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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283
    edited April 2012

    Chevy & Donatela - I have my china, my mother's china & china from BOTH of my grandmothers.  And I haven't used good china that you have to hand wash in ages.  My kitchen pottery fits my lifestyle better these days.  Sad to say I have one son & they don't want any of this china either.

    And about buying extra - I've done the same thing.  But everytime I find something I like they discontinue the darn thing so I stock up.  Bras & undies are the worst for changing styles, but yes - coffee makers too.  And now they're changing the sizing of women's clothes AGAIN. Who do they think they're fooling labeling what used to be a normal 12 as a "new" 10 or a 16 is now called a 14.  I didn't loose any weight, so...

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2012

    Ladies......somethings are hard to let go............I have 2 complete sets of "Blue Willow Ware", one set was my great-grandmother who died at 93 back in 1957, and it Engilsh china, so I know it is good............the other set was my grandmother's, and she died at 62 in 1955, so imagine how old that is too...............I have had offers from "dealers" when they have heard me say at antique stores....."oh I have that"...........can't part with it..............have kids 6, but they don't want it, so it just goes from house to house with me, and I've moved too many times......I'm talking everything you can imagine complete tea service, salt and pepper, butter dish, graduated vegetable dishes, and meat platters, gravy boat, so it is a shame, but it is what it is...........

    I have magnificent crystal from my mother...........thank God i have 2 homes....I spread it around.  When my mother died, we were in the process of buying a vacation home in S. Jersey........everything that was hers in her home, went to my shore home............I was an only child, so no squabbles.....................her crystal stemware is breath taking, but never gets sits inside the 100 year old dining-room set that is in mint condition........................sad.......heavens knows what my 6 will do with it all when I die.......................I said to them...............guess you'll just bring in a big dumpster..............................they didn't think that was funny.........hahahaha I I know where your all coming from...............hugs.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283
    edited April 2012

    Ducky:  My grandfather gave me their Waterford Crystal water goblets.  Costco actually had Waterford old fashioned glasses on sale several years so I got 2 each year for my son & DIL for several Christmases.  Since they like those, maybe they'll want to keep the goblets once I kick off.  I'm jealous of your "real" Blue Willow, but I think I've finally disciplined myself not to even look for dishes at antique stores. 

  • 7donatela81
    7donatela81 Member Posts: 5
    edited April 2012

    Camillegal, I just started chemo.  I had one treatment and 5 more to go 3 weeks apart.  The herceptin is going to be up to a year.  Now every week and then every 3 weeks after 5 months.  I had a radical mast in March and am HER-2 3+++ and er + pr-.  I thought I was fine until a routine mammogram in Jan.

    Today was a good day.  Tuesday I go for post-mast. bra fitting.  I'll be glad to get that.  Don't know about reconstruction at this time.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2012

    I have very little crystal and china...just some that I purchased myself...the nice things that my grandmother and mother had went to my aunt and cousins who swooped in first after they passed and took it all.  When my aunt passed last year, I saw my mother's nice set of dishes in her cabinet and was told that if no one else wanted them, I could have them.  It would have been nice to have that rememberance; however, I ended up getting only one place setting...the rest went to a cousin who has more dishes than she can count.  Whatever....I just don't understand how they could keep my mother's just didn't seem right to me, but at least I have the one place thoughtful.

    Of the few things that I have, I am going to designate who gets them so there is no fighting when I pass.  They will then be free to exchange, donate, or throw away if they choose.  Live and learn. 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2012

    Kaara............yea that stinks...............your Mother's dishes, and you got a place setting..................really tacky...............isn't it amazing how "sparrows" turn into "vultures" once someone dies............................I have so much from my grandmother, g-grandmother, and my mother..................but is what the individual person likes, or has their eye on, and then of course............daughters think.........daughter-in-laws should get nothing, since I'm not their mother............but they forget I'm their brothers's mother.

