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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012
    Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
    Mahatma Gandhi
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    Boy Chevy......that is a loooooong minute.  I have only a couple of minutes to day hi.  We have to scoot in a couple minutes to Marion. 

    It is going to be a long day for me......these two appts. far from each other and then I'll go into work if there is time for whatever length of time. 

    Hope you are all having a good day. 

    Carole...glad you got something for your B.P.  I have to start watching mine again....and a couple of other things....but I'm otherwise fine.

    See you all later.

     Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012

    Carole....hope your BP gets straightened out soon! 

    Man!  Does anyone know a good plumber????  Frown  I have to check them out.  Our tub drains....'s better now, but this house was built in 1886.... and I imagine things are sort of plugged up!  We have the pipes off from under the bathroom sink.  That is so we could force the hose, water, through there, & hopefully open up the clog.   I even tried a snake.... Nope.  So I again put about 12 oz of that thick drano, in both the pipe down from the sink, and the tub.   So later on, we will again try and flush the pipes out.  We will buy new parts tomorrow.

    We can still take a shower, and the tub DOES drain slow, but it just isn't getting any better.  I even tried pouring baking soda, and then distilled vinegar.... It really foams up nice, but doesn't clear any drain!!! 

    So I'm looking into professional help.... We have never had to have a plumber to take care of anything around here.... guess it's about time?  I just hate this.

    Carole, I just won't talk political about anything to anyone....  We all have our own opinions...  My one friend is so adamant about her Obama bashing, that all her friends, and family finally told her to lay off....quit sending us all this crap!   So she did........  She hasn't changed her mind about anything, but at least she doesn't try and cram it down our throats. 

    She seems to think that since her Son works for the SS or whatever, that what he hears, is the "spoken word."..... And that "he knows things that no-one else knows..."  And blah-blah!   She thinks we should all hate Obama, the health care bill... and WHATever! 

    I don't get into discussions with her, that will lead us to politics.  And of course she is Italian and Catholic, and therefore, she hates Obama even more....because of some sort of religious differences.... or his hand over his heart, or if he dont, & prayer in schools, and so much STUFF I can't keep track. 

    So I'm not having a good Friday, so far....Ha!  Okay.... I'll try & find something fun to do now.  I just cleaned & mopped our Laminate, and the kitchen.... 

    Talk to you gals later....xoxoxo

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    I commented to someone at my company reunion last fall that regardless of our political views, we have absolutely no right to disrespect our President and that I was very disappointed in both parties for the way they had behaved over the last two years.  Well...I was told the POTUS didn't deserve respect, and that I had my head in the sand, to which I replied to the person that they should probably consider adding opinionated and obnoxious to their resume!  No good ever comes from discussing politics....or religion:(

    Had a great birthday lunch with DGD and DGGD.  We did mexican and the little one eats the same things we beans and rice, chips and salsa, avocados, you name it.  She doesn't look like she's missed many meals eather.  When you feed her she shakes her head no, but opens her mouth duitifully to accept whatever you are spooning in!  She has a head full of curls...I wish I could post her photo but don't know how.

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited May 2012

    Hi everyone, have been on break while I was completing all the yearly tests.  First cancelled the PAP, dont need it, dont want it and will do it down the road.  Bloodwork is great, two of those tests except they need to up thyroid meds just a little, not quite there.  The big one was the mammogram which they ordered an ultra-sound with if needed.   Well they didnt need my breasts looked great and when they told me not to return for a year everything was great, I started crying and so did the tech, omg,   I am officially 2 years NED and just to celebrate went to lunch and had marquarita (banana).  It worked very well with the xanax I had taken a couple of hours before and came home for a very nice nap.  When hassle of tests are in my life I am almost beyond recognition because of the stress.  Thanks for allowing me to fade in and out, from here on I am in.  Shortly I will read the posts and hope all of you are doing great. 

    To all of you who are struggling through treatment or just finishing, it takes awhile but life does go back to normal (iffy word) or what normal is now.    Plans for the summer are being made, family coming to visit and just enjoy eating, drinking and living.  (dont drink much, not too good at it but one every so often dont hurt).  My best to everyone here and may you have the same feelings.

