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  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited February 2011

    Tracie-2 words.  Coconut oil.  Buy the xtra virgin, cold-pressed, organic.  Works great. 

  • tracie23
    tracie23 Member Posts: 214
    edited February 2011
    I am going to call the gyn tomorrow and see what he says about everything.... I can't believe this has to happen to... I will keep up with the replens and see what happens, I am so prone to yeast infections and bladder infections using this scares me but is has already been months for us. I just can't even explain how painful it is.... Cry
  • tracie23
    tracie23 Member Posts: 214
    edited February 2011

    susgul how do you use the oil? and where do you get it?

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited February 2011

    No I haven't notice burning with the discharge but if you are experiencing burning you could have a urinary tract infection. As you know we are more susceptible once we reach menopause (or in my case chemopermapause). Drink cranberry juice, water and contact your gyno. You may need a prescription to remedy this.

    Also be sure the discharge is "shedding dead skin cells."  If it'scottage cheese like and itchy then you have a yeast infection.

    I know I can't use things like Monostat because I get burning. Maybe you are allergic although I don't see this listed as a SE of Replens. You can also talk to your pharmacist about this.

    Be sure to check out the Replens site on SE: link   

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited February 2011

    tracie23 I used to have a chronic problem with yeast infections in my late 20s. Best remedy for me (and not that messy) was using Acidophilus capsules (buy them in the refrigerated section at the vitamin shoppe). I use them as a suppository you know where. I used to take the top part of the capsule off but I find the Solaray  capsules dissolved so no need. If I catch it right away I find 3 days 1 capsule in the morning and one before bed works well.

    This is what I did after surgery. With all the antibiotics I got a yeast infection. I knew that would happen so I was already prepared. Many of the over the counter remedies for yeast infections irritate me. 

  • mscal02
    mscal02 Member Posts: 167
    edited February 2011

    Hi Ladies. I spent a lot of money on every type of lubricant on the shelf. I burned very badly with most of them. I finally tried Vaseline. It worked, but I thought it was too thick. Now I use plain petroleum jelly. It works so much better and is cheaper. I even have sensations that are Whoa! Most of the time DH is not around and if he was at the time of arousal, he probably would not be ready at that time. He says that the petroleum jelly is so much better. He burned also with some of the lubricants. ' If you don't use it you will lose it! "


  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754
    edited February 2011

    lago I thought the same thing an infection, but no it's not that was tested.  I'm thinking it's an allergic reaction to what ever is in it.

  • DMD
    DMD Member Posts: 30
    edited February 2011

    Hi ladies, I am new to this thread but was looking for some info because I am going through the same thing as many of you.  Tracie23 I feel your pain on getting things going with your husband...your words are my words. It is tough to feel attractive and sexy now and even though our hubbies are supportive it is hard to believe they will ever see us in the same way again. Especially since things hurt down there...I am using Astroglide but not sure I like it. I am going to try Replens next, hopefully that will help. I did talk to my onc about this and they gave me info on a therapist that specializes in helping couples in situations like this (esp. after surgeries/life changes)...if things don't improve I will give that a try...maybe there is something in your area as well. Keep talking with you husband...that has helped me the most. It is just tough to take it slow...I want my mojo back now!

  • susand
    susand Member Posts: 65
    edited March 2011

    Hi Ladies,  I used to use Replens but wasnt thrilled with it.  I switched to Vitamin E Suppositories (Carlson's Key E).  I buy them online and use them everyday.  They have worked great for me. Very soothing and non irritating.  My doctor told me to "moisturize" daily.  Sex was very painful for me when I first had my ooph and switched to AI's but I have been doing dilator therapy, moisturizing (inside and out), and tons of kegals.  Things have gotten really good agian AND this has seemed to help with less UTI's also.  There is a lot of help out there.  A book I read called Intimacy After Cancer had great suggestions.  As DMD mentioned there is help from therapist as well.  I have seen a Doctor of Sexual Health for Cancer Patients.  She was wonderful and empowering.  I am so happy that I can enjoy sex with my husband again.  It has taken me some time and effort but has been worth it. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,504
    edited March 2011

    I would second suand's dilator therapy recommendation. It really does help. I would say with it though, that is has to be something that you are committed to doing consistantly and for the long term to be and remain effective.

  • LadieKadie
    LadieKadie Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2011

    I can relate.  I was dx'd at 39, DCIS, Tamoxifen. Reoccurence 3 years later with a furry; HER2 Stage IV; chemo (TCH), rads, additional year of Herceptin, then septic shock from the port.  12 days in the hospital and they couldn't find the infection until finally inside the left side port, turned out to be "blood showers," but 12 days of 104+ fevers spiking, and noone knew what it was.  I barely remember a thing and came home with IV's for Endocardidis and would up allergic to the Vanco.  Hives everywhere for over a week and NOTHING worked.

