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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • jankc
    jankc Member Posts: 62
    edited May 2012

    Hi, Chevyboy, and yes, I'm in KS, too.  I'm laughing about all the appliances you're getting rid of because I have a collection, too, and that quesdilla maker you used once?  I have one I got eight Christmases ago that I've never used!  But I keep it around, just in case...  I should just give it to one of the kids along with a George Foreman type grill that squeezes every bit of fat out of a grilled cheese sandwich.  Yuck. ; ) 

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited May 2012

    hi everyone,

    Jankc, the Plaza area is great, dont get down there much anymore but use to love to shop and do the x-mas things with the kids.  (they are not kids anymore) 

    Well I went to ebay and craigslist to look at the vita-mix.  We do not need one more thing in that kitchen, its full and now use dining room to help store things.  I cook but only when I am in the mood which is not every day.  Since dx I kinda laid down on things.  Housework isnt as important and eating out is good.  I love the food channel and of course I am going to cook everything I see on there.  Went to website and now have a bunch of recipes on favorites problably jamming things up.  DH cooks as much as I do (he had to have the eggies) but it fair because I worked, raised kids and did all that while he did nothing but worked.    Works itself out.  Because of my LE he does my laundry too, gosh, spoiled and like it.

    Chevy dont have the quesadilla maker but have a crepe maker we have used once.  And the torilla press that I used once.  Have a breadmaker but perfer to do it by hand.  What a waste, I want my money back.

    Kaara, you sound good except cant understand why you dont want to mill your own flour, lol, I know no one that does that.

    Hey Carole hope you had a relaxing day.

    Mommarch hope everything is good, I cant imagine what you have been through this week.

    Jackie, if you win the lottery hire a cook and housekeeper, help keep America working.

    Well, seems like I missed the supermoon, hard to see during rain.

    Everyone have a good one, wet in Kansas

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012 guy really have the gadgets!  I have almost nothing and I want to keep it that way.  If I haven't needed it in this many years, no need to buy it now, is my new philosophy.  I commented on a vegimatic slicer that I saw on an infomercial and my BF immediately went online and bought 6 of for us and the rest for the kids...eeek!  I've used it once and whatever you do, don't try and cut anything sweet won't work.  I'm sure I'll see one of them turn up at our white elephant gift exchange next

    Yesterday was a fun day for us.  I went to DIL's jewelery show...she is importing jewelery from her homeland of Columbia...beautiful stones, and leather accessories, and selling it here.  She quit her high paying job to do this so I hope it works for her.  I bought 2 bracelets a little purse and a belt.

    Later we went with another couple to our little theater and saw "Little Shop Of Horrors" was so entertaining!  

    Today is workout day, so need to get moving...happy Monday everyone! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012
    Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity.
    - Pema Chodron
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    How's everyone this a.m.  Yep !!!!  I have fallen for any number of "making your life better, faster, easier" gadgets, I hate to admit.  Some things are good.....but I think when you reach a certain time in your life --- kids raised, just you and Dh, and maybe a serious illness to does seem to take a back seat.  I'm trying not to eat out so much.....though when tired it's great, or when there is little time.  I'm down to blender ( with glass mixing container ) toaster oven along with regular toaster.  Hand mixer since I just don't need one much, and food processor, along with my breadmaker.  That's about it. 

    I think I had two sets of those thingys that you put the dough in and crimp shut after you have put a filling in them.....don't even know what they are called.....but I always thought I'd use them all the time.  I quit watching QVC and HSN because their was too much temptation.  I think I purchased the deep fat fryer to handle all the things I was going to "fry" after I filled and crimped them.  Sigh !!!!  We are too good to be true sometimes.  Now I sort of wonder.....what ever made me think ( non-cook that I've almost always been ) that I would turn into Betty Crocker if I just put these wonderful ( proof that you are a real home-maker ) items in my kitchen.  There are times I don't know about me.

    Had a great week-end.......I had a great list and ended up doing nothing.  That sounds about how it sometimes works for me.  Anyway, I hope you all have a great Monday. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012

    I forgot!  I even had a dehydrator once!  "Had" is the key word here.  Also 2 George Foreman's, and that beauty of a red standing mixer, (Kitchen Aid) with all the attachments....but I, like you Jackie,  just use my hand-mixer now.  Then there is the seed-sprouter Jennifer, Ha! 

    But I LOVE my red Le Creuset pot set!  Don't use them very much, because it takes 2 strong Village People to lift one!  I still have my Dad's "Rival" little hot soup maker, or he used to re-heat his coffee in there for an entire day!  And DRINK it! 

    Okay...I had better get busy....  Fun talking to you gals!  xoxo

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    OMG...Chevy....where do you put it all?  Those Le Creuset's are girlfriend has all of them.  My DGM used to have the black cast iron pots and skillets and they were the best for cooking in.  They have to be cured for a long time before they are ready for use, and the blacker the better!  She used to make the best pot roast and gravy, also shrimp or crab gumbo.  I've never been able to quite duplicate either, and I think it's because I don't have the right pot.

    I'm going to go and make some white bean and kale soup for lunch...should be filling and healthy. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012

    Kaara, I know!  I still use my black cast-iron for frying certain things, but a non-stick skillet is better, I think, like for bacon and eggs. 

    You know, the reason I heard that the bottoms of the cast-iron skillets were so "greasy" looking is because over time the grease did go through them.  I even used to scrape the bottoms with a sharp knife to get that build-up off, because it came off on the burners.  

    Yes, I love my Le Creuset!  Especially making Saffron Risotto, with a little white wine, in the smaller pot!   I start out melting a little butter, then chopped onion, then the rice.  Cook until transparent, then start adding the "simmering" water, which has a pinch or two of Saffron, and a little chicken bouillon... a  little at a time...Let it cook down, until all the water is absorbed. 

    When the rice is nice and plump, and it's all thickened, Add about 1/2 C. white wine to the mix, and then a handful of Parmesan cheese.  Let sit, for a few minutes, and serve.  It is soooo good!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    Chevy:  Sounds yummy!  I have some risotto and was wondering how to cook I have a plan.  It might be good with shrimp added.  I'm trying to use up all my perishables before we leave for NC.  I don't like to leave them frozen over the summer while we're away in case the power goes off. off to the store to get some saffron since I don't have that in my spice drawer.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012

    Hey gals!  I just love this.... and it is a true story....Hope you like it...

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    Chevy:  That was really touching...thanks for sharing.

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited May 2012

    Chevyboy, You made me cry.

  • barbiecorn
    barbiecorn Member Posts: 86
    edited May 2012

    Are there any seniors here on Herceptin?  HER2+ -  If so, can you tell me how you are handling this treatment or if you have completed your treatment with Herceptin, did you have any major side effects? 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited May 2012

    I have a Le Creuset Dutch oven that is wonderful for 1-pot dishes like pot roast and chili.  It definitely is heavy.  I also have a well-seasoned iron skillet that THE BEST for cooking cornbread.  You put a little oil in the skillet and heat it up in a really hot oven before you pour in the cornbread batter.  The cornbread comes out brown and crusty on the bottom. 

    I bought a Kitchen Aid about six months ago when I started making artisan bread.  The mixer is great.  I still do some hand kneading.

    I gave my fancy George Forman grill (no stick popout grids) to my middle sister.  She said she uses it.  I'd rather use a good saute pan or have DH cook on the outdoor grill.  The meat didn't sear on the Forman to suit me. 

    My mother has a rice cooker which, to me, is a totally unnecessary appliance.  I find it very easy to cook rice in a pot with a lid.  We eat only brown rice which takes about 40 min. but you set the timer and let it cook on a low burner.

    Today was a nice day.  I got up early and walked 35 min.  Then got ready and went to play bridge.  This afternoon I ran a couple of errands, came home and did some housework.  Tomorrow is day one of a two-day women's golf tournament at a club about 30 min. drive from my house.  Hope I survive the heat and humidity.  It's summer time here.

    Hope everyone is doing well tonight.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    Chevy......made me cry too. 

    Barbiecorn.....I don't know anyone our age who had Herceptin.  Wish I did so we could get you an answer.  Maybe someone who only reads here now and then will notice your question.....hope so.

    Hope you all had a great made me hungry for cornbread.  I love to slice it and put butter in the middle and honey on top.  Not shy on calories that way but oh so yummy.

     See you all in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    Barbiecorn:  There is a lady on the site who is 62 I think and she is taking Herceptin chemo with it.  Her name is Evebarry.  You can look her up under members.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283
    edited May 2012

    Chevy - great story - thanks.  What the heck is a seed sprouter?

    Love the kitchen gadget discussion.  My son doesn't understand how I can live w/o a rice cooker but I'm with Carole - my stove works fine.  I'd like to have a Le Cruset or Chantal pot but they are too heavy now, especially since I'm dealing with LE.  I'm still using the 8 qt stock pot I bought at Sears in 1965.  My "dehydrator" used to be my old gas oven with a real pilot light. Now most ovens are electronic ignition and no good for drying venison jerky.

  • 7donatela81
    7donatela81 Member Posts: 5
    edited May 2012

    Barbiecon, I am on Herceptin weekly.  I will eventually be on it every 3 weeks through April 2013.  So far I have had 2 individual treatments and 2 mixed in with 2 chemo treatments.  I have not had any bad SE'S with it.  Just low white blood counts but I think that is chemo only. I am HER-2  +3.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012

    Barbiecorn...... I looked this up for you, from BC.ORG.. 

    I also googled it, and there is more information there......  Hope this helps!

    I forgot my rice cooker! 

    And Minus!  You get the seeds, like at Whole foods, especially for "sprouting"... And you can use a quart jar, covered with a gauze top, or I even cut off a pair of nylon stockings, & covered the top like that...But you sprout your own radish, lentil, pea's, alfalfa...etc.!  And you follow the directions...(Soaking, then rinsing...& watch them grow!)  They taste so good on salads, and sandwiches!

    I KNOW! Cast iron IS so heavy, but I set it on the stove, and fill, cook, and serve and empty from there...

    My George Forman, is best for  making those grilled Panini's....Or any kind of grilled sandwich.. 

    Pt, I don't mean to make you sad, or cry, but you're like me.... Just some things really touch my heart, and it makes me so grateful to have come so far in this life, and for what we have learned, and I think we get more compassion the older we get. 

    Carole, I have an iron skillet with a wooden handle...I could probably do the corn-bread in the LeCruset skillet?  I'll try that!   And have fun at the tournament!

    Jackie, have you trie that Blue Agave syrup?  I use honey, but I use the Agave in tea, and coffee, and over yogurt!  (I think I invented that! Wink

    Talk to you gals later....... Take good care.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012

    This is so cute!  Have your sound on...

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited May 2012

    Good morning, all.  I was up at 6:30 and am dressed for day one of the golf tournament, which is a "ringer."  We play today and record our score.  Tomorrow we can improve and write down the better score.  It will be hot and humid with a chance of thunder showers.

    I started really watching my eating yesterday.  Had a salad for lunch.  Leftover spaghetti for dinner with Swiss chard and steamed baby squash.  This morning--I was up a lb and a half!!!!! 

    Have a great day.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    carole:  Just a suggestion that might help...spaghetti is white carbs.... eliminate that and sugar and watch what happens.  Eventually you can add a gluten free pasta or whole wheat pasta back into your meal plan, but initially the way to drop pounds quickly is to cut out all white carbs.

    Good luck at the golf tournament.  My used clubs arrived and they are nice, except that the driver was a little too used.  My boyfriend sent it back for a better one.  He's picky about those things. 

    Chevy:  That video was adorable!  Our little DGD does this as well and I tell my son constantly that he should put it on video for utube but he doesn't.  She does hers to latin music and can really shake those hips.

    I must take DD to the dentist today to have her tooth pulled.  She is such a baby about the dentist that they have to put her out to do anything so she will be coming here shortly to be driven and picked up.  

    Have a nice day everyone! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    Thought for the Day
    You may be a nobody to most people. What really matters is being somebody to everybody who's somebody to you.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    Chevy....I saw that video before but totally cracked up again.  Personally, I think all of us are meant to be and remain spontaneous all through life, but something happens.  I know I was married to Dh when I became non-spontaneous.  Anyway......that cute little guy just so reminded me that the cares of life weight us down so much ----even at our age we should be able to "preform" without mentally censuring ourselves --- so maybe we just have to be nobodies most of the time.

    I forgot about the Foreman......I had one and wore it out.  Now and then I think about getting another....slightly smaller.....but never seem to get around to it. 

    Kaara....I have trouble at the dentist's office too.......but many yrs. ago I had a couple of teeth pulled out without any "meds" at made me apprehensive and I've never completely gotten over it.  I dread having to go.....but eventually have to give in and get the work done. 

    Forgot.....I did keep my rice cooker.  I know its the lazy way pretty much, but so much is normally going on around here that it is easier to do it in the cooker.  I don't multi-task like I use anything that I can forget about most of the cooking time is good for me.......even though I know you can forget about the rice if you have a timer.  Now I have to admit....I've mastered so many things..........but not a timer.  I'd ask what is wrong with me....but I'm afraid someone would tell me.  Maybe it's a matter of trust -- like the timer will fail. 

    One thing I thought of Carole and Kaara --- sometimes ( especially if you eat less ) your body will "think" it is starving and hold onto every ounce you eat like there is not going to be anymore.  That would probably take more than one day though. may be some water wt. if it is hot and muggy there --- and even some left-over from last week.  There are lots of reasons why we "gain" now and then.

    I heard on the news that the "fat" problem will be remaining something that is in epidemic proportions all the time.  We don't live with the intensity that we used to......we are not physical anymore, but the worst part is so often our children and grandchildren are not.  Maybe we are going to have to give up the cars and go back to bikes......turn off the t.v.'s and spend several hours outside doing things. 

    I hope you all have a fantastic day.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited May 2012

    Good morning all,

    I still like my cast iron skillets!   Every couple years or so, I use an oven cleaner on the outside of them to get rid of that greasy build up.  I find, that using a little olive oil spray on the inside when wanting to fry something works great.  I also use the cast iron skillet to bake cornbread in,,, hard to beat!

    Enjoy reading the banter posted by each of you..


  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited May 2012

    Its raining in West Texas.  Won't be near enough but we will take what ever we can get.  We are to have rain for the next 3 days.

    Whole family is having allergies right now.  I have not had any allergies etc for a year, nothing during chemo.  Guess I was lucky, now it starts.  If it does not clear up in a few days I will go to Dr.  My blood work is good, but not sure how my body will react to an infection right now.

    Have a great day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    Wow !!! I like the new look though it will take some getting used to.   I hope I can resign in and get notifications like I did before.  Mommarch....I would be careful.  I think I read or heard somewhere that it still takes your body a long time to really rebuild to what was before.  I didn't worry myself too much since I DID so many things during chemo I should not have, but I had too.  So, it seemed due to that, I remained just as fortunate afterwards......but I would not take anything for granted. 

    Hope you all like this as much as I do.  I knew it was coming, but had forgotten.  Yay.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited May 2012

    Is this new look supposed to be an improvement?  I was content with the old look.

    The golf was fun.  We had a pleasant threesome.  The pace of play was great.  We didn't hold anybody up and nobody held us up.  Hope the rain doesn't ruin tomorrow's play. 

    Kaara, we eat Dreamfield's pasta, which is supposed to be lower in carbs than regular white pasta.  I started eating it when DH and I were following the South Beach low carb diet.  I hear that the whole grain pasta has been improved.  We tried eating it a number of years ago when it first came on the market and we didn't like it.  Thanks for the helpful advice and encouragement.

    Will check back later.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012

    What the hell?  Wow! Is this different or what, Ha!  Is everything much smaller???  Okay, I'll fool around with this awhile, and see what happens!  It's just something new....probably an improvement....

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    SurprisedCame back to check this out and it is moving faster tonight.  I will have to work with this for quite some time, but I do like it all right.  I can see notifications and other things so much easier and I was struggling for a long time.  Now if I can just find out how to get  this to open on the last entry like it used to...........I would be oh so happy.

    See you all in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie