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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012 !!!  I'm glad you had a driver as well since this seems to be something of an ordeal, though as much as anything is I think the drug fogginess.  I hope that clears w/o the need to take more medicine.  Guess if you have to may start a bit of a tolerance and do better with the aftermath. 

    We started out this "summer" without really having had a winter and I'm thinking it is affecting how we are "seeing" our produce.  So far, our strawberries ( from the strawberry fields ) though they taste fine  for some reason seem too little and a bit deformed.  I'm hoping that the season which is normally pretty short anyway will get at least a little better.  At least they do have that marvelous home-grown taste.....but frankly, they are hard to wash and hull and seems to take such a long time with the much smaller berries.  By the time I'm done my back is feeling the pressure of having stood so long in one place.

    Carole, sure hope you are on the mend and feeling lots better.  Guess at least the hard part is done now though.  I'll be thinking about you.....hoping it doesn't take too long to be over the hump.

    Hugs Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012

    Man, Carole.....  I would have dreaded that appointment.  I'm glad it's over.  Every time I had a tooth pulled, especially on the bottom, I got a dry socket.  Those were so painful!!!  I heard you only get them on the bottom, and after the first couple times, I was given antibiotics, and they would pack the "hole" and put a band-aid on it.

    (Just KIDDING!!!)  Ha, ha!   But they were the worst.  So IF you get severe pain where the teeth were pulled, 2-3 days after, RUN, don't walk to the dentist to get antibiotics.  I was told to take Exedrin every couple hours, but WOW, I'll never forget that pain.

    Kaara, so happy you got to enjoy the graduations!  They are the best!  Our two grown Grand-sons graduated from Florida State, and are well on their way to a great life! 

    Going to lunch today with my old friend....  She had Breast Cancer about 20 years ago.... A Mastectomy..... Took Tamoxifen for 5 years, and is doing great....! So we will talk and laugh, and have lots of fun!

    Carole, will your "heavy" friend let YOU fasten her in the seat belt?   Vicks, that was a good idea.  Maybe get a rope, and tie her in!

    Have a great day gals!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    taken from a Mr. Food Recipe site....I love marinated cucumbers.....and hopefully witht he bounty this yr.:

    "Quickie" Marinated Cucumbers It used to take such a long time to make pickles, but our "Quickie" Marinated Cucumbers don't need any special pickling spices, and they're done in a few hours!Serves: 6Ingredients1/4 cup hot water1/3 cup sugar1 (8-ounce) bottle Italian dressing3 medium-sized cucumbers, cut into 1/8-inch slices1 medium-sized onion, thinly slicedInstructionsIn a medium bowl, combine hot water, sugar, and Italian dressing. Add cucumbers and onions. Mix well and chill for at least 2 to 3 hours before serving.NoteThe longer you let these cucumbers marinate, the more flavorful they become. But if you like them really crispy, then you'd better plan to eat them up within a day...which should be no problem since they're so fresh-tasting!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    Carole:  Glad you dental surgery is behind you and you are on the mend.  My poor DD is still having problems with her two teeth that got pulled.  She did get a dry socket and it was an upper, so they had to go back in and do some more work and she's starting from square one.  She was in such pain the other day that she was crying which is unusual for her.  She sounded a little better today.

    One more graduation tomorrow morning early, then the grad parties on Saturday.   

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012

    What the heck?  I was typing here, and the next second, it was GONE!!!!  So guess I'll have to start over!

    I was SAYing, I feel so bad for your Daughter Kaara!  I remember that pain from a Dry Socket... Tell her to make sure that before they pull any teeth again, that she is on an antibiotic, and that "empty" space is packed! 

    For some reason, SOME people are more  susceptible to them, and they will usually get them again... And it's like 2-3 days AFTER the tooth is pulled.  Somehow, a clot does not form, and that space gets infected... Did she rinse her mouth out after...  They told me NOT to do that... I remember that pain, and the first one was 54 years ago.

    This "post" area is not working right.... I'll sign off, and get back to you later.... Bye all!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    Inspirational poem of the day

    Quote | For some of us who are down today and feel like they just want to give up and forget everything, please don't. You're a much stronger person than you think and you can do anything.