    Kansas is a great place to live today.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    Jennifer1:  Congratulations on being NED 2 years!  I know it was a load off your mind to get through all of those tests without anything coming up.  You earned the banana marquarita!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012

    CONGRATULATIONS  JENNIFER!!!!!!!  That is the best news!  I got chills when I read that!  Whew!!!  You GO girl!  


    That is a BIG milestone!!!!  xoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    Jennifer..... Happy, Happy Day

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    Good things come in threes......and I'm #2.  I did my check-ups today.....the first was PC check in Mt. Vernon and everything was great -- including my blood pressure which came in at 127/72.  Everything was very well.  They are though going to send me to a V.A. Audiologist.  We will see how that goes.

    This afternoon I went to Marion V.A. for my Oncology check and there again all was just right.  They won't have the tumor marker test for a couple of days but as all else was good.....I sure that will be as well. 

    I am however really bushed.....but will be back in the morning......see you all then.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited May 2012

    Thanks everyone, you made me cry again. 

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited May 2012

    Congrats Jennifer1.

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited May 2012

    Jackie, Didn't mean to leave you out, good news on you also.

  • jankc
    jankc Member Posts: 62
    edited May 2012

    Jennifer1, I was browsing through the posts and saw your good news. A great day in KS, for sure, and I felt it all the way down here in KC.  Congratulations!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    Jackie:  That's good news....happy for you that everything went well with your tests.  That is always good to know before a good night's sleep!

    Happy Saturday everyone!  I'm up early today to take BF to his golf tournament so I can have the car to run around.  I hate being stranded without one even if  I don't use it.

    My BF's DIL quit her job and started her own business...selling jewelery!  She is from Columbia so she brings it in from there and apparently it's beautiful.  They are having a show tomorrow and I'm going to stop by and will probably splurge on something, although I don't have a lot of jewelery.  I think she's very brave to do this in our current economy, but she is very smart and I'm hoping it all works out for her. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find a joy in overcoming obstacles. Remember, no effort that we make to attain something beautiful is ever lost. -Helen Keller (1880-1968)

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited May 2012

    Jackie glad its good news for you too, I was self-absorbed yesterday and meant to give you congrads.  Thats cool, new jewelery, dont wear alot of it but do appreciate it.  Post pictures.   And thanks for those great recipes. 

    Kaara and Jackie, jealous of your necks.  Something happened and mine became fat and want to do the suction thing but insurance will never cover that.

    Jan, was in NKC Hosp for tests, switched over to them because they are so great.  Vibes got to you faster,  what area in KC are you in.  NKC is where I was raised but we settled in Leavenworth for a few reasons.

    Kaara, you look good is that a new picture or did I miss it.  Yes a load off but all of us have carried that load.  Stage, grade dont matter its a load.

    Chevy love the turtle, its great.

    Ptdreamer, thanks,

    I do hope I didnt miss anyone.   Did all the errands today, made the grandkids go so they could help and got them over.  Of course it involves buying them things and lunch but thats ok. 

    It is a very hot day in Kansas, we are using the air and plan on being indoors the rest of the day.  Patio work cant wait til this evening.  Everyone have a good one.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited May 2012

    Jackie and Jennifer (Two J's!), I'm happy over your good health news. 

    Aside from some laundry, I haven't done a lot today.  This morning DH and I went to my mother's house for breakfast cooked by my youngest sister.  She cooked 2 lbs of bacon!  DH thought he was in Heaven.  She also cooked eggs, grits, sausage gravy and Grands biscuits.  My middle sister was there, visiting since Thurs.  She left about 11 am to return home. 

    Tonight DH and I are going out to dinner with a couple who are our neighbors.  They're younger than us, in their 50's.  We get together with them every two or three months.

    So that's a lot of eating today!

