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  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited March 2011

    Chili for yeast infections I get acidophilus capsules and stick them up there once or twice a day for a few days as soon as I realize I have a yeast infection. My old gyno recommended this. Works like a charm. I had the issue after my BMX because of all the antibiotics.

    And don't get scared when you get this brownish discharge. If there's too much or doesn't stop then reduce the amount to 2 times a week.

  • tracie23
    tracie23 Member Posts: 214
    edited March 2011

    what would the men do if they had to go through all of the shit we do ???????

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754
    edited March 2011

    lago, what are acidophilus capsules I never heard of them. I do know since I'm on the AL's I have lots of troubles with infections. That was one reason I have been avoiding using replens. I am going to give it a try thought. Three weeks every day lets hope it helps.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited March 2011

    Acidophilus is once of the active bacteirias in yogurt. (I'm sure you've heard people doing yogurt duches for yeast infections. It works too but very messy). You can find Acidophilus Capsules in any healthfood/vitamin shop. I get mine at the vitamin shop because you can get the kind that are refridgerated. I have used both and they seem to work.

    This is what I get at the Vitamine Shoppe. Click image to go to store. I'm on Anastrozole and so far no problems with infections.  It's only been 29 days though

  • Fearless_One
    Fearless_One Member Posts: 905
    edited March 2011

    I am going to try coconut oil.  I've read the ingredients on all those drugstore lubes - no thank you.   I don't have a boyfriend, but still get dry.   I want to feel like my old self.   The coconut oil should be perfectly safe for that, right?

  • Abbey11
    Abbey11 Member Posts: 7
    edited March 2011

    Bumping for Sohardtbme.

  • Glad2BHere
    Glad2BHere Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2011

    Hi girls!  This thread is just overwhemingly huge with my chemo brain.  So, I apologize if it is a repetitive question.  After 2 years of no mojo, I am really need to get it back.  My problem is what I call, "the dead zone".  I feel numb.  I asked my gynocologist and he said there is nothing to help because it all contains Estrogen. I was wondering if any of you have looked into or tried the over the counter female enhancement gels.  Are they safe, do they work and do they have hormone stuff I shouldn't have.  I just want some tingly feeling to get it started.  I have always been extremely embarrased to discuss female stuff, so this is hard for me to ask. But I am desperate to get some normalacy of my life back. 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited March 2011

    Glad2BHere have you tried a vibrator? Seriously.

    Replens has been working for me but it took 4-6 weeks. My issue was different. I was experiencing pain.

    You can try some of the KY intense or yours+mine products. I never felt they did a whole lot for me but they might work for you. If you are embarrassed to purchase these things in a store you can always order online (including a vibrator). Shop around you might find a less expensive price.

    Also remember that it will take some time to get your mojo back since you haven't been "using it" Don't get frustraited.  It could take several months.

  • glostagirl
    glostagirl Member Posts: 93
    edited March 2011

    Hi Glad2BHere, first of all don't be embarrassed here, we're all in the same boat.  

    The additives that give the tingly feeling can be very irritating if the lining of your vagina is dried out. You would probably have better results restoring and maintaining moisture than with a temporary lubricant just for sex. Think about Replens, or some of the natural oils that have been recommended here.  Like coconut oil or vitamin E. Replens is not used as a lubricant it is an OTC vaginal moisturizer.  Once the atrophy is cured the intense lubricant might have better results.  I don't believe OTC lubricants contain estrogen.  Anyone else want to chime in on that?

    Also consider dilator therapy. Dilators are recommended by medical professionals for vaginal rehabilitation, some vibrate, but not all do.  They typically come in 3 sizes, if your vagina is extremely atrophied you start with the smallest and work your way up.  You use these with the lubricant of your choice.  The protocol is to do the therapy everyday, and to think of it as part of your daily routine, like brushing your teeth.  There are many web sites that are sensitive to this purpose. Do an on-line search for Vaginal Atrophy Therapy, I'm sure you'll find lots of useful information and web site links.  I don't know, but it's possible this might be covered by some insurance providers if obtained thru your doctor.  

    I ordered a few items from a site called A Woman's Touch, it was recommended in this thread.  I would order from them again.  

    Good luck and welcome to the thread, the more the merrier!    

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited March 2011

    For lubricant I use Astroglide as well as the Replens. It was recommended in my chemo binder along with K-Y jelly.