    I'm now 45 and my libido is gone along with my breasts and my size 8 body and smooth skin.  To top it off my husband was dx'd with Prostate Cancer at 45 (4 years ago) with immediate but successful removal of his prostate, and he misses the sex.  I was dx'd with osteoperosis yesterday from all the crap my body has been through and I've had it!  I'm honestly considering ordering Estrogen online!  It's HER2, not ER, not PR, and even my Oncologist has said, "we simply just don't know."  YOU DON'T KNOW!  Sometimes quality is better than quantity, and life at 45, feeling 75 hasn't been worth it.  Am I lucky that my response to the Herceptin was amazing?  Yes!  Am I living a full life with a now dirty house, 2 teenagers whose college money was spent on my treatment, never a thought of a vacation because we both have to work sweat and blood to make ends meet, when we used to have it all; I'm tired all the time, I can barely move after work and I'd rather eat rat shit than have sex.  I want my damn Estrogen back, so if it were given to me right now I'd take it in a split second.  Crazy?  You bet!  Understandable, you decide.

  • Letlet
    Letlet Member Posts: 55
    edited March 2011

    LadieKadie, it's so true. I am 31 but some days like today I feel like 91, my joints are so stiff, it takes me 10 minutes of slow motion walking to get from the couch to the kitchen. My husband and I have saved and saved so that we can afford a house - the American dream. Screw that, we are going to Disneyworld this year. I can't even think about getting a house....I am so sorry that you went through all that and still dealing with it. I am so happy that you had an amazing response to Herceptin!

  • ritaz
    ritaz Member Posts: 76
    edited March 2011

    Yes, I understand painful sex - since Arimidex it's even worse...I discovered something called "Gun OIl" a couple of years ago (available from Amazon) it is silcone based and it is NOT a water based lubicant - that stuff just wears out...Then I went on vacation last year and forgot the gun oil and ended up at a Rite Aid pharmacy and found their silcone lubicant called "Wet" yes, really, that's the name...Amazing stuff -

    I'm with Susand & Ruthbru - you gotta use it or lose it...because it sooo worth it... ;-)

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754
    edited March 2011

    I have thought about buying the Gun Oil just hate buying things like that over the internet. I will see if I can find the lubicant "Wet" locally. Thanks for the info ritaz.

    I do agree with Susand and Ruthbru, I'm  just sorry I had to take months off because of health issues from chemo. Now we are so ready to get back the MOJO.

    1 more question has anyone used something called Estriol? Is it safe for us ER people and has it helped?

  • tracie23
    tracie23 Member Posts: 214
    edited March 2011
    I am using premarin my oncologist from Baylor College of Medicine said I could use a small amount everyday for one week and than twice a week after that. I haven't tested it out yet but tonight is the night..... A while back we had tried it and it was horrible it hurt so bad I can't even tell youYell I will let you know how it goes if the premarin made a difference or not
  • susand
    susand Member Posts: 65
    edited March 2011

    kira1234, My GYN suggested estriol and gave me a script for it.  He said it was bioidentical hormone and would be safe to help with both UTI's and painful sex. Unfortunately when I ran it by my oncologist and primary physician  they strongly disagreed.  I must say that I am very high ER/PR positive which may be why they both reacted to strongly. That's when I decided to try the dilator, kegals, and moisturizer. Fortunately that has worked for me so that tube of estirol is sitting unopened in my cabinet. 

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754
    edited March 2011

    tracie23 is premarin an estrogen product? I know I'm 99% estrogen driven which is why my Onc. is being so causious.

  • susand
    susand Member Posts: 65
    edited March 2011

    premarin is a vaginal estrogen cream

  • Chili
    Chili Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2011

    I seem to be super sensitive "down there" and most lubricants give me rashes and burning..(sexy!)  so i'm hesitant to try different products.  Hence my reluctance to try Replens, which my PCP has recommended. I might give it a go though, and see if it helps... perhaps dryness is the cause of some of this irritation..  Started taking tamox 6 months ago, and between that and chemo seems to have put me in menopause.    

    I've read in a few different places ( including "the V Book", written by a gynocologist and a wealth of info) about using regular olive oil as lubricant, that it's less likely to cause irritation.  Just wondering if anyone has actually tried it ?   

      Honestly, it's been so long, not even sure how to break the hiatus. Embarassed..obviously i'm gonna have to make the first move...  guess i'll just have to get brave and go for it...  Use it or lose it, right.. and i'm too young to lose it!!!

  • bookart
    bookart Member Posts: 210
    edited March 2011

    Help.  I have similar problems - irritation, lack of desire, losing it through not using it.  I've been going "commando" since my early 20's, when I found that it eliminated my constant UTI and yeast infections.  As I hit my 40's, I started having intermittent bouts of extreme irritation, particularly around the time of my period and after sex.  A biopsy found nothing, but an occasional application of a rx topical cream (clobetasol propionate) soothes it.  I thought I was allergic to petroleum-based creams, but this one has white petrolatum and it doesn't bother me.  Not sure I could use straight petroleum jelly.  Maybe vitamin E or coconut oil.  But that's not my main problem anymore.

    Now that I am in menopause at 50, my libido is dead as a doornail and although I still have lubrication once things get going - getting to that point, wanting to get to that point, is hard.  And the last time we had sex, it messed up my back to the point that I walked sideways for 3 weeks.  I'm just now in less pain.  And it wasn't even gymnastic sex - just plain ole, plain ole.  That isn't helping my desire!  I want to want to, if you know what I mean, but I'm getting pretty depressed about it, and my partner isn't too happy at the length of time between bed play.  I've read this thread to try to get ideas; I don't need a dilator, as we aren't doing intercourse (no male involved); I could use a libido prompt - testosterone? and I need to figure out a way to have fun without hurting either of us.  Sorry if this offends anyone - I am just at my wits end.

  • tracie23
    tracie23 Member Posts: 214
    edited March 2011

    ok ladies... THE PREMARIN WORKED !!!!!! It didn't hurt I was excited it was actually very intense. I am so happy. My husband is SO HAPPY!!!

    Bookart, I know what you mean about the libido... I had to make myself want to do it , I had to make my self do it....... I think once you get going you will find you are in to it... I have been preparing for last night for over a month, I had to get the premarin, use replens, syke myself out man it was a lot of preparation to get here but I did it and in the end everyone was happyLaughing.

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754
    edited March 2011

    tracie23, I'm glad it worked and you enjoyed yourself. I'm sorry to say but being 99% estrogen driven I'm never going to get an ok from my Dr's to use it.

  • bookart
    bookart Member Posts: 210
    edited March 2011

    Great for you, Tracie!  I'm glad.

    I heard somewhere that the most important sexual organ is the brain.  Maybe if I make a date/deadline for myself, I will be able to be more prepared mentally.  Gotta try something.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited March 2011
    Kira I don't remember if you tried the Replens. It took a while but I have to say 6+ weeks later the pain is gone! I know at one point I thought I would never resolve this because it was so bad but it did. It's not an instant change. Slowly it gets better. I too am not going near anything with estrogen even if I'm only 30% ER+ 5% PR+. I'm taking anastrozole for a good reason! I want to totally starve any cancer cells that might be hanging out in my body.
  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754
    edited March 2011

    lago, I so agree with you, I'm on Femara for the same reason. I had to stop chemo after just 1 treatment, so don't have that to rely on. Yes I have tried replens, but will admit haven't been as consistent as they say to be. Thanks for the reminder really must give it the full time and sue it as often as they say. By the way I'm 99% ER + 35%PR.

  • susand
    susand Member Posts: 65
    edited March 2011

    bookart,  the most important sexual organ is the brain!  My doctor suggested all the usual treatments (moisturize, kegals, etc..) but also emphasized Sensate Exercises.  Fun exercises that you do with your partner to find new area's of pleasure.  She emphasized to do them without having sex so there was no anxiety.  She shared an interesting study on the effects the brain has on sexuality. Half the women in the study were given a hormone and the other half a placebo to help their libido and pleasure.  The placebo group had just as much improvement as the hormone group.  Its amazing what our brain can trick us into. 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited March 2011

    susand I agree. If I wasn't interested in sex it was because I was tired or my body hurt. When I get rest and am not in too much discomfort I can get "turned on" now.

    Kira I started out using the Replens every day. My NP said to do that for a month then go down to 2 times a week. I only did 3 weeks of every day because I was getting too much discharge. Now just doing the 2 times.

    bookart, I can have issues with medications "down there". Most of the stuff they have for yeast infections irritates me. Thank goodness I rarely get them but when I do I use an alternative method because I just can't do the OT meds. For some reason I seem to be OK with Replens

  • Snobird
    Snobird Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2011

    Olive oil. Tastes good too!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited March 2011

    Do you add garlic too? Tongue out (Oh wait that's for sauteed spinach)

    I think someone mentioned extra virgin coconut oil too. 

  • Chili
    Chili Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2011

     yay for Tracie, glad it worked.

      lago, glad to hear you tolerated the Replens ok, even though your  also sensitive to products..  gives me encouragement to try it..   so i'm crossing my fingers, and gonna try it out.. think i'll start with the every 3 days as recommended...

     ( i also used to get a lot of yeast infections, and couldn't do the OTC stuff anymore, thank goodness for diflucan, one pill and done. )