    Beginning today I will no longer worry about yesterday.
    It is in the past and the past will never change.
    Only I can change by choosing to do so.

    Beginning today I will no longer worry about tomorrow.
    Tomorrow will always be there, waiting for me to make the most of it.
    But I cannot make the most of tomorrow without first
    making the most of today.

    Beginning today I will look in the mirror and I will see a person worthy
    of my respect and admiration.
    This capable person looking back at me is someone I enjoy spending time
    with and someone I would like to get to know better.

    Beginning today I will cherish each moment of my life.
    I value this gift bestowed upon me in this world and I will unselfishly
    share this gift with others.
    I will use this gift to enhance the lives of others.

    Beginning today I will take a moment to step off the beaten path and to
    revel in the mysteries I encounter.
    I will face challenges with courage and determination.
    I will overcome what barriers there may be which hinder my quest for
    growth and self-improvement.

    Beginning today I will take life one day at a time, one step at a time.
    Discouragement will not be allowed to taint my positive self-image,
    my desire to succeed or my capacity to love.

    Beginning today I walk with renewed faith in human kindness.
    Regardless of what has gone before, I believe there is hope
    for a brighter and better future.

    Beginning today I will open my mind and my heart.
    I will welcome new experiences. I will meet new people.
    I will not expect perfection from myself nor anyone else: perfection does not exist in an imperfect world.
    But I will applaud the attempt to overcome human foibles.

    Beginning today I am responsible for my own happiness and I will do
    things that make me happy . . .
    admire the beautiful wonders of nature, listen to my favorite music,
    pet a kitten or a puppy, soak in a bubble bath . . .
    pleasure can be found in the most simple of gestures.

    Beginning today I will learn something new; I will try something
    different; I will savor all the various flavors life has to offer.
    I will change what I can and the rest I will let go.
    I will strive to become the best me I can possibly be.
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited May 2012

    So far no "dry pocket" for me.  Dr. Mabry cleaned out the site and packed it with "growth factor filament" made from my blood.  He's not a regular dentist but specializes in gum disease and implants.  When I first arrived, an assistant drew blood and it was placed in a machine that produces the growth factor.  My jaw is still swollen today.

    Yesterday I stayed home all day except for a short trip to pick up the CSA veggies.  During the afternoon I was so sleepy I had a struggle to stay awake.  I don't like to nap.  I'm always afraid the napping will interfere with a good night's sleep.  Last night I zonked out.

    Today I'll try to get back to "normal."  My mother's hair apptment is 9:45.  Afterwards we'll go to a supermarket where she can do her shopping in a motorized scooter.  I'll hold my breath every now and then, hoping she doesn't knock over a display.  She never drove a car or rode a bicycle so she's not the best scooter driver in the world.

    I'm proud of DH.  He was up at 6 am and went to the YMCA to continue his cardiac exercise.  Now he's back home for breakfast, after which he'll go and play golf.  He says the exercise has really helped him. 

    Time to get up and refill my decaf coffee cup!

    Have a good Thursday!

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited May 2012

    Thank you for the inspirational poem.  I need to put it on the dashboard of my car.  Tomorrow is my nemesis but then I am also a terrible procrastinator.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited May 2012

    I did something different for dinner last night.  I made Queso from velveeta and rotel and then poured about half of it on cooked macaroni.  Wow, it was great.  Sure made that old boring mac and cheese zippy.

    Think I will fix King Ranch Chicken tonight. 

    Our broom shop is to be in Texas Monthly in July if anyone takes it.  This is my Firday, hurray.  Will be at the broom shop helping out this weekend. Our 14 year old Grandaughter went into the shop yesterday after her home schooling lessons were done and made her first broom.  Her Paternal Grandfather who passed away in 2008 is the one who taught my husband how to make brooms. Her Grandpa was very proud of her.

     Hot and Windy here today, hope everyone pays attention to the fire danger.

    Have a great day.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited May 2012

    I was up early, at 6:20 am, and am dressed to go play golf at 8 am.  My right jaw is still swollen from the dental surgery.  If the heat gets to me, I'll quit after 9 holes.  Odd that a minor surgery can take your energy away. 

