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Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited November 2008

    Hey all, whasux? Marking my spot, been a little hectic around here, going to go back and do a little late night reading....

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited November 2008

    jabberjaw4.gif Sucks image by guerislives

    A big hello and shouting out that sux to everyone who needs to hear it today.

    My IOS is so minor compared to what everyone else is going through.  All of my issues are work related and they suck big time.  I spent my entire Saturday in bed...trying to recover from a long work week.  If our census is still down, it will be worse this week than it was this past week. 

    My second IOS is that Da Bears will be playing Green Bay and Lambough Field.  I know a minor suckage indeed, but when you are a Bears fan like I am, and playing our biggest rivalry, with a mediocre team - well...I will be pulling out my bottle of xanax thats for sure.

    Lisa:  Glad you have a treatment plan.  Having to be away from home for it sucks!  I say you will be in the 50 to 60% who don't have a reoccurance.  So there!  I saw your picture from yesterdays get together and you look so pretty.

    Shirley:  Hi back atcha.  So good to see you popping in here as ya know we miss you alot!

    Wish:  I don't understand the whol surcharge thing, but it sucks that they are cutting your DH salary by so much.  What is this world coming to?

    Saint:  I'm here, just working way too hard.  Of course you belong here!  Most days I don't have an IOS...visiting my friends here and shouting out some support to those that important to me.  So don't ya be going anywhere.

    Dreamer:  Sounds like you have some wonderfull friends.  Sure hope you enjoy "The Sound of Music."  One of my all time favorites.

    MissS:  Besides all the suckage going on in our lives, I have to admit that I have gotten some of my best belly laughs from here.  Sometimes we just find the ability to make each other laugh!  And thats a good thing.

    Jane:  Did you feel me pushing you over yesterday?  Yep, I was in bed the entire day myself.  Wasted my day, but it sure felt good.  Sucks you are still dealing with an infection after surgery.

    Rock:  Having to more a piano by yourself sucks! 

    Estepp:  Hi to you and thanks for pointing out we reached our 1,000 post.  How cool is that.  Who would have ever thought this thread would be so popluar!

    Colleen:  It's always good to see you.  Now don't be working too hard.

    Well, I have had my morning coffee - and since it is still the wee hours of the morning, I'm going back to bed - again!



  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited November 2008

    HUGS Nicki! I remember using my day off to "recover"--it SUX!!!!!!!!   Get yourself some egyptian cotton sheets, a new pillow & a soft blanket, then change your attitude to Lil' Abner's==you are just Testing the bed clothes!!!!!!! The hard part is finding someone who will pay you for doing it!! hahahah

    I'm going aaway for a couple of days, but I'll have my laptop with me, so I MAY not fall too far behind--no promises except one: I will keep you all close in thoughts & prayers! 

    I'm lighting our candle this AM--be well & stay strong 

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited November 2008

    Hey everybody!

    Just checking in to say hi! Is anyone else having trouble seeing "all" of the site? I can't go back a page at all and I can't see all the forums....I'm trying to check on Deb but can't find the freaking thread. I wonder if it has anything to do with that liitle balloon error saying "you're running low on disk space". I don't see how that's possible becauset I'm on my la

  • flyrzfan
    flyrzfan Member Posts: 199
    edited November 2008

    hi guys ~ dropping to to see how everyone's weekend was. Looks like it must have been quiet since there are not that many posts. Although, the true test may come Monday morning ;)

    No IOS here today. It was a very productive weekend in which I managed to get a lot of rest as well. My house is clean, I played a lot with my puppy and other dogs, went to church for the first time since being on chemo and now I'm getting ready to sit down and watch the Redskins vs. Dallas game. Dallas will probably kick our butts but I'm rooting hard anyway. Oh, my. I have no idea what I just did to make this so big so I'll stop here?!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 183
    edited November 2008
    Traci - three words for you: Buy a Mac Wink
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited November 2008

    Saint-where are you going this time?  Cant you take me with you?  Cant you come here?  I have fold out couch

    Felicia-Double Big Mac with Fries

    My house - not so clean, not so organized.  But dishes done, kitchen spotless and I sat on couch all day long.... good as it gets.

    So when doc says a down day, it is a whole weekend... friday, sat and sun.  Wow.  Got dressed in time for dinner.

    Monday starts new week..... I dont think I am doing anything but I will check....

  • BooBee
    BooBee Member Posts: 288
    edited November 2008

    Dreamwrite - I have a powerful trick of the trade that has served me well over the years. I will bet my two lopsided boobs on this one. However, the key to success is that you can't let emotion show at all. Never let them see you sweat. It's much like going on mom/wife strike only much more productive and fun. The reason "letting everything go" doesn't work is because that only tortures us moms. The dishes pile up and wonderful compassionate friend stops by for a visits you are instantly mortified.

