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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited May 2012

    Well, after I figured this out, decided I didnt like the new format.  Creature of habit I guess. 

    What a sad story, Chevy. 

    Jackie, the doctor told me that it takes along time to get back however I am going to be 66 so there are other problems that would have been there anyway so cant totally go back.  And you are right, never take anything for granted.

    Mommarch, glad to see you get the rain.  I read something about a very long drought being over but who knows.

    Vicks, nothing wrong with cast iron.

    Carole all the exercise really made me tired.  I was up and about today but have some sort of little stomach bug (problaby the tamoxifen) I blame it for everything.

    Kaara, hey another golf person, both of you go, girls.

    Minus, LE causes you to step back and look at everything you do.   Sure dont want to make a mistake with that. 

    I did send an email to the people who are doing the Neu-vac (hope thats right) vaccine and since they dont accept anyone that had bi-lateral bc, no vaccine for me.  I think that suks, oh well.

    Last nite I looked at the supermoon.  For awhile it was orange with clouds in front and would have been great at Halloween.  It was great.

    Well today we bailed the grandchildren out again.  This time they had their electric turned off, little dummies.  She is out of school in two weeks and getting a job and told her I cannot be her caregiver for that baby.  I love him more than anything but I did get a good response from my tests and want to spend the summer with bro and sil having fun.  I raised two grandboys and cant do anymore.  The baby has two set of GGparents, 4 sets of grandparents so one of them will have to step up and help, I have done the first year of his life and he is getting too much to handle.  My LE prevents lifting him and lets face facts, he is faster than I am. 

    Its a pretty day in Kansas, everyone have a good one.

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited May 2012

    Well this is one bored person here.  I was going through the members names and so very many of them posted one time and that was it.  Do they maybe not need the support that this community can give?  We know that bc lasts longer than one post.  Where are they, lol.  I gotta get a life, sorry.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    jennifer1:  I plan to stay around for awhile...this site was very good to me when I was going through my dx and tx and I want to pay it forward.

    Stand your ground on the DGC caregiving...these kids think we're sitting there waiting for them to call and ask us to step up.  I didn't raise four kids, work 35 years and save money for a comfortable retirement, only to become a babysitter in my golden years!  Like you, I love them unconditionally and will help in any way that I can, but I don't want the day to day responsibility of parenting any longer.  They can wear you out in no time! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    Good morning.  It is a bright and beautiful morning outside.  I hope you are all going to have a delicious day.  It should not be raining for a few days here and that would help me make the most of the next few where did I put all my energy.

    I'm sorry you don't like the new format.  I was so thrilled to see how notifications were being done......and they were a biggie for me as I stopped getting them a long time ago and so missed them.  I would not even get notice that I had a p.m. and often did not remember to look.  With is right on the screen immediately telling you the even though there are glitches.....I think I can muddle through and learn to use this as well as I did with the old format. know, I think if God had meant for us to be parents ad-infinitum, there would be no menopause.  I gave both of my children a little help with their/my grandkids, and I'll never, ever regret that I did........but I also got rooked into caring for a couple of other little ones................and the time comes when you can feel that it no longer flows, and that you struggle.  When I felt myself starting to struggle with it....I just knew it was time to back off. 

    Onward to what is going to be a grand day.  See you on the other end.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    Jackie:  I love your quote today.  When I had lunch with my DGD last Friday, we had a long talk about her becoming strong and financially independent so that she could make life choices because she wanted to, not because she needed to.  All the women in my family were strong and independent, and my wish is for that to carry down through the generations.  I have tried to always set a good example for my DD and DGD's to follow. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    Kaara.....In trying to "work" well with this new set-up which I continue to like............have to admit since I never did a whole lot here, changes are probably not as hard for me as some others.....and there are a couple of things I might a LIKE button, but what I really came to say is that I do think so much is done in this world by example.  There is a quote which says something to the effect of "be the change you want to see in the world" and so I think we have to try and set an example.  We learn a lot, by a lot of different methods, but one of the best I think is being able to watch someone else.......see the value and want to make it yours and pass it on. 

    I learned so much from my parents....oh, their were others too, but they were the people I was consistently around, and therefore, the ones that "started" it all.  Like many young people, I went through ( wish it hadn't been quite as long ) a long period where I had some resentments of some of the aspects of my up-bringing.  When I got much older......I looked back and lo and behold, saw that many of the things that were such a royal pain at the time.....had to happen just the way they did for me to ***receive*** the value and lesson that would put my life in the proper perspective to grow and have my present morals, ethics and determination to try and help myself and others get through life with as many {high} notes as possible. 

    Anyway.....I try to just be an example to anyone I doing as many positive things that I can.  I don't want to "get" where I'm going when I leave this life and have to regret not lifting someone else up if I had the chance.....and most of the time we always have a chance. 

    Have a beautiful day friends.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012

    After fretting about all the changes, I actually like them!  I'm getting used to how much larger this type is now, and the actual "box" we post our reply in.

    Sometimes gals just want things to stay the same, but this new format isn't that bad, now.  I got used to it since 2009, and I think that's why it threw me for a loop for awhile. 

    You know, I mentioned our plugged bathroom plumbing....(the sink and tub)  Well that is now fixed, but water is draining OUTDOORS from the corner of our house now!!!!  That is not good!  It is when we take a shower!  I think we might have forced a "hole" in the pipes???   I am trying very hard not to panic. 

    But DH, wants to "think it over" for awhile, while I would rather fret and stew and CALL for help.  This could be major!  I mean like if the drain pipe is running under the tub, there is no way to get to it, because when this bathroom was "added", God only knows when.... It was all set in cement...even the claw bathtub!  AND the toilet!  So THAT means the pipes are buried under the 10 inches of cement that make up our patio.... AND back sidewalk!   I could just throw-up.   Our little house is 126 years old....guess we're lucky nothing major has happened sooner!

    So dealing with changes in this forum is now just a blink, compared to what we could be dealing with. 

    I don't think a plumber is what we need, I think a contractor sounds best...I just don't know....  Any suggestions? 

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited May 2012

    Chevyboy, you definitely need it looked at. Even if the floors are cement the walls aren't and you are setting up a senario for major problems if not addressed. Good luck.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012
    I KNOW!!!  DH can't get underneath that part of the floor to even look at it....We are having a guy come over tomorrow, to check it out.   I hope it doesn't turn out as bad as I am thinking it is....Frown
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited May 2012

    I feel sorry for my youngest sister.  Her daughter who has struggled with mental illness since she was in her teens (and against all our advice and urging, brought 3 children into the world) has been hospitalized for two weeks--mental hospital.  So my sister has responsibility for the kids, almost 7, almost 9 and 2 1/2 yrs.  I will help her out as much as I can but my schedule is full of medical apptments and other obligations. 

    The bad thing about this situation is that I  have little if any hope that my niece will emerge from the hospital as a responsible parent.  She just turned 30 and she hasn't matured to that age. 

    Oh, well.  On to more positive topics.  Day Two of the golf tournament was very pleasant.  I didn't win any prizes but the weather was comfortable.  Overcast for much of the day and only in the low 80's.  Lunch was good and I'm proud of myself because I loaded up my plate with green salad, a baked talapia filet and a small helping of green peas.  Ladies, I passed up the garlic bread, the rice and shrimp etouffe (brown gravy), and the dessert, which looked delicious.  A baked pecan confection that looked like pecan pie.

    On my way home, I picked up the week's fresh veggies from the CSA farm folks.  We had new-dug potatoes.  I picked out small ones.  Cucumbers, broccoli, squash, onions, lettuce, oregano and a pretty little bouquet of flowers.  I arranged the flowers in a pitcher that I made when I was passionate about making pottery, and the arrangement looks so pretty on my living room coffee table. 

    I hope you all have enjoyed your day.

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited May 2012

    Kaara, agree, will be here for awhile, I need and like the women on here that discuss everything.

    Jackie, also agree, they get advice and never use it but we are finished with any daycare.  Maybe once in awhile when they go out but not often.  My daughter (mother of the boys, I raised) offers nothing to them.  Gave up on her along time ago.

    Its warm and sunny in Kansas today.  Everyone please have a nice day

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    It's about the sounds like a goner I hate to say.  I mean the house is so old.  Looks what sometimes happens to us.......oh no, scratch that.  Don't look......we may never recover.  Seriously....I hope somehow ....... something good can come out of this.  That the fix won't be as harsh as it seems right now. 

    I continue to be ok with the changes here.  I might even try to learn how to do a little more even.  Everything has to be worked with and lets face it........we are at the age where we don't like any change....unless its our heath and its better.  Otherwise, we'd as soon that things were left alone.......

    I hope you are all going to have a fantastic night...

    See you in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012

    I know!  But I thought of this "fix" in the middle of the night.... We could take out that one wall, next to the tub and the sink, and connect new pipes from there, and take them down the side of the garage, (buried) and not have to go under the patio and sidewalk! 

    That way we sould only be digging up cement between the next house and ours, (there is a 6foot wooden privacy fence there...) and re-pouring after the lines are buried!  And of course putting up a new wall!

    I don't think there is any way of re-connecting ANYthing to the old pipes.  So when this one guy comes to look today, I am presenting this idea to these 2 being my DH, and see if they think I have lost my mind, as women sometimes do!

    I think this will work!  This should save about $10,000!  I have no idea, really, but I at least feel a little hope.. 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    Morning everyone!

    Carole:  So sorry about your sister's problems with her DD.  It's sad that we raise our kids the best we can, and then they go out and procreate in an irresponsible manner, leaving us to clean up their messes.  It happens so often that the grandparents end up raising the grands, but what are you going to do.  Those little children didn't ask to be born and so faced with that responsibility, we have no other choice but to step up to the plate.  So unfair, but when is life ever fair.

    Chevy:  I think you've hit on a good idea.  I saw something on TV the other night, where they no longer have to dig up your plumbing, but just do a "bypass" around the problem, the same as in heart!  Don't settle for anythng less than that...get several estimates if you's the only way.

    Today is DD's and DGGD's birthdays.  My DGGD was born on her DGA's birthday last year!  It's hard to believe that we were in the hospital awaiting her birth just such a short time ago.  She has grown into a beautiful charming chubby little happy all the time.  I'm so proud of my DGD who is raising her as a single mom.  The dad helps with babysitting, but that's about all.  I guess I have to be thankful for that!  She is definitely well cared for by both parents, even though they are apart.  We will celebrate her birthday on Saturday.  I'll take photos and try to post, but I'm clueless about how to do that.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited May 2012

    It sounds workable to me, Chevy.  A few years ago, DH had to cut a hole in the sheetrock in a wall in our bedroom to change the faucet and shower head in our shower.  Then he put a piece of sheetrock in the hole and patched area.  It helped that this was a small wall that's hidden by a tall piece of furniture.  With homeowners it's always something!

    I'm up early this morning with dh.  He's playing at a Retired Old Boys golf event and has a 30 min. drive.  I'll have time to get some exercise (walk and weights) before I go to my 9:30 hair apptment for a cut and color of my roots.  Then at 1:30 this afternoon my mother has her weekly hair apptment for wash and set.

    I got more details on my niece's hospitalization.  She's going into an alcohol rehab place for 2 wks.  Her father and his wife will be keeping the 2 yr. old for a week and my sister will have the 2 older children (9 and 7).  Then I guess she will have all 3 the second week.  I hope the niece will benefit but she's not only been drinking for the past several months when she was reunited with the scumbag father of the youngest child, they were also doing pot and prescription drugs.  

    Hope you all have a good day. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    "Man never made any material as resilient as the human spirit."~~~~~unknown

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    Wow !!!  Chevy, next time I have a problem, I'm calling you.  Sounds like such a good solution.  I hope the "guys" can see the merit.

    Carole......that is sad. I do hope things will work out.  It is hard with multiple substances ---  but sounds likes one of the worst "substances" was having the father around too often.  Don't know what can be done about that.  Maybe nothing.  Sometimes life seems so un-fair, and so many of us learn more than we ever wanted too. 

    If I didn't believe that everything happens for a reason....... ( hard to remember at times when disasters are coming one right after the other ) I could easily crumble and of course, even if you is still hard to watch suffering.....or what looks like it to you.  Sometimes when you least expect it, things can go right many times we just have to hang on for the ride and hope for the best. 

    Kaara....what a difference a yr. makes. 

    About time for a recipe here.......I'll have to go looking.

    See you all later.  Hope you all have a stunning day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    KIDS!  The DGD I was just bragging about this morning got pulled over by the police for driving on a suspended license (she failed to pay a traffic ticket) so now in order to restore her license she must come up with $400 which "you know who" will provide:(  She didn't call me for the money..she called her ex...of course he didn't come through.  I just happened to call about the baby's birthday party on Saturday, and she was upset. keeping with your "everything happens for a reason comment" this will be the jolt she needs to take this guy to court and get child support established once and for all.  He has been stringing her along by helping with the baby, etc. but paying nothing in the way of childcare.  Time to step up to the plate.

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited May 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    I have not been on the computer much this week.  I've been kind of tired this week. Basically just working, coming home for dinner(DH gets home from work before me so he cooks) doing the dishes and then just chilly or heading to bed early.  This week it seems I go to bed tired and wake up tired. Hopefullyk, it is just the weather.

    Chevy, I hope your plumbing problem gets solved.

    Kara, we have to believe that our kids learn from their mistakes since they do not want to listen to some of the things we tell them.  My sisters ex still owes her years of child support. It is a shame that some dads do not want to live up to their responsibilities.

    Carole, I am sorry to hear about your niece's problems. Thankfully there are other family members to help the children with all of this.

    Thank you ladies just for being here to chat with. It really helps!


  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited May 2012

    I know I have been on for a while but I am not sure what all the abbreviations are. Where can I find out what they are ? 



  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited May 2012

    Termite - They are on the All Topics Board on "New to Breast Cancer, New to These Boards, Start Here".  That is the heading.  One topic is a list of abbreviations.  Hope this helps.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012

    Morning gals!  Termite....  Here it is, like luvmygoats says.....

    And you can click, "add to my favorites" because I always need to look again.

    Plumbing work is on hold...  Probably until Monday.....  Needs to dry out where DH cut that piece out of wall...  We are going over to DD's this morning to take a shower....Wink  She asked "You're not going to take one TOGETHER, are you????"

    To which I answered "wouldn't YOU like to know!"...... Ha!  Remember those days gals?  Man, we'de probably fall over in the tub if we tried that now...  But it DOES sound fun......... And THIS time we're married!!!  Just KIDDING!!!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited May 2012

    There wouldn't be room enough for DH and me to shower together at our present weight!  Our shower is 36 in. x 36 in. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012

    CAROLE!  That is so funny, Ha! 

    Sure gloomy out this morning.......  Supposed to be stormy for 3 days now...Have a fun week-end gals........

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012
    When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead
    you can look beside you and your best friend will be there.
    - Anonymous
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    Well, have to admit my shower is big enough......but he always has the water too guess I'll go it alone, like always.  Going to be great here today.....but tomorrow will probably see some water --- just as it's warming up a bit again.  It is early---in fact, the strawberry crops are about three weeks ahead ( I have to get out and get some ) so I think we are still in the vein of......who knows what kind of weather we will really have this summer season.  It was such a warm 'no snow' winter. 

    Speaking of of the things I love most about being back home is the home-grown strawberries, Jonagold apples, and Elberta peaches.  Blueberries will be in soon too and I can go pick a ton for my freezer.  Then I can have them all yr. long.  There is nothing in this world like an Elberta peach........and I seldom eat any other kind if I can help it. 

    Chevy....glad you are going to get a fix for your shower.  I seldom take tub baths any more unless I want to soak so the shower here is really important.  We do have a big garden tub for soaking in.............but only one tub and one shower.  The second bathroom is in my bedroom and is only a half bath.  Had it been a couple more feet bigger.....I could have had a shower put in too.....drat.  But hey, I look on the bright is one less thing to have to clean........and in all our is really the commode that takes center-stage. 

    Hope you are all going to have a fantastic day.  

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

                                                          Elvis Pressley Cake

    Original Recipe Yield1 - 9x13 inch pan


    • 1 (18.25 ounce) package white cake mix
    • 1 (8 ounce) can crushed pineapple with juice
    • 2 cups white sugar
    • 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese
    • 1/2 cup butter, softened
    • 4 cups confectioners' sugar
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    • 1 cup chopped pecans


    1. Prepare cake according to instructions on package. Bake in a 9x13 inch pan. Allow to cool.
    2. Combine pineapple and sugar in saucepan. Bring to a boil. Spoon over cooled cake.
    3. In a large bowl, cream butter and cream cheese until smooth. Add powdered sugar and beat until smooth. Add vanilla. Add pecans and mix well.
    4. Spread cream cheese frosting over cake
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    LOL...we take showers together all the time...think of all the water we save!

    Jackie that cake sounds'd have to peel me off the ceiling after having that much  It's going to be a real struggle to pass up my red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting when we get to NC.  Our bakery at the supermarket makes the best I've ever tasted, plus yummy chewy brownies with cream cheese frosting.  I only waste calories on really good desserts and both of these qualify, but not this year...maybe just on my birthday.

    Off to shop for DGGD's birthday party tomorrow.  Hope to get some nice photos of her digging into her birthday cake...hehe!   

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited May 2012

    Luvmygoats & Chevyboy, thanks for the sight for the abbreviations.

    Chevyboy, I'm glad to hear your plumbing problem will soon be fixed. The shower together sounds like fun. It has been a long time since we have done that.

    We have had a beautiful day here but it is suppose to rain tonight and into tomorrow.

    Hope everyone has a nice weekend

    Happy Mothers Day to all the moms and grandmothers !