dance floor. I think Nelly shoulda been next to go. He just kinda stands there and sways his arms back and forth. Not much dancin’. AJ is okay but there’s something drab abut his and Cheryl’s performances. No sizzle.

    I really like Derek as a judge. I haven’t missed Len at all.

    It seems like we have a better quality of dancing this season. I didn’t hate any dance. Is this because the judges are determining who the week’s final elimination is? Might be, and that’s a good thing. I know out of every two they have to pick from, I’ve agreed with every choice they made on who to let go.

    I feel bad about Jennie. She was fun to watch and I hope she recovers well.