    Now this is where you must pay attention to the culprit. If you get it wrong you look like a walking nut job. So let's say that Susy was asked to put her bowl and spoon in the dishwasher after breakfast and she neglected to do so. All you need to do is place that dirty bowl right in the middle of her pillow. If you'd like to add a bit of peer pressure to the mix place the ½ gallon of milk she left out at the foot of her bed so that when one of the siblings goes to pour themselfs some cereal the next day they will berate the other child that didn't do what mom said to do in the first place. Now remember to be calm, cool and smile or it won't work. Why should they mess up your space, feel free to unload the sink on all of their beds but make sure your space is clean. I've been known to put their clean stacked laundry in their bathtubs, backpacks, cars and the back yard. Anywhere but my space. One more thing....make sure they have had plenty of opportunity to do what they are told and don't forget to pat them on the back when they do it right the first time. Trust me it's fun and you see a noticeable difference.

    As for dad....stack his Hershey striped underwear and nasty running cloths in a nice pile (out of your way) and let's see how long it takes for him to appreciate what you do.

    LuAnn........When your son returns from Iraq let him stack his dirty dishes any where he wants. I'll come over and do them for him. You're both in my prayers.


  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited November 2008

    Here's a big that sucks for all because I just read six pages to catch up and know I will miss somebody..Lisa, man that so sucks, one is better than two, but that sooooo sucks. Ever, at all.

    Rock, congrats on 1000 posts, and I am not surprised you moved the piano by yourself. When are you going to SA?  I am asking because i may be in nyc in February with my friend from Australia.....

    Just got back from our time away in the Smoky Mountain honeymoon cabin where we, well, honeymooned.  HUGE SMILE.

    More later.  Love you guys.


  • lemonjake
    lemonjake Member Posts: 342
    edited November 2008

    Dear Sue, please stop bragging on these threads about all the lovin' you're getting!  Wink I'm happy for you, honest I am. Me? I had this horrible moment when I thought my condom supply was set to expire.  I mean, there are fewer things sadder than a large cache of out-of-date condoms. (I leave in January. Da*n.)

    Renee -- Mom? Is that you?! Surprised  That is exactly the sort of thing my mom would do and I can speak to its effectiveness. I am a LOUSY housekeeper, mind you, but if you find a wet towel on the floor of your bathroom, you can bet it is not mine.  She also had a hock box. If you left your stuff out, she just TOOK IT and you had to pay to get it back or risk having her toss it or give it away.   She rarely yelled.  When my whining got too much, however, she occasionally would start singing really loud, the blues or a spiritual, improvising words if necessary.  ("NoBODY knows.... the TROUBLE [Rock's] seen....; and I seem to recall one about the "SomeTIIIIIIIMES,  I FEEEEEEL like a motherless child...")

    Throwing a big hunk of love at you all.  I go home tomorrow; will check in when I can.  

    AlaskaDeb and Randie -- thinking of you, thinking of you, thinking of you.

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited November 2008

     My hand and lower arm are purple from 3 tries by a dingy tech for my breast MRI with dye contrast this morning.  Yes, they do them on Sundays here.   This is the first time in years that anyone had a problem getting a good vein --- GRRRRRR.     I have a port for blood and such, but cannot be used for dye contrast solution.   

    Hugs for all and happy end of the weekend.   Here's hoping Monday brings not IOS.    

  • lemonjake
    lemonjake Member Posts: 342
    edited November 2008

    Lefty, I'm sorry you're in pain.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited November 2008
    236d4ee5.png MONDAY image by THEEPLANB
  • lemonjake
    lemonjake Member Posts: 342
    edited November 2008

     This is the email that was in my inbox this morning.  It's from "Lulu" (inspiration of "The Road to Hell" thread.)  Women, give me strength.  (WHAT issues, head lice?)


    "Hey [rock]! Chances are that you're on your way out the door, and probably in a rush to do so....just wanted to give you a heads up (and no pun intended) that although I've been trying to hold off until after you visited, that I JUST ABSOLUTELY HAD TO SHAVE MY HEAD! I know a little of how you feel about this, but I just have issues that make me NEED a change and ridding myself of the hair seems to help......

    Didn't want you to be shocked when you saw me. Can't wait to see you at the airport!