    Although I do see their point..........I hear...........well if something happens to the marriage, or if something happens to my brother , she isn't going to part with whatever you gave to it is amusing, but they do make a good of my sons is having problems in his marriage, and his wife after 20 years has turned out to be someone, I don't even recognize anymore.........................................I gave my son (when my mother died) an all crystal "cross" which is is in his china closet, and you know as well as I do, unless he's quicker then she is, anything happens.......its gone............

    I also gave him a beautiful statue of Michael the Archangel, since his name is Michael..............I'm sure he won't get that either............but I have enough "balls" to ask for it, since my grandsons name is Michael too.....................oh well "shit happens" right.

    You just want your things to be taken care of and appreciated, but once we close our eyes for the final time, our say is "done"...............hopefully everyone does the right thing............hahahhaha

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012
    I intend to live forever. So far, so good.
    Steven Wright
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    Just had to put that that way no one will even be worrying about who gets what ??? You really are right though Ducky.  We have no control once we leave this world about what happens to our things. 

    It is hard to "see" these items as treasures while we are here, but obviously not needed or wanted where we are going.  Sort of says something huh!!!!  Still, it would be nice to think that someone would want these things in the same way and for the same reasons we did. 

    In my mom's day......things were hard to come by and so little was given away.  When my mother passed  on she still had towels  ( hand towels ) that used to come in boxes of laundry soap.  She never thought of doing away with them.......and they were as clean and bright as the day she took them out of the box.....though they had been used for over 55 years.  She had a large set of dishes she got that way as well. 

    I have not actually carried on that tradition ( though I have a few things ) and my daughter will get those, and just accept pretty much that it is a disposable society now.  I did just buy a set of dishes which I am really loving.....a set of Corelle for 12 --- ok, why 12 I don't know.....we never have that many for a meal here....mainly just dh and me, but it is still glass..... lightweight and is a new square pattern called Buttercup.  I wanted some color ( not the plain white type ) but something small so that you didn't have to have your food mixed into a busy pattern.  I'm a happy camper.  Will probably see if my daughter wants my old Phalsgraff Tea Rose....enough for 12....see I repeat any mistake at least three times.....I didn't need enough for 12 then either.

    Hope you all have a fantastic day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited April 2012

    I too have lovely china and three set of silverware. But I am being realistic enough to know that today's generation has neither the inclination or room for all I have accumulated. DH and I are going to pick out a couple of things for each GD and son and sell or give the rest away. We are trying to get down to just enough to furnish a two bedroom . Right now I could open a furniture store it seems like.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited April 2012

    After loosing 3 houses to fires since 1976, if it does not go in the dishwasher, can not be washed in the washing machine, I don't want it.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283
    edited April 2012

    Momarch - right on.  I can't remember the last time I had to use the dry cleaners. 

    Illinois - great quote & right on track. 

    My dear mother had tape on the back of almost everything she owned with the name of the child who was to get that thing. By the time she died I had only one brother left and he wanted everything.  I let most of it go to him rather than fight & he hasn't even opened the boxes.  Oh well, I have only one son who didn't want most of it.  It's true - we live in a disposable society now.  Hmmm - I'm old enough to fit in that catagory myself sooner rather than later.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2012

    Hi gals!  Yes, and thank you again Dreamers.... I wore them all last night
    also, and just took them off to wash by hand.  They are so much easier to put on
    than the others that I have bought.

    Mommarch.... I think that sounds pretty reasonable, like Kaara says, to try
    cutting down, rather than just stopping the Ambien.  It's like anything you
    take, will cause a lot of different SE's.... And I'm still fighting a
    yeast-infection on my hands, like I had in my mouth, from taking an
    I just tried  putting Fluocinonide on my one hand, & it really helped. 
    It's like dried out, my skin is cracking, like Eczema does.   But I put the
    cream on it, along with some Shea butter, and wear cotton gloves at night. 
    MAN!  If it isn't one thing, it's another.

