Is anyone else an atheist with BC besides me?
I know very little about Eleanor Roosevelt, but what little I know reflects well on her.
It is a shame that, so often, we judge people on their appearance rather their true self. Coming from the "dowdy" group, I know whereof I speak! Another example - Chris Christie declining to run for President because of his weight. Are we really that shallow?
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True, notself. Wish I could get my own anger under control, but with the creeps & clowns in Virginia it's difficult!
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Thanks for the reminder - I forgot (denial) it was the DAR, Constitution Hall - shudder. Friend gave me the CD of the concert years ago - just thrilling, shivers, awe inspiring....thanks for giving the REAL details - makes it even more inspiring.
Oh, would that we had ER with us - but, maybe as gardengumby says, we just haven't found them in "public" - yet???
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It is difficult to control one's anger when the Virginia Legislature is trying to force women to have a medical procedure that meets the definition of rape. There is now a change in the bill but it is still all about controlling women and their health care.
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I'm sorry. I know I said I would try to move on but I just have to get this out.
If we can't speak freely here about our feelings and concerns regarding how we see religion effecting our lives, which does include the political arena within the United States, without the threat of folks hitting the report button & having our posts deleted I guess we can't do it anywhere on the BCO forums.
As many of us have said before, we hold back in real life as well as on other threads in these forums.
There are many times I read things on these forums I want to say "I don't believe your prayers fixed anything." or "No, I don't believe there are angels watching over you and that's what kept you safe". But I don't! Maybe I should just start hitting the report button when I read something in that regard that I don't agree with? Grrrr!
No, I really wouldn't do that. You know why? Because it would be wrong in my world.
Personally, I welcome anyone to read this thread. Maybe he or she will see that there are many "good" people in this world even if they don't prescribe to some, or any, of the religious beliefs relative to God, Heaven, Hell, etc ...
Gardengumby - Glad you like the sig line. One of my facebook friends posted it one day not long ago and I just loved it. The author has an interesting website. Here's a link. I'd really like to get one of her books but our local library didn't have them. I'd take a chance and just order one but I really don't want one if the author puts any kind of religious spin on things.
notself - Thank you for the timely quotes regarding anger. I will now let the "hot coal" drop from my hand.
Have a good day everybody!
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I did not see the deleted pots., but I do notice on my tablet it is very easy to hit the report button it is so close to the post a reply button...on tablets we sometimes hit buttons we don't even know we are hitting..Moderators I wonder if there is a "fix" for that...if I was the one who hit a report button it was totally in all the years I have come here I have only reported spam..
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notself I find all your posts inciteful and thoughtprovoking and not in the least bit off topic. so please please don't be intimidated. Humph! as Middle Monster might say.
Now as to that thing that I think lindasa said about imposition of religion on others, I confess that is worrying the bejeesus out of me because I see it happening more and more. A court in Washington state ruled yesterday that a pharmacist can refuse to fill a prescription for Plan B--the drug that prevents implantation of a fertilized egg--where the drug is against his religious beliefs.
But what about MY religious beliefs? Why does the pharmacists beliefs trump my beliefs? What if a pharmacist believes cancer is sent by dog to people who are bad and therefore disbursal of drugs that fight cancer is going against dog? does that mean the pharmacist can say "no drugs for you missy!"
Does that mean that I can want my tubes tied but if the only facility is one run by peopel that don't believe in birth control, no tubes tied for me? Even if my health is at risk? Even if my "religious" belief is zero population growth.
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hey 3monstmama - I'm from Washington State and just about screamed when I saw that ruling come down. I "understand" the judges point of view after reading the whole article (stated that because the state allows pharmacies to refuse to carry some drugs for some reasons, they cannot say that the druggist's conscience cannot be a valid reason to avoid carrying some other drugs.) Anyway, I can understand the judge's ruling - don't agree with it, do understand it. I do, however, believe this is an extremely slippery slope and hope that the ruling will be overturned by a higher court.
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SoCalLisa, yes, we're working on that in our tech revisions!
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SoCalLisa, yes, we're working on that in our tech revisions!