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited November 2008

    The ritalin knocked me on my butt for 3 days.  Sunday, I watched my husband leave to get groceries, start the pot roast, do the dishes, make the rest of dinner, serve the dinner.  In a generous mood, I rinsed the dishes and cleared for the dessert.  My 3 yr old gs loved the chocolate pudding grandpa made.  Then my hubby did the dishes, cleaned the kitchen and mopped the kitchen floor.  Then he washed down the table and fed the cat.  I sat and watched him between naps.  He did not complain or whine.

    Dear Daughter is being told that she must assist with laundry.   She does her own, no reason why she cant add 3 more loads.  I sportingly offered to help fold.

    This week is gonna beeeeeeee gooooooood!

    I do like the suggestion about the out of place items, but they keep their messes in their rooms.  I do not feel compelled to deal with their personal space.  I just close the door.

  • KAK
    KAK Member Posts: 297
    edited November 2008

    Hey, all, & a Big Holy Suckola!

    Dream, you rock, girl!

    Rock, you always rock, dahling, but please tell me that the piano had casters, right?  Because my back twinged in sympathy.  Is the ceiling fixed yet?

    Bee5467 & Saint, thanks for the warm fuzzy wishes.  And Saint, don't you EVER worry about being TOO happy.  Heaven knows, we all deserve massive SOI's.  You just think about that little ol' thing that brought us all together. 

    Fly, Chloe says you can smush her anytime.  BTW, can I hire YOU to clean MY house??   Jeez, you put me to shame!

    Lisa, good lord, woman.  Helluva choice you have to make.  Hugs to you.

    Lefty, ooooooo, just hearing about your poor fingernails makes me feel ouchy!  OW-OW-OW!

    LuAnn, what do you hear from your son?

    Chemo, believe me, sistah, you are not the only one who has to lie in bed all day to recover from a week of working in healthcare. 

    Wish, your husband's job situation SUX!   I think we need to add his boss to our BITCH Squad Hit List.  Which, BTW, now that fall is here & winter's coming, we can add rakes, leaf mulchers, snow shovels & snow blowers to our arsenal of weapons.

    Jane, of course you're tired, honey!   You have been through major physical suckage!

    Sue, Woo-hoo,  you devil you!

    And a fond hello to Colleen, Shirley & anyone else I may have missed.

    As for moi, I've been officially instructed now to double my dose of Effexor, while being told that it can take up to six weeks for the therapeutic effect of the drug to stabilize.  Like I have time for that!!  Cripes, it makes me wish I hadn't quit smoking.

    My quasi-SOI is that I don't have to have my first post-sturm-und-drang mammogram until February, which gives me a few more months to work over the scar tissue in my breast so that it softens up enough to be squishable (i.e., so I don't give the poor mammographer a black eye).  Meanwhile, my surgeon said her husband gave her an autobiography written by 4 women for her recent birthday called This Is Not the Life I Ordered.  Hah!   Ain't that the truth! 


  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited November 2008

    Kak, you are so right, but let us not forget the ICE PICKS also! :D

    Who's on squad # 1?  We might need to be hauling some dead wood to the burn barrel real soon!  If you get my drift! ;>

    BIG THAT SUX to those in need and {{hugs}} all around to keep all of you and me warm!  I am freezing with this white sh*t coming down, it's like it's coming straight into me :( Brrrrrrrrrrrrr

  • KAK
    KAK Member Posts: 297
    edited November 2008

    Wish, OMG, you're getting snow already?????   THAT SUX!!!!!

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited November 2008

    We have been since yesterday on an off.  Not as bad us further north and south I hear though.  Mom in Petoskey had only 4" or so on the ground, but T.C. was getting another 8" additional on top of what they have already.  They are 2 hours north of us here.  It's certainly not unusual, but certainly NOT welcomed! :(  Just not wanting it yet!

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited November 2008

    OIS - no snow yet

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited November 2008

    Lucky you!  Hope it stays that way for you :)  Here, it was pretty till it started accumulating.  Now it can go away and I'll be happy :)

  • luannh
    luannh Member Posts: 350
    edited November 2008

    Wow alot happens in a day when you don't log in.  A first for me in awhile, I didn't log in for over 24 hours.  I won tickets to the Bengals/Eagles football game so my best friend and I decided to brave the cold.  Now we did by hand warmers and foot warmer pacs  LOL  Not only did we win tickets but won big, we were only 7 rows away from the field to the corner of the goal post.  These seats were great!!!!  We could see everything including all those cute tight butts as they bent over ever few seconds!!!!  I was in heaven!!!!  Got to watch my team live, was all dressed in my Bengals gear and screamed and had a blast!!!!  You would have thought I was drunk I was being so silly and having so much fun!!!  A must do in my book, if only I can win another raffle with such good tickets!  On the downside parking close to the stadium (since my walking ablities aren't great) was $35.  I gladly paid it since the great tickets only cost the $10 raffle money I dontated  LOL  The only bad thing is I was getting so tired from my meds my friend had to bump me occassinally because I almost fell asleep sitting and yelling  LOL

