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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    Jennifer.....this one is definitely for you -- but I hope everyone likes it.  I sure do:

    "The best way to dispel negative thoughts is to require that they have a
    - Robert Brault

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited May 2012

    Checking in before I drive to my apptment for a nuclear stress test.  I was told to expect to be there for 4 hours.  Yesterday was an echo test.  I thought the cute young tech was going to crack a rib or pop my silicone inplant!  It's weird to hear your blood sloshing through your heart.

    Since I'm borderline diabetic and take a metformin tablet in the morning, I was able to have a piece of toast and small glass of juice with the tablet.  Thank heaven for that.  I get weak when my stomach is empty.  I also sneaked one swallow of decaf!  Don't tell anybody!

    So the search for a solution to the bp problem continues.  I'm tempted to stop the arimidex for a couple of weeks just to see if it isn't the culprit causing bp and cholesterol issues.  But then I'd have to go back to taking it.  Two more years and a few months and counting. 

    Munny, who am I to grumble when you're enduring chemo.  My thoughts are with you. 

    Mommarch, you are such a good sport about having to mop the kitchen after your dog makes muddy tracks.  Hope you get rain.

    Hi to Jackie, Kaara, Chevy, and everyone else.  Chevy keep us posted on the plumbing. 

    Now I'm off to the cardiac clinic....

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited May 2012

    I'm feeling really down after reading another thread.  One of the women just got the results of a scan and has learned that she has mets.  I was so hoping that she would get good news. 

    My stress test was uneventful from my standpoint.  It consisted of more sitting and waiting than anything else.  On Thurs. I'll meet with the cardio dr. and get the results. 

    Hope everyone had a good day. 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    Carole:  I'm feeling very sad as was such terrible news.  I cried for her and I've never even cried for myself with this disease.  I feel so bad for her as she was planning a trip to Paris to celebrate her daughter's graduation, and she is feeling fine with no symptoms.  All we can do is pray that they are able to get her a tx that will work.  

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012

    Oh, I'm sorry girls!  It's just so awful...........  What was her name, or which thread? 

    It just makes everything come into perspective, when you hear really BAD news like that. 

     I've been bummed because of the major problems in our bathroom, and now we have no water.... except I "borrowed" some from the neighbor, & took a shower over at her house.  I have to get a Mammogram in the morning, then go buy a new vanity...and hope the Plumber can replace some parts under the flooring....after he jack-hammers it out....

    But that isn't anything!  We have our health.... I have tomorrow.... Take care of yourselves gals....

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    I too am sorry to hear this news.  This is indeed a very sneaky disease.  It hides and can come out when you least expect it too.  I know that you can have mets and have  many years through good management with different chemo therapies, but the bottom line is still the bottom line. 

    I had an exciting day so to a phone call right before work that the lady I care for and her other care-giver had been in an accident.  So.....they were at the hospital and that is where I started my shift.  It will all be ok, but no car for a while.  I have a Blazer and short people ( though it is not a tall one ) just can't easily get into my car. We always used hers.....and so will have to "stay" home which never bothers me, but does her.  Oh well......the next few days could drive me up the wall. 

    Otherwise life is moving pretty much ok.  I finally cleaned out my car.....its fantastic again.  I had so much "stuff" and it was such a pain.....yet, I just couldn't seem to get to it.  Today, I did some detail work......scrubbed around the doors and the plastic parts that were there....the cup holders and little door side pockets.  Tomorrow I will put Armour-All everywhere inside and it will be almost like a new car.  I need to promise myself not to let it get in so much of a mess again.

    It's the real pits when you have no water at home.  I so feel for you Jeannette.  I hope it all comes together for you tomorrow really well.  I also will be sending good vibes for a great if you get a nice warm fuzzy feeling at any is me. 

    Well, I'm off to my recliner........................I'll see you all in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie

    termite and munny.....thinking about both of you too.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited May 2012

    Jackie, I found during many camping trips and one renovation of our bathroom that a self-pumped weed sprayer makes a great little showering long as you haven't had weed killing chemicals in it, of course.

    By the end of our camping days, I actually preferred the sprayer to the 'man' made contraptions DH bought for our ablutions, when we were out in the bush.