    And Desny.....thanks for talking about Carole's blood pressure....  Hope it

    Ducky....I have a lot of my Mom's stuff also, AND my Grandmother's.  Don't
    you realize how much you "learned" from them?  I mean like cooking, cleaning,
    and other habits?   I kept their "special" little knick-knacks, little
    "hankies"....and even this little "baby-doll" that Dad had bought Mom once.... 
    I still have it, wrapped in plastic, and whenever I open the bag, it still
    "smells" like her....  It's such a sweet memory.  Both our Daughter's can have
    whatever they want...  It's like I reach a "time" when I want them to have the
    special things.  And I hope you get your Statue back...can you just ask for

    Minus.... Me too....  I love to "look" at antique "stuff" but I won't buy
    it now, ha! 

    Donatela..... You have really been through a lot....  No, you don't have to
    make up your mind about re-construction yet....  My mind has changed a lot of
    times, since my surgery....  I'd love to have cute, perky little boobs also, but
    they wouldn't match the rest of me....Ha!

    Kaara.... that's okay....  doesn't do any good to think what stupid family
    members do to hurt us....

    Jackie, we always used to buy things for our "Hope Chest"....Remember?  I
    bought a set of dishes, and silverware!  I even used them for awhile...
    But now it's Corning Ware, and things that are more useful....Oh, I even
    bought "lo-heat" cookware!  I must have been nuts.... We used to go to parties,
    where all this stuff was sold....While we were in High School!

    Mommarch....  You make a lot of sense......  Sounds kind of like my
    youngest Daughter....when she talks about useless Christmas gifts....  She says
    "If I cant spend it, eat it, or smoke it, I don't want it...!"  Maybe she is

    Hope I didn't forget anyone.....  Take it easy girls.... Talk to you next
    time, and take good care! 

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited April 2012

    Hi everyone, just a fast note and reading posts been kinda busy.

    Cold, ugly day in Kansas

    Everyone have a good one

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    Jennifer...glad you came to say hi.......I was wondering if I needed to pm you again.  Our weather is the pits right now too......cooler than I like and it talks like rain for at least the next five where are the plans for that Ark thing. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2012

    Woke up to buckets of rain here in S. Florida today.  It's going to create a problem for my BF who always likes to play golf on Saturday mornings...oh's not like he never gets to  I'll take bets that he will go out anyway in hopes that it will clear up, and come home soaked.  I'll be inside catching up on laundry that didn't get done the last few days.

    Talked to DD yesterday and we decided we're not cooking for Mother's will find a nice restaurant that takes reservations and do that.  It will also be her birthday week and my DGGD who was born on DD's birthday, so somehow we'll work that into the plan.

    Jennifer..good to hear from you.  Glad all is well.  It's good to be busy.

    Have a great Saturday everyone! 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited April 2012

    It's another beautiful day in the neighborhood!  Sun shining outside.  All the green vegetation looking very happy.  My day lilies are blooming.  I'm about to go for a 3 mile walk.  Lots of things to do today like laundry, maybe some ironing.  Plan to bake bread.  Feels good to stay home and putter.

    Happy Saturday to all.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited April 2012

    Jackie, I forgot to say in my post that I bought an angel food cake mix and pineapple yesterday.  I plan to make that cake in the morning and take it out to my mother's house for dessert. 

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited April 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    Have had a busy morning but I thought I would catch up on everyone. I have not been able to find a one step angel food cake. What company makes it?

    Went to breakfast with my two of my three sisters (the third one is out of state) to celebrate my mom today. She passed away four years today. Seems just like yesterday. A lot of good memories. Now I am catching up on laundry and housework.

    I Hope everyone has a good weekend. Relax and enjoy it.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    Hey.....Just back from the store and the angel food one-steps are made by several but I think it is Pillsbury that I always buy......and of course, you only use the box to get the temperature from and about how long to bake.....probably about 25 to 30 minutes.........that is the only information from the box you need.  Carole.....I will be waiting on a review from the cake.  I often.....this is really the easy way though.....get those little fruit cups with pineapple in them and go to the used bread store here ( it's really the day old bakery ) and buy angel good cakes in the load style....just slice off a piece and put some fruit and juice on it.....Yum.....still if you bake it.....the smell  in the kitchen is heavenly.