    Then today I had to get up for tx, I was already tired and this lyrica is taking some adjustment when it comes to its sedation effect and I get my nice little dose of benedryl before tx.  Now I had my earphone in one ear listening to my DVR, was carrying on in a conversation with a couple of other patients and working on a latch hook pillow with a dalmation puppy for my grandson because he likes puppies.  Next thing I know the nurse is undoing my stuff and everyone that was there was gone??????  I literally fell asleep working on my project so when I work the hook and yarn were still in hand....LOL

    I did hear from my son and he is doing ok, just anxious to get home.  Sorry I can't keep up with everything because it was too much to read.  I'll try to do better tomorrow, but I know someone asked about the photo he did.  Look for a thread called Find a Cure in Moving Beyond Cancer made by me and it should pop right up.  If not holler and I'll repost the photos.  I am off to bed, can you believe it sleep again..... LOL  Now saint don't call for a few hours  LOL

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited November 2008

    thumbnailCAOR175O-1.jpg snow shoveling sucks image by dreamylilac

    Popping in.  Snow sucks.  Shoveling snow sucks more.  Popping in and shouting out a big that sucks to everyone who needs to hear it. 


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited November 2008

    HI everyone:   Sucky snow... yuck.  and the cold and wind and shovelling -- bigger Yuck and THAT SUCKS.   Today's mantra:   Yuckies  are Suckie !!!!    

    Waiting for phone call about the breast MRI I had on Sunday.  If no other   "areas of involvement" it is go ahead with lump on Dec 5.  Otherwise, I guess it will mean ultrasound, biopsy possibly, and maybe mastectomy.   Don't you love the waiting, maybe, possible, lets consider this...   ACKKKKKK .    

    Keeping good thoughts as I see sunshine outside, even though temp is 33 degrees and the wind is howling.  No snow is forecast, but they have been wrong before !!   Hugs,  Nancy 

  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited November 2008

    That sucks!!!  That's for everyone as I have to go get in the shower and get ready for work.  ONLY four more months and I AM DONE.  I became eligilble to retire last Tuesday, so if they piss me off it may be sooner.  And I'm taking Tamoxifen, so it isn't hard at all to piss me off!

    Hope everyone has a great Tuesday....



  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited November 2008

    Take a deep breath Sue and please don't let anyone Piss you off while at work!  Remember, we're here to listen after work to off a BIG THAT SUX! :D

    {{{NANCY}}} BIG SUX to waiting and worrying and fearing!  Keeping prayers you get the go ahead with the lumpectomy and can get this behind you!

    LuAnn, it's great about your tickets, your son being well and your getting a long nap in at tx!  What more can a girl want on a monday! :D  Hope your SOI's continue!

    27 here with sun and I can't believe, still some danged leaves on some trees!  Did they not get the news it's WINTER for gosh sakes!  An inch of snow is plenty, Lord, you can stop sending it now, thank you! :D

  • flyrzfan
    flyrzfan Member Posts: 199
    edited November 2008

    question ladies ~ only for our eyes...not the whole community ;)

    When you have bone mets ~ do they show up as light or dark spots on an x-ray??? I went to ortho yesterday for my ankle (still not better) and he took x-rays. I have spots on my right foot and fibula (lower bone in your leg?) He's forwarding to my onc but he only said he thought they could be cysts. Who gets cycts on the bones? I'm not convinced he just didn't want to mis-speak...I don't really worry about it being mets but his answer seemed kind of fishy to me as well...

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited November 2008

    I thought I'd read/heard on here that mets to the bone is usually (key word) only in the long bones and/or above the knees.  Don't quote me on that, but...I think....I'm pretty sure I read that here.  Hope it's nothing for you but an old injury or such.

    And no, I've never heard of cysts on bones either..that is weird.

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited November 2008

    Well, my goodness, there are bone cyst!  Do a search and you'll find a lot of information, mostly that they are ususally benign too! :D

  • badboob67
    badboob67 Member Posts: 236
    edited November 2008


    It would be extremely unusual for bone mets to initially present in the ankle/lower leg. Bone mets usually like to settle first in the pelvis/spine. I have never seen my mets on a regular x-ray, so I don't know what it would look like. I'm sure there are dozens of other explanations for this!
