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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited May 2012

    Hi All,

    Chevy, sorry about your problems, it is a bummer, I know where you are comming from with your DH.  

    Today was our morning to spend in the desert gathering yucca for our shop.  Went well, got 100 stalks, since we have had some rain, they are growing new ones and blooming.  We just take the dead ones.  

    Last week when we all got sick at the same time, I really think it was from all the smoke the week before.

    I just remembered something funny, when we went to my DH Dr. apt. on April 30th we were walking down the hall of the hospital to get him an x-ray and a gentleman pushing a cart hollered wait, wait can I take your picture.  We said why, he said you are carrying books, no one carries books anymore and reads.  We had a good laugh.  We never go anywhere without a book.

    Going into the broom shop tomorrow and clean it up, I told DH to stay out of my way and do his sanding on his stalks.  Gong to have DD & GD help.  Need to get things in order for Memorial Day weekend, we should be busy.  

    Its hot here and things are drying out again.  Temp is 90, but will get down in the low 50's tonight that is what is nice about a desert climate.

    Take care 

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283
    edited May 2012

    Ohio:  Thanks for the Dexa info.  I've had bone density scans on my spine & hip for a number of years now.  They showed progressing osteopenia.  I took Actonel for awhile 8-9 years ago but decided I wasn't willing to chance the side effects.  So I quit smoking, quit drinking coke, started walking 3-5 miles a day & started weight training.  Also started taking 4 Citracal w/D per day.  As of last year I actually had some bone regeneration.  Unfortunately I got BC last year instead - sigh - and have been a slug for the last year.  Water aerobics starts in 3 weeks & I hope to start back down the exercize road and loose the extra 15 lbs.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    So far my bone density has been great...I've been tested twice since I turned 60 and I'm 71 now.  I'm taking tamoxifen which is supposed to protect the bones along with bc recurrence prevention.  I follow an anti cancer diet, take tons of supplements, and exercise, doing load bearing workouts 3x a week.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012
    Exercise is done against one's wishes and maintained only because the
    alternative is worse.
    George A.
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    Jackie:  Amen to that quote:)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    Good morning everyone........hope you don't mind.  I found this quote and decided that for me personally it has so much truth.  My days are often so strange and despite having the desire to do exercise on a more regular basis.....I just don't seem to get it done.  So......guess I am going to have to make it one of my goals......and continue to chastise myself when I don't work it in somewhere.  Shame on me.

    mom....I like your avatar and I'm not surprised about your funny story.  With computers and smart phones and other mobile devices.....books are/have faded pretty fast from the landscape.  It is unusual to see someone with "a real" book in their hands.  I must admit.....I carry a book anytime I feel I could have a "wait" somewhere, but it is a cook-book.  Still, I feel lost if I don't have something totally of my choosing ( waiting room magazines are usually not to my liking at all ) and must rely on what may be somewhere. 

    Hope you are all going to have a great Saturday............and I'll be checking back in later.  Going to have an early 6 a.m. Sunday....but only half a day so it will all work out ok.  

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited May 2012

    I stopped drinking carbonated drinks two years ago and I don't miss them.  I was drinking decaf. diet coke which was nothing but carbonation and chemicals and mystery ingredients.  I asked myself, "why are you drinking this?"  And I heard some negative report on carbonated drinks, the details of which I don't remember!  I drink a lot of water and we make a pitcher of decaf brewed tea every day.  I love the iced tea with a squeeze of lemon.  Guess I'm a southerner!

    My house could use some cleaning and so could our 38 ft. camper, parked outside so as to be handy for me to clean the interior.  What am I doing this morning?  Meeting my sister at her daughter's trailor to put in a few hours cleaning it.  Something I've done numerous times, and it never stays clean.  This is the niece with 3 kids who is in an institution for alcohol and drug rehab and mental health issues.  The latest news is that she may be there for 45 days.  Initially it was 2 weeks.  My sister has the 3 kids, 9, 7 and 2 1/2.  We've found someone to babysit the youngest from 10 to 3 on weekdays at the niece's trailor.  One reason we're cleaning it.  We also need to find the kids' clothes among the chaos and wash them and throw away clothes they've outgrown or worn out. 