     We used to go where there was no water therefore the 200 ltres we took with us had to last.  Would you believe that two women & one man could have a hot shower, wash hair and shave on a total of 4.5 litrs (9pints) of water........ three litres (six pints) if no hair washed?  We could also use it to keep the windscreen clean, wash the dog, our feet before bed and also rinse the dishes off before washup. 

    As long as you have somewhere for the water to drain away to!  Just a thought if you're desperate.


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    Had my follow up diagnostic mammogram yesterday...quite different from the usual ones I have on a yearly basis.  They did a lot of squeezing and mashing of the breast to get a good image and it was a little painful, but I guess that's what they have to do.  I'm not too worried because I just had a thermography that showed all clear about a month ago.  I'm planning to alternate the two going forward to reduce my rad exposure.  I should hear something today, but I'll probably have to call the BS's office as they aren't the greatest on quick follow up.

    We're getting closer to the time for our trip to NC for the summer and fall.  I'm not going to spend the entire time up there this year...I'll return to Fl a couple of times to see the grandbabies.  I don't want them to forget me, as we have formed such a close bond.  Fortunately I found a cheap flight that flys direct so it won't be so bad.  Looking forward to working in my garden again.

    Chevy:  Hope that plumbing problem gets resolved.  What a nightmare!

    Jackie:  Sounds like you did a great job on your car.  My BF had ours detailed the other day, then I went to my DS's home out in the acres of W. Palm, ran through some mud puddles, and it looked horrible when I returned home...he was not a happy camper!

    Off to get my hair cut and highlighted today...before we go north.  I don't want another disaster like last year where an inexperienced hair technician dyed it orange!  Another reason to come back to Fl every few months.

    Have a great day everyone! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012
    In prosperity, our friends
    know us; in adversity, we know our friends.
    John Churton Collins
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    Aussie Sheila:  I would have never thought of the pump sprayer.  Sometimes the best answers are definitely the simplest.  Reminds me of a learning tool I was given.....the best answers come by taking everything down to its lowest common denominator --- or how much of the frills and mathematical equations can you do away with and still have exactly what you need and no more.

    All life should be that way......but we spend a lot of time in our life wanting or needing to dress everything up, and feeling like we need the latest gadgets or doo-dads, especially if a lot of other people have them.  Even now I have to "guard" a bit about re-filling some of my empty spaces I've created and keep alive the desire to simplify, simplify, simplify. 

    I'll never be glad about my disease, but it did teach me how much easier a time I MIGHT have had were I to have been able to go through it all without all the baggage I had around me.  I do continue on trying to find ways to making life simpler and easier....for both me and my hubby who is 73 today.  We have a large piece of land here and have already seen some of our older friends becoming unable to keep up with that has a big deal to do with my trying to learn from others and lighten us up around here........hoping to be able to stay here in this place we love for as long as possible.

    Kaara:  the mammo's are the pits.....but I think like you.....the temporary discomfort of having them far outweighs anything else.  That being said though......I've never been sure the mammo picked up my IDC.  It did though pick up my papillary cancer in the same the right end was achieved......but I do think of it sometimes.  The amt. of women who "found" their own lumps that did not show up on mammo's. 

    Thinking about you Chevy and hoping you have great results with yours today as well. 

    I'll see you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012

    Hi Gals.... Had my diagnostic Mammogram today too, Kaara!  It was really thorough this time....she called me back in 2 more times, to get "better" views!  I was sitting there, just so afraid! 

    I asked her about the Thermograms....she said, even if they do find something suspicious on those, you still have to have a Mammogram.... Is that what you have heard?

    Anyway, in 6 months, I go for the right side, but the left side, where I had the Lumpectomy is good for another year!  So that made me REALLY happy!  I just didn't need ANY more bad news.  She added different gadgets to the machine, for the different views.  I have never seen those before.....  I thanked her for being so thorough...even though I sat there in tears waiting for her to come BACK! 