    I'm so sorry I forgot to get a quote in here today.....shame on me.    It is raining as I type....we got poured on while we were at the store....had to go to two of them.....Dh couldn't find the pop-corn he likes.  We are due to have rain for the next five days....oh joy !!!!  I won't mind quite as much though if we don't get a temperature drop.

    Anyway....see you gals later.  I'll have to dig out some more of my easy recipes here pretty quick....we can't let termite get away from us now, can we ??? 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited April 2012

    Jackie, we could use some of that rain.  It's very dry here. 

    What kind of pan do you use to cook the cake?  I'm assuming a Bundt pan wouldn't be good. 

    I'm pooped out tonight.  Worked until about 3 pm doing laundry and ironing and then took a break.  I'll have to get up early tomorrow to get the cake in the oven and make some macaroni and cheese the old-fashioned way.  Church is at 10:30.  I'll put a couple of whole chickens in my mother's oven to cook while she and I are at church.  DH will come for noon dinner at her house and so will one of my sisters and her dh, my niece and her three kids.  My sister will make a potato dish and my mother was supposed to put a small pork roast in her slow cooker to cook tonight. 

    Hope everyone has a good day tomorrow.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    Carole....I forgot the most important part.....I've never done it in a bundt pan, but guess you could.  I've always used a 9 X 13 to do it in.  Wow !!!  your always so smart till someone asks the obvious questions which you didn't even notice not having addressed. 

    Here's another thing I don't even recall......whether or not I put anything in the bottom of the pan, like Crisco and cake flour......guess you might want to see what it says on the box to do about that to. 

    Well, now you know all know what sort of cook I am --- guess it comes from taking nearly the same recipe out of three or four books......then using some of those variations and maybe a couple of mine......and viola.....usually its fine.  But the cake is just how I took it out of a book and for once I did it just like they said......

    It should be delightful no matter which sort of pan you use..............I just really appreciate the lack of calories in it for all the yummy taste you get. 

    Have a good evening......thank goodness...we didn't get the baseball sized hail that was predicted....didn't get any at all...knock on wood.

    See you all in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012
    Everybody needs beauty as well as bread,
    places to play in and pray in where nature may heal
    and cheer and give strength to the body and soul.
    - John Muir
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    Good !!!!  wild night all around us last night.  That is the beauty of Little Egypt....almost everything misses us......just is close enough that we know something is going on.  All is fine in our neck of the woods.......the next door neighbor's cat is coming for breakfast. 
    They never fed their cats ( a male and female ) so they would be good mousers.  This is not so....cats will catch mice to eat....if they have nothing else.  When you feed cats decent food.....they will catch mice for the thrill of the chase and victory.  True to form, I feel sorry for the mice......but I feed those cats.....who are not nearly as "LEAN" as they were last yr.  and they still do the job they were hired for.....irritates me, but I love seeing them striding down my wooden walkway to the deck..............they are coming for their meal. 

    Hope you all made it through any weather you may have had.  In part, it is just the time of yr.  I am not sure what part of Spring ( well, this is usually Spring ) we are hope everyone is fine. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2012

    Raining buckets here patio plants are getting a good watering.  We were planning to play golf later today, but it will be too wet for that, so will do dinner with some friends and catch up on what has been going on since we went on vacation.

    We saw a cute movie last night..."Think Like A Man"...all about relationships and how men and women think differently, and the types of men women fall for.  I think it's based on a book by Steve Harvey who played a role in the movie. Really good movies have been hard to come by lately...they all seem to be made with the younger generation in mind.  I guess my age is showing!

    Guess I'll catch up on some reading today with the rain and all.  Happy Sunday! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

                                   ANGEL LEMON BARS

    Serves/Makes:   10

    Angel Lemon Bars Recipe
    Click image to view

    INGREDIENTS: 1 package angel food cake mix
    21 ounces lemon pie filling
    DIRECTIONS: Combine cake mix and pie filling. Stir until well mixed. Pour in an ungreased jelly roll pan. Bake 20-25 minutes at 350 degrees F. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2012

    OMG....Jackie....those lemon bars are my favorite.  My DIL makes the best ones from scratch.  I look forward to them every holiday season.  I had to beg her last year not to bring them because I would not be able to resist the temptation to eat too many and jeopardize my anti cancer diet.  Your recipe sounds yummy and maybe not so sugary...I'll have to check the ingredients on the angel food mix.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    Don't know why I didn't put this whole thing in about making "cakes" out of cake mind......guess it likes to hide now and then
    angel food cake mix

    chocolate cake mix
    lemon cake mix
    orange cake mix
    pound cake mix
    spice cake mix
    white cake mix
    yellow cake mix

    Cakes from Mixes

    Start with a cake mix and let your imagination go wild with these recipes. These are so delicious they'll taste like you made them from scratch


  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited April 2012

    Jackie - Thanks for all those links.  I had printed off your angel food cake/pineapple recipe.  Can't wait to make something for work/breakfast thing.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012 are very welcome.  I made cakes from scratch only ( I don't know that there were many mixes out when I was young....or maybe my family just couldn't afford them, but learned baking the older way first.  I still to a degree prefer scratch......except for some of the things you can do with cake mixes.  I have several cookbooks just devoted to "mixes".  Its fun and fast and the flavors when 'toyed' with are nearly as good as scratch. 

    I see you are from is mommarch who posts here.

    Hugs, Jackie

    EDITED TO ADD: as I forgot to mention one other thing........the three pygmy goats that live on the corner from me.  They are all adorable......and I always want to grab at least one and bring him home with me. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2012

    Hi Gals!  Termite, you will always have memories of your Mom....Something will remind you of her, when you are not even thinking about it.  My Daughter's bought me a pink rosebush right after my Mom passed away.... And I finally had to dig it up last year.   Now I'm going to buy another one to replace it.  My Dad was a Florist, and my Mom loved to grow Orchids, and Bonsai's.  They lived in California, so everything grew so beautifully!  Their back yard was like a show case....  And Mom and Dad always loved to putter around, with their fish-pond, Bird of Paradise, Ginger plants, and Antherium!  I tried Bonsai's, and they did NOT do well in this climate....Wink  Our youngest daughter is also a "Floral Designer" for one of the Kings Soopers here... I think it's true, "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree"  Ha!

    Carole, that dinner you described sounded so good!  How was the pork roast?   And all the rest?

    Kaara, That movie sounded really good!  My youngest Daughter just got back from Orlando, and she showed me a "book" her Sister gave her..... When you first look at the book, it says something like "What Every Man Knows About a Woman.".....And the author is there, and the rave reviews, what the contents are....and she said, now read the back cover.... On that was more information of how many copies were sold, how invaluable the book is....etc.....Then when you OPEN the book, it is BLANK!!!!  Ha, ha!  I really laughed!    It is just blank pages!!!!  What a funny idea!

    Jackie, I copied and printed your recipes, (again)..... Now I just have to MAKE them!  I love juicy cakes like that!  AND the Lemon bars!   I've been working in the yard again....planting a few little Petunias, the "Wave" ones, that are for hanging planters.  Also put in a couple "Big Boy" tomato plants.  My little seedlings are plugging along....Maybe another couple weeks...but it got COLD last night!  Down to 38 here!  And only in the 60's today....Kaara, wish we could get some of that rain here! 

    Hi luvmygoats!  What a fun name!  I LOVE little goats.... or anything out of the ordinary!  Our neighbor has 4 chickens, and 2 smaller ones...  So I guess that makes six?  Cool  She takes them out to their front yard sometimes, and they mind her like little puppy's!   They are so pretty!

    We just have Raccoons, and a couple Foxes, and a Coyote around here....I know.... I told the chicken gal, to watch her Chickens...  We live in the busy city, but next to an irrigation canal, so all the critters love it as much as I do. 

    Okay all....better rustle up some grub.... Talk to you tomorrow....