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Hi All, I've been reading and catching up on things and I was just floored by the deleted posts! Noteself, Sunflowers, PlantLover, Bren, I am so so so in agreement with you all that the current flock of presidential candidates is so far off the path that it just makes me want to vomit! I feel that they have CHOSEN to forget what's at stake here in their own push to grab power for their faith and themselves! This is so narcissistic! Maybe we should give a new title to the office rather than president how about Caesar! Where is the common sense in all of this and the separation of church and state! I'm just reeling over how so many people are being sucked up in to this rhetoric. Is'nt that how Hitler got into power too? Do they not see this historical similarity? Geezzz! Kitty0
KittyGirl - WOW an oncotype score of ZERO!!! I thought mine was low at 14!!!
Anyway, back to the topic at hand... I keep telling myself that there is NO WAY that "x" can get elected, and then remember that the reason they are in the news is because there is a LARGE CONTINGENT of people who really really really like what they are hearing from that same "x" that I cannot stand. It scares my socks off!
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I recall the part about allowing not to carry, blah blah blah but I don't think its at all comprable.
The drug that keeps hitting the headlines is oxycodone (or however you spell it) and the reasons places are stopping carrying it is a security measure because of all the robberies etc. To me, thats a heck of a difference from a religous belief says you shouldn't have birth control, because there is statistical proof concerning druggists carrying oxy and getting robbed, killed, etc. its not a whim---there is factual evidence regarding stores carrying oxy having a higher incident of robberies.
does that make sense?
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Gardengumby, I hear ya girl, scares me too! One thing I see is that there is no unity within said "x's" party and that is to me a good sign of uncertainty with. If those of us who are uncommitted to any party can see this and make a clear choice for whats best for the entire country then maybe the outcome will benefit everyone and not just one fundamentalist religious faction. Let's hope and work for cooler heads prevail.
Yes, I was almost unbelived too with my score. The MO told me I was only one of two he had with that. Makes me sound like I'm a Borg! Kitty
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3monstmama - yes, it totally makes sense - and is (I hope) the basis upon which a higher court may overturn his judgment. I just can "understand" (not agree with) what he based his judgment on. I figured it was a given that he would go in that direction because he was a Bush nominee, so I was (to be honest) more interested in whether or not I could understand his logic, than surprised by the result (PO'd but not surprised.)
KittyGirl - I know that the 4 "x"s are swinging as hard to the right as possible so they will get the nomination, and then bank on the public's poor memory/ability to be swayed/complete unconcern with reality
to begin swinging back to center and attempt to grab the independent vote. The fact, though, that they've chosen to use women's healthcare as one of the core planks in their platform has me more interested in the political arena this year than I think I have ever been. I keep hoping that people will actually vote for their best interests, but I'm not sure that most people care enough of about politics anymore and/or think deeply enough about issues to even know what their best interests are. I watch some each of the far left and far right TV stations, and can see that anyone who watches only those programs can get a relatively wonky opinion of what is important.
Anyway, congrats on your low score. Did you do chemo? Based on my score I chose not to do it, even though I had positive nodes.
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Nope, it was not recommended. I just had my 6 month checkup and got a clean bill of health. I consider myself lucky with all this. Not even any SE's from the Anastrozole. I was already post-menopausal when diagnosed so hot flashes were never a concern. Kitty
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gardengumby - think the reason it's all in the "news" is cuz of what's happened to the "mass media" -there used to be ( in Ye Very Olde Days) a saying among folks who worked with print & eectronic media "If it bleeds, it leads" - meaning the most salacious ( forget my spelling) made it "news" - it SELLS, it gets attention - now with all the "media" outlets competing for eyeballs, or clicks, to increase their ad rates - it is narcissism at it's worst - and the more outrageous the comment, the more likely it will make the "headlines."
Sad, but there are still a few pockets of sanity, mostly noncommercial tv & radio - not much tho. Don't have any answers - just know I am very careful about what I take the time to read, watch, listen to.
GOOD NEWS - once there is a general election, with 2 ( or more, this year I really think there's going to be a 3rd party candidate) I think we'll find more "middle ground" being sought by all. The largest "party" in the States now is : INDEPENDENT, and the majority of voters, women ;-))))
SO, I think there is one of the major "parties" is shooting itself in the foot doing what it's doing now...