    Sheilah!  That was a great idea, about the pump sprayer....but both of mine have been filled with either weed spray, or feed, Ha!  I would have to stand outdoors, because the tub drain, is what is separated....But DH fixed it so we could take showers, and the water will be diverted out, down the little cement "alley"....  The one "plumber" came, but 2 hours late, and only with his car....DH thinks we should wait until someone more "professional" gives us their opinion.  Sure we could "jack-hammer" part of our bathroom floor, but with these old pipes, we would LIKE to make sure that is what is really needed...... So like anything else, we will get another opinion!

    At least we have water now!  I was so happy DH got that fixed!  I think the guy just blew his chances of making money!  He was late, not sure of what he should do, and I'm glad we aren't hurrying into something we don't need.  If we DO have to do major work, I'd rather someone with at least a "truck" or some sign he actually DOES something.....  I think we just made a good decision.... We are in no hurry, at this point! 

    Jackie, so glad your car is cleaned out!  I know how you feel!  I've seen some gals cars, that look like they "live" in it...Ha! 

    Anyway, I went to Lowe's and bought a cute little vanity with sink! So at least we have THAT for when the time comes. I went THERE, because I did NOT want to go home while the "plumber" guy was there! I asked DH, "You didn't hurt him, did you?" Wink  The guy was just so "un-sure" about what to do!   So we lost all confidence in him.

    Okay, guess I'll go see what I can do with our water now....Ha!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    Chevy:  I got all kinds of new stuff done in my mammo as well..the technician said for better views of the surgical site...ouch...I was squeezed like a pancake!  If something shows up on a thermography then it is best to get an MRI because it likely would not show up on a mammo at that early stage of the development.  The thermography is supposed to alert  you to suspicious areas long before they actually develop into full blown bc.  Sometimes you do nothing more than pay close attention to the area and watch for any changes.  Many times the immune system can resolve it on it's own. mammogram absolutely found my suspicious area and that is what led to the early detection of my bc.  It was so small there was no lump to be felt.  This is why I will continue to alternate thermography with mammo's, at least until I'm more confident that the thermography is the best answer.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012

    Same with me Kaara!  I have had a mammogram every year, but that one 2 1/2 years ago, came back suspicious.... Was called back, and after another mammo, and untra-sound, that's when they found the small "tumor".... So I was soooooo lucky!  That's why I was so afraid this time, but the hospital I go to, reads it right then, so I didn't have to wait.  I am just one who swears by the mammograms.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited May 2012

    My tumor was detected by a mammogram, too.  But I'm happy that I never have to have another one.  I hated going for mammograms.

    I will be going for a dexa scan.  I have the order and must remember to make an apptment. 

    Tomorrow afternoon I have an apptment with the cardio dr. to get the results from the cardio tests I had this week.

    Chevy, you definitely need an experienced, skilled plumber.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283
    edited May 2012

    Guess I should weigh in on the other side of the mammogram issue.  I had a mammogram every year since the early 1970s & was called back most years for more detailed films & an ultrasound.  Since I had dense breasts before mammograms were first invented & results came out in blue lines on shiny IBM paper, I didn't mind the call backs.  BUT - by the time a tech finally picked up problems in 2011, one tumor was already 8cm.  Needless to say I don't much trust mammo results with dense breasts.  With my double 410 gummy reconstruction, I'm told no more mammograms.  I expect to have CT scans or an MRI sometime in the future.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283
    edited May 2012

    Carole:  What is a dexa scan?

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited May 2012

    A bone scan.  Did I use the wrong term?  I'm not medical. 

    Took my bp med at 5:30 pm yesterday.  Again my reading was high this morning.  Looking forward to the apptment with the cardiologist today and get the results from the stress test and echo.  I had a PM from a woman who also takes arimidex and she's had similar problems with bp.  Kaara, I don't know if it's worth it to switch to another AI med since they all have SEs.  Interesting what eliminating estrogen from our bodies can do to our health. 

    I thought maybe taking the benedryl at night for sleeping might be causing the high bp but I skipped the benedryl a couple of nights and didn't sleep as well.  The bp wasn't any better. 

    Must get in an exercise routine this morning.  I do hand weights for upper body strength and either walk for cardio or do exercise on a couple of machines in our home "gym."  We have a recumbent bike, a stairclimber and a cross country ski machine.  My sister bought the last two machines from someone on Craig's list and then gave them to me when her son had tired of using them.  I hate going to a gym.  Exercising at home works better for me, although I think having a personal trainer is probably the best way to get a good workout.