    Hope everyone has a good Friday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012
    If it was so, it might be; and if it wasn't so, it would be; but as it isn't, it aint. It's just logic.
    ~ Lewis Carroll ~
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012

    Jackie, that sounds just like something my Grandma would say, Ha, ha! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    Good is beauteous outside.  So pretty although it has been heating up more than it usually does this time of yr.  Have had a really nice breeze with it, so it has been easy to get along ok.

    Carole....I am wondering if your being tired and swollen still have something to do with the blood pressure not bing just right and maybe a couple of other things.  I do know the more yrs. I add on.....the longer it seems for me to "see" improvements over something that has gone on.  We all sort of know that......just think that it may be worse if we have a couple other parts out of "alignment".    I have to say.....too much humidity and heat.......and I'm tired no matter what.  Hopefully.....we will soon cool off here to what is "more normal" this time of yr. 

    Saying hi to Jennifer.  Hope you are staying well.  Termite.....hope you are getting thru your txs. without too much problems. 

    Mommarch made me a little hungry with what she had -- the Queso.....but came home late last night so we had a popcorn supper/snack. 

    I hope you are all going to have a fantastic day......hang in there.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    Chevy:  The dentist did not give her an antibiotic and I was furious about that.  The tooth was infected before she had to have it pulled so probably the infection was still in there.  Of course she had to monkey around with the stiches and probably the clot dissolved in the process.  She's feeling better now, but more resolved than ever that she hates dentists.

    I had my regular cleaning today...boy did she dig under my gums to get at that plaque.  I told her if she was going to do that next time, I wanted a shot of novacaine!  Two more doctor app'ts to MO on Tuesday, eye injection on Wednesday, and Thurs we leave for NC...yea!

    I'm ready for the grad parties..two platters of lasagna and eggplant parm ordered from the deli plus a tray of garlic rolls, then I am making my easy raw broccoli and carrot salad for the health conscious!  This is for DS#1 party....DS#2 said they don't need anything.  Parties are back to back which is good because we only make one trip to W. Palm and Jupiter...a two hour ride up and back.

    Tonight I'm having dinner with a girlfriend...going to see her new house that was just remodeled.

    I've been up since 5:30 AM so I think a quick nap is in my future today!

    Have a great Friday everyone. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012

    Morning gals....Kaara....I'm surprised that any dentist would even pull a tooth, knowing there was an infection in there....Dang!  He probably DID pack it with a local antibiotic before he stitched it?  I would not trust him too much anymore.... I also remember when I had a shot of Novacaine one time, and I almost passed out in the chair!  I was on my way into the twilight zone.... The Dentist pushed my head down, and told me NEXT time to make sure I eat something before coming in.

    I'm so lucky I don't have to have my teeth cleaned anymore, Ha!  I just take them out & scrub them with Comet and a wire-brush....Wink  Just KIDDING!!   I told my Grandma that's what I was going to do with hers....and she laughed!   My "play" teeth are so much nicer than my own were.... and I've never had any trouble with them....I haven't even had to use that "stuff" to hold them in.....  I only have 8 teeth left on the lower half, but they are in good shape....actually they all probably signed a pact to not give me any trouble, or else they know where they were headed!

    Man, the wind is really howling around here this morning! .....  have a great day all! xoxoxoo

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited May 2012


    Our son who will be 40 on Sunday, (boy I am getting old) was helping his FIL cut down a treee yesterday evening and the chain saw kicked back and cut his leg, 33 stitches.  Glad it did not hit a major artery or bone.  

    Hot here again today, sure wish that hurricane on the west coast of Mexico would bring us some rain.

     Have a great day

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited May 2012


    Our son who will be 40 on Sunday, (boy I am getting old) was helping his FIL cut down a treee yesterday evening and the chain saw kicked back and cut his leg, 33 stitches.  Glad it did not hit a major artery or bone.  

    Hot here again today, sure wish that hurricane on the west coast of Mexico would bring us some rain.

     Have a great day

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited May 2012

    Ouch, Mommarch!  Chain saws are so dangerous.  I could tell you true stories of worse accidents.  Glad your son didn't cut a major artery.