    I would never suggest sterilizing women who are unfit to be mothers but a lot of children are born to these women.  It makes for problems for all of society.  Thank God my niece had her tubes tied with the last child.  Babies are sweet and cute but they grow up to be children and teenagers and grownups.  Babies are not babydolls.

    Have a great Saturday, everyone.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012

    No Carole.... I would suggest some sort of sterilization for these un-fit men or women!  I mean if they aren't smart enough for ANY sort of birth-control, they probably can't figure out why babies keep "happening." 

    Same as with any young people.... pregnancies happen, but only because the people involved don't care enough to take precautions.   And abortion is awful.... these women use that,  as a method of birth control....  I remember my oldest Daughter telling me years ago, that the she knew a lot of girls that did just that!  

    Sorry about that situation Carole.... I really wish that family the best....and a miracle!

    I just cleaned out my little pantry/cupboard.  I swear, I will NEVER buy another macaroni mix, until the ones I have are used up!  I opened all the boxes, and sealed the macaroni in plastic bags, and the cheese mixture in another.  WHERE do those little pain in the a$$ teensy bugs come from???  Upon seeing them, they were being called numerous un-kind names....!!!  So now it's clean...minus the little what-ever they are!  (They must have sharp little teeth, to get into those boxes!)....Or else they are IN there when I buy them!!!

    Rice mixes are just as bad!  What am I thinking?  That all the stores will close, and DH and I will have to survive on stocked-up packages?  And so that is the reason I keep way too many dinners on hand?

    I read the best short story a couple months ago, and I think they made a movie similar to it!  After I post this, I will find the name, and see if you know what I'm talking about!!  I have it on my Nook... And I saw them advertising a movie with the same plot! 

    Jackie, thank you again for the quotes.... I really look forward to them! 

    Edited to add.... The book is called "Sleeping Handsome" by Jean Haus.... It was really a good read!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2012

    I've been reading thru this post and u all sound so amazing to me--u work hard and accept the cards that are dealt. AND U EXCERCISE--Oh that's a tough one too.

    But I felt bad for the husband who feels bad--I don't think he realizes just caring the way he does is such a great feeling. Unfortunately some men don't really want to be bothered, but just being blessed with a husband like him is a gift. So tell him to relax and he helps u by being him So ladies keep up the positive thoughts and feelings it helps so so much..

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012

    Camille!  That is so sweet, for you to recognize that men just don't want us to know their feelings.  He never shows them....and I've only know him to be the domineering, take-charge guy that he is... So seeing him  feeling sooo down, just made me want to go along with what-ever he thinks....  I just felt so bad!  

    It's kind of like when they told me I had breast-cancer, I thought how can I do this, without making him think our world is coming down on top of us.  So I ran outside, (he was pacing when I was getting the ultra-sound) and told him, "Come in here for a minute...the gal wants to talk to me".... He sat down with me, and she started by telling us what breast cancer is, and I just grabbed that thought & told him..."So they think I have a small cancer, but what they will do is take it out, and I will get radiation, and then I will be done!"  

    Man, it sounded so simple, when I said it like that.  But that's really how it all went!  And that was 2 1/2 years ago....  Our 2 grown Daughter's KNEW that he would have a harder time than I....So during the surgery & radiation, THEY went shopping, eating, and just enjoying themselves!  That made me soooo happy! 

    So none of us crashed and burned.....  The plumbing came close....Ha!  But I know, sooner or later, we will get it done....  It's just more important to keep ourselves happy and together, instead of falling apart.   Man, I remember using an out-house at our friends house when we were growing up......  So just having our bathroom, 1/2 way working is a luxury compared to that... 

    And yes, Jackie still works.... like a crazy woman 20 years younger, and Carole exercises and plays golf.... Kaara is ALWAYS busy, and I think it's Mommarch that helps make "brooms!"  We've all got too much to do, too many eggs to lay, and dirt to scratch...

    We wish YOU the best! Take good care....

    So thanks Camille.... I appreciate your thoughts!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited May 2012

    I was pooped after hours of housecleaning with my sister yesterday.  We accomplished a miracle in her daughter's filthy double-wide trailor, which I helped to buy to provide the three children with a home.  We filled up 4 or 5 trash bags.  We threw away all small toys strewn on the floor.  Card games, tiny legos, etc.  By the time we were too tired to go any farther, you could see the floor.  This is a very nice trailor that I could live in myself.  I'm no longer a spic and span housekeeper but I can't imagine how people can live that way. 