    At 10 am I'll take my mother to her hair apptment.

    Have a great Thursday!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    Carole:  The reason I suggested a switch is that I have read on other threads of women who had severe SE's with one med and switched and had better results with a different one.  It might be worth a try, but that is something to take up with your MO.  I'm doing tamoxifen although I qualify for an Al, and I'm having few SE's from it...just hot flashes which I could be having anyway due to going off BHRT.  You will know more after the results of your tests.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012 do know what I'm talking about as far as the mammo's........that and the US found the one tumor ( the lazy slow growing one.......wish it had been the IDC which is/was the faster, aggressive one and which was bigger.  I too have had ( almost life-long ) the dense breast tissue problem added to the mix. my mind's eye, it seems if you have reason to have double testing  -- like mammo and us done at the same have a better chance of "finding" problems.  I presume ( though I'm sure there are always exceptions ) those without the dense breast issues fare better with their mammo's. 

    Carole....I am a big believer in the meds fooling around and giving us other medical issues as well.  A while after I started Arimidex I found I had high cholesterol and my sugar had gone up.  These were not issues before.  My PC Dr. sent me some cholesterol pills ( which I never took ) as it just seemed like ----- is it actually the pill that has inflated the numbers and it is not really going on.  I didn't know what to believe since this only came up after starting that med.  So I did not take the cholesterol drug --- seemed counter-productive to fix a problem that I didn't have or put another way.....I did something else that worked for me.  I starting eating very dark chocolate ( cold-processed ) three times a day.  Recently I stopped eating the chocolate for a bit.......and the4 cholesterol #'s started increasing these pills, for the good they do have some issues to be worked out in some way.  I have another yr. to go on them and as long as I can control the issues with chocolate.......I don't feel too much concern.  I might add....that my bp readings were not so hot while I was off the daily chocolate either.  SIGH!!! 

    Chevy --- yes ---- you really do need a plumber who knows what needs to be done and who can do it without a lot of in-convenience to you.  Hope you will "find" this person soon.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    "Build this day on a foundation of pleasant thoughts. Never fret at any imperfections that you fear may impede your progress. Remind yourself, as often as necessary, that you are a creature of God and have the power to achieve any dream by lifting up your thoughts. You can fly when you decide that you can. Never consider yourself defeated again. Let the vision in your heart be in your life's blueprint. Smile!"

    -Og Mandino

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    Just got home from a good workout at the gym....trying to go at least 3x a week.

    Jackie:  It's funny that the suspicious area showed up on the mammogram, but they could not find it on two US's that were in NC and the other in FL.  Had to do the biopsy to make sure.  I haven't yet heard from my BS's office about the results of the mammo, but I'm not going to call.  I have an app't next week for a follow up so I'm sure they will tell me then if not before.  It is what it is. 

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited May 2012

    Aussie Sheila - the pump sprayer is a great idea.

    Jackie- thanks for the message. Things have been busy at work and by the time we finish dinner and dishes I have just been chilling out and going to bed really early. Hoping things calm done a little.

    Chevy - I would definitely seek another opinion before letting someone that isn't sure what to do start working on the problem.

    My tumor was found by a mammogram two weeks after my annual exam and the dr. did not feel the lump. I will take the pain for a short time if it means peace of mind for a while. My thyroid counts have been bouncing up and down and they keep changing my thyroid meds but I feel it is caused by my femara. So far the counts have been stable for the last few months.

    It does not do us any good to have negative thoughts, we just have to believe that everything will be okay and we will all start feeling better soon. When the negative thoughts come I usually find something to do that I enjoy or keep busy till I forget about those thoughts. The grandkids have a way of making everything a little brighter. I tell my kids that every day I wake up is a good day!

    I hope everyone has a great  Friday and weekend!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited May 2012

    My stress test results were "normal."  I asked the cardiologist why I have high blood pressure if my heart is okay.  He asked if there is high bp in my family, and I said yes.  My mother has been taking bp med as long as I can remember.  He said he has high bp at age 43 because his family is rampant with it.  So he doubled my med and said to wait 2 wks to see if the stronger dose is doing the job. 