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By the way, if a person reports a post that does not violate the rules of conduct, that poster gets penalized or banned. So, there is justice if it makes you feel any better
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thanks, mods, sure wish we could all "live & just live" - we've all got bc, and doing our best to make the best of it, as you all know....
thanks for trying to keep it peaceful....too, TOOOOOOOOO sad when someone as wonderful as notself gets slammed - really too hurtful. As HL said, so many of us have "been there" and really expected this to be a very SAFE place to comfort each other with similar attitudes, beliefs...
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Thanks, Mods. I remembered that you had instituted that rule, but was so disheartened by this fresh eruption of the "I disagree with you so I will silence you" gang that I was afraid to ask if it was still the case. Thank you for letting us know.
(((((Sunflowers))))) Love you!
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backatcha - illegitamus non carborendom...or something like that!!!!
Someone with foobs as beautifula s your new ones should NOT have to feel that way...shudder, goosepimples, shiver - and I know just what you mean....
BTW - thanks for reminding me it was the DAR - jeeeeeez - how did we get to be this old???
hugs, sunflowers
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we got this old by being fighters - and we're going to get older still by STILL being fighters.0
Gardengumby - you are SO right - and I am LOVING getting older. Now living what a friend my age ( hint - we're eligible for Medicare) calls A Saturday Life. He even had Saturday tee shirts made.
I much prefer that description to "retired" - and my Saturday Life is all about learning to draw, paint with watercolors, and using soft pastels, READING and rereading all my favorite books, and thinking about gardening when I'm not able to garden!
Just came back from a friends house - and have branch cuttings of Quince to force in water. Ah, flowers.
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My DH says I am so stubborn that when I finally do die, I will be dead for 3 days before I even consent to lie down! :-) (I am on my iPad and the emoticons don't show up for me.)
GG is right -- we all have Tom Petty's song as our theme song, "I won't back down, no I won't back down ... You can stand me up at the gates of hell but I won't back down.....". Er... Not that we believe in hell, but you get the drift (tee hee)
And the revised noobs do look pretty good! They are the same size now, anyway! Life is SOOOO much better if I don't have to take narcotics!
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Libby ... you stubborn? Who'd thunk it
As for you and narcotics ... I seem to recall an earthquake last time that combination occurred. Glad the noobs look good and doubly glad you feel pretty good!
Anybody know if with all the hoopla about birth control health insurance coverage whether vasectomies are also being excluded? Then there are those who don't believe in blood transfusions. And they really should leave out the Viagra too because if god had wanted you to try to make babies ...
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You make a very good point about blood transfusions. Jehovah's Witnesses refuse blood transfusions for religious reasons yet even their churches with insurance for employees are required to cover blood transfusions. I don't hear about them saying their religious rights are being violated.
This whole flap about birth control exempts churches and religious schools and there is now no cost for birth control so religious institutions are not being forced to pay for birth control. This is a phony issue based on a non existent situation.
The good news is that those who are making the flap have now been "outed" and it is clear that if elected they may actually attempt to ban birth control. People are beginning to wake up to this previously hidden agenda.
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Wow...go to the gym, sleep and go to work...and come home to find I missed a whole heck of a lot!!! I am floored that someone could so easily put notself and others in such a lousy on bco that is soooo important to me... Notself...I am so sorry you went throught that. If it was me, I would have struggled to not feel...well, isolated, cut off from bco, which I so depend on.
Thank you to the mods for sorting this out and ensuring that the atheist thread can continue to be a safe place for us to come and share our experiences with others who see the world in a similar way.
Thank you to all of you for such strong advocacy for our right to speak here...:) I am grateful to know that I can come here and read what you all have to share and share what I am experiencing.
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SCREAMING with laughter at Notself's prescription on page 133!
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Thank you Mods. I didn't know that. It's a comfort to know you are on top of things.
CLC .. I know what you mean. I was cutoff for a couple of hours today and it made me very anxious. I've been around BCO for awhile now and have so many friends here.
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I'm with you Bren and CLC, thankful that things got sorted out. This is my only safe haven for atheist conversation and I'd go crazy with out you there and all my other sisters of like mind. It's so sad too that someone is so vindictive to report you just because they disagree with what is said here. There is an ignore button! Maybe that person is not comfortable with their said beliefs and feels threatened or uncomfortable with that so the only recourse is to make it go away. Very, very sad to see!
Noteself and Sunflowers you are both wonderful, thoughtful and brave women, I applaud you. Keep it coming! Kitty