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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited April 2012

    Hi all, well we had to evacuate last night  due to wildfire danger.  Fire was about 2 miles from our subdivision.  This is the 3rd time in 4 yours we have had to leave.  Would rather to be safe than sorry, when tell me to go I am going.

    We were leaving today for Midland, Odessa and my DH was putting air in the van tire at the service station and it exploded, when I realized what had happened I ran to the other side of the van and he was laying up against the wheel well, I thought it had killed him.  Everyone at the station came running and called the EMT's, he came around and was OK.  So we are in Midland Odessa tonight so we can be at his Dr's Apt in the morning. 

    What next.

    Take Care

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2012

    Oh Marcha!  I'm sooooo sorry!  Sorry for your Husband, AND  the wild-fires!   Maybe you two could go out after the Doctor's appointment for a well deserved lunch or dinner....  Hope you are alright! xoxo

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited April 2012

    Hi Ladies, Carole, Thanks for all the links. I am going to try many of them. You are right, little things always remind us of the people we have lost when you least expect it to but it is nice to have all the memories.

    Mommarch, I'm sorry about the wild fires and your husband. I hope he is okay and everything works out okay for you.

    Luvmygoats, the tiny goats sound adorable. It would be fun to watch them playing together.

    Carole, the dinner you described sounds delicious. Do you have large family dinners like that every Sunday. It sounds nice. We use to have them when all the kids were at home but now only once in a while or for special occassions. The grandkids have soccer games on Saturdays and Sundays. So it makes it hard during their sports to get everyone together.We have 4 sons, 3 DIL, 6 grandkids ( 4 boys and 2 girls) and will be getting our 7th in august.  

    It rained here early today and it has been raining since late afternoon but we need the rain.

    I took my first Fosomax pill today. Will have to wait and see if there are any SE. Hope not. My knees are really sore today but I am not sure if it is from that. Otherwise feeling pretty good today.

    Time to go, Take care everyone!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    Mommarch.....I too am sorry that you and your husband had to have that experience.  I'm with just gets a bit too "exciting" at times.  How odd to long for the boring and dull that was once a little hard to take.  Hopefully we will reach a point where we get to savor our well seasoned selves with so much wisdom and appreciate being able to say it was a very quiet day. 

    I am grateful that it seems to ended ok for you both. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    For anyone who hasn't been here too long.....I change my avatar a lot along with my signature line.  So......I am wearing the red shirt in the picture above. 

    I change my furniture around a lot at home.....but usually find it doesn't fit well and put it back a day or two later.....if not that day even. 

    Hope you all had a great Sunday.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2012

    mommarch:  So sorry about the fires and the accident involving your DH.  It must have been very scary for you...thanks goodness he is ok.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012
    "Nothing is impossible; the word itself says I'm possible!"

    -- Audrey Hepburn
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    We are having a somewhat cloudy morning.......nothing for rain I don't think until early evening, but at least we are starting out ok.  I will get to feed my feral cats.......and that will make it ok.  Have a couple of days in the middle now where maybe we won't have to get wet sometime during the day.......I'll just be grateful for that. Do note....all this moisture is going to make the grass grow.  I'll have to get out and do some "planting" while it's dryer.

    Hope you all have a great day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2012

    The rain just continues here in S. Florida...I've been wet already today, on the way into the gym for my workout.  Then you freeze when you get into the A/C!

    Looks like today is another day to catch up on reading.  I'm trying to finish the last book of the Dragon Tatoo trilogy...these books are difficult for me to read for some reason and this one is taking forever to unfold.  I'm almost to the end and still no excitement to speak of.  I'll finish it off today and be done with it.  

    Happy Monday! 

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283
    edited May 2012

    Kaara:  You're much more dedicated than I am.  I finished the first book & didn't even want to try the other two.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012
    The less I take the difficulties of my life as personal affront,
    and the more I use them as an opportunity to learn and grow...
    the easier I sleep at night.
    - Mary Anne Radmacher
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    Jackie:  Good one....I always try to learn from my mistakes, and have tried to teach my children to do the same.  I always ask them  "if you had it to do over, what would you do differently".  I am sometimes surprised at their answers, but that's ok.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    Good morning.  How's it going Mommarch !!!  I have been thinking about you.  Carole....did you like the cake??? 

    Speaking about learning from mistakes....I really do need to get serious with getting back on the band-wagon and doing exercises and watching what I eat.  Once you have been lax for a short know darn well you should, but it always seems the next day is the one where you should start.  Now there is not a thing wrong with right now.....but tomorrow just has a better ring to it.  I'm going to have to just force myself I think......and let it then become the more natural habit it had been being for me.

    Serious rainstorm this morning.  Dh even got out early and fed the outside dogs.  He has been so sweet lately and I sure appreciate it.  I slept in which is unusual for me and guess it may be due to the ions in the air from all the un-wanted by me, moisture.  I think in a bit ( though muted sun it out there right now ) we may get more.  Sounds like an all day affair for the most part. 