    My thoughts from the beginning was that my bp med needed to be adjusted.  I guess I was right!  I think the arimidex is causing the higher bp and the higher cholesterol, but my BC dr. thinks it's important that I take it. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012

    Carole, you are soooooooo lucky to feel like you are on the right track!  Doesn't hurt to try, right?  I mean high BP can't be put up with for too long...

    Termite.... I thought about what you said...about negative thoughts....  You know, it's mostly about DH right now.  I think he feels like the rug was pulled out from under him.  He has always been able to "fix" everything...all these 55 years that we have been married.  And now this major problem has hit him in the face. 

    The other day, after taking out the sink, I looked at him, and his hair was sticking out all over, his shirt was dirty, his hands were down by his side, and he just looked whipped...I asked "what's wrong?" and he said, "I just don't feel good, my hands hurt, I'm depressed, nothing is going right, and I don't know what to do."

    So I told him, "Honey, we'll get it fixed!  You got the leaking pipe fixed, we have water now, and we'll just wait a bit, and see what happens."  GOD I hate to see him so  DOWN!

    I know we'll have to get a couple estimates, from a real "Plumbing Co.".... So next week, I'll just suggest that I'm going to call a couple places, & have them come by & see what they say... 

    I mean I suppose I could start taking a shower in the ditch next to us, but it's sort of yucky looking! Wink But to see him so down, and admitting to be "depressed" just broke my heart.  What IS this feeling that I have to protect him first?  That whatever goes wrong, it's more important to "go along with him" than yank the rug out from under him and take over and get it done today?  I know that probably sounds stupid....

    But Termite, I've been feeling so down... about this mess, about him, and I just have to believe that "everything will be okay." I just want him to feel like he IS in charge, and HE can make things better. So maybe we'll just get out & go walk around the mall or something today.

    Yesterday, I was at my neighbor's house, and little "Ivy"...this 2 1/2 year old was helping her Mom "plant" flowers...And when I left, I blew her a kiss.... and she "caught" it, and blew me one.... And I said "bye honey, I love you" and she said "You didn't catch it!" So I said "Do it again!" So she blew another one, and I caught it, and I said, "Okay, I caught it, and I put it in my heart".... (I touched my blouse.) So I blew HER another one, and she caught it, and  and stuck it down the collar of her shirt and said "I put it in my heart." I just melted! Her Mommy was going "aaawwwwww".....

    So yes.... little kids can turn a bad day right side up.

    Jackie, little kiddle..... You always give such great advice... You have helped all of us, one way or another.... and looking at what you've been through with your cancer, is an inspiration to all of us... Your attitude just stays above it all... so THANK you!  I'll take your advice.... I'm going to "fly" as soon as I soon as I can get DH up there with me.

    Minus, I can see why you need more than just Mammograms!  Man, you need something like the Hubble Telescope!  I would just get ultra-sounds for sure!  

    Okay gals.... Going to go take a shower... It's amazing how little water I can use, when I'm putting it all in the commode....Ha!   Where there's a will, there's a way.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    Chevy:  So sorry about your ongoing plumbing problems.  Guys always want to fix things, so the fact that your DH doesn't have an immediate "fix" for this problem is what is causing his depression.  My BF has MS and he can no longer do those detailed tasks and it frustrates him to no end.  I beg him not to try and do it, but he tries anyway and ends up out of sorts over it.  The fact that you protect him and support him is the reason you've been married so many years..that's the way it should be.  Once he comes around, I would get a plumber that specializes in finding and fixing the kind of leaks you have.  As I said earlier, they have ways of going around the problem now without having to jackhammer up everything, so I would look for someone who does that.  I've seen it advertised here on TV.

    Carole:  Good news on your stress test!  This will give you a good baseline going forward on your heart.  As for the high bp, medication and controlling salt and sodium intake can help.  Taking fish oil or krill oil capsules can help with both high bp and high cholesterol.  You probably already have a tendency to this problem and the Al is just driving it higher, but you have to weigh the risk of not taking it.  It's like my tamoxifen can cause eye problems (which I already have) but my retina specialist says the risk is small compared to the benefits I will get from the tamoxifen.