  • LtotheK
    LtotheK Member Posts: 487
    edited March 2011

    My issue with Replens and Astroglide,both great products, is they have parabens.  And putting that on thin tissue, well, I'd like to avoid if possible.  Coconut oil isn't gummy enough, I found I really need tack to make it work well.  The Yes products are quite nice, both oil and water based, and Emrita makes a good lubricant which is quite a bit like Astroglide. For me, nothing is as good as Astroglide, but I'm not willing any longer to put the parabens on such delicate skin...

    Weirdly enough, tamoxifen much improved my situation after chemo.  That was a mess.  I was so dry everywhere that nothing in whatever quantity I tried seemed to help.

  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited March 2011

    Hi ladies, was guided to this thread by other threads....I am in the same boat and could use some advice!

    Had an ooph/hyst, ER+, now having vaginal dryness, painful sex (hah!) etc.  Tried replens, but it stung and gave me UTIs...does anyone know why?  I am wondering if the "environment" (ahem) is so inhospitable that it needs to sting first as part of the healing...

    I have tried, "very private" intimate moisture from the Hyster Systers site, no additives, no parabens, but it also irritates.  Have moved on to KY sensitive, same thing.  Maybe things have just gotten so bad down there that nothing will help.

    LttotheK, I was told by all drs. that parabens in face creams, replens, etc. are in such minor amounts that there is no issue.  Hope that's true!

    Seeing the OB/GYN tomorrow re: the estrace cream.  Anyone using that?

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited March 2011

    anniealso I also feel that the issue with parabens had been blown out of proportion but they really don't know for sure. I think that breathing in car exhaust is a bigger issue but I'm not moving out of the city to the country anytime soon. There are risks in life. The ones we know for sure we should reduce but you can drive yourself crazy trying to protect against the ones  you're not sure of. Then there is the life/quality issue too.

    Sorry you seem to be allergic to these products. Are you using them to often? I know some have had luck with extra virgin coconut oil or olive oil but they are not water soluble. Not sure if that would encourage infections.

  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited March 2011

    Thank you!  Not sure if I am allergic to Replens or just too dried up.  I don't know if the stinging is normal, or not, as I know Replens encourages the shedding of dried up cells and that is what the dishcarge is. 

    I am in the process of printing out various coconut oils, lubes, and vitamin E capsules (made with soy base, not good for ER+) gals, for my OB/GYN tomorrow and will see what she's got to say on all this.

    Will also ask re: the dilators.  Since I've been using the cranberry capsules (theralogix) have not had a single UTI in 5 months.  They work!!

    I agree re: the parabens.  You cannot live in a bubble and I also agree on that there are far too many variables in everyday life to worry about a paraben or two.  I'm liking me my neutrogena skin cream :)

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited March 2011

    anniealso how long have you been using the Replens? I do remember some soreness at one point and reduced the frequency. I also had a lot of brown discharge but again got better over time especially when I reduced the frequency. If you notice the directions do say

    "…However, depending on the severity of your dryness, Replens can be used more or less frequently, as necessary…"

    But it also says:

    "If vaginal irritation occurs, discontinue use. If symptoms persist, contact your physician."

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited March 2011
    BTW I was wondering why Replens includes a coupon for RepHresh Brilliant ph Tampons? I would think that most people using this product might not be needing tampons anymore… or at least at this stage of the came we pretty much know what tampon we prefer.Tongue out
  • monandeclan
    monandeclan Member Posts: 13
    edited March 2011

    ANNIEEEEEE!  How are you sweetie??  I'm in the same boat here.  I've been using a vaginal suppository from my naturopath and dialator therapy.  And of course Astroglide for intercourse, when/if I can manage it.  It was a tiny bit better the last time we tried, but still not a romping good time in the bedroom, IYKWIM.  Still working at it though.

    So good to see you.   

  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited March 2011

    lago, thank you!  I will ask the OB/GYN, as what you are describing is just what happened.

    MONAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Hi there, gal!!

    I just bought the vitamin E suppositories and was considering the dilators....have to go the OB/GYN and see if the carpet is holding up alonside the drapes, before I buy.  Ironic, isn't it?  To be little virgins again.  And the fear of the pain doesn't help!

    At least you are IN the bedroom, girl!  Not at all TMI...spent the AM in tears, thinking I'd have to take estrogen....what's the point of that??

    So good to see you too, that hair looks great!


    DENTHOMAS Member Posts: 27
    edited March 2011

    I've been using the Estrace cream.  There is such a minute amount that enters your bloodstream my Dr doesn't believe that it is a threat to more BC. It sure has helped the dryness and I only use it once a week.  Twice a week was prescribed but I cut down to once when the dryness seemed to get better.