    Kaara, it sounds like your daughter may have had bad luck with dentists. 

    My golf was a lot of fun yesterday.  We started at 8 am and didn't have anyone in front of us holding us up.  There was a nice little breeze and we were finished by 11:15.  Afterwards I drove to a fresh seafood store and bought catfish fillets and a quart of fresh-shucked oysters.  Last night I cooked a dish called oysters Mosca well known in New Orleans.  It was so delicious.  Tonight we'll have the catfish fillets.

    Today I have grunt work in my immediate future.  I have to do some cleaning in the 5th wheel camper in preparation for a short trip to Gulf Shores, AL, next week.  DH wants a "shake-out" trip before we head north with the rv the last week of June. 

    I also need to do some cleaning in the house.  Fun, fun, fun.  I do not enjoy housework although it's nice to see the results.

    We have no festive memorial day plans.  

    It's good to celebrate graduation events, but the actual ceremonies are so boring when there are large classes.  We've already been told by my youngest brother that we're expected to attend his daughter's graduation from U of GA next year.  And we will if we're in good health.  My brother knows that nobody else from his family will attend because our family except for DH and me are not big on travel.  If it's not within easy driving distance, they aren't gonna be there!

    Chevy, you are such a funny person!  I read the portion of your e-mail about teeth to DH.  I'm going to great lengths to avoid dentures because my mother had all her teeth pulled at a relatively young age and never wore her dentures.  We used to tease her that we would put them in her mouth when she was buried.  She threw them away!  Not having teeth to chew has affected her health.  She can't eat anything crisp.

    Guess I had better stir my stumps and get moving.

    Hope everybody has a good Saturday.

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited May 2012

    Good Morning to everyone!

    We have a beautiful day here in Illinois. Waiting for3 of our  grandchildren to come for the weekend. DH is outside putting up a new fence. The nursery behind us is up for sale and no one is taking care of it. Needless to say it is overgrown.

    Kara, I hope your daughter is doing better.

    Mommarch, your dinner sounds delicious. I am going to try it one night soon. I' glad your son was not hurt any worse. Hope he is doing okay.

    My not feeling well and being so tired ended up with a sinus infection this weekend. But not so tired anymore. We got up early today and I cleaned before the munchkins get here. They are really good kids and a lot of fun to have around but I know now why people have children when they are young. I am tired out when they leave. I enjoy having the kids and grandkids around, the house comes alive for awhile. Otherwise, with just DH and myself it so quiet.

    Saying hi to Jackie, Jennifer, Chevyboy, and Carolehalst and anyone else I forgot.

    Hope everyone has a fun and safe Memorial Day weekend.


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    Carole:  That oyster dish sounds delicious and I love catfish.  There used to be a place here in Ft. Lauderdale where you could get all yu can eat catfish with hushpuppies and grits...yummy!

    Mommarch:  That's terrible what happened to your son.  Mine had a similar experience about 20 years ago...thank heavens I was spared the the time I found out, the emergency was over.  His girlfriend acted quickly and got him to a hospital before he bled to death.  

    Thanks everyone for the concern about DD's dental problems...this time I think she is going to do fine..she was feeling better yesterday when I talked to her.

    I'm off to attend back to back grad parties today.  I'm much more enthusiastic now that I know my ex (the kids father) cancelled and isn't coming.  He can create chaos wherever he goes, and I just don't like to be around him, nor does my BF.  Now we can relax and have fun!

    Everyone have a wonderful Memorial Weekend!  

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    Carole:  That oyster dish sounds delicious and I love catfish.  There used to be a place here in Ft. Lauderdale where you could get all yu can eat catfish with hushpuppies and grits...yummy!

    Mommarch:  That's terrible what happened to your son.  Mine had a similar experience about 20 years ago...thank heavens I was spared the the time I found out, the emergency was over.  His girlfriend acted quickly and got him to a hospital before he bled to death.  

    Thanks everyone for the concern about DD's dental problems...this time I think she is going to do fine..she was feeling better yesterday when I talked to her.