    I got a beautifully written letter yesterday from this niece, mailed from the mental institution saying how she hoped to do much better when she was finished with the treatment.  My husband reminded me of how men in jail make the same resolutions, get out and fall into the same old patterns of behavior.  What my niece really needs is behavior modification as well as adjustment of her meds to a working combination of drugs.  She suffers from depression and mood swings.  When she's happy, she's too happy.  And when she's down, she's in the depths of despair and can cry all day.  It's really sad.  But she shouldn't have brought children into the world to share her misery.

    Enough venting!

    I need to go and walk before I get ready to pick up my mother and take her to church.  She really enjoys getting out among the people.  They all show her a lot of attention because she's the oldest living charter member of the church.  Personally, I'm not much of a church-goer.  I do this for her.  But it probably doesn't do me any harm!  The pastor is a Bible scholar and an excellent speaker. 

    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    carole:  It sounds like your niece suffers from bi polar disorder and meds could really take care of that...the problem is...they won't take their meds because they can't get the highs they get when they are on mood stabilizing drugs.  My ex husband was bi polar and an alcoholic...what a nightmare...when he was sober he was the most gentle kind and loving person, full of ambition, but when his bi polar disorder set in, he became a different person...either impulsively high or depressed.  No amount of tx or counseling helped him, so I gave up and moved on.  Don't know where he is today or if he is even alive.  He was an accomplished architect with so much potential that he just wasted.  At least we didn't have kids was a second marriage for me, and very short, but it cost me a bundle to get out of it.  I learned my I have a nice more marriage for me!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012

    Yes Carole....I think the same as Kaara.... Sounds so much like Bi-polar disorder.... And Mood-stabilizing drugs will really help. 

    Your Niece sounds like she is on the right track, for now!   The concern is for her, but mostly for her kids....Does she talk about them?  Or is she satisfied on her own in the treatment facility?   If she could just think as much of her kids as she does of herself......  I guess what I'm trying to say is, would she want them back with her because she loves and wants them?  Or because she thinks she will HAVE to take them? 

    I think the kids get used to being raised a certain way, and don't think anything is wrong with it....  Like living around a lot of alcoholics, and thinking it is just "normal."  Same with a messed up house.   Usually the children will keep their rooms the same as the rest of the house, because they don't know any better. 

    Sometimes when I see what goes on in households, you wonder how the children actually get through all the problems and trauma they see all the time.   And how on earth they actually grow up to be decent little people. 

    This is where outside influences can either make them feel normal, or take them all the way down, where there is no way out.

    My Brother's Grand-son is (or was) living with my Brother.... And looking for a job... But HIS life was one mess after another.  So he grew up just raising hell, and not caring about anything, or anyone.....Because he watched his Mom die from breast-cancer, mets....but she held on for 12 years!  Until he was 16.... So life was just what he could make of it.... With an alcoholic Dad...

    Kaara.... YOU know!  You have been around a lot....and I commend you for making a better life for yourself!  You should be proud! 

    We all need "role-models" whether we know it at the time, or just learn to absorb what good things there are in life, from other people that care.

    Okay....guess I'll go plant my little tomato babies....Ha! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012
    quotes - quotes photo
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    Ah another long day, but mainly because I wanted to play hookey after work and Dh and I went to Mt. Vernon.  Stopped at the orchard on the way home and got ears of corn, some tomatoes and strawberries....all grown in the orchard.  They will be great.

    Got into one heck of a storm on the way home and it is pouring down again.....yikes, you can barely see it is raining so hard.  We may have a couple of really humid days when the rains let up.  It really is coming down too hard.....I don't think much will soak into the ground......but they will be spilling the gates on the spill-way behind us. 

    I too think Carole's niece is bi-polar.  Mainly because I have a 42 yr. old son whose has the problem.  We don't hear from him much.  I love him dearly, but sometimes he is into things I can't share well and he is in one of those periods.  He works his way out in time, but while he is "listening to the beat of a different drummer" he is sassy and hard to even converse with for the most we wait.

    Fortunately....he has a sister who has has it together so we are blessed with being able to enjoy "normal" parent/child relationships.  My daughter is 40 and I feel fortunate that I only need "worry" a bit over one and not both. 