    Hope you are all going to have a really good day.  I'll be checking in later as usual.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited May 2012

    Hi All,  It has been 4 days and we are still not home,  They say they will let us in this afternoon.  So far fire has not burned any structures.  I pray for the fire fighters every night. We are ready to go home, I can't thank our friend enough for puting up with us and our dogs.

    DH saw Dr. on Monday and good news is shoulder needs physical therapy, we will go at 1:15 today to start.  Bad news, neck has bone spurs etc. and will have to have surgery somewhere down the line, but shoulder is more important right now.  He will not be a happy camper with therapy.  I told him to put on his big boy pants.

    Kaara, I wish we had some of your rain.  Yesterday afternoon it looked like a tornado would blow us away and nothing.

    Take Care

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    It's times like that when you know who your friends are!  Hope you get to go home soon, and get some of this rain we've been having.  It's going to go on through the week..very unusual for this time of's not yet the rainy season in Florida.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited May 2012

    Hi to all.   

    Jackie, I did like the cake.  And my mother liked it a lot.  It's light and really good with coffee.

    Today my niece and I went shopping for clothes for her three kids.   We also bought shoes for each one of them.  And we had lunch at a Mexican restaurant.  Of course, I paid for everything!  It is enjoyable buying cute chldren's clothes.  She just called to say the shoes fit and the kids were excited about their new clothes.   

    Tomorrow morning I have an 8 am apptment with a cardiologist.  Then Thurs. morning I'll go back to my primary care dr.  I'll take the recorded bp readings and my bp machine to both apptments. 

    Mommarch, I hope you're back in your home and the danger from fire is gone.

    I should go for a walk but it is so hot outside, in the 80's with high humidity. 

    Hope everyone is having a good Tues.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited May 2012

    We got back home about 5:00 this evening.  The fire is still burning off to the North West of our subdivision, it is about 2 miles from the border of our subdivision, probably about 10 miles as the crow flies from whre we are at.  Right now smoke is going away from our area. I told DH that I was not going to put the meds back in the cupboard right now, I am not so sure that we will not have to go again, if the wind comes high from the west.

    Dogs were happy to get home. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012 glad to hear that you were able to get home.  Friends are a treasure, but there is no place like home -- especially when you are elsewhere wondering all the while if you will have a home to go home too.  Glad as well that things were no worse for your hubby.  PT is a real pita a lot of times, but worth it all once you are done. 

    Carole....glad you and your mom enjoyed the cake.  I eat a lot of it.......Oddly, I don't wear out on things too much......especially when they are lo-cal.   Hope you get closer to some answers tomorrow with your cardiologist. 

    Stay cool.....and I'll be glad to share my rain with anyone who wants it.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited May 2012

    Woke up to thunder this morning a few minutes past six.  It's still dark outside at 7 am, but the rain has passed on and we didn't get much.  Looks like I'll have to do some watering especially the bed of daylilies.  I like it so much better when Mother Nature waters the outdoors just enough and not too much!  So often it's "feast or famine," though.

    The humidity is high and we'll be having summer weather the rest of the week.  Summer in May.  Those of you lucky enough to be in Spring, enjoy your weather.

    I'll be off to the cardiologist at 7:45.  Guess I'd better have some breakfast.

    Happy Wednesday!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    Well, it looks like the rain has finally taken leave...I am seeing the sun today for the first time since Friday!  Hopefully our big lake up north which supplies water filled up and we'll have a good supply of  for the rest of the year.  I've heard that this is supposed to be a slow hurricane season this year, but it's hard to predict when those decide to come through.  We head to NC every summer, but DS is responsible for putting up the shutters when we get threatened and he hates it; however, the bonus is he gets to stay here and get out of his place on the beach which is really dangerous in a bad storm.

    carole:  Hope your bp issue gets resolved today.  My used set of Taylor Made clubs are coming today so I'm excited to see them.  Hoping for some continued good weather so I can test them out soon.

    Have a good Wednesday everyone! 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2012

    Kaara.................when you said you would ask your children "what would you have done differently, it brought back memories of something I use to say to my 6 kids when they would question........................I'd say"

    When your going to make a choice to do something, and your not sure if it is the right thing to do ask yourself this question................IF MY MOTHER WERE STANDING BESIDE ME.....WOULD I CHOOSE TO DO WHAT I AM ABOUT TO DO.?...........IF THE ANSWER IS NO.................YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO...........

    It always worked........thank God........................

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    ducky:  LOL...that's a really good one!  I'll remember to use that.  Occasionally my son asks me how I would handle a certain situation...I'm sure he never gets the answer he was looking for, but he usually follows my advice:)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    Hope is the companion of power, and mother of success; for who so hopes strongly has within him the gift of miracles. -S Smiles

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    Obviously it was pretty quiet here yesterday.  Hope you are all ok and your weather is not too bad.  Mommarch....hope you are still in your house and everything is ok there.

    All is ok here.  Bright and sunny today.  Guess it could rain later.....I think, hmmm, what's new.  I sort of hope it doesn't, but it is the grayness that comes with the rain that bothers me most.

    Sad event for us......this morning we had to bury our little Fancy.  She was a Himalayan cat.  Got her many yrs. ago.  The gal who "caught" her said it was a neutered feral male.  Well, almost to the day it happened, we found that Ole' Franki Blue Eyes was actually Fancy and about as pregnant as they come.  She was a great cat.....never wanted to be touched.....but was quiet and cozy all during her life with us.  We were able to have her "fixed" after she weaned her 6 babies who were born in my walk-in closet.  In turn they were all fixed as well.  We will miss her but the sadness of her passing is lessened by knowing that she had a far better life than the one she came under an abandoned house with the owner bringing one big bag of food every three weeks or so and tossing it under the house.  She and a loads of cats and other varmints ( who knows ) all had to share this food under that house and I know it didn't last long. 

    I hope you all have a good day and good weather.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012

    I'm so sorry little Jackie!   It is never easy to lose one of our fur kids.  I hate to even think about it.  But you are right!  She was so fortunate to "find" you!   I just hate when people have "pets" and treat them with just a casual hello, and here's your food.

    My neighbor, the sweetest gal,  had 2 cats...well actually one now...because the "Mom" took off & lives down the street, but occasionally drops by... I watch their cat when they are away.  I went the other day, & see her under their deck, coming out for her food.  I always take her something special.  I wondered where her "bed" was, (that I had given them...a plastic crate/box, and blankets)  But when I unlocked the garage to get her food, I noticed her cat-door is locked, and her bed in there as well!  So I took her bed out, and put it ON the deck, under their little "table"...

    They say the cat-door is locked, because the Raccoons go in & get the food (which is in a big plastic closed bin).  I know they do this, because I have seen the mess.  But to lock her cat door?  Would you think they would MOVE the food container, to like in their house, where their DOG's food is???  That is my next suggestion....  She just had another baby girl, but I swear....WHY do these people have pets?  They won't let the cat in....ever. 

    Okay, I'm done....Wink  Talk to you later.....Take good care.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    Something for tomorrow because I don't think I'll have you think it was something we siad Chevy?????

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited May 2012

    Hi to everyone.  The last couple of days have been very busy, and I haven't had a chance to check in.

    First, the apptment with the cardiologist on Wed.  He gave me a prescription for a new bp med.  When we take a bp med for a number of years it can stop working as well.  He also--remember, he's a cardio dr.--scheduled a stress test and echo.  That's what cardio drs. do!!  I feel a little guilty as though I'm over-using the medical system.  But if the tests uncover something like my mammogram did in 2009, I'll be glad he scheduled the tests.

    Then yesterday morning I went to my Primary Care dr's office and saw her NP.  I took my record of bp readings and my bp monitor.  She recommended I throw it away.  After the monitors get older they can lose their calibration.  HOWEVER, I took my bp this morning with a new monitor, same type, semi automatic, and my reading was high.  151/86.  We'll have to let the new bp med. take effect.

    My youngest brother, aged 50, was in town from Atlanta yesterday so I spent the rest of the day at my mother's house.  Two sisters and another brother were there.  We got into political discussions, which was a waste of time.  I've decided it's pointless to discuss politics when people are on opposite sides of the fence, so to speak.  Find something pleasant to talk about instead.  My sister Linda and I tend to be more liberal or moderate and the majority of my family are ultra conservatives. 

    This morning I intend to get some exercise.  DH just left to go to cardiac exercise.  Later he and I have a lunch date to celebrate the birthday of a man who's turning 84 and still plays tennis competitively.  He's amazing.  There will be 8 of us at lunch and we're going to a restaurant on the Tchefuncta River (how's that for a name?!) which has a covered deck.  We'll probably eat outside on the deck. 

    Hope you all have a good Friday.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    carole:  Glad you got some new meds for the bp and have the cardio tests scheduled.  It can never hurt to get a baseline on how your heart is doing, then you will always have it for comparison later on if there are ever problems.  I had that done about five years ago.

    Sounds like your day is shaping up nicely.  I am taking my DGD out for her birthday.  DGGD will be there as well which is a bonus.  She is almost walking and will be a year old next week.  So cute!

    Jackie:  Sorry about the loss of your kitty...always sad.  The cousins we just visited in Nevada had four beautiful cats, and three of them have passed, all within months of each other.  Now they only have the one left.  They were like children to them.  We always had to be very respectful when we were there, even when the cats jumped on the counters and walked all over the food.  I can overlook it, but my BF who isn't a fan of cats, had to be reminded not to push them off of the counters because it wasn't his home and not his right to do that.  They were always trying to cozy up to him, hoping to make friends.  It was never going to  He prefers dogs.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012

    Kaara, that reminds me of long ago, when my DH Grandfather was over to our house.... He was sitting at the table and Tiger, our wonder-cat, jumped on his lap!!!  OMG, you would think the roof fell in!!!  He is not a fan of cats, but Tiger thought "this guy looks like he needs a hug, so I'm here for him."   It was soooo funny!  I went out doors to bust out laughing!  Smile

    And Tiger would c-a-r-e-f-u-l-l-y climb onto DH's stomach, when he was sound asleep... and curl up there for a nap!  Things they would NEVER do otherwise!   They like to do things that they know they shouldn't.....

    I'll be back in a minute....have to help DH screw up the pipes in the bathroom....Tongue out