    I'm off to attend back to back grad parties today.  I'm much more enthusiastic now that I know my ex (the kids father) cancelled and isn't coming.  He can create chaos wherever he goes, and I just don't like to be around him, nor does my BF.  Now we can relax and have fun!

    Everyone have a wonderful Memorial Weekend!  

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012
    A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination.
    Nelson Mandela
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited May 2012

    Hi everyone......just a quickie here.  I am going to work today....long story but short version boss is having terrible back problems ( just got home from taking her to er for help and then from there to pharmacy and home I will be working today which I don't usually do. 

    I would probably be used tomorrow but I had too many things already set into the other gal will do a double shift more than likely.

    In my age, I could well use at least one day away for the grind.

    Anyway, I hope and pray you all continue to do well and have a fantastic holiday.  I will be back this evening to see how things are.  Even though I'm not so are all on my mind.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012
    You know, I was typing this, and scrolled up to see who else I could
    answer, and it bit the dust!  Dang!  So now I am typing as if to compose an
    email, and I'll copy and past the darn thing!  Sheesh!

    I was SAYing.... Jackie, I wish you could just pamper yourself sometime,
    and tell everyone else to take a flying leap!  Ha!  You are always the

    And Kaara, glad your Daughter is feeling better....  I'll bet by knowing
    what CAN happen, it won't happen again.... Hopefully anyway!  And have fun today
    at those parties! 
    Are you anywhere near that fire they were talking about this morning?  They
    called it a "Muck" fire.... Now THAT didn't sound very nice!  But smoke was
    bothering a lot of areas!  My Daughter hadn't even heard of the fire, but she
    could smell the smoke! 

    Termite!  Have fun with the kids, but man, they can wear you down to a
    frizzle!  Especially when you don't feel good!  Make sure you drink lots of
    water/fluids!  I know the Dayquil, and Nyquil really helped me the last time I
    had so many problems.  I'm drinking an orange soda, that I had stuck in the
    freezer for awhile, and I added that flavored coffee creamer... It tastes just
    like a "cream-sickle"  Ha!  (sp???)   I've been telling my oldest Daughter to
    drink lots of water, so I'm trying to take my own advice, and adding a glass of
    water every time I have coffee, or some other drink.

    Mommarch!  I'm so sorry about your Son!  I hold my breath whenever DH grabs
    the grass-trimmer!   Any kind of saw can be soooooo dangerous!  And that's a LOT
    of stitches!  Tell him to be so careful, so those cuts like that don't become
    infected.  I think I would take an antibiotic anyway, just to make sure!

    Carole...Your choices for fish probably sound really good!  Man, I can eat
    a few kinds of fish, like Tuna, in a can or pack, and Salmon, and maybe fresh
    trout or Tilapia, but I'm just not out there jumping up and down when my DH
    wants his Oysters, etc!  I like Crab meat & Lobster though! 
    You talked about your Mother and her lack of teeth!  I got my most lovely
    ones when I was about 40.... I was having lunch with a gal that I was working
    with, and she said.... "You are so pretty, but your teeth are so ugly.".... 
    Like I needed reminded of that...  What did she think?  That I
    would say "Thank you?"  That b****!  

    So anyway, I DID think about it, and when DH went hunting one season, I had
    made the appointment to have my final 8 teeth removed from the top...  The
    Dentist had made a beautiful plate, with actual diamonds and gold in them.....
    Well not diamonds, but a piece of gold, on the tip of one front tooth....  He
    pulled them, and slapped the plate right in there!  I even had mashed spaghetti
    that night....!!!  I think I scared DH to death, that night when I smiled!   But the bleeding was NOT fun.   I have heard that having a
    lower plate made does not stay in as good as the upper.  So I'm hanging on to
    the rest of my teeth.  (The gold was removed, because it doesn't stay
    shiny...Ha!) ( I should have stuck with diamonds!)

    But I have always been able to eat corn on the cob, apples, corn-nuts, and
    anything I wanted.   I have never slept without them either....or put them in
    some cup on the night-stand like my Dad did, Ha!   Waking up without them would
    scare the  ruffles out of even me!   I remember when I first got them, and my
    Grand-sons were just tiny boys, & I didn't want them to see me brushing my
    teeth, or what I looked like without them...Ha, ha!   Now I REALLY don't!

    Okay....guess I better "stir my stumps" too... (that was funny!)
    Talk to y'all tomorrow!
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited May 2012

    I got my list of chores done today and was settled in my chair by 2:30 watching my recorded cooking shows.  PBS has a list of good shows on Saturday. 

    We're moving a hose around the yard, watering the parched shrubs and crepe myrtle trees and flower beds.  We have two flow wells, so we just drop a hose on a bed and let it flow.  It is really dry and no real promise of rain for next week.  My pots of flowers and herbs will probably bite the dust next week while we're gone on our rv trip to Gulf Shores.  It's not worthwhile asking a neighbor to water them since we'll be taking off for the summer in another 4 weeks.  Then it's up to nature to water the plants.

    Saw on the news that it's in the 90's in Chicago!  Something tells me we may be hot in northern MN this summer. 

    Wishing everyone a good evening. 

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited May 2012

    Hi: I'm 65 and was diagnosed in December 2012 stage 1 grade 2 Er positive 2.3 cm tumor. Treatment......lumpectomy, radiation and HT.....nice to join this thread.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2012

    Scottiee1:  Welcome!  Glad to have you join us, just sorry for the circumstances.  You will get a lot of support and comfort from the gals here.

    Chevy...that's funny about the teeth.  My DD had my DGS at a friend's house one time and her aunt was visiting.  DD told my DGS to show the aunt his baby teeth that were missing.  With that, the aunt took out her false teeth to show my DGS.  DD said his eyes got bigger than saucers..he had never seen anyone take their teeth out of their mouth before...he wanted to know when his new teeth grew in would he be able to do that!

    Jackie:  Sounds like you are working very hard...try to take some time to relax this weekend!

    Carole:  Wish we could send you some of our rain from here in Florida!

    Chevy:  I don't know where that muck fire is, but it's not around here.

    We just got home from the two back to back grad parties and I'm tired!  Tomorrow we're playing 9 holes of golf with another couple...first time I'm using my new clubs because it's been so rainy.  

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited May 2012

    I have been on aromasin for five months. I can hardly bend my wrists and and can't wear a bra as it cuts into my trunk. i have a large lump in surgical site that Mo says will go away but seems to be getting larger and harder. I am at loss and don't know what to do. Should I go back to the surgeon, wait or what? Mammo scheduled for July. Help pllease. Offer suggestions. Thanks.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012

    Morning Dreamers!  I'm so sorry you are having these problems!  You know, maybe ask your Doc about those joint pains!  I mean really........  Sometimes those darned meds work differently on some of us women!   Just maybe take a break from the Aromasin for a couple weeks, and see if that is what was causing the problem. 

    And sometimes our "team" really won't listen to us, about what is going on.... So just take control, figure it out, with or without your Doc, and see what happens.  Maybe try a different med?  But no use being in pain..... it only drags you down...Undecided

    About your lump.... I had a Seroma months after my surgery.... They said it was either a pocket left from the Lumpectomy, OR the MammoSite device I had....  It fills up with fluid, and  it DOES take awhile to go away, if ever.  I had my surgery 2 1/2 years ago, and you can still see the "pocket" in my mammograms, although the fluid is gone, and I can't feel the lump anymore.   Does it hurt?  No need to worry about it, so go back, get examined, and maybe they will tell you the same thing.  I wouldn't wait until July, because by then I would go nuts!

    Kaara, that was funny about your DGS...but I don't think I would do that, Ha!  I have the BEST picture  I took of my Dad and my Brother.... They arms around each other, posing for the camera, and I took it without their teeth, but smiling!  It was sooooo funny!  My Mom saw no humor in it, but that was just their character, goofing off like that! 

    WELCOME Scottiee!!  Hope you are doing alright now!  Any problems?  Man, if your Doctors can't fix them, WE will, Ha!   We're always here just to listen, if nothing else.  What part of the country are you  from?

    And Carole, sorry about your garden, but maybe the rain will kick in, and help you out!

    Okay gals....have a wonderful Sunday!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2012