    I hope things do get better, but I think adjusting these meds is difficult and may take lots of tweaking and often the bi-polar person 'resists' the meds at some point.  JMO but in my son's case.....I think "normal" upsets him in some ways more because he has spent most of his life not being consistently responsible.  I think the idea of 9 to 5 with him is just not something he can comprehend well. 

    Well, I hope you all had a fantastic day.....our sudden rain squall has ended.  Time for me to settle down.  I'll be back here in the morning.

    Hi to momarch, termite, Jennifer, Minus and Camille....and anyone else I might have left out.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    Jackie:  I can't wait to get to NC and buy some of that delicious white corn and heirloom tomatoes...yummy!  I eat the tomatoes with fresh motzarella cheese and basil drizzled with olive oil.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited May 2012

    Jackie, your fresh veggies sound wonderful!  I'm surprised the tomatoes were available.  Were they grown in a greenhouse?  The farm that offers a CSA membership hasn't brought tomatoes yet.  I've been waiting for them.  I buy the heirlooms from Fresh Market and they are the best tomatoes for taste, but very expensive. 

    Today I'm playing bridge at 9:30.  It's a 299'er duplicate game, which means the players aren't the hotshot bridge players with umpteen Master points.  I like most of the regulars and always enjoy this outing even though my regular partner leaves a lot to be desired in her playing skill.  We meet and ride together and have a good chat on the way.  She's so heavy that she doesn't use her seat belt.  When we ride in her car, it makes a pinging sound because the seat belt isn't fastened.  That drove me crazy at first but you can get used to almost anything when you take Effexor!

    Tomorrow is dental surgery day.  I'm not looking forward to that 2 hr. apptment.  The dentist will cut my 5 tooth bridge, sparing the front anchor tooth.  He'll pull the rear anchor tooth and then put in three screws in the bone for the three implants.  So I'll have a big gap in the upper right and will be chewing only on the left side.  Maybe I'll lose weight?  Dream on.  :-)

    Wishing everyone a good Monday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012
    Life is the biggest bargain. We get it for nothing.
    ~ Jewish proverb~
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    Carole...great question about the tomato's......they probably were a product of one of the greenhouses.  This orchard goes yr. round with several things......and I didn't ask if the t's were from the greenhouse.  I say this, but there are things they hold in cold storage......and then when everything is dormant, ripen what they held so that we can have some of that yumminess ( actually not quite as good as actual season ) all yr. round. 

    Interesting about your heavy-set friend.  I continue to hear how troublesome health will be in a few years due to our seeming in-ability to reduce wt. --- even that of youngsters,  and so I worry.  Even my sweet daughter --- active enough right now to not have it be a problem, is carrying a bit more wt. than is good.  I'm working to lose some more....but I know it is going to be a struggle......that is ok.  What else do I live for but to "BEST" myself at the game of life.  That and trying to make a difference in some way for other people or animals.  It is a passion....not an obsessive one, but I think it is better to try.....than not to try. 

    I hope you are all going to have a fantastic Monday.  Our storms abated ( pretty dramatic yesterday ) and we will settle down now.  See you all later.

    Hi to anyone not posting right now.  You are being thought about and cared about. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited May 2012


    Just wondering, if your friend has thought to fasten the seat belt with nothing in it before sitting on the seat?  I suspicion that that might aleviate the 'serenade'...


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    Kaara....forgot to say.....this is corn still in the shucks, but I so love white corn.....I could eat it for breakfast.  I see we have been pretty quiet here today.  I have had a long day.....lots to do when I got home and still abit more.  Laundry to finish and had to remake my bed.....mop a couple floors, feed the dogs outside and clean some boxes in the cat room...............then inside. 

    Anyway....on to the rest of my work and then that fantastic old recliner.  It has gotten so much use these last few years from me.....I think it is about time to replace it.  Sigh !!!!  Another thing on the list....but hey, at least I've gotten my money's worth out of this one. 

    I'll be back in the morning.  See you all then. 

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283
    edited May 2012

    Carole:  Good luck with the dental procedures tomorrow.  We'll be looking forward to a report.  I find a dentist harder to stand than all the other docs.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    Up early this soon to a graduation!  Who ever heard of a graduation this early in the morning...what were they thinking?  I always thought they were in the afternoon or evening..oh well.  We have another one on Thursday morning and then two grad parties on Saturday...busy week.

    In between all that, I have to fit in three doctor app'ts and an eye injection before leaving for NC next week.

    Carole:  Hope your implant procedure went well.  I was supposed to have that done on two teeth in my lower mouth, but chickened out at the last minute.  I couldn't stand the thought of having my jawbone drilled into.  I have two bridges on top and if those fail, I'm looking at the same thing you are doing, so let me know how it goes.  I think they would have to knock me out to do it. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012
    Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A word of optimism and hope. A "you can do it" when things are tough.
    ~Richard M DeVos
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited May 2012

    I had planned to drive myself to my 10am dental apptment, but DH announced that he was driving me.  I didn't argue.  I doubt I'll be feeling great. 

    Had hoped to have the bp under control by today, but nothing much has changed after the cardiac tests and stronger med.  Readings are still high in the morning and the new med isn't doing the job as well as the old med did as far as readings later in the day.  I plan to go back to my Primary Care dr.   I have confidence in her that we will deal with the problem with the right med.  I went to the cardiologist to humor my husband and I'm glad I had the tests.

    We're into hot summer already.  Temperature up into the low 90's all this week.  Sure hope the warm winter and early summer don't lead to a more violent hurricane season.

    Have a great Tuesday!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    Carole:  Glad your DH is driving you to the app' could be a little groggy.

    DGD's graduation went off without a hitch...650 students graduated.  They got it done in an hour and a half..still time to have breakfast with the family.  Very well done, and we get to do it again on Thursday at the same place for DGS.  I came home and took a two hour nap to recover from the carb overload at breakfast...eggs, cheese, rye toast, and hash browns! 

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited May 2012


    My 650 Grads, our little school usually has anywhere from 10 to 15.  There is a little town 40 miles west of us that usually graduate around 4 students.  Every year they raise enough money to take them on an overseas trip.

    Glad it all went well.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    I graduated with 8 in my grade school, and one of the other graduates was my sister and one was my cousin.  In high school there were 36 I think.  Not a great number either.  Small class size could be a good thing as in the town momarch mentioned.  Also......I think you certainly could get a lot more "help" for areas that were problems to you and not need actual tutoring. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    The date on the bottom of this is interesting.  No matter "when" so much can be the same.

    The Best of Sixteen Things

    1. The best law: The Golden Rule.
    2. The best education: Self-knowledge.
    3. The best philosophy: A contented mind.
    4. The best theology: A pure and beneficent life
    5. The best war: To war against one's weakness.
    6. The best medicine: Cheerfulness and temperance.
    7. The best music: The laughter of an innocent child.
    8. The best science: Extracting sunshine from a cloudy day.
    9. The best art: Painting a smile upon the brow of childhood.
    10. The best journalism: Printing the true and beautiful on memory's tablet.
    11. The best telegraphing: Flashing a ray of sunshine into a gloomy heart.
    12. The best biography: That life which writes charity in the largest letters.
    13. The best mathematics: That which doubles the joy and divides the most sorrows.
    14. The best navigation: Steering clear of the lacerating rocks of personal contention.
    15. The best diplomacy: Effecting a treaty of peace with one's own conscience.
    16. The best engineering: Building a bridge of faith over the river of death

    -Pennsylvania School Journal, 1936

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited May 2012

    I was glad DH appointed himself my chauffeur yesterday.  It was nice to settle back in the passenger seat of the car after my surgery and not have to focus on driving safely.   Once home, I settled in my chair in the living room with the ice pack for 20 min. intervals of icing for 4 hours.  This morning I have some swelling.

    By 8 pm I needed a pain pill because of the throbbing.  DH had gone to a Woodworkers Guild meeting so I went to bed.  This morning I was still groggy but am starting to feel more alert.  I had great plans of getting a lot of housework done today, since I didn't sign up for golf, but instead I will probably get a little done.  Unless I really perk up.

    After 12:30 I will drive the 2 or 3 miles to the pickup location for the CSA vegetables.  Still no tomatoes this week.  One reason I signed up for the CSA was the prospect of home-grown tomatoes. 

    Hope everyone is having a good Wednesday.