    Kaara, a radio personality in New Orleans who was in very bad health "cured" himself by following a juicing regimen.  He has a video on U-Tube.  His name is Garland Robinette.  My BIL (husband of my youngest sister who cooked breakfast today) has started the same juicing regimen.  He has never eaten vegetables or fruit his entire life, but he is forcing himself to drink a mixture of whole lemon, cucumber, organic kale, celery, Granny Smith apple and ginger.  My sister confided this to several of us and made us swear not to say a word, because BIL doesn't want anyone to know.  Oddly enough, he had constipation the first 3 days.

    I'm thinking I may get a juicer and try it myself.  A number of years ago, I did try juicing but the juicing machine I bought wasn't very good. 

    Time to shower and get ready for going out to dinner.  Hope you all had a lovely Saturday.

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited May 2012

    Thanks Carol, I was reading back.  You have brothers just like mine.  One is coming for a long visit and we have to set up the rules in advance.  No CNN, no Fox and we are not allowed to say one  word about politics.  I tend to be more liberal than those brothers and a couple of times we have ceased talking for a year because of it.  Our arguments can be terrible but I love both of them, they are just misguided. I get the last word, lol. The one will be here during the election so have to plan ahead for that.  Other than that they are great and we would do anything possible for each other.  By the way DH agrees with them however he knows better than to start about politics.  Maybe its a man thing.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    Good afternoon everyone.....I'm back for a replay I guess.  First off.....I don't know if I ever mentioned for sure....but I am in the red in the avatar.....the other gir's name is Laura.  I think the picture doesn't really show my neck how it really is.  When I had my thyroid blowout that nearly took my life.......I had developed a goiter.....about the size of a boiled egg  if you swallowed it whole.  Since I was not operated on for it ( I drank radiated iodine three times -- a real trip ) the pouch sort of stayed there.  I hate it, but have learned to co-exist with it as the alternative which is not co-existing is dismal.  But the goiter did take a at least I could soon lay down flat on a pillow and sleep again.  Couldn't while the goiter was there.  If I laid down all air was cut off by the goiter pressing on my windpipe.  Scary, but I figured out propping on pillows I could still manage to sleep in bed with dh.  Didn't have recliners in our house at that time. 

    Carole.....I think there are some good juicing recipes and if used a certain amt. of time you would probably lose some wt.  Dh and I tried it, but tho' a couple of the juices tasted great.....we tried a couple different machines and find they are really hard to properly clean when you are done.  I could go to Consumer Reports and find out what they say as they usually rate several things on the machines and I think ease of cleaning could be one.  I would try that as it could be a long haul trying to find enough stores with enough brands to read on their boxes....and even then I'm not sure they would be completely up front about ease of cleaning.  I think the machines we tried --- a Jack LaLanne, and a Sears Kenmore???....well it was from Sears, just were hard to clean and one Denny was not happy with how the pulp was collected I think. 

    The last thing we bought ( haven't tried it out is still sitting in the box ) was a Yonanna Machine.  You make a frozen dessert with this using a couple of frozen bananas as your base since though tasty to me, bananas don't have a lot of strong natural flavor --- so you thaw the frozen bananas just a bit, put them through the machine.....then follow with other fruit.  What comes out.....if done about ( you hope anyway ) the consistency of ice cream without any additives so also not so many useless calories.  And it all can happen in a very short amt. of time if you keep some frozen bananas in the freezer. 

    Here is one of the ( un-tried by me as yet ) recipes:

    Key Lime Yonanas

    ingredients:  2 frozen bananas ( slightly thawed ). 1 TBSP lime zest ( zest from one lime 1/3 cup cinnamon graham crackers, crumbled.

    makes 1 to 2 servings

    1.  Insert one frozen banana

    @.  Add 1 oz. line zest.

    3.  Insert second frozen banana

    4.  Stir in bowl to combine. 

    5.  Sprinkle crumbled cinnamon graham crackers on top.

    6.  Enjoy

    I'm sort of about food and easy things.....and if you can make squished up fruit taste nearly as good as ice cream.......while getting the benefits of getting in some more of your fruit for the day....I'm willing to give it a go.  They have a lot of recipes and a person could pobably "cook up" a few on their own that would work. 

    I have some frozen bananas....( you just peel the skin off, and put them in a baggie ) so could do this almost any maybe I'd better find the time soon.  I would have to say though.....I think this is one of those things that probably take practise.....mainly to find out just how thawed the bananas should be to get the ice cream consistency.  Being honest as well.....I think this machine won't be great to clean, but comes with very few won't be as bad as a juicer. 

     Hope everyone is going to have a great Saturday night. 

    See you in the a.m.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    carole:  If you haven't purchased a machine yet, you might consider getting a high powered blender instead of a juicer, this way you get the whole fruit and veggie rather than just the  juice.  Your brother was probably constipated because he was getting the fiber and bulk he was accustomed to.  That can happen.  I have a Vita Mix and use it to make both smoothies and blended soups...delicious!  It's by far the best purchase I've made in a long time.  Easy to clean as well with just soap and water.

    The book that comes with my Vita Mix has receips for all kind of smoothies, soups, etc.  We have some kind of blended drink once a day minimum. 

    PS:  Jackie, I'll bet you could make that dessert in the blender as sounds wonderful. 

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited May 2012

    Well its late, trying to unwind.  We were able to stay home, fire is contained and is burning itself out.  We had 300 fire fighters here along with all the air support etc.  It has been a stressful week, but all has turned out ok.  DH and I filled a wholesale order today and delivered it about 50 miles away, took our Grandaughter with us and then went to Pizza Hut and had an early dinner.  I decided after making brooms all day I did not want to cook by the time we got home later than usual.

    Hope everyone is well  Take care 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    mommarch:  Glad the fire is almost out and the stress of worrying about it is gone.  What a nightmare that must be.  We have a lot of woods around our home up in the mountains of NC, and I worry about that happening.  There is only one way out of our community.  Luckily, the area we live in usually gets a fair amount of rain, so the chance of fire is minimal.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012
    "This moment, this day, is as good as any moment in all eternity. I shall make of this day, each moment of this day, a heaven on earth. This is my day of opportunity." - Dan Custer
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    I'm so glad to hear that the fire danger is nearly gone for you mommarch.  Those firefighters much sure be glad.  Glad you went to  Pizza Hut.  It's a nice treat even with out a  GD along, but so nice when they are.

    Kaara.....I have had two Vita Mix blenders but tired of them.  Especially when they went to the two  ( hot and cold ) containers.  I was switching so much of the time.  I finally just got a good blender and sold the Vita Mixes............but they are great ( extremely expensive ) machines if you don't mind going back and forth all the time for the hot and cold food.  Was really nice though that they came with the second container.  I tend to get annoyed easy in the kitchen for different reasons because I am not a good cook..............and the older I get, the simpler I want things.  Also....while my kitchen is not fact, far from it, there is not enough "storage" for bigger, bulkier choices had to be made.  So....most of my bulkier, or bigger ( big deep fryer ) ( big mixer ) all went....and now I keep everything coming in....if it does small or lightweight. 

    Hope you all have a great Sunday......I'll be thinking about you.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    Jackie:  The Vita Mix I have does both hot and cold in the same make the soup hot, you just blend it on high speed for about 5 minutes (until steam comes out of the top) and it's ready to serve.  Must be a new upgrade.  It will even make ice cream but haven't tried that yet.

    They do have a model that has a breadmaker attachment and bowl, but I wasn't interested in that since I don't bake much and I certainly don't plan to mill my own flour which this allows for. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    Yes, I had the older model and the upgraded one....probably why I tired of things.  I let it get too complicated.  The older model used blade reversal to produce the heat to make your hot foods.  You could do a whole lot, and in letting mine get complicated.......I also created a how and where to store problem.  I have a walk-in pantry....but it is not so big ( since my 11 ft. stand-up freezer is in there ) to allow for the space to add in all the appliances I once had.  When I decided to down-grade......I thought I'd get a regular blender as I had all but totally stopped using the Vita Mixers and keep my bread-maker.  Guess I'll have to admit this......I haven't used that bread-maker once since............but I'm so fond of the smell of baking bread that I still have major reluctance to let it go.  Once in a while I guess we just get hung up on things.  Silly of me, but there you are. 

    I applaud you for using your VM so was handy ( if I had a place to store ) and I did much better in our other house, but this house though larger and with a much, much better flow pattern while having a big kitchen, is big mainly in size and walking space.....but has somewhat compact cabinets.  They were built by local Amish people and were great I think at the time, but they are not quite to my liking in size.  I never understood why a full set of cabinets were not put on the other opposite wall since the way the kitchen is laid out....they could have fit perfectly.  One of these days if I win the lottery...I'm going to have movable ( on wheels that lock ) cabinets on that side.  I don't have the time or money now to re-design so have to make other those expensive 25 replacement knobs I just put on.  Little steps.....and I'll get there.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • jankc
    jankc Member Posts: 62
    edited May 2012

    Jennifer1, I'm near the Plaza. I'm glad you've found a place where you're comfortable and I've heard good things about NKC hospital.  Looks like the rain is with us all day; I hope it doesn't wash away all the stuff I planted! ; )

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    Jackie:  I have no storage space either...mine just sits on the counter since we use it daily.  If I have company, I move it to the laundry room for the day:)  I used to like my counters clutter free and everything had to be put away, but since the dx I don't care so much puts a lot of things in perspective, and a pristine countertop no longer ranks up there.  Good idea about the cabinets on rolling wheels.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited May 2012

    Mommarch, I'm glad you're home and the fire situation is under control.  Funny how we think other people's natural threats are more frigthening than our own.  Here in hurricane country, people are much more fearful of tornadoes than hurricanes!  And I think a fire encroaching on my home is a terrifying idea.  Same with an earthquake.  I hate to imagine the earth moving under me. 

    Kaara, you bring up an interesting consideration about juicing.  Would it be better to consume the fiber itself as well as the juice?  Hmm.  I'll have to look into this.

    My kitchen is chocka block full, too.  When I buy a new "accessory," like a fat separator, for example, I have to find a place for it.  Then I have to remember where I stuck it!  But I do like kitchen stuff.  I love my new ridiculously expensive saute pan that I bought recently.  It's so pretty as well as useful.  It's CIA, Culinary Institute of America. 

    My sister (who's doing the juicing for her husband) bought an all-stainless steel juicer from a girl on Craig's List for $50.  My other sister suggested I hold off buying a juicer and I might end up with that one! 

    We're having a relaxing Sunday afternoon.  DH is sleeping through Nascar while I sit here in my chair with my laptop.  It's good not to be going somewhere.

    Hope you all are having a good day.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012

    Hi gals!  Been straightening and cleaning up in some corners of our yard!  I just have too much "stuff" that is old, and I have to get rid of!  I always save things I think I might need!

    Same with my kitchen.... Jackie, I also gave away our deep-fat fryer, a glass convection oven, and a bunch of other appliances!   And I have moved some out to our "storage" garage, on shelves...Like our Turkey huge roaster, the big slow or fast cooker soup pot, spare picnic stuff, ....even some dishes, pots & pans that I don't use very much....  So guess that means if I got RID of it, I wouldn't even miss it?  Ha!   I even had an electric pizza maker, Quesadilla maker, and so many things I only used once!  Oh, and the WOK!  If it was on sale, I bought it. 

    But being older now, means we don't eat as much, and nothing fancy!   I love to cook, but not unless we are going to eat it!   Our habits have changed so much!

    Mommarch, hope things are settling down for you....And Hi Jankc!  You and Jennifer are both Kansas gals?  We had a little rain last night....DH said it thundered, lightening, but I slept right through it!   That's an advantage of not being able to hear.....We   Really need the rain.. Maybe again tonight!

    Carole, I'm like you....I just can't imagine anyone having to deal with moving away from a fire!  Man, everyone is in trouble here, for how they let that "control-burn" get out of hand, and didn't notify the people NEAR there, until it was to late to run for their lives!  One couple kept calling, but were told they "were aware of the fire, but not to worry!"  They died......along with another woman, who kept calling also!  I just get sick thinking about it....   The Forest Service, AND the State, should trace all the problems, and mis-communication to all that are responsible!   It was just so tragic. 

    I had better get busy again! Talk to you all later! xoxoxo