  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited March 2011

    lago, had to laugh at the tampons.....that is ridiculous.  love it

  • Glad2BHere
    Glad2BHere Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2011

    Thanks girls

    I ordered the Hitachi Magic wand and am expecting it any day.  I think my old one is worn out and doesn't have enough power.  I don't have the dryness or pain. It is a matter of just making it work-it takes so much effort I just give up. So I guess it is true that if you don't use it you loose it. Thanks for the advice. All those over the counter items for enhancing are really expensive and it is good to know they are not worth the money.

  • rgiuff
    rgiuff Member Posts: 339
    edited March 2011

    I've found something called Estriol pellets.  They are made from the weakest form of estrogen, which is also considered to be protective against BC because it competes with the stronger estrogens for those receptor sites.  The pellets contain cocoa butter, beeswax, estriol, and Vitamin E.  They work great and all I do is rub a little bit of one on the affected area and occasionally put a little piece of one on the inside, right before going to bed, because it can leak out a little.  In 2 weeks of use, all my rawness down there is gone,.  One pellet lasts me almost a week.

    I've tried a lot of the enchancement clitoral gels (Zestra, which smells horrible and seemed to work a little the first time, but nothing after that, something called Excite, which really burned because of the menthol as the main ingredient  I felt they were all a waste of my money.  I have the Emerita warming lubricant, and honestly don't feel that it's any different from plain old KY.  I definitely wouldn't waste money on any of those overpriced KY products with the pretty packaging

    I also on and off again use testosterone gel applied to my arms, which really has helped with bringing back the missing sensations.  My Gyn prescribed it and my Onc was just fine with me using it.  I usually use it for a few weeks and then stop for several weeks until I need it again.

  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited March 2011

    rose that is really interresting! Where did u get the estriol pelletts? Did u need a script from your doctor? Is your onc OK with it?

  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited April 2011

    Hey Mona, what are in your suppositories that your naturopath gave you?  OB/GYN tomorrow now at 10:

    want to go armed with info to ask about :)

    As I recall, she had said that estriol was not FDA approved and there was some feeling amongst OB/GYNs /oncs that it may do more harm than good as wasn't proven to be be "safer"...huh.  Tell that europe who uses it, right?

  • toni30
    toni30 Member Posts: 68
    edited April 2011

    Where do you get the Yes and Emrita products?  By the way, my Onc, who is very conservative, said that if the problem continued, she would let me use a little estrogen cream for just a few weeks - to get things going.  That wasn't necesasary (thanks to Astroglide and Replens) but the women who are getting no from the Onc, might want to push back. 

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
    edited April 2011

    Hello Annie

    Thanks for mentioning in one of your post about the HysterSisters forum. It looks like a great discussion site. Just what I need before I go in for a rectocele repair and hysterectomy on July 6th. I want to find out about this surgery before I have it done. I like to be prepared.  Wish I had found before my bi-lateral MX....oh well

    thanks again and good to see you

    BTW I have not had a natural "O" since before my DX 3 yrs ago. Glad, you will love the serves me well.

  • bookart
    bookart Member Posts: 210
    edited April 2011

    My OB/GYN is supposed to get me some sort of cream she calls scream cream - it acts as a vaso-dilator similar to viagra.  Don't have it yet - next appointment.  We might combine that with testosterone to increase libido.  Anyone else use a topical vaso-dilator?  Not menthol, I know.  Don't know name yet.

    anniealso - my doc has me on very occasional applications of clobetasol propionate, a steroid to settle down burning/itching.  No steroid should be used constantly on those tissues.   I also clean super carefully, use Cottonelle's aloe and Vit E toilet paper and go commando to keep away the UTI/yeast infections.   Some women just seem to be more sensitive down there, particularly around their period or high hormone/stress times.

  • monandeclan
    monandeclan Member Posts: 13
    edited April 2011


    Right off the carton:  Cocoa Butter, Fermented Plant-Derived Estrogen, Beeswax and Vitamin E.

    I checked them with my oncologist and even though I am 97% ER+, he said these would be fine.  First, it is plant-based estrogen and second it isn't systemic, so only a little is absorbed at the sight.  Good luck at the OB/GYN. 

  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited April 2011

    Thank you, Mona!  Could you send me that name of them?  I think I might want to get me some :)  It sounds great.

    Hi there Linda!  Great to see you!  I had the total enchilada, (not a repair job) but the hyst/ooph, so if there is anything I can help you out with (very, very easy surgery and recovery, no big deal for me in terms of surgical menopause at all) just holler, gal.

    xoxo to all

  • monandeclan
    monandeclan Member Posts: 13
    edited April 2011

    Annie, They are E3 2mg Vaginal Suppositories by Bezwecken.