    Went to my DGS's school last evening as he was getting an award for perserverence (he had a challenging year) and I was so proud of him! It's a wonder he made it through 3rd grade.  DD is a train wreck right now, and his father (spoiled trust fund baby) is an idiot.  The joint custody arrangement between them wasn't working, so finally DD has full custody again and he is starting to excel in his school studies.  I'm hoping this will stabalize DD's emotions as well.  As I said before...constant drama....honestly the stress has to be hurting her and I worry about her health, but as you all's out of my control.  I can only be there to pick up the pieces.  After the awards we went to a local italian restaurant and I overate and suffered for it later...couldn't sleep!  The food was delicious though, so maybe it was worth it!

    Have a happy Friday everyone! 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited May 2012

    Chevy, I empathize with your feelings toward your husband.  I would feel exactly the same way in a similar situation.  This plumbing problem WILL get resolved.  I'm confident of it.  Just be a little patient and find the right plumber for the job.

    Funny story about me and my bp med.  I decided to take it at night, not thinking about the med including a diuretic.  Last night I was up, going to the bathroom at least 4 times.  This morning when I stepped on the scale I was down 1 1/2 lbs!

    So I'll need to take the med in the morning.

    Played golf this morning with two other women.  Then went to Walmart to pick up a prescription and a few other items.  Now I plan to do some ironing until it's time to shower and get ready for going out to dinner tonight.  Another couple is picking us up.  They live about 5 min. from our house and the restaurant is only a couple of miles from here.  It's a very nice restaurant and I'm looking forward to not having to come up with a meal and cook it tonight!

    Hope everyone is having a good Friday.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012

    Kaara  Congratulations to you AND your GS!  I know the feeling!  I STILL feel that way when "my two boys" get awards from their jobs!   Doesn't it just make your heart sing? 

    And Carole....Okay, I casually brought up our dilemma, and said "Let's just wait a week, and see what happens, then I can call several plumbers to get free estimates"....and he said, "Yeah, we're okay for now, and we can call "Rosie's" plumber.... (Our dearest friends plumber who has worked on all of their plumbing problems on their properties.)... So he just isn't one to talk about things that are eating at him....and I know this.  

    I know I could rant & rave, and raise holy-hell, but it just never did any good when my Mom, nor my Grandma did this!  This must have been how I learned patience and tolerance, and empathy.... I have to remember we are in this together...

    Jackie!  Where are you???  Do I have to send out the troops?   Are you alright?  Send up a white flag, or something! xoxoxoxoox

  • ohio4me
    ohio4me Member Posts: 323
    edited May 2012

    MinusTwo - a DEXA scan is an xray to determine bone density. Shows if you have lost bone mass which would mean possible osteoporosis and maybe easier to break bones.

    Bone scan is a total body scan with an injection of a radioctive material. It shows abnormalities in the bones that could indicate cancer - but can be many different things.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012
    Happiness resides not in possessions, and not in gold, happiness
    dwells in the soul.
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    I'm here......really late, but I'm here.  I took an early shift......don't like to, but I did.  My 6 a.m. went on until 5 p.m. It was a long day, but it was fairly satisfying......but I really am not going to let that happen too often.  I don't have the stamina I used to and when I'm too far past "quitting time " I don't feel joy an satisfaction  --- just drudgery.  I don't like to "force" everything so much.

    Chevy --- you are to soul of tact.  In that arena I'm like a bull in a china shop.  I just never learned what to say and how to say it......and very important, when to say it.  It seems to come natural with you.  Such an outstanding thing.

    Carole....oh yes.  I was convinced my "issues" were tied into the Arimidex, but as long as I can handle things with chocolate.....I'd rather have the protection.  I'm glad it seems that you will be able to reach a good fix that will work well.

    Ohio....that was a great description of the Dexa.  I have only had didn't make any changes even though it showed osteopenia.  I would need another one to see if there were any changes as you can have osteopenia for yrs.  and I didn't want to take something if I was in the just there stage.   By the time it may be an issue they may have a better least I'm hoping.

    Hi to termite, Kaara, Mommarch and everyone else.  Long day....I'm going to go crash.  See you all in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie